Rapid Prototyping of Sensors and Conductive Elements by Day-to-Day Writing Tools and Emerging Manufacturing Technologies

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DOI: 10.1002/elan.201500361

Rapid Prototyping of Sensors and Conductive Elements by

Day-to-Day Writing Tools and Emerging Manufacturing
Nicol! Dossi,*[a] Fabio Terzi,[b] Evandro Piccin,[c] Rosanna Toniolo,[a] and Gino Bontempelli[a]

Abstract: The growing demand for low cost and easy to pens, for the rapid and on-demand deposition of conduc-
use analytical devices requires the development of relia- tive patterns on different substrates, with particular em-
ble and rapid deposition strategies suitable for changing phasis on the assembly of “Do It Yourself” sensors.
easily planned designs and applicable to a wide range of Moreover, layer-by-layer deposition of simple or even
materials for assembling conductive tracks and sensitive complex three dimensional (3D) circuits, resorting to
elements. Further important challenges to be pursued are pressure driven extrusion of conductive filaments is con-
the possibility of using readily available instrumentation sidered. Future perspectives and potentiality of these
and reducing power consumption and hazardous chemical emerging technologies for assembling sensors are also ex-
waste. This review provides an overview of the use of plored.
portable day-to-day writing tools, such as pencils and
Keywords: Pencil-drawn sensing devices · Pen-drawn sensitive elements · Conductive filament deposition · 3D printed sensors ·
Direct writing · Contact and non-contact deposition methods

1 Introduction ogy, so that precise and repeatable patterning with opti-

Nowadays, a great interest is addressed to simple and af- mal adhesion can be achieved.
fordable strategies enabling rapid patterning of conduc- Inks or pastes, consisting of solid conductive particles
tive circuits intended for integration in advanced elec- such as graphite powder, carbon nanotubes, metal parti-
tronics and sensors. Reduction of the time required for cles and nanoparticles suspended in mixtures of solvents
prototype fabrication, as well as the possibility of rapidly and additives, such as polymeric stabilizers, wetting
changing materials and planned designs using at the same agents and adhesion promoters, were profitably adopted
time chemicals and instrumentation characterized by low for this purpose [4, 5]. Inks based on the use of organo-
cost and reduced environmental impact, are important metal compounds or metal precursors were also pro-
features which make deposition processes ideal candidate posed, but they require additional heat-treatment to ach-
for scalable production [1, 2]. ieve reduction to metallic species, so as to achieve con-
Conventional production approaches frequently require ductivity [6]. Moreover, relatively large amounts of the
several time consuming fabrication steps, high consump- organic backbone residues could adversely affect the con-
tion of energy and reagents, such as conductive materials ductivity of films thus fabricated [7].
to cover the entire substrate surface and chemicals for Electrically conducting polymers, polymer electrolytes
etching and/or electroplating, with consequent production and ion jells also show attractive features to be exploited
of large volumes of waste [3]. Moreover, sophisticated in- for these purposes. However, electrically conducting poly-
strumentation and facilities, such as clean rooms managed mers are characterized by relatively low conductivity, as
by skilled operators and expensive optical masks contain- in the case of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) [8], while
ing the layout of planned circuits are needed when micro-
fabrication technology is adopted to achieve high preci- [a] N. Dossi, R. Toniolo, G. Bontempelli
sion and definition [4]. Department of Food Science, University of Udine, via
Alternatively, conductive materials can be profitably Cotonificio 108, I-33100 Udine, Italy
patterned as electrical conducting thin films and tracks phone : (+ 39) 0432 558835
fax: (+ 39) 0432 558803
with either indirect deposition methods, which require
*e-mail: nicolo.dossi@uniud.it
the use of additional tools such as masks or screens con-
[b] F. Terzi
taining the layout design to be replicated, or direct depo-
Department of Chemical and Geological Science, University
sition methods, whose carrying out does not require any of Modena and Reggio Emilia, via Campi 183, I-41125
additional tool. Modena, Italy
In general, materials to be deposited should display [c] E. Piccin
good conductivity as well as good chemical and physical Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Minas
compatibility with both substrates and deposition technol- Gerais, 31270–901 Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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Nicol! Dossi obtained his PhD in
Food Science from the University of
Udine in 2006. He is currently Assis-
tant Professor of Analytical Chemis-
try at the Department of Food Sci-
ence, University of Udine. His area
of interest includes fabrication and
application of microfluidic systems,
electrochemical sensors and paper-
based analytical devices.

Fabio Terzi is Assistant Professor at Fig. 1. Classification of possible deposition approaches.

the University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia, Italy. His main scien-
tific interests are: i) modification of polymer electrolytes and ion jells provide ionic conductiv-
electrode surface using conducting ity.
polymers, self assembled monolayers,
Different techniques based on non-contact or contact
(nano)particles and graphene; ii)
deposition, can be exploited for assembling conductive
spectroscopic and microscopic char-
acterisation of electrode coatings; iii) circuits [9], as illustrated in Figure 1.
synthesis and characterisation of (nano)particles; iv) electrocatal- The non-contact approach, comprehending methods
ysis applied to amperometric sensors. based on vapor deposition, sputtering, lithography, screen
printing, inkjet and aerosols printing, enables conductive
Evandro Piccin received his PhD
degree in Analytical Chemistry from
materials to be dispensed without contacting the target
University of S¼o Paulo (Brazil) in substrate. Contact techniques, including methods based
2008. Since 2009 he is at the Depart- on stamp transfer, flexography and gravure, instead ex-
ment of Chemistry of Federal Univer- ploit deposition tools contacting directly substrate surfa-
sity of Minas Gerais (Brazil) where ces to be patterned. In some cases (i.e. screen printing),
he is currently Adjunct Professor. His the contact of blades or squeegees, spreading the conduc-
main research activities include the tive material, with the substrate is only prevented by the
development of technologies for fab- thickness of masks used to define the final layout of con-
ricating microfluidic devices, micro- ductive circuits.
chip electrophoresis, and chemical
Non-contact approaches, such as screen printing or con-
analysis in paper-based analytical de-
vices coupled with electrochemical
tact deposition techniques as stamp transfer and flexogra-
sensors and mass spectrometry. phy, all exploiting a template or a screen containing the
layout-design to be transferred onto substrates, are widely
Rosanna Toniolo is an Associate Pro- used approaches for patterning quite easily conductive
fessor of Analytical Chemistry at the
materials onto planar substrates, with relatively low cost
Department of Food Science, Univer-
sity of Udine. She graduated in
instrumentation. However, they suffer from limitations if
Chemistry from the University of changes of the planned design are required and, as in the
Padova in 1986. Her research interest case of screen printing, large amounts of conductive ma-
is in the area of electroanalysis and terial are required [4, 10, 11].
sensor devices, with special attention Direct writing techniques, simply exploiting deposition
to gas sensors and their practical ap- on target surfaces of a layer of material with the desired
plications. geometry by a computer controlled mechanical stage,
provide a suitable deposition strategy for the fabrication
Gino Bontempelli is a retired Full of microcircuits, electrodes and arrays in electronic devi-
Professor of Analytical Chemistry at ces and sensors. In fact, they are characterized by high
the University of Udine. He graduat- precision, and require no etching or material removal. In
ed in Chemistry from the University these approaches a single direct step stands between
of Padova in 1967. His research inter- output-design and circuit fabrication. In addition, the cir-
est covers electroanalysis, electroana- cuit layout can be easily modified by the computer aided
lytical and chemical devices, as well design (CAD) software enabling easy design iterations.
as biosensors.
Conventional direct writing methods can be classified
in four main groups: droplet-based, filament-based, tip-
based and laser-based approaches [12]. In particular,
these approaches make possible the direct and selective
deposition of conductive patterns without resorting to

