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| Tinpact on Phy a, meee may iby damaged oye | A ki ) Physi cal Vulnevabil ty: ; : j | the 4 tenk/ degeee to" whieh fv Cormreunily » cuateere\ Ieeavices ov geographic avea is likely:to be damaged by the | [sete ee batand ov disastes, tag | jam | Effected by physical, Social, economical and envionment ' si el | factors: . } § v | ‘eical ‘envisonment [= It fan uaho - destwoyed by na fp Seotiomicavidnevabil; Wie’ a4, 's an «1. RE oe aa mpack on / dependent upon, the economic state of | ane sndividual, cornrounities and nations. S208G ruse}: tusal hazard Such as earthquakes, | ‘i ig weil 5 Poox ave usually move Vulnerable to disasters they lack the wesources to build stsong s chee et Eg: foosex families may live in squatter settlements’ °‘ because they cannot afford to live in Safer (mith - expensive) azea, F i ; fi Social Vulnexabilily: ( People) es Toability of { i xati Plies tone Deets i ese la Seenori- Environmental Vulnevability ; (about natural | \ Impact on natusal resources resources) Ex: wetla j foro a € i=" etl nd, Incxease Salinity Or Se water 2 7h Riek is a measure of expected losses due, to Raxaed event occuring in 4 iqiven azea over a specific time: period. i : ery eeh ds upon the natuse of hatged? aa if hazmed by The level of risk depen that someone will be > How great the Chance the haxasd. ee Risk = Probability of hazard + Degree of Nulnesabilily ‘t L of sick) * (hazard Valnercl ily) | Total wick = (sum of the elernen | \: i Resilience:’ ° \ dha =9 iG | Disaster vesilience is the ability of individual, Comrounities, ‘organizations and states to accept ada to and’ recover compromising - fan haxasds, shocks ov skvess without development . . . ongtesto peospects for develop Wiodlegannasd oyatomsihs ai DASASTERS | J 5 suisse, Wa Natural Disactes WSS byline gf easy ; I> Tsunami. ‘1 i 5 Vib 5 _ Man-made’ Disaster - Eauthquake Movil oF eo} ane Neécidents. ’ I Volcanic exuption —) Nuclecs Explosions > Floods = Induisteial 2 prougls coil spil: - Tosnodes DG Siuasy A Heat waves . vostbrp&ed. 9} ada aaa Cyclones : VBE Typhons Land slides _ 290636 Snow avalanthes uh ining Hail stom unas desi

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