M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

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M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

Praise and gratitude I prayed on the creator of universe, when confronted with the
critical writings about growing consumerism make my awareness to recycle the meaning of
consumerism as a "symptom manipulation of human behavior"[1]. Before much we grapple with
consumerism itself, I try to invite you to simply refresh our thinking to menkonstruksi back what
was required by earlier thinkers about consumerism[2].

Can not be separated in our minds, how Jean Baudrilard expose consumerism with great
works of public consumption, Yasraf Amir Piliang try to hack consumerism through
interpretation Cultural Studies for the death of meaning, while it Ritzer, Douglas, and Barry
Smart are still reluctant to interpret the meaning of consumerism[3], All of it is an attempt to
construct and merge the values contained and woke up in an essay off to raise awareness that
consumerism is ready to pounce on us anytime and anywhere.

Modern society is a consumer society. People who constantly consume. However,

consumption of which do no longer merely derived from production activities[4]. Consumption
is no longer simply the fulfillment of activities and the basic needs of human functional.
Consumption has become a culture, the culture of consumption. The public system has changed,
and that there is now a consumer society, where policies and rules of society strongly influenced
by the market policy
Early awakening consumerism when people begin to admire the existence of theories of
consumption, a shift in meaning to the theoretical level, people realize that life is not just to reach
or search for economic resources but also how to manage the resources in order to survive long it
might even be forever for kesehjateraan individuals. Changes in the way of production followed
by a large-scale social turmoil that ultimately led to the fall of the traditional way of life based on
production pertanian[5]. There is a tendency of evolution in the course of consumerism as the
incarnation of more value than a commodity due to the shift of the function of the goods, for me
where consumerism is not dependent on time, but opportunities in the ownership capital and the
availability of economic resources which lead to the domination of law is not the law demand .
Massive migration to urban centers newly formed.
Classes social formerly appeared as slave laborers now transformed into diupah2. We
can follow the order of the history of the system of industrial pedigree / origin of consumption:
(1) order of production resulted in an engine / power produkstif, (2) he produces capital /
productive force that makes sense, (3) he produces labor-paying, productive forces abstract,
tersistimatisir, which is fundamentally different from traditional real job and work, (4) the last
she gave birth to the needs, system requirements, demand / productive force as a rationalized
collection, put together, watched. All were created as an element of the system, rather than as
individuals denganh relationship objects, shows that the human relationship with the objects of
man's relationship with himself falsified, deceived, dimanipulasi[6].
Almost all social philosopher who wrote about the revival of consumption as individual
phenomena that threaten social order. Weber (1904) looked at consumption as a threat to the
capitalist Protestant ethic[7]. Durkheim (1964) equate consumption with threatening anomic
society can be improved by the interrelation-functional interrelation in the labor divisions found
in the production. For economists, this is the "Utilities" desire for a certain goodness in the final
consumption. Thus the need has been met by the available goods, hobby directed by pieces of
products available on the market: this is the nature of the demand could be met. Consumption is
a system that is running a sequence of signs and union groups[8]. So it was at once a moral
consumption (an ideological value system) and systems communicate, exchange structure.
According to this hypothesis, and also a paradox about the emergence of consumption is defined
as the exclusive enjoyment[9]. As the logic of the system, the system of consumption founded on
the denial of pleasure. There's pleasure no longer appear at all as a rational goal, but as the
individual rationalization of a process aimed at another. Enjoyment will constrain consumption
for himself, autonomous, and final consumption. There's pleasure no longer appear at all as a
rational goal, but as the individual rationalization of a process aimed at another. Enjoyment will
constrain consumption for himself, autonomous, and final consumption. There's pleasure no
longer appear at all as a rational goal, but as the individual rationalization of a process aimed at
another. Enjoyment will constrain consumption for himself, autonomous, and final
Consumption, according Yasraf, can be defined as a process of objectification, ie the process of
externalizing or internalizing themselves through the objects as a medium. That is how we
understand and conceptualize self and reality around us through material objects.
Marx discusses direct consumption and detailed in the Grundrisse. The discussion largely about
building a threefold dialectical relationship between consumption and production. First,
consumption is always a production, and production is always a means of consumption in
producing the object is always a power consumption of materials and manpower; whereas in the
consumption of objects, there are certain aspects of consumer manufactured. Second, production
and consumption are interdependent. Production creates the necessary objects for consumption
and consumption creates motivation for production. Third, the production and consumption
creates another[11]. Finished production through consumption that created the need for further
production. Instead consume just created as one of the realities of material through the
production due to the need that drives consumption only becomes concrete in relation to certain
objects that have been in production. According Gervasi: "choices not made by chance, but
controlled social and cultural models in the middle portray the culture they created. People do
not produce nor consume any object: they must have some significance in view of the value
system. Economic goal is not to maximize production for the individual, but the maximization of
production related to the value system of society (Parsons) and portray the culture in a culture
models they make[12]. People do not produce nor consume any object: they must have some
significance in view of the value system. Economic goal is not to maximize production for the
individual, but the maximization of production related to the value system of society (Parsons)
and portray the culture in a culture models they make. People do not produce nor consume any
object: they must have some significance in view of the value system. Economic goal is not to
maximize production for the individual, but the maximization of production related to the value
system of society (Parsons)
Framework distinguishes between use value actually means (true use-values) with the
characteristics of the object difetisisasikan false and dialienasikan. This distinction framework
and define the approach of Marx that the consumption of something that is functionally
considered useful to be legitimized as a necessity, whereas all others associated with the
consumption of luxuries regarded as a moral decline. Income, expenditure prestige, form a
vicious circle and confusion, vicious circle of consumption, which is based on the excitement of
the needs of the so-called "Psychological", different physiological needs in what they are based
on the "earnings depend on people in power" and freedom of choice , eventually become
manipulable merci.
Horkheimer and Adorno describe disorganization cultural industries with a focus on
models of Fordist mass production. Fordism not only produce a homogeneous consumer goods,
but also standardization and commodification of cultural products manufactured. Marcuse
declared "people recognize themselves from the commodity-determined social control of new
needs caused. Marcuse diagnose problems in the consumer society is a pleasure that is not
enough. Consumer culture in contemporary capitalism is not the place for unbridled hedonism,
but a place for the pleasures of the bureaucratically controlled and rationalized. The boundary
line "false", the pleasure on TV or have Villa is a real pleasure as "actual freedom", no one
turned as alienation. The purpose of consumption is institutionalized coercion and not as a right
or as a pleasure, but as a duty (devoir) of citizens.

