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Landmark PowerView Release Notes

PowerView 2003.12.2

Release Notes

Introduction to PowerView 2003.12.2 .......................................................... 2

Installation ........................................................................................................... 2
System Requirements and Recommendations ......................................... 5
Enhancements .................................................................................................... 9
Known Problems.............................................................................................. 16
Things You Should Know .............................................................................. 18

R2003.12.2 Page 1 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

Introduction to PowerView 2003.12.2

PowerView 2003.12.2 delivers streamlined, integrated G&G interpretation within the
DecisionSpace environment. It increases productivity while decreasing project cycle time and the
risk associated with finding and producing oil and gas. It is fully compatible with SeisWorks,
StratWorks, and Z-MAP Plus and extends their capabilities and workflows with improved
integration as well as new advanced tools. Anyone who will be working with
PowerView 2003.12.2 should read this entire document before installing or using the software.

PowerView 2003.12.2 requires one of the following operating environment versions:

Linux Sun
Red Hat Enterprise Solaris 5.8 (0202) plus patch
Linux WS 3.0 Update 4 108940-52 or higher
J2SE Solaris 8 (May 19/05) patch
cluster for Java 1.5.x

If you are installing PowerView 2003.12.2 in conjunction with other Landmark products, you must
install the products in the following order:

1. Oracle 8.1.7

2. OpenWorks 2003.12.1.2 (database extensions are required)

3. Oracle Patch

4. GeoDataLoad 2003.12.2

5. SeisWorks 2003.12.1.2 and SeisUtils 2003.12.1.2 or higher

6. PowerView 2003.12.2

In order to access Help, you must install Adobe Acrobat reader. The CD is included with R2003.

Java 1.5.0_06 is automatically installed and accessed with PowerView.

The Helix Player is automatically installed with PowerView to access Movies from the Getting
Started links. On Solaris, an additional step is required to make the Helix Player operational (see

R2003.12.2 Page 2 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

The Helix Player is an open source program licensed under the GNU GPL version 2, and is
provided at no charge. A copy of the License Agreement is included with the Helix Player
installation. Helix is a trademark of RealNetworks.

The Getting Started movies may flicker or look jittery on all platforms, if the Helix Player window
size is changed. To correct this, set the following options in the Helix Player:

Tools > Preferences > Hardware

1. Disable 16-bit Sound is checked.

2. Disable custom sampling rates is checked.

3. Use XVideo is unchecked.

To increase the cache size for the movies:

Tools > Preferences > Content

Increase Cache size to 100 MB.

For the Helix Player to run on Solaris:

As root, run the script:

$POWERVIEWHOME/2003.12.2/movies/HelixPlayer/install_hxplay $POWERVIEWHOME/

Where $POWERVIEWHOME is the location where you installed PowerView. The actual use of
the environment variable $POWERVIEWHOME is not required.

This will create 4 symbolic links:

/usr/local/etc/gtk-2.0 > $POWERVIEWHOME/2003.12.2/movies/HelixPlayer/local/etc/gtk-2.0

/usr/local/etc/pango > $POWERVIEWHOME/2003.12.2/movies/HelixPlayer/local/etc/pango

/usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0 > $POWERVIEWHOME/2003.12.2/movies/HelixPlayer/local/lib/gtk-2.0

/usr/local/lib/pango > $POWERVIEWHOME/2003.12.2/movies/HelixPlayer/local/lib/pango

The script does not remove these symbolic links if they already exist. The script will perform a
minimal check to see if the directories exist; if they do not, then it creates the symbolic links to the

R2003.12.2 Page 3 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

OpenWorks database extensions must be applied for PowerView to start:

You can verify that your OpenWorks database version is correct by doing the following:

sqlplus owsys/owsys@SID
set line 200;
select * from ow_sys_extension;
If this comes back with “table or view does not exist” you still need to run the sys extension script.

