Special 2022 Tugue With Answers

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Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ____________

1. Lease of residential units where gross receipts from rentals exceed PHP15,000 per month
per unit shall be subject to ____ if the aggregate annual gross receipts exceed PHP3M.
A. Value-Added Tariff
B. Percentage Tax
C. Excise Tax
D. Value-Added Tax

2. Transport of passengers and cargo by domestic air or sea vessels from the Philippines to a
foreign country shall be subject to:
A. 0% VAT
B. 11% VAT
C. 12% VAT
D. 12% Percentage Tax

3. ‘Res Alicujus’ means

a. Nobody owns the thing
b. Everybody owns the thing
c. Ignorance of the law excuses no one
d. Somebody owns the thing

4. As provided by the rent control act, the following is a ground for judicial ejectment if done
without the consent of the lessor.
a. Assignment only of the whole or any portion of the residential unit
b. Both Assignment and Subleasing of the whole or any portion of the residential unit
c. Subleasing only of the whole or any portion of the residential unit
d. Both Assignment and Subleasing of the whole of the residential unit only

5. Amendment to the master deed of a condominium project approved by simple majority of

registered unit owners of a mixed-use condominium in Makati is based on:
a. Number of condominium units
b. Floor area of ownership
c. Total area of condominium units
d. Any of the above

6. Lease of residential units with a monthly rental per unit exceeding PHP15,000, but the annual
aggregate of such rentals during the year does not exceed PHP3M shall be _______________.
A. Subject to 3% percentage tax
B. Subject to 5% percentage tax
C. Subject to value added tax
D. Exempt to 3% percentage tax

7. As Provided by IRR of PD 957, Unless extended for justifiable cause, the period of
completion of development of a counted from issuance of license to sell is:

a. Six months subdivision project

b. 2 years
c. 1 year
d. Eighteen months

8. The rate of special education fund tax in municipalities within Metro Manila is not more than:
a. One-half percent of assessed value
b. Not to exceed 1% of the assessed value
c. One percent of assessed value
d. Two percent of assessed value

9. After a Deed of Absolute Sale was made, signed and notarized when should the
Documentary Stamp Tax on sale of real property be paid?
a. Within 24 hours from the date of sale
b. Within 30 days from the date of sale
c. Within 10 days after the close of the month of notarization
d. Within 5 days after the close of the month of notarization
10. A petition may be filed by one or more-unit owners of condominium project when damage to
the project has rendered one-half or more of the unit owners holding more than ____ percent
interest in the common areas are opposed to repair or restoration of the project:
a. 30%
b. 50%
c. 70%
d. 100%

11. That the project or a material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and that the
project is no longer viable, or that the condominium owners holding in aggregate more than ___
percent interest in the common areas are opposed to continuation of the condominium regime
after expropriation or condemnation of a material portion thereof.
a. 30%
b. 50%
c. 70%
d. 100%

12. For the purpose of ingress and egress, Aiza as condominium unit owner, has ______ to the
pool, halls and lobby. Select the best.
a. Easy access
b. Non-exclusive grant
c. Exclusive agency
d. Non-exclusive easement

13. Lease of several residential units where gross receipts from rentals do not exceed
PHP15,000 per month per unit shall be:
A. Exempt from VAT and Exempt from 3% percentage tax regardless of the aggregate annual
gross receipts.
B. Subject VAT and Exempt from 3% percentage tax regardless of the aggregate annual gross
C. Subject to VAT and Subject to 3% percentage tax regardless of the aggregate annual gross
D. None of the above

14. The following dispositive actions shall be implemented within six (6) months from the
effectivity of RA 11201 except;
a. Land and other real property of the HUDCC and HLURB shall be transferred to the
Commission and the Department, respectively
b. The Department and the Commission shall cause the creation of additional positions and
augment their budget appropriations, as may be necessary, with the approval of the DBM.
c. The Department and the Commission shall cause the creation of additional positions and
augment their budget appropriations, as may be necessary, with the approval of the DBM.
d. The allocation of existing equipment, funds, and other assets of the HUDCC and HLURB
shall be subject to the distribution of personnel to the DHSUD and HSAC.

