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us is an ancient memory often dismissed by a world bloated with

information, yet starved for wisdom. Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great
Shift invites us to re-member ourselves once more.
—Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey, Ph.D, Anthropologist Kirael:
Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift is a textbook of genius status, yet, the
message is simple. All is LOVE. “We are a pathway of energy that can only be
experienced as love, because the the Creation of Love itself.” The
ancient Lemurians knew this, and they healed sensing “love in everything...They
embraced it and took it to higher and higher levels until they reached the
pinnacle of its vibration.”
Yes, the message of this book is LOVE. As you read, you will experience a
Great Shift in Consciousness that will help you better understand yourself as
well as the loving world of the Lemurians who dwelt on this planet in ancient
—Barbara Wolf, Founder, Global Meditations Network This has been the
most uplifting, loving, healing and mind-blowing reading experience I’ve ever
had. Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift is so powerfully woven with
the Light and Love of Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Kirael that, by just holding
it in my hands for the first time, my entire cellular consciousness began vibrating
in celebration of the upcoming journey.
This book will so perfectly awaken all who read it into an understanding of
Lemuria, a time and a way of life that is no longer unimaginable nor is it
unattainable in this lifetime. Read with your heart and get ready to be swept into
the wave of the most loving vibration of words and visions.
Master Kirael lifts the shades and opens the window to an exquisite and
magical view of where we are headed. All questions, asked and unasked, are
answered within these very pages that shimmer with the light and truth of Love
—Reverend Alice Inoue, Feng Shui Expert and Astrologer

Other Books by Fred Sterling

Kirael: The Great Shift Revised Edition
Lemurian Legacy
Original available in German
Kirael Volume II: The Genesis Matrix
Also available in Finnish
The Great Shift
Kirael: The Ten Principles of Consciously Creating Also available in
Hebrew and German
Guide to the Unseen Self
Also available in German
Creator and Me: A Lightworker’s Prayers for Meditation and Healing
These books, as well as Kirael/Fred Sterling audio recordings of live Kirael
sessions, prayers and meditations, are available at Fred Sterling or by calling +1 808-952-0880 or 1-800-390-1886
Honolulu, Hawaii USA

Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift by

Fred Sterling
ebook ISBN-13: 978-0-9778685-1-3
printed book ISBN-13: 978-0-9675353-7-1
This book is dedicated to Lee Carroll, a friend, mentor, and Published in
most assuredly, an ancient Lemurian. So long have I known him Copyright
© 2006 by Fred Sterling
on this and other dimensions that it almost seems unnecessary All rights
to thank him for all he has done for me. Never have I felt closer No part of
this book may be reproduced, stored in a mechanical retrieval to any human
being, and that is because all he ever expected of system or transmitted in any
form by electronic, video, laser, mechanical, me was to be myself.
photocopying, recording means or otherwise, in part or in whole, without
the written consent of the publisher.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Toll free – U.S. only: (800) 390-1886
Printed in the United States of America
Cover Art: Holly Hill
Layout and Design: Han Cho
Author Photo: Keely Luke Photographie
Kirael (Spirit)
Kirael: Lemurian legacy for the great shift /
[channeled through] Fred Sterling.
p. cm.
Includes index.
LCCN 2005937135
ISBN-13: 978-0-9675353-7-1
ISBN-10: 0-9675353-7-9
1. Lemuria. 2. Civilization, Ancient. 3. Spirit writings. I. Sterling, Fred,
1946- II. Title.
GN751.K57 2006 001.94
plane. Between my travels to present seminars and workshops, private
channeling sessions, healing sessions and ministry, they have corralled me
enough to bring this work to completion, and I say thank you.
I would like to acknowledge, first and foremost, my spirit teacher, Thank
you to the participants of the focus group sessions with guide, and mentor, and
most importantly, my friend, Master Guide Master Guide Kirael who asked the
questions for the book: Lori Kirael, whom I have known in this lifetime for
almost two decades.
RRossana Domingo, Sonja Langley-Lau, Karinna Nielsen, Kendra When
we were first introduced, I was so overwhelmed by his presence Llelan
Robinson, Patti Athenna Sterling, Dierdra Ollivie Tompkins and of love that I
almost ran from the arena. So daunting was the wisdom Rebecca Whitecotton.
And my special thanks to the “We the People”
he shared with me that I knew from the beginning that my life would
participants at monthly “Kahu + Kirael Live” channeling events and never be the
“The Great Shift with Fred Sterling” webcasts who called in or were Master
Guide Kirael was tolerant, caring, and above all, willing present at the events to
ask their questions.
to allow me to make just about every mistake possible in awakening To the
editing team of Lori RRossana Domingo, Karinna Nielsen to my new life.
Though never gifted with the simple answers I was and Dierdra Ollivie
Tompkins, my humble gratitude for all your love seeking, neither was I ever left
on my own in my search. I was schooled and light on the project. My thanks as
well to proofreaders Priscilla in listening to guidance, and soon I was honored by
being introduced Rogerson and Rebecca Whitecotton, and to the transcribers of
the to some of the great Masters, with whom I would spend countless
information from Master Guide Kirael: Sonja Langley-Lau, Sharon hours
learning the ways of the multiple dimensions.
Taphorn and Dierdra Ollivie Tompkins.
For so many years, I was given great tools of enlightenment, and In
addition, I’d like to thank you, my loyal readers, for your love all the while was
told that I couldn’t share these tools with the world.
and support, as each of us in the Beauty unfolds in our respective
“Why,” I would ask, “should one be given these gifts and not be able
to share them?” The only answer was always, “When you know, you And
finally, my greatest acknowledgement is a simple: God will know,” and on came
even more lessons.
bless you, Master Guide Kirael, for your patience. My only prayer is Now I
know. And now I can sum it up in one simple statement: to make you proud.
“I am no one and I am everyone.”
It takes a team of dedicated individuals to put a work of this Kahu Fred
kind together, and in creating an acknowledgement page, the author often
labors over making sure that no one is left out. From my heart, I am deeply
grateful for the love of all the people, both named and unnamed, who have
worked tirelessly to bring Master Guide Kirael’s and my words forth in the
highest light.
My heartfelt love to my Lightways Publishing team of Karinna Nielsen,
Patti Athenna Sterling and Lori RRossana Domingo, for not only having the
courage to bring this project to closure, but moreover, for having the diligence it
must take to work with someone who spends as much time on other dimensions
as he does on this third-dimensional
Publisher’s Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x Introduction by Kahu
Fred Sterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Introduction by Master Guide Kirael . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . xvii Chapter 1: Seeing the Lemurian
Legacy Unfold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Chapter 2: Experiencing Your Six-Sense
Awakening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Chapter 3: Exploring the Lemurian World . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Chapter 4: Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Chapter 5: Expanding Your DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Chapter 6: Attuning to Ancient Wisdom . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Chapter 7: Welcoming the Return of the
Goddess Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Chapter 8: Weaving Love Strands into
Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Chapter 9: Shifting into New Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Chapter 10: Uncovering the Mysteries of Ancient Lemurian Healers . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 181
The End Leading to the Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
About Kahu Fred Sterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
About Master Guide Kirael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Workshops by Kahu Fred Sterling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Honolulu Church of Light & . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
The Chancellor’s Lemurian Numerology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
x Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Publisher’s Preface xi
The information for this book was gathered in special sessions with Master
Guide Kirael and Kahu Fred Sterling. The session transcripts have been edited as
lightly as possible to provide clarity yet also to retain Master Guide Kirael’s
distinctly Celtic-sounding Publisher’s Preface
English. Most of his colloquialisms have been retained, such as “’tis me
thinking” and “me medium,” as well as his unique way of creating expressions
such as “particle-ize” and “being remindful,” which Welcome to the World of
create a vision of meaning within your thought systems.
Why is there currently such an abundance of information from In your
journey through this book, you will find that the chapters various sources
coming forth about this mystical place called Lemuria?
begin with an opening statement from Master Guide Kirael, followed Why
now? As Master Guide Kirael has said, we are at the time of the by a series of
questions and answers. In the appendix we have included Great Shift in
Consciousness. It is a time to choose a new level of a glossary of terms and
information about the Lemurian Numerology.
awareness of the Creator’s Love. It is a time to allow your heart to Please
browse through the glossary and use it often to familiarize awaken to the
potentials of a world in peace, based on a collective yourself with any new
consciousness of love, a world you may have only dreamt possible.
As with other works by Master Guide Kirael and Kahu Fred Master Guide
Kirael shares with us that forty to fifty thousand Sterling, the information is
woven into seven layers of understanding.
years ago, there existed a continent called Lemuria, the mountaintops
Because of this, many find great awakenings in reading the books over of which
still remain to this day as the Hawaiian Islands. This was a and over again.
Topics are frequently woven throughout the book and land whose people walked
in the fullness of the Creator’s Love, who do not follow the “traditional” linear
unfolding of events. For example, cherished and celebrated all that the Creator
had provided and who Master Guide Kirael describes the beginning times of
Lemuria in the were indeed wise and benevolent caretakers of our Mother Earth.
first chapter as well as in several of the other chapters. You may find
yourself highlighting sections of the wisdom found within these pages Many
have waited years for the information in this book, many and reading the
chapters several times, each time receiving a new more for lifetimes. It is our
prayer that this book opens a journey of level of meaning.
the heart for you, a journey into a truth held within the very core of your
being. You may sense that you are reading about a long-forgotten This book is
not meant to be a fast read. It is meant to open homeland, the memory of which
is held deep within your heart, for a journey of awakening to the love within
your own heart. At first, at this time of the Great Shift, many are choosing to
remember their you may feel that you don’t understand, yet while your brain
may connection to Lemuria.
not understand, deep within the cells of your body, an awakening is taking
place and you may even feel that you are a new person when If this is your first
adventure reading a book from Master Guide you are finished reading this book.
Kirael and his medium, Kahu Fred Sterling, we welcome you into the
beauty of their energies. Master Guide Kirael chooses to be referred May you
find great love and healing in the words of Master to as “he” because of his male
medium, yet he has shared as well that Guide Kirael as he relates his own
recollections of the land of he is an energy pattern of light from the seventh
dimension that has Lemuria. Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift is the
return no gender. If you are a returning reader of the Kirael-Sterling works, of
the Lemurian vibration of Creator’s Love to our Earth plane and the we welcome
you back to a new, loving encounter with Master Guide re-awakening of the
lights of creation now in human form who have Kirael and Lemuria.
come to experience this Great Shift.
xii Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift An Introduction from Kahu
Fred Sterling As publishers, we are humbly honored to bring this information to
you. This book has opened a magical healing journey for us and we As I travel
the world now, speaking to We the People, one of pray you may also find an
adventure into the depths of your own heart the questions I am often asked is,
why is so much information about as you read.
Lemuria coming out now, when it is some 50,000 years ancient in With
aloha and blessings from Lemuria,
history? Why is it important that we understand the Lemurian way of life?
Lightways Publishing
A lot of different mediums and people are talking about the Lemurian
energy, yet people tell me my information seems to be different from everyone
else’s. I only look at what Master Guide Kirael brings forth to me, and because
he is and has been such a factor in my life for so very long, I’ve learned to trust
him emphatically and never question his energy. I know that his information will
have an impact where it is supposed to have an impact.
In Kirael: Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift, we cover the Lemurian
world from the very beginning, when the Creator entered forces of light onto the
Lemurian plane, all the way up to and including the time it actually sank.
The Lemurian energy was powerful and highly evolved from its inception.
In fact, it was more highly evolved than we are here on the Earth plane currently.
That’s difficult for a lot of people to accept.
They want to know how we could have had a society 50,000 years ago that
was more advanced than we are now.
The Lemurian looked at the world in what I refer to as the fourth
dimension. When I say fourth dimension, people say, “Well, I thought we were
in the fourth going to the fifth,” because that’s what some guides have said. How
is it you can seemingly get different information from different guides on the
same topic?
Common sense would say that the guide is actually giving you its
perspective on what it saw or what it went through or what record it might have
read. I don’t think it’s a matter of measuring what one
xiv Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift An Introduction from Kahu
Fred Sterling xv or another guide says. I think you should let your heart make
your shall gain that much strength over the other. Hence, you always see
decisions. If all of guidance were saying the same exact thing, we’d the theme of
the dark forces versus the light forces. Now, if you listen have a pretty boring
situation on our hands. One of the nice things to Master Guide Kirael for any
length of time, he very seldom talks about Master Guide Kirael’s work is that it
reflects the fact that he about the dark, because the dark is nothing but oppressed
or depressed walked upon the lands of Lemuria, and in this, we get a good idea
of or coagulated light.
what he saw.
I think we can go beyond the balancing and look at our choices as Right
now we’re in a very third-dimensional society, which human beings. We can
look at how we want to see the Earth plane. If suggests that we live in a balanced
reality. If you’re of the eastern we look at the potential of the Great Shift, then
there is the possibility persuasion, you would say we are living in a society of the
yin and that much of this full balancing that we’ve lived in thus far is going
yang, but whatever way you want to look at it, we are subscribing to a to
dissipate. You’re going to see a much higher vibration of light way of life that is
very third dimensional. In fact, there have been great permeating the Earth plane.
balancers in the evolution of Earth, and they have always maintained In
fact, in Master Guide Kirael’s words, this plane of consciousness both the light
and the dark.
that we now call the third- dimensional Earth is going to move to The
balance we have struck on this Earth plane is simply that a more thought-
oriented and more in-love, or “in-lightened” place.
one energy never overpowers the other. Hence, we have gone through
Therefore, all of the experiences of a so-called bad life will literally be the Dark
Ages and other horrendous times in our history, as well as put aside so that we
can begin to evolve at another rate, moving from periods of enlightenment.
There was a time in Europe when a young the third to the fourth or fifth
dimension. If you look at the realities of man by the name of Hitler created
unimaginable havoc, killing the dimensions, you see that the third is duality, the
fourth is thought, millions. There was a time before that when the great nations
of the and the fifth is love.
Native American were suppressed, if you would, having their lands We all
seek love, because that is the level on which our Creator stolen, or confiscated,
and their culture all but obliterated. Clearly, in exists. The Creator is that fifth-
dimensional energy, that loving Light.
our history, we have had times, shall we say, of not the greatest or the Now,
I’m not restricting the Creator to that level; I’m just saying lightest energy.
that it is at its greatest power in the fifth dimension. Everybody, of At the
same time, we have had periods of great passion, great course, would seek and
want to go directly from the third to the fifth enlightenment, when people like
the Master Jesus, or one of my dimension, but as with anything else, we have to
learn along the way, personal favorites, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., came onto
the Earth progressing from third, to fourth, to fifth.
plane. When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was on the Earth plane, this This
now takes me back to the original question of why we was a time of great
enlightenment. Many would like to focus only on are seemingly struggling to
learn the ways and understandings of a his death, but I very seldom ever do,
because I like to focus on what he society from our past. The Creator in its
infinite wisdom of light and believed in, a non-violent peace. That movement
wound up sweeping
“beingness” created Lemuria over 50,000 years ago as a very fourth-a
country and a government toward a new way of living. Even with dimensional
energy, or one that was purely thought energized.
that, there are still segments of our world struggling for a place in the sun,
so to speak.
You may have heard Master Guide Kirael speak of the Lemurian prophecy,
that it would emerge again onto the living light of human.
That is because the impassioned energy never overcomes the low.
Don’t get stuck on the dimensional numbers, third, fourth, or fifth.
The low is always balancing the high. We look at that as a very third-I
always go back to one simple reality: Let your heart sing, because dimensional
expression, an expression that says that no one energy
xvi Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
if you’re willing to let your heart sing, you’ll hear the music within you,
and that music is always centered in love. There is no need for balancing.
Imagine a fourth-dimensional experience of light beings or An Introduction
from Master Guide Kirael lightworkers who permeated the whole Lemurian
continent and raised the vibration of Mother Earth to the heights, only to fall
back under the sea. We needn’t concentrate on the sinking of the continent. That
KIRAEL: I’m asking something very special of you this day, was simply the
Creator seeing that they had gone as far as they could my friends. I’m asking you
to allow me to speak the way I speak. I am in that experience. The key is that,
long before Lemuria sank under the asking the editors of me work to keep very
short that which they take sea, the Lemurian race had already left that continent
in better shape out. I’m asking them to be as clear with you as they can.
than they had found it.
All me English may not be perfect, and those who read it in other Can we
as human beings in the third dimension make the same languages may struggle
just a wee bit with it, but I have great faith statement? Can we say that we will
leave the Earth plane a better place?
in each and every one of you. You see, my work is written on seven I
believe we can. It has taken us a multitude of lives to get to this point, levels of
consciousness. That means that everybody who reads this and if we continue in
the light of love, we can leave this Earth plane in work will be at a different
level, and I want it to touch each and every a much better space than we found it,
because we will move into this one of you.
most beautiful Lemurian energy and find ourselves fully aware of the
journey. Hopefully, as you journey into this book, you will come to I speak in
such a way that some would think that I have a bit of understand the potential of
your evolution into the next dimension.
a Scottish brogue. But I tell you this: If you listen closely, you might hear a
wee bit of Irish and you might hear a wee bit of English. You Aloha and mahalo,
might hear a little bit of Arabic. It doesn’t matter, because the truth is,
Kahu Fred Sterling
it’s not about the messenger, it is about the message.
So with that freedom in mind, read as best you can. I can give you a clue,
though. If you read with an open heart, instead of your brain, you are going to
find this a full-flavored book that is about to touch the very strings of your heart.
Some would suggest that I sing when I am speaking. Others would suggest that
it’s just a beautiful bunch of parables all thrown together.
What I tell you is this, my friends: I speak from an ancient time when your
English language didn’t even exist the way it does today, a time when people
spoke from their hearts. Maybe, just maybe, that’s where we are going to return.
So I’m asking you to allow yourselves the luxury of finding peace and harmony
in me words, for I want the healing to begin.
You see, your world has come to a space in time where it must begin to
heal, and that’s why I’m here—to cause that healing. I’m here
xviii Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift to let you know that there
is a greater hope than you’ve ever thought existed. All those who think of the
doom and gloom can set it aside for now. Find the positive in everything that I
have to say and see the beauty in every project that is available.
It is me hope that you will let yourself flow into this beautiful work. If you
do, you will find that you just might remember being in the exact place of which
I speak, a memory that you cannot understand because you live behind the veils
of being human. You live in a world that says you must do things a certain way.
I’m here to tell you that way is done. It is a brand new time, a brand new
dimension. It’s a time for We the People to stand up and signify that they are
about to take this journey that is available to them.
So if you will, sit back and relax. Take a giant deep breath and let yourself
feel me words as you read along. I ask this for the simplest of reasons: It is my
way of expressing; it is my way of sending the message through to the Earth
plane. Perhaps most important of all, it is truly about your way of hearing, for
the purity of me message is as simple or as complex as you’d like it to be. ’Tis
me hope, though, that you’ll find a way to let yourself feel the freedom of
knowing that a time existed long before time was measured.
In that, my friends, we will have what we call the Lemurian Legacy, a
legacy that is the greatest shift to ever reach mankind. You’ll see there is a
greater feeling, a greater understanding and a greater awareness available to
those who seek, and those are for whom I write this book, the seekers of the
Let the journey begin, my friends.
Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold
KIRAEL: As most of you in your world like to categorize and generally
compare records and histories to your current incarnation, it’d be me pleasure to
cast some light on why this look into the Lemurian information is of value at this
time in your journey.
To experience the unfolding of the Lemurian histories will be much like
casting your presence back into a time many of you likely witnessed. The
parallels, as you will see, are almost mirrored in that so much of that particle
incarnation was the predecessor of your current adventure. You will see how a
civilization steeped in knowledge was allowed to unfold much like yours is in
the now.