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masks, stamps or screens, thus offering many advantages In order to overcome restrictions of traditional two di-
in terms of production speed and reduced environmental mensional fabrication approaches and to make possible
impact. the construction of both multilayered and full 3D struc-
Some direct writing approaches are coupled to sophisti- tures without resorting to subtractive construction pro-
cated techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) cesses, emerging technologies were recently developed,
or require high power sources such as a laser to deliver or such as additive manufacturing [22–25], i.e. processes en-
deposit materials, thus limiting their portability and their abling objects with even complex three-dimensional (3D)
use in resource limiting settings. However, there are sim- shapes to be constructed by joining materials layer-by-
pler strategies enabling easy direct deposition of layers layer, exploiting the concept of filament-based extrusion.
and structures of conductive materials on planar and flex- In particular, these manufacturing processes include
ible substrates at relatively low cost. Thus, for instance, a wide range of emerging technologies, such as laser sin-
droplet based approaches such as inkjet printing and aer- tering, fused deposition modelling (FDM) and stereoli-
osol jet processes have received great attention in the last thography. Among them, FDM enables precise position-
decades [13]. The inkjet printing approach, based on the ing and alignment of layers onto substrates (similarly to
most commonly used impulse mode, implies ink ejection previously described direct writing methods exploiting
towards the substrate as droplets through suitable nozzles. continuous filaments) and offers great potentiality for the
Nozzle dimension, ink viscosity (below 20 mPa s [14]), fabrication of 3D layer-by-layer conductive structures
surface tension, particle size and loading are important [26].
parameters to be controlled as they markedly affect preci- The aim of this review is to highlight the potentiality
sion and conductivity of deposited lines [15]. offered by these new emerging fabrication methods based
Alternatively, filament based deposition methods, ex- on deposition of continuous filaments exploiting pens,
ploiting a pressure to extrude fluid materials through pencils and emerging extrusion-based approaches for as-
a small nozzle directly onto substrate surfaces, provide an sembling simple or even complex 2D and 3D conductive
efficient alternative to solve many constraints coming circuits on both planar and curved flexible substrates. It
from rheological properties of inks. In fact, material vis- must be however underlined that the potentiality of these
cosity can be varied in a very wide range, from liquid inks approaches for assembling sensitive conductive elements
to pastes [16–19]. Moreover, the possibility of controlling in analytical devices is still scarcely explored.
carefully the pneumatic pressure by using fine valves ena-
bles precise flow to be achieved even onto non uniform
and curved surfaces. Notwithstanding these peculiarities,
the use of this approach for assembling sensing elements 2 Direct Deposition of Conductive Patterns by
of functional devices is still unexplored enough. Common Writing Tools
More recently, by profiting from the concept of deposi- 2.1 Pen Drawing
tion of continuous filaments, the use of portable writing
tools such as pencils and pens for direct contact writing of Unlike other deposition methods often requiring the use
electronic circuits and sensitive elements of analytical de- of sophisticated instrumentation and skilled operators,
vices have been proposed [20, 21]. In fact, pen reservoirs direct hand-drawn writing by pens, day-to-day tools, rep-
can be filled by tunable inks which can flow out continu- resents a suitable method to deposit bidimensional con-
ously during writing and pencils are made of graphite tinuous conductive patterns with the desired design
leads which can be regarded as solid writable carbon (Figure 2) [20, 27, 28].
based filaments. Pens can be classified in the following three main
These day-to-day office tools enable rapid drawing of groups: i) soft-tip pens (called also markers or felt-tip-
conductive lines by sliding in contact with the substrate in pens) which are provided with relatively soft porous-writ-
an easy and repeatable enough way. Furthermore, con- ing or felt-like tips made of absorbent plastic material,
ductive tracks can be deposited only where required. while reservoirs consist of fibrous material acting as
Despite limited precision, portability makes these a sponge for ink. During writing, ink is continuously
simple writing tools particularly attractive for assembling drawn from the reservoir onto the surface where lines
“Do It Yourself” devices, particularly when immediate must be marked; ii) capillary pens (called also fountain-
applications are needed. Moreover, this approach can be pens) where the ink, contained in a reservoir connected
profitably exploited to pattern conductive lines onto con- to a nib through a quite narrow tube, flows out by gravity
ventional or unconventional substrates by both manual or by capillary action; iii) ball pens (called also rollerball,
drafting or CAD assisted three dimension position con- ballpoint or gel ink pens) in which ink is dispensed on the
trollers. writing substrate through the rolling motion of a metal
It is important to note that, even if more complex in- ball located in the final part of the pen nib. The use of
strumentation and external pneumatic apparatus are re- such day-to-day writing tools makes possible the delivery
quired, filament extrusion is preferred when ink flowing of tunable liquid inks from reservoirs onto substrates, ex-
through pen nibs is limited by its rheological properties tending significantly the nature of deposited materials by
(viscosity up to 1000 Pa s [14]). simple direct writing.

