The Impact of Ogbomoso Migrants On The Socio Political Development of Ogbomoso From 1969-2010

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COMMUNITY 1969-2010.


Title page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgment iv

Table of content v



1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Study 2

1.3 Scope of the Study 2

1.4 Significance 3

1.5 Research Methodology and Limitation 3

1.6 Literature Review 4

1.7 Notes and References 6



2.1 Geographical location of Ogbomoso 7

2.2 Historical Background of Ogbomoso 7

2.3 Religion Belief 8

2.4 Economy 9

2.5 Social Organization 10

2.6 Political Organization 12

2.7 Notes and References 14



3.1 factors responsible for the migration of Ogbomoso Indigene 16

3.2 Religion Factor 17

3.3 Economic Factor 18

3.4 Social Factor 19

3.5 Political Factor 20

3.6 Notes and References 22




4.1 Religion Impact 23

4.2 Economic Impact 23

4.3 Social Impact 26

4.4 Political Impact 28

Conclusion 30

Notes and References 32

Bibliography 33



According to oxford Advance Learners, Dictionary, Migration is the

movement of large numbers of people from one place to another1. Which

characterized human existence from the time immemorial for food;

shelter and security? However, There are two main perspectives of the

theories of migration economic and non economic determinants of

migration. Firstly, migration is usually from low income areas with few

job opportunities with the objectives of improving the status and

economic wellbeing of the migrants. Secondly, the non-economic factors

affect the decision to migrate such as means of co-villagers at

destination, ethnic compatibility and residual environmental factors at

both origin and destination2.

This study therefore, attempt to study the different migration patterns

between 1969 when the migration became well noticed in Ogbomoso

and year 2010 when their impact became highly appreciated.


Firstly, the purpose of this essay is to examine the factors that led to

the movement of some indigenes of Ogbomoso to other places in Nigeria

and beyond and why some have decided to be permanently residence at

their new places.

Secondly, to examined their socio-political and Economic set up

through their organization and to examine how they impacted on socio-

political, and economic structure of Ogbomoso community between

1969 and 2010.


This research work examined the impact of Ogbomoso emigrants on

socio-political structure of Ogbomoso community during 1969 when

migration became rampant in the midst of people of Ogbomoso till 2010.

Also, greater emphasis will be laid on the factors responsible for the

migration of Ogbomoso indigenes to other parts of Nigeria.

The impact of the various migration in Ogbomoso community is yet

to be written, and this is what this essay is set to accomplish.

This essay will enlighten people on the development that Ogbomoso

emigrants brought to Ogbomoso community and this may prompt other

researchers to carry out research on similar topic

However, this research work will also xray their negative effect on the

town because migration depopulated Ogbomoso which had adversely

affected quick development of the town (Ogbomoso).


To pursue the objective of this study, I made an extensive use of oral

source, this became imperative because there has been little documented

on historical data about Ogbomoso emigrants.

Thus the use of interview as a means of collecting data on this study

is indispensable, to supplement the information I gathered from the

library , I proceeded to the filed where I conducted extensive interview

with prominent individuals, Chiefs, local historians and others who by

virtue of their age and collections have relevant information about

Ogbomoso emigrants such as Johon Brown, Alata and Evergreen etc.

who transformed socio-political structure of the town (Ogbomoso)

Other sources includes, Journal, Magazine, paper presented at Soun

Palace and lecture of Ogbomoso Associations such as Ogbomoso Dun,

Abode Dun, Abodire, Irewolede, llelabo Isinmi, Ogbomoso Parapo etc.


It is important to understand the fact that various works have been

produced on internal migration in Nigeria. One of such works is Makinwa

which captures the major finding of scholars on internal migration in

Nigeria. She explained that migrations are of two type: The economic and

the non-economic. She also explained further that migration could also be

taken for social, religion,or political reasons. However, the author fails to

discuss about Ogbomoso emigrants which this work will focus on.

Further more, Reuben shed light on the meaning of migration as a

permanent or semi permanent change of resident which he considered to be

ration. He also mention factors responsible for migration such as war,

drought and natural disaster3.

Also, Oyewumi, N.D in his book and paper presented by King

Oladunni Jimoh Oyewumi remained a very valuable and reliable source

of Ogbomoso history4. These books shed light on social, political aspect of

Ogbomoso people, and also traced their origin as well as the economic life

of the earliest people of Ogbomoso town5.

