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Structure Of Atom

John Dalton


Unique Smallest Indivisible

• Watermelon Model
✓ Non-Uniform electron
J.J. ✓ Uniform Mass Distribution.
Thomson • Electron
✓ Charge particle.
✓ Having Momentum.
• Thomson actually given the value of
specific ratio.
• Further Millikan in his Oil drop
Experiment calculated Charge on an
Robert • Further he got Mass of Electron
E. Goldstein
E. Rutherford
▪ Goldstein presumed presence of
Positive Charge Particle.
▪ Explained About Canal Rays.
✓ Rutherford is Credited for
Discovery of Proton & Nucleus.
✓ Nucleus was Discovered in Alpha
Particle Scattering Experiment.
• Chadwick conducted an Experiment
in which he bombarded beryllium
with alpha particles from the
radioactive decay of polonium.
• Precisely motivated from E.
James Rutherford’s Experiment.
Phenomenon of
Radium and Polonium
radioactivity was first
were discovered by
observed by Marie
the Couple.
Curie & Pierre Curie.

Radioactivity Atoms having unstable Most of f-block

nucleus due to very elements and 7th
large atomic size tend period elements are
to radioactive. radioactive.
• Stability of Atom was proved by Bohr.
• He introduced electrons arrangement in energy
levels called shells.
• Concept of ground state and excited state was
proposed first by him.


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