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dures are crucial aspects when inks are projected and rep-
resent important challenges for the development of writ-
ing tools suitable for on field applications and in resource
limited settings.
Finally, it must be mentioned that liquid metals and
alloys displaying low melting points, such as gallium and
indium mixtures, showing good conductivity and biocom-
patibility, were also proposed as suitable inks to fill pen
reservoirs [43–45].
Rheological properties of inks and their viscosity play
an important role during writing processes as they affect
ink flowing from pen nibs and ink adhesion to the writing
surface, also in view of the substrate porosity. In fact, an
Fig. 2. a) Optical image of a rollerball pen loaded with a con- optimal ink should flow at room temperature, without
ductive silver ink. The background shows conductive text written leakages, skipping and coagulation [20, 34]. It is worth
on office paper. b and c) SEM images of the side and top views noting that many water based inks adopted in conven-
of the rollerball pen. d) Optical image of the rollerball pen tip, tional writing instruments are characterized by a near-
captured during writing a conductive silver track on office paper.
newtonian behavior with a viscosity between 1 and some
Images reproduced from ref. [20].
mPa s which remains constant also when the shear rate is
increased [38, 46]. On the other hand, the dispensing of
More recently, much effort has been made to develop inks displaying a decreasing viscosity with increasing
liquid inks suitable to fill these portable writing tools with shear rates (about 1000 s¢1) produced by writing [38]
the aim of making them suitable for both rapid drawing (force during writing is about 0.6–1.6 N [29]) is more con-
of functional patterns on a wide range of substrates and trollable [46]. In this case, flow stop during writing pauses
easy assembly of analytical and electronic devices. Thus, and suitable feeding during fast writing is achieved, thus
for instance, a “Biopen” filled with a functional ink con- allowing increased precision of applied marks. A viscosity
taining nucleic acids, proteins and living cells was used to in the range of 1–10 Pa s at a share rate of 1 s¢1 was mea-
draw on nitrocellulose membranes or printing paper devi- sured in rollerball pens filled with silver nanoparticles-
ces suitable for the detection of nucleic acid associated to based inks with solid loading of 45–55%. A viscosity de-
human disease [29]. Moreover, pens containing inks crease with increasing shear rates was observed and this
based on metal nanoparticles were adopted to construct behavior was enhanced by increasing the silver nanoparti-
surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) paper-based cles content up to 65% ( … 100 Pa s at 1 s¢1) [20]. A simi-
substrates and platforms for multiplexed label-free biode- lar trend was also observed in fountain pens containing
tection [30, 31]. carbon nanofiber-based inks where viscosity decreased
These remarkable examples suggest that the develop- from … 26 mPa s at 1 s¢1 to … 1.1 mPa s at 1000 s¢1 [38]. In
ment of portable writing tools for patterning interconnec- general, rheology of inks is affected by particle-particle
tions and electrical circuits in foldable, stretchable and attrition and by the presence of additives such as poly-
flexible electronics or even sensitive elements for sensors meric binders and adhesives.
is particularly challenging. As mentioned above, both rollerball and capillary pens
In particular, conductive inks suitable for pens can be were used to deposit conductive inks. It is important to
produced by resorting to mixtures of conductive poly- note that the pressure required by rollerball pens to gen-
mers, organometallic compounds, and metal precursors erate friction between the ball and the writing surface
[32]. Unfortunately, these inks are characterized in most could limit the range of writing substrates, because in
cases by low conductivity, so that additional treatments at some cases they could be damaged [47]. Thus, sufficiently
high temperature are often required to reduce organome- enough rough surfaces are required to enable friction
tallic species to metals [33, 34]. when these writing systems are used. Despite these limits,
Carbon and metal-based nanomaterials make possible precise lines characterized by width of some hundreds of
the profitable fabrication of flexible and conductive lines microns and thickness of tens of microns, were drawn by
[20, 33, 35–40]. As a matter of fact, the development of roller ball pens with tip ranging from some hundreds to
new inks requires the optimization of their formulation to one thousand of microns with both metal nanoparticles-
achieve good dispersion of nanoparticles in viscous solu- based and liquid metals inks [20, 36, 39, 42, 43].
tions and proper alignments of nanoparticles in deposited Despite a more difficult control of the ink amount dis-
lines, as well as the overcoming of cracking problems pensed, especially when porous supports are used, capilla-
[33]. The use of nanoparticles with small dimensions can ry pens make also possible to pattern soft and smooth
reduce the temperature needed for sintering, when this surfaces [47].
operation is required to achieve higher conductivity In general, capillary-induced spreading depends on
[36, 41]. The elimination or reduction of heating steps rheological characteristics of ink, substrate properties, nib
[42] and development of cost-effective sintering proce- diameter and writing speed [29, 48]. The volume of ink

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Table 1. Pen patterns used as simple conductors. 1 (mW cm) and R (KW cm¢1) are resistivity and resistance, respectively.
Pen type Ink composition Substrate 1, R Application Ref
Rollerball pen Ag nanoparticles in HEC water- Office paper, wood, scotch 199 mW cm rt, 4.34 mW cm Conductive track [20]
methanol solution tape, alumina Š 1708C
Rollerball pen Ag nanoparticles, ammonia aque- Weighing paper 6.8 mW cm a200 8C, 60 min Conductive track [28]
ous solution (pH = 10), ethylene
Rollerball pen Cu nanosheets or Ag nanoparti- Office paper … 12 mW cm (Cu) Conductive track [33]
cles coated Cu nanosheets in … 8.9 mW cm (Cu-Ag)
CMC water-methanol solution
Rollerball Pen Silver acetate, ethanol, ethylene Sulphuric paper 326 mW cm a200 8C, 60 min Conductive track [34]
glycol, ethanolamine, oleic acid
Rollerball pen Cu nanoparticles, water, ethanol, Photo paper 13.4 œ 0.4 mW cm a160 8C, Conductive track [35]
glycerol, ethylene glycol 120 min (Ar atmosphere)
Rollerball pen Cu nanoparticles, water, ethanol, Photo paper 7.2 œ 0.6 mW cm a160 8C, Conductive track [36]
glycerol, ethylene glycol 120 min (Ar atmosphere)
Rollerball pen Ag nanoparticles, graphene-Ag Photo paper 19 mW cm a100 8C, 60 min Conductive track [39]
nanosheets, ethanol, ethylene
glycol, glycerol
Rollerball pen Ag nanoflakes, aqueous solution Weighing paper 9.4 mW cm a200 8C, 20 min Conductive track [40]
(pH = 10), ethylene glycol, 2-
butoxy-ethanol, ethanol
Rollerball pen Ag nanoparticles, ammonia aque- Sulphuric paper 214 mW cm a200 8C, 60 min Conductive track [41]
ous solution (pH = 10), diethylene
glycol, Triton X-100
Rollerball Pen Ag nanoparticles, ethanol, ethyl- Photo paper 14.3 mW cm a120 8C, 25 MPa, Conductive track [42]
ene glycol, glycerol 15 min
Rollerball pen Ga-In24.5 Flexible polymers … 29.8 mW cm Conductive track [43]
Rollerball pen Ga-In10 Epoxy resin board, glass, 34.5 mW cm Conductive track [44]
plastic, silica gel, paper,
Printer with Ga-In24.5 PVC, office paper … 29.8 mW cm Conductive track [45]
Rollerball pen SWCNTs, polyethylene oxide, Paper, PET 8.8x104 mW cm Conductive carbon [50]
water, SDS fibres
Rollerball pen C8-BTBT semiconductor in ani- SiO2/Si substrate (HMDS Unspecified OFET [52]
sole a50 8C coated)
Marker Silver carbonate, glycol, water, Polyimide 18 mW cm a150 8C, 60 min Conductive track [32]
Capillary pen PEDOT:PSS, PTAA, TIPS_PEN SiO2/Si substrate (HMDS 6.6 x 106 mW cm for PE- OFET [47]
in chlorobenzene or dichloroben- coated) PVP coated poly- DOT:PSS
zene arylate
Fountain pen SWCNTs, water, SDBS Office paper, paper ob- 1 KW cm¢1 Conductive track [37]
Fountain pen Carbon nanofibers, gellan gum Photo paper 97 œ 20 KW cm¢1 (for Conductive track [38]
water solution 1 layer) 3.4 œ 0.1 KW cm¢1
(for 10 layers)
Fountain pen FeCl3 aqueous solutionb Office paper, cotton < 1 KW cm¢1 Conductive track [51]
Curing temperature and time, if specified (rt: room temperature). b Polypyrrole is deposited on the written ink by exposure to pyr-
role vapors. PVC: polyvinylchloride; PET: polyethylene terephthalate; HEC: hydroxyethyl cellulose; CMC: carboxymethyl cellulose;
C8-BTBT: dioctylbenzothienobenzothiophene; HMDS: hexamethyldisilazane; PEDOT-PSS: poly(4-styrene sulphonate) doped
poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene); PTAA: poly(dimethyl-triarylamine); PVP: poly-4-vinylphenol; TIPS PEN: 6,13-bis(triisopropylsy-
lilethynil)pentacene; SDBS: sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate; SDS: sodiumdodecylsulphonate.