What can be learned from this material will most assuredly allow for the
compacting, or at least aid in the lessening, of the length that each individual
journeyer will take to fully integrate the rapidly approaching shift in energy that
you face in your present time.
It’d be me thinking that it is much like having a very special window in
time, allowing you to see a world so much like yours. It just might cause you to
shudder at times, yet in almost the same moment, it will bring forth great
knowing of just how much you have grown.
Balancing on the fine line of existence, one seems to be caught in the
strands of time, and in but a white flash of a moment, one sees the greatest
power the Creator has granted each in unfolding the collective journey.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold
In fact, me friends, it’d be me thinking that if one has the courage limits,
and that in fact confines the data the scientists can express into not to let the veils
of being human shield the vision, there’d be a strong measurement.
chance that this part of the work could shave much from your repetitive An
example of this might be seen in your current-day scientists’
natures. What if, as you read this part, you could see a clear way to attempts
to measure along the lines of quantum physics. By using the discontinue some
lesson plans and not run the risk of creating gaps in standard measure learned in
your ancient histories, it was a true struggle your current life plan?
to see the micro world taking on a whole new set of characteristics.
Imagine their interest in watching a single particle under the most powerful
looking glass. The particle will change its visual appearance No One Left Behind
simply because it is being looked at. Know that, in truth, all humanity
Following the journey of the Lemurians through these individual is a makeup of
times will help you understand how they worked together in the quest How
does that truly affect this so-called 10/90 theory? The to do the complete
adventure, being assured that they left no parts theory must be opened to the
unseen forces of vibrating light. It must undone. As a society, they were
determined to leave no one behind, trust in information being used from the
omni brain. It needs input and in this, they showed an unvarying desire to
continue in the fashion from sources that go beyond the limited thinking
intelligence and of collective adherence and consciously creating that stemmed
from gets said information from the part of your brain consciousness that the
weave of interlocking knowledge. Much of this information will is connected to
the universal patterns of available information. This is be used to create the most
beautiful bridge into the Great Shift in why I’d be asking you to at least entertain
the possibilities that your Consciousness you are facing in the now of your
access to this most magical part of the brain will move you into the It will
be, as well, me great pleasure to share the weaves they used knowing that all is
in their time on this world to mirror much of your current unfolding. It’ll In
fully understanding the many parts of this work, it sometimes be left for you to
choose just how much you are willing to comprehend may appear that things are
repetitive, yet I assure you that the pattern by viewing their intricate way of
evolving. The test for your thought is absolutely necessary in the weaving of the
brain and this newly system is your willingness to tap into the “omni brain,” or
that which professed cellular consciousness. The ever-unfolding parallels your
present-day scientific world calls the 90 percent. Remember that, between these
ancient beings of Lemurian history and yours will serve as a society, you have
been almost thoroughly convinced that you to tantalize that part of the brain that
has accumulated the so-called are limited to that which was referred to in
Lemurian times as the historical understandings of your current time.
“local brain,” or the 10 percent measure of brain used in your current
Should you choose to open to the omni brain, ’tis me thinking that, at the
end of this particular part of the work, you’ll have found a I’d like to make
something clear at this time. This 10/90 measure new freedom in your thoughts.
It is likely you will feel freer than at any that your scientist world speaks of does
not take into account the other time in your awakening. In fact, it might just give
you a clearer effects of the cellular consciousness memory, and so the true
measure perspective on such things as why the male and the female nurture life
is off by multiple strands of understanding on their part. In that, me by such a
different standard. It just might give a new meaning to the friends, I’d like not to
disparage their work, yet it will help you to world of the yin and yang. If nothing
else, me friends, you can depend further understand this labor if you allow for
the thinking that your on seeing the world through a wee bit of a different vision.
local brain scientists have no true measure of just how much of the brain is
being used. Like everything else, the 10 and 90 are pretended
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold
As you begin to weave your own knowing into this work, the First Life
period, it was called Transition of First Life. In easy terms, discovery that you
were in possession of much of this material all each period consisted of First
Life, Common Time and Transition.
along will boggle the mind. My way of explaining this information
Obviously, from that last insight, it makes sense that the second can only act as a
key that opens the gateway you have placed in your period after First Life,
which allowed for all three souljourn levels to learning through the system of the
have been worked through, was known as Common Time. Like so
’Tis me hope that the learned cycles that have bound your many
incarnations, including yours, this was the time of the greatest awakening world
will become an ever-expanding vision of portals exploration.
into new and impassioned promise. In each thought I project, your The first
part of Common Time was known as First Life willingness to stretch will move
you to new and exciting ways of of Common Time and was the period of the
greatest expansion.
determining that you control your world. By simply having the courage
Here, it was left to the Lemurian to look back and correct any and to go beyond
that which the present-day teachers have allowed you all journey parts yet to be
fulfilled from the previous period. In the to see as limits, you will see a world
filled with mind-expanding Common Time, or the middle souljourn of the
Common Time period, information.
they advanced their knowing into the greatest understanding of the
Creator’s desire while developing at a rate that prepared them to live in the full
consciousness of the enlightened being. In their third stage, The Three Periods of
Lemurian Evolution or Transition of the Common Time, they prepared for an
even newer Now, moving forward, let’s define the three periods of Lemurian
way of life. To many, this seemed a time of great change, for they were
evolution in collective measure, causing clarity that will span the rest to prepare
for a period of never-ending bliss.
of this work. I’d be choosing to put them all together because you will With
this information, you might consider just how the age you refer to them a lot as
we compare histories both then and now.
currently are in corresponds to the Lemurian world. You, me friends, In the
Lemurian era, they used a measure of three periods. The have had many periods
that have allowed you to recount things you first was named First Life. This was
a period that saw the introduction needed to re-work. These were and still are
times when you are left to of this well-advanced society becoming mortal in the
ever-evolving seemingly suffer through the rigorous repetitions of lesson plans
that quest to fully comprehend the creation of the Creator, to fully embrace
outwardly appear to take forever to fully comprehend.
the All That Is.
Isn’t it right about now in your current incarnations that you’re This period,
like all others, was broken into three souljourns of feeling you will simply go out
of your mind if you repeat just one understanding. Though a souljourn is used in
many measurements, in more lesson? This information just may help you
determine if you’re this case, it marked the time frame needed to evolve from
level to level.
actually in the end times of the Common Time, and that you just might This
is a difficult measure of time, in that it is kept at the cellular level.
be moving towards the Transition period. If a measure is possible at It
actually wasn’t so much a particular length; what it did show was all, it must be
within the awakening of your soul. That which seems the span of intelligence
needed to fully explore a vibration of learning.
to be a world of turmoil just might be a state of consciousness that is Hence,
within the First Life period, for example, the Lemurian would needed to fully
grasp the knowingness it takes to finally find peace on have defined the first part
as the First Life within First Life. If it was Earth once again.
the middle part of that First Life period, it was called the Common Time of
First Life. Lastly, as the Lemurian was preparing to leave this
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold
society held its learning to the highest degree and wanted nothing but The
Process of Bringing a Child into Lemuria the highest form of balance. It took
great care in offering the incoming There are many great examples to compare
the Lemurian world spirit the best chance of evolutionary awareness.
to the world in which you are currently evolving. This information as well
makes it clear why each period was so important to the other.
One of the best examples of this might be the birthing process of the First
Life of Pregnancy
Lemurian. Illuminating the birthing process allows all to see in clarity The
First Life of the incoming spirit was segmented into three the different periods
and souljourns that it took to ensure a precise souljourns. The first souljourn was
the responsibility of the mother birth. This adventure is in contrast to what most
of your current level as a matriarchal duty to create perfect harmony in balancing
the male of consciousness seems to take for granted—one of the most formative
and female life forms entering into the life plane. It was hers to work stages of
life, which occurs before birth and even before conception.
within the alternate light levels to create the desired outcome after great
When you see the intricacies of the Lemurian system, as compared deliberation
with the father, for it was his responsibility to generate the to the way it has been
done up until recent times, you will also see right X or Y chromosome. At the
appropriate time, the mother began why change is so important. It will account
for many of the trials and interacting with the incoming spirit of mutual choice.
tribulations that many of the incoming souls have encountered. In this, It
may sound a bit confusing here, but try to follow it anyway.
you may also get a bit of a better understanding of their use of the In the
next part of the First Life, or better said, the Common Time of souljourn system.
the First Life period, the mother spirit moved into an ever-growing You see,
the Lemurians measured the time frame of what you communication with the
spirit of the soul that eventually became the call “carrying a new life to term” in
periods of completion. In other child. In the last stage of First Life, the mother
and the incoming spirit words, they considered the full term of beginning life in
three different did much to align the blueprint to the consideration of what best
suited periods. These periods were distinguished by measures of completion its
life journey.
that defined the different stages of preparation necessary to give birth The
symbols that were woven into it were the guiding force under the best possible
set of conditions. Like all other periods, they through much of the periods of the
First Life and Common Time of the were referred to as First Life, Common
Time and Transition of the child after birth. In this blueprint there was ample
time to complete all incoming spirit.
unfinished adventures from previous times as well as a weave for new Each
of the three major periods of the birthing process was and enlightening realities
to take place in the current life experience.
distinct, in that they were divided into souljourns of minor periods as well.
Each of these three souljourns within the period lasted the approximate length of
three months of your present time measure.
Common Time of Pregnancy
Hence, each of the three periods, with three souljourns in each, lasted We
can now move to the Common Time of pregnancy. This was a total of nine
months. Do the math, me friends, and you will see it the second nine-month
period that the mom went through. It was the took the Lemurian roughly 27
months from the time he or she chose to mother’s responsibility during this
period to begin the weaving process.
go through the birthing process until the time that the mother actually Over
the three souljourns in these next nine months, both mother and gave birth.
newly defined spirit were very interactive. The merging, or bonding, For a
wee bit more clarity, before you go into some great sympathy of this new soul
spirit was woven into every living member of the for the Lemurian mother, it
might be best to read on. The Lemurian family. In this way, the new soul was
made aware of the knowledge
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold
it could draw upon. It had a clear sense of how it would fit into the In the
third and final months of Transition in this birthing process, social standings of
those who would be its teachers. Each member of the parents alternated with
each other by entering into deep levels of the current family witnessed the full
impact of these weaves, and in meditation whenever possible so that they could
simply share the that had a glorious understanding of just how they could be of
service feelings of love amongst the three of them. It was important to the to the
new being.
child that it was completely immersed in love, for that was the path that was
defined to follow. The parents also formed a trinity of energy When you take
into account the Lemurian length of life at with the child that was utilized in the
bringing of the child from the that phase of incarnation, and that the extended
family might have mother’s womb, and in this, the actual birthing process was
trauma-living members that equated to great-, great-great-, and so on type free
for the beginning new spirit.
grandparents, it all added to the greatest test the mother encountered.
In the case of a first child, it was the most difficult, in that there were This
is why a normal pregnancy was spread out over the 27-no other siblings to assist.
month period. Nothing in the Lemurian time was left to chance. Each
journey was measured by the fulfillment of the adventure. Remember, it is
broken down into three periods: First Life, Common Time and Transition of
Transition, with each of those having three separate and similarly named
souljourns within them. That might help you understand all Now, the Transition
time of that pregnancy also lasted for of this.
approximately nine months. In this term, the magnetic formation of the
actual physical body occurred. The rest of what was going on was the more
interesting unfolding. Here, the mother was less called upon Comparing Then
and Now
to interact with the new spirit, as her spiritual work in the pregnancy was
for the most part done. Actually she was more concerned with the Realize that in
your world now, you simply need to be reminded father’s interaction at this
that as your current civilization has unfolded, it has been slow and
meticulous in developing the courage to merge with the spirit world In the First
Life of this third period, it was primarily left to the due to many learned levels of
fear. To be given the honor to work with father to take on the role of teacher for
this new spirit. Here, he spent the another’s blueprint, such as it took to bring on
a Lemurian baby, one better part of the first three months of Transition educating
the spirit in must be close to “veil-less” and have the most pure understanding of
the ways of Lemuria. This was hugely important, as the child needed love.
to fit into the plane completely aware of what stage the Lemurian world
was in. This included histories of the land, cultures presently Throughout much
of your early stages in both the First Life and being experienced and a complete
overview of the working stages of more current Common Time—the stage that
you are in now—the the family this new spirit was entering into. It was the
responsibility birthing process has been left more to chance encounters between
of the new father to make this as clear as possible.
spirits than to woven choices. For the most part, the incoming, or searching,
spirit who simply had the highest desire to experience an The second period of
this final nine-month stretch was called the evolutionary third-dimensional plane
of consciousness was the one to Common Time of the third period. It was the
father’s responsibility to find its way to Earth.
instruct the child in the concept of utilizing the full four-bodied system
upon birth. Councils who lived by harmonious principles guided this In your
current incarnation, the mother seldom truly begins to world; therefore, it was
extremely important that the child be active on feel the interaction until she finds
the physical baby within. Even all of these levels soon after birth.
then, most will not fully integrate the knowledge of the interaction. Of
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold 11
course, as of late, we have witnessed a surge in the parental vibration me
friends, as a civilization, must together learn from these awesome of choosing to
read or sing to the unborn baby, and that gives us great incoming spirits. They
are all teachers, some with greater knowledge hope.
than you could ever imagine, and some that simply want to get here for this
Great Shift in Consciousness.
Imagine having extended talks with the unborn child about what the world
that it was entering looked like. Imagine how it would In that same light, it is me
thinking that the need for some things affect the new child if the parent spent a
part of each day showering like abortions or unwanted children will quickly slip
from the programs the yet-to-be-born life with golden particles. Believe me,
when the of this current incarnation. The lesson will be fully learned on multiple
prospective mom and dad actually envision these most beautiful levels, and the
need for spirits to come to this plane to assist the parents particles surrounding
the child, actually flowing through it, you will in such traumas will quickly come
to an end. Imagine, if you can, a see the first of a new and wonderful way to
bring a child into this world with no battle lines drawn over these types of
Considering the world of the ADD [Attention Deficit Disorder]
It’d be wonderful if you’d use your dream power to see with me and bipolar
children, the same type of clarity just might help the parents a world in the now
that actually pre-planned the birth of a child for and the doctor-world seek
choices different from simply pushing pills months before its arrival. Think of a
father working on programming into the child’s mouth. I’d not be saying that it’s
always wrong to his body to such a level that he could at least produce an
abundance use medications; I am saying that there may be a different alternative.
of the X or Y chromosome. Think of a mother’s journey that could Parents
who truly knew the blueprint of this new soul would certainly help the yet-to-be-
conceived soul by working on the blueprint with track down every possibility,
and in that feel secure that they had done it, checking out all the different
possibilities, weaving, if you will, a complete journey.
all of the beautiful parts of the current family so that when the baby The sad
part, me friends, is that until you get closer to the arrived, it absolutely knew all
there was to know about the family it completion stages of this Common Time
you are evolving through, had joined.
your society will continue to use harsh drugs to control the behavior
patterns. The fear that comes with feeling helpless is an overpowering vibration,
and in that fear, often the potentials are surrounded by the Children with Special
mist of confusion. As your civilization awakens to the alternative If just
some of the population began to realize the power of healing methods, even if
that means a combination of doctor-world meditation and prayer and just how
they truly could shape the world and hands-on work, the world will become
more proficient in bringing of an incoming soul, they would as well begin to see
the journeys of the child through these balancing periods.
the incoming spirits that have extra-special needs. These extraordinary In
the simplest of terms, if it could just be remembered that the beings are often
gifted teachers that sometimes have a difficult time Creator makes no mistakes
in what it constructs or fashions, then finding parents wise enough to share their
great knowledge.
eventually each principal light, parent and/or child, would see the Believe
me when I say that every soul is searching for the beauty in everything and in
every living being. Each soul is a product opportunity to live a life that will
fulfill all of the potentials of its of a loving Creator Light that never errs.
blueprint. With the grand awakening that these beings are far advanced If
you’re reading this work and have the fortune of being a parent and ready to be
of service, they’ll be seen as the gifts they are. Those to one of these gifted
teachers called a child, and you have done the parents who have one of these
very gifted children most often see very best that you can in the eyes the child,
and more importantly in the beauty, yet the world around them is not very
supportive. You,
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold 1
the heart of the child, then it will never see anything as wrong. Unless
Questions & Answers
someone takes the time to fully convince it that something is out of
alignment, the child will live a long and fulfilling life.
Master Guide Kirael, what happened to the Lemurians when In that
light, me friends, it is left to the parent and your society to they moved from
First Life to Common Time?
aid the children in seeing their own beauty. Please just be patient and
KIRAEL: There was a defined moment when the Lemurians never stop
searching for the balance, for within each soul there exists knew that they were
going to leave First Life and come into Common a perfect being of the Creator.
In fact, there is an adage that if one truly Time. Much like now, there was a
conscious shift taking place, and possesses the desire to live in the Light of the
Creator, it doesn’t matter it happened in mass consciousness. The Creator,
basically being if the searching for a particular answer takes five steps or 50.
What self-satisfied—if you will forgive the word “self” when I speak of does
matter is that you never feel alone on your journey. Trust when the Creator—had
learned everything it wanted to from a First Life I tell you that one never gives
up unless he feels the love around him patterning, and began to really make its
presence more known to the waning. There is no such thing as a challenge that
cannot be brought physical being.
to the most perfectly balanced answer possible.
Don’t forget, the Lemurians had to wear a veil. You can’t be here You see,
by amplifying the birthing process of ancient Lemuria without one. The
Lemurians had their little veils on and the Creator and relating it to how you’re
currently moving through your growth, then began to diminish them in a certain
segment of the population—
you begin to see how things will unfold. The measure of First Life, much
like it is doing now—to see if in fact they were ready. Hence, Common Time
and Transition are simply milestones of awareness.
the Great Shift. The Creator tested itself every now and then by Each being
will differ in its awakening, yet ’tis me thinking that to looking in on its First
Life being when it reached a certain crescendo do the adventure with all of your
senses fully engaged, you can move of understanding. It measured certain
segments of the population and to a higher standard of evolution than you may
have ever anticipated.
then it called on Mother Earth to shake herself out and resettle herself,
Though they might seem a little cumbersome in the beginning, the and the
Lemurian continent would shift.
time periods will shed light where little has existed in the past. Like me
numerology system, the simplicity will offer you greater clarity at In fact,
interestingly enough, it was between First Life and every turn.
Common Time, where you’re sitting today in Hawaii, that the mountains
were struck for the healing temples. It was because We the Imagine, if you will,
a force that is moving into your plane People or We the Lemurians had reached
that crescendo of evolution, of consciousness, allowing each to speed the life
plan to a level of and it was then that the Creator looked upon that and said it’s
now awareness not seen since the Lemurian times. It is a time where every time
to move everything into Common Time. As more and more of lesson plan,
including those from previous incarnations, will be dealt these pockets of
Lemurians developed and learned what they needed with in pure harmony, a
time where We the People will trust their to learn, the Creator just allowed for
the shift to take place.
Creator Force to guide them to the freedom of love.
That constitutes all of the weaves being involved. Even your good It is a
magical time to be alive. Me friends, don’t waste a moment friend that we rarely
talk about, Father Sky, nicknamed so lovingly by of it guessing how things will
come to pass. Instead, simply train your your native peoples, had to be one of the
first consultants of Creator’s thoughts to be the power of the Creator, and in that,
life is an ever-Force to know that it was pure and clear enough to enhance the
new unfolding adventure. Live it to the fullest.
breathing structures. When the Lemurians went from First Life into
Common Time, everything began to switch. They used much more of
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold 1
what you now call the prana energy. Back then it was just an energy where
they were in the time periods and the souljourn. Everything was passing over the
Earth plane.
allotted by the feeling of the cellular consciousness.
