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Reported Speech

(Indirect Speech)*

1. Twierdzenia

Present Simple- Past Simple

Present C- Past C

Past S- Past Perfect S

Past C- Past Perfect Continuous

Present Perf- Past Perfect

Past Perf- -

Present Perf C- Past Perf C

Past Perf C- -

Shall- Should

Can- Could

May- Might

Future S- Future in the Past (would)

1 ok- 2

2 ok- bez zmian

3- bez zmian

Say- Said

Tell- Told

Tom said to me that

Tom said me

Tom told me

Tome told to me

Osoba+Said+(to me)*+(that)*+cofnięty czas

Osoba+told+2Osoba+(that)*+cofnięty czas

„Ja nie lubię pomarańczy”

powiedziała Emilka

Emilka powiedziała, że ona nie lubi


„I don’t like oranges” Emilka said

Emilka said that she didn’t like


„Nie mieszkam w domu twojej

mamy”- Tomek powiedział mi.

Tomek mi powiedział, że on nie

mieszka w domu mojej mamy.

I don’t live in your mother’s house”

said tomek to me.

Tomek told me that he didn’t live in

my mother’s house.

„Idę dzisiaj do kina” powiedział

tomek 3 lata temu


Today-> that day

Yesterday-> the day before

This-> that

That-> it

These-> those

Here- there

Last week-> The previous week

Next week-> the following week

Ago-> before

The day before yesterday-> Two

days before *

Tomorrow-> the next day

Now-> then



WH+twierdzenie cofnięte o czas

What time is it- Mary asked

Mary asked me what time it was.

How much does it cost?- Tom


Tom asked How much it cost

Where did you live?- Tomek Asked


Tomek asked me where you had


Do you like this movie?

Will you be my girlfriend?

Are you gay?

Are you being annoying right now?

Have you ever been there?

Would you like a cup of co ee?


He asked Mary…

He asked Mary if she liked this


He asked Mary if she would be his


He asked Mary if she was gay

He asked Mary if she was being

annoying then.

He asked Mary if she had ever been


He asked Mary if she would like a

cup of co ee.

Can you say something?- she

asked me

She asked me if I could say


3. Commands

Turn o the TV- Dad said to me


Dad ordered me to turn o the TV

Dad told me to turn o the TV

Put on your scarf- Mom told me

Mom told me to put on my scarf

Put down the weapon- the

policeman said to the burglar

The policeman ordered the burglar

to put down the weapon.

Don’t move- She told me

She told me not to move.

„To be or not to be”

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