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1. A teacher once said, Pleasure is not

the highest good . This is against what
A. Realism
B. Humanism
C. Epicureanism
D. Empirism
Answer : c

Epicureanism is a philosophy based

upon the teachings of Epicurus who
believed that the greatest good was
to seek modest pleasures in order to
attain a state of tranquility and
freedom from fear .

2. If a teacher puts more emphasis on core

requirement, longer school day, longer
academic year and more challenging
textbooks , then he is considered _______.
A. Perennialist B. Essentialist
C. Progressivist D.Existentialist

Answer : B

The essentialist adhere that educational

program should not permit any fivolous
subjects but rather adhere strictly to sound
academic programs which include the basics
or core subjects, longer school days and
longer academic year . Essentialist view
books as an appropriate medium for

3. If a teacher believes that the truth

exists in an objective order that is
independent of the knower , then he is
A. Idealist B. Pragmatist
C. Existentialist D. Realist

Answer : d

Realism ascertains the existence

of an object or the existence of
truth apart or independent from
the subject ( knower )

4. If a teacher arrives at knowledge by

re-thinking of latent ideals, then he is
considered as ___________.
A. Idealist B. Pragmatist
C. Existentialist D. Realist

Answer : A

Idealist advocate that the only source of

knowledge is ideas . (Whether latent or
manifest ) The object of contemplation ( re-
thinking) is idea thus, the teacher who
arrives at knowledge by thinking and re-
thinking his own ideas remains an idealist
because the knowledge emanated from
ideas as its source.

5. What will your guiding principle if you are a

reconstructionist ?
A. I teach the child every knowledge, skills and
values that he needs for a better future
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental
prowess to the fullest
C. I must teach the child that we can never have
real knowledge or anything
D. I must teach the child that he is assured of
Answer : a

A- I teach the child every knowledge

skills and values that he needs for a
better future .
Reconstructivists are futuristic by
nature . This is advanced by their battle
cry reconstruct the society .
6. The teacher manner of living should provide a
worthy example for his pupils and students to emulate,
to be proud of and to feel being enrich by it both of the
co-teachers and the community. This statement
describes a teacher’?.
a. Honesty.

b. Integrity

c. Credibility

d. Role model
Answer: B: Integrity.
Integrity: Since the teacher’s work is not confined
merely to the development of certain
fundamental skills and abilities encompassed by
the teaching of 3Rs but also includes desirable
habits and attitudes that go into the formation of
character, his manner of living should provide a
worthy example for his pupils and students to
emulate, for his fellow teachers to be prod of and
for the community to feel as being enriched by it.
7. A teacher should live simply. Which of the following
statements that a teacher is living a simple life?

a. It is essential for a teacher that lifestyle is simple

and not extravagant.

b. A teacher should have self disciple at all times

c. Only when needed that teacher should live affluent


d. It is a must for a teacher to distinguish between his

needs and wants.
Answer: D
If teachers live by the principles of self respect and self
discipline as cited in the Code of Ethics, there will be no
problem on teacher indebtedness and teachers unfavorable
reputation of not paying their debts. If a teacher lives simply,
he/she will not be that indebted. To live simply, the
professional teacher must distinguish between hisneeds
and wants.
8. Select from the statements below that a teacher
welfare towards job satisfaction and fulfillment is
given primacy.
a. Ensure that teaching will attract and retain its
rightful share of the best available talents through
adequate remuneration.
b. The school ensure the right of teachers to
professional advancement through scholarship
c. The school allotted budget to teachers through
MOOE for school and office supplies.
d. The teacher is given vacation and sick leave
Answer: A
The welfare of teachers has been given much attention in
the past years. The Philippine Constitution guarantees that a
state shall “enhance the right of teachers to professional
advancement;” “assign the highest budgetary priority to
education;” and “ensure that the teaching will attract and
retain its rightful hare of the best available talents through
adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction
and fulfillment.
9. What is the maximum number of teaching hours for
teachers not handling anxiliary services such as
canteen manager?

a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 8
Answer: C 6

The teacher must teach at least 6

subjects or 300 to 320 minutes a day.
The remaining 2 hours to complete the
8 hours working day is utilized to other
teaching related activities.
10. For a professional teacher to live with dignity all
places at all times, which should be his/her
principles of personal behavior?
I. Self-respect
II. Self-discipline
III. Charity
IV. Sincerity
a. I and II
b. I, II and III
c. II and III
d. I, II, III and IV
Answer: A

