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Installation Guide

Installation Guide
© ESI Group, 2021
Published: November 2021
DocID: EI/VENV/21/061/00/A
BuildID: R39567S20211119T0601Z
This documentation is the property of ESI Group and is protected by intellectual property laws.
Any reproduction of this document or communication to third parties, unless expressly authorized
in writing by ESI Group, exposes its author to legal proceedings.
This documentation is subject to limited distribution and restricted disclosure.
All PAM- and SYS- product names as well as other products belonging to ESI 's portfolio are
tradenames or trademarks of ESI Group, unless specifically mentioned.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Introduction 1

Media Contents 3

Installation Requirements 5
Minimum Hardware Requirements 5
Product Platform Support 5
Validated Platforms 5
Supported Platforms 6
Runtime Requirements for Linux 6

Installation on Linux 7
Overview 7
Installation of the Software 8
DVD-R Instructions 8
Graphical Installation 8
Installation of the License 14
Graphical Installation 15
Customization 21

X Server Settings 25
For Linux 25

Installation on Windows 27
Installation of the Software 27

Installation of the License 29

How To Get Your FLEXnetTM License File? 29


Starting the FLEXnetTM License Server 30

Preliminary Remark 30

Invoking the Application 33

Windows 33
Linux 33

Troubleshooting 35

Software Authorization 41

License Request 43

- ii - VISUAL-ENVIRONMENT 17.5 Installation Guide

© ESI Group, 2021

This Installation Guide, provided by ESI Group, describes the installation procedure for all ESI Group
products package on supported Windows and Linux platforms.
You should not attempt to install ESI Group products until you have become familiar with this
installation guide.
The Installation on Linux chapter discusses the overview, system requirements, installation,
uninstallation, and troubleshooting on a Linux-based platform.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Media Contents

Media Contents
The ESI Group software packages for Windows and Linux-based workstations shipped by ESI Group
contain the following items:
l DVD-R containing the Visual-Environment software.
l Visual-Environment Installation Guide (this manual in .pdf)
l Visual-Environment Release Notes (.pdf)

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation Requirements
Minimum Hardware Requirements

Installation Requirements

Minimum Hardware Requirements

l 4 GB of RAM recommended.
o Memory requirement could vary depending on model size. Normally, 1 GB RAM is good
enough for 1 million element/cell model.
l 2.6 GHz Xeon or i5-i7 equivalent CPU.
l Hardware accelerated graphics (preferably NVidia or AMD) equivalent of Quadro 2000 and above.
l 13 GB disk (free) space for complete installation.
l Super VGA monitor with the following settings:
o Screen resolution set to at least 1280 x 1080.
o Small fonts selected.
l Three button mouse (middle button required for dynamic rotations in graphic window).

Product Platform Support

Validated Platforms
Validated platforms are platforms that were tested with ESI Group's software through a set of manual
or automated tests and can properly run ESI Group's software.

linux-libc217-x86-64 windows-vs140-x86-64

1 RHEL 7.8 Windows 10 Version 1809


2 RHEL 8.0

Note: With RHEL 8, GNOME 3 is the default Desktop Environment. GNOME 3 uses Wayland protocol by
default to build the graphical user interface.
Visual-Environment is not compatible with Wayland protocol. To overcome this, use the X11 protocol,
which uses X.Org as the display server. You can set this at the time of logging in.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation Requirements
Runtime Requirements for Linux

Supported Platforms
Supported platforms are platforms relying on the platform vendor's compatibility rules and should run
properly ESI Group's software.

linux-libc211-x86-64 windows-vs140-x86-64
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
1 Windows 10 version 20H2
11 SP4
SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Windows 8.1 with latest Microsoft
11 SP4 Update
Windows Server 2012 R2 with
latest Microsoft Update
4 Windows 10 from Version 1809


5 RHEL 8.3


6 Cent OS 7.8


7 Cent OS 8.0

Runtime Requirements for Linux

l Software:
o Linux OS (Refer to the file README_ Visual- Environment_ 17.5 under info directory for
system requirement details).
o You need to have any product able to display PDF files (for example, Adobe Reader).
o You need to have any product able to display HTML files (for example, Mozilla Firefox).
o You need to have an Office product able to display ODS files (for example, LibreOffice,
l Shell Compliance:
o csh and its variant tcsh are supported on all systems provided on the DVD.
o ksh is supported on all systems provided on the DVD.
o bash is supported on all systems provided on the DVD.