used can be simply evaluated by calculating the reduced inks, which displayed a strict dependence from the
weight of the pen after writing 100 cm lines under con- number of ink layers applied. These values turned out to
stant conditions [29]. be greater than in bulk copper or silver which are
Electrical resistivity is the key feature when inks are 1.72 mW cm and 1.6 mW cm, respectively [20, 35, 36].
developed for assembling devices where current conduc- In conclusion, by profiting from this approach, deposi-
tion or transfer is needed. In fact, as it can be observed in tion of tunable functional inks is possible onto a wide va-
Table 1, suitable resistivity values were achieved by pat- riety of substrates, not only with roughness similar to
terning conductive tracks with copper and silver-based paper but also onto smoother surfaces or unconventional

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Table 2. Pen patterns used as sensitive elements. R is resistance.
Pen Ink composition Substrate R Application Ref
Fountain pen SWCNTs, water, SDBS Office paper 1 KW cm Chemical sensor [37]
Fountain pen FeCl3 aqueous solutionb, FeCl3 Office paper 1 KW cm¢1 Temperature, chemi- [51]
and PSS aqueous solutionb cal, light sensor
Rollerball pen Graphite, PEG, water, chitosan, Office paper, alumina, skin, … 15 KW cm¢1 art, 30 min Electrochemical bio- [49]
xylitol, methylene green, enzyme plant leaves or 50 8C, 5 min sensor
Rollerball pen Commercial graphite ink C10H paper Unspecified Electrochemical [53]
Rollerball pen Commercial graphite ink Office paper, Whatman 2.26 KW cm¢1 Electrochemical [54]
paper, Millipore paper, sensor
paper objects, skin
Curing temperature and time, if specified (rt: room temperature). b The deposition of the ink is followed by exposure to pyrrole
vapors. PSS: poly(4-styrene sulphonate); SDBS: sodiumdodecylbenzenesulphonate.

materials such as plant leaves, skin, wood and soft poly- ammonia, causing the elimination of holes in semiconduc-
mers [20, 49]. Thus, by taking advantage from this simple tors, lead to a resistance increase of the sensor [37].
one-step patterning procedure, the deposition of conduc- A pen-writing technique using fountain pens was
tive or semiconducting materials can be easily achieved adopted to deposit on paper lines drawn by a FeCl3 aque-
also by untrained operators even when immediate availa- ous solution. Exposure of these marks to vapors coming
bility is required. from a pyrrole solution at room temperature yielded
Recent applications exploiting this deposition tech- polypyrrole circuits with excellent mechanical and electri-
nique for the construction of simple conductive tracks for cal properties. Subsequently, taking advantage of the con-
simple applications, such as to drive power to a light- ductivity changes induced by polymer heating or by expo-
emitting diode (LED) or to assemble organic field effect sure to suitable chemical species, these lines were exploit-
transistors (OFETs) and antennas, are listed in Table 1. ed as sensitive elements for thermometers, photometers
Even if reported examples are limited to the development and chemical sensors. In particular, an electron donor
of simply proof-of-concept devices, relevant ink formula- species such as ammonia was able to reduce the number
tions may inspire the design of writing tools aimed at as- of partially oxidised radicals in the polymer, acting as
sembling functional conductive elements suitable for mobile carriers, thus causing a change of its conductance.
measurements of chemical parameters and physical phe- By adding to the initial ink a suitable doping agent such
nomena. as poly(sodium-p-styrenesulfonate), which is prone to
bind Lewis bases such as ammonia, the sensitivity of the
2.2 Pen Patterns for Sensing Applications device was improved, making possible the detection of
ammonia down to 1.2 ppm [51].
The possibility of preparing inks with specific and tunable A rollerball pen filled with commercial graphite ink
properties opens up new horizons for on-site fabrication was recently used to write counter, reference and working
and easily customizable development of “Do It Yourself” electrodes suitable to perform electrochemical measure-
sensing devices applicable to food, biomedical and envi- ments. The deposition was carried out on paper made hy-
ronmental analysis, as summarized in Table 2. drophobic by vapor phase silanization (C10H or RH). The
Recently, the use of portable writing instruments such pen was installed in an automatic x-y plotter, in order to
as fountain pens, filled with either water-based conductive improve the deposition precision.
or semiconducting single wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) By profiting from this pen-on-paper approach, flexible
inks, were exploited for the rapid prototyping of a paper- and foldable paper platforms were assembled and their
based chemosensor for ammonia detection at ppm level performance was evaluated by electrochemical ELISA
[37]. for the detection of antigens associated to human disease
By profiting from the porosity of paper, which allows [53]. This device was first tested on rabbit IgG and alka-
liquid inks to be not only deposited but also easily ab- line phosphatase-labelled anti-rabbit IgG, used as
sorbed and transferred from one face to another, either a model of antigen and antibody, respectively. Subse-
simple dual side or multilayer paper circuits and electrical quently, a test for the quantification of malarial histidine-
interconnections can be constructed by exploiting suitably rich protein from Plasmodium falciparum (PfHRP2) in
the contact time between the pen nib and paper. In par- human serum, was developed.
ticular, a device consisting of a layer of porous paper pat- The development of enzymatic ink-based pens suitable
terned with p-type semiconducting carbon nanotubes for the rapid patterning of biocatalytic sensors was re-
(CNTs), acting as ammonia sensing element, was sand- cently proposed (Figure 3). For this purpose, an innova-
wiched between two layers containing CNTs electrical in- tive, stable and highly conductive ink was developed by
terconnections. The presence of an electron donor such as mixing graphite powder, polyethylene glycol (PEG), chi-