There was a defined moment when the populace knew that There was no
question about who was where and what was something was going on. They
weren’t fully aware that they were happening at a certain time. Everything
happened in the exactness of about to shift into Common Time. They just knew
it was there. They the timely manner in which it was supposed to. Literally,
when it came began to see Earth changes; they saw Earth shifts on the continent
of time to shift, when they knew that they were coming up on the end, Lemuria.
They felt closer to one another, and they began to see those say, of a Common
Time or whatever, they knew that everyone else who had not come up through
First Life the way they should have.
knew it as well. Hence, those who were working on a particular project
So they reached out to the other First Life beings, but they reached who had
not quite aligned with the shift then reached out through the out differently from
the way you do. They used a telepathic method, weaves of the mental world
itself and asked for assistance from others or the sixth sense. You are using the
computer method. Poor Master who might be able to be in service to them. In
essence, everyone came Jesus had no method at all. He had no method of
reaching out. He together to make sure those who might have a little bit of a lag
time was supposed to do this shift 2,000 years ago—at least that’s what going
for themselves were brought up to par, because everybody knew we believe—
but he didn’t have this little one-eyed Cyclops called a basically how much time
each person had.
computer which you have.
It wasn’t an ego driven society, so nobody was afraid to ask for So,
eventually, now shifting up to where you are presently in your help. Everybody
asked for help because each wanted to make sure journey, you are going to have
to start using more of that sixth sense.
that all were moving simultaneously. You wouldn’t want to be the one Why
do you suppose we’ve awakened the Goddess Light? Due to its dragging the
whole of society down; therefore, you watched yourself cycling procedures, the
Goddess Light can get there more quickly than very carefully. The moment you
felt as though you might not be pulling any other on the planet.
your fair share of the learning, you literally just reached out in every
direction that you could, until you brought yourself back up on par with where
everybody else expected you to be.
What part of the Common Time period are we in now?
KIRAEL: Actually, you are at the very closing stages of Common To
whom would they reach out for help?
Time and heading into the period called Transition. In other words, it is the
Transition souljourn of Common Time.
KIRAEL: Well, there was a communication between the Lemurian
energies themselves, and there was a pattern by which someone could send an
energetic force out that caused a ripple effect.
How did the Lemurians collectively know when to shift into In essence,
there was a song that was sung at such a vibration that it a new souljourn?
resonated through every living being in Lemuria. It actually registered
KIRAEL: The Lemurians lived at the cellular consciousness all the way into the
plant and animal weaves so that everybody knew level, a level that was actually
woven into all of them. There was a that there was a time when the shifting was
going to be. They knew collective timing, which means that everybody was on
the same cycle, how many people, or how many energetic patterns, needed to be
or the same vibration. There was no one energy pattern that kept assisted in their
own journey.
time, so to speak. You didn’t have wrist clocks or things along those No
one was ashamed because he or she was a little bit behind.
lines. All Lemurians knew where they were in their incarnations and She
may have been doing such a grand job of developing and doing the
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold 1
journey that she literally stopped concentrating on the focus of time how to
project that. If a simple blade of grass has that knowingness, itself. Hence, when
this energetic force was set forth that it was time to guess what? So does the
human world. They say that dogs can smell make another shift in consciousness,
it was sent out in plenty of time fear. Well, it’s true. They can, because they have
noses that are built throughout the total of realities. In literal sense, when the
vibration for it.
began to go out, it was a vibration of the Creator that knew it was time to
Guess what? Nothing that one of those weaves knows do you shift. Be remindful
that your whales, who were considered the keepers not also know. You know
everything every weave knows that is below of the records, and your dolphin
energies, who were considered to be your level of conscious thought. The tree
knows how to oxygenate air; the messengers, surrounded Lemuria at that
particular time. Hence, so do you. You just don’t remember. That’s why you
have an omni when the song first touched the Lemurian being and all of the
other brain.
weaves in between, the whale and dolphin energies were activated and
rolled that energy across the entire plane, which, again, I repeat, took into
account the animal weave and the plant weave.
Is it possible to say what the average lifespan of a Lemurian was?
If you were sitting next to a tree and you hadn’t heard the message yet, you
might have heard it from the tree itself, because it vibrated at KIRAEL: Their
capability of extended time was nothing that such a rate that you were given the
thought that it was time to make registers in your human connection, because
they literally could have this reality shift. They were all alerted almost on a
simultaneous basis.
lived from First Life to Transition, which would have been thousands The
communications then were, of course, much greater than they are of years. For
the most part, they did much like you’re doing today.
They lived a segment of, oh, say, anything from 700 years maybe to a
thousand. They didn’t go much over a thousand years.
Could we communicate in that way now, Master Guide Remember that
it’s all about cycles. They immediately recycled Kirael?
into what you now call the after-life. They recycled into that new
millennium plane of theirs where they sat in council with all of their KIRAEL:
You will be able to do that as you resonate more predecessors, or those who
were their teachers on that level, and they closely with your sixth strand of DNA,
when you have your sixth strand spent maybe a decade or so re-learning,
restructuring, how they could locked in. Right now many of you have already
started to vibrate with improve for God Creator. Then they cycled right back into
the pattern four strands and have another two that are what we call ghost DNA,
or again.
those not quite fully emerging. Once you begin to let them focus, then you
can do it in the now. The human world is more than capable of This is the part
you will find hard to believe. With luck, they doing it. You chose to be veiled;
therefore, you do not truly remember could find a baby being born or a segment
of a baby being born that all of your capabilities. You must remember that
everything that every they could use to recycle back to Earth; that was their
fortune. If not, weave knows, you commonly know now.
then they could walk in and just re-vibrate themselves into the plane into
full adulthood. But they always felt as though they had slighted Insects actually
use a form of radar in order to be complete in their themselves if they did that.
surroundings. Well, if they know how to do that, so do you as a human
being. There is nothing any weave of consciousness knows that you This is why
today even though you say, “I don’t want to do that don’t also know. For
example, when a lawnmower motor starts and baby thing,” we can’t stop you.
You absolutely love it. You’re just the first blade of grass detects what is going
on, the whole of a five-strange when it comes to that part of it. I’ve got to be
honest with you; acre lawn knows it simultaneously, instantaneously, because it
knows it’s just strange how you just don’t like to stop doing that. When you

1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift

•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold 1
finally get to a point in your evolution where you look at your guides The
symbol of my signature simply means that I am qualified and all of those that are
working with you—and literally you have to speak to any level of consciousness
from the minutest strings of hundreds and maybe thousands all over the place—
and say, “Oh, I a particle, up to and including the Seraphim angels of the
guess I’m through with the baby thing,” there will be a great round of
Actually, the truth is that that symbol with that little dot on the bottom cheer, a
great round of applause, for you. Most of you don’t get there gives me the right
to talk to the Creator as well.
right away.
That’s what symbols are meant to do. Not a whole great number of symbols
exist. There are a few very simple symbols that you could How did the
Lemurians access the symbols that were woven use on this level of
consciousness, but you understand that symbols into the blueprint of the
incoming child in the Transition of the literally are the connecting force, the
arc of the energies that you can First Life period?
use to traverse to another level of consciousness. That’s what the symbols
let you do.
KIRAEL: In the time of Lemuria, the level of consciousness that it took to
mature your lesson plans was registered in all levels of consciousness. Now,
these symbols were actually identifiable by What types of symbols were the
Lemurian parents weaving every level of consciousness above the one asking
about them. For into their children’s blueprint?
instance, if the animal weave wanted to know something about the
KIRAEL: They were weaving anything that their child needed insect weave, the
animal weave had to ask the next energy level up in to know about its current
plane of consciousness. They also had order to find out, because they couldn’t
descend to the lower level.
access, through the symbols, to its previous incarnations, which is The
symbols actually arced the information. Hence, many not something you
normally carry on over here. They were strung symbols were derived from
information gatherers that allowed for particles, or a string of particles, that took
on the formation, allowing one level of consciousness to interact with the other.
You wouldn’t anyone who was in the knowing to identify them in order to
replicate always have to go above you to God Creator or to me to find out your
them in the form of writing.
They were strictly strung particles. When you look at particles You have
symbols registered in your weave that actually allow that become a strand, you
understand that these particles each have a you to communicate with the crystals,
which is why only recently string within them, and the string that connects these
particles is not you’ve been able to understand how to interact with a crystal
when quite as ethereal as you might think it is. It actually has a very benign you
it pick up, because the symbols are already in place. Every level of energy. Yet it
also has the tangibility to strike its force, causing it to consciousness receives a
certain length and a certain quantity of these vibrate and create a tone, much like
when you tune a violin, and then symbols so that it can use them to transfer back
and forth between the that is what arcs between the particles, allowing the
strands to begin to levels of consciousness.
form. So literally the strand is simply a string of light particles.
It’s like mediumship between the weaves.
Did the Lemurians use astrology to determine the birthing time?
KIRAEL: In a sense, yes, but you spoke of the symbols themselves. For
instance, if you look at the KIRAEL: They absolutely used astrology, but it was
the symbol of my signature, it is a symbol that is unknown astrology of the star
systems within the crystals of their own blood to your world.
systems, the blood system of the human, of the Lemurian. Their study
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold 1
of astrology, for the most part, throughout most of Common Time,
understanding love, you didn’t have to ask; you knew it without a had little to do
with the stars in your sky because they were considered doubt. Both you and the
whole community in the exact moment knew cycling patterns that were already
known to all human existence.
that you could now begin the child process.
What they looked for was their own astrology within their That is why you
didn’t have quite so many Lemurians, because physical realm that was found in
the crystals in the blood flowing not everybody was here to propagate the
species. They were here to through the systems. This astrology also aligned
magnetically in a understand the Creator and the forces of Creation, and so on
and so force to your astrological signs.
forth. But those who were so inclined to propagate the species were
honored in the highest of light.
When you look at the astrological signs of the stars, you are probably at
about 70 to 75 percent guesswork. When you are looking at the astrology of your
body, it is a replicate of the star systems that Would part of the child’s cellular
consciousness naturally you recognize in that cycle out there. Yet the cycles
within you are the include meditation and prayer in his or her life after being
born, ones that are much more accurate. It is said that when you learn to read
and can parents today begin doing meditation and prayer with the astrology
of the body by using mostly the crystalline energies of their children?
the blood running through the system, you can obtain anywhere from
KIRAEL: When the Lemurian was already in the pregnancy 70 to 90 percent
phase, and the child was already adapted and everything was working in its
favor, it was the mother’s and father’s responsibility to release At what point
would the Lemurian become “veil-less” in the physical part of their
incarnation into a meditative state and join order to become a parent?
with the child in the etheric fabric state. In essence, all of their learning
about meditations and prayers was done in the nonphysical state, and KIRAEL:
The Lemurians did not age in the same manner that then delivered into the
you in the human world do. They aged in their conceptual awareness of
love, and so they had to reach a certain percentage of their full Guess what? So
was yours. Every one of you knew everything awakening to love before they
could be considered for parenthood.
there was to know about meditating before you came out of the birthing
channel. Every one of you knew everything there was to know about Whereas
you have to be in a certain “time frame evolved to the your Creator and its Love
before you came out. So the answer to your Earth plane” to be a parent, in the
Lemurian world you actually made question is not so much concerned with
where it took place and how your case with your higher self or to the higher
beings that you wanted it took place, but what the considered choices were for
how much veil to become parents. The higher beings then related to you
whatever the child would have. That had to do with the child’s blueprint. The
parts of you that were not vibrating high enough to be considered in vibration of
the spirit self would wait patiently for mom and dad to love to bring a child onto
the Earth plane.
enter into meditation so they could then journey off together.
Once you were given that information, you then had the right to work
through those systems in a unified force, almost at a community At what stage
was the unborn child able to communicate and level, because once one
decided to have children, the whole community receive communication, pre-
birth or pre-inception?
celebrated that child. When you were told where you were short in your
level of understanding love, the whole of the community came KIRAEL: This
was all done while the spirit was still making its together and tried everything it
knew to bolster your energies and final determinations, while all of the spirits
were finally making the understandings of the love process. When you reached
that level of determinations of who became what part of what family.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•1• Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold
Master Guide Kirael, it is said that the incoming crystal Me friends, it is
a wondrous time to bring forth a child onto children have a different biological
makeup and therefore react the Earth plane. Even at this stage of the Shift, you
now have the differently to immunization shots. There has been discussion
that information that will make its entry into this plane a higher vibrating these
immunizations may be the cause for the recent dramatic experience.
increase in autism. Should we continue to immunize newborns and
children, or in my case, should I refuse immunization shots for my baby?
KIRAEL: In truth, each new configuration—the Indigo child, the Crystal
children, and the latest “shift souls”—is aligning itself to newer body
frequencies, and as time unfolds, it is adapting to things such as unsolicited
immunization shots. The parent is urged to follow its feelings of parental care,
knowing that the configuration of the telomeres is prepared to use only what the
body needs and will block out the rest.
As to the autism, it’d be me thinking that these shots are not contributing to
this “thought wave variance” and that this special child is a gift for each of you
on the human plane to expand your awareness.
Modern birth, often in a hospital with bright lights and masked
doctors, can prove to be a frightening separation experience. How might I
create a trauma-free birthing experience for my baby, reflecting the love
and light of Lemurian times?
KIRAEL: It’d be me pleasure to remind you of the extensive information
me medium and I have brought forth to your world concerning the preparation
the mom and dad should be doing for the little soul. [ For more on the nine
months in the womb and the first seven years of a child, see “Guide to the
Unseen Self” by Fred Sterling.]
In Transition, the third and final stage of your pregnancy, you should be
sending mental pictures of the first vision of the baby’s new Earth experience,
and with each mental picture, a full disclosure of why it’s done. Now if you’re
still of mind that the vision of the newly born being is flawed for the first part of
its experience, I remind you that, though the physical may take a bit of centering,
the third eye is in perfect working order.
Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening KIRAEL: In this chapter, I will
further develop the Lemurian beings, how they were brought to be, how they
looked, and much of how they and their beliefs unfolded.
I begin by reminding you that the history of this place called Lemuria was
separated into the three periods of evolution that we spoke of in the preceding
chapter: First Life, Common Time and Transition. These categories were much
aligned with the Truth, the Trust and the Passion. In the First Life, the
Lemurians learned quickly and in great depth. These beings were not like the
caveman of your current histories. They were highly evolved beings before they
even took part in this great experience called Lemuria.
As an example, in First Life, these energetic patterns were allowed the
freedom simply to roam the entirety of this great continent of Lemuria.
Oftentimes they were sparse in their own reality, for the Creator wanted to
indulge its energy by developing the entire continent at one time. The different
etheric groups often didn’t even know that other beings existed on this particular
continent. So vast was it that they could roam literally for year after year and
never come across anyone of their own species.
The Creator in its infinite wisdom saw to it that they had no special needs,
that everything was supplied for them in the most beautiful manner. Remember,
me friends, the only thing that they
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
needed was to fulfill the experience of being human, to breathe and This
Elven society that lived on the eastern shores was not here eat and evolve. Eating
was not a problem because they lived off the to interact with the Lemurian in the
beginning stages. In fact, this land itself, off the plant weave, if you will. This
same plant weave interaction didn’t happen until sometime during Common
Time. The offered them medicines, but not for treating disease because they
were Elven society simply observed and learned that which it brings to us
literally disease-free. Oh, they might have touched a plant that might now in
your most current times.
have given them the itches or something like that, but they developed You
will see as time unfolds that the Elven society will interact an antibody, if you
would, from the same plant weave. They might with your human world. The
Elvens will cross the dimensions again, have even come across some being from
the animal weave, and they my friends, for they have come with wonderment.
They have come might have had a territorial dispute. One might have been bitten
or with great wisdom, and they will be in service to you. Oh, in the something
similar, and these medicines literally caused the healing in beginning stages you
may only be able to use your mediums, but the most dynamic of ways.
sooner or later, Elvens will cross the dimensions and come to you In this
First Life, they became intricately aware of the different instead of you going to
levels of consciousness and how they interacted with them, for instance,
with the mineral weave. You and I know, even in today’s light, that the crystal is
the elder of the mineral weave. The Lemurians The Sense of Sight
found this out very quickly in life, and they found that they could Let us
consider now these Lemurian beings, and talk first of use the mineral weave,
especially the crystals, for great awarenesses.
the senses, for unlike you in the human world of now, they were not So it’s
relatively easy to see that there was a balance that was woven limited to the five
senses. They had six senses, which were used in through the entirety of their
a much different way from the way you use your senses today. For instance,
they had a very special way of seeing. In simple terms, they could project by
particle value. They could simply align particles to The Elven Society in Lemuria
follow one another. They could literally use their vision to travel down
There was also something else going on in First Life. You a road or a pathway,
and as long as the particles aligned, they were see, the Creator in its infinite
wisdom had allowed for beings of able to have a visual experience that could
travel miles.
other dimensions to cross into Lemuria. They stayed away from the Even in
the very beginning of this most beautiful sense of sight, Lemurian in the
beginning stages because theirs was just to observe.
those who understood how to connect the particles were not limited in
Many of these beings even pre-dated the Lemurians as living beings how far
they could see, as long as one particle could be connected to of the human world.
the next. They chose to use this in the most beautiful way to chart their One
such group was a group of energy patterns that inhabited course. They could
chart the most beautiful path to take, making sure the very western shores of
Lemuria, where you might see the Japan that they stayed away from high cliffs
or un-traversed waters. They islands located now. These beings were part of the
Elven world. Now could follow a pathway by these particles and know just
exactly where you’d not want to confuse the Elven world with that of the elfs.
The they wanted to go.
Elven world is an ancient, ancient society of beings that has been Although
the Lemurian sight couldn’t bring a vision of every using dimensional travel for
literally eons of time. In fact, the time particle, through the “particle-ization”
there was always enough can’t even be measured.
vision to know exactly what the Lemurians wanted to do and how they
wanted to do it. They then traveled on these particles and followed
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
these pathways until they came to a space, and there they began to The
Sense of Smell
unfold that particular part of the journey. Their sight was limitless in Smell
was another sense that the Lemurians fully used. Now, that sense of the word,
my friends.
smell, me friends, was so much different in those times from the way
Another great factor they used in their unfolding visions was that you use it in
the now. It was said that they used smell to determine they waited until the
darkness fell upon the land, and then they lay the emotional balance of another
being. They could literally smell the down and studied the stars. They not only
studied them, they mapped possibility of someone being a little bit upset or off
balance. They them in their minds. They caused a deep, deep vibration of each
star could smell the energy before it even began to take place.
and how it interacted with the rest of the universe. This became their So
sensitive was this particular sense that they could even smell night travels.
when someone was telling a story and left out or exaggerated part of If at
any given time they were confused in the middle of a day, it. It was as though
the chemicals in the body would start to shift, and feeling lost or unsure of where
to go next, they simply waited till the one listening to the story knew through its
own smelling reality nightfall and studied the stars. In this, they found the high
journey and when the person telling the story had left the very center of where
he were never, ever really lost, because “sight” was the total beingness or she
was going.
of the Lemurian.
