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To blow over To grow out of sth

To build up To burst out
To bring sth up To do away with
To shrug off To pull down
To hash sth out To conjure up
To gloss over sth To fall into
To cut off To be ruled out
To stand up against To hit back
To pay off To lash out
To give away To seep into
To cut back on sth To revolve around
To serve out To step away from
To stave off To wipe out
To pour out To churn out
To kick back up To be sold short
To shut off To burst with
To gun sb down To wear out
To play out To fall off
To lash out To rub sth off sb/sth
To shut down To trace sth back to
To take out on sb To put sth back in
To act out To shed sth


Bring about sth

Bring sb around/round

Bring back sth

Bring sth forward

Bring sth off

Bring out sth

Bring sth up

To exceed the budget of possibilities

To be at each other's’ throats
To pick a fight/ quarrel with sb
To stir things up
To come to blows
To cross swords with sb
To be looking/ itching for a fight
To have a scrap
To patch up your differences
To bury the hatchet
Clear the air
To come to grips with
To trade recriminations
To bear a grudge against sb
To keep a stiff upper lip
To vent your spleen at/on sb else
Sth may drive a wedge between two people
To be bound to clash with people around you
To stroll toward the edge
To be in a fix/ in a tight spot/ corner/ a double bind
To be in a quandary over sth
To be on the horns of a dilemma
To be between a rock and a hard place
To be forced/obliged to choose between NOUN and NOUN
To be forced/ obliged to choose/ decide whether to… or to…
To choose between two courses of actions
To be torn between two desires
To unscrupulous/ to be known for your lack of scruples/ to have no scruples about
An apparent conflict between moral imperatives
To obey/ transgress a moral imperative
To have no qualms about sth or about doing sth
To raise a variety of ethical issues
To be treading on thin ice/ on a moral slippery slope
To be objectionable on ethical grounds
To cross a moral boundary
An area of contention
The topic of… has become ripe for moral outrage
Irrational moral objections
Bitter clashes between science and morality
Oppose sth on ethical grounds
An area where we should tread carefully
Work in ethically contentious fields
To raise thorny ethical issues
To scrutinize ethical issues
To come under scrutiny
A moral minefield
To step into moral snares
To weigh up the benefits of a technology against possible harmful effects
To generate/ spark off much interest and public debate
The ability to… has brought a new world of questions and concerns
To find oneself increasingly in a perilous position
To stand at a crossroads where the future of the human race is at stake
A dangerous quest to tweak genetics to our desires
To question the basic ethics of sth
An ethically dubious practice
To pose pressing ethical questions
A hotly debated topic
To encounter astonishingly strong hostility
To mount an unequivocal moral defense of sth
To tamper with nature/ the truth
To tinker with nature
To present a wide spectrum of ethical dilemmas
To see sth as a slippery slope towards sth else
To chat to a trusted friend and get it off your chest
To have a mind of your own
To see eye to eye with sb
To be under your thumb
To put on a brave face
To lose your hair and start tearing your hair out
To make up your mind
To fall head over heels in love with sb
To keep a cool head
To cry your eyes out
To be out of one’s mind
To be a pain in the neck
To laugh your head off

● To be on a tight ● To come up against a ● Sth is a major bone of

budget brick wall/stumbling contention
● To be within a budget block ● To come to blows
● Sth is a trade secret ● To face an ordeal of ● To stir up
● To trade insults ● To avoid the pitfalls of ● To remain clueless
● To trade places with sth ● To have a scrap
sb ● To experience a dip in ● To be at odds with
● To be kept out of the your fortunes somebody
loop ● To tackle a problem ● A stalemate
● To knock sb for a loop ● To take the bull by the ● To yield your needs
● To be in a horns ● To see eye to eye
predicament ● To have someone ● Feud
● To be in dire straits over a barrel ● To start the ball rolling
● There can be one ● To bury your head in ● In a nutshell
hitch the sand ● To rack one’s brain
● To shirk the ● To wash your hands of ● To go round in circles
responsibility the matter ● To rock the boat
● Unfathomable ● To to be torn between ● To put your head
reasons two courses of action together
● To hit / To run into a ● To balance the pros ● To want the bare
SNAG and cons of sth bones
● To sort it out on the ● To be in a quandary ● To fight a losing battle
spot ● To snitch on sb ● To put your thinking
● Problems can crop up ● The lesser of two evils cap on
● /arise ● To sleep on it ● back to square one
● To shoulder the ● To take the blame for ● skirting around
responsibility sth
● To pass the buck ● To be in two minds
● To come / get to grips about sth
with it ● To lay oneself open to
● To endure / suffer the criticism
hardships of life