Also, daily Times (1969) “Ghanaians fought over property of Alies”

This author shed light on how Ghanaians besieged and fought each other

over the looted property of aliens particularly Ogbomoso emigrants in

Ghana as a result of quit order promulgated in 1969 stipulated that aliens

who held no valid resident permit should quit the country within twelve

days6. However, this makes Ogbomoso depotees who have been migrate to

other parts of Nigeria and beyond to impacted positively on their home town

through regular visit and sending money home for building of manufacturing


1. “Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary”. 6th edition 2008, P.743.

2. Makinwa, P.A “Internal Migration in Nigeria” . Ibadan:

Heinemann, 1981, p.6.

3. Udo, R.K “Internal Migration” HMB: Nigeria Limited, 1979, pp.1-


4. Oyerinde, N.D “Iwe Itan Ogbomoso” Peak Precise General

Enterprise, 1934, pp 1-184.

5. Oladunni, Oyewumi Jimoh. “History of Ogbomoso” Soun Palace,

1986, pp. 1-20.

6. Tribune, 11th December, 1969, “Ghanaians Fought over property of

Aliens” Olaniyi Rasheed. P.1.

7. Johnson, S. “History of the Yoruba” Lagos CSS Book shop: 1921.

pp. 1-20



Ogbomoso is the second largest city in Oyo State after Ibadan. It’s lies

on the plateau of Yoruba land (elevation)1,200 feet (366mt) in an area of

savanna and farm land at the intersection of roads from Oyo, Ilorin, Osogbo,

and Ikoyi, Founded in the mid 17th century. It remained a minor outpost of

the Yoruba Oyo empire until the beginning of the Muslim Fulani conquests

of Oyo in the erarly 19th century. By surviving the Fulani onslaught, the

walled town attracted many Oyo refuges and became one of the largest

Yoruba settelments1.

It is one of the nation’s largest urban centres; Ogbomoso is inhabited

mainly by Yorubas, Hausas, Ghanaians and Fulanis. However, Ogbomoso is

in Oyo State and have Five Local Government Areas which includes:

Ogbomoso North precisely at Kinnira, South at Aromole, Ori-ire at Ikoyi lle,

Surulere at Iresa, Ogo Oluwa Local Government at Ajawa2.


The settlement of Ogbomoso reflects fairly well, the pattern of

movement of people in various parts of what became Nigeria especially

The portion of it (Ogbomoso) to the west of River records the early

movement of the Yoruba and their neighbours. The people of Borgu and

Nupe from the early part of the last millenniums to about the middle of the

17th century showed that Ogbomoso was being settled by various Migrants


The traditional head of Ogbomoso is so called Soun. Soun migrated to

the site where Ogbomoso is located today over three years ago, at that time

area was dense forest. According to Oral tradition, Soun was a great hunter

of Bariba Origin who migrated South-ward about 16594. However, Soun was

a great hunter who enjoyed hunting expedition, in one of his hunting

expedition he pitched his camp under an Ajagbon tree and the site of this

tree became the centre of Ogbomoso town where the king’s palace is located



Traditional religion was the earliest religion of Ogbomoso people which

was practiced before the introduction of Isl`am and Christianity.

The traditional worshipper have many divinities such as, Orisa Popo or

Obatala as the ark divinity of the Ogbomoso people. It was believed that it is

his prerogative in the creation of man and his often described as the
Deputy to God. The worshippers sacrifice this divinity with bloodless snail

and shear butter, the water in his shrine must be changed everyday because

Orisa Popo demands cleanliness5.

Ogun is another divinity been worshipped in ogbomoso, Ogun is

known as God of Iron, of war and chase. The people belief, that Ogun is

very ferocious and this regard, he is an instrument of God’s wrath and

judgment. However, Ogbomoso people worship Ogun fir his benevolence,

and hunters believed that He protects them during dangerous hunting

expedition. His Shrine is usually found in front of house and Dogs are the

special food of Ogun with palm wine6.

