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According to Pama, D. M. P., Peliglorio, H. L., & Pizarro-Uy, A. C. (2022), 87.45% of the
changes in Inflation are due to the changes in the Unemployment rate, Exchange rate,
Money supply, and Policy rate. Due to the factors that change inflation, it can effect the
life of a student primarily on their travel expenses, school supplies, etc. Therefore it is
important to be more aware of what factors that affect inflation, in order to be more
mindful about it.

Pama, D. M. P., Peliglorio, H. L., & Pizarro-Uy, A. C. (2022). A Time-Series Analysis of

Selected Economic Indicators Affecting Inflation in the Philippines: 2003-2020. Journal of
Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies, 4(2), 292–306.

The increase in global fuel prices can make an impact on students and their parents via
the cost of school supplies as they brace for the full return of in-person classes (CNN
Philippines, July 15 2022). Grade 11 students and students in general are greatly
affected by this, since the use of fuel prices, can lead to a higher fare for transportation,
and the increase prices on school supplies can greatly affect students since all students
use school supplies for their studies.

CNN Philippines (July 15 2022). DTI: Rise in school supply prices possible as higher
global oil costs spill over

Today’s generation is faced with different levels of expectations and to satisfy these
expectations, it is important to be knowledgeable of ways on how to be
economically wise (Cuyop, Espos, Makin & Palahay, 2022). Students mostly rely on their
allowances from their parents as their main source of income making a students' budget
limited. It is important to know how to budget, especially in times of inflation we need to
budget our money in order to cope up with it.

Cuyop, Espos, Makin & Palahay, (2022).1Correlation of Daily Allowance to the Factors
Affecting the Expenditures ofStudents in University of Baguio Science High School.

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Foreign literature
The empirical study yields a variety of significant conclusions on students' financial
capabilities. (Johan,2017). Students in grade 11 who are affected by inflation and their
financial situation affects their knowledge. The literature demonstrates, in particular, that a
financial literacy course had a bearing on knowledge, but once other factors were taken into
account, not on attitudes and behavior for. The impact of other variables on financial
attitudes and behavior was more pronounced. Which were: family financial education, the
academic year, employment experiences, and for financial, The degree of wealth was also a
stronger influence of behavior. Therefore, It is crucial to comprehend what is occurring to
students who have financial resources, especially the younger people who can be more
susceptible to these effects.

Foreign literature
(According to Khoirunnisaa et al, 2020) The level of knowledge and financial attitude was
moderate. Senior high school students, compared to those from low-grade schools, likely to
have better attitudes and knowledge about money. Effect of financial knowledge and
restraint on the financial conduct of senior high school students who were chosen based on
their level of (High grade and low grade) The school's pass mark. In their study,
(Khoirunnisaa and Johan, 2020) used a self-administered questionnaire to get the data. A
sample of about 113 seniors in high school who were majoring in social studies and
sciences was chosen. According to this study, both financial attitude and knowledge were on
a modest level. Therefore, the knowledge and financial attitudes of senior high school
students are crucial because they are more likely to be affected by these effects.

Foreign literature
According to da Silva et al (2017) This study helps to clarify the extent to which high school
students from public schools are financially educated while also confirming a picture of the
gaps in financial education with which these students are able to fill in these students'
knowledge of how their financial knowledge has been formed later enroll in undergraduate
classes. High school pupils who are mindful of their level of financial education and who
regularly check the source of their financial information. Finding out how well high school
pupils were educated about money was the goal of the investigation. Public schools, tailored
to a student's social, demographic, and individual needs. Descriptive was used to describe
the study technique in terms of techniques like surveys and the method of the problem's
quantitative aspect. 4698 high school students made up the research population. from the
14 public schools in Blumenau. The Kruskal-Wallis and chi-square tests were carried out to
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process the data. Consequently, the financial information originating from The level of
education at the school needs to be raised, whether it is now or in the future.