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tion in food and urine samples, respectively, were devel-
oped. In addition, the possibility to assemble multi-elec-
trode arrays and conductive tracks even on non-planar
surfaces and non-conventional substrates, such as skin,
was successfully explored [54].
It is important to underline that all these devices are
applied to detection problems by resorting to the same
usual procedures adopted when sensors and biosensors
assembled by more difficult construction methods are em-

2.3 Pencil Drawing

Pencils, like pens, are widespread and portable writing
tools which make possible the easy patterning of conduc-
tive lines even on non planar and curved structures and
the rapid assembling of prototypes in resource limited
settings with the possibility of rapidly modify devices di-
rectly on field [21].
Unlike pens, pencils enable dry deposition to be ach-
ieved, thus overcoming problems related to drying pro-
cesses, such as solvent evaporation and time and energy
Fig. 3. Epidermal glucose sensors drawn by a rollerball pen consuming heating steps, as well as risks related to leak-
filled with biocatalytic ink. Effect of: (A) twisting; (B) torsional; age, encountered when liquid inks are used on porous
(C) stretching and (D) pinching. (E) Sensor after 100 stress
supports [55]. Moreover, limitations connected to rheo-
cycles. (F) Sensor coupled with a Bluetooth-enabled potentiostat
for epidermal continuous glucose monitoring; (G) amperometric logical properties of inks such as flowing out and nib
response for increasing levels of glucose ranging from 0 (dashed clogging are prevented.
line) to 10 mM (e). Inset: calibration plot. Working conditions: Pencil leads are compressed solid rods consisting of
phosphate buffer (pH = 7) and applied potential 0.4 V. Images re- mixtures of clay or polymeric binders and graphite
produced from ref. [49]. (which can be seen as a combination of many layers of
graphene stacked on top of one another and held togeth-
er by van der Waals forces [56]).
tosan, xylitol and methylene green acting as conductive The amount of graphite is proportional to the hardness
material, binder, additive improving adhesion to the sub- of pencils, which are classified on scales ranging from 9H
strate, enzyme stabilizer and electrochemical mediator, to 1H and 1B to 9B, with a carbon content ranging from
respectively [49]. about 40 to 90 % [57, 58]. Abrasion of pencil leads on
This formulation, which was used with either glucose a rough enough surface makes possible dry deposition of
oxidase or tyrosinase, did not require any additional continuous patterns of ultrathin graphite particles. Conse-
curing step and enabled renewable, flexible, and inexpen- quently, using the same friction, softer pencils produce
sive devices to be constructed for monitoring analytes of darker lines with higher amounts of graphite, as illustrat-
importance in clinical and environmental fields. In partic- ed in Figure 4. It is important to note that smoother and
ular, this approach proved to be suitable for the rapid as- more uniform surfaces improve the exfoliation of graph-
sembly of reliable and robust electrochemical biosensors ite, thus resulting in deposition of smaller particles [55].
not only on conventional planar supports, such as paper For instance, thicker layers of graphite deposits were ob-
or alumina, but also on unconventional substrates, such as served by increasing surface roughness in the range from
biological tissues (e.g. human skin and plant leaves). 2 to 10 mm (expressed as root-mean-square) [59].
More recently, a simple but reliable method has been It is well known that such tracks, consisting of intercon-
proposed to overcome, at least partially, ink viscosity lim- nected graphite domains and graphene multilayers, are
itations when using the pen writing approach for assem- optimal electrical conductors [60, 61]. Moreover, patterns
bling electrochemical platforms. It involves the exploita- with different properties and characterized by different
tion of a pressure-assisted ball pen, consisting of a syringe conductivity can be obtained by varying both the hard-
able to apply a defined pressure. It was installed on the ness of pencil leads and roughness or porosity of abrasive
final opening of the ink reservoir, thus enabling suitable substrate surfaces. In general, softer pencil leads generate
flowing from the nib to be achieved. In such a way, time marks with higher graphite contents, thus exhibiting in
consuming pretreatments (e.g. dilution), often required to principle lower electrical resistance [57] (e.g. a resistance
tune suitably commercial inks viscosity, were avoided. By of 1290, 236 and 127 KW was measured for a 30 mm in
profiting from this approach, paper-based electrochemical length and 1 mm in width line drawn by HB, B and 2B
sensors and biosensors for melamine and glucose detec- pencils, respectively [62]). A strict dependence of line

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A relatively simple model was developed to estimate
the thickness of non-uniform deposited layers, without re-
sorting to the use of optical microscope, allowing the cal-
culated value to be related to the surface roughness of
the substrate [59]. The model is based on the following

t ¼ ðV=AÞ ¼ m=ðpAÞ

where t (in cm), V (in cm3), A (in cm2) and m (in g) are
thickness, volume, area and mass, respectively, of the de-
posited layer on the writing surface, whilst p (g cm¢3) is
the particle density.

Drawing of continuous and conductive patterns on cel-

lulose fibres may be profitable for constructing a simple
Fig. 4. Energy dispersive spectra of pencil leads relating their but efficient new generation of electronic devices. In gen-
hardness with the carbon fraction. Intensities of all spectra are eral, pencil traces, which can be considered as continuous
normalized vs. carbon peak highlighting the relative fraction of conductive films, can be used as electrical contacts, elec-
carbon to the clay binder (softer pencils contain lower quantity trodes, functional electronic materials and sensing devi-
of clay). Optical microscopy images of traces drawn on paper ces. Moreover, the possibility of adding suitably tailored
substrates from pencils with decreasing hardness (b–g). Softer
pencils lead to larger amount of graphite to be deposited. Images modifiers to pencil composition can extend the range of
reproduced from ref. [57]. applications, otherwise limited by the use of sole graphite
[64, 65].
Some significant examples of the use of pencil-drawn
width with the number of pencil layers was observed [63], conductive tracks, as alternative to other metal-based ma-
(e.g. a resistance of 62 KW and 8 KW were measured for terials, are reported in Table 3. In the applications consid-
a 30 mm in length and 1 mm in width line drawn once ered, graphite lines are component of complex devices
and three times, respectively, with a 6B pencil [62]). but they serve only as current conductors. It is worth
Paper, an easily available porous material with low en- noting that in the case of the reported examples the use
vironmental impact, is a foldable and flexible support of pencil drawing has high impact on the reduction of
with optimal roughness and tunable porosity, suitable for costs and steps required for device construction.
exfoliation of pencil leads and consequent deposition of
graphite particles by a soft hand pressure. Moreover, 2.4 Pencil Patterns for Sensing Applications
paper being made out of cellulose fibres, can be easily
wicked by capillarity and displays high chemical resist- Transducers made of graphite deposited by pencil draw-
ance, as well as the possibility to be easily modified. ing can be used as sensing elements of devices aimed at

Table 3. Pencil patterns used as conductors.