Another divinity been worshipped in Ogbomoso is Sango which is

the gods of thunder and lightening ,and Ifa is the divinity of Oracle and

many others. However, Ogbomoso people believed in the worship of this

divinity before the introduction of Islam and Christianity although the

worship of this divinity still continues till today but not rampant like in the



The economic activities of the Ogbomoso people are Hunting,

Agriculture and Local Industry. They cultivate stable crops like yam,
Cassava, Corn and Sorghum. They are grown for local consumption and

exported. They have special market day where they bring their agricultural

products for sales. These market include Arada, Ayeroju, Oja waso, Oja

jingo etc. However, teak is also export and tobacco is cultivated for the

cigarettes factory at Ibadan 58-miles (93km) South East. Locally grown

cotton is used for waeving Aso Oke (Traditional Yoruba cloth), Ogbomoso

weavers also make Sanya and Kempe a cloth woven from silk brought from

Ilorin (32 miles North-East). The indigo dyeing of the cloth is performed

exclusively by women. The town is known for its early wood artifacts and

for its unique Koso drum. Ogbomoso serves as a staging point and, it has a

government livestock station. The town also has a shoe and rubber factory,

local trade is primarily in staple crops. Palm oil, kola nut, beans, fruyit and



Ogbomoso town comprises of several family compound,

compartments, which are usually related by blood. The compounds are

mostly outdated and usually called (Ago-ile). However, with magnitude

improvements in the people’s fortune either within or through migration

many people have built their personal house(s) while other renovates
the family compounds. As a result of this Ogbomoso town has enjoyed some

degree of expansion as structure continue to spring up in all corners of the


It important to note that each society has her peculiar customs and

institutions. The Yoruba facial marks existed in the social life of Ogbomoso

people. These facial mark include, Pele, Keke, meje-Meje and several

others. As regards to dressing Ogbomoso women simply dress in Iro and

Buba which might be in Aso Oke. Apart from this they also plaited Yoruba

hair do or hair style like Ajanloso, Patewo, Suku Kojusoke etc. The same is

the case with men who put on Yoruba cloths like Buba and Sokoto, Soro and

Esiki10 etc.

Furthermore, there are various Yoruba system of music such as Apala,

Bempe, Sekere and several others. These Musical systems are always used

during different social functions like naming ceremony, marriage,

chieftaincy and religion festival. However,, there masquerade festival, Orisa

Popo festival, Ole bale festival and several others. During these festivals

most of the Ogbomoso indigene at home and abroad come together to

celebrate among themselves11.


In the political sphere, there is the traditional political systems, which

are the norms in which the people are governed. There is also the party

politics which found its way into towns during the first Republic.

Traditional government of Ogbomoso is headed by the Soun linage

and his chieftaincy system comprising four main categories:

Seven senior chiefs (Are-Ago, Jagun, bara, Ikolaba, Abese Balogun and

Iyalode) . The Alaburo (OLugbon, Aresaadu, Alapa, Onpetu)etc.

The bale-They are chieftains such as the Baale of Ijeru, Isapa, Oke-Elerin,

Ibapon, Masifa, Pakiotan etc. Palace chiefs: Aromole, Alapo and Ogaala.

These chiefs are subordinate to the king and perform a distinctive role

according to the title he or she holds12.

On the party politics, the present to Ladoke Akintola in the leadership

of the Action Group attracted many Ogbomoso people join the party during

the first republic. But the confused state of politic in western region in the

1960s, had its effect on party activities within Ogbomoso community. i.e the

rivalry between chief Awolowo and Loadoke Akintola who was the deputy

leader of Action Group made Akintola to formed a new party known as

united peoples party (UPP) which made most of the Ogbomoso indigene to

change and joined his party. However, by 1964 the new formed party (UPP)
joined the NPP (Nigeria people party in the National Alliance (NNA) TO

FORMED National party of Nigeria (NPN) which was the most popular

party in Ogbomnoso during the second Republic.

It is important to note that recently Ogbomoso people belong to

different political parties like Acord party, (AP) Action Congress of Nigeria

(ACN) People Democratic Party (PDP) which is the leading party in


1. Jelili, M. Oand Adedidu A.A “Land Use Classification and

Information Sector Question in Ogbomoso” @ /02-Journals/ Published by Ladoke Akintola

University of Technology Ogbomoso: Accessed on Internet

@http:/ / /02-Journals/j @ 3:30pm 28 July,


2. Abolade, O. “The pattern, Direction and Factors Responsible for

Urban Growth in Developing African city, A case Study of

Ogbomnoso. “www.krepublishers. Com/02 -journals / published by

Department of Urban and Regional planning Ladoke Akintola

University of Technology Ogbomoso: Accessed on Internet

@httpwwwkrepublishers. com/092-journals/j @ 3:30pm 28th July,

3. Ibid.

4. Oladunni, O.J. “History of Ogbomoso”. Soun Palace , 1986. pp 1-15.

5. Omosade, J.A. and Adelumo, P.O. “West Africa Traditional

Religion”. Macmillian. Nigeria, 2005, ed, pp 79-80

6. ibid, pp.82-83

7. Ibid.pp.85-86
8. Olatunde, B. Lawuyi. “The Political Economy of Video marketing in

Ogbomoso” Nigeria: Afro modern printer. P.476.

