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Now through September 4th (Labor Day Weekend), our Sunday Schedule is as follows: 9:00 AM Informal Worship (Social Hall) 10:30 AM Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) 11:30AM Refreshments

September 2011

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The Apple of Gods Eye O pen door s He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye - Deuteronomy 32:10 NIV for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye Zechariah 2:8 NIV As September arrives and classes begin (or have begun) across the area, I am reminded that the apple is often connected with September and going back to school. There is another association with the apple that is important to each of us as children of God. In scripture we (Gods children) are called the apple of Gods eye. This reference is actually to the pupil of Gods eye, a very important part of the eye. The verses indicate how precious we are to God, so much so that we are called the Apple of His eye. We are important and precious to God. As such God regards each of us as precious and important, not just some of us. What does it mean to you to know you are precious in Gods sight? To me it is a reminder that no matter what others tell me good or bad- the one who knows me best and most thoroughly, loves me and considers me precious! The apple, too, has meaning. Apples as we know them are not really able to be grown in that area of the world. The word translated apple in many verses means fragrance, further references indicate the blossom before the fruit is fragrant, too. As the apple of Gods eye, we have a part in being fragrant to God. Our actions are to be fragrant -pleasing to God. How do we live fragrant lives? (Clue, this has nothing to do with the aftershave or perfume we use.) We are most fragrant when we follow Gods example in Jesus as we live our lives. Putting first what he put first (God). Treating others with grace and mercy, and keep to what the scriptures tell us about relating to others. Proverbs says it well. Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Proverbs 7:2 NIV Blessings, Pastor Linda

SEPTEMBER 11, 2011ONE SERVICE ONLY AT 10:00 AM Worship will be in the Social Hall followed by annual church picnic. Please bring a covered dish to share. Appetizers, main course and tableware will be provided. A short, informational program by the Finance Committee will follow the picnic.
September 18return to fall schedule: 9:00 am Informal Worship (Social Hall) 9:30 am Childrens Choir 10:00 am Sunday School for all ages 11:00 am Traditional Worship Noon Refreshments September 4 Labor Day Weekend Tools of the Faith September 11 The House Upon the Rock Luke 6: 41 49 September 18 Great Day of Singing at 9 & 11 worship September 25 Showing Up Matthew 21:23-32

BIBLE STUDY Beginning September 20 and 21 (Tuesdays at 10:00 am and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm) we will explore the writings of the New Testament using the story of Jesus as the starting point. This survey of the testament looks at how the early church took ownership of and was shaped by the story of Jesus and how the church learned how to develop as disciples and create communities of faith. In the weekly video segments, listen as scholars fascinate you with facts and information that opens new understanding and enlightenment for your group. In the second video, sit in on a table conversation between guest scholars and debate key issues in the text.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL - Where do we go from here? This past year the Adult Class which met in the Church parlor studied 2 books by Rev. Adam Hamilton: Christianitys Family Tree and Christianity and World Religions. We learned not just about denominations within the Christian faith, but about major religions from around the world. Both classes were well received and gave us an opportunity to examine not just other faiths but our own faith as well. Now we look to the fall and have decided to continue with another work by Adam Hamilton: Why? Making Sense of Gods Will. Topics covered in the book include: 1. Why Do the Innocent Suffer? 2. Why Do My Prayers Go Unanswered? 3. Why Can't I See God's Will for My Life? 4. Why God's Love Prevails If these are questions that youve ever asked or youd like to discuss, please consider joining this class beginning Sept. 18 at 10 a.m. in the parlor. Everyone is welcome! HOPE CIRCLE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Hope Circle will meet on Monday, September 12th, at 7:00 PM in the parlor to discuss Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese, a physician/writer whose epic novel is the longest (688 pages) and most challenging book the group has read. Spanning five decades and three continents, Verghese takes the reader on a journey that follows narrator Marion Stone from before his birth in Ethiopia through his internship at a hospital in the Bronx and beyond. Themes of familial love, betrayal, forgiveness and self-sacrifice are exposed in his relationship with his twin brother and the father who abandoned them at birth. Verghese realistically creates a world of medicine, doctors (and what it means to be one), and life/death situations as few writers have. The world he creates captivates the reader and stays with you long after the last page is finished. Dr. Verghese will speak in Pittsburgh in March 2012 as part of the Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures series.