Check extension status of individual databases by doing the following:

ow_prj_access PROJECT_NAME
sqlplus <output from ow_prj_access>
set line 200;
select * from ow_prj_extension;
If this comes back with “table or view does not exist” you still need to run the project extension

You can install all of the applications with the Landmark CD Installer. Please refer to Installing
OpenWorks and Oracle in the OpenWorks System Administration manual set for
OpenWorks 2003.12.

R2003.12.2 Page 4 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

System Requirements and Recommendations

Session Files

Session files saved with PowerView 2003.12.1.x are fully compatible with the 2003.12.2 release.

Minimum System Configuration

The minimum recommended system for running PowerView with SeisWorks is a SUN Ultra 60 or
Professional Workstation class PC, with 2 GB of memory.

Application Startup Environment

You must specify the following environment variable:

• POWERVIEWHOME - for the location of the installation

Optional Environment Variables


PowerView is a java application that is executed by the java virtual machine (jvm). When
started, the jvm must specify a maximum memory size for the application. Currently the
default is 1000 MB. Your project may require more depending on your workflow. If “Out of
Memory” messages appear in the run/PowerView.err file, set the environment variable to the
desired value and restart. Input <nnnn> in MB. Note that the maximum jvm size accepted is
about 1700MB to 1800MB depending on your machine.

• PV_DATA_CACHE_DIR <directory>

When computing composed images, PowerView requires a location to temporarily save the
intermediate results. By default, it writes to the /tmp directory on the system running
PowerView. If this location does not have sufficient space, use the environment variable to
redirect these files to another location. The temporary files will be removed with normal
application exit. For best performance results, use a local directory.LGC_SEGY_DATA –
Used as the default location for the SeisWorks SegyAnalyzer to look for SEGY data. Please
refer to the chapter “Displaying Data in Maps” in the PowerView Data Display manual for
more information on using SEGY data directly.

• LGC_SEGYNDX_DATA <directory>

R2003.12.2 Page 5 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

Specifies a directory which contains files of type “.segy_idx”. These are generated by the
SEGY scanning process of the SegyAnalyzer and are required for PowerView to display the
SEGY file.


Sets the maximum time, in minutes, since the last modification, until a modified horizon is
automatically saved. The default is 15 minutes.


If set (to “y”), the PowerView Overview dialog will appear at startup even if the user has
clicked the Close - this page and do not show it again option, on that dialog.

• PV_NOLICCHK <feature;feature>

Specifies a list of license features, each separated by a “;”. PowerView will recheck for
licenses that it may require each time that feature is requested, but not previously activated.
This enables the feature behavior to become available if the license becomes free. On a slow
network, license checking can slow application performance. The list of licenses provided
with this environment variable are assumed to not exist and will never be checked.

• LGC_PVPLOT_CGM_DIR <directory>

Specifies a default directory for saving the CGM files generated by the application.

• VIP_DATA_HOME <directory;directory>

Specifies a list of directories, each separated by a “;”, in which to look for VIP simulation
data files/directories.


If set (to “t”), dialogs will not automatically focus to the active window. This is most useful
on machines with a window policy of focus on cursor, rather than focus on click. Essentially,
it clears the View > Implicit Dialog Refocus option.


When set to “float,” PowerView task panes will be in float (undocked) mode by default.

R2003.12.2 Page 6 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

• PV_USE_LDISC <ro, update>

When set, the application will automatically look for and use the Local Dynamic Seismic
Cache feature. Valid values are “ro” and “update” which correspond to the
Use as Read-only and Use and Update options in the View > View Properties >
SeismicCache tab.

Starting PowerView from Z-MAP Plus for the First Time

Before you start PowerView for the first time from the Z-MAP Plus Command Menu, you must
edit your MappingLauncher.dat file (located in your home directory) by adding the following line
in the “Applications” section of the file:

“PowerView” “PowerView -L ZFULL &”

where $OWHOME/PowerView/bin/PowerView is the location used to install the

PowerView software.