Foreign literature
According to Opletalová (2015) It will take time to determine if Czech students' financial
literacy and, in turn, their use of financial products, but it is clearly obvious that adding
financial literacy to the curriculum is essential. Students in primary school who receive
financial education frequently may be more vulnerable to detrimental effects on their sense
of worth and academic performance. High household debt levels have been found in
research from the World Bank and the Czech Republic, and these findings also point to the
need for better financial literacy. Financial education and literacy programs in schools would
be useful tools to stop these developments. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the
potential effects of students' financial capacities and their knowledge of financial education

Foreign literature
Young adults have particularly low levels of financial literacy. In response, some states have
added a personal finance course to their high school curricula (Simmons,2016). Individual
states have responded by adding a personal finance course to the high school curriculum in
response to students who are constantly struggling with financial literacy and finding it
difficult to study. According to Tennyson and Nguyen (2001), "coupled with Americans' low
rates of saving, heavy use of credit, and high rates of bankruptcy, have fueled public
concerns that teens need educational preparation to successfully manage their finances in
adulthood" (p. 241). Numerous studies have proven that there is a problem with financial
literacy in our nation; however, since this has already been proven, it is now time to find a
solution. As a result, young adults have particularly low levels of financial literacy. The first
phase of the study looks at high school personal finance courses and how they affect college
students' overall financial literacy.

UBIRA ETheses - Financial capability among university students in Indonesia. (n.d.).

Khoirunnisaa, J., & Johan, I. R. (2020). The Effects of Financial Literacy and Self-
Control towards Financial Behavior among High School Students in Bogor. Journal
of Consumer Sciences, 5(2), 73–86.

Da Silva, T. P., Magro, C. B. D., Gorla, M. C., & Nakamura, W. T. (2017). Financial
education level of high school students and its economic reflections. Revista De
Administração, 52(3), 285–303.
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Opletalová, A. (2015). Financial Education and Financial Literacy in the Czech Education
System. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 171, 1176–1184.

Simmons, C. N. (n.d.). Financial Literacy in High School Education. The Aquila Digital


The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law is a tax reform program
implemented in the Philippines in 2018. It aimed to generate more revenue for the
government by increasing taxes on certain goods and services while lowering personal
income tax rates

Regarding food prices, the TRAIN law implemented higher taxes on sugar-sweetened
beverages, which could potentially lead to higher prices for these products. However, it is
important to note that food prices can be influenced by various factors such as supply and
demand, weather conditions, and market competition

Transportation costs may also be affected by the TRAIN law, as it increased taxes on fuel
products such as gasoline and diesel. Higher fuel taxes can translate to higher transportation
costs, as public utility vehicles and other transportation modes may pass on the increased
cost to consumers.

Lastly, regarding communication, the TRAIN law removed the value-added tax exemption on
telecommunications services. This could lead to higher costs for internet and phone services
for consumers, as service providers may pass on the tax burden to their customers.

We understand that it can be difficult for an ordinary family man to budget their income to
provide for the needs of every member of their family throughout the day. This is because
the cost of living continues to rise, while incomes may not increase at the same rate.
However, there are ways to manage household finances effectively to make ends meet.

One strategy is to create a budget that accounts for all income and expenses. This includes
identifying all sources of income, such as salary or wages, and listing all expenses, including
bills, groceries, and other essential items. By creating a budget, a family man can get a
better understanding of their financial situation and make more informed decisions about
how to allocate their income.
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Another strategy is to prioritize expenses based on their level of importance. Essential items
such as food, housing, and healthcare should be given the highest priority, while non-
essential items such as entertainment and luxury goods should be considered as secondary.
This way, a family man can make sure that the most important needs of their family are met

Additionally, looking for ways to reduce expenses can also help. This includes finding
cheaper alternatives for basic needs, such as buying generic or store-brand items instead of
branded products. Shopping during sales or using coupons can also help save money.

