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The story before scene 18.

We all grow up knowing that we die at some point, no matter what we do we are constantly running
out of time. The biggest question on earth is what happens after? Out of everyone that could
possibly know, it's me, I know. Only because my times run out. You can't help but wish you had done
more, a sense of regret just weights over you pushing you into isolation. So many negative emotions,
panic, fear, confusion, grief but at the same time you feel nothing, I mean completely numb from
head to toe. I don’t remember much from before, when I was alive I mean. What I do remember is
waking up with this motivated feeling to get things done and see family, friends even to
communicate with strangers. So, whoever says you wake up with a brief feeling of death lies. You
wake up on top of the world then its crashes out from beneath you and your gone. Its sudden and
scary but you appreciate everything that you're losing in that second, the world is more beautiful
than ever, even grateful of the possibilities of thing you never did but could've. A feeling like no
other. Now that I try and recall that day, I remember seeing a figure dressed in white almost
appearing in the places I went to. I didn’t get a good look, it was almost like that was the point, they
blended into the background yet at the same time I can remember seeing them so vividly. They were
there. When everything went black. When I was trapped in my head screaming but no one could
hear me, they did. Almost like they were following me the entire day waiting for my time to come to
an end, like it was clockwork. If I think about it anymore, I think the pain will be too overwhelming to
handle. Knowing everything I've left behind; I can't be in peace because my family or friends or even
my dog it's the simple things that are so much more painful to remember. “How was it” I hear a
voice say, I'm surround by just white light that looks like I could go on forever, almost like a void. The
same white figure stands Infront of me, they speak comfortably and carry an aura which makes you
feel okay. A change to the antagonising rush that is going through your head. I stand up, I must move
on to whatever is next.

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