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Installation on Linux

Installation on Linux

To install the ESI Group products on Linux platform, two installation procedures are available:
l It is a Graphical User Interface script.
l It is an old-fashioned line-oriented line script.
Both procedures perform the following tasks:
Install the software (described in Installation of Software chapter).
l Copy from the DVD-R all the files of software to the location chosen by the user.
License management (described in Installation of License chapter).
l Install the license file.
l Start the license daemons lmgrd and pam_lmd if needed.
l Install the license daemon startup scripts1
Customization (described in Customization of Software Environment chapter).
l Set up the ESI Group software environment for each current user.
Tasks 2 and 3 can be performed later if the user does not want to do them immediately.
After the installation, files installed on the hard disk are organized in a directory tree as indicated below:

1 Sufficient privileges may be required by the system during the installation of ESI Group products. Although no system library is
updated in the process, the sufficient privileges will be needed to mount the DVD-R and to install the boot files to start the license

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation on Linux
Installation of the Software

Installation of the Software

DVD-R Instructions
Insert the DVD into the drive.
Follow the DVD mount and dismount instructions in the table below.


PC Windows Automatic - -

PC Linux Automatic Autorun starts installation eject

# symbol is the SCSI Id number of the DVD-R drive

Device names in italics are site dependent

Graphical Installation
System Requirements
The installation through graphical user interface is available on the following systems:
l PC Linux x86_64 distributions with GlibC 2.12 and above.
In order to use the graphical installation, you need:
l An X-compliant window system available on your display.
o Position the DISPLAY environment variable for display on the current screen and, if

necessary, allow this display using an appropriate xhost command on the display host.
l About 15 Mb of free space in the /tmp directory to store graphical tools temporarily.

Launching Installation
To start the graphical software installation script, type the following command:
./INSTALL.SH or /<cdrom_moint_point>/INSTALL.SH
If this error message is obtained:
INSTALL.SH: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
See section How to override CD drive protection
Follow the instructions displayed in blue color in the dialog boxes presented by the installation tool.
After the graphical tools are loaded in /tmp, the main dialog box is posted.

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the Software

Main dialog box

l Click the Forward button to continue the software installation. The License Agreement dialog box
is posted.
l Click the Cancel button to exit the software installation.

License Agreement

License Agreement dialog box

Read the license agreement and select the desired Do you accept this license? option:
l Select the I accept the agreement option to accept the license agreement and proceed.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation on Linux
Installation of the Software

l Select the I do not accept the agreement option if you do not accept the license agreement.
You will not be able to proceed with the software installation.
l Click the Back button to go back to the previous dialog box.
l The Forward button is activated only if you select the I accept the agreement option.
Click the Forward button to continue the software installation. You can specify the installation
directory in the next step.
l Click the Cancel button to exit the software installation.
Prerequisites of Visual-Environment 17.5 can be obtained in "info" directory present on the DVD media
or in $PAMHOME/info after installation.

Specify Installation Directory

Installation directory dialog box

This dialog box is used to specify the installation directory.
By default, the text field of the installation directory is filled with the previous pathname of ESI Group
software installation directory $PAMHOME.
There are two ways to select a new software installation location on the system:
l Click on and fill the text field with a valid pathname directory (read, write, execute permissions are

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the Software

l Click the browse icon to select another software installation directory. The Select File dialog box is

Select File dialog box

o Click the New Folder button to create a new folder.
o Click the Delete File button to delete the selected file.
o Click the Rename File button to rename the selected file.
o Click the drop-down list to select the installation path from the available options.
o Click the Cancel button to discard the specified installation directory.
o Click the OK button to select the specified installation directory.
l Click the Back button to go back to the previous dialog box.
l Click the Forward button to continue the software installation. You can select the components to
install in the next step.
l Click the Cancel button to discard the specified installation directory.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation on Linux
Installation of the Software

Select Components

Select Components dialog box

This dialog box is used to select the software components.
Select all the components you wish to install by clicking on the toggle(s):
l Visual-Environment contains the 64-bit binaries for Linux x86_64 distributions and the Online
Documentation help files (Release Notes and User’s Guide manuals).
l FLEXnet component contains the FLEXnet Utilities (lmgrd/lmutil) and ESI Group vendor daemon
(pam_lmd) binaries for Linux platforms.
l Click the Back button to go back to the previous dialog box.
l Click the Forward button to continue the software installation. The Installing dialog box is posted.
l Click the Cancel button to discard the component selection.