Save the MappingLauncher.dat file. The next time you start OpenWorks and display the Z-
MAP Plus Command Menu, the PowerView option appears in the Applications menu.

Starting PowerView from StratWorks for the First Time

Before you start PowerView for the first time from the StratWorks Command Menu, you must edit
your swlauncher.dat file (located in your home directory) by adding the following line in the
“Interpret” section of the file:

“PowerView” “PowerView -L STRATWORKS &”

where $OWHOME/PowerView/bin/PowerView is the location used to install the

PowerView software.

Save the swlauncher.dat file. The next time you start OpenWorks and display the StratWorks
Command Menu, the PowerView option appears in the Interpret menu.


PowerView requires a SeisWorks3D, ZMap Plus, or StratWorks license in conjunction with the
appropriate companion license to start. Specific functionality is available with each and additional
licenses are needed for certain functions.

• Grid and Contour requires a Z-MAP Plus license.

R2003.12.2 Page 7 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

• Fault and Horizon Interpretation require a SeisWorks/3D license.

• Pick Interpretation requires a StratWorks license to drag picks and to use the dynamic
surface/auto-regrid option. All other pick interpretation functions require a StratWorks or
SeisWorks/3D license.

• Image Composer and Volume Composer require a SeisWorks/3D license.

• ezTracker Plus and Area Track use a ZAP! license.

• Dynamic depth conversion of horizons, faults, grids, and VIP models requires a TDQ

• ezValidator requires an ezValidator license.

• TransformView requires:
—PostStack/PAL license for AGC, BandPass, BandReject, RespFreq, and RespPhase

—SpecDecomp license for SpecD:Dominant Freq, VolRecon and VolRecon-Sum

—SeisWorks3D license for all other attributes.

R2003.12.2 Page 8 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

PowerView 2003.12.2 includes many new features. See the Online Manual for full details. Check
Help > Quick Start > New Features or the Getting Started Task Pane.

Data Display

• View > Contents > Display Order offers an easy way to control display order.
• ZGF Picture components can now be individually displayed from the Inventory task pane.
• Pointsets now support the Color by Z option.
• Fault Contours can now be displayed on Maps. Turn on the option in the Select Session
Data dialog box or the View > Data Properties.
• When selecting a single inline or crossline from the Map, the resulting Section is now
centered on the Map mouse button click.
• When selecting Sections from the Map with multiple surveys, use the space bar to cycle
• You now have control over the display of Section and slice intersections and panel
divider lines in Sections and control of Section panels and AOI boundaries in Maps.
• Data item opacity control has been added to the color bar task pane parameters.
• Seismic and TransformView templates were previously saved to .pvt files in your
$HOME directory. A new directory and naming convention have been set up to separate
the two types of templates. New seismic templates have an .sdt extension and are written
to $HOME/Landmark/PowerView/templates/seismic. New TransformView templates
have a .tvt extension and are written to $HOME/Landmark/PowerView/templates/
transformview. When opening an template, navigate to your $HOME directory to find the
old .pvt files to select. Then save as a new template and/or save as the default template to
update the format and write to the new directory structure.

Task Pane

• Float/Dock: Use the float option so that the task pane will be visible only when you need
it. Default is Dock; the button is in the top, darker gray bar of the task pane.
• Task Panes can now display on the right, left, or bottom of the window. Use Mouse
Button 3 on any task bar button on the far right.
• The last setting (right, left, bottom) that you have made is how all windows in the next new
session will start.

R2003.12.2 Page 9 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes


• You can now change your Interpreter during a session. Go to File > Change
Interpreter... This option will change what faults you can interpret, which Unassigned
segments are available, and reset the source/priority file you are using for well pick

• The Correlation Tool lets you define an area on one side of a fault and move it to the
other side to match seismic character. You can rotate the polygon, stretch or squeeze it,
display it on other Sections and have multiple polygons defined at one time. The
Correlation Tool is also useful for matching log character between wells during pick

Fault Display and Interpretation

• Fault Contours can now be displayed on Maps. Turn on the option in Select Session Data
dialog box or the Data Properties tab of the Contents dialog box.

