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Apellai form) instead of ekklesia in reference to the

Spartan political body of the people (damos)
in Archaic and early Classical times (Welwei
1997: 179). Recent discussions attach the term
Apellai (only in the plural form) refers to the apellai only to a special yearly voting assembly
religious Apellai festival of Apollo (“Apellon” of the damos as opposed to the regular ekklesia,
in the Dorian dialect) held every year in the which was held monthly (Luther 2006: 86).
month of Apellaios in DELPHI (Burkert 1975: Chaired by the kings and gerontes, and since
9–11) and probably in Lakonia (Luther 2006: 550–500 by the eponymous ephor, the Spartan
81), or to the Spartan political assembly of the people’s assembly usually voted by acclamation
people as exposed in the Great Rhetra of ca. 700 (for an exception, see, e.g., Thuc. 1.87) on
BCE, the constitutional document ascribed to proposals put before them by the GEROUSIA:
the mythical lawgiver Lycurgus (see LYCURGUS, elections, statutes, treaties, and war or peace
SPARTAN LEGISLATOR). Considering the sacrifices, resolutions. On the other hand, the apellai did
it may be assumed that the Apellai in Delphi not have the right to make proposals and could
were held to introduce young men to the body be dissolved by the chair.
of citizens (CID I 9). The worship of the
Pythian Apollo connects the religious festival SEE ALSO: Apollo; Ephors; Rhetra; Sparta.
to the meetings of the Spartan citizen
assembly, as does the meaning of apellazein
(“to hold/conduct apellai”), which is explained
by the Alexandrian scholar Hesychios (Hesych. Burkert, W. (1975) “Apellai und Apollon.”
s.v. apellai, fifth/sixth century CE) with regard Rheinisches Museum 118: 1–21.
to gathering places (sekoi), assemblies of the De Ste. Croix, G. E. M. (1972) The origins of the
people (ekklesiai), and voting assemblies Peloponnesian War. London.
(ephairesiai). In his explanation of the Great Kelly, D. H. (1981) “Policy-making in the
Rhetra Plutarch also points to the identity of Spartan assembly.” Antichthon 15: 47–61.
Luther, A. (2006) “Der Name der
the terms apellazein and ekklesiazein (Plut.
Volksversammlung in Sparta.” In A. Luther,
Lyc. 6). Although apellai as a term is never M. Meier, and L. Thommen, eds., Das frühe
used to describe the Spartan people’s assembly Sparta: 73–88. Stuttgart.
by ancient (mainly non-Lakonian) sources Welwei, K.-W. (1997) “Apella oder Ekklesia? Zur
(only ekklesia is used, e.g., Thuc. 5.77.1; see Bezeichnung der spartanischen
De Ste. Croix 1972: 346–7; Luther 2006: Volksversammlung.” Rheinisches Museum 140:
74–9), modern authors use apella (singular 243–9.

The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, First Edition. Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, Kai Brodersen, Craige B. Champion, Andrew Erskine,
and Sabine R. Huebner, print pages 516–517.
© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2013 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah04032

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