15. The contract on share tenancy, in order to be valid and binding, shall be drawn in ________
in the language or dialect known to all the parties thereto, to be signed or thumb-marked both by
the landlord or his authorized representative and by the tenant, before two witnesses, one to be
chosen by each party.
A. Duplicates
B. Triplicates
C. Quadruplicates
D. No such requirement

16. Total refund to buyer for developer's failure to complete the development within the
reglementary period is equivalent to:
a. 100% of total payments inclusive of amortization interest, plus legal interests thereon but
excluding delinquency interest
b. At least 90% of total payments inclusive of penalty interest if paid at least 24 months
c. At least 50% of total payments exclusive of penalty interest if paid atleast 24 months
d. No refund if it is the fault of the buyer if he has paid at least 24 months of installment.

17. Action for Voluntary Dissolution of the condominium corporation shall be done by showing
the following except;
a. Conditions for such a dissolution set forth in the declaration of restrictions of the project in
which the corporation owns of holds the common areas have been met
b. That Two years after damage or destruction to the project in which the corporation owns or
holds the common areas, which damage or destruction renders a material part thereof unfit for
its use prior thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state prior to
its damage or destruction
c. That the project has been in existence in excess of fifty years, that it is obsolete and
uneconomical, and that more than fifty percent of the members of the corporation, if non-stock,
or the stockholders representing more than fifty percent of the capital stock entitled to vote, if a
stock corporation, are opposed to the repair or restoration or remodeling or modernizing of the
d. None of the above

18. IRR of PD 957 provides that Area allocated for parks and playgrounds shall in no case be
less than ___ square meters
a. 1000
b. 500
C. 200
d. 100

19.A subdivision plan needs only the approval of the Land Registration Authority or Land
Management Bureau to effect segregation of titles when the resulting number of lots is:
a. Nine (9) or less
b. Twelve (12) or less
C. Ten (10) or less
d. Fifteen (15) or less

20. The owner or developer may divide the development and sale of the subdivision into
phases, each phase to cover not less than ___ hectares. The requirement imposed by PD 957
on the subdivision as a whole shall be deemed imposed on each phase.
a. 9
b. 10
C. 12
d. 15

21. Shall refer to fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the total number of association members or,
when specified under the bylaws this Rules, of the total number of members in good standing
a. Simple majority
b. Absolute majority
c. Majority
d. Minority

22. This Act shall be known as "The Philippine Rice Share Tenancy Act."
A. RA 4054
B. RA 3344
C. Act 3344
D. Act 4054

23. Upon acceptance of the donation by the city or municipality concerned, ___ portion of the
area donated shall thereafter be converted to any other purpose or purposes unless after
hearing, the proposed conversion is approved by the Authority.
A. All
B. Some
C. No
D. 50%

24. HLURB resolution no. 725 dated June 19, 2002 has increase validity of development permit
from 2 years to _______.
a. 3 years
b. 4 years
c. 5 years
d. 6 years

25.The Subdivision Development Plan shall be prepared, signed and sealed by any licensed
and registered architect, environmental planner, civil engineer or geodetic engineer.
a. Amended per Board Res. No. 794, Series of 2006
b. Amended per Board Res. No. 795, Series of 2006
c. Amended per Board Res. No. 796, Series of 2007
d. Amended per Board Res. No. 797, Series of 2007

26.Access to Plots No plot shall be more than ____ meters from a roadway nor more than ___
meters from a pathway.
a. 60,30
b. 30.60
c. 90,60
d. 120, 90

27. Under PD 1517, Urbanizable areas refer to sites and lands with, considering present
characteristics and prevailing condition, display marked and great potential of becoming urban
areas within the period of
a. 2 years
b. 3 years
c. 5 years
d. 10 years

28. Under the Condo Act, it means to divide the ownership thereof or other interest therein by
conveying one or more condominiums therein but less than the whole thereon.
a. “Project”
b. “Unit”
c. “Allocates”
d. “To divide”

29. Amendment to the master deed of a condominium project approved by majority of the
registered owners need also be approved by the city/municipality engineer and:
a. Local Government
b. City assessor
d. Land Registration Authority

30. Shall refer to the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, conditions, rules and regulations of the
association, or other written instruments by which the association has the authority to exercise
any of the powers provided for in Republic Act No. 9904.
a. Government documents
b. Governing documents
c. Constituting documents
d. Constitutive documents

