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MD Ma’am’s Lecture


Detailed Syllabus
Unit I: The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies

Unit II: The Natural Resources

• Non- Renewable Resources
• Forest Resources.
• Water Resources.
• Mineral Resources.
• Energy Resources.
• Land Resources.
• Conservation of Natural Resources.

Unit III: Ecosystem

• Producer’s, Consumers and Decomposers of Ecosystem.
• Energy Flow in the Ecosystem.
• Food chains.
• Ecological Pyramids.
• Forest Ecosystem.
• Desert Ecosystem.
• Marine Ecosystem.
Unit IV: Biodiversity and It’s Conservation
• National Biodiversity.
• Mega Biodiversity.
• Hotspots of Biodiversity.
• Threats of Biodiversity.
• Endangered and Endemic Species.

Unit V: Environmental Pollution

• Air Pollution.
• Water Pollution.
• Soil Pollution.
• Noise Pollution.
• Thermal Pollution.
• Disaster Management.
• Role of Individual in the Prevention of Pollution.

Unit VI: Social Issues and the Environment

• Water Conservation.
• Climate Change.
• Global Warming.
• Greenhouse Effects.
• Acid Rain.
• Ozone Layer Depletion.
• Environment Protection Act.

Unit VII: Human Population and the Environment

• Global Population Growth.
• Global Warming.
• Spread of Diseases.
• Arsenic in Drinking Water.
• Cancer.
• Environment and Human Rights related to Environment.
Project Work

Basic Instructions:
• Use a shoe-lace file.
• Use an inter-leaf copy.
• Use blue or black ball point pen for writing the contents.
• Pen of any color can be used for writing the headings.
• Number of pages must be 30.
• Drawings are allowed.
• Printouts of Illustrations are allowed.
• Cover with brown paper.
• Write topic name, your name, College UID number, University Roll
number and University Roll number on the cover page.

Content of the Project

i. Acknowledgement (Thankfulness).
ii. Introduction of the topic.
iii. Details of the topic.
iv. Conclusions & Recommendations.
v. Bibliography (Do not write,, etc. Write
the name of the books you took reference from.)
vi. Web Resources (If you take reference from the internet, make a
separate page for writing the web resources, i.e., links.)

i. Human Impact on Environment

Topics to Include:

• Agriculture.
• Energy Industry.
• Mining.
• Transport.
• Overpopulation.

ii. Climate Change

Topics to Include:

• Global Warming.
• Fossil Fuels.
• Greenhouse Gas.
• Urban Impact.

iii. Conservation

Topics to Include:

• Species Extinction.
• Poaching.
• Endangered Species.
iv. Pollution

Topics to Include:

• Air Pollution.
• Water Pollution.
• Soil Pollution.
• Noise Pollution.

v. Resource Depletion
Topics to Include:

• Exploitation of Natural Resources.

• Consumerism.
• Overconsumption.
• Overfishing.
• Overmining.

vi. Land Degradation

Topics to Include:

• Land Pollution.
• Desertification.
• Soil Erosion.
• Overgrazing.
• Habitat Destruction.

vii. Ozone Depletion

Topics to Include:

• Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC).
• Biological effects of UV Exposure.

viii. Six Major Environmental Problems of Asia

Topics to Include:

• Urban Excess.
• Deforestation.
• Overfishing.
• Global Warming.
• Air Pollution.
• Limited Safe Water Supplies.

ix. Waste Management

Topics to Include:

• Electronic Waste.
• Waste Disposal.
• Marine Debris.
• Medical Waste.

Date of Submission
Either last week of April or First Week of May.
-PDF by Sohan-

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