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Defending Philippine Sovereign Rights in the West Philippine Sea ‘The July 12, 2016 Arbitral Tribunal adjudication of the Philippines’ case in The Hague decisively ruled against China’s claim of the West Philippine Sea. Meaning, China’s nine-dash line contention, Chinese maritime entitlements, China’s land grabbing and other activities in the Philippine waters were all illegal and unlawful. Time immemorial China has been showing immeasurable desecration of our country’s sovereign rights at the West Philippine Sea. The best action, | could recommend today other than ot going to war, is to finally start severing Philippine ties with China. This will expressly indicate to Communist China that, being a member of the United Nations, Philippines as a democratic and sovereign country is averse to foreign interventions; and we detest encroachment of our national territory. The world knows that China has no basis to start with in its assertions. China has no profound evidence and records to validate it rightfully own Spratley Island including the Scarborough Shoal. Yet, China expanded Hainan; reinvented false claims and continued to spread fake recounts about the issue- a desperate, deceptive ploy to own that territory, ‘As part of the measures suggested, the Philippine government should commence an action by curtailing commerce and trade; suspending air and sea travel including initial deportation of all illegal and scrupulous Chinese citizens residing in the country. We can expect retaliations. However, repatriating Filipinos out of Communist China following proper international law and procedures is a much better remedy than going to war or ceding Philippines territorial rights in the guise of a financial blackmail. Not to mention the expanse of Philippine natural resources and Philippine domain robbed before the eyes of the world. This is actually an affirmative move comparable to a US action in revoking 1,000 visas for Chinese nationals with ties to China military. They intent to come to the US posing additional risks to US national security, espionage, by way stealing of sensitive work and research materials, according to Chad Wolf, acting head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. We must act and we must act now to further defend our territorial seas and waters. Although the Philippines won its battle of the West Philippine Sea at The Hague, China considered it null and void, Technically, we have the backing of our allies from Canada, India, France, the United Kingdom and United States who continued to traverse the West Philippine Sea. Thus, acknowledging the fact that China’s contention is unmeritorious. However, Chinese activities continuously poised to monopolize and control the economic trade zone by increasing military activities at the Mischief Reef. This is a further threat to the region's security including that of Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Japan. Why did China acted aggressively in occupying an area it had no legal basis to begin with? We must detest China's aggression. We cannot pass up the help of our neighboring countries in asking cognizance of The Hague decision and China's threat as we are all equally affected by its aggression. We can’t go to war (obviously). Our neighbors might play a role to assist, Us in due time- a time when containing a menace of this magnitude is necessary and proper.

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