CHILDREN AND YOUTH Wow, this has been the fastest summer of my life! As I write this I am getting ready for a gathering of our graduates who are beginning to head to college one by one. Its so bittersweet because I am very proud of each one, and I will miss them! However; its not an ending but a new beginning. We are starting a post high group which will meet the first Friday of each month at the Sweeney house. To give some adjustment time, we will begin meeting the first Friday of October. Our first order of business will be creating a name for the group and making decisions about what to study, service projects, etc. Those interested in participating please call Linda Sweeney (412.889.4589). This group is post high school, and you do not have to be attending college! Please join us! We had a fantastic VBS as always! Thanks so much to all who attended and especially the many volunteers who gave up their time for an entire week. We could not do this without you! Worship team, teachers, station leaders, group leaders, youth helpers I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am always exhausted by Friday, but on Saturday I miss everyone! Little Ones group will meet the first Sunday of every month from noon until 1:30 beginning October 2. Little Ones is for ages 3 thru eleven, just like bible school. We need a new name for this group and will decide that at our first meeting. Youth group had a service oriented summer as always! We participated in the Relay for Life and had good weather and tons of fun. Thanks to all who helped out! We served at The Table the homeless ministry of Hot Metal and in July we had a mission weekend here in Pittsburgh. Because my knee surgery really limited my ability to travel we worked in the Oakmont and Penn Hills communities doing work around the church, for members of the congregation and also at Penn Hills Park. We stayed at the church and still managed to have a great time of service and fellowship. We will begin our weekly meetings after Labor Day. At the moment we are tentatively scheduled for our usual Sunday evening time 6:00 to 7:30 However, I will be talking to parents to make sure that time slot will work. If there is another day or time that works better I am all about flexible! Youth group is for kids age 12 through the twelfth grade. Looking forward to another awesome year!!!

CHOIRS AT OAKMONT UM CHURCH With only a few weeks of summer music left, we turn to a new church year and the return of the OUMC Chancel Choir and the Childrens Choir in September. Let me express a great deal of thanks to all the musicians and dancers who participated in worship this summer. Such quality and such devotion! It is an honor and a joy to work with all of you. Please consider this YOUR INVITATION to sing with the Chancel Choir (if youre in high school or older) or with the Childrens Choir (if youre in kindergarten through 7th grade). Wed love to have you! The more voices lifting praise to God in song, the better. The Chancel Choir will resume rehearsals in the Chapel on Thursday evening, September 8, at 7:30 p.m. We practice until 9:00 p.m. every Thursday, and on Sundays, we meet in the Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. Our first Sunday singing in worship this fall will be September 18. We especially need tenors and basses, but all voice parts are welcome to come to the first rehearsal to see if this is something youd like to do. Singing on a trial basis is fine with me. Give me a call at (412) 371-3056 or send me an email ( if you have questions. The Childrens Choir will resume rehearsals on Sunday morning, September 18 at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. We had a great group of children this past year, and I hope youll all come back, plus more! We rehearse for a half hour on Sunday mornings, and we sing approximately once a month at the 11:00 a.m. service. I will hand out a full schedule at the first rehearsal. Please feel free to be in touch with me if you have questions. Im looking forward to another fine year of music at OUMC. It is truly a blessing to lead the music at our traditional services, and I feel honored to serve this congregation in the name of Jesus Christ. Polly McQueen Organist and Choir Director

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 am10:45 am NurseryDave & Heather Fichte Pre-K1st GradeJessica Jacka 2nd3rd GradesLori Rajkowski 4th, 5th & 6th GradesMatt Huha Age 12Sr. HighDeborah Cascarcia Contemporary Discussion (Adults)Bob Whyte Halfway to Heaven (Adults) - Jim Ashbaugh MIC Class(Adults) - Janet Delchambre & Donna DeTurck

UMW NEWS Dear Ladies, Hats off to Christ the King is the theme of our Ladies Luncheon on September 24 from 11:00 1:00. It has been requested that we have a tea and wear a hat. If you dont have a hat and cant borrow one, just let me know (but not at the last minute!) I have been in contact with my friend Jana Snavely, and she told me there will be a surprise song with her and her daughter, Jenna. Jana is a very talented singer, and has a powerful testimony to share with us. Not only that, she is funny! If you have not been able to join us before, you will most certainly be glad if you come to this luncheon because we are a happy group!. Jana appeals to any age, and even the teens will enjoy this experience. It is also an opportunity to meet new friends. I look forward to seeing you there! Love in Jesus, Janet Bowman OAKMONT STREET SALE SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2011 The Finance Committee is happy to report a profit of $572.05. Thank you to UMW for their donation of homemade pies and to all of our individual bakers who contributed. Thanks also to everyone who helped that day so that our booth could be present on the Boulevard and our baked goods could be sold. WENDYS FUNDRAISER The Finance Committee has approved a dinner fundraiser at Wendys in Harmarville the third Monday of each month. 20% of all orders between 5-8 pm on that night will be contributed to OUMCs General Fund. You do not need to take a bulletin insert or any paperwork with you. Just mention that you are from OUMC when you order. We recently received a check for $604.94 from Wendys.
SEPTEMBER 1 Patti Rudy 2 Rich Bowman 3 Steve DiCocco Will Orbin 4 Linda Ashbaugh William Peoples 5 Peggy Robertson 10 Jim Sweetland 12 Katie Pennington 14 Jim Pahlman Tyler Marotta 15 Donna Jacka 16 Darlene Lloyd Val Riley 17 Janet Parkins 19 Pam Stammer 22 Bonnie Myers 23 Bill Jacka Polly McQueen 24 Julie Kelley 26 Lauren Parkins 27 Wm. DeTurck, Sr. 29 Amy Moran If we inadvertently missed listing your birthday, please call the church office and let us know.

