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Aluno(a)_________________________________ SÉRIE: 9º Ano TURMA:________

PROFESSOR: Hidalberto Araújo de Oliveira DISCIPLINA: INGLÊS – Data de entrega: 10/04/2023

Atividade Avaliativa 1º Bimestre 1 – EASTERT

Easter is the most important festival in the Christian church year. It begins with Good Friday. The Romans
killed Jesus Christ in Jerusalem about two thousand years ago. Christians believe in the Resurrection of
Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion.
Why is Easter on a different day each year? This is because Easter Sunday is the Sunday after the first
full moon after the first day of spring (21 March).
Easter eggs, Easter Rabbit (Easter Bunny) and sending Easter cards are tradition not only in Britain. The
cards are often in green or yellow or show baby animals, because lots of animals are born in spring. This
tradition goes back to the 19th century.
But there are also other important traditions.

1. According to the text, for whom is Easter important?

(Segundo o texto, para quem a Páscoa é importante?)
a.( ) For Jesus Christ.
b.( ) For the Romans.
c.( ) For the Christians.
d.( ) For the Church.

2. What is the significance of Easter in the Christian church year?

(Qual é o significado da Páscoa no ano da igreja cristã?)
a.( ) It commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
b.( ) Because the Romans killed Jesus.
c.( ) Because Jesus was betrayed.
d.( ) Jesus' death is commemorated.

3. How is the date for Easter Sunday determined each year?

(Como é determinada a data do Domingo de Páscoa a cada ano?)
a.( ) It is randomly chosen.
b.( ) it is calculated based on the first full moon after the first day of spring.
c.( ) The church decides the date of the celebration.
d.( ) It is determined from the second full moon.

4. What are some traditional Easter symbols in Britain?

(Quais são alguns dos símbolos tradicionais da Páscoa na Grã-Bretanha?)
a.( ) Sending Easter cards and flowers.
b.( ) Easter eggs and carrots.
c.( ) Easter eggs and sending Easter cards.
d.( ) Sending Easter cards and hot chocolate.

5. Why do Easter cards often feature baby animals?

(Por que os cartões de Páscoa geralmente apresentam filhotes de animais?)
a.( ) Because the rabbits are born in spring.
b.( ) Because the cards are yellow.
c.( ) Because the cards are green.
d.( ) Because many animals are born in spring.
OBS: A questão rasurada, tornar se a nula!

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