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A Research Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the
Bachelor Degree in Marketing and Public Relations (BMPR) of the National Institute of

JULY, 2022


I, the undersigned, certify that I have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by The
National Institute of Transport, a Research titled Impact of Sales Promotion on online
buying decision: A case of Kariakoo Mall in Dar es salaam, in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the award of the Bachelor Degree in Marketing and Public Relations
(BMPR) of the National Institute of Transport.

Sir. Francis Moses

Supervisor’s Name.




I, EMMANUEL N CHARLES (NIT/BMPR/2019/1014), hereby declare that this research is

my own work, it is only submitted at National Institute of Transport (NIT), Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania and will not be presented to any other Institution/University for a similar or any
other degree award.


This report may no reproduced, store in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form by
means of electronic , photocopying or otherwise without written permission of the author or
national Institute of Transport.

First, I wish to use this medium to thanks my God for enabling me to see the light of the
day with healthy , wisdom, knowledge and skills as well as understanding that make me
unique among of my mate in the academy and home .
My Great thanks goes to my research supervisor Sir Francis Moses for the diligence and
dedication to completion of this work will always be remembered since help me from
beginning till the accomplishment of the submission of the research report. I assist me all the
way sharing valuable knowledge and expertise with me has been the bridge to accomplish to
the completion of the research report.
My thanks to my parent who sponsored me in the whole process of research by filling the
budget required in both literature review, transport and stationary cost?

This dissertation work is decided to my parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ngusa as well as my
family friends and research supervisor Sir Francis Moses pushed me to successfully finish
this degree.


CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................1


1.1. Chapter Overview....................................................................................................1

1.2. Background information..........................................................................................1

1.3. Statement of the problem.........................................................................................2

1.4. Objectives of the study............................................................................................3

1.4.1 General Objectives...............................................................................................3

1.4.2 Specific Objectives....................................................................................................3

i. To assess how quantity price discount in online buying decision...................................3

ii. To examine the impact of rebates in online buying decision.........................................3

iii. To evaluate the results of exhibitions in online buying decision..................................3

1.5 Research Questions..................................................................................................3

1.6 Significance of the study..........................................................................................3

1.7 Scope of the study....................................................................................................3

1.8 Limitations of the study...........................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................5

Literature review....................................................................................................................5

2.1. Chapter Overview....................................................................................................5

2.2. Definition of Key Terms and Concepts...................................................................5

It is essential to provide definitions of terms and concepts in the context of the study.....5

2.2.1 Sales Promotion................................................................................................................5

2.2.2 Quantity Price Discount....................................................................................................5

2.2.3 Rebates..............................................................................................................................6

2.2.4 Exhibitions........................................................................................................................6

2.2.5 Online buying....................................................................................................................6

2.2.6 Buying choice....................................................................................................................6

2.3. Theoretical Literature Review.................................................................................7

2.4. Empirical Literature Review........................................................................................8

2.5. Research Gap...........................................................................................................9

2.6. Conceptual framework...........................................................................................10

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework..........................................................................................10

CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................11

Research Methodology.........................................................................................................11

3.1. Chapter Overview..................................................................................................11

3.2. Research Approach................................................................................................11

3.3. Research Design....................................................................................................11

3.4. Area of the study....................................................................................................11

3.5. Target population...................................................................................................12

3.6 Sampling size and sampling technique..................................................................12

3.7 Data collection methods.........................................................................................13

3.8 Data processing, analysis and presentation............................................................14

3.9 Validation of research instruments........................................................................15

3.10 Ethical Considerations..........................................................................................16

CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................17

Findings Analysis and Discussion........................................................................................17

4.1 Chapter Overview.......................................................................................................17

4.2 General Information of Respondents..........................................................................17

4.3. Presentations of Findings analysis & Discussion......................................................18

4.3.1 What are the implications of quantity price discount in online buying decision.....19

4.3.2 What are the impact of exhibition on online buying decision.................................24

CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................27

Conclusion and Recommendations......................................................................................27

5.1 Chapter overview........................................................................................................27

5.2 Conclusion..................................................................................................................27

5.3 Recommendations.......................................................................................................27



Appendix I: Questionnaire...................................................................................................30


Appendix 2: Research Permit...............................................................................................33

BMPR- Bachelor Degree in Marketing and Public Relations
NIT- National Institute of Transport.
PhD- Doctor of Philosophy
SPSS- Statistical package for Social Science.
TBL-Tanzania Breweries Limited


This study was aimed to assess the Impact of sales promotion on online buying decision, a
case of Kariakoo Mall in Dar es salaam, where the goals of business is to inspire the customer
to make purchase of their product or services which resulting to increase marketing value and
performance also business recognize that not each kind of promotion are effective but they
are not sure which one among of the one promotional equipment are most effective.

The specific objectives of the study is to assess the impact of quantity price discount in online
buying decision, to examine the effective of rebates in online buying decision as well as to
evaluate the result of exhibition in online buying decision, where the objectives of the study
aimed to assess how the sales promotional technique mentioned resulting to the online
buying decision. Theoretically the study was based on the Impulsive buying theory and
anticipated regret theory.

The study include methodology of questionnaire in data collection in which from various
respondent acquire details or the response where the questionnaire created by google form
and shared to the various respondent, The study include sales promotional technique that is
quantity price discount ,exhibition as well as rebates as impact in buying decision in online
purchasing and this is real majority of respondent either agree or strong agree that price
discount ,exhibition as well as rebates are the sales promotion resulting to influence

The study findings shows that all promotional activities that is quantity price discount,
exhibition and rebates lead to increase online buying decision and sales, where this is evident
as majorities of respondent either strong agree or agree that exhibition, rebates and price
discount as the sales promotional tools lead to increase decision on buying online .Therefore
important to note that while this study is not conclusive enough ,it had make the supportive
light on the promotion strategies with respective online business.