HOSPITALIZED Betty Hunter is currently at Concordia Rebecca Residence, 3746 Cedar Ridge Rd., Rm. 143A, Allison Park, PA 15101. NEWSLETTER Please submit articles for the October newsletter by September 18 . GENERAL FUND NUMBERS FOR JULY: Income $ 18,540.05 Expenses $ 16,891.45 Balance 7/31 $ - 3,581.32 The Mission Share has been paid through July. PICTORIAL DIRECTORIES Are available in the church office at a cost of $7.

CHURCH OFFICE NEEDS YOUR HELP We are in the process of updating/completing church records that help us with the ministries of the church. Please provide us with your birthdate by calling and leaving a message or jotting it down on a piece of paper and putting it in the offering plate. With our computer programs, we will then be able to sort groups of certain ages and give them pertinent information that we have to share. ALSO if you have college students in your family, we would appreciate having their current address.


September has almost come around again. Its been a full summer and now time for my yearly decision: when to go back. First of all, Ive been very encouraged by the interactions Ive had this summer: at churches, CMU, Pitt and at events around the conference. Theres much more of an openness than when I began 6 years ago. People are more and more seeing the injustice that is going on, not just in Palestine but in so many places throughout the world. And theyve shown me that they want to hear more. This past month Ive been in touch with both the Bethlehem Bible College and with friends from Sabeel. Ive been asked to work full time at Bethlehem Bible College helping with the preparation for the Christ at the Checkpoint 2012 Conference which will be held March 5-9. Many of the same speakers will be coming back who were there 2 years ago: Tony Campolo, Brother Andrew, Lynn Hybels and many more. Im looking forward to renewing my contacts with them and networking on ways in which the Church and Christians from around the world can be more involved in advocating for peace and justice. But Im torn about not going back to Sabeel. They have been my family and my Christian community for the past 5 years. Were all Facebook friends! And I very much respect the work that is being done there. Being at Sabeel also keeps me centered in East Jerusalem which is where my heart isin the Old City, in the markets around the Damascus Gate, even at the hotel where I enjoy meeting with groups coming from the US and engaging in conversation with them. As far as I know, my apartment is waiting for me so it will be good to have a home to return to. And from there I can walk to Bethlehem which is so much easier than the 2 bus daily trip to Sabeel. But stillits a difficult decision. This fall will be a critical time for both Israel and Palestine. The Palestinians have said that they will come before the United Nations in September to propose the establishment of a Palestinian state. This is being encouraged by more than 130 countries from around the world. But, there is strong opposition from both Israel and the US and it could lead to even more difficulties for the Palestinian people if this goes through. I want to be there when this happens. I want to see firsthand what the impact will be. I want to be there to be in solidarity with my Palestinian friendsChristian and Muslim. Again, I ask your prayers as I begin preparation. Please pray that doors will open for my return and also for a just solution to this continuing injustice. Blessings and peace, Tina

WOMEN OF FAITH Our pink lemonade Build a Burger, Build Your Faith party was lots of fun with 26 women, 3 men (who did all the cooking and clean-upThank you Richard Brigham, Ken Chambers & John Jacobs) and a sun-filled evening on the Maryland Ave. porch. 19 women have committed to attending the Conference Oct. 7 & 8, and UMW has graciously given us a gift to cover the cost of renting vans for our transportationthank you UMW! MOMMY, DADDY & ME OUMC Mommy, Daddy, and Me Playgroup will meet outside at area playgrounds during the month of September or until the weather turns too cool and rainy! It is a good way for the little ones to run off some energy and the adults to enjoy the company of other adults. We will meet on the first and third Thursday of each month at 9:30 AM. Hope to see you there! For more information or to be on our email list, contact Joy Cottrill and Willow (Age 2). @ (Due to Riverside Park playground area being under construction, we will be trying out some new playgrounds. Please check your email for meeting area. If the weather is inclement, we will meet in the church nursery SEPTEMBER 11 MC MASTERS UMC is having a Memorial Luminary Event Sept. 11 to remember each of the victims of 9/11. The church lot will have 2,977 luminary, one for each victim. They are receiv-ing donations for Tuesdays Children for their first responders family support program. Checks should be made out to McMasters UMC and mailed to 200 Church St., Turtle Creek, PA 15145..

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