In some cases, seeking additional sources of income can also be an option. This can include
taking on a part-time job or starting a small business. However, it is important to carefully
consider the time and effort required for these activities to avoid burning out or neglecting
other important responsibilities.

There are several factors that can affect the stability of an economy, including inflation,
unemployment, debt, and external shocks such as natural disasters or geopolitical events.
These factors can cause a ripple effect across various sectors and industries, leading to
decreased consumer spending, investment, and business activity.

Inflation, for example, refers to the increase in prices of goods and services over time. When
inflation is high, the purchasing power of consumers decreases, which can lead to reduced
spending and lower demand for goods and services. This can then affect businesses, which
may have to lower prices to remain competitive or reduce their workforce to cut costs.

Unemployment is another factor that can contribute to economic instability. When

unemployment rates are high, people have less disposable income to spend, which can lead
to reduced demand for goods and services. This can lead to reduced business activity,
which can further exacerbate the problem of unemployment.

Debt can also contribute to economic instability, especially when it is high relative to GDP or
when it becomes difficult to service. High levels of debt can limit a country's ability to invest
in infrastructure, education, and other areas that can help promote economic growth.

External shocks such as natural disasters or geopolitical events can also affect economic
stability by disrupting supply chains, reducing demand for goods and services, and causing
uncertainty in financial markets.

The increase in inflation that has resulted from the TRAIN Legislation and higher taxes on
fuel, autos, and other commodities like alcoholic beverages, tobacco, sugary foods, and
other goods is something that the Filipino people actually suffer from today.

Because of the high costs of money, logistics, and power that make it difficult for them to
compete in the global market, exporters also suffer from the rise in inflation. The country's
exports, imports, and commercial transactions are all impacted by the high rate of currency
conversion and the ongoing decline in the value of the peso. Additionally, it makes every
investor reconsider their decision to invest in the Philippines.
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daradowa (2019, APRIL, 15) Effect of Inflation Rate in Life of Grade 11 Abm Students
of World Citti Collages Antipolo Retrieve April 1 2023 From:

The Philippines' inflation rate increased to 8% in November, which was a 14-year high. In
contrast, the current inflation rate in the United States is 7.1%.

The rise in gasoline prices is likely due to global factors such as an increase in crude oil
prices or a decrease in supply. As a net importer of oil, the Philippines is vulnerable to price
fluctuations in the international market.The increase in rice prices could be due to a
combination of factors such as a decrease in local rice production due to natural disasters or
supply chain disruptions, or an increase in demand for rice due to population growth or
changing dietary habits. The rise in video game prices could be attributed to several factors,
such as the depreciation of the local currency against the US dollar, which affects the cost of
importing games and consoles. Additionally, the global shortage of semiconductors, which
are used in the production of gaming consoles, has also contributed to the increase in

The rise in prices for these essential and leisure goods may cause financial strain for many
individuals and families in the country, especially those who are already struggling to make
ends meet. The situation has gotten worse as the value of the Filipino peso has fallen versus
the US dollar. Economists claim that the cost of fruits, vegetables, and other staple foods
has increased due to a rise in demand for goods and services following epidemic slowdowns
and recent severe storms. In the wake of the disastrous coronavirus pandemic, nations all
around the world are dealing with related problems.

Elizabeth Coronel's statement highlights the negative impact of inflation on consumers.

Inflation refers to a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over
time. When inflation occurs, the purchasing power of money decreases, which means that
the same amount of money can buy fewer goods and services than before.

As prices of goods and services rise, consumers like Elizabeth Coronel are affected
negatively because it costs more to buy anything they need. This means that consumers will
have to spend more money to maintain their standard of living or to buy essential goods like
food, housing, and healthcare. Inflation, therefore, reduces the real value of money and can
erode the savings of consumers

Moreover, Elizabeth Coronel's statement points out that inflation leads to an increase in the
price of necessities. This is because the prices of essential goods and services such as
food, fuel, and healthcare tend to increase faster than other items during inflationary periods.
As a result, consumers may have to reduce their spending on non-essential items to make
up for the increased cost of necessities.

