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Summative Test in Science 9

Name:______________________________ Date:______________
Year and Section:_____________________ Score:_____________

1.What is climate?
A.Climate is the average weather conditions experienced in a location.
B.Climate is the weather in a place.
C.Climate is the long range weather forecast for a country or city.
D.Climate is different in all regions around the globe.

2. How does latitude affect the climate of a place? 

A.Temperature drops the higher up into the atmosphere that you go.
B.Temperature drops the further an area is from the equator.
C.Temperature drops at night when the sun goes to bed.
D.none of the above

3.What is the main reason why latitude causes temperatures to be different?

A.It's to do with the curve of the earth and distance from the equator.
B.It's to do with the distance from the moon.
C.It's got to do with climate change.
D.It’s got to do with the sun strike directly at the Earth’s surface.

4.Where will the temperature be highest?

A.At the Arctic circle.
B.At the Tropic of Cancer.
C.At the Equator.
D.At the end poles.

5.How does prevailing wind affect climate?

A.Prevailing wind shows the main direction that wind comes from and can bring wet
weather if it blows over warm oceans.
B.Prevailing wind is the amount of moisture that can be found in an area.
C.Prevailing wind describes the speed of the wind in a particular place.
D.Prevailing winds provides winds that gives amount of wet air in a region.

6.How does altitude affect temperature?

AThe higher up a place is the colder the temperature will be.
B.The higher up a place is the warmer the temperature will be.
C.The temperature remains the same throughout the atmosphere.
D.The temperature changes because altitude is different throughout places.
7.As altitude increases, the lower temperature. What relationship exists between altitude
and temperature?
A.Directly relationship C.Inverse relationship
B.Indirectly relationship D.Reversible relationship

8.What is the usual rate that temperature will change in the lower atmosphere?
A.1 degree is lost for every 100m.
B.1 degree is gained for every 500m.
C.1 degree is lost for every 1m.
D.same temperature in a place

9. How does distance from the sea affect the climate in the summer?
A.Warm breezes will bring warm air to the coast whilst inland will be cooler.
B.Cool breezes will bring cooler air to the coast whilst inland will be warmer.
C.Cool breezes will cool both the coast and further inland.
10. In the winter – how does distance from the sea affect the climate?
A.Warm breezes will bring warm air to the coast whilst inland will be cooler.
B.Cool breezes will bring cooler air to the coast whilst inland will be warmer.
C.Cool breezes will cool both the coast and further inland.

11. Greenhouse gases include which of the following?

A.Aerosols C.Methane
B. Carbon dioxide D.all of the above

12. The California Ocean Current, which flows along the west coast of North America, is a
A. cool current, flowing north current, flowing south
B. warm current, flowing north D. warm current, flowing south

13.Which statement best explains the difference in the average yearly temperature range
for the two cities?
A. City B is located in a different planetary wind belt.
B. City B receives less yearly precipitation
C. City B has a greater yearly duration of insolation.
D. City B is located near a large body of water.

14.During an El Niño event, surface water temperatures increase along the west coast of
South America. Which weather changes are likely to occur in this region?

A) decreased air temperature and decreased precipitation

B) decreased air temperature and increased precipitation
C) increased air temperature and increased precipitation
D) increased air temperature and decreased precipitation

15.Bodies of water have a moderating effect on climate primarily because

A) water gains heat more rapidly than land does

B) water surfaces are flatter than land surfaces
C) water temperatures are always lower than land temperatures
D) water temperatures change more slowly than land temperatures do

16.Which statement best explains the difference in the average yearly temperature range
for the two cities?

A. City B is located in a different planetary wind belt.

B. City B receives less yearly precipitation
C. City B has a greater yearly duration of insolation.
D.City B is located near a large body of water.

17.During an El Niño event, surface water temperatures increase along the west coast of
South America. Which weather changes are likely to occur in this region?

A. decreased air temperature and decreased precipitation

B. decreased air temperature and increased precipitation
C. increased air temperature and increased precipitation
D. increased air temperature and decreased precipitation

18.Bodies of water have a moderating effect on climate primarily because

A.water gains heat more rapidly than land does

B. water surfaces are flatter than land surfaces
C. water temperatures are always lower than land temperatures
D. water temperatures change more slowly than land temperatures do

For items 19- 25, Plot the data from the table.
Put average temp. and precipitation in the
Y-axis and months in the x- axis.

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