So much is demanded of the teacher as a person. He/she

is looked up to as a model and therefore must walk her talk
or ends up like noisy gong or clanging cymbals. His/her
highest obligation is to live with dignity in all places at all
times. He/ she will never regret if he/she has made self-
respect and self discipline as the governing principle in
his/her relationship with all people in all situations.
11. Which Filipino trait works against the
shift in teacher's role from teacher as a
fountain of information to teacher as

A. Authoritativeness
B. Authoritarianism
C. Hiya
D. Pakikisama
Answer: A Authoritativeness

The Role of the Teacher

Teachers' roles are key components of effective peer learning. These roles
can be very complex and include such varied roles as those of community
builder, preparing of learning activities, model of problem solving and other
intellectual skills, coordinator of activities, and evaluator of students' work.
All of these roles contribute to the promotion of effective group processes.
Different peer learning activities require different stances with respect to
students, tasks, and outcomes. Teachers must take into account both the
social context in which learning occurs and the cognitive processes that are
either supported or hindered in that context. They need to analyze their
classrooms to determine whether there may be obstacles that limit the
cognitive opportunities available to students or prevent them from making
use of those opportunities.
Teaching is a career that provides challenges,
excitement, personal reward and a chance to encourage
and support others to achieve their goals. Good teachers
know that by listening to and working with colleagues,
parents, other professionals and community members that
they can inspire students and improve their learning.
Teachers dominate and monopolize the conversational floor
in classrooms at every stage of the educational system,
taking longer and more frequent turns than student
12. An effective classroom manager uses
low-profile classroom control. Which is a
low-profile classroom technique?

A. Note to parents
B. After-school detention
C. Withdrawal of privileges
D. Raising the pitch of the voice
Answer: C Withdrawal of privileges

Low-profile classroom control refers to coping strategies used by

effective teachers to stop misbehavior without disrupting the flow of
a lesson. Classroom management is the process teachers use to
ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive
behavior from students compromising the delivery of instruction. It
includes the prevention of disruptive behavior preemptively, as well
as effectively responding to it after it happens. Such disruptions may
range from normal peer conflict to more severe disturbances of the
social class dynamics, such as bullying among students, which
make it impossible for the affected students to concentrate on their
schoolwork and result in a significant deterioration of their school
Schools can withdraw student privileges as a
consequence of breaching classroom or school
behavioral standards. The specific privileges withdrawn
will vary between schools and even students at the
same school; however, they may include things such as
representing the school at inter-school sports or
attendance at a school event.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Classroom Management

- Set the Tone. Don’t just stay at your desks before class
begins; stand near the door of your classroom and greet
kids as they enter.
- Jump Right In. Good managers start class right away.
- Establish the Rules.
- Have a Plan.
- Involve Your students.
- Respect Your students.
- Keep It Fair.
13. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world
and everything in it are ever changing and so
teaches you the skill to cope with change. What is
his governing philosophy?

A. Idealism C. Experimentalism C.

B. Existentialism D. Realism
Answer: B Existentialism

Existentialism is a philosophical view that man is

responsible for making his own nature. It lays
stress on personal freedom, personal decision and
personal commitment. It emerges to challenge and
even abandon the purely objective, quantitative and
deterministic analysis. It urges a concern for
human values, quality, subjectivity and spirituality.
Existentialism is a philosophy of human nature that
identifies people as having free will to determine the
course of their lives. It emphasizes individual
responsibility to create meaning rather than relying on
a higher power or religion to determine what is
important, valuable, or morally right.
14. Teacher F asks one student, "Rachel, can you
summarize what we have just read? Remember, the
title of this section of the chapter." This is an
example of a teacher's effort at _____.

A. scaffolding
B. inspiring
C. directing
D. giving feedback
Answer: A Scaffolding

The term scaffolding refers to a process of

teaching. In scaffolding, teachers model
and/or demonstrate how to solve a problem for
their students. They then let the students try
to solve the problem themselves by taking a
step back and only giving support when
15. What are the roles of the teacher and students in a
21st century classroom?