9. Tijani Oyebamiji, Interview . 8/07 2010 at Ogbomoso

10.Badmus Muftau, Interview. 5/06/2010 at Ogbomoso.

11.Shittu Afdeolu, Interview . 10/07/2010 at Ogbomoso

12. Babatunde Ojo, Interview. 9/07/2010

13.Ethnic Relations: A Case Study of Hausa Community in Ogbomoso”

in Dr. Abdulwahab Tijani (Phd) edit. Accessed on internet @ http/ / /index.php@ 1.3pm, 25th





The are various views on the factors that prompted migration .The

economist believed that economic determinants are the basic reasons for

migration, while others feel that a host of intervening factors are also

responsible in the decision to migrate. According to my research work,

Ogbomoso people migrate mainly for social, political economic and

religions reasons1.

However, experts who study Migration trends see migration flows as

a combination of push and pull factors: Push factor are the reasons why

people Migrate from their area to other places. Such as, lack of service, lack

of safety, poverty. While pull factors includes higher employment, better

services etc2.

It is important to note that the Migration of Ogbomoso people to other

part of the country and beyond started in 1880s immediately after the

cessation of hostilities in Yoruba land and imposition of British colonial rule

on Nigeria particularly Ogbomoso people. However migration become well

noticed in Ogbomoso after the deportation in 1969 (Ghan uit order) when

most of Ogbomoso emigrants were deprived of their properties but in order

to ensure the continuity of socio-political status and standard of living some

of them relocated to other parts of Nigeria such as Kano, Kaduna, Jos, Zaria,

Lagos, Ilorin3 etc.


The freedom to exercise ones religious belief is the most overwhelming

Reasons for the migration of Ogbomoso people. The introduction of

Christianity in Ogbomoso started by the missionaries who came to the town

in 1854 with their Bibles and hymn books. Thus wherever they reached in

the course of their commercial activities, they build churches consequent

upon this Ogbomoso people followed the Christian missionaries and made

their plavces of Sojuor their homes, and visited their native town at


However there is no specific period when Islam started in Ogbomoso

but many Muslim in Ogbomoso migrate to many places for religious

purpose in order to acquire knowledge and preach word of God.

A good example of Ogbomoso emigrants was Hamzat Alawiye and his

friend Yusuf Pakoyi who Migrated to Ilorin in,morder to learn Arabic

language under Alfa Zakariyau in Omoda Area in Ilorin while some

migrated to other places such as Jos, Zaria, offa. Etc5.


Ogbomoso people also move out for trade and commercial purposes.

They migrated to Ilorin to sell their Agricultural commodities and they buy

clothing materials and other imported goods were procured in Lagos and

taken to northern Nigeria6.

Recently, professions like accountants, Lecturers, Scientists, and

workers in skilled trades’ e.g (Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, and

Mechanics) who are unable to find suitable work or often poorly paid they

except that emigration from Ogbomoso to other places in Nigeria and

beyond will somehow provide them with opportunities lacking in the former

resident. One factor sometime overlooked is the determination of some

migrants to become established in their new places and send remittances to

poorer family living at home Ogbomoso. However, in many places where

Ogbomoso migrate to, they have the name of family compound in

Ogbomoso being replicated 7.


Ogbomoso migrate for social reason in other to interact with different

people and enjoy them. According Ademola Ajayi, Ogbomoso people

migrate to relish their empowerment that portrayed in search for modernity,

concept of “Big Mannism” notion of icons, family bread winners, patrons of

local development and role models.

Infact they do take migration as pleasure. However, in recent time,

Migration propensity is common among youths of school age, these youth

were seeking higher education. It should be note that tertiary institution of

learning are not many in Ogbomoso this constitute the major reasons why

Ogbomoso indigenes have to leave their home town to other institution of

learning e.g University of Ilorin, University of Ibadan, University of Ife and

even abroad for further studies8.