Elizabeth Coronel's statement highlights the negative impact of inflation on consumers,

especially those who rely on a fixed income or have limited resources. Inflation can cause a
decrease in the standard of living for consumers and can have a significant impact on the
overall economy.
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Coronel noted that foreign investors will be less likely to buy goods created in the Philippines
if the peso is weaker.

Dylan Koji Co Roxas-Chua (2022 December 13)Inflation Rate Soars in the Philippines
Retrieve April 1 2023 From:


As the central bank prepares for its upcoming interest rate review on February 16, the spike
presents a challenge. The next review, according to Gov. Felipe Medalla, "will focus on
inflation expectations in the Philippines, not the U.S. Federal Reserve's 25 basis point rate
increase," after he previously suggested that inflation may have peaked in December.

As this was happening, food inflation increased to 10.7% from 10.2% in December as a
result of rising prices for vegetables like onions. Due to a lack of agricultural resources, the
nation has favored more imports, according to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who also
serves as the agriculture secretary.

last January, Arsenio Balisacan, the secretary of the National Economic and Development
Authority, issued a warning that the "lag effect" of inflation could harm the economy, which is
anticipated to increase by 6% to 7% this year after expanding by 7.6% last year.

CLIFF VENZON (2023 February 7) Philippine inflation hit 14-year high of 8.7% in
January Retrieve April 3 2023 From:

Inflation is a general increase in prices of goods and services over a period of time. When
inflation rates consistently rise, it means that the purchasing power of a currency decreases.
This leads to a situation where individuals have to pay more money for the same amount of
goods and services. As a result, it becomes difficult for some students to manage their
regular living costs.

Students, who are often on a limited budget, may find it challenging to cope with the rising
cost of living, particularly if they are living away from home. For instance, if the cost of rent,
food, transportation, and other essential expenses increase due to inflation, students may
have to pay more money out of their limited funds to cover these expenses. If they are
unable to afford these costs, they may struggle to make ends meet, which can impact their
academic performance and overall well-being.

Furthermore, inflation can also impact the availability of part-time jobs and the wage rate that
students can earn. If the inflation rate outpaces the growth in wages, it can lead to a
decrease in the purchasing power of their income. In such cases, students may find it
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challenging to make enough money to cover their expenses, which can further exacerbate
their financial struggles.

the consistently expanding inflation rate can make it challenging for students to manage their
regular living costs, and it can have a significant impact on their financial well-being and
academic success.

run,the results showed that inflation, defined as the rate of increase in prices over a given

When students face financial struggles due to inflation, they may need to find additional
sources of income to cover their expenses. This can often mean finding part-time or full-time
employment, which requires them to dedicate time that they may have previously allocated
to their coursework or personal commitments.

For instance, a student who previously spent their evenings studying or participating in
extracurricular activities may need to work evening shifts to earn extra income. This can lead
to a situation where they have less time to devote to their academic pursuits, which can
impact their grades and overall academic performance.

Additionally, students may also have to sacrifice time that they have set aside for
themselves, such as engaging in hobbies or spending time with friends and family. This can
lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and isolation, which can negatively impact their mental
health and overall well-being.

In some cases, students may also have to take out loans or use credit to cover their
expenses, which can lead to long-term financial strain and debt. This can further exacerbate
their financial struggles, making it even more challenging to find financial stability and
balance their academic and personal commitments.

Requiring students to give up time already committed to themselves and their coursework in
trust of finding financial steadiness can have significant consequences on their academic
performance, mental health, and financial well-being. It is important for institutions to provide
support and resources to students facing financial struggles to help mitigate these impacts
and ensure they can succeed academically while maintaining their well-being.

Due to the pandemic's impact on consumer investing designs, prices for the majority of
products and services, including those for essential necessities and housing, have increased
rapidly over the previous two years (Wagner & Staff, 2022). The short-term results indicated
that inflation, which is the rate of price growth over a specific period, had occurred.