Lead composition Writing substrate Application Ref
Graphite rods, commercial pencil Office paper or in-house made paper Supercapacitor [55]
Commercial pencil (unspecified) Conductive glass (ITO) Dye-sensitized solar cell [66]
Commercial pencil (2B) Whatman paper Electrokinetic-driven microfluidic [67]
Commercial pencil (HB) Whatman paper Electrokinetic-driven microfluidic [68]
Unspecified pencil Whatman paper Supercapacitor (mPPECD) [69]
Commercial pencil (8B)a Office paper Supercapacitor [70]
Commercial pencil (4B)b Office paper Supercapacitor [71]
Commercial pencil (4B) Unspecified paper modified with ZnO powder Photoconductive UV sensor [72]
Commercial pencil (4B) Unspecified paper modified with ZnO nanocrystals Photoconductive UV sensor [73]
Graphite rods Polished n-type CdTe substrate Schottky-type heterojunction [74]
Commercial pencil (HB) Whatman paper Field effect transistor [75]
Commercial pencil (HB) Office paper Field effect transistor [76]
Commercial pencil (HB) Whatman paper Fuel cell [77]
Polyaniline or b polypyrrole was grown on the drawn material through an electrochemical deposition process. mPPECD: microfluidic
paper-based photoelectrochemical device.

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monitoring either force and pressure or chemical species graphite particles are pulled further apart, causing in-
[21]. crease of the relevant resistance [57]. The use of laser or
A simple and flexible paper-based piezo-resistive chemical etching made possible the construction of rough
system, in which a pencil drawn resistor acts as the device enough patterns to facilitate abrasive deposition of
core, was recently proposed [57, 78, 79]. Briefly, an ap- carbon-based pencil leads on a wide variety of glassy sur-
plied force generates a mechanical strain/stress causing faces, such as polymethylmethacrylate, silicon, adhesive
expansion or contraction of the graphite network, thus tape, glass or alumina. By profiting from this approach,
providing a resistance change proportional to the applied fully drawn carbon based sensing array sensitive to differ-
pressure. Tensile deformation causes a partial separation ent analytes were developed [82].
of particles within the patterned graphite line, with a con- More recently, paper platforms containing carbon elec-
sequent resistance increase. Conversely, compressive de- trodes drawn by commercial pencils have been used as
flection facilitates contact among graphite particles, thus capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectors
increasing electrical conduction. Recently, a similar ap- (C4D) in microchip electrophoretic separation devices.
proach was profitably exploited to assemble sensors with The proposed approach was successfully employed for
fast response time (< 110 ms), able to monitor human and the quantitative analysis of inorganic cations such as K +
robotic motions and book-folding (e.g. opening/closing and Na + in tear samples [83].
states of doors) [63]. Moreover, it was demonstrated that Pencil drawing was also used for the quick and easy
the use of different-grade pencils can tune piezoresistive construction of electrodes for electrochemical circuits on
properties of sensing elements, thus changing sensor sen- paper [84, 85]. Onto this inexpensive and flexible porous
sitivity [78]. material simple or even complex hydrophilic fluidics can
Besides mechanical stress, also chemical stimuli can be easily created by patterning hydrophobic boundaries
induce resistance changes of graphite patterns drawn by extending across its thickness by using photoresists, inkjet
carbon-based pencil leads. In addition, the presence of or wax inks [86–88].
suitable solid or liquid modifiers, whose chemical-physical Consequently, pencil drawing makes quite easy the
properties can be modified when contacted by specific an- design of electrodes suitable for assembling electrochemi-
alytes, can infer specificity to sensing elements, thus also cal cells or inexpensive amperometric detectors for paper-
offering the possibility to assemble arrays of chemiresis- based devices. These devices were evaluated as both
tors. simple cells suitable for voltammetric experiments under
In particular, an approach for assembling on paper static conditions and detectors for thin-layer chromato-
chemiresistors consisting of electrodes created by simple graphic systems where analytes of importance in food
abrasion of compressed pellets composed of graphite or analysis such as ascorbic acid and sunset yellow, a com-
nanostructured carbon material, such as single wall monly used food dye, can be individually detected after
carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) or multiple walls carbon rapid separation [84]. The use of commercial pencil leads
nanotubes (MWCNTs), called process-enhanced nanocar- in such modality showed its utility also for the construc-
bon for integrated logic (PENCILs), was proposed [59]. tion of paper-based platforms to be used for metal deter-
In more detail, devices consist of sensing elements gener- mination by stripping voltammetry [89].
ated by mechanical abrasion of pristine SWCNTs, ob- Furthermore, the performance of these pencil-drawn
tained by compression of the nanomaterial into pellets, electrochemical devices was studied using both aqueous
within the 1 mm gap of two gold electrodes preliminarily and non aqueous electrolytes. In fact, by easily assem-
deposited on a paper substrate. This method was firstly bling solvent resistant polydimethylsiloxane boundaries
used to assemble sensitive and flexible paper ammonia on paper by a simple stamp printing method, voltammet-
sensors by profiting from the interaction of NH3 with ric and flow-injection analysis coupled to amperometric
SWCNTs and consequent change in the measured current detection of ferrocene in acetonitrile was performed [90].
in the drawn sensing zone. A similar procedure was ex- By profiting from the use of pencil drawing, simple but
ploited to draw a uniform graphite coating on silver inter- effective dual electrodes proved to be profitable for the
digitated electrodes (IDEs) printed on paper, thus discrimination in flow systems of comigrating analytes un-
making possible rapid assembling of NO2 sensors [80]. dergoing electrochemical behaviors characterized by dif-
The addition of specific solid or liquid modifiers during ferent reversibility such as ascorbic acid and paracetamol
fabrication of pellets made possible the production of [91]. Recently, doped pencils were prepared by mixing at
arrays of selective paper-based chemiresistors which room temperature controlled amounts of the desired me-
showed selective responses to different gaseous analytes diators with carbon powder (conductive material),
[81, 82]. sodium bentonite (binding agent) and sodium silicate
The use of commercial pencil leads containing PVC as (hardening agent) and subsequently extruding the mix-
binder for graphite particles was exploited to construct ture to form thin rods (Figure 5). This procedure was dif-
a simple but reliable paper-based chemiresistor sensitive ferent enough from that usually employed for commer-
to some volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In this case, cially available pencils, to avoid undesired heating steps
the polymer binder is swollen, upon exposure to some able to cause modifier decomposition [64]. By profiting
gaseous analytes with solvents suitable for PVC. Thus, from this approach, it was possible to draw modified elec-