The recommendation of details analyzed either the business should focus more in sales
promotion tools since through promotion or the business resulting to be best in marketing
hence promotion tools like exhibition are important to be noted by the business since enable
to catch large number of client and facilitate the business sustainability through the findings
exhibition are the one of sales promotion tools which resulting to influence more the
purchasing through online.

The business should note the promotion technique is important for business development
hence the business should support and invest more into promotion techniques for stance in
quantity price discount as well as rebates through the response of respondent some had not
aware about the promotion technique hence the business should ensure most of customer are

aware of that kind of promotion technique hence should enable to make more decision in
online purchasing through variouse website as well as social media of the business.


1.1. Chapter Overview

The chapter introduction the examine, particularly on background information,
statement of the problem, objective of the examine, significance of the study,
research questions, scope and limitations of the study.

1.2. Background information

The increase of competition in the commercial enterprise marketplace has made
entrepreneurs everywhere the globe to contemplate a range of advertisement
strategies incentives so as to square out amongst their competitors (Jean et al, 2015).
the requirement for industrial got here as an end result of extreme of competition that
needs dealers to urge clients’ attention so as to extend their income, increase and
survival in enterprise (Encyclopedia of Small Business, 2007). It is key to recognize
that advertising is carried out in the enterprise and its impact online buying choice.
Richard et al., (2009) said online shopping for decision relates to the specific output
or effects as measured towards its supposed goals.
It embraces three specific dimensions, namely, monetary overall performance,
product marketplace overall performance and shareholders’ return. This examine will
specialize in product marketplace performance (income quantity) in recognize to
exposure strategies, that is frequently due to the fact income quantity has effect on
the opposite dimensions of finance and shareholders return. The goal of commercial
is to inspire the customers to proper away purchase a selected product for that reason
improving its sales quantity (Odunlami and Ogunsiji, 2011; and Aderemi, 2003).
Odunlami et al, (2011) in his look at on effect of industrial strategies on line
shopping for selection; concluded that powerful implementation of commercial gear
cause growth in income quantity and continuously higher profit. Walton, (2016)
carried out research on the impact of commercial on organizational performance
concluded that 1 percentage increase in publicity activity became related to 0.44
percent increase in sales turnover. However, when it involves non-monetary overall
performance, the study found that commercial failed to drastically affect new

development. Finally, the connection between commercial and customer acquisition
was positive and significant.
Schultz and Block (2014) stressed that the brand with advertisement is extra likely to
extend the consumers’ preferences and buying behavior than the brand without
publicity. Omotayo, (2011) publicity is among the vital tools entrepreneurs use speak
with customers; the method not only works to realize the eye of the customer but also
impact the consumer to buy the merchandise through different incentives. Researches
on the impacts of publicity on line shopping for choice are performed in numerous
nations and industries; findings have shown that there's positive impact of
advertisement techniques on online buying selections Unlike other studies this
examine targeted on the role of financing (credit) by manufactures, rebates, quantity
fee bargain and exhibitions in increasing sales quantity. These publicity tools are
quite common in cement enterprise but haven't been researched that much by other
researchers. Other research had more specialize in consumer and management
attitude on the role of publicity in enhancing sales, whilst this one targeted on the
wholesalers or intermediaries’ attitude.

1.3. Statement of the problem

Companies are increasingly turning into obsessed on promotion campaigns that
incorporates various incentives, most are short lived designed to interact quicker or
greater purchase of precise goods or services. Publicity is one in every of those
incentives which has prompted customer to form instant buying choice than to attend
later (Kotler, 2003). Companies recognize that not each kind of advertisement are
effective but they are not sure which one among the ones promotional equipment are
the most effective.
Shrestha, (2015). Knowledge of ways customers yet as intermediaries perceive sales
promotional techniques like price bargain, rebates, exhibitions and trade credits
frameworks may be of high importance for the corporate to adjust or perhaps trade
their income promotional incentives and it's going to pave manner for groups to
leverage their role in the market through achieving the suitable balance between the
advertising they generally offer and additionally the advertising that intermediaries
prefer. The preceding researches have contributed significantly in showing the
essential function advertising plays in improving sales quantity of agencies in several

industries this consists of Odunlmi et al., 2011, Pembi et al., 2017, Tandoh et al.,
2015, Adeniran et al., 2016 and Walton 2016.
However, most of the respondents in those researches have been top management,
staffs and customer of the businesses, few of the studies concerned intermediaries.
Intermediaries are the primary clients of goods; they act as a link between business
and customer. Understanding the position advertising play in motivating
intermediaries to live groups’ items in the market provide a reason for this look at.
Therefore, this research aimed towards sorting out whether sale advertising activities
within the call of quantity price bargain, rebates, exhibitions and financing through
credit are effective in motivating intermediaries to get items in excellent quantity and
improving sales at their shops. Since this research is performed in the cement
production enterprise in Tanzania, the effects of this studies look at shall allow
organizations to understand advertising equipment which are appropriate for

1.4. Objectives of the study

1.4.1 General Objectives
To assess impact of sales promotion in online buying decision.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

i. To assess how quantity price discount in online buying decision.

ii. To examine the impact of rebates in online buying decision

iii. To evaluate the results of exhibitions in online buying decision.

1.5 Research Questions

i. What are the implications of quantity price discount on line buying decision?
ii. What are the outcome of rebates on online buying decision?
iii. What are the impact of exhibitions on buying choice?

1.6 Significance of the study

The look at will assist groups to recognize the suitable income advertising strategies
to encourage consumers to obtain better choice in shopping for. The studies look at
will act as reference for different researcher proceeding to behavior studies within
side the identical difficulty. Also, this studies is a part of my educational
qualification; consequently, a success crowning glory will permit me to earn my
bachelor diploma in advertising and public members of the family at The National
institute of Transport.

1.7 Scope of the study

It really well worth noting that income advertising is a massive challenge
consequently isn't the hobby of this studies look at to comprehensively talk it. The
recognition of this look at become best confined to the impact of income advertising
on line shopping for choice.

