Assignment - 1 - Control System Engineering - CO1

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Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Kalavakkam – 603 110

(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Assignment – 1
Given Date: 31-03-2023 Submission Date:10-04-2023
Assignment Relevant to CO1
1. Write the dynamic equation of the mechanical system given in Fig. Then using force-
voltage analogy obtain the equivalent electrical network.

2. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical translational system as

shown in figure. Draw the Force-Voltage and Force-Current electrical analogous
circuits and verify by mesh and node equations.
3. Using The Force-Voltage Analogy, Draw The Equivalent Circuit Diagram.

4. Find the transfer function X(s)/E(s) for the electromechanical system shown in Fig.
[Hint: For a simplified analysis, assume the coil has a back emf ݁௕ = ݇ଵ and the

coil current i produces a force ‫ܨ‬஼ = ݇ଶ ݅ on the mass M ]

5. Determine the transfer function for the block diagram shown in Fig.5 by (i) using

block diagram reduction rules (ii) drawing it's signal flow graph and then using
Mason's gain formula.

6. For the block diagram shown below, find the output C due to R and disturbance D.

7. Simplify the following diagram using block diagram reduction method. Also derive
the transfer function of the same using signal flow graph.
8. The signal flow graph for a feedback control system is shown in figure. Determine the
closed loop transfer function C(s)/R(s)..

9. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical rotational system shown in
figure. Draw the torque-voltage and torque-current electrical analogous circuits and
verify by writing mesh and node equations.

10. Determine the transfer function of the network in the figure.

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