(Plugin) Flatten and Extrude

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2/10/23, 5:45 PM [Plugin] Flatten and Extrude • sketchUcation • 1

[Plugin] Flatten and Extrude

by thomthom » Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:09 pm

I often get tasks to model terrain and context buildings for project we do. It's dog boring work!
Today when I got a new such project with a large plan I thought there had to be a better way to do most of this repetitive work.
So I wrote a crude script to lessen some of my burden.

The purpose of this script was just to get the bulk work done. Don't expect any magic from it.

Note: Result will vary from the quality of the lines you feed it. I've just mocked this up to get a job done - so the UI is crude. I
want to get back to this later and provide a better interface. But until them; this is it.

Menus: Plugins->Flatten->...

(Only takes a single group or component as input at the moment, sorry.)
Creates a new group where all the edges in the selected Group or Component is projected down to the Ground (Elevation 0).

Flatten and Extrude

(Only takes a single group or component as input at the moment, sorry.)
Same as flatten, but it then tries to extrude the faces back up to the lowest/highest point above it.

Note that there is a layer filter where the plugin will only use the edges on layers containing that filter. The filter is a series of
strings separated by | (pipe character).

(Yes, I know. The settings isn't persistent. Will see if I can get around for a quick update for that later. Until then - modify
line 120 yourself.)

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2/10/23, 5:45 PM [Plugin] Flatten and Extrude • sketchUcation • 1

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