Furthermore, migration of ogbomoso people is also prompted by

other social necessities like marriage. Holidays and Occasional visitation .

However, Ogbomoso people migrate in other to enjoy social amenities like

water, roads, electricity etc. and also the propensity of the youths moving to

urban areas in order to enjoy recreation facilities like Stadium, Swimming

pools, Amusement parks and Tourism. Etc. Those involve in these kind of

migration are temporary migrants who on the completion of their

assignment returned to their home town9.

It is important to acknowledgement the fact that there is popular belief

among Yorubas that anywhere you migrate to without seeing Ogbomoso

people one should leave the place immediately. These shows that Ogbomoso

are so most people who have endurance and Cherished migration among the



Political migration involve moving away to escape political

persecution and also political conditions may be too oppressive to be endure

and as a result of this Ogbomoso people migrate to other parts of Nigeria.

The only notable person in Ogbomoso during the coup’ detat in 1967 was

late Ladoke Akintola11.

Political migration is any migration motivate primarily by political

interest. Typically political migration is in one of two classes private or

government, depending on who encourages the migration. However,

political migrations differ from other migrations by attempting to change

aspects of a political system. These change are accomplished by modify the

demographics of specific region. The focus on demographics of

necessities an emphasis on migration towards low population regions or

artificially treating high population regions12.

Private political migration, private political migration includes efforts

by individual or organization to migrate to a specified location.

Although the details goals of these migration vary widely, the trend is

migration towards greater political liberty and flight from state persecution,

most often in the face of crack downs or after failed uprising e.g a case of

Elemosho and Soun Ogunlola, when Elemosho was defeated by Soun

Ogunlola the follower and people who believe in the mighty power of

Elemosho could not stay in Ogbomoso after the defeat. And also a case of

late S.L Akintola Against Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1960s the follower

of Akintola could not stay in Ogbomoso after the killing of Akintola they

have to migrate to another places for security13.


1. Makinwa, P.A. “Internal Migration in Nigeria” Ibadan: Heinemann,

1981, P.1
2. Political Factors Responsible for Migration. Accessed on Internet @
http:/ / /ssss/ QR/QR9-2/data. @ 2.00pm 20th Nov.,
3. Nigeria Tribune, 11th December, 1996, “Ghanains fought Over
property of Alies, “Olaniyi rasheed, p.1.
4. Ibid. p.2.
5. ‘Abdulfatai, A.b. Iwe Itan Islam Ogbomoso Muslim Brothers
Publication of Nigeria, 2001, pp. 9-10
6. Azeez Wulemont, Interview. 10/07/2010 at Ogbomoso.
7. Nigeria Tribune. 8th February, 2010 “Ogbomnoso in Jos, Time for
Home Coming” Adewuyi Adegbite, p.3 .
8. Ademola Ajayi, interview. 20/8/2010 at Ogbomoso

9. Sociological Study of Factors responsible for Migration Accessed on

Internet @ http / / / ijab/ past-

Issues / ijabvo1@ 1.00pm 20th Nov, 2010.

10.Shitu Adeolu, interview. 10/7/2010 at Ogbomoso

11.Adebayo Segun, Interview, 7/7/2010 at Ogbomoso

12.Odeyale Abosede, Inteview. 6/6/2010 at Ilorin.

13.Olufowobi Mumin. Interview. 21/2/1/2010 at Ogbomoso



(OGBOMOSO) 1969-2010


On the religion sphere, Ogbomoso emigrants under the canopy of

different Muslim association contribute to the establishment of many

Mosque in Ogbomoso. The Nurudeen society contributed to the construction

of Nurudeen High School at Stadium Area in Ogbomoso, Muslim

comprehensive High School was also established and several others.

However, Ogbomoso emigrants also send money to the less privilege people

in the society and they also contribute to the building of mosque through

personal donation when they visit home.

Furthermore, Ogbomoso emigrants make generous donation towards the

building of churches and some of them bought musical instruments in

churches at home (Ogbomoso)1.


Ogbomoso emigrants have economic link with Ogbomoso through

active investment in property holdings and sending of remittance which

serves as a source of fund for development project at home (Ogbomnoso).