MarjuneDimayuga (2022 November 17) The Relationship Between Excessive Inflation

Over Student's Allowance of senior Highschool In Southern Mindanao Retrieve April 3
2023 From:

Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs when the general level of prices of goods
and services within an economy increases over time. It means that each unit of currency
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buys fewer goods and services than it did before. Inflation is often measured as an annual
percentage rate, which reflects the percentage increase in the overall price level over a
particular period.

Inflation can occur due to various factors such as an increase in the money supply, a
decrease in the supply of goods and services, or an increase in demand for goods and
services. When inflation occurs, the purchasing power of a currency decreases, which
means that it takes more money to buy the same amount of goods and services.

Inflation can have various effects on an economy and its stakeholders. For instance, when
inflation occurs, the cost of living increases, which can impact consumers, particularly those
on fixed incomes. Inflation can also lead to higher interest rates, which can impact borrowing
costs and investments.

Governments and central banks typically monitor inflation and use various tools to `control it.
For example, central banks can raise interest rates to slow down the growth of the money
supply and reduce inflationary pressures. Governments can also use fiscal policies such as
taxation and government spending to influence inflation.

inflation refers to the general rise in prices of goods and services within an economy over
time, and it can have significant impacts on consumers, investors, and the overall economy.

Inflation affects students' life about their living, their study, and their spirit. Student's living
becomes difficult because of the rapidly rising price (S. Lakshmi, 2018

The findings demonstrate that participants' choices of school and course are impacted by
the high rate of inflation. No matter whatever division they are in, the participants all take
inflation into account while deciding on their future educational and professional paths. It is
advised that students work a part-time job and apply for scholarships to decrease their
concern about inflation.

Carmina A. Calarion (2019 January 18) Inflation and Career Choices of Grade 12
Students in Cabarroguis National School of Arts and Trades Retrieve April 5 2023


Money Management, Savings and Investment as Central Topics in Financial

Education: How Do High School Students Perceive Them?

This study aims to examine how high school students see the concepts of saving, investing,
and money management. The study's findings imply that different understandings of the
financial concepts under investigation exist, as in the case of inflation, and that participants
lacked the knowledge necessary to recognize the mathematical operation that was essential.
The study's conclusions reveal that there was a lack of knowledge of the workings and
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function of financial tools. The deficiencies in earning money that have been discovered
emphasize the necessity of formalizing financial education for young people.


Relation to the Study

This research study is related to the conducted study, as this study includes the variables
that might also affect how students manage their money. In the results, it showed that
students have a lack of knowledge of how financial work as well as financial concepts,
particularly in the case of inflation. This study could help the researchers in identifying and
examining the variables that may hinder students from managing their money in the face of

Determinants of Financial Stress among University Students and Its Impact on Their

The purpose of this research study is to identify the associated factors with financial stress of
students. Based on the findings, financial stress has a positive correlation with gender, living
status, and loan borrowing. The results also showed that the student’s involvement in
different extracurricular and personal activities is significantly impacted by the financial


Relation to the Study:

This study is relevant because it also includes the factors that contribute to students'
financial stress, and it focuses on how this financial stress is positively correlated with
university students' living conditions.

Impact of Inflation and Economic Recession on Education of Secondary School

Students in Oji River Educational Zone of Enugu State

This study's goal is to find out how inflation and the recent economic downturn have affected
secondary school students' education in Enugu State's Oji River Educational Zone. Findings
showed that the economic downturn significantly increased the number of unemployed, the
cost of living, the budget deficit, bond yields on the rise, and other hardships for the
populace. It also significantly increased the amount of poor quality and ineffective secondary
school instruction. The study suggested that government funding for education should be
increased by urging the government to consistently establish long-lasting policies and stand
firm in staging a war against corruption, as well as by encouraging the government to
employ qualified teachers who are knowledgeable in various fields to teach in our secondary
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Relation to the Study:

The conducted study and this research study are related because this research study
contains the evaluation of the instrument's dependability. and find out how inflation and the
recent economic downturn have affected secondary school students' education in Enugu
State's Oji River Educational Zone. and for the education sector should be increased by
enticing the administration to consistently enact long-lasting policies and maintain its resolve
in the fight against corruption. The administration also needs to hire qualified teachers with a
variety of subject-matter expertise to teach in our secondary schools.