1.8 Limitations of the study

The examine can be restricted with the get entry to of records considering to
generalize effects would require large quantity of facts however because of confined
time for undertaking studies could be very brief and really confined. However, the
researcher may be punctual in preserving and handling correctly and correctly in
making plans and arranging undertaking and obligations to be executed so one can
keep away from useless and in addition wastage of time.
This look at will also face problems in getting access to number one facts from the
case look at employer, However the researcher could have the creation letter from the
college introducing the scholar and supplied statistics that the statistics amassed may
be for educational cause handiest and not for some other reason.

Literature review

2.1. Chapter Overview

This chapter will set a primary framework of the examine through giving a trendy
evaluate on a few theoretical literature and empirical literature regarding the assessing the
effect of Sales advertising on on-line shopping for choice. The chapter will also give an
explanation for the important phrases and diverse ideas related to the subject as a way to
cause the overall information of the look at. In this chapter the research can be able to
provide easy definitions of the conceptual work so as to manual the discussion through
this examine.

2.2. Definition of Key Terms and Concepts

It is essential to provide definitions of terms and concepts in the context of the study.
2.2.1 Sales Promotion
Sales Promotions is that the advertising activities generally particular to a period, location
or purchaser organization, which encourage an immediate response from client, through
the provide of additional advantages (Peattie and Peattie 1994). Kotler (2003), confused
that exposure is important factor in advertising campaigns and consists of a diverse
collection of incentive equipment, in general brief term designed to stimulate faster or
greater buy of precise services or products through clients. business is special in an
incredibly way that it offers a further incentive for motion (Palmer, 2004). Bhasin (2018)
opined that there are two major classes of business which might be Consumer promotions
and alternate advertising.
2.2.2 Quantity Price Discount
The extra amount of the products a consumer purchase, the extra is that the bargain. it is
applied in alternate in which a provider or distributor might be given a discount, they buy
the next quantity of product (Bhasin, 2018). In quantity cut price scheme advertisements,
the retailer or manufacturer rewards the ones shopping in bulk through supplying a
reduced rate for every product or organization of products (Banerjee, 2009). Hence
resulted to persuade on-line buying choice.

2.2.3 Rebates
Rebate is an quantity paid through way of discount or refund on what has already been
paid. it is a sort of advertising that entrepreneurs use particularly as incentives or dietary
supplements to product income. The brand employing a rebate can expanded income
mostly on the “promise” of a discount. Which result in more income at their complete
margin, (Fripp, 2015).
2.2.4 Exhibitions
Bhasin (2018) sellers shall exhibit the products they want to their prospective
consumers. These consumers can be customers or they'll be commercial consumers. An
exhibition generally consists of 1 participant who's showcasing his items. However, it
could additionally be a mixture of gamers who are all there to exhibit their wares.
Patten (2001), some of the advertising goals that businesses should use to show off in
indicates as; promoting extra products, launching a substitute line, locating distributors
or shops in a very new territory and finding agents. Others were attracting new market,
repositioning ones enterprise in the market, giving help to subject agents, amassing
comments on a projected new range of products. Also re-setting up links with
customers whom the enterprise did not see frequently and packaging to strengthen the
corporation’s role in the marketplace region. Exhibitions being an immediate face-to-
face medium offer a respectable platform to acquire comments on a projected new
product for one ought to see masses of possibilities all through a platform of the
corporate therefore allow to effect choice of buying for.
2.2.5 Online buying
Online shopping for refers back to the interest of purchasing a service or product
through the net. Verma, Jain (2015), apprehend on line shopping for as individual's
movement that's determined through the purpose to buy on line. Fygenson (2006)
equate on line shopping for ecommerce and propose the definition of ecommerce is that
the interest in which customers get the know-how and get merchandise the use of
internet generation.
2.2.6 Buying choice
The shopping for choice is that the figuring out technique hired through clients
concerning the marketplace transactions earlier than, throughout, and after the purchase
of a first rate or service. It is visible as a particular fashion of a cost–advantage
evaluation withinside the presence of a couple of alternatives.

2.3. Theoretical Literature Review
2.3.1 Impulsive buying concept
Impulsive shopping for is defined as unplanned and unexpected buy behavior, and it's far
frequently prompted through the buying environment. Consumers are stimulated through
a robust impulse. When this impulse happens, it is tough for them to withstand shopping
for. This behavior is generally in the direction of happiness and keenness.
Stern, H (1962) proclaimed that consumers take delight in impulsive shopping for
behaviors below the impact of outside forces. He argued that unexpected shopping for
impulses match alongside rational shopping selections to color a complete image of the
regular customer. Impulse purchases are pushed largely through outside stimuli and
feature nearly no dating to standard choice-making.
The concept argued that entrepreneurs can convince clients to shop for for pretty what
that they had certainly planned (Dutta and Mandal, 2018). the same has been showed
below a current survey carried out withinside the context of American customers
claiming that 80% of respondents buy on spur of the instant whilst purchasing on-line
(Johnson, 2018). The virtual entrepreneurs are skillfully blending generation with their
advertising desires to inspire impulse shopping for through the goal marketplace (Carter,
For example, the world’s main retailer these days added digital sprint
buttons to facilitate impulse shopping for in on line purchasing. Based upon the records
of a clients’ purchases, those sprint buttons act due to the fact the reminder for the
Amazon’s patrons. This guarantees the purchaser that they may be now no longer
lacking to shop for something from their normal shopping for list. By supplying superior
ease in shopping for, the employer has nicely focused impulse shoppers through those
dash buttons (Richman, 2017).
2.3.2 Anticipated Regret Theory
Regret normally takes place whilst a non-public assumes that some other selection will
yield higher consequences after she or he has taken an movement. in step with the order
of real selection- making and emotional exalternate, it is divided into predicted remorse
and skilled regret. This paper in particular discusses the preceding one. Anticipated
remorse refers to the tension resulting from the concern of feasible loss before creating a
preference. it might result in hesitation while making buy choices. If customers
experience that they are going to remorse the selection to shop for or now no longer,
they will compare their selections greater carefully. The look at of Zeelenberg et al. also

