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This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation

of the validated developed Teaching Guide based on the

Analyzed documentary film BBC: Atom (The Clash of Titans,

The Key to the Cosmos and The Illusion of Reality).

Teaching Guide Content (Exploring Atoms)

The Teaching Guide composed of Lesson Exemplars

and Worksheets. The title of the developed Teaching Guide


Figure 3 the cover page of the developed Teaching Guide


Table 1 Teaching guide content and its competencies


Documentary Lesson
Worksheets Title Competencies
Film Episodes Exemplar
1.1 Definition of Terms familiarize the vocabulary words from the documentary film-Atom:
1.1.1.A. Definition of Terms Clash of Titans

1.1.1B. Significant describe the significant contributions of the scientist

Contribution practice critical thinking skills
1.1.2 Science Words
determine the parts, number of protons, nuetrons, and electrons in a
particular atom
1.2 What is Atom?
1.2.1 What is Atom?
A. BBC Atom: Model of the 1.2.2 Concept Map identify the concept of the atom
Clash of Titans Atom
1.3 Timeline
1.3.1 Timeline trace the development of the atom
1.3.2 Models of the Atoms
1.4 Atom: Clash of Titans
1.5 Film Study Worksheets
explain the concept of atom and increase critical thinking skills
identify the facts present in the film and explain the connection of
1.5.1 Summary and that in atoms
Reflection construct a summary and reflection
2.1 Origin of the Universe
2.1.1 Origin of the Explain the origin of the universe
Universe practice critical thinking skills
2.1..2 Science Words identify the parts of Fusion, symbol, charges and mass of the atom
2.2 Key to the Cosmos and draw the modes, label its parts and describe its purpose

B. BBC Atom: Explain the nature of the proton and Nuclear Force
Creation of the
Key to the Universe 2.3 The mysterious proton
and strong nuclear force
Cosmos trace the creation of the universe

2.4 Timeline identify the facts present in the film and explain the connection of
that in atoms
2.5 Film Study Worksheets construct a summary and reflection
2.5.1 Summary and
3.1 Science Words
3.1.1Science Words practice critical thinking skills
3.1.2 Definition of Terms familiarize the vocabulary words from the documentary film-Atom:
Illusion of Reality
trace how atom
3.2 Timeline force us to rethink the nature of reality itself and increase critical
thinking skills
C. BBC Atom:
Illusion of Universes answer and explain the questions being asked and increase critical
Reality 3.3 Atom: The Quantum thinking skills
Revolution Revisited identify the facts present in the film and explain the connection of
3.4 Quarks: Look at Me that in atoms
Closer construct a summary and reflection
3.5 Film Study Worksheets
3.5.1 Summary and

The table 1 above shows the title of the analyzed

Documentary film, lesson exemplars, title of the worksheets

and its corresponding worksheets and competencies.

The first series of the Atom documentary is BBC Atom:

Clash of Titans the topic is all about the model of the

Atom. The worksheets composed of five worksheets to be

answered. The first worksheet entitled Definition of terms

it is all about defining the words, describing the

significant contribution of scientist and the crossword

puzzle that will practice the critical thinking skills of

the learners. The second worksheet entitled The Atom this

worksheet is all about the nature of the atom. Third

worksheets is to trace the development, the fourth

worksheets is to explain the concept present on the

documentary film. The last one is to identify the facts

present on the documentary and through the film study

worksheets the learner can write a summary of the movie and

a reflection.

The second series of the documentary entitled BBC: Atom

Key to the Cosmos is all about the creation of the Universe

composed of five worksheets. The first worksheet is entitled

Origin of the universe. It explain the origin of the


universe and practice critical thinking skills. Second is

Key to the Cosmos the competency is to identify the parts in

fusion, symbol and draw the model, label the parts and

describe its purpose. The third worksheets entitled the

mysterious proton and strong nuclear force it explains the

nature of the proton and the nuclear force. Fourth is

entitled Timeline to trace the creation of the universe and

the last one is the film study worksheets this worksheet is

the guide on creating a summary of the film and last writing

a reflection.

The last series is entitled Illusion of Reality. It is

all about the parallel universes. It consists of five

worksheets. The first worksheet is entitled Science Wordit

practice critical thinking skills and the learners to be

familiar with the vocabulary words present in the

documentary film. Second worksheet is the timeline to trace

three contributions of the scientist involved. Third

worksheet is all about how atom force us to rethink the

nature of reality itself and increase critical thinking

skills. Fourth worksheets is entitled Quarks: Look at Me

Closer it answer and explain the questions and practice

critical thinking skills. The last worksheets is the film


study worksheets it is the guide to construct a summary and

a reflection.