31. 2021 Revised IRR of RA 9904 defines a person who has been given the right to enjoy the
property of another with the obligation of preserving its form and substance.
a. Trustee
b. Mortgagor
c. Tenant
d. Usufructuary

32. He prepared the first documented valuation manual in Ireland.

a. Sir Robert Torrens
b. Sir Collin Hoskins
C. Sir William Petty
d. Sir Sigmond Freud

33. Under the 1987 Constitution, the following are considered citizens of the Philippines except
a. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution
b. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines
c. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship
upon reaching the age of 21.
d. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.

34. Naturalization signifies the act of formally adopting a foreigner into the political body of a
nation by clothing him or her with the privileges of a citizen. Under current and existing laws,
there are three ways by which an alien may become a citizen by naturalization: (a)administrative
naturalization pursuant to RA No. 9139: (b)judicial naturalization pursuant to C.A. No. 473, as
amended, and (c)legislative naturalization. Which of the following is best example of (c)?
a. James Cook, foreigner, born, studied and has resided in the Philippines since birth and 18
years old at the time of filing the petition.
b. Song Singh, foreigner, filed in the Regional Trial Court where he has resided for at least one
year before the filing of his petition.
c. Marcus Douhtit who became a naturalized Filipino citizen by RA10148
d. None of the above
35. Currently, it is mandatory for all homeowners and/or neighborhood associations, federations,
confederations or other umbrella organizations of associations to register solely with DHSUD
conformably with Republic Act No. 11201, except:
a. Homeowners associations that are already registered with HLURB;
b. Associations previously registered with the SEC or HIGC/HGC that
have reregistered with HLURB
C. Both A and B
d. None of the above

36. IRR of RA 7652 defines this as an individual or juridical entity not falling within the meaning
of "Philippine national". This law allows the long-term lease of private lands by foreign investors,
subject to certain terms and conditions, for the purpose of establishing industrial estates,
factories, assembly or processing plants, agro-industrial enterprises and other similar
endeavors. The said lease must be registered with DTI.
A. Foreign Investor
B. Foreign entity
C. Foreigner
D. Foreign individual

37. RA 7652 allows lease of private lands for a period exceeding 50 years, renewable once for a
period of not more than 25 years. What is the title of this law?
A. Foreign Investment Act
B. Investor's Long-Term Lease Act
C. Investors' Lease Act
D. Foreign Investors' Lease Act

38. The maximum period that an individual foreigner may lease land of public domain including
renewal is:
A. 25 years
B. 50 years
C. 75 years
D. 100 years

39. The following plans shall be appended to the enabling deed as integral parts thereof:

A. A survey plan of the land included in the project, unless a survey plan of the same
property had previously been filed in said office
B. A diagrammatic floor plan of the building or buildings in the project, in sufficient detail to
identify each unit, its relative location and approximate dimensions
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A and B

40. If the contract qualifies under Maceda Law, a buyer who has paid 21 months installment
only shall be entitled for refund for an amount equivalent to:
a.60% of the total payments made
b.50% of the total payments made
c.100% of the total payments made
d.0% of the total payments made

41. The following are modes of acquiring lands for purposes of Urban Development and
Housing Act, except:
a. Community mortgage
b. Negotiated purchase
c. Joint Venture agreement
d. Foreclosure

42. VRES bought 10 has. land for P30,000,000. If the development cost is. P35,000,000 based
on the gross area, compute for the unit cost per sqm. Recovery rate is 70%.
a. P982.57
b. P998.57
c. P928.57
d. P938.57

43. In the meantime, the minimum educational requirement that an applicant for a license as a
broker is:
a. Bachelor of Science in Real Estate Management
b. 72 units in college
C. College graduate with any 4-year course
d. 144 units in college

44. As defined by the IRR of the DHSUD Act, this refers to subdivisions, condominium buildings,
medium-rise buildings, new settlements and other similar residential projects owned, managed
or funded by the government.
a. Socialized Housing Project
b. BLISS Project
C. Community Mortgage Project
d. Government Housing Project