confirmed that expected regret might activate samples to decide on a more secure option,
particularly threat aversion.
However, Larrick and Boles located that expected remorse could make human beings
pursue dangers in preference to keep away from them. Ritov’s look at additionally
confirmed that once topics have been located in a very gambling preference situation,
humans might interact in threat-in search of conduct due to the expanded tendency of
expected remorse. When beginning from the mindset of downward counterfactual
thinking, human beings have a tendency to check the outcomes of a name with the
effects of a worse plan. this concept is named downward predicted regret, additionally
stated as inactivity remorse. When customers have upward expectations of regret, they
may understand that their very own advantages decrease with the movements they take,
thereby decreasing the probability of motion and inhibiting the prevalence of
movements; while customers have downward expectancies regrets, they may perceive
that their personal blessings will comply with procuring motion increases, and now no
longer purchasing movement will result in a decrease in revenue, thereby growing the
opportunity of the movement.

2.4. Empirical Literature Review

Sale advertising acts as a competitive weapon through supplying a further incentive for
the goal marketplace to shop for or help one brand over some other. it is specifically
effective in spurring product trial and unplanned purchases (Aderemi, 2003). in line with
kotler (2003), advertising can be a key component in advertising campaigns and includes
a numerous series of incentive equipment, commonly short time period designed to
stimulate faster or extra purchase particular products or services through customers.
Blythe (2006) considered advertisement as any interest meant to get a short enhance in
income which includes several communications sports pursued so that you can deliver
brought price or incentives to customers, wholesalers, retailers, or different
organizational clients.

Clemence (2017), researched at the affects of publicity techniques on product awareness,
a examine on ornamental paints in Ilala municipality in Dar es Salaam. overall of 60
respondents have been obsessed as pattern for this look at from a one thousand surveyed
population. Descriptive evaluation became wont to research facts acquired from the
respondents, the findings later confirmed that every one the promotional activities, that

is, discounted prices, product giveaways, loyalty points, demos and sampling, and
reasons and charity sports all result in expanded product awareness.
Mbaga (2015), researched at the function of exposure in purchaser shopping for conduct,
the case of Tanzania breweries confined. the intention of this examine become to study
the function of commercial on purchaser shopping for conduct, the examine used a
pattern of one hundred respondents consisting of fifty two TBL worker and forty eight
clients from numerous retailers and consequently the evaluation of understanding
become performed the usage of SPSS and Microsoft Excel. it have been concluded that
commercial sports carried out the function of informing, reminding and influencing the
purchase of TBL merchandise.
Mwakanyamale (2015), carried out a seek on an evaluation of the promotional
equipment on increasing Consumers shopping strength in Tanzania withinside the
breweries enterprise. The look at hired theories to help its arguments. In phrases of
methodology, the examine employed a combined techniques approach, combining
secondary information, observations and exhaustive interviews. The examine confirmed
that indeed the foremost of the interviewed customers understood the idea of
promotional techniques and their probably impact on customer’s purchasing behavior,
However, the examine did not circulate to any lengthy to point out

2.5. Research Gap

A lot of researches are performed concerning influences of promoting on Buying
decision (Odunlami et al, 2011, Walton 2016, Amusat et al, 2013, Adeniran et al, 2016,
Tandoh et al 2015). Most of those researches confirm that there is effective relationship
among buying decisions and publicity. This examine focused on promoting tools that
don't seem to be exhausted through different researchers that features rebates, amount
price discount and exhibitions. The research seeks to research intermediaries’
perspective on the position of these advertising tools in pushing them for extra purchases
and sales at their shops through online.
Contextually, there is a pursuit gap due to the actual truth that the bulk the studies are
carried out in different countries and tiny has been drained Tanzania. Even for the few
studies carried out in Tanzania (Clemence, 2017 and Mbaga, 2015) they have got not
been worn out the cement industry. Theoretically there's a gap because of the actual truth
that push, pull and aggregate theories haven't been nicely exhausted in comparison to
different theories of advertisement like Prospect Theory developed by Hahnemann

andTversky (1997), Attribution Theory by Mizerski, Golden and Kernan (1979) and
transaction utility by Thaler (1985).

2.6. Conceptual framework

This part of research is aimed at showing conceptual float of the research activities as
well as theories that are tested to provide you with findings. The study targets at
assessing the effect of sales promotion on line buying decision. The framework aimed at
showing how sales advertising equipment that is quantity price discount, rebates,
exhibitions impact online buying decision.

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

Independent variables Dependent variables


Online buying decision

Purchase experience.
Perceived low cost

Financial support.

Source: Mwakanyamale, D (2015)

Research Methodology

3.1. Chapter Overview

This chapter contains a discussion on various methodological techniques which was used
in collecting data from various sources. It includes the research design, area of study,
population of the study, sampling technique, and data collection method and data

3.2. Research Approach

Creswell (2003) defined research approach as a paradigm, research framework which
can be either quantitative, qualitative or both mixed approaches. during this study both
qualitative and quantitative approaches are used. Quantitative research approach was
accustomed quantify the matter in an exceedingly way of generating numerical data and
transformed data into usable statistics. Qualitative research approach was accustomed
collects non-numerical information and analyzes it through thematic method (Creswell,
2003). the first focus of this approach was the utilization of multiple approaches in
answering research questions, instead of restricting or constraining researchers’ choices.

