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Because remeshing is only supported for DFBI motion so I recomment change to

oversetmesh method for motion of the plate
I, Geometry
+) Create 3 parts according to the simulation file:

The coordinate of each part is represented in the simmulation file.

+) Create Overset Region by subtracting Overset Block and Plate with Target part is Overset
+) Now, we have three parts for region: Background, Overset Region and Plate
+) Assign the parts to region
+) Change type of Physic to Air for Background and Overset Region , Solid for Plate
( Air and Solid physic continua are similar to the prior report. If you want to use sheet of
paper as an anisotropic material, expand Solid-> Material Laws-> Default Material Law->
Select Model-> Active Linear Elasticity-> Anisotroopic Linear Elasticity. After that you can
change value of each properties according to your expectation)
II, Boundary condition and Mesh
+) Expand Background and change boundary condition ( it is similar to the prior report)
+) Expand Overset Region, change Type of Overset Block.BlockSurface to Overset Mesh

+) Multi select Overset Region and Background -> Create Interface-> Overset Mesh. Now
you will see a overset interface
+) Multi select plate boundary in Overset Region and Plate(solid)-> Create interface

After the step, we have 2 interfaces

+) Change Type of Interface 1 to Mapped Contact Interface

Now we create motions for the simulation

+) Tools-> Motion-> New-> Morphing
+) Tools-> Motion-> New-> Solid Displacement
+) Expand Overste Region-> Physic value-> Motion specification-> Morphing
+) Expand Overste Region-> Boundaries-> Overset Block-> Morpher specification -> Floating
+) Expand Overste Region-> Boundaries-> Plate-> Morpher specification : Displacement->
Morpher Displacement Sppecification: Total
+) Expand Plate-> Physic Value-> Motion Specification-> Solid Displacement
+) Create Fixed curve segment (it is similar to prior report)
Next, we create mesh for the simulation
+) Create a Automated Mesh for each part: Background, Plate, Overset Region where
choosing trimmed mesher for Background and Overset Region, tetrahedral mesher for Plate
+) Change base size of Plate to 0.1 m
+) Change base size of Background and Overset Region to 0.04m
+) Change Minimum surface size and Maximum cell size of Backgorund and Overset Region
to 100%
We need to do this because cutting hole process require size of mesh on Background and
overset are similar. It is important step to avoid fail cutiing hole process. If the error still
occur, you should reduce base size of both Background and Overset Region.

III, Visulizing simulation

+) Create scalar and vector scene
+) Solver-> Mesh Morpher-> Acive Morph At Initialization, Morph from zero, Morph at inner

+) Set up timestep (0.01s) and stopping time

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