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the Software


Installing dialog box

l Click the Cancel dialog box to cancel the software installation.

l When the installation is completed, the Finish button is activated.

Click the Finish button to post the Post-Installation Steps dialog box.

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

l Read the post-installation steps and click the OK button to close the dialog box.

Installation of the License

You must have a valid license file asked and received from your ESI Group representative.
Before starting the license installation you should put the new or updated license file provided by ESI
Group representative to the following directory PAMHOME/licenses with the filename pam_lmd.temp
This task should be done on the system where the license server will run.
It will install any valid license file.
It will install and run the license server(s) for floating license.

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

Graphical Installation
To find the graphical license installation script, go to the software installation directory and start it by
typing the following command:
./   lic or  ./   install_lic
After the graphical tools are loaded in /tmp, the following assistant window appears:

Follow the instructions displayed in blue color.

Get host id. button:
Click on Get host id. button to get the information (description, hostname, hostid) of the system
needed for license server installation (floating license) or standalone computer (node-locked license). It
will display the following window:

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

Important Remark on Linux x86_64 Based Distributions

The FLEXnet Toolkit can only run on LSB3 (Linux Standard BaseTM) compliant Linux distributions.

The LSB3 OS Compliant detail must display Yes otherwise your Linux distribution cannot run a license
server with this latest version of the FLEXnet Toolkit.

Check that the following package is installed on the station:

l RedHat Based Operating Systems:
For RedHat, CentOS, Oracle Enterprise Server, Fedora …: package redhat-lsb
How to check installation: rpm -q redhat-lsb
How to install it (as root or with sudo): yum install redhat-lsb
l SUSE Based Operating Systems:
For SUSE Enterprise, openSUSE …: package lsb
How to check installation: rpm -q lsb
How to install it (as root or with sudo): yast2 -i lsb

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

l Debian Based Operating Systems:

For Debian, Ubuntu …: package lsb
How to check installation: dpkg-query -l lsb
How to install it (as root or with sudo): apt-get install lsb

License Directory Selection

By default, the text field is filled with the pathname of previous software installation directory.
Click on and fill the text field with the pathname of the software installation directory or click on Browse
button to find it on the system.
l The specified directory in the text field should contain a licenses subdirectory with write permission to
highlight the Next button, else you cannot continue the license installation at this step.
Click on Next button when the installation directory pathname is selected.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

This dialog box selects and installs the license file in the right location.

Click on Get another license file button to select a new license file.

Click on OK button to find the new license file on the local disk. A new file browser window appears.

By default, the file filter is set for find PAM license file. Select the new license file then click Open button
to valid the selection. A small window displays the checking of the license file selected with the host id of
the host.

The dialog box of license file selection will be displayed again and filled with the lines of selected license

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

Once the file is selected the previously grayed Apply changes to new files button is highlighted.
Click then on Save new file as current button. The new license file is installed and the previously grayed
Next button is highlighted to continue.
Click Next button to perform the starting of the license daemons. This will post another dialog to start
daemon now as current user.

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

Click on Start daemon now as current user to start the daemon.

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

Customization Tasks
The ESI Group software installation script, asks for customization.

This customization is done by which can also be used separately.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

To perform the customization separately, do the following:

l Log in on the machine on which you want to perform customization.
l Go to directory where the installation has been done.
l Type ./ and follow the instructions.
The customization script creates definitions to allow access to the ESI Group executables and
configuration files for all users or for selected users, depending on the method chosen by the installer.
Most definitions are contained in a file provided by ESI Software. These files are:
l psi.Cenv for csh/tcsh user environment.
l psi.Kenv for ksh (AT&T ksh or Public Domain ksh) user environment.
l psi.Baenv for bash user environment.
sh is not supported due to its lack of functionalities required by ESI Group products. We recommend sh
users to migrate to ksh, which preserves sh syntax and habits. There are mainly instructions added to
system or site-specific files:

### ESI Group begin ###

#       ESI Group Software environment
setenv PAMHOME /home/ppg/ESIGroup
C Shell - .cshrc file
setenv PAMENV $PAMHOME/env-`uname`
if ( -r $PAMENV/psi.Cenv ) then
source $PAMENV/psi.Cenv
### ESI Group end ###

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Installation on Linux
Installation of the License