3.3. Research Design

Research design refers to the arrangement of conditions for collecting and analyzing data
in an exceedingly manner that aims at combining relevance to the research purposes with
economy in procedure Kothari (2004). Research design is that the framework within
which research is conducted; it constitutes the roadmap for the gathering, measurement
and analysis of information. For the case of this study, researcher will use the case study
research design because it is that the suitable design since the research will specialise in
the certain place also as seeking in-depth information on the topic matter. The essence
behind using case study design is because the study is conducted to explore through an
issue or situation to produce insights and understanding basing on a tiny low sample to
form sure that the scope of the study is narrowed and thus simplified the method of
information collection.

3.4. Area of the study

The study are going to be conducted at Kariakoo Mall offices in Dar es Salaam region
which is that the region in Tanzania located on the eastern side of the Tanzania
mainland. The region lies between 6°48' south, 39°17' east. it's bordered by one region.
In north, south and west is bordered by Coast region and in eastern part is bordered by
Indian Ocean. Dar es Salaam region is split into five (5) districts, namely Ilala,
Kinondoni, Temeke, Ubungo and Kigamboni. the explanation for conducting this study
in Dar es Salaam is purposively following financial and time constraints on the side of

3.5. Target population

Population involves the whole set of objects and measurements or group of individuals
which is that the object of the research and about which the researcher has to discover
some characteristics (Blwss and Smith, 1995) the most targeted population of this study
are going to be the Member of kariakoo mall which targeted with 1,220,611 according to
(National Bereu of statistics) this population are divided into two groups of individuals
namely; employees within the company and customers. a search population is usually an
oversized collection of people or objects that's the most focus of a scientific query. it's
for the good thing about the population that researches are done. However, thanks to the
massive sizes of populations, researchers often cannot test every individual within the
population because it's too expensive and time-consuming.

3.6 Sampling size and sampling technique

3.6.1 Sample size
Sample size refers to the number of things to be selected from the universe to
constitute a sample. It should neither be large nor too small (Kothari, 2008). A
sample may be a portion of population (Ndunguru, 2007). A sample size is
representative and generalization of whole population and, for a sample to be
representative enough for statistical analysis; it's recommended that a

minimum of a complete of the whole population to be taken for study.
Mugenda (1999) says that the larger the sample the smaller the sampling error
and contrariwise. an honest sample is one which may be taken as a
representative of the entire population whereby its results are often
generalized. (Kothari 2004) advocated that variety of things can influence
sample size to be utilized in the case study. one in every of the factors is
nature of universe whereby if the universe is homogeneous; a tiny low sample
can save the aim while for a heterogeneous universe an outsized sample is
required. While selecting the sample size, researcher are advised to place into
consideration three important aspects namely; the supply of population,
method of sampling to be used and financial resources available for
facilitation of the particular study (Charles, 1995).
From target population of about 1,220,611 sample size will be obtained by
applying the following formula
N is the total target population
n is sample size
e is marginal error (e = 0.05)
Thus; upon calculating, sample size of the study will be 400 respondents
3.6.2 Sampling methods or techniques
Sampling technique refer to the procedure adopted in selecting items or.
Respondents for the study. Also is the procedure of selecting a proper subset
of the elements from the population so that the subset can be used to make the
inference to the population as a whole (Charles, 1995). It also enables
generalization to be done in a large population (Babbie, 1992).
The researcher will use purposive or judgmental sampling technique when
selecting sample size. So, a researcher will select only certain respondents
purposely who will help the researcher to meet the objectives of the study
(Kothari, 2004). Purposive Sampling In this sampling technique, respondents
for the sample to be selected deliberately by the researcher depending on the
data intended to be collected from them (Cohen, 2000). Purposive sampling
was used in selecting respondents based on who thought was appropriate for
the study. This will help a researcher to select respondents that were
convenient to the conduction of the study in term of time and to make the

study easier. Therefore, in this research purposive method will be used to
determine sample to present the respondents basing on position, experience
and knowledge of the respondents.

3.7 Data collection methods

In conducting this study, data was collected using different methods from both
primary and secondary sources of data collection. The researcher considered the
following methods that were found to be appropriate for the study.
3.7.1Primary Data
Primary data is a type of data that is obtained directly from first hand sources by
means of surveys, observation or experimentation. It is data that has not been
previously published and is derived from a new or original research study and
collected at the source. In this study primary data will be collected through
interviews and questionnaires.
According to (Kothari, 2006), interview can be viewed as the set of question
administrated through structured or unstructured between the researcher and the
respondent. Interview will be used to collect information from employees of the
company. This method is much flexible and rich in information as the researcher
became part of the interview process.
It is the method of gathering information which involved sending questionnaires to
the responded and requesting them to answer the listed question and sending back to
the researcher (White, 2002). Pre-set-up questionnaires will be distributed to the
respondents; both open and close ended questions will be constructed and
administered to the targeted group. Distributed questionnaires will then be compiled
with a set of questions that intends to explore data which was relevant to this topic.
Through questionnaires, researcher will be able to get comments, feedback and
recommendations from various respondents on the subject matter.
3.7.2 Secondary Data
Documentary sources will be a major source of data collection technique that used to
obtain appropriate information. Researcher will extract data from different sources in
order to come up with relevant conclusion and recommendations. In order to get
previous and present information that help the researcher in drawing meaningfully

conclusions and recommendations, the researcher will spent some time trying to
explore statistical data from different sources or records such as files, research
reports, books, articles, journals and other relevant documents which will be
available and relevant to this study.