The physical makeup of the body at that particular time was useful because
it had extended nasal passages. The sinus tubes were The Sense of Hearing
wider and more fully aware of all that was going on around them. You see,
although in all of its beauty the Lemurian looked much like you Let us talk of
their hearing, if you will. The Lemurians heard in do in this particular time, its
inner design was used to bring forth the a much different manner than current-
day humans. They listened with highest of vibration.
such great intensity to the streams, the weaves, of sound itself. These
sounds were as simple as that of a heartbeat, for they knew each other in their
own etheric beingness by the sound of their heart.
The Sense of Taste
The closer they came to another being of Lemuria, the more they Another
sense that the Lemurians fully depended on was the understood the heartbeat.
They could tell someone coming from a long sense of taste, for to taste did not
mean simply tasting something that distance away simply by first hearing the
footsteps vibrate through they put in their mouths. To taste was to let the
energies, the vibration Mother Earth. As they listened and focused on those
footsteps, they of a plant, pass over the palette, over the tongue. They did not put
it in would begin to hear the heartbeat. They knew if it was a stranger or their
mouths to taste it. They simply opened their mouths and breathed if it was
someone of their own loving kind. They could always tell across it, and as they
inhaled, they were able to tell each and every what was approaching them by the
simplicity of the sounds that the particle of what the plant was made of. In that,
they always found the individual made.
very best they could for ingestion, the very best they could to help Their
hearing was magnificent, and they continued to hone them continue their
this experience called hearing. It was said that their hearing was so It
became well known that if they wanted to know the weather acute that they
could actually hear a leaf falling through the air, for it patterns, they simply
tasted the air around them. The air gave off disrupted the patterns of the air
a certain element of energy, and they knew if it was about to bring
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening 1
moisture—rain, as you call it—or whether they’d be in for another beings
of other worlds that they could contact. In this etheric sense dry day.
was the true understanding of the different weaves that it took to make up
the whole of the life that they were experiencing. They knew that It becomes
evident, me friends, that the Lemurians didn’t use the everything broke down, in
one sense of the word, to a most beautiful mouth so much for speaking. What
they used it for was determining what understanding. If they simply looked at
the weaves within a certain was going on around them. When they inhaled
through the nose, they reality, they could understand everything they needed to
were using the smell energy or that of the prana breathing. When they
wanted to detect something, they simply inhaled through the mouth, They could
travel these weaves and sense in this etheric light all and this gave them the
flavor of their immediate surroundings.
of the things that they needed to do. By today’s standards, they were seen as
highly evolved in this one particular sense, because it was their world. They
knew that they had to stitch this weave together, The Sense of Touch
to intertwine the weave. They had to bring the colors of light and the
sounds of experience, and they had to bring them all together in this Let us talk
of touch, or the sense of feeling. In the first age in the one sense, the etheric
Lemurian times, they used touch for something much different from the
way you use touch in your current day. They used touch to identify the histories
of different things that they came across. If they wanted Returning to the Sixth
to know the age of a tree, they simply very gently laid just the very tips of
their fingers on the tree. As they did this, they were able to count Today, as you
look upon the Great Shift, the sixth sense is the circles within the tree, giving
them an idea of how long this tree something to which you most assuredly will
be returning. You will had existed.
open this sixth sense, as you now call it, to know that it isn’t just for the few
but for the masses. You will understand the different levels of If they picked up
something of the mineral weave, they held it consciousness simply by
understanding the etheric weave.
and felt the vibration to a very deep awareness, and they knew then how to
best use it as an implement. For instance, they knew whether it All of these
senses that you detect in the world today, and that made a good cutting tool or a
good healing stone. It was all done with were detected back in the day of the
Lemurian, are meant to come to the sense of touch.
one complete understanding: They are all meant to be woven to the one
reality that you call thought. Each one of the senses will bring Me friends, those
are the five senses that you use.
you to a weave within the weave. Each one of the senses will play a part,
and when each and every human being begins to use all of the six senses, you
will find your thought patterns developing in the way you The Etheric Sense
desire them, rather than in the chaotic way they do now.
Another sense that the Lemurians possessed was called the etheric In times
to come, even here on the present Earth, you’ll come sense. The etheric sense is
something that they used in the world of to understand the great weave that it
takes to create a thought. You’ll the magi. Here, all of the understandings of the
upper realms were become clearer on how all of the senses weave together in
order that evident. Here, they conversed with the other levels of consciousness
they may cause this thought to have life.
available to them.
In the very beginning of the first period, First Life, the Lemurians learned
that they were not here alone. They were reminded of the great
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
They used these thoughts to pattern the fullness of the life that they The
Weave of the Six Senses into Thought desired.
Let me tell you of a young lad who came upon a flower, as he Nothing was
left to chaotic unfolding. They knew everything was walking across this
beautiful earthen plane called Lemuria. He before it began, and they unfolded it
exactly as they wanted it to be.
looked upon this flower with his sense of sight. He took in every petal They
lived their life because of thought, for they knew that thought and every leaf. He
looked to see the size and all of the beauty that the was the full flavor of their
flower created, the colors that were refined and defined, and every part of it
that could become his own understanding. He listened to that particular flower
so closely, it was said, that he could actually hear it Thought and the Physical
Body Presence growing, or he could hear it decaying, knowing it was on the
other side of the life span.
As the Lemurian beings themselves aged, they grew in stature.
In fact, the average Lemurian was anywhere from seven to nine feet in He
also opened up to what we call the smelling sense. He smelled height. It wasn’t
so much that they wanted to be big; it was that they the flower from a distance
and noticed how, when he got closer, each needed the height to get to the
different levels of the plant weave. So and every inhale was different. He
breathed in through his mouth and they continued to stretch their thought
patterns, and in those thought tasted the life of this flower. He began to
understand its most perfect patterns created a longer life and body.
value, what it was made of, and finally, he reached down and touched it.
It is said at one point, my friends, that the Lemurian being could weigh all
of some 160, 170 pounds, and yet you come to the greater Finally, my friends,
he touched the petals of the flower. He looked understanding that they did not
know weight as you do today. Their to the texture. He knew the life that this
plant was to live. In all of that, bodies were trained through thought to be the
exact diameters, the he used his etheric sense to gather those forces to create a
thought, a exact specifications that they wanted them to be. They left nothing to
thought that patterned this flower.
the chaotic nature of unfolding through others’ thoughts. They defined You
see, the Lemurians didn’t have a problem with something their own thoughts.
Their reality brought them to what they wanted to called memory. They used all
of their senses and then wove them look like.
together with the etheric sense. They never wondered what that flower
Today you find yourself every now and then putting on poundage was again, for
they knew it intimately.
that you don’t understand. Be mindful, my friends. That is just the They
knew everything around them intimately. They knew the body moving toward
this Great Shift in Consciousness and seeking to grass and the way it grew. They
knew the trees and why they existed.
in-lighten itself, to become lighter inside. As it does that, it is reminded
They knew every petal of the flower, because theirs was not a time to of the
Lemurian heritage, and the mind tries to compensate by adding waste. Theirs
was a time to fulfill the journey, to start to create thought more weight to the
body. You will find that this is only because you patterns that existed for the
betterment of their own experiences.
are not controlling the system called thought. You are not weaving all of the
senses into it.
The Lemurian beings themselves aged very, very slowly, especially in First
Life, because in that journey, theirs was extended For instance, oftentimes you in
the human world in today’s age beyond the imagination of the human world.
Theirs was to gather up simply continue to eat even after you have filled the
capacity of your into their thought systems the whole of all of the forces that
stomachs. Over a period of time, you have developed a stomach that
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
will continue to expand and allow more energy or food to be placed could,
but to feel the feeling of a vast emotion. They began to feel the within it. You
can come to this great clarity very quickly that, when exhilaration. When their
feet touched the ground, they hardly even you’ve eaten more than the original
stomach could hold, you are compressed the Earth plane.
asking to have it store fat in different parts of the body. Through use of
They learned how to use a motion of forwardness that carried the six senses, you
understand that you do not need that. The body is them at a fast pace. It was said
that they could run faster than any only being driven by a force that feels as
though you must have more being on the Earth plane. There was not an animal
that could outrun than you need.
them, because they used their full sensory possibility when they ran.
That was not the way of the Lemurian. The Lemurian being had They
projected the path through their senses, and they took the path of only what it
needed at the particular time, for it never had a fear of least resistance.
Everything that they did had a purpose. There was no coming to a time and
space where it wouldn’t find everything that it wasted motion whatsoever.
needed. It knew that, by collectively using all six senses, it could bring
Their strength was unquestioned. It wasn’t about male or female itself through to
the awareness to have the food, to have the clothing, or who the stronger of the
species was, for they were equal in that to have whatever it needed at that
particular time. It never had a doubt light. Their strength was limited only by
their use of the six senses that it could create everything that it needed.
because, remember, it was those senses that wove together everything
Imagine, if you will, the Lemurian being, even in First Life, still that was
having the knowingness that it did not have lack in any place, any If they
needed to move a huge stone or a rock, they did not simply time. It used the
senses to develop everything that it needed. It did not grab hold of the rock with
their fist or their hands and start to push or depend on another to bring forth its
needs. Each being created through shove. They took hold of the rock and
listened to it. They found out its own light the ability to have what it needed.
how deep and how strong it was, and then they determined through Believe
me, my friends. In this Great Shift of which I speak, you their own senses what it
took to literally move the stone. They would will not need an abundance of food.
You will need just the amount of use everything at their availability. Never did
they stress themselves food that nurtures a body to the perfected vision to which
you have out in something like this. It was simply their awaken-ness that they
drawn it. You will know what size you want to be and you will be that used to
move the stone.
size simply by defining the thought that it takes to get it there.
In your world of understanding, you’ve become aware that The Weave of
the Six Senses and the Emotions thought controls every particle of every being,
not just in the human world, but within the weave of all consciousness. Thought
is always If you looked at the emotions of the Lemurian, many would say at a
different vibration but is never limited. You can always open the that the
Lemurian was almost emotionless, because in its world, it thought in the highest
manner possible. Once you understand the true never seemed to become overly
excitable. Lemurians never seemed reality of thought, then you’ll begin to direct
this thought, much like to get truly angry. Instead, they simply would begin to
unfold every the Lemurians did in those early times in the first age.
thought as though the thought had a meaning, a smell, a taste, and a feel—
everything about the thought that would bring them to a new In their physical
presence, it was not only their size that was awareness.
important to their unfolding. Understand that the Lemurians never wasted
one ounce of effort on a movement that didn’t have a meaning.
If the Lemurians did find themselves coming into some great When they
ran, for instance, it wasn’t to get some place as fast as they expanse called an
emotion, they immediately took that emotion and
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
savored it for the moment. They used that emotion to exercise all of the
brain, is used to align and understand your learned conscious of their senses.
They tried to understand fully what had caused the thoughts, or defined
experiences. The phrase used for this active part emotion, what the emotion led
to, and how it affected their journey.
of the brain in Lemurian times was the local brain. This referred to the
locale in which the evolutionary beings were present at that particular When they
stubbed a toe on a fallen branch or something, they time. The other segment of
the brain, or the remaining 90 percent, was didn’t get angry. They simply would
take the weave itself and pull referred to as the omni brain, and was seen as the
connection to all it apart—particle by particle, stream by stream—until they fully
other levels of conscious awareness not used by the local brain.
understood why they had stubbed their toe. They never looked to the
Creator to explain it to them, because they knew the Creator had given them a
Working Through the Blueprint
If all of a sudden they became extremely excited and found First, it makes
sense to look at the local brain in the now. It consists themselves not balanced,
they quickly pulled their senses to bear.
of multiple levels of consciousness; yet in the case of this explanation, They
looked through all of the possibilities of what had created this we will focus
more on how it learns. The local brain is somewhat excitement they felt. It
wasn’t seen as a bad thing, but they needed to aware of your planned blueprint,
or that set of possibilities which you understand it. You see? They didn’t leave
anything to happenstance.
have suggested you are going to work through in this lifetime.
They had everything. Everything had a meaning, and every meaning
brought them closer to understanding their Creator Force.
Here it would be good to remind everyone that in your current type of
incarnation, one usually overloads this blueprint with agendas All emotions were
taken into the beauty of understanding. Not that are almost humanly impossible.
While you are still in your spirit one emotion could be brought forth that they
couldn’t look at the full state, you want to be sure that you will complete as
much as possible.
weave of, and in that weave come to the greater clarity that they could
Hence, the first things that you plan are the “must dos” of your new use it to
their advantage.
lifespan. These are usually based on what is happening in previous
incarnations and are laid out in such a way to perfect lessons that you know still
need clarification. The overload I’d be speaking of is that The Weave of the
Omni Brain and the Local Brain which you pray that you’ll have time to get to.
These are some of the Let us speak of the mental body. As we do this, be
remindful that most important parts of your journey.
your current incarnation can be measured in the ways the Lemurians’
Interestingly, this overload of the blueprint is also one of the many journey
unfolded in their time of using this plane. If you watch the causes of your fear of
death, along with the feeling of the unknown.
recounting of their journey, you’ll begin to see an alignment of current-You
might remember that every visit to this plane of evolution is a day revelations.
huge gift by the Creator. In this light, it’s best to remember that you
Moving into the mental weave, we must speak again of the way have an innate
desire to press as many journeys as possible into one you measure your mental
plane in this current incarnation. As I spoke lifetime, and the thought of death is
a reminder that, on a subconscious of earlier, your scientific world relates and
suggests that, for the better level, you may never be able to fulfill many of the
things that you have part of this conscious period, your brain has been divided
into two a great desire to do.
exclusive parts.
In the limited thought system of the 10 percent brain, you start It is said in
the most common human terms that you use to believe that you will not fulfill as
much as you have planned, and approximately 10 percent of your brain. This, the
so-called active part in that light, fear becomes prevalent in your world. It is not
just the
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
fear of the unknown, but maybe more so, the fear of being incomplete.
The Lemurians’ Use of the Local Brain This is why you have the fears that
you have along this line.
Now, let’s look at the local brain of the Lemurian. Histories Almost never,
me friends, does one realize the fullness of the indicate that the Lemurian was
focused on this plane from birth using lesson plan, for it would surely cause an
overload of thinking. Yet in approximately 40 to 50 percent of its brain. The
parent was responsible your current modality of this ever-shifting world, the
brain percentages to begin the education on the first day of conception. This is
the reason are ever increasing, and in this, many are feeling the pressure. It may I
have written in me other books on the importance for a spiritualist to feel almost
like a heaviness to do so much more in this lifetime. This start the awakening of
the child journey while it is still in the womb.
is also one of the reasons why many are experiencing the speeding up With
this high level of thought usable in the local brain, the Lemurians of time. The
actual quantity of time hasn’t changed; it is more about had the opportunity to
discover on planes of consciousness that are not the amount of your blueprint
that you are trying to pack in.
common as yet in your current stage of development.
Being remindful that they were operating from more of a sixth-How the
Local Brain Learns
sense modality, it sets the stage for their awareness on all of the other
senses, and in that, one can readily imagine why their peaceful nature In truth,
the local brain actually has no limits as to how it learns.
was most prevalent. They lived in a unified belief that each was a The
lessons one uses to perpetuate the learning have been based on particle
incarnation of the one God Creator, and this led them to the very few methods of
input. One of the most common is the input given knowing that all levels of
consciousness must evolve together. Their by the parental guardian. Others
include the schooling systems or the understanding of the other weaves was
based on the knowing of just religious awarenesses that you are usually forced
into as a youth, and how much each level was capable of in thought.
the scariest may be what you learn along the way from well-meaning
friends. These are the tools you use to perpetuate the human discovery system.
Their Awareness of the Other Weaves
This may also be why you have been encouraged not to listen With thought,
the one constant of this journey called evolution, to beings from other levels of
vibration, such as from the Guidance the Lemurians knew just how importantly
the other weaves of world. If the powers-at-hand wish to keep you in the throes
of the 10
consciousness ruled their world. For instance, the plant weave used its
percent mind, it would not be very intelligent for them to encourage perception
of the Creator’s will to bring forth the possibility of nurturing you to learn on
different levels.
all other potentials. They knew that the tree was not prone to having linear
conceptual reasoning like that of a human. Still, they were aware This may also
help cause some clarity as to why some religions that the tree held a defined
contemplation within the cellular makeup encourage the belief that only one
human being, chosen by a select that ensured that it was constantly evolving into
a useful segment of group of other humans, has the ability to speak to God.
According to this particular plane. There was a simple understanding that the
tree this belief, if what are commonly known as We the People need any must
constantly reach as far into the sky as it possibly could, for its information, only
this one being can get it for them. That, me friends, makeup was to assist in the
oxygenation, causing the waters to form, just might be a perpetuation of keeping
the masses in a 10-percent and all the other things trees are so well known for, in
order to create searching method. I’d not be thinking to cause discontent in this
but this most beautiful atmosphere that you celebrate today. At a cellular rather
to offer possibilities of how to open the larger part of the brain level, it was
determined to grow as wide and as tall as possible to do potential.
its part in creating a livable set of circumstances. In this manner, it set
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening 1
the standards by which all the rest of the plant weave considered itself Now,
before you start thinking that this level of thought or useful to the human
conscious brain usage must surely be impossible, let me remind you of the
current-day animal weave being that uses 100 percent of its Now, the mineral
weave, having what appeared to be an even brain. That, me friends, is your
current-day dolphin. It is reported by denser particle makeup, was inspired by
the connection to the your scientists that, when the dolphin decides to enter
rejuvenation-nonphysical world. I know that sounds to be a bit confusing, but in
type sleep, it still keeps 50 percent of its brain focused on the local truth, this
weave maintained a deep, hard-fast ability to preserve its world in which it
exists. This, my friends, is proof, if you will, that memory of the originating
levels of consciousness. It might be good there is mammal energy that has the
ability to use greater and greater to remember that the Lemurians said that, as a
member of the mineral percentages of its brain power.
weave, a single piece of dirt was to be honored for holding all life.
Lastly, I’ll be reminding you that I am not sharing this information The
interlacing fabric of the mineral was constantly aware of its to entertain you, for
it is me great hope that as it is read, you will purpose. In the highest levels of the
mineral weave, the crystal was remember that your Earth histories have been
somewhat confined to known for its ability to affect the consciousness of all
other weaves.
that which helps those who are still seeking power to instill in your In
particular, if a crystal was known to be of the healing world, it was mind the
limits of your success.
honored beyond measure, for this was something that was a constant
amongst the world of the Lemurian. They were always looking at As you
become more aware of those who walked this level of healing whatever level of
consciousness was prevalent at the time.
consciousness during the Lemurian period, it is me prayer that you will
begin to expand beyond your self-imposed limits. You will see To further
explain this all-powerful weave, it might be well to the value of exploring all of
the possibilities, and in that awaken the remember that few crystals are
indigenous to Earth. In the particles beauty that exists all around you.
that the Creator used to think this weave into existence, it used the memory
of other realities in which it had previously actualized in the
’Tis this knowing that you are experiencing a Great Shift in other star
systems. The Lemurian used the mineral weave to enhance Consciousness that
will help you to understand the world of the its journey, and with its extensive
use of its brain, it knew just how to ancients left for your discovery. Though it is
me vibration that makes use all of the elements. From the simplest makeup of a
rock up to and you consider me from a separate level of consciousness, be
assured including the complexity of the crystal, each element was used to its that
I have but one quest in mind. My ability to look back into other fullest potential.
incarnations of this planet is my gift to you for your own evolutionary
journey. ’Tis me hope that you’ll find the journey a bit more palatable, and in
that, you’ll not use fear, but more readily give way to love.