Inflation, the global financial crisis, and COVID-19 pandemic

The rate of global inflation has significantly increased in the years 2021–2022. According to
analyses of the key elements of the financial crisis that occurred between 2007 and 2009,
the economic crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increase in the total
debt of the non-financial sector, inflation rose in the years between 2020 and 2021 as a
result of the government sector's excessive debt growth. The primary objective of the
government sector's debt expansion during that time was to fund relief programs aimed at
reducing the COVID-19 pandemic's harmful consequences. Although these relief programs
were essential for preventing a severe and protracted global economic downturn, their price
was too high to keep inflation in check.


Relation to the Study:

The conducted study and this research study are related because this research study
The major characteristics of the 2007–2009 financial crisis, the economic crisis brought on
by the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as the rise in total debt of the non-financial sector, are
also analyzed, along with the fact that global inflation has significantly grown. These relief
programs were essential for preventing a severe and protracted global economic downturn,
but their cost was too expensive to prevent worldwide inflation.

College student financial capability

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The researched literature placed a strong emphasis on the fact that the student loan debt
problems are closely related to the economy. This conclusion is consistent with more extensive
research showing that high levels of student debt hinder economic growth. Students are also
more likely to be excluded from the formal, regulated financial sector and unable to benefit from
mainstream financial service providers (e.g., lack access to credit, insurance, and other formal
financial services) than disadvantaged and other vulnerable groups. One of the main
explanations offered for this financial exclusion is a lack of knowledge or experience with
traditional financial services.


Relation to the Study:

This research study is associated with the earlier study since it highlighted how closely tied
to the economy the problem of student loan debt is. One of the main causes cited for this
financial exclusion has to do with a lack of understanding or familiarity with conventional
financial services. Disadvantaged and other vulnerable groups, including students, are also
more likely to be excluded from the formal, regulated financial sector and unable to benefit
from mainstream financial service providers.



-What are the common expenses of OLFU Senior High School

students, and how have they been affected by inflation?-

Tuition fees, books and other educational materials, transportation costs, school
uniforms, school supplies, and other personal expenses like food and other fees are
some of the frequent expenses faced by OLFU Senior High School students. These
costs may differ based on the student's own spending decisions, the location of the
school, and the type of program. Higher financial struggles on students and their
families may emerge from this. Inflation increased the price of expenses making it
more challenging for students to afford these necessities

OLFU (Our Lady of Fatima University) Senior High School students have several
common expenses, which include:
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Tuition fees: This is the cost of attending classes and receiving instruction.

School supplies: In addition to textbooks and other materials required for their
studies, students also need notebooks, pens, pencils, and calculators.

Uniforms: OLFU Senior High School students are required to wear school uniforms,
which can be a significant expense.

Transportation: Students may commute to and from school, which results in

transportation services costs.

Food: While at school, students may want to purchase lunch or a snack.

The largest and most important out-of-pocket costs are tuition fees, which differ
based on the course or program the student is enrolled in. Another required expense
that can pile up is the cost of books, supplies, and clothes. Commuting expenses,
such as fare for public transportation or fuel costs for those who drive privately, can
be included in transportation expenses. Depending on whether the student buys
from the school canteen or nearby establishments or packs their own lunch, the cost
of food may vary. School supplies, extracurricular activities, and other fees might all
be classified as 'additional expenses'. This can put a strain on the budget of students
and their families, particularly if their income does not increase at the same rate as

Inflation can also impact the value of money over time, so even if the cost of a
particular item remains the same, its purchasing power may be reduced due to
inflation. it is important for them to be aware of these effects and take steps to
manage their expenses accordingly.