• Fault Clipping: As you interpret, automatically clip one segment to another by turning on
the icon in the Fault Interpretation task pane.

• Segments can now be interpreted outside of seismic survey areas.

• Mouse Button 3 on Faults in the Inventory task pane provides a Retriangulate option.

Horizon Interpretation

• 3D/3D Intersections - “Railroad Track” intersections can now be displayed for

overlapping survey interpretations. Access it in the Contents > View Properties >
HorizonSection tab.

• Ctrl-MB1 in Delete mode now honors the Block at Fault option.

• Mouse Button 3 on selected horizons in the Inventory task pane provides Recompute
Extremes and Copy Horizon(s) options.

Polygon Interpretation

• Both Open and Closed Polygons are now supported.

• The Break option has changed. You can now more easily extend an existing polygon.

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Landmark PowerView Release Notes

• The Clean Horizon option has been extended to include Grids.

• Fault Polygon intersections now display in Sections.

• Improvements have been made to both Auto Poly and Fault Polygon Generator.

Wells, Well Picks, and Interpretation

• Well Pick display has been added to Maps. By default, vertical wells do not display picks.
Vertical well pick annotation can be turned on in the Contents > View Properties > Well
Data tab.

• StratWorks/SeisWorks Pick Lists can now be used and created in PowerView.

• Creation of Surface and Fault Picks has been moved to the Create Interpretation Object
dialog box.

• “S” and “F” indicators have been added to the Interpretation toolbar to make it easier to
differentiate between Surface and Fault picks.

• While in Well Pick Interpretation, use Mouse Button 3 or <e> to remove a well from the
Section. Turn all wells back on with <Shift-e>.

• Save OpenWorks Well lists of wells displayed on a Section, from the File menu.

• Display the well list(s) attached to an LOS.

• Select wells from Map to display on a Section. The new icon is in the Section Selector

ezTracker Plus

• ezTracker Plus now runs in a separate process.

• Performance improvements have been implemented.

• An Retrack output horizons option has been added to Horizon Control. It is on by



• Anchors, formerly hinge points, can now be deleted in any order.

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Landmark PowerView Release Notes

• Visibility of anchors can be toggled on and off.

• There is a new “Fault Tips Constrain” option. Off by default, this option results in no
seismic deformation. You can slip a fault block smoothly along a fault plane which is
extended to the edges of the view.

• If Fault Tip Constrain is enabled, individual fault tip constraints (red dots) can be
removed with MB2 (or the MB3 menu) over the red dot and added back from the MB3

• There is separate control for Fault Tip Constraint visibility.

• Options have changed and now include View; Drag Fault Block; UnFault on Selected
Fault; UnFault Selected Horizon; and Flatten Horizon.


• You can now save your own default template for TransformView.

• TransformView templates were previously saved to .pvt files in your home directory. A
new directory and naming convention have been set up to separate these from the seismic
template files. New files have a .tvt extension and are written to $HOME/Landmark/
PowerView/templates/transformview. When opening a template, navigate to your $HOME
directory to find the old files and use them. Save as a new template and/or save as the
default template to update the format and write to the new directory structure.

• Go Home icon is now Move TV to section location; Set Home icon is now
Move section to TV location. The icon pictures have been changed to reflect this.

• Both icons have been added to the TV toolbar.

• You can select the Hot Point Position for the TransformView in the task pane. The
choices are Center, Left, or Right.


• Multi-survey Gridding is now available. Select by SeisWorks project, and, if needed, set
individual line/cross line ranges for each survey. Also choose how to handle overlapping

• You can select an additional polygon set to be used as an inclusive polygon.