Science Documentary Series- BBC Atom

Three documentary films were chosen entitled BBC Atom:

(The Clash of Titans, The Key to the Cosmos and The Illusion

of Reality). It is a Science Documentary published by BBC

and presented by Jim Al-Khalili in 2007. The Atom is a three

part documentary produced by the BBC, featuring Professor

Jim Al-Khalili (who also stars in the more recent BBC

production ‘Chemistry: A Volatile History’). The book that

accompanies the Atom series is published by Icon Books.

In this three-part of documentary series, Professor

Jim Al-Khalili tells the story of one of the greatest

scientific discoveries ever which is the material world is

made up of atoms.

The first series was

the Atom: Clash of Titans.

The duration of the movie

last almost fifty three (53)

minutes and twenty-four (24)

Figure 4 Screenshots of the title from the seconds. It was first aired
Documentary film
last July 26, 2007 Thursday.

Professor Al-Khalili look at what does the discovery that

everything is made of atoms. As the scientist search for the

information about the atoms, into the very heart of matter.

In this series looks at how the discovery affects our world

it includes the atomic energy theories of Albert Einstein

and Werner Heisenberg and quantum Mechanics.

Atom: Key to the Cosmos the

duration of the movie last

almost fifty-three (53)

minutes and thirty-seven

seconds (37). It was first

Figure 5 Screenshots of the title from the aired last Aug 2, 2017
Documentary film
Thursday. It is all about

the basic building block of our universe which is the Atom.


Professor Jim Al-Khalili discussed about the world changing

discoveries such as Big Bang, Atomic Bomb and tries to

answer the biggest question which is – why are we here and

how were we made?

The last series was The

Illusion of Reality it is

the final part of the

documentary series first

aired last August 9, 2007

Figure 6 Screenshots of the title from the Thursday. It last fifty-
Documentary film
three (53) minutes and thirty seven (37) seconds were

Professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates how studying the atom

forced us to rethink the nature of reality itself, discovers

that there might be a parallel universe in which different

versions of us exist and find out that the empty space is

not empty at all, but continuously moving with activity.


Steps in developing the Teaching guide

In making a Teaching Guide the Researcher developed

first the Lesson Exemplars before the Worksheets.

A lesson exemplars will help the teachers to plan and

organize the lesson while the worksheet contain some
questions that will help the students to enhance their
critical thinking skills. In constructing this two, the
following were considered:

 Topic to be included
 Draft/design
 Expert’s input
 Expert’s recommendation


The worksheet is composed of three parts, which are

defined in details below:

The first part is the lesson guide (Lesson Exemplar)

Lesson Exemplar Making

In making the Lesson Exemplars the topic was first to

consider. In this case it was based on the analyzed

documentary film entitled Atom: Clash of Titans. The

strategy being used was 5Es (Engage, Explore, Explain,

Elaborate- extend and Evaluate). The exemplar is all about


the Model of the Atom discussing the structure and the

history that led up to the modern atomic model. The

developed exemplar was being used in the Extended part of

the Lesson Exemplar. (See Appendices for the Exemplar)

The second exemplar was based on the second series of

the documentary film entitled Atom: Key to the Cosmos. 5Es

were being used as the strategy. The exemplar is all about

how the universe was created. (See Appendices for the


The last exemplar was based on the last series of the

documentary film entitled Atom: Illusion of reality. Same

with the two exemplars the strategy that were being used was

the 5Es. The exemplar is all about how studying the atom

forced us to rethink the nature of reality itself. (See

Appendices for the Exemplar)

The 2nd part is the worksheets. This part of the

worksheet contains the introduction about the

topic/documentary films to be viewed. It gives the students

the ideas or the big frame of the contents also contains the

questions to be answered based on the analyzed film. A


cartoon character was being used to capture’s students’


 Answer Sheets

 Timeline (if there is)

 Summary

The first thing to do is to know the information that

will include on the worksheet.

Make an outline to be included.

You must then decide how you want to present the

questions or puzzles to the students.

You have a choice if you want to make it a word search

puzzle with a secret message at the bottom of the worksheet

to reinforce a lesson concept or if you want it to be a

multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank worksheet whereas

students need to use their textbooks in order to answer the

questions correctly.

It is depend on what competency do you want to get or

practice by the learners. Make sure that you’re Worksheets

based on the competencies of learners for an effective

teaching and learning process.


