DNA Replication Report

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As the basis for biological inheritance, DNA is a fundamental process occurring in all living organisms,
copying and further replicating its DNA. The process of DNA replication is ‘semiconservative’, as each
DNA molecule is made up containing one conserved strand from the original double helix, further
serving as a template for the production of the complementary strand. (Lisa Gothard & Joe Rosen, 2009)

Watson and Crick elucidated the structure of DNA as two polymers twirled around each other,
forming a double helix in 1953. The discovery led to the finding that each chain consists of nucleotide
containing a phosphate group, deoxyribose sugar and one of the four nitrogenic bases, adenine (A),
guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T). There are covalent bonds between the phosphate and
sugar of the adjacent nucleotides, forming a backbone of sugar phosphate, with hydrogen bonds
linking the two individual bases through specific base pairing. This pairing entails that adenine will
pair with thymine and guanine with cytosine. (Maxim D Frank-Kamenetskii, 1997. p. 14)

The process begins with the topoisomerase enzyme, which prepares the double helix to unwind by
loosening it, preventing it from supercoiling. The helicase enzyme then unzips the two strands of DNA,
breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nucleotides. Each strand then takes the role of a template for
the assembly of the new strand, containing complementary base sequences. As the two strands separate,
they form a replication fork, with each strand containing a primase enzyme which synthesizes a short
length of the complementary RNA. The process then continues as the polymerase enzyme places a
primer on the conserved template strand, initiating the replication process. This primer binds to the end
of the template DNA strand and begins to join nucleotides in a complementary sequence to the
conserved, template strand. The continuous process of replication remains as the primer continues to
initiate the replication along the leading strand, in the 5’-3’ direction. (Robert Hine, 2002).

The process then becomes more intricate as the two template strands have an antiparallel orientation,
one in the 5’-3’ direction and one in the 3’-5’ direction which poses difficulties as the DNA polymerase
can only supply nucleotides to the 3’ end of the stand. The two strands which are created from the
template strands are called the daughter strands, which run in the 3’-5’ direction, thus the replication
becomes staggered through sections known as Okazaki Fragments. The strands are not able to be
assembled continuously in the same way as the leading strands, however the lagging strand also
implements the use of primers and primase enzymes. For the lagging strand, the RNA primers bind to
the DNA strand, initiating the process similarly to the leading strand. The DNA polymerase then binds
to the RNA primer, adding singular nucleotides, in a complementary pattern to the bases of the leading
strand. The DNA polymerase continues to synthesise short Okazaki Fragments from the inner section
of the replication fork to the outer end, relocating to a new primer each time it hits a set of nucleotides
laid in front of it. (Robert Hine, 2002). The enzyme exonuclease then removes the primers, leaving gaps
which then need to be filled with appropriate nucleotide bases. These gaps are filled through the use of
another DNA polymerase. DNA Ligase is then implemented to seal the two strands, forming a
continuous double strand. These double strand sequences are then proof read to ensure than there is no
introduction of incorrectly aligned nucleotides. For survival, it is important that DNA replication is
proof read, as incorrect bases would cause mutation. If there is an error found surrounding the base
arrangement, the polymerase edits the sequence to prevent this mutation from occurring. (John Daintith,

DNA replication has numerous differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. For
prokaryotic genomes, there is a singular chromosome with approximately 4.2 x 106 DNA base pairs,
however for humans there are 46 linear chromosomes with numerous amounts of DNA. In eukaryotes,
proteins called Histones associate with the double helix in order to produce the extreme amount of DNA
in a single cell. This protein however slows the process of DNA as it must be removed by the replication
apparatus before proceeding with the synthesis of DNA. Due to this factor, DNA replication occurs at
a more efficient and faster rate in prokaryotes as opposed to eukaryotes. This is evident as the replication
fork processes around 25,000 base pairs per minute in the prokaryote, compared with 2000 bases per
minute in the eukaryotic. (Lisa Gothard & Joe Rosen, 2009)

DNA replication has a direct relationship to the insurance of the continuity of a species due to heredity
and gene expression. Within a cell, it is vital that the included genetic material is accurate to ensure
growth and repair in eventual processes of mitosis, and the passing of this material through meiosis.
Without the accurate replication of DNA, the information surrounding function, behaviour and structure
is jeopardised, limiting its continuity as a species. (Stanley, A. Rice, 2015)

In reference to my model, it allows for an effective communication of the DNA replication process,
presenting the beginning to end of the process, including all enzymes, primers and Okazaki fragments.
Through the colour choices of the strands, there is an effective representation of the double helix,
presenting the complementary bases easily through the colour choices and labelling of the base types.
Furthermore, the use of the cotton ball material in a range of colours effectively shows a difficult
concept in an ‘easy-to-follow’ format, showing all enzymes in the same form using a colour key to
differentiate the enzyme and the task it undertakes. The model further communicates the initial stages
of the process, where the double helix becomes separated, producing a replication fork by the helicase
enzymes. The yellow ball section clearly represents the helicase enzyme, showing the difference
between the left of the enzyme, the double helix, and the right side of the enzyme, presenting the two
individual strands. This model is simplistic enough to understand the main components of the process
in a clear and identifiable way, and is portable for teaching purposes. The moving aspects of the primers
is an effective aspect as the difference between the leading and lagging strands is an important section
to understand in depth due to the difference f 5’-3’ and 3’-5’. The white areas representing the newly
introduced primer, allows the primers to be easily conveyed, presenting the action of removal and
replacement of nitrogenic bases in its place after use. Furthermore, as it is portable, the primer can be
removed to clearly represent the exonuclease enzyme removing the primers, showing the gab that is left
to be filled.

This 3-D model is an effective teaching tool which describes and conveys the process of DNA
replication from start to end, including moving parts and labelled areas which allows it to be physical
and interactive, specifically presenting the roles of enzymes and the relationship between the bases,
which are two important aspects of the process which may be hard to visualise without a model. The
model effectively shows the process from start to end, showing the complete DNA double helix before
and after the process, however the unravelling of the double helix is not clearly represented. This limits
the understanding of the Watson and Crick model discoveries. Due to this aspect, a further model would
be effective in order to make the model suitable to teach a group alone. In order to create a more in
depth understanding of the process and the impacts of it, further pre and post models, outlining the
unwinding and the rewinding of the DNA, depicting how the DNA Replication is a continuous process.

Ultimately, through my model, there is an accurate and effective representation of the DNA replication
process, including the separation of two strands and the forming of the lagging strand. Also, through
effective use of material and colours, the importance and role of enzymes and base configuration is
depicted, exhibiting the difference between replication in the leading template strand, and the lagging

o Daintith, J. (2002). Replication. In Dictionary of Biochemistry. New York: Facts On File.

Retrieved November 21, 2018, from
o Gothard, L. Q., & Rosen, J. (2009). DNA replication and repair. In Encyclopedia of Physical
Science. New York: Facts On File. Retrieved November 24, 2018, from
o Hine, R. (2002). DNA replication. In Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology. New York:
Facts On File. Retrieved November 21, 2018, from
o Maxim D. Frank-Kamenetskii, Lev Liapin. (1997). Unraveling DNA: The Most Important
Molecule of Life. (Rev. ed.). Reading. MA.
o Rice, S. A. (2015). DNA and the basis of evolution. In Encyclopedia of Evolution, Revised
Edition. New York: Facts On File. Retrieved November 21, 2018, from

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