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Standard 3.

Planning and Implementation Physical education candidates apply

content and foundational knowledge to plan and implement developmentally appropriate

learning experiences aligned with local, state and/or SHAPE America’s National Standards

and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education through the effective use of

resources, accommodations and/or modifications, technology, and metacognitive strategies

to address the diverse needs of all students. Plan and implement appropriate (e.g.,

measureable, developmentally appropriate, performance-based) short- and long-term plan

objectives that are aligned with local, state and/or SHAPE America’s National Standards

and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. For the hockey unit, the students

were given a pre/post assessment of knowledge of hockey. These assessments were great for

knowledge checks. However, I could have done a better job about aligning the assessments, so

that they were similar. The two assessments were both based on knowledge, but they did not

have any of the same questions or concepts. I can do a better job of aligning the assessments. 

Plan and implement progressive and sequential content that aligns with short- and long-

term plan objectives and that addresses the diverse needs of all students. During the hockey

unit with the small sided games, there were a lot of different opportunities to extend and refine

gameplay to meet the needs of the students. I was able to change the size of the goalie crease, or

change the amount of passes needed to score. During the wrestling room portion of the class, the

class participated in activities that are similar to hockey. This way the students can work on skills

that can be used and applied during game play for hockey. Plan for and manage resources to

provide active, fair, and equitable learning experiences. At Severance Middle School, there

were just enough hockey sticks for every student to have one during the larger classes. I had to

have a back up plan if one stick broke. Also, with the limited gym time, I had to plan for
appropriate time for each activity. This is why it was important to have an activity in the

wrestling room that was similar to playing floor hockey.  Plan and implement individualized

instruction for diverse student needs, adding specific accommodations and/or modifications

for all students. At the beginning of the unit the students were working on their skill

development. These activities allowed the students to have choice in how they participated in the

activities based on their skill level. The students could work on passing and receiving on the

move or standing still. I gave the students the choice on what they wanted to do, encouraging

them to challenge themselves, but not to the point where they were never successful. Plan and

implement learning experiences that require students to use technology appropriately in

meeting one or more short- and long-term plan objective(s). During this unit the students

used their chrome books and accessed canvas to complete their assessments. There was also a

video that the students had to watch online that they had questions to complete afterwards. I

struggled to find technology during this unit that was appropriate for the students. Finding ways

to implement technology is an area that I still need to improve on. Plan and implement

learning experiences that engage students in using metacognitive strategies appropriately

to analyze their own performance results. I had the students complete a affective assessment

that they had to evaluate their own performance during floor hockey.  The students had to

evaluate their classmates as well as themselves on their contributions as a teammate. 

Standard 4. Instructional Delivery and Management Physical education candidates

engage students in meaningful learning experiences through effective use of pedagogical

skills. They use communication, feedback, technology, and instructional and managerial

skills to enhance student learning. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal communication skills

that convey respect and sensitivity across all learning experiences. At Severance Middle
School they have a microphone system throughout the gym. This helped me with voice control

because I could just talk normally into the microphone and still be heard by the entire class. 

Implement demonstrations, explanations and instructional cues that are aligned with short-

and long-term plan objectives. At the beginning of the classes before the students would start

the activities, I would cover safety rules and cues. I would use myself or a student to demonstrate

as I was explaining, so that the students could hear and visualize what they were supposed to be

doing. Evaluate the changing dynamics of the learning environment and adjust

instructional tasks as needed to further student progress. During the skill progression

activities in the beginning of the unit the students quickly became off task after completing one

round of passing. After attempting to get the students back on task to complete their second

round of passing, I ended up having to move onto the next task.  Implement transitions,

routines, and positive behavior management to create and maintain a safe, supportive, and

engaging learning environment. For these classes, because they are short classes with

transitions it is imperative that they have routines. The students always start out in the classroom

for attendance and then transition into the gym. When it is time to change into the wrestling

room, the students line up outside the room to quickly make the transition. Analyze motor skills

and performance concepts through multiple means (e.g., visual observation, technology) in

order to provide specific, congruent feedback to enhance student learning. This is having

different assessments that can be used to assist the students and let the teacher know how to

assist them.There were two assessments during the unit that allowed me to adjust future lesson

plans and give specific feedback to students on how to improve.  Standard 5. Assessment of

Student Learning Physical education candidates select and implement appropriate

assessments to monitor students’ progress and guide decision making related to instruction
and learning. Select or create authentic, formal assessments that measure student

attainment of short and long-term objectives. During this unit, I was able to use different

assessments for the students that covered all three domains of learning. Implement formative

assessments that monitor student learning before and throughout the long-term plan, as

well as summative assessments that evaluate student learning upon completion of the long-

term plan. The assessments covered pre/post knowledge of hockey, testing what the students

had learned. The summative assessment covered the rules and components of gameplay, this

assessed if the students knew how the game was played. 

I feel that this unit was a success for me, I learned a lot throughout the unit and can see a

growth in my teaching. I struggled in the unit with student management and keeping the students

on task after they had been engaged for a couple of minutes. I need to improve on adding

extensions that keep the students focused and changing certain activities so the students are not

doing the same thing every day when they come into class. There are a lot of things that went

well during this unit that I can use in the future, and things that I need to continue to work on and

improve as a teacher.

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