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A Case of 35 years Old Female

with Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5

Secondary to
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Presented by:

De La Cruz, Divine

BSN 402 - Group 1B

Presented to:
Ms. Giselle Navallo

Submitted on:
March 14, 2023

Clinical Question
a. General Question:
b. Formulation of Clinical Question approved by the Clinical Instructor based
on the actual client’s problem in the RLE
II. Citation
II. Study Characteristics 

Client type and What might Alternate course of What you want to
Problem you do action accomplish 


Patient Focus Population Intervention Comparison Outcome

Type of Database Number of Number of Relevant

Research Search  Literature Readings Relevant Literature Literature
Selected related to the related to Clinical Reference
(Primary, Clinical Question Question

IV. Methodology/Design
IV. Results of the Study
IV. Author’s Conclusion/Recommendation
IV. Applicability 
IV. Reviewer’s Conclusion/Commentary
IV. Evaluation Nursing Care Practices
a. Safety
b. Competence
c. Acceptability
d. Effectiveness
e. Appropriateness
f. Efficiency
X. Recommendation

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