45. In view of the representation made by the Subdivision and Housing Developers Association
through the National Building Code Board of Consultants to amend the provisions regarding the
Minimum Required Parking Slot and Parking Area Requirements of Residential Condominiums.
A. DHSUD Department Order 58-2019
B. DPWH Department Order 58-2019
C. DHSUD Department Order 59-2019
D. DPWH Department Order 59-2019

46. Refers to a group of potential public housing beneficiaries living in contiguous areas,
identified and accredited by or organized with the assistance of the LGU for the purpose of
availing of housing programs or projects being implemented by the said LGU.
A. Neighborhood Community
B. Neighborhood Association
C. Public Housing
D. District

47. In general, this refers to programs and projects owned and/or managed by the government
for the purpose of providing housing to underserved families.
A. Private-public partnership
B. Public Housing
C. Socialized Housing
D. Resilient Housing

48. A locally enacted ordinance which embodies, among others, regulations affecting uses
allowed or disallowed in each zone or district, conditions for allowing them, and deviations
legally allowed, from the requirements of the ordinance.
a. Land Use Plan
b. Zoning Restrictions
C. Zoning Ordinance
d. City Ordinance

49. “Abandoned Subdivision or Condominium” refers to a project whose development

has not been completed in accordance with the approved development plan despite
the lapse of at least ___ years from the target date of completion and it appears
that the project owner or developer has no intention to complete the project
development or, despite diligent effort for at least the last ____years, the project
owner or developer cannot be located.
A. 20, 10
B. 10,10
C. 5,5
D. 10, 5

50. The document which provides guidelines, rules and regulations regarding the rights of
condominium unit owners in the use, occupation, ownership and disposition of units is called:
a. Master Deed
b. Certificate of Management
C. Condominium Articles of Incorporation
d. Condominium Association Rules

51. National Human Settlements Board Resolution No. 2021-02 extended The Rent Control:
A. From January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021
B. From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022
C. From January 31, 2021 to December 31, 2022
D. From January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020

52. Which of the following is not a step to be taken in the release of a mortgage?
a. Application with the sheriff's office
b. Payment of the obligation
C. Execution of the Deed of Release
d. Registration of the Deed of Release

53. Authorized under Section 6 of Republic Act No. 9653 to continue the
rental regulation of certain residential units, determine the period of regulation and its
subsequent extensions if warranted, determine the residential units covered, and adjust
the allowable limit on rental increases per annum.

54. National Human Settlements Board (or the “Board”) is currently chaired by:
A. Secretary of the DHSUD
B. Commissioner of HSAC
D. President of SHFC

55. Bayanihan Acts (I and II), or:

A. Republic Acts Nos. 11469 and 11494 respectively
B. Republic Acts Nos. 11494 and 11469 respectively
C. Republic Acts Nos. 11201 and 11232 respectively
D. Republic Acts Nos. 11494 and 11201 respectively

56. A lot owner and developer may convert a property into condominium project by executing a
legal document and registering the same with the Register of Deeds called?
a. Transfer Certificate of Title
b. Master Deed
c. Deed of Sale
d. Condominium Certificate of Title

57. Unless the condominium corporation is earlier dissolved, the life of a condominium
corporation is:
a. Co-terminus with the duration of a condominium project
b. Unlimited life in consonance to the Revised Corporation Code
c. Subject to simple majority
d. Fifty (50) years

58. Under RA 10884 amendments, Subdivision and condominium developers are required to
develop for socialized housing area equivalent to what percent of the gross area or project cost
of the main subdivision project, respectively?
a. 20%, condominium is not required to allocate yet
b. 20%, 5%
C. 15%,5%
d. 15%,10%

59.The power of HLURB to approve subdivision plans has been devolved to cities and
municipalities pursuant to:
a. RA 7899
b. RA 7652
c. E0 71
d. E0 90


A. RA 7160
B. RA 7899
C. EO 71
D. E0 90

61. Pursuant to Section 3 of _____, HLURB is authorized to establish and promulgate two levels
of standards and technical requirements for the development of economic and socialized
housing projects.
a. Presidential Decree 957
b. Batas Pambansa 22
c. Local Government Code
d. Batas Pambansa 220

