DisabilityTWG Outcome Document

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Gap Long term Short Term Intervention- Cost per year Lead agent

Intervention -2026- 2022-2025

Resource Lack of resources to support the work of the Strengthen the Identify and map partners TWG
Mobilisation TWG capacity of the and allies that can OPDs
Limited Coordination of organizations Disability board to contribute to the work of NAC
working on and with PWDs track resources the TWG. UNAIDS 
allocated for PWDs in-

The decline of external funding for HIV at National Disability Convene high-level
the Country level policy is funded and engagements with
Implemented funding partners and the
government to sensitize
them on our strategic

Limited fiscal space and prioritization, Strengthen the Convene a PWD forum to
including limited domestic funding for HIV, capacity of PDOs……. bring together all
COVID 19, SGBV, and SRHR for PWDs partners working on and
funding disability issues.

Inequalities in the allocation of funds across Convene meetings with

HIV programs the Permanent Secretary
and Minister of MoHCC,
Finance, MoLSD on the
implementation and
funding of the Disability

Insufficient funding for the HIV response

especially in the combination prevention
targeting persons with disability
Capacity Lack of capacity that enhances the Work with the DDA to Work with the 75 000 TWG
Strengthening participation of persons with disabilities in ensure appropriate Department of Disability DDA
SGBV, HIV/AIDS, SRH, and COVID-19 involvement of Affairs (DDA) to ensure OPDs
persons with appropriate involvement
disabilities and their of persons with
representative disabilities and their
organizations in WASH representative
policymaking and organizations in SGBV,
programming HIV/AIDS, SRH, and
COVID-19 policymaking
and programming

Review capacity Capacity building

building programs – programs – TWG, OPDS,
draw lessons, inform Government
policy, and practice Departments, Service
Providers, NGOs

Data Lack of comprehensive, standardized data on Development of a Collect data from TWG, ZIMSTAT,OPDs,
Collection PWDs. Organizations working with PWDs database that is more ZIMSTAT, Community Community Health
have fragmented databases that are in-depth and captures workers and Workers, NAC
restricted to their areas, people they work information Organizations that work structures,
with and age groups they work with. concerning the with PWDs. This data Community leaders
individual, such as are should consist of e.g. sabhuku, funding
they in school, disability type, area, partners, IKEP
employed, are they gender and age
able to sustain
themselves, their HIV
status etc.

Lack of trained personnel that can extract Engage funding • Creation of a tool 50000 TWG, District
correct information utilizing the Washington partners to provide that can be Councilors, Funding
Group of Questions support to train and utilized to collect partners
capacitate District data that is
Councilors to collect correct and
comprehensive data comprehensive.
collection on PWDs • Training of data
personnel on
attaining details
that feed into the

Access to Lack of disability friendly information Capacity building and Review capacity building Implementing: TWG
Information dissemination on SGBV, HIV/AIDS, SRH and strengthening programs – draw lessons,
COVID-19 programs – TWG, inform policy and practice Associations of PWD
OPDS, Government Partners: other
Departments, Service NGOs
Providers, NGOs on other
COVID-19,SRHR and government line
HIV/AIDS information ministries
dissemination in Funding: UN
disability responsive Agencies

Advocacy towards
prioritization of
resource allocation
towards the
production of
disability responsive
mechanisms by
government and other

Monitoring and
evaluation to ensure
that there is the
implementation of
existing policies
around information
dissemination to PWD
(national disability

There is a digital divide that exists in Amplify the voices of Monitor the gazetting of
Zimbabwe for persons with disabilities influencers who are these technologically
PWD to change the advanced disability
narrative on disability. responsive devices to the
Facilitate research by target beneficiaries
tertiary institutions to
come up with an
innovative way to
assist PWD
Develop an
application to assist

Advocate for the

national budget
allocation to have a
section that prioritizes
the updating of
technology that is
disability responsive
eg. Transcription

Budget Monitoring
and Evaluation of the
stipulated funding
directed to PWD to
see if cascades down
to the intended
Share positive stories
of change on PWD
through capacity
building and
strengthening of
journalists and artists.

Information that is disseminated on Share positive stories

disability is often negative of change on PWD
through capacity
building and
strengthening of
journalists and artists.

Amplify the voices of

influencers who are
PWD to change the
narrative on disability.

Facilitate researches
by tertiary institutions
to come up with
innovative way to
assist PWD
Develop an
application to assist

PWD are not aware of their rights

Information dissemination is a gap e.g.

ministry of health, public service etc
provides wheel chairs but a parent may not
send their child to school because they
don’t have a wheelchair

Information Limited systematic collection and analysis of Capacity training for Meaningful and effective Social service
Management disability statistics partners, smart involvement and Department, CSOs,
partnership and participation of PWDs INGOs, Local NGOs;
coordination, and OPDs (Progressive), ZIMSTAT
involvement of PWDs Faciltate the development
(Progressive) of the Information
Management system

Inaccessible Formats on communication Facilitate Strategic Facilitate Strategic Ministry of ITC,

material Partnerships Partnerships CSOs, INGOs and
Local NGOs

Limited documentation on disability- Ensure effective Strengthening Social service

inclusive interventions involvement and coordination mechanisms Department, CSOs,
participation of OPDs INGOs, Local NGOs;

Limited disability disaggregated data/ no Facilitate the capacity Social service

specific database for PWD building of partners, Department, CSOs,
Facilitate the INGOs, Local NGOs
development of an
Limited/Lack of information management Strategic Partnerships Strategic Partnerships Social service
equipment Department, CSOs,
INGOs, Local NGOs

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