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NDA ENGLISH Mock TEST Error Detection 1 2 3. 4. 5. 6 8. 9. 10. 11. 12; 13, 14 15. 16. ana v7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. Full manyaflower/ 336 born/ to blush unseen. /N Epon | shal be glad to help/ every one of my boys/ in their studies. / No error | hav played/ basketball/ for the past three hours. / No error | went to Canada/ a few years ago/ for ahgliday, / No error He has been/ one the most revered member) of the committee of enquiry. / No error India wor/ by an innings/ and three runs / No error Somebody/ whol enjoy reading/is Tagore. / No error The students'/ te '/ test results/ were pleasant. / No error The legendary hero/ laid down his precious life/ for our country. / No error Our gardener, which is very lazy,/ say that/ there will be no apples this year. / No error Whent aed the gue guest/ what she would like to drink/ she replied that she preferred coffee much more Shan tea. eh No error No sooner did | reacNed there/ the children left the place/ with their parents. / No error Lgid not want to listen to him,/ but je was adamant and/ discussed abo about the matter. / No error ing a rainy day, we did not feel like going out or doing anything / No error It is not difficult to believe that a man/ who has lived in his city for a long time/ he v Re will never feel at home anywhere else in the world. / No error Please notf that the interview for the post/ shall be held on June 15, 2019 between 10.00 a.m. “{6 2.00 p.m. / No error aan “Tdo not understand why/ in spite of my best efforts to please him/ my boss is so angry at me. / No error hoe Although we reached his house on time/ he was left/ for the airport. / No error All the boys/ returned back home/ welln time forlunch. /Noerror iene ig ne breritste Tell me the name off a country where every citizen is law-abiding/ and no troubles there. / No error prone Considering about these facts/ the principle has 2 efirecl him agent [No ero COne of the most interesting feature of travel in Himachal Pradesh is/ the large number of travellers’ lodges/ providing by the State Government. / No error It/ was raining/ cats and dogs. / No error Their belongings/ were lost/in the fire. / No error His friends feel that he will be suspended/ unless he do¢s hot report for duty immediately. / No fetes error The memoranda/ aré/ on the table. / No error Nandita asked me/ if | was working/ hardly these days. / No error ow ‘Whom you think/ will be dismissed/ first? / No error 29. Emperor Ashoka/ Hive conquered Kalnga/ before he embraced Buddhism. / No error 30. Her parents/ has not permitted her/ to marry Sunil. / No error how 31. All of them speak/ good English. / No error i 32. Of the many problems that confront the leaders of the world/ none are of grave consequence/ than the problem of saving the normal human race from extinction. / No error 33. I courteously asked him/ where Was he going/-but he did not reply. / No error 34. Every student/ should be asked/ to give thelr idéas on the subject. / No error 35. | like to/ listenlthe song of the nightingale/ in the evening /No error (ssten FO. 36. Each student/ from amongst the hundred students in the class/ ] this movie. / No error enw ieb = 37. This box/ is heavy than/ the other one. / No error 38. | know that/ ignorance is not bliss, / yet | am ignorant in many things. / No error {males 39. Although there is virtually no production in India, / the Encyclopedia Britannica éstimate/ that India has perhaps the largest accumulated stocks of silver in the world. / No error, 40. We have to reach/ there at ten/ will you please walklittle faster. / No error Cx Mattle 41. You are/ just sixteen years old, /isn’t it? /No error ceeNE YEN 42. Ifyou hav thought about the alternatives, / ou would not have chosen/ such a dificult topic for the term paper. / No error heA prony mail ofthe 43. The department of Fine Arts has been criticized/ for not having much required courses/ scheduled for this semester. / No error 44, My college/ is besides/ the lake. / No error (se \l€ 45, She was out of mind, / when she made that plan to go abroad without taking into consideration her present family position. /No error CoE Of rede rowed 46. The duties of the secretary are/ to take the minutes, mailing the correspondence, / are calling the members before meeting. / No error TAIT 47. If |Was you, / I would not go to film/ in my mother’s absence. / No error adalat 48. The old furnitures/ was disposed of/ and the new ones were placed. / No oro fe seis 49. He was in the temper/ and refused/ to discuss the matter again. / No error ole 50. Neither of these two documents/ support your claim/ on the property. /'No error ="\ 51. | am entirely agreeing with you, / but | regret/I can’t help you. / No error ote © 52. I shall write/ to you/ when I siall reach Chennai. / No error 53. My book, which/ | gave itto you yesterday, /is very interesting. /Noerror 54. He told the boys that/ if they worked hard, / they will surely pass. / No error (©, 55. His grandfather/ has told him to smoke/ was a bad habit. /No error

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