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4/5/23, 11:10 AM Bài luyện tập trắc nghiệm 02 - LTTN02

Câu hỏi 1
Câu trả lời đúng
Điểm 8,00 ngoài khoảng 8,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

wedding gown   masculine color   strong color   delicate   symbolizes   mourning   cultures  

Complete each sentence with the correct one.

1. Amazingly, pink is considered a  masculine color  in some parts of the world. Men wear it.

2. The  wedding gown  is very expensive.

3. I don’t like red. It is a  strong color

4. The kite is too  delicate  to fly safely.

5. Blue  symbolizes  peace.

6. In this country, people often wear black clothes in  mourning

7. Meanings of colors are different in different  cultures

8. The man in the grey suit is a  respectable  professor

Câu hỏi 2
Câu trả lời đúng
Điểm 8,00 ngoài khoảng 8,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

professional   accomplishments   climbing   challenges   ambition   afraid   inspire   encourage  

Complete the conversation with words from the box. Use each word only once.
A   Did you read the article on Erik Weihenmayer? Isn’t he a fascinating person?

B   Yes, he really is! Imagine being blind and  climbing  a mountain!

A   Even for people who can see, climbing a mountain is very difficult.

B   You know, I was really surprised to learn that he is also a teacher and a  professional  athlete.

A   People like Erik really  inspire  people all around the world. Did you know that he is not the only
person with a disability who has done amazing things?
B   Yes! I red about Helen Keller in school. She was blind, deaf, and could not speak. Helen Keller became
famous because of all the  accomplishments  she had in her lifetime. 1/7
4/5/23, 11:10 AM Bài luyện tập trắc nghiệm 02 - LTTN02

A  Right! But people who have disabilities are not the only people who face  challenges  We all have
difficulties in our lives. We face challenges at home, at work, at school, and in relationships.
B   I agree. Do you think challenges are good for us?

A   Yes, I do. I think if a person is not  afraid  and has  ambition  then he or she can overcome
most of life’s challenges. I believe that challenges make us stronger.

B   You are right! I think that people like Erik Weihenmayer and Helen Keller really  encourage  others
to be brave and face life’s challenges and never give up.

Câu hỏi 3
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Điểm 0,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Circle the best title for the reading text.

Color Matters for What You Wear
Clothes are like a second skin. Most likely you feel good when you wear your favorite color. What happens
when someone sees you wearing any color - for example blue? Does the color send a message?
What do you think about pink and blue for children?
One of the most common examples of color symbolism in clothing is the custom of using pink for girls and
blue for boys, but it wasn't always this way. This tradition emerged at the turn of the 20th century. Since pink
was thought to be a stronger color, it was best suited for boys; blue was more delicate and dainty and best
for girls. In 1921, the Women's Institute for Domestic Science in Pennsylvania endorsed pink for boys, blue
for girls.
Even more interesting is the fact that pink is the color for baby boys and blue is the color for baby girls in
Belgium today.
Another interesting fact about pink is that pink is a very masculine color in Bermuda. Also, British bankers
and barristers have worn pink shirts for decades. Pink goes in and out of fashion in other parts of the world.
White is the traditional color for a bride's wedding gown in the U.S. and most European cultures. White
symbolizes purity and innocence.
What about the color worn for weddings and funerals?
In Asia, white is the color of death. This arises from the belief that death is seen as a beginning and that white
represents the purity that the deceased brings into the next life. Therefore, brides in Japan and China wear
red in traditional wedding ceremonies.
White is also associated with death in India, where widows wear white. Consequently, red or pink saris are
the most popular colors for brides.
What about black clothes?
Black symbolizes death and is the traditional color of mourning in Western cultures. Black clothing is
associated with powerful forces in many parts of the world. Bad and good Witches, the devil, ninjas, cat
burglars, Darth Vader, Cat Woman, and Batman wear black....and so do priests, nuns, judges, mimes,
Mennonites, Bedouins, and monks.
Maybe the common thread is that these people are signaling their seriousness of purpose - or the need to be
hard to see - or both.
Here's something else to think about: What happens when the same people wear green? Are they as
powerful? Are the priest and nun as respectable?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Colors and what you wear.
b. Colors and your personality. 2/7
4/5/23, 11:10 AM Bài luyện tập trắc nghiệm 02 - LTTN02

c. Colors and kids.

Câu hỏi 4
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Điểm 0,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
What a fantastic city. We found the restaurant you recommended but it was shut! Menu looks good value, so
we’ll definitely go before we leave.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Elena and Tim have discovered another good restaurant.
b. Elena and Tim will have to try the restaurant on their next visit.
c. Elena and Tim think the restaurant’s prices are reasonable.
d. Elena and Tim have already tried the restaurant. 