### ESI Group begin ###

#       ESI Group Software environment
PAMHOME=/home/ppg/ESIGroup; export PAMHOME
PAMENV=$PAMHOME/env-`uname`; export PAMENV
if [ -r $PAMENV/psi.Kenv ]; then
Korn Shell - .profile
. $PAMENV/psi.Kenv
If [ -z “$ENV” ]; then
ENV=$HOME/.kshrc; export ENV
### ESI Group end ###
### ESI Group begin ###
#       ESI Group Software environment
PAMHOME=/home/ppg/ESIGroup; export PAMHOME
PAMENV=$PAMHOME/env-`uname`; export PAMENV
if [ -r $PAMENV/psi.Baenv ]; then
Bourne Again Shell - .bash_profile
. $PAMENV/psi.Baenv
If [ -z “$BASH_ENV” ]; then
ENV=$HOME/.bashrc; export BASH_ENV
### ESI Group end ###

When the installer chooses to customize the process for selected users (using for example .cshrc), he
must repeat the customization process for each user repeatedly.

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© ESI Group, 2021
X Server Settings

X Server Settings
For Linux
Configure the X server to the following settings: True Color and 24-bit plane default visual.

Special Remark for RedHat or CentOS 8 Linux Distributions

RedHat/CentOS 8 comes by default with Wayland implementation of X Server.
Wayland is not officially supported by Visual-Environment

Ensure to select an 'Xorg' option available in the login page.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation on Windows

Installation on Windows
Installation of the Software
DVD Instructions
Insert the DVD into the disc drive.

Autorun is enabled on your computer

The ESI Group software installation should start automatically.

When the InstallShield Wizard dialog box is displayed, follow the instructions.

Autorun is disabled on your computer

Open a Windows Explorer window, click on your DVD drive icon.

You should find directory named VisualEnv175_Windows, double-click on Setup.exe file found to
start the software installation of Visual-Environment 17.5
When the InstallShield Wizard dialog box is displayed, follow the instructions.
When the software installation is completed, the ESI group applications will be available in the
Start/Programs/ESI Group menu or in the ESI Group folder icon on desktop.

Installing Visual-Environment 17.5 on command line

Visual-Environment 17.5 installation is powered by Microsoft ® Windows ® Installer. This means that
installation can be done graphically or silently using command line.
Open a command prompt (cmd.exe or
Syntax is:
msiexec /<parameters> "<Path to MSI setup file>" <PROPERTY>=<VALUE>

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation on Windows

The parameters options available with Visual-Environment 17.5 are:

/I Installs or configures a product.

Sets user interface level:

/q , /qn : No UI
/qb : Basic UI. Use "qb!" to hide the Cancel button.
/qr : Reduced UI with no modal dialog box displayed at the end of the installation.
/qf : Full UI and any authored FatalError, UserExit, or Exit modal dialog boxes at the end.

/q /qn+ : No UI except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.

[n|b|r|f] /qb+ : Basic UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end. The modal box is not
displayed if the user cancels the installation. Use "/qb+!" or "/qb!+" to hide the Cancel
/qb- : Basic UI with no modal dialog boxes. Please note that "/qb+-" is not a supported UI
level. Use "/qb-!" or "/qb!-" to hide the Cancel button.
Note that the "!" option is available with Windows Installer 2.0 and works only with basic
UI. It is not valid with full UI.

The available PROPERTY options with Visual-Environment 17.5 are (case sensitive):

Specify an installation directory, otherwise default value is

"%ProgramFiles%\ESI Group\Visual-Environment\17.5"

If you do not want to install the FLEXnet licensing toolkit. Default value is TRUE
in MSI table.

If you don’t want to install Visual-Environment 64-bit. Default is TRUE in MSI


If you want to join the User Experience Improvement Program.

Default is 1 in MSI table (do not participate).

msiexec /i "<DriveLetter>:\VisualEnv175_Windows\ESI Group Visual-Environment 17.5.msi"

msiexec /i "<DriveLetter>:\VisualEnv175_Windows\ESI Group Visual-Environment 17.5.msi " /qb-

INSTALLDIR="D:\Program Files\ESI Group\Visual-Environment\17.5" CHOICE=2

where <DriveLetter> corresponds to your CD/DVD drive.

When the software installation is completed, the product will be available in the Start/Programs/ESI
Group menu or in the ESI Group icon folder on the desktop.

- 28 - VISUAL-ENVIRONMENT 17.5 Installation Guide

© ESI Group, 2021
Installation of the License
How To Get Your FLEXnetTM License File?

Installation of the License

Before all, you must have a valid license file.
The license file is sent separately from the software installation.
See "How to get your FLEXnetTM License File?" below.

How To Get Your FLEXnetTM License File?