3.8 Data processing, analysis and presentation

3.8.1 Data Analysis Techniques
Data collected from the research will be analyzed on item-to-item basis. Information
will be gathered and rearranged into much workable framework; both quantitative
and qualitative techniques will be used in analyzing data in order to obtain
information and insight from the data. The analysis of data involved the following
techniques so that they will be remarkable to analysis
Editing the information collected will be edited to ensure that consistency is
maintained by removing redundant data, filling of missing data, completeness of
data, substance and reliability data, also correct the entries present wrong position.
Coding the information collected will be coded by marking with some alphabets and
numerals so that while sorting should be taken out by single search command.
Classification the data collected will be sorted so that to make the data analysis easy,
also helped in making comparison and achieve the desired results as per specification
Tabulation the classified data collected will be presented in the form of tables so that
the presentation was clear and to the point whereby the tables are named so that to
identify what the table presents, therefore the presentation is simple, accurate and
shows clear picture of the findings.
3.8.2 Data Presentation
Data will be transformed into tables for presentations of statistical and enhance
comparison especially in performance between organizations. Both two approaches
will be used in analyzing information which will be collected during the study.
Includes qualitative and quantitative analysis. The questionnaire data will be
presented through table. This helps to ensure that research objectives are met and
come up with contractive conclusion and recommendations.
3.8.3Validation of research instruments
Validity is a facet which is worried with whether the findings are really about what
they seem about (Saunders, 2007). it's a measure of how well a test measures what's
imagined to measure. For ensuring validity of knowledge collection instrument

during this study a pilot study of 10 respondents was conducted. The respondents’
comments and observation are wont to modify the questionnaires before the
particular data collection. Reliability is that the degree to which a test consistently
measures whatever it measures (Kothari, 2004) Reliability means the flexibility to
assess and measure the research instruments to relinquish accurate and consistent
information or result with repeated measure of objects. A researcher will use research
instrument which can accurately measure the symptoms of the variables to provide
the consistent data for study findings

3.9 Validation of research instruments

In this research, all the research ethics and logical consideration will be observed in
carrying out this research study. Confidentiality to ensure that information obtained
from and about research participant is not improperly that to be provided in
confidence, also follows guidelines on protection of sensitive information. Honesty
and integrity by conducting research in such a way that allows other to have
confidence and trust in the method and finding of the research. Objectivity, the
researcher avoided bias in data analysis, interpretation and peer review. Also, the
study ensured groups inadvertently excluded from the research

3.10 Ethical Considerations

In this research, all the research ethics and logical consideration will be observed in
carrying out this research study. Confidentiality to ensure that information obtained
from and about research participant is not improperly that to be provided in
confidence, also follows guidelines on protection of sensitive information. Honesty
and integrity by conducting research in such a way that allows other to have
confidence and trust in the method and finding of the research. Objectivity, the
researcher avoided bias in data analysis, interpretation and peer review. Also, the
study ensured groups inadvertently excluded from the research.

Findings Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Chapter Overview

The chapter present the information concern the impact of sales promotion on online
buying decision at Kariakoo mall in Dar es Salaam, the chapter present the demographic
characteristics of the respondent as well as the study questions.

4.2 General Information of Respondents.

The information of respondent including age, gender, education level as well as if the
respondent is already purchasing online. The following are the clasification of respondent

4.2.1 Gender of the respondent.

The findings shows the participation of male 60.9% and female 30.9% where the male
are more active in participation compare to the female due to the various reasons
which resulting unequal participation, below are the table shown the frequency and
percentage gender partipation in research data collection.

Table 4.1 Gender of the respondent.

Gender Frequency Percentage%
Male 213 60.9
Female 137 39.1
Source research data ( 2022)
4.2.2 Age of the respondent.
The research respondent were classified into four age group 18-28years, 29-38 years,
39-48 years and above 49 years. Where the respondent of 18-28 years was 50.6%, 29-
38years was 40.9%, 39-48 years was 8.3% and above 49 years was 0.6%. Hence the age
of youth 18-28 years participate in large number where occupied 50.6%.

Table 4.2 Age of respondent.
Age of respondent Frequency Percentage %
18-28 177 50.6
29-38 143 40.9
39-48 29 8.3
Above 49 2 0.6
Research data ( 2022)
4.2.3 Education level of respondent.
The study examined level of education of the respondent , the study found the
respondent had primary , secondary, advanced level ,certificate,diploma, bachelor
degree, master as well as Philosophy of doctor (PhD) , as presented below in the table.
4.3 Table of education level of respondent
Education level Frequency Percentage %

Primary school 0 0

Secondary level 89 25

Advanced level 85 24.3

Certificate 55 15.7

Diploma 23 6.6

Bachelor degree 98 28

Masters 0 0

Philosophy of doctor (PhD) 0 0

Source Research data (2022).

4.3. Presentations of Findings analysis & Discussion

The study include three specific objectives which resulting to formulation of
questionnaire, The research have sample size of 400 respondent where 350 respond to
the question and 50 unable to respond the questioner due to various reasons which
become the obstacle. The research specified each objectives with their questionnaire and
used to collect the details to the respondent which analyzed in below tables.


4.3.1 What are the implications of quantity price discount in online buying decision.
Quantity price discount is among of the common sales promotion tools used by
business where offer more discount to the client hence being applicable. Price discount influencing to make decision of purchasing online.
The price discount offered by business influence the customer to purchase online
since now day different business offer discount as the preferred tools in sales
4.4Table of Price discount influencing to make decision of purchasing online

Variables Frequency Percentage %

Strong agree 68 19.4
Agree 163 46.6
Neutral 88 25.5
Disagree 24 6.9
Strong disagree 7 2
Total 350 100
Source Research data (2022).
Based on the findings explain and show how the price discount influencing to make decision
of purchasing online where the large number of respondent in 46.6% agree, hence resulting to
indicate that the relation of price discount and purchasing online is larger. Purchase larger quantity through online influence price discount.
The research assessing on how the customer purchasing large quantity resulted to the
formulation of price discount where the particular customer offered. Below the table
shows the response of respondent.
4.5 Table Purchase large quantity through online influence price discount.
Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong Agree 149 42.6

Agree 135 38.6
Neutral 48 13.7
Disagree 12 3.4
Strong disagree 5 1.4
Total 350 100

Source Research data (2022).