Expanding Beyond the Self-Imposed Limits The expanded mind usage of
the Lemurian was also active on many levels simultaneously in other areas
because of its local brain Questions & Answers
segment. It could carry on the simple third-dimensional tasks and at the
same time be in an altered state of meditation. This provided the chance to
explore multiple levels of consciousness while maintaining Master Guide
Kirael, what was the spiritual body of the its own journey of evolution. It also
helped the Lemurian understand Lemurian like?
that it wasn’t restricted to the Earth plane simply because it had a
KIRAEL: When we look at the spiritual body of the Lemurian, physical body.
we see the connective force that is not so much seen today. For in that
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
light, these beings of the Lemurian ancestry could actually contact decided
to gather all the particles, and actually found an orbit of these the spirit world at
will. I guess what you’d say is that just about every particles around your central
sun that it knew it could build within to Lemurian was a medium or at least a
channel, because they could sustain life, it brought these particles together into
the mineral weave contact their forces on the other side of the veil.
and put memories of the experience of evolution into them.
The spiritual body of this essence was the defined contact of all The
Lemurian world knew its “vibrational” pattern could talk of the worlds. In fact, it
is said that the higher that one chose to rise in to Mother Earth. In the nurturing
of the spirit world, they could lie the understanding of the spiritual world, the
more it could delve into upon Mother Earth’s breast and feed from her, because
they could the other weaves of consciousness. In essence, through the spiritual
commune with the rocks below. The boulders or the rocks were much body, the
Lemurian being could contact and exchange energy with larger than the particles
of dirt that they were lying on, and so the the other levels of consciousness, like
the plant weave and the animal Lemurians learned their communication, but this
was all woven into weave.
this spectrum from the Creator.
With good practice, the Lemurian could carry on a complete Do you follow
what I am saying? As the Creator recognized this conversation with any one of
the kingdoms. For instance, in the animal beautiful thing that you refer to as the
Milky Way, it found this central kingdom, a wolf was actually able to carry on,
not a conversation as sun way up in the western hemisphere of this Milky Way
that was we are doing here, but a conversation between the animal world and
spinning with the distant planets, and it began to build in from those.
the Lemurian human world.
This is why your planets outside are older than your planets inside.
Mars is a young planet. Earth is only 5 billion years or so old. It’s not It was
also said that the Lemurians could commune with the that old.
plant weave. In fact, there were those who were considered tree or plant
weave charmers, and if a tree was not developing to the level it The Creator
found the pattern, and that was a cycle. How long this wanted to, then they came
in and did the journey and sang the tree into particular planet spins around is
considered a cycle. It wasn’t created a higher vibration, thereby expanding its
knowledge. Once a tree was in a ball overnight; it was just an old lumpy mass at
one point, I’m sung to by the Lemurian charmers, it could carry on a
conversation sorry to say. However, as the Creator was creating, it kept
with almost the whole of the Lemurian society.
At one point, before this planet actually officially became Mother Earth, as
you call it today, the Creator started building memories into Again, we look at
the Lemurian not to show it off or make it seem it; and the Lemurians were
capable of listening to those memories, so better than, but so that you might be
remindful of the great awareness they communed on a much higher vibration.
that it carried, especially in the latter parts of the Lemurian history itself.
This is why, as you learn your stones, your crystals, and the different types
of minerals, you will learn that it is not so much about the prettiness of the stone
but rather the vibration of the knowingness.
How did the Lemurians interact with the mineral weave?
You will notice when you sit in the presence of me medium and these
KIRAEL: Actually, it was a great honor to be of the mineral stones, they
become very active because they know he can hear them.
weave, but not because the mineral weave was pretty. You must be All of
you have a great love for these, and they know it, because very clear that the
Lemurians honored Mother Earth as the mineral they come from the knowledge
of the mineral weave. These were the weave because that was what she was
made of. This is something your keepers of the knowledge.
science isn’t ready for, but this is the way it was. When the Creator
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
So when you go up to Sedona, and you lean up against Bell When you’re
having a memory and you consciously control it, it Rock, and you hear it hum,
that is just a beautiful part of Mother Earth moves out of memory somewhat and
into thought. What happens is, the humming to the world. Nobody is listening,
but she hums anyway.
bargain you made to get here is to be the God Creator’s evolutionary
movement, and the memory is the part that you use as your veil.
You said that thought controls every part of every being within the
weave of all consciousness. How much of thought is Were there times when
the Lemurians brought forth emotions consciousness and how much of it is
such as sorrow or fright just to experience them?
KIRAEL: Only a very small segment of thought is memory.
KIRAEL: No, yet I have to be honest with you. In First Life you Memory
is probably 10 percent or less of the consciousness, because, might have seen
some of that, but this was because these are things you see, thought is evolution.
You could spell thought C-R-E-A-T-that the Creator wants to work through over
here. In First Life, maybe O-R. Creator is evolutionary, inevitable; it is constant
evolution. The even into Common Time as well, you saw that the Creator pulled
from only part Creator recalls or remembers—what you call memory—is one of
its other source energies and said, “Okay, they’re not getting it anything that it
needs to work on to complete itself further. Why do on that planet system, or
that particular place. Let us try it over here you think, as you become more and
more spiritually inclined, your on this little spectrum.” You are not the only
evolutionary journey.
memory doesn’t seem to work as it did? You are being thrown out into
There are many planets that do this, and the Creator sometimes takes the thought
consciousness, and if you are part of that, it is spelled C-information and
understanding from other parts of its creation and R-E-A-T-O-R, or God, if you
like. Then you realize that you have but wants to work them through over here.
one choice, and that is to evolve. Now, you might fight that, and most The
information was fed into the Lemurians’ psyche and they had of you do. You
may fight it by trying to hold onto the memories, but to pull up their veils. They
literally invoked veils, which is something every time you do, you just slow your
outward movement.
the Lemurians could do, even in First Life. If they were going out beyond
the Creator and not being of service to the Creator, without Is there a difference
between the record that continues to having anybody tell them, without having
a council pull them back, play in our brain like old thought programming
and memory?
they just enhanced their veils until they felt that they were back in the flow
of Earth. This is why nobody went outside the flow of the cycles.
KIRAEL: No, that record is the memory; it is the old thought A Lemurian
in First Life was capable of diminishing its life simply by programming that you
play over and over again. Actually, you use it letting its thought run free and run
right off the system.
to teach your children and so on and so forth. You don’t teach your children
to be mediums; you teach your children not to be mediums.
They would go through a 28-day cycle just as you do today. The It is kind
of a sore point with us in the Guidance realm, because we number of days in the
cycle varied somewhat, but as they came up would like many more mediums,
you know.
around the 25th or 26th day, they needed to move out so much that to re-
ground themselves was very painful. Today when you have your The truth is,
you seem to quite enjoy that memory thing, yet you female 28-day cycle and you
get those bad feelings every now and can only enjoy it if you intend to. If you
don’t have the intent to enjoy then, it is because you are remembering when you
actually had to pull your memory, you will begin to call up things that you are
not happy the veil down over you so you could stay here and do the journey of
with, because there are things back there that you should have worked your
through that you haven’t.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
You were gifting the Creator at that moment. The Creator that gifts all was
being gifted by the cycles themselves, because once again you would pull the
veil down. Hence, in this current time, as you are awakening to much of the
Lemurian histories, over the last 100, maybe 150 years, it has been more difficult
to be the female in that cycle rhythm. What you didn’t know was that it wasn’t
the sickness that was
coming up from you, it was the yearning to get back to your Creator, and
the fact that you pulled a veil down so you wouldn’t.
Exploring the Lemurian World
Would you describe how the Lemurians wove their five senses into the
sixth sense to tap into the omni brain?
KIRAEL: Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you can see the
breath coming in and out of your mouth. Imagine the room where you are sitting
and see how perfectly you remember it as if your eyes were open. Then
encourage your nose to smell things KIRAEL: It is important to recognize that
this world you know differently from how you just smelled them. What are you
doing right as Earth has had population after population. You are not the first
and now? You’re weaving the five senses, because you’re bringing them you
surely won’t be the last. I want to take you to a time when the all together. For
instance, no matter how softly one might try to touch Creator left the Earth
devoid of all being. In fact, the only thing that the keys of a typewriter, you’ll be
able to hear each one of them being remained of it was the beautiful mineral
weave. Most of you will accept depressed. You will actually sense the finger
pushing on the key, if you the fact that the Creator can weave anything it desires.
It needs only really tune your sense.
to put together a certain number of thoughts. Those thoughts begin to You
weave the senses by heightening them to a point where they
“particle-ize” and they become a reality.
become interactive with each other. When I told you to visualize the Look
at this world, this beautiful planet you call Earth, and know room, you didn’t
look with your eyes, yet you saw it anyway. When that the Creator swept it clear
one more time. Then it was time to begin I spoke of the sound of the typewriter,
your ears did not change; they anew, and it began as it always does. The great
mineral weave spun in just began to focus on the vibration of the sound. When
you weave the all of its love and its light, and the Creator began to think and
nurture senses, you bring them collectively into oneness, and that automatically
its thoughts. That age-old sensation of evolution began.
brings them up into the sixth sense. Try this in meditation. You will be
quite pleasantly surprised.
It created all of its particles and began to add to the mineral weave. It
started with the beautiful weave of the plants. These plants were simple in the
beginning, but in no time at all they began to evolve and get stronger. There
were some of the tree weave that reached to the skies and all below them were
nurtured by their shade. The sun began to fill in with the beautiful flowers and
the great meadows of grass. There it was, me friends, a planet that had awakened
to the plant weave.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World
In all of its glory, the Creator then brought forth the insect weave, unison.
They could see a future that unfolded in such beauty that because this weave was
the one that could speed evolution along. It nothing could stop it.
had winged beings that nurtured each other. They took the seedlings That is
why, my friends, we talk of the Great Shift in of the plants and spread them far
and wide, so evolution opened to its Consciousness. This is a world that may
seem ahead of itself, but it is fullness.
still a world worth looking at, because it is the world that you will one It
wouldn’t be long before the God Creator offered onto this land day become—a
world of love, a world of evolution, a world that is the great thoughts of other
worlds. These thoughts were in the form brought together in the force of one
thought, awakening to the healing, of the animal weave. The Creator wove these
particles of the animal awakening to love.
weave together, and the greatest of animals from other worlds became This
continent that took up most of what is now the Pacific real on this planet. They
walked free of fear. They had but one thought Ocean began its journey with the
awakening of the Creator’s particles and that was to evolve.
in the form of human. They walked on this land in the most beautiful The
consciousness of the animal weave was much greater than manner, not existing
to outdo each other, but simply to evolve. They that of the plant weave. They
thought they should nurture each other took great pains to make sure that
everything was equal. They made and that they should bring forth the best of
their breeds, for one day sure that no one form of life overshadowed another by
understanding they knew in their heart energy that the Creator in all of its Love
would that they could live together rather than apart.
continue its evolution and bring forth the human experience again.
It’ll be me great pleasure to introduce you here and in the following
chapters to many different energy patterns from this world, great beings of that
time, and to show you how they measured different Living in a Unified Force of
Evolution things in their world. Most of all, it will be me pleasure to open your It
is so important for modern-day people to understand a society eyes and your
thought systems to a way of life that one day will be as ancient as the Lemurian
race, to learn how Lemurians lived the way yours again. So journey with me
now, as we begin to explore their they did, in a unified force of evolution.
Perhaps that is why so many world.
are writing the stories of this ancient civilization.
There are so many things that the local brain struggles with, From me own
point of view, it seems time for We the People of so it’s no wonder the matrix
has a grip on your third-dimensional Earth to come to a collective understanding
that change is imminent vibration called humanity. I’m not saying that the Earth
being is less and that you must begin to look at your world in a wholly different
than, for in truth, each of you is a sacred particle of the Creator Force.
manner. You must see each other as important; you must see yourselves I
remind you to vibrate the omni brain into remembering the truth of as the light
of life itself. The time has come for the human world to existence.
look past the color of skin, and the shape of eyes, and instead reduce It’s me
knowing that many of you have come with different the borders that have so
long kept you apart.
versions of how things began, and it’s not me thinking to tread on any As
we look into the ancient civilization of Lemuria, we see it in of the histories. Of
course, it is good to remember that histories are its most beautiful way. We see
that We the People of that time could always written by the survivor, or in most
cases, by the last man or live harmoniously with all other forms of life. They
could weave their woman standing. For the most part, it is safe to think that the
winner energies in amongst the plants and the animals and even the mineral of
the greater battles was the one to tell the future generations of just world, coming
to the great awareness that everything could live in how things are and will be.
In that light, a fair chance exists that much
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World 1
of what you have read of history is the result of someone justifying itself.
You see, great cities were born in the trees of the Elven world.
his battle plans. No matter what the circumstances might have been, Actual
cities grew up within the forest. You could see them in the early it’s me thinking
that if someone had been responsible for wiping out parts of Lemuria. Bridges
were built between these great trees, and an entire culture, he’d be writing the
history to make his choices look homes of beautiful solid wood were built from
them. Everything was good for all to read. No one wants to look bad or as if he
had started built into nature.
it. He only wants to look like the hero. The hero is usually the one
Everything was used by nature’s command; nothing was wasted.
writing the book.
If a tree was felled by a lightning bolt or became so old that there might be
a danger of it toppling over onto somebody, then it was taken by the people of
the Lemurian energy and carved into whatever they The Essence of the Creator
is Love
needed. They tried to use everything of nature and never really ran With
that in mind, let us look at something non-threatening and out, because it was the
Creator’s Force that always provided what was see if we can reduce the entirety
of creation-oriented words into words needed.
using a magical force of the weave. I trust that you have no problem If you
would sense the Creator as the Lemurians did, you will see thinking of the
Creator’s energy in its simplest form as a gathering their infinite wisdom of love
and light and can understand how all of of light particles—not just any particles,
but those woven together as this came to be. When light particles are charged in
the beauty of love a vibrant form of constantly evolving patterns of energy
seeking the from more than one direction, meaning they are literally surrounded
awakening of love, always searching for the evolutionary part of All by
everything that is magnetically enforced in the same vibration, That Is.
they are usually aligned in the perfection of the Creator, and in this, Don’t
confuse this with a wee four-letter word called love that nothing is without
purpose. If it’s enforced in love, it comes from a the human notion of interaction
is always seeking outside of itself. I’m surrounding energy. If it is enforced by
anything other than love, it is speaking of something called agape love, or the
Creator’s Love for usually a straight line of energy. Just keep that in mind as we
the All That Is. Think of it more as a constant unfolding of the force When
you look through the woven fabric of the Creator’s Love and of life itself, and
then you will understand the Creator’s Force. As an Light, it truly becomes
evident that everything is connected and that example, you could consider the
tree as a being that is capable of pure to harm any given life, any strand or any
part of the form, is the same love. You can see this because it fills a huge
purpose in holding the soil as injuring the self.
of the mineral weave in place by extending its roots deep into Mother As
this work unfolds, you’ll see a huge comparison between Earth, while ever
stretching its bountiful limbs towards its love of the what the Lemurian
experienced as reality and what you dream of in Creator. In one simple Creation,
the tree holds the minerals together the current unfolding of humanity. In the
world of Lemuria, it was and causes the atmosphere to be oxygenated. This is
love, me friends, held that the light particle life form of each human participant
was in and it is me hope that you can see the humbleness of the great tree; it fact
related to the one God Creator, and in this, the feeling of brothers never appears
to be complex. It simply gives and gives, never asking and sisters was a reality.
In the Lemurian journey of recreating life, anything in return other than, of
course, the Creator’s Love.
war was looked at as something that had been played out in other
’Tis me prayer it might also give you a wee bit of a pause when dimensions.
Harming another life form was considered a barbaric act.
you’re thinking about cutting away a whole forest to put up another In truth,
they lived the brother and sister reality to the fullest. To even so badly needed
shopping mall. It might also make sense to the casual so much as cause ill
feelings to another was likened to self-inflicted observer why the Lemurians
built many of their dwellings in the forest pain. Love was the only factor, the
ultimate equation.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World
It may be a bit difficult for the current human experience to Let us talk
about the singers, for the moment. The Lemurian in understand how energies
could live so united, but when you know all of its wisdom had no form of
computers or things that you use in that you’re not susceptible to fear, then you
know that you have only your current day and age. What it had was trust, trust in
each other, and one thing left, and that is the understanding of love, love so deep,
me trust that the God Creator’s Love and Light were always the highest friends,
that it cannot be countered by anything other than itself. If love concern. In this,
the Lemurian had what is called the singer.
is countered by itself, it just grows. It continues to bend a grander scale All
of the Lemurian information was kept in the form of a legacy.
of understanding and unfolding. This was the way of the Lemurian
Someone had to take the initiative to keep the records of this new and light.
unfolding Lemurian society, and the task fell to and was perpetuated by the
singers and the repeaters. These beings were so heartfelt and love-oriented that
even the most toughened skeptic was literally forced Souljourns of History
to bend his rigidness when it came time to listen to any of the singers’
I’d like to make it perfectly clear how the Lemurians kept their songs of
lore. For the greater part of the early Lemurian awakening, histories. You see,
their histories were kept from one generation to the the singer was the only true
way of keeping the histories. Each singer next by those who were considered the
elders of the tribes, who were was said to have lived hundreds of years in other
dimensions. Living in charged with the knowing that the records must be in
perfection at other dimensions simply meant that the singer had practiced for
eons all times. It was always considered a great honor to be one who kept of
time to be able to carry on the histories. To be recognized as such, a the records.
These records were broken down into what were called singer must have been
anointed by the true force of the Creator.
souljourns. The souljourns began at the onset of the human experience
These beings, to the one, were descendants of the force of the and extended to
the day when the last Lemurian lived out its life.
combined energies of the Angel and Elven worlds. They were the beings
Everything in between was kept in these souljourns, my friends—
that first experienced this new creation called Lemuria, the new land of
thousands of years of the most magnificent history.
the Creator. They actually predated inception of the human experience We
in the Guidance world have access to these histories because that eventually
totally inhabited Lemuria. They were guided by direct we are guides; we can tap
into records and “knowing-nesses” of great intervention of the Creator and used
great harmonically woven songs times past. We can listen as the great unfolding
histories blend from to sing their histories to life.
one generation to the next, and in that, we can bring them forward to In
their vow to the Creator, truth was acknowledged as the one you. It was a great
time, a great place, and it is something that you will thread that all else was
woven around. They readily acknowledged become in your own unfolding
that, if they knowingly or even unknowingly perpetuated a word of
significance that was not the total truth, they were stricken speechless and lost
forever their status and right ever to sing again. Singing, of The Singers of
course, was all they lived for, so they wanted to be very careful not to There
are many out there who would ask, “Why, Master Guide let that happen. This
was one of the greatest honors that the Creator Kirael, are you so intent on
bringing this Lemurian energy back when bestowed on a living being—to keep
the truth of the histories without it’s so long gone? What could we learn from
that history?” Well, in perpetuating any bias or wrongdoings. It was the ultimate
force of the the first place, what you learn from the history is the truth. You see,
singer to keep everything as straight as could possibly be.
the truth of Lemuria is that its history was written as it occurred. It was In
that light, it makes sense to expand on it just a wee bit more.
written by those called singers and it was passed on by those called To
witness a chronological event and to change the minutest fact was repeaters.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World
seen as the ultimate digression. The Lemurian entrusted onto these was
theirs to spread the songs of Lemuria throughout the entirety of beings the full
legitimacy of the histories, and in turn, the singers were the land. It was theirs to
continue the absolute perfection in the way one in unity of living and breathing
only the truth. They examined the song was originally sung. So perfect was this
repetition of the song each word before it was sung, and only when their hearts
were filled that the repeater actually glowed a soft gold aura when it was
with love could the words be put to a song and history created.
