B1.10 Exchanging Materials

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Cell structure and transport 31st January 2022

Exchanging materials

 Surface area
 Volume
 Ratio
 Organisms
 Diffusion
 Osmosis
 Active transport
 Plants
 Animals
 Adaptations
 Exchanging materials
 Concentration
 Alveoli
 Stomata

The processes of diffusion, osmosis, active transport is all needed for a single-celled
organisms for exchanging materials. This is because they have a large surface area
compared to the volume of the cell. This allows that transport of molecules is enough to
help the organism.

Diffusion, osmosis, active transport is all relevant for single-celled organisms for exchanging
materials as a result of a large surface area compared to the volume of the cell so transport
of molecules is enough to help the organism.

Surface area to volume ratio

Surface area to volume ratio is significant to way animals can exchange substances with the
environment. Thinking about how energy is transferred by living organisms and how water
evaporates from plants and animals. The surface area to volume ratio decreases as the
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object gets bigger which means that diffusion spaces are short and that diffusion is enough
for material exchanging.
The surface area to volume ratio is important because it affects how animals exchange
substances around them. As an object gets bigger, the surface area to volume ratio
decreases so diffusion paths are short and that diffusion is enough for material exchanging.

Getting bigger
As living organisms get bigger, the surface area to volume ratio gets smaller. As a result,
exchanging materials becomes harder.

 Molecules can no longer reach every cell by diffusion

 Metabolic waste can’t be removed fast enough to avoid poisoning

Adaptations for exchanging materials

The efficiency of exchange surfaces can be increased by multiple factors: Having a large
surface area over which exchange can happen and having a thin membrane to provide a
short diffusion path. In animals, having an efficient blood supply moves the diffusing
substances away from the exchange surfaces and maintains a steep concentration gradient
for diffusion and also being ventilated makes gas exchange more efficient and maintains a
steep concentration gradient.

Multiple factors can affect the efficiency of exchange surfaces,
For animals and plants: Having a large surface area over which exchange can happen and
having a thin membrane which provides a short diffusion path.
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For animals only: Having an efficient blood supply moves the diffusing substances away from
the exchange surfaces and being ventilated helps gas exchange. Both of these factors
maintain a steep concentration gradient.

Examples of adaptations
The Australian Fitzroy turtle is known as a turtle that can breathe underwater. They have
two large sacs lined up to provide a large surface area and rich blood supply for gas
exchange. As it has muscular openings, they can pump water in and out, ventilating the
turtle to maintain a steep concentration gradient. For humans, when we breathe, air is
moved into and out of your lung, ventilating air sacs called alveoli. They have a big surface
area and a rich blood supply to make exchange of materials more effective. The villi of the
small intestines also have a large surface area. Fish have gills that have multiple thin
filaments providing a rich blood supply. To maintain the concentration gradient required for
gas exchange, fish pump water over the gills to provide a constant flow of water. Plant roots
have a large surface area to make the uptake of water and mineral ions more efficient. To
maintain a steep concentration gradient, water moves away from the roots. Since plant
leaves are thin and flat but also having air spaces and stomata, they provide a huge surface
area to maintain a steep concentration gradient to help with diffusion.

Some turtles have two large sacs lined up to provide a large surface area and rich blood
supply for gas exchange. The openings pump water in and out, ventilating the folds and
maintains a steep concentration gradient.
For humans, when we breathe, air is moved into and out of your lungs and that ventilates
air sacs called alveoli. They have a big surface area and a rich blood supply to make
exchange of materials more effective. The villi of the small intestines also have a large
surface area to help.
Fish have gills to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between their blood and the water
they swim in. The gills have thin filaments providing a rich blood supply. Pumping water
over the gills provides a constant flow of water to maintain the concentration gradient
needed for gas exchange.
Plant roots have a large surface area to make the uptake of water and mineral ions more
efficient. To maintain a steep concentration gradient, water moves away from the roots.
Plant leaves being flat, thin, having air spaces and stomata provide a big surface area which
maintains a steep concentration gradient for diffusion.
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1. Having a large surface area and being ventilated help maintain a steep concentration
2. The turtle and fish have a large surface area and a rich blood supply and are
ventilated by the constant flow of water to maintain a steep concentration gradient.
Also, fish have gills containing a rich blood supply and turtles have a muscular
opening to pump water in and out.
3a. The surface area to volume ratio can affect the efficiency of exchanging materials
with the environment and can affect how energy is transferred by living organisms and
how water evaporates from plants and animals. As living organisms get bigger, the
surface area to volume ratio gets smaller.
b. A thin membrane means they have a short diffusion path and as it provides a big
surface area, it maintains a steep concentration gradient for diffusion. A rich blood
supply can affect the rate of exchanging materials and maintains a steep concentration
gradient for diffusion. Like a turtle, having folds that are ventilated also maintains a
steep concentration gradient.

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