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Three-Phase Meter Quick Installation Guide

1. Introduction
Meter has two type: direct connection type and CT connection type, below are the basic information of
these two type meters:

Reference Nominal Transformer

Type Model Appearance Frequency
Voltage Current Ratio

Transformer HY94C5-200
DTSU666 230V/400V 50Hz/60Hz */100mA
Connection 200A:5A

DTSU666 230V/400V 50Hz/60Hz 5(80)A /

2. Installation
Both type type can be mounted on DIN35 standard rails, below are wiring connection instruction.
AC wire cable, OD not less than 4mm2.
RS485 Communication Interface, Baud rate can set to 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600. One communication circuit can maximum
connected to 32 devices, each device must set to different communication address. Communication cable use Shielded Twisted Pair Cable,
Copper OD should not less than 0.5mm2, communication cable should keep away from strong cables or other strong electric fields,
maximum distance is 1200 meters. Connection instruction as below:

(1) Connection with Current Transformer

Copy Right© Shenzhen SOFARSOLAR

Three-Phase Meter Quick Installation Guide

(2) Direct Connection

3. Check Installation Result

1. Current Direction
For CT connection type, closed the loads, meter shows import direction power (Imp); open the loads, meter shows export direction
power (Exp), then the connection direction is correct. If the power factor is close to 1, it means that the phase of the transformer and
the voltage line correspond one-to-one. Otherwise, please check the phase correspondence.
2. RS485 Communication
When enable the meter function, inverter will report an alarm when RS485 connection is incorrect, please check the RS485 connection
when meet this situation, normally can fix by using switch the positive and negative pole.

4. Interface
When meter is in normal working condition, indicated light is on and flashing. If indicated light is not flashing or off, please check if
the meter connection is correct.
(1) CT connection type
Every data group indicated 5 seconds, interface as below:
Page Content Description Page Content Description

Copy Right© Shenzhen SOFARSOLAR

Three-Phase Meter Quick Installation Guide
Combined Active
C Phase Current
1 Energy 11
Combine Phase Active
Import Active Energy
2 12 Power

Export Active Energy A Phase Active Power

3 13
=2345.67kWh =1.090kW

Modbus B Phase Active Power
4 14
ModBus-RTU, =1.101kW

n1 states no valid bit

1 stop bit;
9.600 states Baud rate C Phase Active Power
5 15
9600bps =1.100kW

001 states meter

Combined Phase
A Phase Voltage
6 16 Power Factor

B Phase Voltage A Phase Power Factor

7 17
=220.1V PFa=1.000

C Phase Voltage B Phase Power Factor

8 18
=220.20V PFb=0.500

A Phase Current C Phase Power Factor

9 19
=5.001A PFc=-0.500

B Phase Current

Button Description:“SET”button states “Confirm”, or “mouse movement”(when enter number), “ESC”states

“Exit”,“→”button states“add”,as the button can only “add”, cannot “minus”, when the number reach the maximum value,
number will counting again from zero. Input password (default 701).
Meter can match different ratio current transformer, but before connection need to set the current ratio as required (e.g. 100A: 5A
current transformer, need to set current ratio 20), setting instruction as below:

Copy Right© Shenzhen SOFARSOLAR

Three-Phase Meter Quick Installation Guide

Current Ratio Setting Instruction

Address and Baud rate setting instruction

Energy reset instruction

(2) Direction Connection Type
Every data group indicated 5 seconds, background light is 1 minutes, interface as below:
Button operation: Long press button, interface enter 645 protocol and Modbus protocol choose page, Short press can change the
protocol, cannot switch to address page (Only ModBus protocol can switch to address page),ModBus’s address can set by using button
setting, the setting range is 1-99.
Page Content Description Page Content Description

Combined Active B Phase Current

1 10
Energy =5.001A

Copy Right© Shenzhen SOFARSOLAR

Three-Phase Meter Quick Installation Guide

Import Active Energy C Phase Current

2 11
=10000.00kWh =5.002A

Export Active Energy Combine Active Power

3 12
=2345.67kWh =3.291kW

Protocol A Phase Active Power
4 13
ModBus-RTU, =1.090kW

n1 states no valid bit

and 1 stop bit;9.600
sates Baud rate B Phase Active Power
5 14
9600bps =1.101kW

001 states address

Communication C Phase Active Power
(4) Address 15
Communication Combine Power
(5) Address 16 Factor

000000000001 PFt=0.500

A Phase Voltage A Phase Power Factor

6 17
=220.0V PFa=1.000

B Phase Voltage B Phase Power Factor

7 18
=220.1V PFb=0.500

C Phase Voltage C Phase Power Factor

8 19
=220.20V PFc=-0.500

A Phase Current

5. Trouble Shooting
Problems Reason Troubleshooting
1. If the wiring is incorrect, please follow the correct wiring
instruction (see wiring diagram);
1. The meter wiring is incorrect; 2. If the power supply voltage is abnormal, please supply
No display
2. The voltage supplied to the meter is abnormal; power according to the voltage range specification on Manuel
3. If it is not the above problem, please contact the local
Current display 0 CT current sampling is abnormal. Check whether the CT wiring is correct and stable.
1. Wrong connection, voltage and current are 1. If connection is wrong, please refers to the correct
connected to wrong Pin; connection according to wiring diagram;
difference between
2. CT positive and negative pole are connect 2. If not above issue, please contact local supplier.
meter and real value
correctly;Noted: please obverse the power of Pa,

Copy Right© Shenzhen SOFARSOLAR

Three-Phase Meter Quick Installation Guide
Pb, Pc, if have negative value that means
abnormal (expect some special device)
1. If there is a problem with the communication cable, please
replace the communication cable;
1. The RS485 communication cable is open,
2. Set the address, baud rate and data bit check digit of the
shorted, or connected reversely;
meter is same as host by pressing the button, and the button
2. The address, baud rate, and data bit check digit
setting operation will "parameter setting";
RS485 of the instrument does not match the host;
3. If the communication distance is more than 100 meters,
Communication 3. No matching resistor is added to the end of the
and the meter and the host have the same communication
Abnormal RS485 communication cable (usually when the
parameter settings, the communication still cannot be reached,
distance exceeds 100 meters);
please reduce the communication baud rate or add 120Ω
4. The communication protocol commands of the
resistance at the beginning and end of the communication
instrument and the host do not match;
cable (the size of resistance can adjust according to the local
Parameter on
1、Please refers to the instruction to set the ratio rate;
display is abnormal CT current ratio is not setting
2、If connection is incorrect, please refers to the instruction to
(voltage, current, Incorrect wiring
the A,B,C phase into correct Pin.
power, etc.)
1. Multiply the reading data by voltage transformation ratio
1. The data read by communication is secondary and current transformation ratio;
read abnormal
side data without transformer ratio; 2. Analyze the data frame according to the format specified in
2. Data frame parsing error; the communication protocol, pay attention to the data size
current, power, etc.)
end mode;

Copy Right© Shenzhen SOFARSOLAR


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