Simmel analysis of the role of money in modernity. The essence of the argument is that
the growth and Simmel cultural reification objective is also beneficial because it provides more
opportunities for individuals to express their freedom and individuality. Instead of using many
kinds of commodities are very much present, even we who are often exploited by commodities
Veblen expressed; upscale used excessive consumption to differentiate themselves from
the classes below them in social hierakhi, while the lower classes attempt to (and usually fail)
mimic the levels above them. This triggers the urge to mimic the effect of "flow down", that is
upscale to be decisive for all the consumption that occurs underneath. Consumption practices
that do leisure-grade class who lebioh many have free time than work-dicelanya because he uses
labor and production prowess. So by consuming the object, in fact we are taking various
meanings associated with the class.
De Certeau explains; utamnya idea is that the consumer is not only controlled by
manipulation of marketing as it wants to be convinced Marxists, neo-Marxists, and others, but
consumers themselves also become active manipulator. Instead of abiding to use the services and
consumer goods as expected, consumers use the services and goods by way of their own needs
and interests.


Adam Smith approached the study of objects of consumption with the concept of the
commodity. Smith and Marx, commodities mainly seen as a part of their production process.
Jean Baudrillard writes in the system of objects that to be the object of consumption, first an
object must be a sign. So we need to be able to understand the consumption reading of consumer
goods as a series of signs - the same as the language - which require interpretation. Baudrillard
explains that an object starts to become an object of consumption when no longer determined
through the following points: (1) place the object in the production cycle; (2) functional usage
object; or (3) the symbolic meaning of the object. The object is a message consumer, consumer
goods are software and hardware in a main business information system is to monitor their own
performance. The metaphor of consumption as a sign of manipulation is more useful to
distinguish between the consumer and the language than to equate it. Consumer goods work in
harmony creating a meaningful and consistent whole. Buying a new pair of shoes creates a clash
with the old settings; So, people have to buy a new dress, a new blouse, and a new wallet for all
consumer objects can be combined.


Gabriel and Lang displays the types of consumers are very diverse: the victim, the voter,
a communicator, an experimentalist and error, identity search, hedonists, artists, rebels, activists,
or citizens. This list is not exhaustive, but managed to convey the fact that there is diversity
among consumers. Habitus is a system of structures that combine into a whole penstruktur
regularly, which was created in response to objective conditions and are learned through
socialization[14]. The most important feature is the habitus habitus not control the actor, but it
can be defeated through reflexivity. In Distinction, Bourdieu's habitus connect with taste. With
the concept of habitus, Bourdieu able to connect mikropraktik-mikropraktik looked voluntaristic
commonly associated denagn seleramikro structure of the capitalist classes. In this view,
Consumption temapt envisioned as a realm of good intentions and objectives of
individual actors supported and transformed through experimental manipulations on system
objects. Bauman argues that the experience of freedom associated with the consumption of the
two will avoid this problem. First, because the territory of modern consumption is centered on
lifestyle rather than goods. Second, those who do the shopping lifestyle can experiment with
other forms of community that can be entered and left without having to compromise the
freedom of their people.