System information must be retrieved before you can request your FLEXnetTM license files.
l If request is a node-locked based license file, execute c:\flexlm\lmtools.exe on each PC that
will be running ESI Group software.
l If request is a floating license file running on Windows, execute c:\flexlm\lmtools.exe on the
station that will be the license server.
l Select System Settings.

l Send all the information in the left part (Hostid Settings) to your local ESI support representative.
They will send the license file to you.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Installation of the License
Starting the FLEXnetTM License Server

Once you have received your license file (s), it/they must be moved to the appropriate directory
c:\flexlm on each machine with the file name pam_lmd.lic
What to do if MAC address is "FFFFFFFF"?
The licensing tools see my hostid as "FFFFFFFF" when using a Virtual NIC even though the ipconfig
command will show a different hostid for the Virtual NIC.

Virtual NICs are no longer supported since FLEXnet 11.6 and newer versions of the FLEXnet
licensing software.
This is not a bug, but a deliberate change in FLEXnet software behavior.
Workaround is to un- team these Ethernet adapters or enable a disabled adapter or install a new
Ethernet adapter.
If really not possible, "Disk Volume Serial Number" can eventually be used as server hostid.

Starting the FLEXnetTM License Server

Preliminary Remark
l The FLEXnet license server installation must be done with administrator rights.
l This section describes the initialization of a license server based on floating license files. Node-locked
license files do not require to start a server.
After ESI Group software has been installed, your pam_lmd.lic file must be moved to the appropriate
directory, updated and the FLEXnetTM license server started.
To move and update the license file:
l Move your license file to the directory c:\flexlm and name it “pam_lmd.lic”
l Using any usual text editor edit pam_lmd.lic and adapt the SERVER/VENDOR lines if necessary.
To start the license server:
l Execute c:\flexlm\lmtools.exe

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Installation of the License
Starting the FLEXnetTM License Server

l Select Service/License file and select Configuration using Services option (see figure below).

l Select Configure Services, adjust parameters as below and click on Save Service.

VISUAL-ENVIRONMENT 17.5 Installation Guide - 31 -

© ESI Group, 2021
Installation of the License
Starting the FLEXnetTM License Server

l Select Start/Stop/Reread and click on Start Server (see below).

After completing these installation steps, you may run the ESI Group software.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Invoking the Application

Invoking the Application

On installation of Visual- Environment, appropriate shortcuts are created on the desktop under the
folder ‘ESI Group’, as well as in the Startup menu. Execution of the required shortcuts will invoke the
appropriate application.

On installation, following alias shortcuts will be created in the user account.
l visualenv – Visual-Environment
l vebatch – Visual-Environment in Batch Mode
l vesdkbatch – Visual-SDK Batch
l vcem – Visual-CEM
l vcd – Visual-Crash DYNA
l vcfd – Visual-CFD
l vcp – Visual-Crash PAM
l vcr – Visual-Crash RAD
l viewer – Visual-Viewer
l vmesh – Visual-Mesh
l vlnas – Visual-Life NASTRAN
l vmedysa – Visual-MEDYSA
l vnvhia – Visual-NVH & Interior Acoustics
l vps – Visual-VPS
l vsafe – Visual-Safe
l vseal – Visual-Seal
l vseat – Visual-Seat
l vseataero – Visual-Seat for Aero
l vshock – Visual-Shock
l vsm – Visual-Safe MAD
l vsystems – Visual-Systems

VISUAL-ENVIRONMENT 17.5 Installation Guide - 33 -

© ESI Group, 2021
Invoking the Application

l vsystus – Visual-SYSTUS
l vvtm – Visual-VTM
l vdbtools – VDBTools for PAM
Execution of required alias shortcuts will invoke appropriate application.

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© ESI Group, 2021

The Windows Installation does not start automatically
Check with regedit tool the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\Cdrom is set
to 1 (i.e., autorun enabled)

How to override CD drive protection on Linux

In newer Linux distributions, DVD/CD-ROM drives may be protected to not run malicious code. This
means that users do not have the right to execute scripts directly from the drive.
The script INSTALL.SH can override this protection.
The following error message may appear:

/media/VisualEnv175/INSTALL.SH:/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied

It means the drive is protected and has the “noexec” mount option.
You can follow these instructions to get around:
l Copy INSTALL.SH script in a temporary directory.
l Execute it by giving the drive mount point as argument.