Câu hỏi 5
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Điểm 1,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
This medicine is taken between meals at six-hourly intervals, up to three times daily.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. It is essential to use this medicine more than three times a day.
b. It is essential to wait six hours before having more of this medicine. 
c. It is essential to take this medicine straight after meals.
d. It is essential to take this medicine before each meal.

Đáp án đúng là: It is essential to wait six hours before having more of this medicine.
This medicine is taken between meals at six-hourly intervals, up to three times daily.

Câu hỏi 6
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Điểm 0,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer. 3/7
4/5/23, 11:10 AM Bài luyện tập trắc nghiệm 02 - LTTN02

The riding school rang. Nobody from Jane’s group has booked for the midday class. For this week only, she’ll
have to ride at 2 o’clock instead.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Jane would be the only rider at 12 today, so she should come late.
b. Jane should join a different riding class, because the 12 o’clock lesson is full. 
c. Jane must change groups, because riding classes will no longer take place at 12.
d. Jane is the only one rider at 2 o’clock.

Câu hỏi 7
Câu trả lời đúng
Điểm 1,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
Market vehicles unload here 07.00-10.00 daily
Customer parking allowed at other times.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Customers may park here at times when vehicles are not unloading. 
b. You may unload your vehicle here at any time.
c. Customers are allowed to park here from 07.00-10.00.
d. Customers may park outside the market for up to three hours.

Đáp án đúng là: Customers may park here at times when vehicles are not unloading
Customers may park here at times when vehicles are not unloading.

Câu hỏi 8
Chưa trả lời
Điểm ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
Book early for Swan Lake to avoid disappointment as this is a popular show.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. We regret that there are not tickets left for the early performance of Swan Lake.
b. Swan Lake is unfortunately cancelled due to disappointing ticket sales.
c. If you want to see Swan Lake, buy your tickets as soon as possible.
d. Swan Lake is a disappointing show. 4/7
4/5/23, 11:10 AM Bài luyện tập trắc nghiệm 02 - LTTN02

Câu hỏi 9
Câu trả lời không đúng
Điểm 0,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What should Louise do? Choose the best answer.
Suzie rang. The photo shop has lost all her photos of your trip to Vienna and she’d like copies of yours.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Take some new photos of Suzie
b. Help Suzie find her photos 
c. Go to the photo shop to take the pictures
d. Give Suzie some photos

Câu hỏi 10
Câu trả lời đúng
Điểm 1,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
Between 12 and 2 pm, minimum charge $3 per person.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Each customer will have to pay at least $3 at lunchtime. 
b. You can buy your lunch at lower price before 12.
c. You can buy a meal for only $3 at lunchtime.
d. A charge of $3 is added to each bill at lunchtime.

Đáp án đúng là: Each customer will have to pay at least $3 at lunchtime
Between 12 and 2 pm, minimum charge $3 per person.

Câu hỏi 11
Câu trả lời không đúng
Điểm 0,00 ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau 5/7
4/5/23, 11:10 AM Bài luyện tập trắc nghiệm 02 - LTTN02

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
Please have ready the exact fare for your journey.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. You need to change your money before getting on the bus.
b. You need to have the correct money when you board the bus.
c. All City Bus journeys cost exactly the same. 
d. You must keep your ticket ready for checking.

Câu hỏi 12
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Điểm ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does Mrs Swan want to do today? Choose the best answer.
Would anyone who knows anything about the damaged window in the school library please report to my
office before the end of the day.
Mrs Swan

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Repair damage done to the library.
b. Discover how a window got broken.
c. Know what was wrong with the library
d. Find out who uses the library.

Câu hỏi 13
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Điểm ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
Repairs to bridge start on 30/11/06
Delays likely for four weeks

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Repairs will finish on 30/11/06

b. The bridge cannot be used until the end of November.

c. Repair work on this bridge will finish in November.
d. Bridge repairs may make your journey longer from the end of November. 6/7
4/5/23, 11:10 AM Bài luyện tập trắc nghiệm 02 - LTTN02

Câu hỏi 14
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Điểm ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
Photocopies have come down in price! (black and white only – clolour copies no change)

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. Some photocopies are now cheaper than they were.
b. There are changes to the prices of all photocopies.
c. Some photocopies are more expensive.
d. There is no longer any colour photocopying here.

Câu hỏi 15
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Điểm ngoài khoảng 1,00

Đánh dấu để làm sau

Look at the text in the following question. What does it say? Choose the best answer.
Students have free internet access until midday on weekdays and all day at weekends.

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a. It doesn’t cost anything to use the internet on weekday mornings
b. Students can use the internet free of charge only at midday.
c. Students must always pay to use the internet in the afternoons.
d. There is a charge for internet access at weekends. 7/7

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