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Online Learning is the newest and most popular form of distance
education today. Within the past decade it has had a major impact on
postsecondary education and the trend is only increasing. It is a method of
education whereby students learn in a fully virtual environment. First
introduced in the 1990s with the creation of the internet and utilized in
distance learning, online learning (also called e-learning) is most prevalent in
higher education, enabling students from different geographical areas to
engage with an academic institution and other students online and learn
flexibly, at their own pace, while working towards a degree or certificate.
Moreover, online learning refers to an internet-based learning
environment that can connect students of diverse backgrounds who boast
different perspectives. A higher education institution will use a learning
management system, or LMS, to facilitate online learning, which can take the
form of asynchronous learning (where students are not required to be online
at the same time and utilize discussion threads and e-mails to complete
coursework) or synchronous learning (where students must be online at the
same time).
According to Rudestam & Schoenholtz-Read (2010) online learning has
become popular because of its potential for providing more flexible access to
content and instruction at any time, from any place. Frequently, the
motivation for online learning programs entails (1) increasing the availability
of learning experiences for learners who cannot or choose not to attend
traditional face-to-face offerings, (2) assembling and disseminating
instructional content more cost-efficiently, and/or (3) providing access to
qualified instructors to learners in places where such instructors are not
available. Online learning advocates argue further that additional reasons for
embracing this medium of instruction include current technology’s support of
a degree of interactivity, social networking, collaboration, and reflection that
can enhance learning relative to normal classroom conditions.
Online learning overlaps with the broader category of distance
learning, which encompasses earlier technologies such as correspondence
courses, educational television, and videoconferencing. Earlier studies of
distance learning reported overall effect sizes near zero, indicating that
learning with these technologies, taken as a whole, was not significantly
different from regular classroom learning in terms of effectiveness (Bernard
et al., 2004; Cavanaugh, 2001; Machtmes & Asher, 2000; Zhao, Lei, Yan, &
Tan, 2005).

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This study aims to know and deeply understand the effectiveness of
online learning in the performance of the students. This study will serve as
their guide, and it give some background regarding online learning.

The main objective of this study is to know the effectiveness of online
learning in the performance of the students. Specifically, this seeks to
answer the following questions.
1. How effective is online learning in the performance of the students?
2. How online learning helps the students to their academic performance?
3. Does online learning have an advantage to the performance of

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