Imagine, if you will: A being enters the space you are in, and as it begins to
sing, its entire form is aglow with vibrant light. Seeing this, The singers were
never paid for their services. They never used you are assured that you are about
to witness the unfolding histories any form of negotiable items to sustain their
life. They were given of your world; and as long as that being glows, you can
without any everything that they needed. It was such an honor to shelter one of
doubt know that you are hearing the truest histories unfold.
these singers, for just their presence was said to be one of the most moving
experiences. If you could get one of the singers to enter into It was said that if,
by some mysterious intervention, a repeater your home for the night, your home
would be blessed forever. It was misspoke even the simplest of words, the color
shifted and actually said that to have a singer hold your hand was the
rejuvenation of all of faded out of sight until the misspoken word was corrected.
Imagine a the love that you had ever existed within. These were beings that were
world, my friends, where historical truth was a visible entity. Imagine so highly
prized by the Lemurian people and by all other forms of light hearing news and
being able to depend on it so deeply that you could that they were held in the
esteem of Creator Force itself.
make your decisions with the full measure of the facts. Imagine a world
where you knew where you had truly come from and where you You can be
extremely positive that it was never hard to recognize were, and in that could
choose a much clearer path best suited to serve one of them if they were
anywhere in your midst. They literally emitted the Creator’s will, as you were
going about your journey called life.
a light presence, and with that a healing energy that was ever present.
As they walked their path, many came to them in need of healing.
This healing could be on any one of the four bodies—the physical, The
Lemurian Councils
emotional, mental and spiritual—and be sure, me friends, never was anyone
ever turned away. Their powers of healing were legendary The Lemurian beings
did not have a government such as you throughout the entire world of Lemuria.
If anyone could conceive a recognize today. Much of the way they existed was
through what we service to offer them, it was seen as giving directly into the
Creator’s called at that time the council. A council was an energy pattern that
Light. It is important that you recognize that these beings were so grew and
began to experience its own unfolding, setting a pattern valued, so looked up to,
that they wanted to continue to perpetuate this which the rest of the people
followed. It wasn’t so much a set of laws greatness that they had achieved. It
was much like watching young as it was a set of experiences, for they had tried
other processes of Master Jesus some two thousand years ago, only these singers
were government. They had come to a great awareness that, in order to prevalent
throughout the entirety of the Lemurian histories.
fulfill their destiny as Lemurians, they must find harmony in all levels of
For any being who was to become a council member, one of the The
Lemurian Repeaters
most important factors to possess was great focus. The greatest focus In the
beauty of the singers and their songs, the Lemurian histories was that of wanting
to be replaced as soon as possible, for one’s journey were always safe. They also
needed a network of participants to travel was to evolve, and one could only
evolve when one was out practicing the vast continent, ensuring that the histories
were told with ultimate the different realities. Those who were committed to a
council held accuracy. This great and honored task fell to those called repeaters.
It steady all of what they learned until the new learning could become
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World
a reality. Hence, the Lemurian made its way onto a council and off a The
Lemurian Way of Learning
council, and then onto another council. There were councils that took As we
study the Lemurian souljourners, we will never find a time care of all questions,
and it was always done in the most beautiful and when they got lost in their
evolutionary journey. We will never see a fairest move, because there was no
need for anyone to lose.
time when they couldn’t figure something out, because, you see, they These
councils had what you nowadays call a win-win type of always opened their
hearts. They listened within love. They found an energy. It was an unfolding
unprecedented in any other history, for experience that could help them move to
the next level. It was always they knew that love must be the answer to all that
is. It was not an airy-about trying to find the beauty of the end result. This is how
they fairy set of circumstances. These council members took their position
always succeeded.
with great seriousness, because they knew that one day they would As we
move away from speaking about the councils, I wish to let face a council. They
made sure that the council they represented was you see the society of the
Lemurian being, the society that lived not so as open and fulfilling as it possibly
could be. They knew that all final much in a hierarchy but in a level of
consciousness. Each was aware decisions were made by all council members
collectively, and these that if in fact one had been there longer and had seen
more, each could councils were there only to see that everybody came out in
front. They learn from the other. So the elders were treated with the high respect
used the wisdoms handed down by their ancestors time and time again that they
to see the unfolding of a great event, improving on it every possible time.
There was never a time when they looked backwards to see Yet the Lemurians
didn’t always use only what they were taught something that they couldn’t
improve. It was always about bringing from their elders. They entered into a
space and time in which they forth the most beautiful magic of the time.
opened their hearts to a world that had lived before them. They would see
generations of other lightworkers, and contacted them by simply To serve on a
council was not a reward, for it was truly your traveling across space and time to
where they were able to find the duty, the duty of all humankind to evolve. The
council members spoke great guidance.
openly with the angels and the guidance. They spoke to each other in such a
fashion that everything remained clear. They lived in and by the They did not
learn from the mistakes of others, but they learned principles that guided their
lives. I’ll explain those principles further from the great awakening of these
others. The Lemurians saw within as we go along.
those who came before them the thing that moved something forward, and
they expanded upon it. They never learned from the drudgery of Most
importantly, I want you to understand that the human mind old time. They
learned only from what was possible and what was conceptually cannot fully
understand how a council could guide a new, because they looked at all that had
been done. They could pick whole society simply by being broken down into
different formations the most beautiful parts of it, for that was their journey.
They knew that that were always able to come up with an answer. The members
never one day they would find something, and in that, they would discover, left a
council meeting without having a conclusion that was the best and their
discovery would be magnificent. It opened up new realms of for all humankind.
First and foremost, it was about their evolution, consciousness and a whole new
because they wanted to see just how far they could hold onto this concept of
being human, yet live like the Creator as a being of light You see, my friends,
they didn’t need a government. They didn’t incarnate, and this was how they
brought themselves forward. It was need a force of policemen. They did not
need someone to look over not about one person or one group; it was about
humanity. It was about them, for they looked over themselves. They were all
concerned with the living Life of the Creator. It was how they could evolve to
the next their own evolution, the evolution of all, the evolution of beingness.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World
That’s what they found. That’s what they nurtured. That’s what allowed
because they lack the sunshine that it takes. So at certain points, the them to be
what they were.
Lemurian took the pulse and read the energies of the trees. Those that really
had lived their extension—had lived as long as they wanted to live—were
reduced and made into building materials or whatever else was needed.
Questions & Answers
The towns were, as I said, elevated into the upper reaches of the trees; they
were very modern. The homes were also very modern, as Would you tell us
more about Lemurian cities and were the shops and all that they contained.
Even the workplaces had dwellings?
workstations where people came and sat together and did things that were
necessary in order to have what was needed, available. In these KIRAEL: It
changes throughout the Lemurian times, whether very early souljourns, all was
built in that fashion.
we are talking about First Life, Common Time or Transition. In the first
few souljourns of light in Lemuria, their dream was not to do Now, when you
get up into the last souljourns of the Transition anything to offend Creator Force,
so anything that the Creator wove period, you will note that a lot of things were
built on the ground. So stayed fairly well in its own understanding.
by the very closing stages of Lemuria, you saw a span of growth that
related everything from building into the trees to actual functioning In simple
terms, by today’s standards the homes that were built cities built on the ground.
oftentimes were like small cities. They were built into the forest, which
meant that everything was above ground; everything was traveled above The
Lemurian continent was so huge that it had weather patterns ground on
walkways and the like. Actually, the homes themselves that were different in the
very beginning, when the Lemurians were were quite excellently done. Often
they patterned themselves after the only living near the equator source. By the
time the healing temples Elven world, because of the Elven influence in
Lemuria. All of the were built on the place where the islands called Hawaii are
now, the townships that were built within the forests themselves were always
weather patterns had changed quite vibrantly into a much smoother built out of
the tree or within the tree itself.
pattern than where the original healing temples were.
There were always dying trees or trees that had lived the length of time that
they wanted, even though they still had living foliage.
Would you describe the living conditions of the Lemurians in The
Lemurians could actually take the rhythm of the tree, which told terms of their
household or the world in which they lived?
them how long the tree had left to be here on the Earth plane. If it was
KIRAEL: Everything was based on a dimensional circumference in a certain
segment of the reality that you now consider time, that based on the energy
needs of the Lemurian family. That’s kind of a tree was allowed to be taken. In
fact, it gifted itself to the Lemurian strange answer, but that really is the way it
world. They then used that tree to make slats and boards to build with
amongst the trees. The trees were a constant source for them, and by If you had a
Lemurian family that was excessively abundant with the time human was
introduced into the Lemurian world, there were energy, meaning, for example, if
the family had a council member many trees that had already lived out their
survival rate, trying to make living underneath its roof, you wanted to have an
extremely large space for the little trees underneath them.
home, because the energy that vibrated from this council member when he
or she was in trance state or in receiving modality was so Think about it this
way: In the canopy of a forest, the little trees intense that the walls literally
shook on the house. The size of the at the bottom don’t have a chance of
growing up to be big trees, family itself determined the size of the house to be
built. Again, the
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World 1
Lemurians patterned their homes along the same lines that the Elvens like
the people of the Asian societies of today. A Lemurian being didn’t did. The
mother and the father occupied a central part of the home, and need what you
seem to think you need now. There wasn’t all of this as the family grew in size
and stature, it networked around that central
“Oh, my goodness, I can’t look at her breasts” or “I can’t see her in part, so
families literally stayed families. There was never a question the naked form,”
because the body was seen as a thing of beauty. And about that.
the apparel you wore was to enhance the body, not to make someone
suggest that you had on a nice dress or a nice coat or something. Any Of course,
within the family you had the wanderers, the nomads, apparel was to adorn the
body, much like you wear your jewelry if you will, who wanted to go and
search, but still the basic reality was today. This is hard for your common-day
person to understand, but the that they kept into somewhat of a cycle, or a family
clothes might have been very scantily woven, because the body was
considered a temple that each shared. Please don’t go into a sexual Master
Guide Kirael, you said the size of the dwelling was nature with me. The body
was considered a temple, meaning that you affected by the council member’s
trance state and the receiving were so proud of everything that you had, and
this body of yours was state. What did it mean to be in the receiving mode?
one of those great prides. So you didn’t have to have separate living
quarters and boundaries and so forth.
KIRAEL: As I said earlier, when the Lemurian decided the size of its
dwelling, it had a lot to do with the vibrational energy that it was going to
express during its current cycle or incarnation. The size of Why were things
seemingly much larger in the Lemurian the dwelling that it created depended
on what the Lemurian was. If, in world? Is it just the way we remember them
or was it really that fact, you had in your family someone who was serving on a
council, way?
then you knew that it would be felt through most of the family. You
KIRAEL: Everything was bigger, my friend, because the had to have an even
larger dwelling because of the energy that the Lemurians evolved with love so
predominant in their force field, council member had. For instance, council
members did not only meet and they lived within that love. There were so many
things that they in the flesh, they met in their own terms, much like I am
teaching didn’t have to worry about then that you do concern yourselves with
you to do now in your masterminding and sleepstate programming.
in your current understanding. The things that you worry about now
Council members met in the etheric fabric; when they did that, their are the size
of your bodies, how much you can pack into a space, and energy pulsed so
deeply that they needed to be in a big space where so on and so forth, whereas in
Lemuria, because it was done in love, you didn’t have the tightness, because the
energy literally rattled the everything was done almost in complete perfection to
the blueprint walls of the domain.
of the Creator’s Light. Therefore, flowers were nurtured and much Hence,
if you knew that your family was going into this council larger; and the human
body was six, seven, eight feet in height, easily, reality, you would build a bigger
home. The council members had because Lemurians were so open and so aware.
This love is a vibration the greatest desire to be replaced and quite often were
replaced by that is a focus that is taken in and released. It’s always in a constant
someone within their own families, so you saw bigger homes in that cycling.
community. The larger dwellings were one of the giveaways that you The
only way love can really be nurtured is to give it away so that were in a
community that had a lot of council members in it.
you can pull forth new particles from your Creator. These days you get tired
if you work for X amount of time. Well, in Lemuria, after they What were the
living arrangements like for the Lemurians?
had given as much love as they could, they felt that “less-than” energy, but
they didn’t need food to replenish them. They sat in prayer and KIRAEL: The
Lemurian had very little ego, very little shyness, meditations and communed
with the Creator Force to lift the love back much again along the lines of the
Elven, who was in some sense more
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World
into them, igniting those particles. They didn’t give the particles away.
Master Guide Kirael, are we going to grow larger as our love They gave
the light from themselves away; the particles stayed.
particles grow, and not gain weight necessarily?
When they went into meditation and prayer with the Creator, they
KIRAEL: Yes, absolutely, you will get larger, but you won’t said, “I am
depleted of the energies. I don’t have all that I want.” They gain weight. You
see, weight gain is a fear, and that’s the only reason simply sat and called forth,
and the Creator ignited its particles within you have excess weight. The fear can
be from anything, including the them, and they were filled again. The first thing
that they wanted to do feast and famine of some of your indigenous lifetimes—
and all of you was give love away again, because they couldn’t give away
have had indigenous lifetimes. That fear can be very active in your You
understand? They couldn’t give away disharmony, because there brain, and so
you add on weight because you think that you are going was no such thing as
giving away disharmony. They couldn’t have to starve to death, or you hoard
things because you think you are going disharmony; they could only act
to run out of them. The Lemurian wouldn’t go there.
When you in the human world get angry with each other, you There is no
doubt that maybe just a few years post-Shift, all of think you are actually doing
something good because you are venting, you, even you little folks, will
probably average six feet plus. The as you call it. But what you are actually
doing is closing down your height gives you the ability to carry more muscle
mass. Muscle mass God particles. You might close them down, but they can’t be
allows the rest of your cellular body the freedom to do what it needs to You
can’t lose them; they are part of you.
do, such as gain the God Creator particles. There’s no doubt. Look at it this
way, and just love this, if you would. If you are in contact with The Lemurians
had many more of these God particles, and when your Creator, really fully in
contact with it, and you say to your Creator, they wanted to do anything, they
wanted to get more and more energy.
“Oh, I would just love to have more particles,” and the Creator says, Every
time they used their God/Goddess particles, they expanded
“Well, where am I going to put them?” you say, “Wait, I will work on even
bigger. They always wanted to give love away so they could it,” and you literally
start to grow yourself. You start to get bigger, so basically deplete the energies
from those particles and then get them you get more of those beautiful particles,
and every time you incarnate bolstered, because then they were even larger.
Let’s say they lived four into the system, you put height in your blueprint.
“Don’t make me or five hundred years and they wanted to have their celebration
party small now, God Creator. Don’t give me any parents who are going to to
depart. By that time, they were almost completely love particles, give me a little
wee body, because I want all of your particles I can and they were considered
prophets by today’s standards because they get.” So the answer to your question
is, yes, you will increase in size.
had so much knowledge.
The Lemurians were constantly trying to build more and more of And
conversely, are we smaller because we are such a dense these love particles,
and the Creator gave as much Love as they could vibration where there are
fewer love particles?
take in. The problem in your human world today is that you are so busy
being human that you don’t accept the Creator’s Love particles.
KIRAEL: Yes, absolutely. The human world is smaller.
That’s why some of you are only operating on just a few of the love
particles. Yet the more you express this love, the more particles you Master
Guide Kirael, could you give us an example of get, and the bigger and more
blossoming they become.
someone who replenishes the love particles in current time?
KIRAEL: Every time the medium [ Kahu Fred Sterling] goes out in the
world, he gives and he gives and he gives, and then he replenishes, and what do
you think? He doesn’t replenish with anger.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World
He replenishes with more love. Every time he comes back from the twisted
the story in some fashion. The singer could see that as it read road, he’s got more
love inside of him. You will see it in his writings.
the whole fabric of the song that it was writing. Hence, the song was You
will see it in his speech sometimes. He can act third-dimensional, written, one
strand on top of the other, until the singer had the full of course he can.
Likewise, the Lemurian was constantly trying to story verified, truly verified.
One theme was written into a particle of build more and more of these love
particles, and the Creator gives you truth, and the truth was then garnered and
guarded by the weave itself, as much love as you can take in.
the strands themselves.
You spoke of the Lemurian singers. How would a singer Master Guide
Kirael, were the singers required to be present create a song?
at the unfolding of historical events?
KIRAEL: A singer created a song by actually seeing the patterns
KIRAEL: They didn’t necessarily have to be, because when a of the force field
from which it was going to create the song. If a singer heard of a great feat or a
great tale that no singer had witnessed, person was going to be involved in the
song, the singer had to be in the it didn’t want to prevent that event from
happening. It had the power presence of the person in order to read his or her
energetic pattern. The to follow the strands of the story back to its originating
form, which person’s energetic pattern began to create the different strands of
light means that the first particles of that story that had come together were that
came into alignment for the singer to then create the song.
in alignment somewhere. If the singer could follow them back, then it was
in fact a true story, verifiable by the very beginning strands of the The singer
wasn’t just developing the words or the music that history or the story,
whichever you may be talking about. Understand went along with them. It
started out with the actual base particles that that the singer had the ability to
follow the story back through its were created from the happenstance. Once that
began to create, the particle-ization to the very forming of the first strand itself.
There was singer was allowed to use its own input. You know, over here you
like no chance that the singer could be misled, because nobody other than songs
that rhyme: “My mom and dad have been had.” Do you know the God Creator
could change a particle from what it was, and the God what I mean? But the
singer didn’t have any rhyming. It just told the Creator wants nothing but truth
story in song.
The song started out with a particle value. The particle value then Master
Guide Kirael, what actually caused the repeater to vibrated to a certain
understanding that was outside of the limits of glow?
the ego system. From outside such limits, the singer could transfer its
energy into the oncoming song itself and become part of the whole.
KIRAEL: When the singer gave a song to the repeater, the blessing that
went with the song would cause the repeater to shine or The singer was
responsible to carry nothing but truth. Therefore, glow. To be a repeater was a
great, great honor that was registered in the singer had to develop its energy by
looking at the base strands of the etheric fabric. Everybody knew that if you
came across a repeater, the particles that made up the beginning of the story.
Once that was all you had to do was listen to its story for two or three seconds at
the identifiable, the singer could in fact watch every strand of the weave as most,
and you would see its color open up. When the repeater’s color it unfolded,
thereby verifying that it came from fact and not fiction. In opened up, you saw it
run out into the etheric pattern and be woven this light, you had no possibilities
of a story getting out of alignment, into the singer’s light.
because if it were to get out of alignment, the strands would not merge.
It would be like watching a piece of very beautiful ebony cloth being If a
repeater broke the code or told a lie, that cord was cut. Hence, unfolded and
seeing a gray streak through it because someone had when next he tried to make
or repeat a song that he knew, it wouldn’t
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Exploring the Lemurian World
connect, and everybody knew him immediately as someone who had
singer’s faith. They all had their information and all they had to do lost his
ability. This is why repeaters protected every word that they was connect, and
you saw it and you knew. When they told the people learned. They didn’t even
change an “and,” knowing something would what had happened at such and
such a time, the people didn’t have happen to their connected force.
to question it, because the repeaters were in the weave of the singer.
The minute a repeater tried to stretch a truth, he didn’t get called to a
council or similar function. The cord was simply cut, and forever he How did
the repeaters share the information with the could tell the stories that he did.
But who would believe him?
KIRAEL: Envision this, if you would: You are all sitting around How did
Lemurians think about abundance?
a repeater who has come to your local gathering or to your township to tell
you histories beyond histories. She doesn’t need a microphone or KIRAEL: The
Lemurians didn’t actually thrive towards anything. She sits in the very center of
the town square and just hums abundance. They accepted that they were
abundant. They never looked and hums. People come from far and wide. It is not
like a carnival, at what they didn’t have; they only looked at what they did have.
