Week 1: Welcome and Getting To Know You!

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Week 1

Welcome and Getting to Know You!

● Introductions: 15 minutes
● Class Setup: 15 minutes
● Fill in the Blank: 15 minutes
● Expectations: 15 minutes
● Let’s Debate: 25 minutes
● Homework and Reminders: 5 minutes
● My name is Ruby. You can call me Ruby, or Coach Ruby
if you prefer
● My email is rubymarsh@potomacdebate.com, and my
response time for emails is 48 hours at the most
● I’ve been with Potomac for about 2 years now, and been
involved in debate for 7 years now. In high school, I
competed in both speech and debate, and loved them
● I go to school at American University, in Washington,
D.C., where I’m studying to be a teacher (and also
studying Spanish)
Who are you?
● Name?
● Grade?
● Favorite Subject in School?
● What are you hoping to learn in Class?
Class Setup
Debate Class?
What might you learn?

Public Forum Debate
Our team does a type of debate called public forum
● Rules and topics are set by a national organization called the National
Speech and Debate Association
● Students debate on a team of two, similar to doubles in tennis
● An individual debate is called a “round”
● Each side gives four distinct speeches
● Students have to be prepared to debate both sides of the assigned
● Research is important!
● Learn more about public forum here
Fill in the Blank
Getting to know you!
● I am going to show you part of a sentence
● Everyone will have 15 seconds to come up with their answer
● We’ll go around the room to share our answers
● Be prepared to defend why your answer is the best
I was born in ______
If I was famous I would be
famous for ______
The best food of all time is
If I could trade places with any celebrity
for a day I would trade places with
The best place to go on vacation is
______ because ______
How ought we conduct ourselves?
● Be good humans
➜ Support inquiry
➜ Be the debate partner you wish you had
➜ Zero tolerance for bullying
● Do your best
➜ Be prepared
➜ Be on time
● Keep me informed
➜ I cannot help you solve problems I do not do not know about
➜ My virtual door is always open - just send me an email or have your parents reach out
Please remember

You are a person first.

Student second.
And... a debater third.
What does this look like?
Get enough sleep! Move your body!
Sleep is the single most Every hour than you can, take
important thing you can at least 5 minutes to move
do for your body! your body. Exercise is great,
Eat real food! but moving your body is the
Especially on tournament most important thing!
days, make sure you’re
eating meals, not just

Take screen breaks! Stay Hydrated!

When you can, make Make sure you’re
sure that you take breaks drinking lots of water
from staring at your throughout the day.
Google Classroom
Set up:
● Most of the info you need is on the “Classwork Page”
● Here is our Google Classroom:
● If you are confused about the set up, watch this video

Come to Google Classroom for:

● Class previews
● Class materials and resources
● Homework assignments
Let’s Debate!
● We are going to have our first mini debate of the semester
● We will first brainstorm some potential arguments on both sides of a
● We will then divide up into two groups
➜ In your groups you will
● Write out your main arguments
● Elect one person to present your arguments
● When both teams have presented another student from each group will
have the opportunity to respond
➜ You will have time to prepare as a group
Resolved: a hotdog is
a sandwich
Why might this be true (pro)?
● It has bread and filling inside
● It has meat inside which is the same thing
● No matter what bread it is it’s separated in 2 which makes it a sandwich
➜ All sandwiches have 2 breads
● They’re both shareable
● Sandwich usually has some kind of sauce, like a hot dog

Why might this be false (con)?
● Not the same shape
● Bottom is connected on a hot dog bun so it’s basically one piece and sandwich needs 2 breads
● Sandwich has lots of toppings, hot dog just has meat and condiments
● More condiments on hot dog than sandwich and toppings on top
● Bread is fused together so 1 instead of 2, meat shaped differently (like cylinder)
● Sandwich would have bottom and top covered and ingredients inside, hot dog not closed
● Sandwiches can have whatever but hot dogs always have meat inside – hot dogs always salty,
can’t be different
● Hot dogs more processed meat than sandwiches
● Sandwiches can’t have hot dog meat
● Sandwiches normally healthier
● Condiments are spread differently
● In your groups you will
➜ Write out your main arguments
➜ Elect one person to present your arguments
Before Next Week:
1. Take the pulse check survey on Google
2. Watch three videos related to our actual debate
topic, “Resolved: The United States should
prioritize mitigation over adaptation to climate
a. Combating Climate Change

b. Climate Change 2022

c. How Global Warming Impacts Food Growth

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