And the 3rd part contains the summary,

reflection/reaction of the students out of the chosen

documentary films. Finalize the Template

Validity of the developed teaching Guide

The researchers finalized the developed Teaching Guide

entitled EXPLORING ATOM. Despite of most teachers having

their semestral break and in-service training, the

researchers was able to ask 15 teachers in different

schools-CBSUA (1) Chemistry Professor, Laboratory High

School (2) two Teachers, Milaor National High School (5)

five Teachers, Ocampo National High School (5) five Teachers

and Hanawan High School (2) Teachers to evaluate the

developed teaching resource using the checklist. These

teachers can all be considered experts in their respective

fields some are Science Department Head, professor and the

rest are Science Teachers hence; their comments are valuable

for the finalization of this teaching resource.

The developed teaching guide was evaluated based on

three important aspects; Content, Effectiveness and Ease of


A. Content

Content is a core curriculum within the discipline.

The content of any teaching resource can be determine how

useful the material is. The evaluators agree that the

content is current, relevant and accurate and the material

is appropriate for its intended users and also agree that

the content of the material is appropriate to the needs of

the targeted users. Indeed the evaluation of the developed

Teaching Guide shows a High result have a grand mean of

3.93. This information is summarized in the table 2A below.

(2) (3) (4) (5) Mean LC

The material is appropriate for its

intended users.
1 2 9 3 3.93 High

The content is current, relevant, and

3 10 2 3.93 High

The content is appropriate to the needs

of the targeted users
3 2 6 4 3.93 High

Overall 3.93 High

Table 2A Content of the Teaching Guide

Weighted Mean Level of Content

1.00- 1.80 Very Low

1.81-2.60 Low
2.61-3.40 Average
3.41-4.20 High
4.21-5.00 Very High
B. Effectiveness

In the effectiveness the evaluator evaluates five

indicators. When they are asked they determine that the

teaching guide really determine the extent to which the

teaching guide can be adapted, satisfies different teaching

and learning styles, reflects current, accepted methodology,

and enables to deliver task-based learning that meets the

individual needs. The teaching Guide rate as a Very High In

terms of meeting the needs of the Learners it can be adapted

Teaching Resource has its potential having grand mean of

3.93. This information is summarized in the table 2B below.

(2) (3) (4) (5) Mean
The material present opportunities for task-based
4 9 2 3.87
The material present options for meeting individual
4 8 2 3.73
The material satisfy the various teaching and learning
6 8 1 3.67
The material can be adapted to meet the needs of the
4 11 4.93
targeted users
The content reflect current and accepted methodology 3 8 4 4.06
Overall 3.93

Table 2B Effectiveness of the Teaching Guide

Weighted Mean Level of Effectiveness

1.00- 1.80 Very Low
1.81-2.60 Low
2.61-3.40 Average
3.41-4.20 High
4.21-5.00 Very High
C. Ease of Use

In the Ease of Use the evaluator evaluates four

indicators. They determine that the developed teaching guide

determine the extent to which the teaching guide allows to

easily identify the competencies, presents the information

attractively and supports flexibility and self-directed

learning. The teaching guide is easy to use having a grand

mean of 3.91 describing as High. This information is

summarized in the table 2C below

(2) (3) (4) High Mean LE

The material present information

6 5 4 3.87 High
in appealing ways

The material provide flexibility in

5 5 5 4.00 High
its use

The material support self-directed

6 5 4 3.87 High

Overall 3.91 High

Table 2C: Ease of Use of a Teaching Guide


Weighted Mean Level of Ease

1.00- 1.80 Very Low
1.81-2.60 Low
2.61-3.40 Average
3.41-4.20 High
4.21-5.00 Very High

The table D shows the grand mean of the developed

learning resource. The evaluators argue that the content

highly met the needed quality of a teaching guide, the

developed Teaching Guide has a High Effective as a teaching

resource and agree that the developed teaching resource is

highly easy to use.

Having a grand mean of 3.92 the results shows that

evaluated developed Teaching Resource is high. The details

of this data is given in the table D below.

Grand Mean LV

Content 3.93 High

Effectiveness 3.92 High

3.91 High
Ease of Use

Total 3.92 High

Table 2D Summary of the Validation

Weighted Mean Level of Ease

1.00- 1.80 Very Low
1.81-2.60 Low

2.61-3.40 Average
3.41-4.20 High
4.21-5.00 Very High

The evaluation shows the potential and at the same time

ways on how to improve the developed Lesson Exemplars and


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