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IOS Script

good morning, everyone. The topic I am going to present today is the rule of harmonious construction.
Starting with a brief introduction A fundamental rule of statutory interpretation that is essential to the
judicial process is the Rule of Harmonious Construction. the term harmonious construction describes an
arrangement that achieves harmony or coherence among different sections of an act. Where there are two
or more provisions in statutes that seem to be in contradiction with one another, this rule directs how courts
should interpret the statutes. The rule effectively requires courts to reconcile elements of the law that are in
conflict in a way that preserves the overall goal and significance of the legislation.

Scope and objective

The primary goal of the rule of harmonious construction is to ensure that every legal provision is given full
effect and that no provision is rendered unnecessary or unneeded. 

Origin of the rule

Harmonious construction in the India is based on diverse court interpretations in different cases. In India, it
can be traced back to the case of Shankari Prasad vs. uoi where fundamental rights and DPSP were in a
conflict where the court held that Fundamental rights and DPSP are connected and should work together
for the public's welfare. The principle of harmonious construction was utilized to prioritize both aspects of
the Constitution.

After this in the year 2003 with the case of CIT vs. M.s Hindustan Bulk carriers, the supreme court
created a major precedent by outlining five fundamental principles that govern the implementation of the
doctrine of harmonious construction which are

 While interpreting, the court has a duty to avoid a "head-on clash" at all cost between two sections
of the same act
 The interpretation should be done such that the provision of one section doesn't defeat the purpose
of another unless it is impossible to effect a reconciliation between them
 When it is impossible to reconcile the contradictory provisions, then courts must interpret in a way
to give as much as possible effect to both provisions 
 Courts must keep in mind that a harmonious construction does not mean that a provision is
reduced to a dead or meaningless set of numbers.
 Lastly, to harmonize is not to destroy any other statutory provisions.

Applicability of doctrine of harmonious construction

the Courts have established certain guidelines for the correct application of the concept after considering
several case laws:

 giving equal weight to both conflicting provisions is important To minimize any inconsistencies.
 The law provisions that are fundamentally different must be read as a whole, and the whole law
must be considered
 provision with a wider scope should be prioritized in cases where two provisions are in conflict,
 When comparing wide and narrow provisions, courts should carefully study the larger statute to
see whether there are any other factors that should be taken into account.
 A non-obstante clause must be used when one provision of an Act strips away powers conferred
by another Act.
 It is important for the court to determine the extent to which the legislature intended to grant one
provision precedence over another.

The use of rule of harmonious construction can be seen in the case of KM NANAVATI vs. state of
the issue was the power bestowed on the Governor under Art 161, and the court had to interpret the
meaning of Art 161 and Art 142 (1) of the constitution. In the current case, the Bombay High Court
sentenced the accused.

The petitioner then approached the Governor, who issued a suspension order against the Bombay High
Court's sentence. When the matter came before the Hon'ble Supreme Court, the court implemented the rule
of Harmonious Construction and held that the Governor's absolute power to grant suspension under Art
161 is absolved when the matter becomes sub judice. In such cases, Art 142 allows for complete
interference with the judicial power of the court.

Critical analysis
 The Rule of Harmonious Construction's principal goal is to prevent any conflict or disagreement
between different provisions of legislation but it has certain restrictions and it may be challenging
to reconcile contradictory statutory requirements that are inherently irreconcilable.
 Rule of Harmonious Construction might often result in a narrow interpretation of the statute.
When a statutory provision is evaluated considering the other provisions of the statute, it may be
given a restricted interpretation.
 may be utilized to conceal ambiguities in statutes. Courts may cover inconsistencies in legal
language by harmonizing contradictory provisions.

The responsibility of creating laws falls on the legislature, but there is always a chance of issues like
vagueness, inconsistency, repetition, irregularities, or contradiction arising during the drafting process.
the rule here is an essential means of interpretation or construction and its significance is acknowledged by
the judiciary on various occasions.
it is important for the judiciary to interpret laws accurately and thoughtfully so that justice can be delivered
promptly. This statement emphasizes the need for the judiciary to carefully analyze and interpret statutes to
ensure that they are applied correctly and efficiently in legal proceedings

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