VISUAL-ENVIRONMENT 17.5 Installation Guide - 35 -

© ESI Group, 2021

If /media/VisualEnv175 is the drive mount point:

mkdir install_temp
cd install_temp
cp /media/VisualEnv175/INSTALL.SH .
./INSTALL.SH /media/VisualEnv175

ESI Group Softwares GUI Installation Manager Script Launcher
Copyright 1998 ~ 2020    ESI GROUP
Creating temporary installer directory... done.
Invoking installation of Visual-Environment 17.5


Copyright 1998~2020,     ESI GROUP

This script manages the gui scripts.

To start the ESI Group software installation (from installer directory only)
Type    './'
or      './ paminst'

To start the license management (from the target directory only)

Type    './ lic'
or      './ install_lic' still accepted for

Unloading installation tools, 15 Mb are necessary in /tmp, please wait...
Tools ready.

Only scripts files are copied in this temporary installer directory, archives containing the files to install
are on the media.

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© ESI Group, 2021

The ESI Group Software will not run

If you cannot run ESI Group software because of the error
"Cannot connect to license server ... WinSock error code"
"Warning -15 = Cannot connect to license server..."
The FLEXnetTM License Server is not installed or is not running.
l In the Control Panel, under Services check if the FLEXnetTM License Server is listed as a service. It
should be listed as:

FLEXnet License Server Started Automatic

If the FLEXnetTM License Server is not listed:

l Open a command window.
l cd c:\flexlm
l install c:\flexlm\lmgrd.exe
l Check the Services list again.
l Select the FLEXnetTM License Server.
l Click the Start button.
l The license server should start and the listing be updated.
If listed, but the status field is blank:
l Select the FLEXnetTM License Server.
l Click the Start button.

After launch, Visual-Environment behaves erratically

It is possible that some data stored in Application Data Folder(*) is corrupted.
Rename this folder, re-launch Visual-Environment and continue working.
Send the contents of the renamed folder to your local support teams for problem identification.
Remark: This method may lose some personal customization of the environment.

(*) Application Data Folder refers to:

l Linux : directory $HOME/.mwesi/17_5
l Windows: directory %APPDATA%\ESI\17_5

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© ESI Group, 2021

The license server should start and the listing must be updated:
l If Visual-Environment crashes on Linux workstations, use the command productname -cleanup
for cleanup.
l While invoking the product on Linux, if you encounter an error which says “….Menu Not found”,
try “productname –newreg”.
l On Linux, if the product aborts which invoking, clean up the /tmp directory.
l Linux ‘focus policy' should be 'click to focus'; if it is set to ‘focus under mouse’ the application may
not work.

If version is installed in some server like Citrix / any shared location

l Version installed location path (Citrix server path / shared location path) has to mounted in the
local Windows machine.
Note: This can be done by the IT team, or if the local user has permission, he can mount it using
the following option:

- 38 - VISUAL-ENVIRONMENT 17.5 Installation Guide

© ESI Group, 2021

l To create a default shortcut, run the MakeShortcut.vbs script, which is available in the version
installed location.

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© ESI Group, 2021
Software Authorization

Software Authorization
The software is licensed by FLEXnet version
Floating license server must be upgraded with the latest delivered version of the toolkit,
The license search order is done as follows:
1. PAM_LMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.
2. Linux: file $HOME/.flexlmrc
Windows: registry key PAM_LMD_LICENSE_FILE in
HKLM \ Software \ FLEXlm License Manager \.
3. LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.
4. Default license file location:
Linux: $PAMHOME/licenses/pam_lmd.lic
Windows: C:\flexlm\pam_lmd.lic
You should be an authorized user to execute Visual-Environment on your system. Please check with
your System Administrator to get the system information details.
You must get a license from ESI to execute Visual- Environment. You need to provide the following
information to obtain a license:
l Type of License (trial/demo/formal) - required
l Machine ID - required
l IP address of the machine.
l Platform or machine type: Physical or Virtual - required
l Port ID to be used for license access.
To obtain the machine ID, execute the following command in your system:
l Linux: With alias esicheck: esicheck flexnet
l Windows: With shortcut ‘About my station’:
Will run: C:\flexlm\ESICheckSystem.bat

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© ESI Group, 2021
License Request

License Request
For license request, please contact your local ESI office. Preference is given to E-mail.
You can find the complete email list on myESI Customer Portal:

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© ESI Group, 2021

All PAM- and SYS- product names as well as other products belonging to ESI's portfolio are tradenames or trademarks of ESI Group, unless specifically mentioned.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners - Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

© ESI Group, 2021

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