62. Punishes any person who makes or draws and issues any checks to apply on account or for
value, knowing at the time of issue that he does not have sufficient funds in or credit with the
drawee bank for the payment of such check upon its presentment.
a. Presidential Decree 1216
b. Batas Pambansa 22
C. Local Government Code
d. Batas Pambansa 220

63. Under BP 220, the basic needs of human settlements based on actual setting where the
project is located (in descending order) are:
a. Water, storm drainage, movement and circulation, solid/liquid waste disposal and power
b. Water, movement and circulation, storm drainage, solid/liquid waste disposal, park and
playground and power
C. Water, movement and circulation, power, storm drainage
D. Water, power, movement and circulation, storm drainage

64. It shall act as the single policy-making body and provide overall policy directions and
program development to the different attached shelter agencies of the DHSUD.
A. National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation
B. National Housing Authority
D. National Human Settlements Board

65. Major, minor roads and motor court for economic and socialized housing projects shall be
paved with asphalt with minimum thickness of 50 millimeters or concrete with minimum
thickness of 150 millimeters and a minimum compressive strength of 20.7 Mpa at 28 days.
Sidewalk or alley shall be of macadam finish.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Sometimes

66. Pres. Noynoy Aquino once proclaimed Negros Island Region to be composed of both
Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental. However, in 2017, Pres. Duterte reverted Negros
Occidental to
a. Western Visayas
b. Central Visayas
C. Eastern Visayas
d. Samar Region

67. The top four highest Philippine mountains in descending order:

a. Mt. Apo, Mt. Dulang-Dulang, Mt. Pulag and Mt. Kitanglad
b. Mt. Apo, Mt. Dulang-Dulang, Mt. Pulag and Mt. Kilimanjaru
C. Mt. Apo, Mt. Mayon, Mt. Taal and Mt. Pulag
d. Mt. Pulag, Mt. Apo, Mt. Taal and Mt. Kitanglad

68. The Sierra Madre is the longest mountain range in the Philippines. Spanning over 540
kilometers (340 mi), it runs from down to the province of ____________ forming north-south
direction on the eastern portion of Luzon
a. Batangas, Camarines Sur
b. Isabela, Rizal
C. Cagayan, Quezon
d. Abra, Rizal

69. Shall be the primary provider of funds for long-term housing mortgages for low and
middle-income private sector employees only.

70. An Act that provides the mechanism for land use inventory, acquisition, disposition and
provision of socialized housing for the underprivileged and homeless.
A. RA 6559
B. RA 7160
C. RA 7279
D. E0 229

71. Type of land use wherein the inherent features or characteristics of land have not been
considerably altered or modified.
a. Non-Coverage Uses
b. Highest and Best Use
C. Reversible Uses
d. None of the above

72. Two or more people or companies join together to do a single project.

A Joint venture
B. Partnership
C. Corporation
D. Sole Proprietorship

73. The price ceiling for economic housing

A. Above current socialized housing ceiling but not to exceed P1.7M
B. Above P1.7M - P4M
C. P1.8M
D. In excess of P4M

74. The price ceiling for medium-cost housing

A. Above current socialized housing ceiling but not to exceed P1.7M
B. Above P1.7M - P4M
C. P1.8M
D. In excess of P4M

75. Two or more people or companies join together to do business and share profit or loss.
A. Joint venture
B. Partnership
C. Corporation
D. Sole Proprietorship

76. A will hand-written and signed by the testator himself.

a. Holographic will
b. Oral will
c. Notarial will
d. Last will and testament

77. A concise, summarized history of the title to a specific parcel of real property, together with a
statement of all liens and encumbrances affecting the property. It does not guarantee or assure
the validity of the title of the property. It merely discloses those items about the property which
are of public record, and thus does not reveal such things as encroachments, forgeries, and the
A. Muniments of Title
B. Title Search
C. Abstract of Title
D. Chain of Title

78. The recorded history of matters which affect the title to a specific parcel of real property,
such as ownership, encumbrances and liens, usually beginning with the original recorded
source of the title.
A. Muniments of Title
B. Title Search
C. Abstract of Title
D. Chain of Title

79. A contract which is very one-sided and favors the party who drafted the document
A. Adhesion
B. Bilateral
C. Affidavit
D. Binder