And you know. This is a repeater who is going to tell you the histories of they
knew whatever they had was the stepping stone to whatever they other parts of
the world. People would come from far and wide, for desired.
this was the only chance that they had to know full truth. They may You
see, the Lemurian society some 50,000 years ago was have heard all of the
stories running around, but they wouldn’t know already keenly aware that
everything was a manifestation of thought.
if the stories were the God Light truth or not until the repeater arrived They
held to this truth. You might think that they were a society that in their town.
didn’t make jokes or didn’t have fun. Oh, they did, but they never Anybody
could ask the repeater questions. As the repeater made a joke about lack; they
never used it as a joke. In fact, they never hummed, the hum went out amongst
the people as far as it could reach.
made fun or said something that might be considered today as a joke.
People sat holding hands and being in love and cuddling with each If they
said something from their lips, they felt that whatever they said other. Finally,
the repeater stopped humming and created a light image was sacred. You say,
“Well, that sounds like a bit of a boring society, around herself. That light image
went up, and everybody there saw it doesn’t it?” No, no, no, because sacred to
them meant that it was a life connect to the singer’s weave. At that moment, you
knew you had a force. Can you imagine that? They thought everything that they
said real live one on your hands. Now you knew you could depend with was
sacred to the life force. So, they were always extremely careful of your life on
anything that was said.
what they said.
If you wanted to know what was happening on the other side of And so, I
say to you, my friends, what was different between the world, if you wanted to
know what happened in histories, if the Lemuria and now? Well, now you’ve got
the matrix. Back then they repeater had been there and done that, if the repeater
knew it, you were didn’t have the matrix. They simply chose every word as
though it told. If she had been trained by a singer, then she was donned the title
were going to manifest. They knew that if they erred in some fashion of
and said something like, “Oh, I think this little itch over my eye is going to
turn into a headache,” lo and behold, in a matter of moments, Repeaters lived
like prophets themselves. They were treated they’d be having a throbbing
pounder up there. So, they never said with high respect and with regard. They
never went any place to earn that. Instead, if they had a little itch above their
eye, they said, “Oh, I money. If you could have a repeater sleep on your floor in
your home, have a dissipated itch above me eye. It’s already on the way gone.”
that home was blessed forever, because these repeaters were of the
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
And you know what? If the itch began to turn into a bit of a headache, they
didn’t think that they’d made a mistake. They didn’t think that they’d missed the
boat, so to speak. They simply went further and began to look inside where the
throbbing was, and then they began to use the magic of their time. Oh, I mean
the magic of your time.
They began to use the lights. They began to use the sound. They began
to use whatever was necessary to make the headache go away.
Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
The Lemurians were careful to think only of what they wanted, not what
they didn’t want. Hence, they were abundant all of the time.
KIRAEL: Me friends, it is important that you know that everything must
start some place. Understand now that in the first souljourn, the Creator created
all of the weaves up to and including that of the new human being. Oh, the
Lemurians may have been a bit bigger than the average human being of today,
but they were still very much in the likeness of human.
’Tis me experience now to share with you that in the very first stages, these
beautiful beings were allowed to travel all over this continent called Lemuria.
They simply came to experience and had no particular direction in which they
moved. In their journey everything was open to them. They saw all the nurturing
of this great Creator Force, the beings of the animal weave, and the plant weave,
if you will. They saw all of it, and they tried to interact with every part of it that
they could.
They lived for literally thousands of years just having an experience.
Nothing was out of their way. Everything was possible, until the time the
Creator wanted to bring everything into focus to cause its own evolution, and in
that, it used the human being, the human Lemurian, to be its own destiny.
Journey with me now as I take you back to that time where all of this began
as the first souljourn.
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn 1
They traveled from very far points. It took a very long time The Experience
of the Purple Forest
for them to even get close, and once they entered into this beautiful and the
Mother Tree
purple forest, the world began to unfold in such a magical way for them.
They seemed to travel light of foot. It was almost as though they I would like
you to see the beauty of this world called Lemuria.
floated across the surface, across the floor of this forest, and in this, Very
near the center of this wonderful continent was the most beautiful the speed with
which they traveled began to mesmerize their thought and vibrant purple forest,
a forest so powerful that the beings that systems, for they could not totally
comprehend how beautifully they entered it were changed almost instantly; the
animals became stronger, were moving.
the humans became more knowledgeable, and the plant weave grew in
greater power and strength.
Yet it came time when they knew they must be closing in on this beautiful
center place, for they could sense a change in the vibration This is where it all
began. For one day, as all of the beings on itself. They came to a grove of trees
that surrounded this great Mother Lemuria were so gently interacting with each
other, wandering through Tree, and here the animals waited for them. The 12
stopped, breathed life itself, it was as though the skies opened and they heard the
voice in the life itself and became aware of the animal weave and the insect of
the combined angels and guides that were sent to look over this weave and all of
the plant weave. They began to weave themselves beautiful expanse. They spoke
on the winds of sound itself, and every totally into these patterns, to join one
another, until finally the humans, being could hear them clearly at the same time,
the same words, the the 12 who had been sent, began to understand that they
now carried same understanding. They told the great story of the Creator, of how
with them the weave of all life.
each being had come to be. The Lemurians were reminded of the beauty
from which, and the reason, they had been created, for each They entered into
the grove and soon found themselves moving was to evolve to its highest
towards this great wonderment called Mother Tree. They knew it was
something magical, that it was the full depth of Creation. They knew The angels
and guides spoke of this great forest of the purple that what they were coming to
was the awareness they had sought for leaves, and they said that within the very
center of this forest was a so long. Though the 12 surrounded the tree and could
not see each great tree, which the Creator was so proud to have made. It is said
that other because the tree was so big, they knew the movement of each it
reached from the Earth itself up to the sky, so high that the top could other well.
It was as though they moved as one.
not be seen. More importantly, the roots of this tree went down into the
very breadth and the breast of Mother Earth herself, reaching through They all
sat at the very base of this tree, and lo and behold, when the different layers and
levels, coming out in different continents and they looked up as far as their eyes
could carry them, they could just making their own tree there.
barely see her bottom branches. They then knew her magnificence and how
far she must reach, both up into the sky and deep into Earth.
Then it happened, me friends. As one, they leaned forward, and The
Gathering of the First Council of Lemuria as their foreheads touched the
beautiful trunk of Mother Tree, they The tree we speak of, the one that we try to
bring to your vision, began to see visions of worlds that they had never known
existed, of must be seen as a most special part of the plant weave. This voice
light patternings of other beings, other dimensions. They saw races of angels and
guides combined, heard by all on Lemuria, said that that had lived before them
and the potential of a race that might live 12 Lemurian beings had been chosen
to make the trek to find this after them. Here, they were left to open their hearts
to a new level of beautiful tree. It was not known, except by the 12, who they
were, and consciousness, for united they were with the animal weave, the plant
they immediately began their journey.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
weave, the insect weave, and now with the world of spirit, for within In
that, we, the first council of Lemuria, stand unified in the this great tree all of
which they were seeking seemed to exist.
one knowing that the heart shall always be the ruler of light itself and in
that heart shall be the beat. Know this by all, Was it really in the tree, my
friends, or was it this great Creator that the beat of every human shall match the
beat of every just using one more object of its possibility to bring forth this great
animal, and that shall match the beat of every plant, until you knowledge?
recognize that your beats are one and the same, and you shall There they sat
for seemingly an endless time, absorbing the recognize that those beats, those
heartbeats, if you will, are wisdom of this Creator. Then came to pass the most
special day of what keep you intact in this most magnetic force.
their existence, the day they learned the true name of Mother Tree, a So
know ye well, that each and every one will now live under name I will not print
here for you. You see, to know the true name of the light of council. We shall
always speak in the greatest of any living being is to know everything there is to
know about it—its truth, and we ask that you trust that truth to be of the
Creator’s past, its desires, and its fears, its everything. That is why, when each
Force. It shall be our journey to go forth to form councils of of you comes to any
plane of consciousness, you choose a new name 12 so that each of us will be the
leader of one council of 12
that you can use to get you through the journey. Never do you expose
members. Each of us shall then allow ourselves to find the your true name, for
that would not be good at all.
path to bring someone from that council to the same level that Here they
had learned the name of Mother Tree, and at that very we have learned, and in
that, we may return to the journey same moment, they also learned the name of
each one of the 12. In so of being Lemurian. Each council member henceforth
shall doing, they became bonded in a way that has never been known before.
always be the one to set one’s own self free by knowing On no other
dimension had 12 become so alike within each other, that he or she is replaced
by another who is willing to do the so filled with the same knowledge, so
understanding of each other’s journey.
every breath. The knowledge they shared now was the knowledge of Know
each of you, as a councilmember, it is your light and the universe.
your vision that shall always tap into the Source of Creator, shall always
know that through the wisdom of Creator itself we shall always bring forth the
most powerful awakening, and The First Proclamation of the Council in this, we
shall know we have made the souljourn complete.
In that, me friends, they became the first Lemurian council. They The
souljourn of awakening is now yours.
wrote this proclamation in one fashion so that those who came behind them
knew why they were chosen. It was then passed on from council to council.
They wrote,
My friends, the journey unfolds so much more deeply than you might have
imagined, yet here it is in its simplest form. I remind you We have been chosen
by Creator Force itself to be a unified one last time that it is not in the highest
wisdom to search for the true strength of its Love, to look upon each and every
one who name of another. Simply know that you are all one heart, all one beat
comes before us as the most beautiful creature that the God of the heart, that you
are all on one light destiny. In that, you will Creator could create. We were
selected, if you would, to be one day understand why the Lemurian lived in such
great peace and the sayers of all of this great knowledge. We may be tapped
harmony, and you will discover the Great Shift in Consciousness.
into by those who come after us. They will be able to learn from us the
great wisdom of Creation itself.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
Though it is near impossible to measure the exact time that space where
you can create just like the Creator after whom you’re these great lands called
Lemuria loomed above the water, it is safe patterned. Nothing falls short of what
you want, if you simply want it to say that, by current Earth time measures, it
remained thousands deeply enough. It all comes down to thought.
upon thousands of years. The first couple of souljourns took up a good Let
me go back for a moment and talk to you a wee bit more portion of that
particular time. In truth, what could be said of the first about these councils and
just what they might mean to you today.
councils could be a book within itself, but for now ’tis me journey just
Remember, one of the most important aspects of the councils is that, to move
you along so that you can get a greater understanding of just like all other
beings, they knew that they were living particles of the exactly how things
Creator; and if they just acted in the method of the Creator—in love—
then everything they did would be absolutely perfect.
The Ways of the Lemurian Councils
In that light, it is my great desire to look a wee bit deeper into Transferring
Knowledge Using Downloads some of the important facts, and to explore a bit
more of the first The Lemurians learned to transfer their knowledge from one to
councils, so that you may move closer to your own shift in energy.
the other by something that today you call downloads. In this, there You’ll
need to follow a great deal of it, and this may be the reason you was no chance
of changing the outcome, for the download was pure in have been led to this
unfolding, for it just may be that you are the one its own awareness. Some of you
today are already experiencing these to be on the beginning councils of this great
awakening time.
downloads of information, and in the present time, you’ll understand Don’t
panic, for you will know in plenty of time. ’Tis the Creator’s that you don’t get a
chance to change everything as you are getting it.
wisdom not to send somebody out without having that person fully The
information is simply downloaded into your consciousness.
prepared. Each of you will know if it is your time, and if it is, you There are
times when these downloads become almost unnerving, will have the guidance
and the great wisdom of all of the beings that because you would much rather
think that you know everything that have come before you. You see, just like in
the time of Lemuria, this there is to know, but then the download happens. You
must remember Great Shift in Consciousness is being held to the highest of light.
The that you are evolutionary, and evolutionary beings are meant simply to
Creator wants it to be perfect in its own being, for it is in that light that keep
moving forward. In that light, my friends, the Lemurian learned the exploration
of this great planet called Earth shall go to the next to trust, just as one day you
will as well.
level. You see, so much has been put in this particular arena that you have
yet to see. You have spent so much time arguing and fussing with What they
were learning from their encounter with the Tree of each other that you’ve not
taken the time to see the potential of this Knowledge, or the Mother Tree, was by
most standards well beyond greatness. There are things like thought, me friends,
that you have yet what the mortal mind could possibly compute. For the most
part, in to even begin to understand.
your current way of deciphering information, you use the basic five senses.
In their time, they were much more adept at employing the When it becomes
clear that, simply by thinking something to sixth sense.
the fullest, your thoughts can be played out in the great awakening, you’ll
be so careful about what you think. You’ll look for the thoughts In this, it is me
pleasure to remind you that the great Mother Tree that mean something to you
and not let random thinking corral you was used by the Creator as a conduit,
knowing that in its own light into one simple method. You’ll see the great
diversity of listening it desired to pass on all the knowledge of time. In that
manner, the to the angels and the guides. You’ll see that most beautiful time and
Creator could keep the first council focused and learning as one. They
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
learned the harmony of the world, of living together and of living with the
councils, and it always ran the information that it understood into all the weaves
present in the world at that time, for this gave them these councils and let them
take it down into the world. It was still the the greatest knowledge. Though they
learned as one, they still were councils, me friends, that ruled, as it will be one
day in the Great Shift allowed to bring all of their beingness to bear.
in Consciousness.
They learned that a world could live in peace, and that they could
’Tis me thinking to bring this opening statement to close by simply be free,
because they could feel the beat of each other’s heart. In this reminding you that
what I’m trying to say to each and every one is that feeling, they saw the need to
unite in freedom of choice, not in bettering there is a great new awareness
coming from deep within your soul. It one another, but of following the path of
moving as one, and this is is a reminder that you are one of these great spirits.
You’ve heard it where it becomes so important, my friends. Some of the things
that said many times that the Earth being somehow got the idea that it was you’ll
be responsible for learning under this new understanding called a human trying
to find its spirituality, when, in truth, you’ll come to a the Great Shift are similar
to what these great councilors were made greater knowing that you’re a spirit
having a human experience.
aware of at the time. You see, the Creator has a great need to move That
experience, my friends, is meant for your enlightenment.
itself forth at a much more rapid pace. In order that it can do that, there Not
only yours alone but the enlightenment of the whole, because must be a unified
feeling, a unified thought, an understanding that your great Creator watches as
you take new opportunities to fulfill a everything has a place, and within that
place it survives. Everything is grand desire. It is a knowingness that one day
your journey will evolve part of a journey, a journey of great unfolding.
to a most beautiful time and space where you don’t look so much to your
duality, but rather to the truth of the love of experience.
The Great Chancellor of Lemuria
The love of experience means that you’re evolving, and evolve you will.
’Tis me prayer that just in this chapter alone I’ve begun to Perhaps one of the
most important things that the Lemurian help you awaken a new sense, a part of
you that leaves nothing to be learned was the passing on of the knowledge.
We’ve talked about it desired, that simply unfolds in the greatness of who you
briefly, but now let me show you how it works. You see, as soon as they
were relieved of having to be next to the great Mother Tree, they began to work
out in the world. The first thing that they did was look Your Unfolding Journey
for one member to come onto the council who could fill in if one of them
were to move on. It was at that given time that they came across I’d be adding
one more thing. As you watch these souljourns the first of their new members.
unfold, be reminded that it is your journey that led you to this book to
understand that somehow you’ll play a great part in the Shift. Perhaps They
began their downloads upon this new one that they chose, most important is to
remember that you are one of many who will and he began to understand so
fully. Even the council people were a bit bring great knowledge to the Earth
amazed; yet they continued the downloads. As one, they understood that
when this new council member was ready to take its part of the Whether one day
you write your own book or whether you 12, one of them would have to move
ahead again. Their chosen one simply go out and talk to the world, know this: It
is important that would in fact one day be known as the great Chancellor of
you have the basic understanding that the way to bring great harmony back
onto this Earth plane is to know what the councilors knew—that This great
Chancellor meant many things to many people. It was there is great hope. In
that, you will understand how you will be able understood that this great being
would be the “sayer” of times. Yet, to unfold your own life.
in its own humbleness, it always remembered that it had come from
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
You must remember that everything is about the inner Self, for
’Tis usually better to let this information rest in your higher inside each and
every one of you is a great particle of light that brought self’s vibration and not
bring it aboard the Earth plane. During one you here to this plane of
consciousness. It helps you remember what particular incarnation, there were
beings of such great power that, if you need to know at the time so that you can
evolve to the next level.
they could find one’s origin name, they had the power to change it.
That is what these great souljourns are about. They are in themselves With
this, they could cut off the old life pattern, leaving this being an awakening.
Please, open your hearts now, and as you open to the to start all over again.
Fortunately, in me travels I have found none rest of this work, let yourselves
know that you are part of a great of these beings currently on this planet. Yet,
with the influx of the awakening, a part of the Great Shift in Consciousness.
outworld beings, I would not run the risk if I were you. ’Tis ever me
thinking to be cautious when you have something as powerful as a gift Most
importantly, you must know how to consciously create your from the Creator
itself. This gift I speak of is the true name.
world, because in consciously creating it, you are making the choices, you
are doing what must be done. You are unfolding your journey.
Master Guide Kirael, can we go to Mother Tree in meditation?
KIRAEL: To understand the true nature of Mother Tree, one Questions &
must see power that can never be diminished. Though the original
embodiment of this ever-empowering, senior-most elder of the plant What is the
meaning of a “true name”?
weave no longer holds a physical manifestation on this dimension, it does
maintain a huge vibration that is now under the waters of the KIRAEL: When a
gathering of particles is expanded to Pacific Ocean.
evolutionary significance, the Creator gives it a particular vibrational
identification, or what is called a true name. This name starts out as It is not so
difficult to interact with this power if one chooses to a stream of sound caused
by the different particles joining together.
expand the consciousness into the plant weave and seek the ancient Over
time, this sound construct completes its energy into what will be record keepers.
It is said that if one is pure of intent, these keepers of its everlasting designation.
the records will in fact download into one’s consciousness the map leading
to her base.
Everything one has done from inception is woven into this pattern, or name,
and everything it will ever do will be registered in In the beginning, you will
only be able to feel her presence from the minutest of detail. This is why an
incarnating human chooses to a distance. It is the knowing of her most powerful
energy that will use different names from that of the Creator’s expression. In
one’s test your resolve. Having the fortitude to endeavor into her light and
original vibrational name are woven the complete histories in all of the will to
continue the quest, one usually will be welcomed into her its incarnations.
beingness. Having been to her grace meself, I assure you it’d be worth the
If another being were to learn to pronounce one’s Creator-given name,
everything would be open to discovery. In reality, in knowing In your early
stages of seeking an interaction, it is me thinking the name of another, one could
control the very destiny of said being.
that to meditate into her light form is one way to gain her trust and then
This is why, when I am asked to identify the original name of a person, her love.
Should you actually get into her presence, do not concern me policy is to refrain
unless I’m sitting one to one with the being and yourself with the thoughts of
being under water, or with anything without any recording device available.
more than being in connection with the first tree to be recorded on this
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn 1
Yes, long before the Lemurian discovered her, this most powerful one
became aware of the Creator’s enlightenment while still walking knowledge
holder of the Creator’s information presented a soul with this plane of being
the awakening of its evolution. To this day, she waits for We the People It
is a bit difficult, my friends, to define the journey that was made to have the
courage to weave their light particles into hers, and in this, without definition.
’Tis me thinking that if you still want to know more like the first Lemurian
council, you will be awakened to the greatest about what they did, it is time for
you to walk between the worlds.
information that is said to be directly from the Creator’s Source of
knowledge. Believe me, it’s worth the journey.