To grow up to To come under fire

To distill sth out of To shrug one’s shoulders

To sneak away To prop up one’s chin

To creep through To roll one’s eyes

To stumble from To twirl your hair

To roam through To roll one’s eyes

PHRASAL VERBS - LEXICAL COMPETENCE To clutch one’s head/face

Look into sth To tilt one's head

Look through sth To have a smattering of a language

look through sb To be a chatterbox

Look up To steer/stay clear of a subject

Look up to To talk about sb behind their back

Look back To set tongues wagging

Look down on sb./sth To be long-winded

Look round/around sth To gloss over

Look to sth To say sth under one’s breath

Look over To talk down to sb

See off (has 2 meanings) To explain sth in layman’s terms

See through sth./sb. To give sb the silent treatment

See sth. through To be at loss for words

See to To talk the hind leg off donkey/to talk s blue

See about streak

See sb. out On the brink of extinction


IDIOMS Double-edged sword

To bring sb out of oneself To tame (the beast)
Breath of fresh air To push sb’s buttons
Get us off our seats SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL
Raise the voice of the silent majority Be more to sth than meets the eye
Go into a tailspin Grease the wheels
To go out of one's way break down in tears
Keep a lid on sth weep openly and tug at the world’s heartstrings
Be a little jumpy shed public tears
Get/come to grips with sth let the tears flow
Raise the spectre of sth Tears well up and flood over
To get goosebumps Tears are streaming/rolling/running down sb’s
To have/get butterflies in one's stomach face/cheeks
(informal) To be in tears
To give someone the creeps To burst into tears
To make someone's flesh creep/crawl To bring tears to sb’s yes
To give someone the sqeeby-jeebies / the To reduce sb to tears
heebie-jeebies To be moved to tears
To give someone the willies To feel a tear come to one’s eyes
To give someone the jitters Sb’s eyes fill with tears
To have/get the jitters To be on the verge of tears
To get the wind up To have teary eyes
To put the wind up sb Tears well up in sb's eyes
To shudder (sigue al lado no abajo) → To do one’s best to never let tears come out
To shiver To fight/ hold/ choke back tears
To send shivers up (and down) the spine To have an overwhelming lake of tears ever
To give someone the shivers ready to flow under the surface
To chill the spine To be in floods of tears
To feel one's blood run cold/freeze To cry oneself to sleep
To be as white as a sheet To cry one's heart/eyes out
To set someone's teeth on edge keep one’s feelings bottled up
To make one's teeth chatter To make sb’s way up
To make someone's hair stand on end Turn it up a notch
To put the fear of God into someone To go into overdrive
To be scared stiff/ silly/ (half) to death/out of To come true
one's wits To turn sour
To be frightened out of one's wits/to death In the wrong/right spirit
Set off Ward sb/sth off
Dampen down Flare (up)
Take off To hold in
Smoulder with/in sth To tamp sth down
Stir up To lash out (at sb)
Latch on to sth Shore up
Bound up with To wade through
Flag up To point out
Seek out To cater to
Prey on sth To wander (off)
give in to To tune out
tough sth out Rev up
Fend off To shrivel (up)
Avail yourself of something To tip over (from sth to sth)


To give sb the creeps To give sb a piece of mind
To hear sb’s blood-curdling screams Not to be on speaking terms
To be filled with anxiety
To stand in awe of To jump the gun
To wreak havoc on To jump out of your skin
To cringe from sb To jump in at the deep end
To rub sb up the wrong way To take a running jump
To give sb an earful To jump down somebody’s throat


Jump in
Jump on sb Give off
Jump at sth Give away Break out
Jump out at sb Give sth/sb over to Break down
Jump up Give up Break in
Give oneself up to sth Break with
Break through
Break into
Break out of
Break away

Fall out with sb IDIOMS
cave in to/ give in to Go along with others
To size sb/sth up Stand aloof
Break sth down Go with the crowd/flow
Stir sth up Hold your head high
To slip away from Follow the herd (negative connotation)
Thrust upon Get in(to) line / fall in(to) line (with sb)
To cast out Bring sb in(to) line / Be brought in(to) line
To hunt down Give sb/get the cold shoulder
To gloss over sth Stay/retire/crawl in(to) one’s shell
To pick on sb Go one’s way
To contend with sb/sth Go it alone
To be straddled with
To run afoul of
Keep to yourself
To fit the pattern To hold all the cards
A lone wolf To hold good
A square peg in a round hole To hold one’s own
To raise eyebrows To hold the road
To hold their heads high To hold water
at/from the outset (of something) Not to hold a candle to
The cavalry
To bridge the gap/gulf/divide (between A and B) LEXICAL COMPETENCE - PHRASAL VERBS
Hold back
To go along with others Hold with
To withstand a system of values Hold sth off
To pledge to fight conformity Hold out
To yield to cause Hold out on sb
To fit some prefabricated image Hold out for sth
To concur in the group decision Hold sb up
To resist change Hold sth up
To endorse and idea Hold forth (about/on)
To be torn between A & B
To follow the urge to conform blindly Keep from
A constructive non-conformist Keep sb on
To push the envelope: to behave in more Keep on at sb
extreme ways, or to try new things that have not Keep out
been acceptable or tried before // to go beyond Keep to
the usual or normal limits by doing something Keep up
new, dangerous, etc. Keep up with
To switch up sb’s actions
Deviant members
Peer pressure
Virulent forms of ideology

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