80. Who is the Chief Executive Officer of Pag-IBIG Home Mutual Development Fund? (2017 to
A. Atty. Antonio M Bernardo
B. Atty. Darlene Marie B. Berberine
C. Hon. Acmad Rizaldy P. Moti
D. Eduardo del Rosario

81. Who is the Secretary of DHSUD?

A. Menardo A. Sabili
B. Atty. Marilyn M. Pintor
C. Eduardo D. Del Rosario
D. Atty. Melzar Galicia

82. Supreme law of the land.

a. The welfare of the people
b. The welfare of the nation
c. The welfare state of address
d. State of the nation address

83. What is the Condominium Act amendment?

A. RA 9856
B. RA 4726
C. RA 9700
D. RA 7899

84. Party wall or fence use commonly by parties are expense by.
a. All party
b. Party who builds
c. All or one party
d. Party People

85. Sector of economy that involves the processing of information, especially through computer
A. Tertiary Sector
B. Secondary Sector
C. Economic base
D. Quaternary Sector

86. Tenancy available to governing husband and wife or married couple.

a. Tenancy by Entirety
b. Tenancy in severalty
c. Tenancy in Common
d. Joint tenancy

87. Any act, omission, establishment, business, condition of property, or anything else which
endangers the health or safety of others.
a. Nuisance
b. Negligence
c. Denial
d. Duress

88. Owner of fruits that fall on the adjacent land.

a. Owner of land where the fruit fell
b. Owner of the tree
c. The finder
d. The finder in bad faith

89. Right of the owner of lot where branches of trees of adjacent lot extended.
a. Demand the owner to cut off the branches
b. Cut off the branches
c. Cut off the trees
d. Never mind the branch to avoid conflicts

90. Means the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of a REIT

A. Governing Documents
B. Government Documents
C. Constitutive Documents
D. Constituting Documents

91. Under UDHA, which of the following shall NOT be considered as improvements
A. all types of buildings and residential units, walls, fences, structures or constructions of all
kinds of a fixed character or which are adhered to the soil
B. trees, plants and growing fruits, and other fixtures that are mere superimpositions on land
c. Improvements whose value are equal to 50% of the assessed value of property
D. All of the above are improvements

92. In case of annulment of marriage, whose share in conjugal properties are forfeited.
a. Spouse acted in bad faith
b. Couple
c. Spouse acted in good faith
d. Spouse missing for 10 days

93. Individuals or groups who occupy lands without the express consent of the landowner and
who have sufficient income for legitimate housing. The term shall also apply to persons who
have previously been awarded homelots or housing units by the Government but who sold,
leased or transferred the same to settle illegally in the same place or in another urban area.
A. Professional Squatters
B. Squatting Syndicates
C. Blighted People
D. Housing Mafia

94. Refers to the degree of protection afforded to qualified Program beneficiaries against
infringement or unjust, reasonable and arbitrary eviction or disposition, by virtue of the right of
ownership, lease agreement, usufruct and other contractual arrangements.
A. Right of First Refusal
B. Security of Tenure
C. Amalgamation Right
D. Subservient Right

95. Under the Local Government Code of 1991, Reclassification shall be limited to the following
percentage of the total agricultural land area at the time of the passage of the ordinance. For
component cities and first to the third-class municipalities:
A. Ten percent (10%)
B. Fifteen percent (15%)
C. Five percent (5%)
D. Twenty percent (20%)

96. According to the latest COA report, the Third richest city in terms of net assets is
A. Manila
B. Pasig
C. Makati
D. Quezon City

97. Entire parcel of real property divided or to be divided into condominium,

a. Project
b. Building
C. Condominium Unit
d. Common areas

98. Entire project excepting units separately granted or held reserve

a. Project
b. Reserved area
C. Unit
d. Common Areas

99. Refers to the constitutionally mandated process whereby the public on their own or through
people's organizations, is provided an opportunity to be heard and to participate in the
decision-making process on matters involving the protection and promotion of its legitimate
collective interests, which shall include appropriate documentation and feedback mechanisms.
a. Consultation
b. Forum
C. Public Hearing
d. Mass Gathering

100. What percent of total agricultural land area which may be reclassified by LG for highly
urbanized and independent component cities
a. 15%
b. 20%
C. 10%
d. 5%

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