However, the information of various associations while in Diaspora such as

Ogbomoso “Parapo” assisted in financial support towards development

project. The Ogbomoso emigrants invested in hotels and tourism which

provide employment opportunities for many people at home e.g Pa. D.O

Olagbemiro hotel and he also constructed hostel for student along General in

Ogbomoso area, J.O Soun Oyewumi also built Terminus Hotel beside Town

hall Oja-igbo area at Ogbomoso, Evergreen Hotel at Star light by Chief

Aboderin. There are also mechanized farm along Ogbomoso-Ikoyi road

owned by S.A Onigbinde and son. All these popular and wealthy figure in


Furthermore, the Ogbomoso depotees from Ghana, Jos Kaduna also

transform rural economic of Ogbomoso because they revived traditional art

and crafts such a embroidery, weaving, tailoring and drumming. However,

the arrival of goldsmiths in Ogbomoso led to the development of aluminum

industries in Ogbomoso which is recently at General area. They also

transformed the economic fortunes of the town, for instance, Chief David

Adebayo Amao Alata was a pioneer of manufacturing industries in

Ogbomoso whose conglomerate employed

over 10,000 workers and agents between 1969 till 2010. He established

several factories comparison of the following: Alata Sawmill and Funiture,

Alata Super market Pharmacy, Alata Soap Industry, and Alata Toilet Roll

Industry etc3.

However, there are many manufacturing industries built by Are Ago,

John Brown and Idowu Alapo Evergreen.

Also, the Ogbomoso emigrants also set up self help groups and

cooperative union to pool capital for their business and sought government

aid. These cooperative unions includes “Ogbomoso Dun” “Irepodun”,


Furthermore, the establishment of Ogbomnoso community Bank was the

joint contribution of Ogbomoso emigrants and Ogbomoso indigene at home.

The establishment of cooperative union serves as modernization of the

traditional commercial industrial growth and development of Ogbomoso

community, because in 1973 when Ogbomoso Irepodun was established, it

help the member to secure loans from commercial banks and the union

spurred business activities and accelerated development in Ogbomoso

community. Infact the establishment of the cooperative unions by the

Ogbomoso emigrants led to the establishment of commercial banks in

Ogbomoso which pioneer the establishment of several banks such as

Ogbomoso Community Bank, Union bank, Cooperative Bank etc5.


It is important to acknowledge the fact that the contribution of

Ogbomoso Emigrants to Socio-structure of Ogbomoso community are

worthy of emphasis because there is evidence of social link between

Ogbmoso emigrants and Ogbomoso indigene at home. There could not have

been any social contribution from Ogbomoso emigrants if not through the

formation of Ogbomso “Parapo” while in Diaspora. The formation of

Ogbomnoso “Parapo” means the social-cultural union of all Ogbomoso

descendant that normally come together and discuss the problems of their

hometown (Ogbomnoso) with a view of finding solution to them. This

association support religious need, communal, and educational services. For

example many Muslim Societies was set up by Ogbomoso migrants in

Ogbomoso town and they also has branches in Jos, Kano, Zaria Lagos and

others towns inNigeria6.

The Ogbomoso emigrants impacted on social structure of Ogbomoso

community through communication with the people at home which could be

either through phone call or internet Apart from this, high proportion of the

emigrants who never forget their hometown and their families while in
Diaspora through regular visit for ceremonies such as, family meeting, and

important festivals like Eid-el fitr, Eid-el kabir, Christmas, Easter ,

Ogbomoso “Parapo” day and other traditional festivals. The intensity of

home visit clearly indicates the level of efficiency of the means of contact by

which they discuss the progress of their town (Ogbomoso)7+.

However, the impact of Ogbomoso Emigrants towards social structure

of Ogbomnoso is clearly evident at home because the local development

Unions and association have been a good means of development of

Ogbomoso. Additionally, their remittance are channeled towards rebuilding

of their Family compounds, construction of their own houses, building of

Churches, Mosque, basic Health Center, like “Ireti Oluwa” Hospital, and

Florence clinic etc. Also the contribution through donation of capital by the

Ogbomoso “Parapo” in Diaspora and also the assistance of Chief S.L

Akintola while he was studying in London for the construction of town hall

and “Soun Palace” is indispensable8.

Ogbomoso emigrants also shown interest in the educational

development of Ogbomoso because many primary schools have been

renovates and they also build new Schools in the town through the assistance

of Ogbomoso “Parapo” These School includes: Ori-Oke Primary School

and some post primary schools Girls High School, Ogbomoso grammar
Schooland Ori-Oke community high school etc. These School are

constructed through communal efforts, Ogbomoso emigrants also

contributes to these social developments9.