According to details of respondent the 42.6% strong agree,38.6%agree, 13.7% neutral, 3.4%
disagree, 1.4% strong disagree, based on the response of respondent shows the highly relation
of purchasing larger quantity though online resulting to price discount since the large number
of respondent in 42.6% they strong agree as well as 38% they agree. Customer are highly influenced by price discount.
The question aimed to measure the influence of price discount to customer where
among of 350 respondent respond as explained in table below.
4.6 Table Customer are highly influenced by price discount.
Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong Agree 110 31.4
Agree 153 43.7
Neutral 66 18.9
Disagree 13 3.7
Strong disagree 7 2
Total 350 100
Source Research data (2022).
From the table above show the response of respondent where 31.4% Strong agree, 43.7%
agree, 18.9%neutral ,3.7% disagree and 2% strong disagree, since the question aimed to
measure the highly influence of price discount to customer and the larger number of
respondent strong agree and agree and few are neutral and disagree in which resulting to
indicate that the statement is real influencing customer. Quantity price discount has no any implication on the issue of online buying

The question aimed to measure the important of quantity price discount to the
respondent where the respondent male and female respond as shows in table below.

4.7 Table Quantity price discount has no any implication on the issue of online buying
Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong Agree 111 31.7
Agree 139 39.7
Neutral 55 15.7
Disagree 31 8.9
Strong disagree 11 3.6
Total 350 100
Source Research data (2022).
Basing on above analysis which shows the way respondent respond in the question about the
way quantity price discount applicable in the issue of online buying decision where 31.7%
Strong agree, 39.7% agree, 15.7% neutral, 8.9% disagree, 3.6% strong disagree hence
through the respond of respondent resulting to show that the quantity price discount are
applicable in online buying decision since large number of respondent strong agree as well as

4.3.1 What are the outcome or rebates on online buying decision?

Rebates as the among of specific objective of the study examine the amount paid by
way of reduction, return or refund on what has already been contributed. It is among
of sales promotion tools marketer use primary as incentives to product sale. Rebates help to retain more customer.
The aim of the question is to measure and check if the payment done in
reduction or by incentives resulting to retain customer, where the respondent
provided the contribution as explained below,
4.8 Table Rebates help to retain more customers.

Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong Agree 73 20.9
Agree 170 48.6
Neutral 74 21.1
Disagree 28 8
Strong Disagree 5 1.4
Total 350 100
Source Research data (2022).
From the above table show the details of respondents on how respond in a given question
about the rebates on retaining more customer where 20.9% strong agree, 48.6% agree,21.1%
neutral, 8% disagree, 1.4% strong disagree. Through the respond of customer in large number
are agree and strong agree hence indicate that the statement is real applicable and rebates
resulting to retain customer. Most of people are aware of the concept of rebates.
The purpose of this question is to asses if most of people are aware about rebates
where the respondent respond as 36.6% strong agree, 41.7% agree, 19.1% neutral,
3.4% disagree, 0.9% strong disagree. As detailed below in the table.
4.9 Table Most of people are aware of the concept of rebates.
Variables Frequency Percentage %

Strong Agree 121 34.6

Agree 146 41.7

Neutral 67 19.1

Disagree 12 3.4

Strong Disagree 3 0.9

Total 350 100

Source Research data (2022).

From the above table show the respond of respondent to the question about the most of
people are aware of the rebates concept, where the larger number of respondent strong agree

and agree in total of 86.3% and the few are neutral, disagree and strong agree hence through
the respond shows the most of people are aware of the concept of respondent. Most of consumer prefer rebates.
According to the response of respondent to the question aimed to measure if
the customer prefer payment in reduction or incentives hence the respondent
respond as 27.7% strong agree, 45.1% agree,22.6% neutral, 5.1% disagree,
1.1 strong disagree.
Where shown in table below.

4.10 Table Most consumer prefer rebates.

Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong agree 90 25.7
Agree 158 45.1
Neutral 79 22.6
Disagree 18 5.1
Strong disagree 4 1.1
Total 350 100
Source Research data ( 2022).
According to the above table shows the details on how the respondent respond the question
aimed to measure the way consumer prefer rebates where the respondent in total of 70.8%
strong agree and agree , 29.2% they are neutral, disagree and strong disagree , hence through
that kind of response show that the consumer prefer rebates. Rebates help to increase customer loyalty.
The aim of the question is to asses if the rebates resulting to increase customer
loyalty where the respondent respond as 34.3% strong agree,38.6% Agree,
21.1%neutral, 3.7% disagree, 1.7 strong disagree.
4.11 Table Rebates help to increase customer loyalty.
Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong agree 120 34.3
Agree 135 38.6
Neutral 74 21.1
Disagree 13 3.7
Strong disagree 6 1.7

Total 350 100
Source Research data (2022).
Basing on the above details in table show the way respondent respond about the question of
rebates increase customer loyalty where the 72.9% are strongly agree as well as agree and
27.1% are neutral, disagree and strong disagree, hence through the highly respond of
respondent agree with the rebates increase customer loyalty.

4.3.2 What are the impact of exhibition on online buying decision

Exhibition are the common practices among the business since resulting to create
supportive environment for business in Kariakoo Mall conduct exhibition like sales
event which resulting to show the product and service offered with the business. Exhibition are very important when comes the issue of online buying.
The question aimed to assess the important of exhibition on online buying
decision where the respondent respond as Strong agree 25%, agree 50.3%,
neutral 18%, disagree 4.3% and strong disagree 1.7% as shown in table below
4.12 Table Exhibition are very important when comes the issue of online buying
Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong agree 88 25.1
Agree 176 50.3
Neutral 63 18
Disagree 15 4.3
Strong disagree 6 1.7
Total 350 100
Source Research data (2022).
From the above table show details on how the respondent respond about the question aimed
to measure if the exhibition is very important in the issue of online buying decision where the
larger number of respondent are strongly agree , agree and the few respondent are neutral and
disagree thus the large response of respondent make the statement to be supportive in buying
decision. Exhibition help to attract new customer and retain existing.