-How impactful is the inflation on the students?-

Students, particularly those who depend on financial aid or have low resources, can
be significantly impacted by inflation. Inflation happens when the general level of
prices for goods and services in an economy rises, which results in a decline in the
purchasing power of money.

For students who may already be struggling to make ends meet, this can be very
difficult. Students may have a harder time affording the education they need to thrive
in their chosen fields if the price of tuition, textbooks, and other educational
expenses rise as a result of inflation.
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Moreover, rising inflation can have an impact on the price of education, with tuition
and other costs frequently rising in response. This may make it more difficult for
students, particularly those from low-income households, to afford higher education.

Additionally, through impacting the labor market and the availability of work
prospects, inflation may also have an indirect effect on students. Due to the higher
cost of doing operations during periods of high inflation, businesses can be less
inclined to hire new workers or might offer lower compensation and benefits.

In general, inflation can have a substantial influence on students, affecting their

access to and ability to pay for education, essentials, and employment chances.

-What are the sources of income of OLFU Senior High School

students, and how do they manage their finances to meet their
daily needs?-

Common forms for high school students to get money include part-time jobs,
internships, freelancing, and business initiatives. Also, some students might get
financial aid from their families or scholarships.

High school kids may find it difficult to manage their funds, particularly if they are still
learning about money matters and have little resources.

Students in high school may find it difficult to manage their funds, but with careful
planning and budgeting, they may establish better financial practices that will serve
them well in the future. Inflation can have a big impact on students, especially those
who depend on financial aid or have few resources.

Inflation is the term used to describe the decline in the buying power of money that
occurs when the average price of goods and services in an economy rises. For
students who may already be struggling financially, this can be quite difficult.

If the cost of tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses increases as a result
of inflation, students may find it more difficult to finance the education they need to
succeed in their chosen fields.


The findings may have provided insight on how inflation affects the students'
financial capabilities, including their capacity to manage their finances, save money,
and access financial resources, presuming that the research was carried out using a
systematic and rigorous approach. The study might also have pointed up particular
difficulties that students experience in managing their money in the face of inflation,
such as increased living prices, growing school expenditures, and fewer employment
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Overall, the study may have shed light on how inflation affects the financial stability
of OLFU Senior High School students, and its findings might be utilized to guide the
development of policies and procedures that promote students' financial literacy,
financial competence, and success in general.

- MJ


The researchers undertook a study to determine how much inflation affected the

OLFU Senior High School students. The study addressed the following research


● How did inflation impact OLFU senior high school students' ability to

purchase goods?

● What coping strategies were used by students at OLFU Senior High

School to deal with the effects of inflation?

● How did inflation impact OLFU Senior High School students'

attendance and academic performance?

● What were the findings' policy ramifications for the school and other

academic institutions?


The senior high school students of OLFU are indicative of other students in

other educational institutions within the region or country about their level of

exposure and vulnerability to the impacts of inflation.

The aforementioned assumption holds significance as it facilitates the

generalizability and pertinence of the research outcomes beyond the particular

OLFU senior high school setting. Nevertheless, it is imperative to subject this

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Summarize/Shortened but concise
assumption to rigorous scrutiny and empirical verification through additional research

and meticulous data analysis.


The rise in prices for these essential and leisure goods may cause financial strain for
many individuals and families in the country, especially those who are already struggling to
make ends meet. The situation has gotten worse as the value of the Filipino peso has fallen
versus the US dollar. Economists claim that the cost of fruits, vegetables, and other staple
foods has increased due to a rise in demand for goods and services following epidemic
slowdowns and recent severe storms. In the wake of the disastrous coronavirus pandemic,
nations all around the world are dealing with related problems (Dylan Koji Co Roxas-Chua,
2022 December 13).

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