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A similar procedure was proposed for preparing pencil
leads by using graphite previously modified with Ag and
AgCl. This approach proved to be suitable for drawing
on paper or other porous supports carbon based Ag/AgCl
conductive lines to be used as reference electrodes [92].
The use of commercial pencils to draw electrodes on
paper was also exploited for assembling electrochemilu-
minescent (ECL) immunosensors [93].
More recently, the use of pencil-drawn paper-based de-
vices for conducting direct electrochemical measurements
in oils was proposed. This device made possible the vol-
tammetric detection of both hydrophilic and lipophilic
electroactive species present in oils by exploiting the
three-boundary phase taking place among pencil drawn
working electrode, electrolyte embedded on paper sup-
port and sample applied over devices [94]. This approach
made possible the development of one-spot tests enabling
olive oil to be easily distinguished from other vegetable
Recent applications profiting from this simple dry and
Fig. 5. (A) Schematic illustration of the fabrication process of solvent-free deposition method on different supports are
pencil leads. (a) Graphite-based mixture is loaded inside the ex- collected in Table 4.
truder; (b) pressure is applied by keeping the extruder outlet
opening plugged up; (c) the plug is removed and the plunger is
pressed to extrude graphite rods which are then cut into pieces;
(d) pencil leads are inserted in commercial holders. (B) Layout 3 Extrusion-based Direct Deposition of Conductive
of the pencil-drawn paper-based electrochemical cell (PED). W, Filaments and 3D Structures
R and C are working, pseudo-reference and counter electrodes,
respectively. Images reproduced from ref. [64]. Approaches based on extrusion of conductive materials
offer a powerful route for assembling functional struc-
trodes containing cobalt phthalocyanine as modifier tures and devices with different design and shape. Despite
acting as electrocatalytical mediator for the determination the bright prospects, the number of sensing systems as-
of cysteine and hydrogen peroxide. sembled by this approach is limited [95].

Table 4. Pencil patterns used as sensors.

Lead composition Writing substrate Application Ref
Commercial pencil (HB), PVC-based Office paper Piezoresistive sensor, chemiresistive [57]
pencil gas sensor
Compressed SWNTs Whatman paper, weighing paper, office paper, Chemiresistive gas sensor [59]
recycled paper
Commercial pencil (2B) Office paper Piezoresistive sensor [63]
Commercial pencil (HB) Office paper Piezoresistive sensor [78]
Commercial pencil (2B) Office paper Piezoresistive sensor [79]
Commercial pencil (8B) Weighing paper Chemiresistive gas sensor [80]
Compressed graphite, SWCNTs, Weighing paper Chemiresistive gas sensor [81]
MWCNTs, modifiers
Commercial pencil (9B), compressed Glass, PMMA, weighing paper, Chemiresistive gas sensor [82]
SWNTs, modifiers adhesive tape, alumina
Commercial pencil (2B) Office paper, Whatman paper C4D for microfluidic devices [83]
In-house made pencil with modifiers Whatman paper Voltammetric sensor [64]
Commercial pencil (3B) Whatman paper Voltammetric, amperometric sensor [84]
Commercial pencil (6B) Whatman paper Voltammetric sensor [85]
Commercial pencil (6B) PVC substrate Stripping voltammetry [89]
Commercial pencil (3B) Whatman paper Voltammetric sensor [90]
Commercial pencil (3B) Whatman paper Dual electrode amperometric detec- [91]
Commercial (3B) and in-house made Whatman paper Voltammetric sensor [92]
Ag/AgCl pencils
Commercial pencil (6B) Whatman paper ECL immunosensor [93]
In-house made pencil Whatman paper Voltammetric sensor [94]

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erties of inks, in terms of surface tension and viscosity,
are overcome. Furthermore, since the flow is induced by
pressure, clogging problems are reduced. As a result,
even if this approach requires higher technological and
automation level, a large number of inks and pastes, even
possessing high viscosity and disperse particulate, can be
Electrochemical platforms have been fabricated ex-
ploiting n-Scrypt [100, 101], which is a deposition system
consisting of a dispensing tip integrated with a pump
mounted onto XYZ motion platforms. This system ena-
bles precise deposition of commercial graphite conductive
inks to be achieved. Electrochemical devices, assembled
by profiting from this method displayed performance
very similar to those obtained with screen printed electro-
des prepared with same inks. The filament-deposition ap-
proach also enables the construction of conductive verti-
cally printed and 3D structures [102]. For instance, a sus-
Fig. 6. Scheme of a fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D print- pension of carbon black particles in silicone oil, also
er. In this method, plastic filament is directed into a heating known as carbon conductive grease, was recently pro-
block where it is heated to a semi-molten state. The molten ma- posed for patterning conductive tracks using an extrusion
terial can be printed onto an adjustable stage to form a layer of based deposition system. The ink, displaying a marked
the desired object. Each semi-molten layer is printed after suita-
ble adjustment (lowering) of the stage. Image reproduced from
shear thinning behavior (viscosity decreases from 104 Pa s
ref. [96]. to 10 Pa s as the shear rate increases from 10¢2 s¢1 to
103 s¢1), was extruded through thin nozzles to generate
sensitive elements of 3D printed strain sensors [103]. Re-
This type of deposition is based on the extrusion of cently, composites consisting of graphene mixed with
a continuous filament through a single or multi-nozzle polylactide-co-glycolide or copolymers composed of poly-
array, by applying a pressure with a syringe pump or an methacrylic acid and polyethylene glycol, crosslinked
air-powered dispensing fluid. Alternatively, as in the case with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate were developed and
of solid filaments used in 3D printing [96], the material utilized to create 3D graphene conductive structures via
can be driven by two rollers as illustrated in Figure 6. extrusion-based printing [25, 104].
Extrusion systems are essentially based on two key It is worth noting that pencil lead itself is a solid fila-
sub-systems which are the deposition head, consisting in ment obtained through extrusion of a paste, consisting of
an ink reservoir ending with a nozzle zone and the XYZ graphite and clay or polymeric material acting as binder
positioner. Computer numerical control (CNC), which is [57, 64, 105].
a system widespread employed in a number of industrial Different conductive materials can be also patterned by
applications, is exploited to coordinate the three-axis profiting from the filament extrusion approach. For in-
motion of the positioner and to control the deposition stance, lithium-based compounds such as Li4Ti5O12 and
head during material extrusion on the substrate [97]. In LiFePO4 nanoparticles suspended in a solution containing
such a way, position of the head, deposition speed and water, ethylene glycol, glycerol and cellulose based visco-
amount of the extruded material are precisely controlled. sifier were extruded to pattern 3D electrodes for Li-ions
Dimension of the deposited layer is affected by printing microbatteries. A subsequent heating process was neces-
speed, pressure applied, nozzle diameter, as well as by sary for sintering nanoparticles and removing organic ad-
properties and rheology of the deposited material. ditives after printing [106].
The most important approaches for the continuous Metal clays, which are moldable composite materials
deposition of electrically conductive paths and structures based on metal particles and organic binders, can also be
profiting from this technologies are reported in the fol- used. They were developed starting from Ð90s [107] for
lowing. the fabrication of jewels. These composite materials offer
a number of advantages such as, for instance, the fact that
3.1 Deposition of Inks and Pastes their deposition can be carried out at room temperature.
By profiting from this approach a number of different
Most of knowledge for the formulations of inks and metals can be deposited; in fact, pastes containing both
pastes comes from inkjet or screen printing technologies. precious metals, e.g. Ag and Au, and basic metals or
With reference to this, a number of reviews and books alloys, e.g. Cu, bronze and steel, have been employed.
have summarized the state-of-the-art [98, 99]. Similarly to However, the removal of organic binders must be carried
what discussed in the case of pens (Section 2), most of out in a kiln at high temperature and in some case
inkjet printing limitations connected to rheological prop-