• AOI select from Map has been added.

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Landmark PowerView Release Notes

• An improved Grid Save workflow has been instituted.

Print Preview

Title Blocks have been added to the available plot shapes. The title block template can include a
logo file and be saved as the default to automatically appear on every preview.


• You can send (Ctrl+MB2) or receive Section displays with SeisWorks, Asset View,
GeoProbe, or Well Seismic Fusion.

• Use Shift+MB2 to send a well.


There are many new Button 3 options in the Inventory pane. Some are available over data group
folders, others are data item specific. Bold items are new options in PowerView:

• Toggle Selected
• Remove Data from Session
• Contents
• Select Session Data
• Create...
• Copy Horizons
• Recompute Extremes (Horizons)
• Retriangulate All or Retriangulate Selected (Faults)


The ReadAhead tab in Contents > View Properties is now the SeismicCache tab. ReadAhead is
a subpane of the tab. To improve seismic display performance on large surveys, you can now store
seismic volume data on local disk. Launch the Local Cache Manager from this tab to pre-cache
your seismic volume.


The new bookmarks task pane displays a list of Section or Map locations already displayed,
allowing you to cycle backward and forward among them and create lists of favorites.

R2003.12.2 Page 13 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

Velocity Volumes

• Improved interpolation has been added for layered T-D model display
• A user-specified “Sampling Distance” is available for the display in the Select Session
Data dialog box and Contents > Data Properties.

ZCM Transfer

Import Zone Control Map (ZCM) polygons into OpenWorks for use within PowerView.

R2003.12.2 Page 14 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

Fixed Problems
630688 Toggle selected on inventory tree for faults is really slow.

706103 Unable to activate fault with MB1 if both time & depth faults are visible in the list.

714683 The first active fault or polygon set will not have an undo/redo stack if you start
the interpretation mode using the expert keys (f or y).

720137 Wells intermittently fail to display (due to well symbol text problem).

721835 Point files are not always listed in Section from List.

722360 Misleading error message when selecting a “non-registered” .sgy file.

722634 Same output file name for every grid.

722634 In gridding, same output grid name every time. ID numbers now displayed so you
can easily tell them apart.

723221 In horizon auto-track, zero crossing onset behaves like zero (positive to negative).

724217 Problems extracting “HardcopyPaperInventory.xml file. File is now available in


725305 Cannot create well picks if there is a dot “.” in OWSYSSID.

725392 Incorrect horizon data can be displayed on some arblines (geometry problem).

725359 Gridding fails even for small horizon areas in very large projects.

725515 Changing horizon from time to depth in SeisWorks, makes the horizon accessible
only with a new session.

726525 Horizon renamed in SeisWorks not displayed in saved PowerView session.

726704 Well lists with same name, different interpreters get confused.

728619 ZGF overlay not working for ZGFs with the same picture name.

728642 Non-zero start time for seismic depth volume won’t work in TransformView.

R2003.12.2 Page 15 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

Known Problems
• You will not be able to save a pick list (.pst file) if you do not have a valid SeisWorks project
in plist.dat.

• Sections saved as SeisWorks point files (.ptf) cannot be opened in SeisWorks due to a
formatting problem. Edit the file, and, for each line, remove the leading space before the 1, and
pad each line to 94. An easier workaround is to use Ctrl-Mb2 to PD the section to SeisWorks,
then save the point file in SeisWorks.

• ezTracker may fail if very large surveys are tracked. To avoid this problem. track portions of
the survey in successive runs and/or toggle off Amplitude and TileSize outputs to reduce
memory usage.

• When restoring a session that contains multiple seismic projects, survey priority in Sections
may not reflect what was saved.

• When adding Unassigned Time Segments to the session data, always add the “Time”
segments first. If the Unassigned Depth Segments are added first, then both Time and Depth
Unassigned segments are flagged as depth (blue in the list) and Unassigned segments cannot
be interpreted or displayed in the time domain.