A. Teachers are the center of learning; students passive

B. Teachers are disciplinarians; students get yelled at
C. Teachers are facilitators; learning is student
centered and led
D. Teachers assign grades; students complete
Answer: C

The teacher role as a facilitator is integral in every

teaching act and practice inside and outside the
classroom (the case of online and blended
learning). Because learning is a complex cognitive
process, it requires an individual’s attention,
motivation, efforts, and resilience against different
They educate generations and contribute to the
prosperity of a nation. They are called educators,
instructors, coaches, and trainers, but are often
known as Teachers. Yet, in 21st-century education,
teaching is not just a matter of imparting
information and assessing students’ work. It is more
about cultivating a learning environment where
students are not only engaged but also empowered.
So, the teacher role has gone beyond teaching.

16.All of the following defines a teacher EXCEPT

a.All persons engaged in classroom teaching
b.All professional teachers duly licensed by
Professional Regulation Commission
c. All persons performing supervisory and/or
administrative functions
d.All school physicians and school nurses
Answer : D

“Teacher” is defined in various ways in the

educational laws of the country. These
definitions are contained in the following:
1. According to the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers ( R.A. No. 7836), the term “teacher” shall
include industrial arts or vocational teachers and all
other persons performing advisory and or
administrative functions in all schools at the aforesaid
levels; whether on a full time or part-time basis.

2. Based on Republic Act No. 4670, otherwise known as

Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, the term “ teacher”
shall mean all persons engaged in classroom teaching, in any
level of instruction, on full-time basis, including guidance
councilors, industrial arts or vocational instructors, and all
other persons performing supervisory/ or administrative
functions in all schools, colleges and universities operated by
the Government or its political subdivisions; but shall not
include school nurses, school physicians, school dentists, and
other school employees.

17. Which of the following is NOT a right of

public school teacher in the Philippines?
a. Deployment of married couples in the same
b. Enjoyment of three (3) months paternity leave for
married male teachers
c. Freedom to organize and join professional
d. Special hardship allowance when teaching in areas
that cannot reach by motorized vehicles
Answer : b

Married male teachers are entitled to paternity
leave of (7) days for the first four children,
regardless of whichever legal wife they have, gives
birth. They cannot accumulate nor convert to cash
any paternity leave. Like the wife, it can be
enjoyed by the husband, before, during or after the
childbirth or miscarriage of his legitimate wife.

18. This refers to the benefit by the teachers if they are in the
active service at the time of disability or has been separated
from service, but have paid 36 monthly contributions to GSIS
within the last five (5) years immediately following the
a. Permanent Total Disability
b. Permanent Partial Disability
c. Temporary Total Disability
d. Compensation of Injuries

Answer : A


be protected against the consequences of
employment injuries in accordance with existing

They are entitled to compensation for

work-related injuries or if the injury is
suffered while in the performance of
official duty.


-is a benefit enjoyed by teachers if they
are in active service at the time of
disability or has been separated from a
service but has paid 36 monthly
contributions to GSIS within the last five
(5) years immediately following the

19. In his anger, Teacher Manny uttered bad and insulting

words to Arthur, one of his learners. Arthur narrated to his
parents how he was humiliated by his teacher. The parents
complained Teacher Manny for violence, exploitation,
discrimination, ang bullying before the principal. Is the
accusation against Teacher Manny in order?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. None of the above

Answer : A

20. Public school teachers are prohibited to wage a strike for

the purpose of increasing salary and other benefits because of
the following reasons EXCEPT one:
a. The terms and the conditions of employment are fixed
by law.
b. The strike is against freedom of expression.
c. They owe allegiance to the government as citizens and
public servants.
d. The increase of salary and benefits is determined by
Answer : b

Joining or establishing labor unions or organizations are

consistent with the freedom of self-organization, right to
expression, and the right to assembly. Freedom of
expression does not pertain to industrial disputes or
employment terms and conditions. However, strikes
pertains to the terms and conditions of employment such
as pay rise.
Teachers are allowed to stage a strike only for the
purpose of freedom of expression where the reasons for
the strike are not related to the terms and conditions of

Public school teachers and other employees of the

government are prohibited to engage in a strike
➢ they owe allegiance to the government as its citizens
➢ the terms and conditions of employment are fixed
by law
➢ There is no reason to wage a strike because the
teachers should address their pay increase in
Congress and not by the School Heads as this is fixed
by law.

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