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Name: Denise Kathleen O.

Sion Date: December 15,2022

Gr & Sec: 12 – Courage Subject: EAPP
Strand: STEM Instructor: Ma’am Galeon


Think about a world without ambition. Everybody encounters this challenging position.
Each of us has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to endure pain and take chances in order to have a
fulfilling life. Indeed, if you put in the effort and strive for achievement, poverty won't stop you
from having dreams.

The storyline of the film Mga Munting Tinig is similar to an actual event taking place in
society. It makes me think of a time when parents told and ordered their kids what to do. It's a
moving film that anyone can watch because it touches on real life. A story of a teacher who
suffers abuse from his family as a result of the profession he selected. The primary character,
Melinda Santiago, is a public school teacher who experiences verbal harassment as opposed
to physical abuse. She was expressing her anguish by playing the flute. She is employed as a
teacher in Marawig.Because education is not a priority for them, students submit to their
parents while enjoying and wanting to assist with farm work for a good harvest and domestic
tasks. However, pupils choose to disregard any unfavorable remarks made about them.
Melinda remembers her father's words, "Tremendous rewards come with great effort," and
instead focuses all of her energy on providing excellent instruction to her students and
dedicating her life to a brighter future. I recall laboring arduously. The teachers and director in
the movie are weak, since they don't put in enough effort or excitement to engage pupils in
learning because they actually focus on unimportant things. The major reason parents prevent
their kids from attending college is poverty. When they were given the opportunity to compete
in a choral competition, Melinda came up with the idea to enter in order to make money and
aid the students, and that is when he finally found his strength. A Little Voice was a difficult
song for them to practice. But in the end, their perseverance and diligence paid off, and they
emerged victorious. They have made parents, teachers, and schools proud.

Therefore, all difficulties and problems in people's life come and go without any effort.
God puts man to the test to see how he will respond to it. This film is unquestionably a good
example of working hard on a project that has the potential to impact and transform everyone's

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