• Using Select Intersection from a Loop display does not correctly display the intersecting
seismic line/crossline. An intersecting panel does display that may go outside the survey
boundary and/or not display the entire line/crossline.

• Using Ctrl+mb1 for Auto-track or Point mode in horizon interpretation can extend the
horizon into areas with empty seismic.

• Horizon labels do not always appear on arbitrary line displays.

• If you use “Float” mode for the task pane when the ezValidator is on, the task pane will appear
behind the image. Fix the problem by clicking on the task pane icon to revert to “Dock” mode.

• Window > Save Image does not save the ezValidator image; you get the original seismic

• Window > Save Image > All Views will save a blank image for any tabs hidden by other
views. The workaround is to MB3 > Arrange tiles to make all the tabs visible or dock out each
of the tabs.

• Changing Display Datum from TVDSS to TVD when a depth grid is displayed in a map will
make the grid disappear. Just toggle it off, then on, in the Inventory task pane.

• Docking out the interpretation toolbar when working with multiple Sections can cause
interpretation expert keys to stop working and the toolbar to freeze when focus is switched
between views.

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Landmark PowerView Release Notes

• Using MB1+MB2 to zoom or MB1+MB3 to recenter can cause a point to be added in horizon
interpretation if used while in horizon interpretation mode.

• When using Area Track, the output horizon will not always redraw fully in the Map. Use the
refresh icon to complete the display.

• ezTracker Plus will not recognize changes made to a Polygon Set after it is used the first time.

• Column Painter does not work on any numeric field.

• When doing a multi-select (Ctrl+Mouse Button 1) within tables, if the mouse is moved, even
slightly, during the Mouse Button 1 click, all previous selections are cleared. This is a bug in

• The Transform View will not generate attributes correctly on a shared memory volume.

• Section hardcopy and wiggles exhibit several problems:

• Curves are not filled if the curve inflection is not visible.
• Fill color is always black.
• Wiggles may be decimated if they do not fit the screen.
• In Maps, exit Interpretation modes (pen in cup) before using Print > Preview. The active
horizon or active polygon set will not display in Print > Preview if the Map is in horizon or
polygon interpretation.

• Any data that is displayed with an opacity other than 1.0 will not show up correctly in the .cgm
file produced from Print > Preview.

• You can improve the appearance of horizons in hardcopy by making the print preview
window full screen before saving the .cgm file.

• Horizons displayed over seismic data in a map will appear in hardcopy with white in any gaps
and a white box around areas that do not fill the survey extent.

• Changing the color bar for a seismic Section using the Edit Colors option from the MB3 menu
will make the histogram disappear and show a solid color bar. Use View > Refresh to make
the histogram reappear.

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Landmark PowerView Release Notes

Things You Should Know

• To specify the seismic volume for Polygon Track in a map, you can make that volume visible
or just toggle on the checkbox in the Interpret column of the Select Session Data dialog box
for that volume.

• The TransformView only shows line information for inlines and crosslines.

• PowerView will not support changing OpenWorks projects in the middle of a session or
selecting multiple OpenWorks projects in the same session for this release.

• To display unassigned fault segments from another interpreter, unassign a segment that
belongs to that interpreter. You will be asked if you want to add that interpreter’s unassigned
segments to the display. You can then re-correlate the unassigned segment.

• When working with multiple seismic files that have different data ranges (i.e 16 and 8 bit;
amplitude and phase) make sure that you give each its own Attribute and/or Group ID. This
will allow PowerView to automatically display each correctly.

• Initial slice display may be slow from .bri seismic files if the file is not optimized for horizontal
display including a z range of 4 or less. If the z brick dimensions are greater that 16 units, the
Display Type will automatically be set to Line, Xline only.

• To see the well name at the top of a well in a Section, use View > Select Z ranges to display
space above the top of the well.