Benjamin approach to the consumption centers on the role played by technological

change. The emergence of and threats brought against the painting. Study the history of social
theory and Rosalind Williams consumption can be considered to connect the work of Benjamin
with Durkheim's concept of anomie. Williams emphasizes the role played by this particular
temapt points (pecan botanical world, convenience stores) in generating and burning desires of
consumers, also in growing consumer society. World exposition and stores, convenience
stores,in this period is the dream worlds chosen to arouse the interest of consumers to consume,
menhibur consumer, provide premises, goods, and services that meet the needs of their imagination.
These places attract and tempt consumers with fantasy[15]. Ritzer more contemporary attempts at
remedy shortly yemimbangkan traditional interests of consumers, consumer objects, and the
consumption process, with more to devote attention to places of consumption. John Urry mnyebut
these places "point of consumption" or "point of consumption" .... The context in which the goods and
services compared, evaluated, and used didibeli. On the one hand, it takes place-the place is
forced to rationalize and bureaucratization, particularly if the places were trying to serve clients
and customers in bulk as well as operating in a number of different geographic environments.
Although touted as the world of dreams come part of it at least, places of consumption
covered so far are very material-fast food restaurants, grocery stores, yacht and sebagainy. But
one of the most important trend is towards the emergence of means of consumption
"didematerialisasikan". Discussing the dematerialization is especially in relation to consumer
goods and the fact that more and more consumer goods that are nonmaterial (ie shape services),
the idea that the material goods also have more elements of the non-material (eg, image
advertising, design elements, and elements of packaging).


Interesting study regarding the consumption process is A Theory of Shopping by Daniel

Miller, three stages towards consumption. The first stage is the vision of a pure shopping
experience, commonly called "real shopping". In this vision, hedonistic consumer irresponsibly
looted and meludeskan resources, collaborate with capitalism in self-destructive and earth. The
second stage, the consumer saves implement the strategies and skills. In practice, usually
shopping is described as an opportunity to save money, not to spend it. The third stage, the
processes associated with the consumption of social relationships that make up the real and the
ideal world shopper. In this particular stage, Typical consumers associated with one gender to
buy a certain brand or flavor in connection with his understanding of not just a matter of sheer
necessity, but thinking about what will improve its quality as an individual. Miller concluded that
"the primary purpose behind the shopping is not to buy the items needed but efforts to deal with
subjects that require these items"[16]
Ritzer identify changes; First, rather than having to go to many different locations,
places such as shopping malls (shopping mall) and the large shopping center (mega mall) (also
took food giant grocery and department stores) have allowed their
"One stop shopping any shopping in one place. Many cathedrals of consumption (such as mega-
malls, Disney World, cruises, Las Vegas casino-his hotel) with all its privileges has become a
"destination" and people came to him for taking such places as much as they consume goods and
services offered there.[1] Third, instead of telling the waiter serving the consumer, now a lot of
consumption that requires consumers to self-service, without pay. At the end of the cathedrals of
consumption change social relations in a way that consumers interact more with the place and
offered the place, not with the people who work there or with fellow consumers.
Consumption is an active and collective behavior, he is a force, a moral, consumption is
an institution. He is the overall value, this term has been implicated as a function of integration
and the integration of social control group. Consumption society, is also a learning society of
consumption, social training in consumption - means a new and specific way of socializing in
conjunction with the rise prodktif new powers and restructuring monopolistic economic system
at a high productivity.
All consumption ideology wants to convince us that we have entered a new era and a
decisive humanitarian revolution, which separates the times pathetic and heroic towards
production with eforis days of consumption, where he had returned on human rights and the
desire. Consumption seems to contradict the real ideology, sebaai a coercive dimension that: (1)
Dominated by force sense, at the level of structural analysis (2) is dominated by coercion
production in strategic analysis (socio-economic-political). "Thrift is unamericain," White said
"frugality means anti-American". May we be enlightened.

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[14] M. C. B. Umanailo, “Consumption Diversification of Local Community,” J. AGRISEP Kaji.
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Buru Regency,” in http://ieomsociety.org/pilsen2019/papers/570.pdf, 2019, pp. 2070–2075.

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