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oxygen should be removed during the firing in order to FDM offers a number of advantages, it being a low
avoid metal oxidation. cost and easy to use technology close enough to maturity
which does not require dedicated laboratories. A large
3.2 Low Melting Point Metals and Alloys community supports the development of new hardware
and software solutions, as well as the development of new
Metals and metal alloys possessing very low melting materials, so that it is difficult enough to compile an ex-
points, i.e. the so-called fusible alloys, have also been em- haustive list of available systems. Scientific literature on
ployed for the deposition of conductive paths [108, 109]. fundamental aspects of this technology is abundant [113].
Their deposition can be carried out by extrusion through Actually, a number of critical aspects makes difficult
suitable nozzles. The choice of the metal is complex. In the deposition of conductive materials, which is an impor-
fact, only few pure metals display suitable melting points, tant challenge for enabling easy deposition on curved
e.g. Hg, Pb, Sn, Na, K and some of them, such as alkali substrates, with consequent drastic simplification of elec-
metals are too reactive to be fruitfully employed. On the trical wiring in a number of devices [116].
other hand, metal systems based on Hg, Pb and Cd are Unfortunately, printed parts are so far mainly fabricat-
toxic. In addition, Hg possesses a very high surface ten- ed for structural or decorative purposes, while printing of
sion, leading to the formation of spherical drops on many more advanced functional materials is still at the infancy.
substrates, instead of wetting surfaces. Despite the large number of available polymeric materi-
An interesting alternative is the use of metals such as als, only few of them are commonly employed. The most
Ga, whose surface forms a thin layer of oxide materials widespread adopted polymeric materials are based on
after deposition [95]. Although the relevant oxide dis- polylactic acid (PLA) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
plays a significant electrical resistance, it protects the blends (ABS). Although various printable materials for
pure metal from the contact with the environment. anti static, dissipative, electromagnetic interference
On the other hand, metal alloying can be suitably shielding [117] are known at present, conductivity is too
adopted to modify viscosity, reduce melting points or in- low for reliable electrical circuits or sensors.
crease conductivity of extruded materials. For instance, Composite materials based on a thermoplastic polymer,
eutectic mixtures, such as Ga-In, display quite low melt- e.g. PLA, as matrix and dispersed conductive material
ing points, low resistivity ( … 29 mW cm) and low viscosity were widely employed. As to conductive materials,
( … 2.4 mPa s) [110]. Recently, conductive traces patterned a number of carbon or metal particles containing poly-
by extrusion of Ga-In (75–25% w/w) alloy, flowing mers were employed [118, 119]. For instance, a composite
through a syringe pump, were used as sensitive elements consisting of Polymorph, which is a commercial formula-
of elastomer-encapsulated strain gauges [111, 112]. tion of polycaprolactone (PCL), and carbon black (CB)
as filler was adopted to prepare thin filaments suitable
3.3 Conductive Thermoplastic Filaments for FDM printing. Conductive layers of this material,
termed Carbomorph, were then patterned and adopted to
Thin filaments composed of thermoplastic polymeric ma- assemble capacitive devices and piezoresitive sensors
terials can be extruded by means of suitable heated noz- [26].
zles located at the bottom of the deposition head. The In some cases, printed parts are thermally treated after
polymer, after rapid cooling down, forms a solid thin deposition for burning out [120] the organic matrix and
wire; the subsequent deposition of wires very close to sintering the original metal particles, thus leading to pure
one another leads to the formation of solid, mechanically metal layers.
and also, in some cases, chemically resistant 3D struc- In general, filament formulations are complex enough
tures. The polymeric material is supplied to the deposi- and often not publicly available, so that a proper correla-
tion head by mechanical systems basically consisting of tion of formulation and printing parameters with the re-
proper gears pushing filaments based on a thermoplastic sulting deposited materials is difficult. As a matter of
polymer inside a melting chamber located in the deposi- fact, standardization in the formulations is a challenge
tion head and connected to the nozzle. since filaments from different suppliers are nominally
This printing system, called fused deposition modeling similar but quite different. Moreover, batch-to-batch var-
(FDM), was developed in the Ð80s [113] and was widely iations of the properties are quite common. It is impor-
adopted for rapid prototyping of mechanical components. tant to note that the in-house development of new formu-
Its diffusion concerns not only academic and industrial lations is often tricky, since it is difficult to obtain in labo-
environments but also hobbyists. In recent years, an in- ratory constant density and diameter using simple and
crease of the diffusion of this deposition method took low cost extrusion systems. This notwithstanding, FDM
place, due to some key patents concerning the relevant technology has exciting possibilities and is so rapidly de-
instrumentation, which led to the reduction of its overall veloping as to suggest that in the near future it will offer
cost, also thanks to the development of open hardware the possibility to produce easily high-tech sensors, without
and software projects (see, e.g., RepRap [114] and Ardui- the need of production facilities.
no [115] projects for mechanical components, electronics
and software sub-systems).

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