• Select Session Data: Seismic: when you load header data for Seismic:
• Flatten Horizon Name and Datum will not display
• Fidelity is listed as -Infinity for anything other than .cmp files.
• You must either frame ahead/back or do an extra Mouse Button 1, Mouse Button 2 click in
SeisWorks after you delete part of a horizon there in order to make the deleted horizon update
properly in PowerView.

• Loop displays show only four panels, unlike SeisWorks, which repeats the first panel for a total
of five.

• When using the Transform View on a multi-panel display, you will notice that the TV
extends the attribute for the current panel until its center moves into the next panel.

• Display order does not apply between data types, only within a data type.

• Horizon and seismic display order is overridden by the 3D Project Boundary display order.
All horizons and seismic for a survey with a higher display order will be drawn on top of those
for a survey with a lower display order value.

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Landmark PowerView Release Notes

• The red band generated by Area Track in a Map will disappear if another window is moved
over it. Toggle Backward, Forward or Clip in Area Track Range Selection to refresh the red

• Most data item lists will come up with many attributes listed as N/A or 0.0. When you move a
data item to the display list, its attributes will be filled in. You can fill the attributes in the top
list by highlighting as many items as you like, then using MB3 to select
Load/Reload Header. Populating the table can be slow if you have a large number of data

• As you change your active tab from one Map or Section to another, the Select Session Data
and Select From List dialog boxes will update to reflect the active view. Make sure that you
apply changes to the correct view.

• The Opacity Editor available in the Color Editor has no effect on PowerView displays.

• When you are scrolling and the color bar histogram is set to Visible Area, the histogram will
only update with the newly displayed data. To see the histogram of all the visible data, use
View > Refresh. Occasionally, the Visible Area histogram will include data outside the visible

• Currently, seismic volume headers do not contain a frequency (FREQ) designation. Files that
contain DFT as part of their name will be recognized as frequency volumes.

• Mouse Button 1 for selecting data items in the Select Session Data dialog box is now used for
Drag and Drop. To select multiple contiguous items, press Mouse Button 1, drag in the gray,
numbered list to the left of the item name, or use Shift+Mouse Button 1.

• When dragging a single data item from top to bottom in the Select Session Data dialog box,
occasionally more than one item will be moved.

• New horizons created from Composed Images will default to the same Type and Onset as the
input horizons, but Color will be set to Red. Use SeisWorks > Horizon Attributes or the
SeisWorks Data Selector to change the setting.

• If you are using time and depth data and some items will not display, check the domain flag at
the top of the Map or Section, then go to the Select Session Data dialog box and verify that the
domains match. You can toggle off the Domain Match option for horizons and seismic to force
data items to display.

• You can drag tabs directly to the desktop on Linux by

• using the Esc key instead of releasing Mouse Button 1

• dropping the tab on an xterm or other application instead of the desktop.
• using the Undock icon in the upper-right corner of the tab.

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Landmark PowerView Release Notes

• When dragging any item across monitor boundaries, on Solaris, the drag and drop cursor will
disappear until it is over a drop target.

• To create grids based on pointset and fault data input, you must use input files that have
consistent null point values. (The defined null value for the pointset and fault file’s throw field
must match.) If the null values do not match, gridding fails. For example, gridding fails if the
input pointset has null points with the standard Z-MAP Plus value for nulls (0.1E+31), but the
faultset uses the null value 999, 999. You are not required to use any specific value for null; you
are only required to use a consistent value.

• The Z Range of a Section is based on the visible data items that match the current domain. If
you toggle off the Domain Match option in the Select Session Data dialog box to force an item
to display, its range will not automatically be included. Use Select > Z Range and set the range

R2003.12.2 Page 20 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

© 2004-2006 Landmark Graphics Corporation

All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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Trademark Notice

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R2003.12.2 Page 21 May 2006

Landmark PowerView Release Notes

R2003.12.2 Page 22 May 2006

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