Importantly, Ogbomoso “Parapo” hold their annual meeting which is

normally rotated among different places where Ogbomoso migrate to,

where they come together and decided how much they would donate for

developmental levies to Ogbomoso10.


There are people who really love Ogbomoso fanatically, fully time not

part time. Some of them are late Chief S.L Akintola, Mogaji Adisa, Adeleye,

Iyiola Olabisi, Aynatayo Atanda and several others. The dominance

politician in Ogbomoso at the beginning of the political awareness was late

Chief, S.L Akintola who was the leader of the Action Group (AG) as the

new premier of Western region of Nigeria but the crisis between Chief

Obafemi Awolowo and Chief Akintola made the people of Ogbomoso to

give political support to the northners11.

Recently , there are several people of Ogbomoso emigrants who

contributed to the political structure of Ogbomnoso e.g Yomi Akintola,

Mulikat Akande who was ELECTED AS House of Representative and

Christopher Alao Akala (Governor of Oyo State). However, through their

influences many development were embarked upon in Ogbomoso for

instance General hospital was built by late S.L Akintola and Lodoke

Akintola University of Technology was also through influence of late. S. L

Akintola. However, Christopher, Alao Akala provide infrastructural

facilities such as: road, water, electricity and Ogbomoso Teaching Hospital

is under construction, he also renovated Ogbomoso high Court12.

However, Ogbomoso emigrants and Ogbomoso indigene have been

engage in politics since 1969 till 2010, i.e they belong to different political

party such as: Nigeria National Democratic Party (NNDP) National Party of

Nigeria (NPN) Action Congress (AC) Accord party (AP) and people

Democratic party (PDP) which is the leading and popular party in

Ogbomnoso. In addition, Ogbomoso emigrants contribute to the

development of Ogbomoso community because they did not only

revolutionalised the poitical structure of Ogbomoso but also aided the socio

development of the town which Ogbomoso community enjoy since 1969 till


This research work has successfully examined the impact of Ogbomoso

emigrants on socio-political structure of Ogbomoso Community since 1969

till 2010. However various reasons have been explained as basic reasons for

the migration of Ogbomoso indigene from their home town to other parts of

Nigeria and beyond which includes, social economic, political and religious


However, the migration of Ogbomoso people started in 1880s but

1969 was the period when the Migration of Ogbomoso people became

evident at home and 2010 is the when the impact of the emigrants became

very notice at home (Ogbomoso). Importantly, Ogbomnoso emigrants

contribute immensely to the development of Ogbomnoso community

through Ogbomoso “Parapo” association by financial assistance towards

development project in Ogbomoso community and they also facilitated the

provision of infrastructure facilities in town e.g Road, water, Electricity. In

addition they contribute to the progress of Ogbomnoso town by established

many factories which provide employment opportunities to Ogbomoso

indigene at home. Infact the contribution of Ogbomnoso emigrants to the

socio-political economic and religion structure of Ogbomoso cannot be

overemphasized .

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Adebayo Segun M 32 Business man Apake at 7/7/2010

Alata Ogbomoso

Ademola Ajayi M 62 Politician Stadium 20/8/2010


Azeez Wulemont F 80 Trader Papa Ajisihan

at Ogbomoso

Babatunde Ojo M 42 Mechanic Olomi at 9/7/2010


Badmus Muftau M 42 Radionic Eyekonrin at 5/6/2010


Bello Taibat M 50 Trader Owode at 6/7/2010


Bello Muibat F 50 Trader Isale Afon at 6/7/2010


Hamzat Olaopa M 46 Civil Servant Papa Ajao

Ogbomnoso 23 7/2010

Lukman Sherifat F 50 Trader Isale Ora 23/2/2011

Odeyale Abosede F 23 Student Agbo Oba at 6/6/2010


Olufowobi F 38 Banker Stadium at 21/2/2010

Mumeen Ogbomnoso

Salam Raheem M 65 Cleric Isale Ora 22/8/2010


Shitu Adeolu M 41 Trader Ayegun at 10/7/2010


Taofik Yakub M 60 Trader Papa 8/7/2010



Tijani Oyebami M 60 Trader Tiakie at 8/7/2010


Yinka Oladele M 75 Trader Ijeru at 25/8/2010


Yinus Faruq M 45 Trader Takie at 20/10/2010


Yusuf Kunle M 70 Retire Teacher Idioro 24/9/2010



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