The question aimed to measure if exhibition attract new customer and retain the
existing where the 39% of respondent strongly agree, 35.1% agree, 18.2% neutral,
5.1% disagree, 1.5 strong disagree which shown below in table.

4.13 Table Exhibition help to attract new customer and retain existing.
Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong agree 139 39.7
Agree 123 35.1
Neutral 64 18.2
Disagree 18 5.1
Strong disagree 5 1.5
Total 350 100
Source Research ( 2020).
From the table above shows the respond of respondent where the 74.8% are strong agree and
agree about the exhibition help to attract new customer and retain existing and the 25.2% they
are neutral, disagree and strong disagree ,hence through response of respondent the statement
is related withe buying decision and resulting to retain the existing customer. Exhibition simplifies the process of data searching on the customer buying
The question aimed to check up how the exhibition easy to customer searching
details in purchasing process where the respondent 32.6% strong agree, 43.4%
Agree, 17.1% neutral, 4.9% disagree, 1.5 % strong disagree.
4.14 Table Through exhibition simplify the process of searching on the issue of online
Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong agree 114 32.6
Agree 152 43.4
Neutral 60 17.1
Disagree 17 4.9
Strong disagree 5 1.5

Total 350 100
Source Research (2022).
From the above findings where the larger number of respondent agree and strongly agree
hence show the question is relevant in buying decision . Through exhibition resulting to impact more in the decision of online

According to the findings shows the response of respondent as 28% strong agree,
39.7% agree, 22.6% neutral, 6.5% disagree, 2.5%strong disagree as shown in table
4.15 Table Through exhibition resulting to impact more in the decision of online
Variables Frequency Percentage %
Strong agree 98 28
Agree 139 39.7
Neutral 79 22.6
Disagree 22 6.5
Strong disagree 8 2.5
Total 350 100
Source Research data (2022)
From above table show the details of respondent respond in the question about exhibition
resulting to impact more in online purchasing the respondent in large number strong agree
and agree and few are neutral and disagree in which resulting to indicate that through
exhibition resulting to impact more in the decision of online.
This part may be divided into several sub-chapters depending on the number of specific
objectives of the study, each being devoted for presenting the results pertaining to an
objective. State the findings as per your tools that you have applied, provide the evidence of
their application. The discussion should focus on the major findings of the study in relation to
previous research/findings to each research objective/question.

Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Chapter overview

This chapter concerned the presentation of the summary of the findings in the study that
has been achieved by a researcher from the field study; also, this chapter shows the
conclusion and recommendations.

5.2 Conclusion
The study findings shows that all promotional activities that is quantity price discount,
exhibition and rebates lead to increase online buying decision and sales, where this is
evident as majorities of respondent either strong agree or agree that exhibition, rebates
and price discount as the sales promotional tools lead to increase decision on buying
online .Therefore important to note that while this study is not conclusive enough ,its had
make the supportive light on the promotion strategies with respective online business.

5.3 Recommendations
The following are the some of recommendations to business according to research
findings obtained,

The business should focus more in sales promotion tools since through promotion the
business resulting to be best in marketing hence promotion tools like exhibition are
important to be noted by the business since enable to catch large number of client and
facilitate the business sustainability through the findings exhibition are the one of sales
promotion tools which resulting to influence more the purchasing through online.

The business should note the promotion technique is important for business development
hence the business should support and invest more into promotion techniques foristance
in quantity price discount as well as rebates through the response of respondent some had
not aware about the promotion technique hence the business should ensure most of
customer are aware of that kind of promotion technique hence should enable to make

more decision in online purchasing through variouse website as well as social media of the

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Appendix I: Questionnaire
My name is Emmanuel Charles, a student of the National Institute of Transport (NIT),
pursuing Bachelor degree in Marketing and Public Relation (BMPR). I am conducting
research to assess impact of sales promotion on online buying decision. Therefore, I kindly
request you to participate in this study by answering the questions below which will be used
for academic purpose only and your identity will remain anonymous.

Section A: Tick the box or fill in your response in the space provided as appropriate
1. What is your age?
A. 18-28 [ ]
B. 29-38 [ ]
C. 39-48 [ ]
D. 48 and above [ ]

2. What is your gender?

A. Male [ ]
B. Female [ ]
3. What is your education level
A. Primary level [ ]
B. Secondary level [ ]
C. Advanced level [ ]
D. Certificate [ ]
E. Diploma [ ]
F. Bachelor Degree [ ]
G. Masters [ ]
H. Doctor of philosophy( PhD) [ ]

4. Have you ever bought a product online?

A. Yes [ ]
B. No [ ]
C. Not sure [ ]

Section B: Study Questions
Please rate your response by ticking below the appropriate number as instructed below;
Strongly agree – 1, Agree – 2, Neutral – 3, Disagree – 4, Strongly disagree – 5
Research question 1:What are the implications of quantity price discount on online buying
Please tick to the most appropriate answer 1 2 3 4 5

1 In online buying, price discount is very important to

2 Customers are highly influenced by price discounts

3 In online buying, when you buy in a larger quantity,

the price tends to decrease
4 Quantity price discount has no any implication on
the issue of online buying decision

Research question 2:What are the outcome of rebates on online buying decision?
Please tick to the most appropriate answer 1 2 3 4 5

1 Most of the people are aware of the concept of

rebate in online buying
2 Rebates help to increase the customer loyalty

3 Rebates help to retain more customers on online

4 Most customers buying online prefer rebates

Research question 3:What are the impact of exhibitions on buying decision?
Please tick to the most appropriate answer 1 2 3 4 5

1 Exhibitions are very important when comes the

issue of online buying
2 Exhibitions help to attract new customers and retain
the existing ones
3 Exhibitions simplifies the process of data searching
on the customers buying process
4 Exhibitions does not impact the buying decision of
the customers

‘Thank you for your participation’


Appendix 2: Research Permit


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