Would you tell us more about how the Lemurian council system
When the Lemurians completed their council responsibility, they found
a replacement and then went on a Lemurian journey.
KIRAEL: The reality is that the complex weaving of the What was a
“Lemurian journey”?
awareness of the Ten Principles determines the system of councils.
There were times when a council member was given a task so great
KIRAEL: In actuality, it is safe to say they returned to their that it created a
sub-council of its own to be of service. This could individual journeys, and even
in that, they were not fully assured that be from 2 to 11 members, depending on
a number of different it wouldn’t be but a short time before they were called for
another complexities. These councils remained in effect as long as the task
was still incomplete. This type of special council was dispersed as a It must
be remembered that it was the highest honor to be called.
whole, as soon as the council member was satisfied that there was no In the
event that they had a span of evolution of the self to dedicate to a longer
evolution to be found with the sub-council.
council journey, it was an honor and a duty to fulfill their truth destiny.
There was also a case in which a sub-council determined that This is why
the first of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, it needed another council
to clarify some of its findings, and again a Truth, is of the same name. To seek
one’s truth is to establish an whole other council formed below that. In a sense,
you could have had interaction with every possible level of light. To know the
real truth, a whole stream of councils gathering information until the originating
one must seek the wisdom of the masters. To do this, one must absorb council
was fully satisfied that the decision it put forth was a complete all of the
Principles completely into one’s knowingness and be able and total awakening.
Again, it could be a bit complex, yet it is always to travel within the dimensions
of enlightenment. The importance of the quest to keep things as simple as
these Principles is so great that I’ve dedicated the next chapter, not to
mention an entire book, to these Principles.
How could we create councils today and for what purpose?
Remember, all matters of the council body must take precedent in one’s
duty of evolution, and therefore, the ability to focus on the KIRAEL: In your
current way of evolution, the council formation evolution of the one soul must
be put on hold if one is to be present on a will be difficult. Yet I say to you in the
simplest of terms, that it is council. It is said that upon liberation from a council
responsibility, the the direction you will be preparing for when you see this
Great Shift.
first thing that one did was to take an equivalent of a current measure In the
now, there are already large corporations attempting to follow lasting 40 days
and nights, and enter into a semi-state of consciousness council-type decisions,
and in this, they will be more than prepared to called meditation. The only
reprieve from this state was to awaken for exist in this ever-changing world.
a limited span of time to use water and prana to sustain the physical.
The energies toward the Great Shift appear to be moving rather Upon
emerging from this level of activity, one was born anew, fast as the medium and
I are completing this work, yet I will tell you and in that light began the quest of
the one soul. In this, it is said that right now that you haven’t even seen the speed
of it yet. You might as
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
well begin to look into the possibilities of creating a world that is not
thinking that they would see it much the same as we in the Guidance run by one
man or one company, but by councils of people who have realm see it in the
now. It is a grand sort of map that one can follow the task, if you will, of seeing
that everything remains equal. It is not and begin to see one’s higher power
called God Creator. It is likely as farfetched as you might think. It is definitely
going to work. You they would honor those who actually wrote the first version
and would might as well try to make it work in the now.
honor less those who rewrote it time and time again. ‘Twas their belief that
histories must be written only once and that each work should last for all times—
in their case, until their civilization no longer existed.
How would you compare the Genesis in the Bible to the Genesis of
Lemuria? Or the Tree of Life to the Mother Tree in New histories are written
each time new levels of consciousness Lemuria?
are populated on your Earth plane. Be very clear that to compare the world
in the beginning times of Lemuria to that which is described in KIRAEL: This
might be a bit touchy for some to read. Yet, no the Book of Genesis is to cause
those who read it a chance to discern matter where I travel with me medium
around this world, people ask or maybe even to argue about who was right and
who was wrong.
questions that relate back to this book you call the Bible. These are
questions of a very beautiful nature, and I’ll do me best right here.
It is not me thinking to bring all of this information forth to be caught up in
the matter of right or wrong, but rather to let your own If you were asking
someone of the Lemurian world, they likely heart guide you. You’ll know what
is and what is not your truth. ’Tis would respond by saying that the modern-day
book of Genesis was not me thinking to undo any of your teachings. For me, the
true journey in many respects much like their own beginning. They might look is
to help those who need more in their awareness to find it, and that’s at the
Garden of Eden and see it as the whole of Lemuria. They may what I’ll do. I’ll
light the spark; you’ll cause the flame.
see the fruit tree at the center as that called Mother Tree. I doubt quite
seriously if they’d bring anything about the serpent in, but you have to
understand that is one of the ways the writers of this Genesis book What was
the relationship of the Mother Tree to all other were to define good and evil.
trees on the planet?
They likely might also speak about the great voice, the one that KIRAEL:
Mother Tree, or as some call her, the Tree of was spoken from on far. They
might talk a bit about the I AM, as you Knowledge, was so complex above the
ground that to understand call it. They might want to describe it as the Creator
using all available her relationship to all other trees through her root system, one
needs energies from all levels of the same consciousness to describe to the to go
beyond the constraints of the mortal mind. First, you need to beings incarnate
just what was going to happen.
understand that this tree was like no other. Not since her final days, when
Lemuria was sinking under the waters, has there been anything They might
struggle a bit with the concept of Adam and Eve, like her. Her system of roots
was so defined and so deeply woven into not that they’d say it was wrong, me
friends, but because they were Mother Earth that there were those who said you
could sometimes not brought to the plane in a much more advanced level of
tell the difference between them. Let me just say this: If some of her They
knew of a time when the Creator chose to start a portion of a roots had been
hollowed out, they would have been large enough for a civilization in its own
likeness, of not just one male and one female, whole contingent of Lemurian
beings to walk within. They were huge, but of a whole society of people brought
together at one time.
me friends. Trust when I tell you this.
Would they read your Bible of today and find it of interest?
As to the extent they grew into the fullness of Mother Earth, Would they
see it as one answer to all that is? Could they possibly understand that the roots
reached so deeply that nothing could stop see their own civilization beginning as
the book described? ’Tis me
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
their travel. They began to go underneath the many waters that were that
were present at the time. It spoke in weaves of tones that only aboard your planet
at that particular time. In the configuration of the the highest of the learned fully
comprehended. Though as stated, all continent system back then, they began to
emerge into the light of day, Lemurians could hear these strands of
enlightenment, the 12 used a if you would. Understand something: In your
current arrangements special knowingness to respond.
of the land masses, it’s a bit difficult to say just how many continents These
12 retained memory from past incarnations going back contain her remnants. As
ancient as Mother Tree is, believe me, many further than history will let you
look, not because you aren’t worthy of of her ancestors in the plant weave will
be found in your current day it, but because it has little to do with your current
Shift. So there’s no configuration.
reason to go into great depths.
It is well known that throughout time, as you call it, her roots These 12
beings were said to have witnessed the very first lay dormant in many different
places. They did not die. They just did contingent of angels chosen by the
Creator to be the first beings to not come to the surface, for, as you remember,
the Creator has taken experience its Creation. These were the very angels that,
through the all life from this planet Earth numerous times, only to re-establish
life love of the Creator, chose to stop using their wings and stay until the here in
its own bidding and its own time. Believe me, it was Mother next weave of the
present world took hold. They simply watched. They Tree who was one of the
first to define the plant weave.
were also introduced or reintroduced to watch as the first of the race It will
be very interesting to see how many people will read this took over from these
angels, a race of energies that was so beautiful book and begin to discover this
beautiful ancient Mother Tree in their and so patterned that it no longer really
fully exists in this dimension.
own backyards. They’ll discover her not because of the purple leaves Oh,
there are many from the Elven world amongst you right that spring forth,
because that was millennia of time ago. What they now. Look around you, my
friends. It’s easy enough to recognize will likely remember is the feeling, the
knowing, that maybe they who they are. These 12 of whom we speak were the
ones who were walked on this world called Lemuria, and that they can tell the
very fully enamored, if you will, to watch over this Elven society. These 12
essence of the Mother Tree. No matter what shape she may have taken
answered the call to the Great Tree. These are the 12 who began to put now,
understand that over these millennia, she’s had the opportunity the councils
to work through many different realities, just like you of the human world.
Would you please explain more about the bonding that the Don’t ever
take away from her, my friends. She is one of the first council experienced at
the Mother Tree?
great, great projects of your God Creator. Love her when you find her. Hear
her when necessary, and for goodness sakes, make sure that KIRAEL: You
might have realized from what was previously she is not part of those forests that
are being plowed under by your said that this council was bonded long before
the members came to corporations. Make sure that, if she is, she is somehow
Lemuria. I repeat: they had been privileged by the Creator Source to
witness all that it would take to make Lemuria almost the perfect society.
Why were the particular 12 energy patterns on the first Lemurian
council chosen?
That experience of the tree was one of great awareness, for they
remembered how they sat as this council of 12, how they guided all that
KIRAEL: It is a bit simpler than one would guess. Remember came behind
them, and how they let We the People of the Lemurian that the Creator chose to
speak through the angels and the guides
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
society understand that they could live in peace and harmony beyond all
Would you tell us more about the Lemurian Chancellor?
You have said on another occasion that this was the energy that
eventually incarnated as Mary Magdalene during the time of the
Master Jesus.
Expanding Your DNA
KIRAEL: I will be talking more about the Chancellor later in this book, for
it is in this wonderful being that you will see a very balanced energy, an energy
that was comprised not only of the Creator’s particles of love light, but also of
the Goddess weave itself.
In that, all shall open up to the very first time that the beautiful Mary
Magdalene walked this plane called Earth.
KIRAEL: What we are talking about here, in love and light, are the Ten
Principles of Consciously Creating: the Principles of Truth, Trust and Passion;
Clarity, Communication and Completion; and Prayer, Meditation, Sleepstate
Programming and Masterminding.
These Principles are the basis of the Creator’s conceptual awareness of
being evolutionary and in love, and the Principles upon which Lemuria based its
journey, culture and society.
I would like to take you back in time to the continent of Lemuria to
understand how these Principles began to unfold in the beautiful light of
evolution. The societies of this Lemurian culture were very advanced in their
thinking. One chose from Creation, or birth, to be incarnate in the evolutionary
pattern of the Lemurian energy. One chose one’s own parental systems and the
particular segment of Lemuria that one wanted to evolve through. Just like you
in the modern-day age, the Lemurian’s whole reality was about evolution, but
evolution in a much different form from what you would recognize today.
So imagine with me, if you would, as a young bright star beam of light is
delivered into its mother’s womb during the time of Lemuria.
The gestation period was similar to what you now have on the Earth plane.
When the child was born unto the parents, it was the mother and father who
delivered the child into its next life. No doctors or midwives were needed to
bring forth this new energy. The birth occurred with
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Expanding Your DNA
no screaming in pain or anything along those lines. It was simply a and
became the foundation for all their teaching. Even with all the passageway for
the child to enter the Earth plane.
attention given to this Trinity, it would take upwards of seven or eight years
for the child to fully merge with the rest of society. The moment The moment
the child was born, it began its evolutionary journey.
a child’s intellect thoroughly understood the three Principles, or when In its
own awakening, one of the very first things the child was taught the child had
created enough DNA strands to enter Lemurian society, was the Ten Principles
of Consciously Creating. The energy pattern of it moved into a new awareness
and learned how to process through the that particular child focused on these
Ten Principles until the time it Three Commitments of Clarity, Communication
and Completion.
returned to its Creator source.
Clarity, Communication and
Truth, Trust and Passion from Birth
Completion in Adolescence
The very first thing the child understood was that it was born into an in-
lightenment of “light particles” processing through love energy.
As the child became a young adult in the world of Lemuria, it The words
and meaning of Truth, Trust and Passion were almost was taught through the
laws of society about the Principles of Clarity, always the first human passages
to vibrate within the consciousness Communication and Completion. The genius
of being taught the of the newborn. This beginning of the Ten Principles
awakened the Three Commitments through the laws of society was that the child
newly-arrived journeyer to the adventure called human.
learned how to live within a society that was more advanced than its own
energetic pattern, while simultaneously developing the ability to The particular
lesson plan of the new energy dictated whether it foresee how it would operate
after its shift into the final four Principles, would be under the guardianship of
one set of parents or of a number called the Four Pillars of Prayer, Meditation,
Sleepstate Programming of sets. For instance, if this being was a highly-
developed spiritual and Masterminding.
teacher and destined to share new concepts, it used the direction of multiple
energy patterns to raise it into adulthood.
A Lemurian spent as long as it needed to process through Clarity,
Communication and Completion, until it became, as you call it today, Using the
concepts of Truth, Trust and Passion, it would have a recognized adult. At that
point, the Lemurian was considered a part been difficult to teach newborns that
little boys don’t cry and that little of the society’s adult world, and there was no
more measure of age.
girls are soft and need taking care of. Instead, the truth of equality In fact, in
some cases, this part of the process was completed in two permeated all the
teachings, and each was shown that trusting each or three years. A full-fledged
adult Lemurian could be as young as 14
individual for his Creator-given talents was how passion was felt.
or 16 years old, or even younger, in some cases. Once the young adult As
with children today, these new beings had multi-stranded learned the various
aspects of being in Lemurian society, it began to DNA, yet their expansion rate
was much more rapid. The use of the shift out of the Three Commitments into
the Source Light, or the Four Principles was in direct proportion to the strands as
they developed.
Pillars, which we will look at next.
Most children were using four to six strands of DNA as they reached
Prayer, Meditation, Sleepstate Programming You can see how imperative
it was for the Lemurian to understand these first three fundamental light paths of
energy—the and Masterminding in Adulthood
Trinity of Truth, Trust and Passion. These three Principles were taught At
this stage, the adult was allowed to return to the world of to the children in
Lemurian society for the first seven to eight years, the etheric light form through
the Four Pillars of Prayer, Meditation,
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Expanding Your DNA 1
Sleepstate Programming and Masterminding. Within these final four
Increased Brain Power through Practice of Principles, the Lemurians learned
that society had a magnetic force that yielded a defined energy pattern, which
allowed the duration of the Ten Principles
the experience to be evolutionary in the truth of who they were.
You might say, “Master Guide Kirael, it took the Lemurians a lifetime to
learn the Ten Principles and you want us to do it in just a We could say that the
first six Principles oriented the soul to few weeks?” I have put no time restraints
on anyone. However, if you the human vibration, whereas the last four helped
the soul regain the want to bring your DNA to its fullest, if you want your
brainpower full force of remembering that it was one with the I AM Presence.
to increase, practice these Ten Principles. As soon as you do, your Through
Prayer, communication was adjusted to all levels of light or brainpower begins
to increase, and that automatically causes your evolutionary life form. This
offered each soul an awareness that no DNA to expand along with it; hence, you
begin to evolve at a much boundaries were to be experienced, that wearing a
physical body did more rapid rate.
not place limits on one’s growth.
When you aren’t able to master the Trinity of Truth, Trust and In
Meditation, Lemurians remained fully aware of their Passion, you can’t really
expect to have a full awareness of the Four counterparts in other realities. Here,
they could gain access to other Pillars, on the other end of the spectrum. Should
you be denied trying levels of learned societies and gain information for use in
their current to practice the Four Pillars? No, because utilizing these Principles at
life plan. They were totally aware of living life without limits, for they any level
will increase your potential. Once you begin to use them, were in tune with the
mass consciousness of the All That Is.
the changes will become self-evident and you will develop a desire to Using
Sleepstate Programming simply ensured each that evolution fully comprehend
each one.
would not be restricted to the awakened state of consciousness. All My
friends, when you see how the Ten Principles of Consciously beings could now
fully use their experiences without regard to whether Creating were practiced in
Lemuria, you will see how imperative it is they were awake or asleep, because
they could program the higher, or that they are available to you now. That is why
I share this with you essential, self to do their bidding while they rested.
at this time.
Through the art of Masterminding, the Lemurian remained fully cognizant
that, if each soul or person was not acutely aware, other humans could band
together and gain control of segments of the population. Hence, it was each
person’s responsibility to consciously Questions & Answers
create in every moment by using this Principle in peace, love and honor.
Master Guide Kirael, how were the children in Lemuria When someone
tells you that the Ten Principles of Consciously taught the first three
Creating are too simple, remind that person that it is never easy to live
KIRAEL: Let us do that in the form of a story that was passed your life fully
aware of your every dream coming true.
from generation to generation in the Lemurian world.
In Masterminding, the last of the Four Pillars, the Lemurians actually joined
the council elite. In other words, in Masterminding, one was charged with setting
policies, so to speak, in Lemuria. Hence, The Hephron Story, Part I
you can see that the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating that I have
There once was a little energy pattern that was freshly born onto explained to
your world were an integral part of Lemurian society.
the Earth plane. Out of its own sheer love for it, the Creator held this
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Expanding Your DNA
very loving energy within its own light for an extremely long period Can
you continue the story of Hephron to illustrate how the of time. This energy
pattern kept forever asking if it could eventually
“Three Commitments,” Clarity, Communication and Completion, go to
Earth. It was finally sent onto the Earth plane during the time affected society’s
laws in Lemuria?
of Lemuria. This was a male-type energy who was given the name Hephron
when it arrived into its parental structure, or family. Hephron lived as a brand-
new being, and a great project light of the Creator, The Hephron Story, Part II
meaning that he was very advanced compared to the society to which
KIRAEL: Hephron’s story was handed down literally through he had been sent.
thousands of years because of the greatness he achieved. When you Soon
Hephron began to learn the Ten Principles as they were get to the end of the
story, you will know why.
experienced in Lemuria. One day, young Hephron received his very At a
given point, normally at the age of about seven years, the first lesson from his
“male counterpart balancer,” or father. His father child entered the Lemurian
societal energy and went on to learn the explained the validity of Truth and what
a value it was to understand Principles of Clarity, Communication and
Completion. Hephron, with the Truth of Light, at which point, Hephron looked
deeply into his his understanding of the Trinity of Truth, Trust and Passion, had
now father’s eyes, and asked, “What is the Truth of the Creator?”
discovered love incarnate. He could feel God’s presence no matter Well,
this was much too advanced a question to ask, but you where he traveled, and
the whole of his life was about experiencing must give credit where credit is due.
So Hephron’s father simply lifted what his parental figures had already evolved
to. This meant that he the child up in the air and said, “Look down, and as you
look down, absorbed and utilized everything that his parental energies had
already you will see Creator.” As little Hephron looked down upon the Earth,
learned, whether it was art, science, or culture. Now, in utilizing the he saw his
mother and his father and all of the people who were there.
Three Commitments (Clarity, Communication and Completion), He began
to understand the Truth that he was here to learn, and from Hephron was to take
all he had learned from love, and bring it into that day forward, his truth was that
he would always experience the a society that could only be generated
henceforth into a higher learning process through his advanced understanding.
consciousness of love.
Then Hephron was taught the Principle of Trust by his “female Hephron
already understood the fullness of being in society, yet counterpart balancer,” or
mother. He was taught to trust that all he as he actually entered it, he still needed
to rely on his teachers. When learned was truth. This created a passion, which he
would carry with he moved into this energy, he was given to the “Teachers of
him until he finally returned, fully experienced, to his Creator’s Love.
These were actually particle-ized energy forms that no longer had a This
passion, which was taught by both parents, was the experience of physical
presence, yet they shined a light pattern that allowed Hephron the Creator
to focus on any one of them.
His parents surrounded young Hephron within this Trinity of As the
Teachers of Light surrounded Hephron and began to share Light. They held him
in this space of love with all of their power, and with him about Clarity, the first
thought Hephron had was, “Why is as they did, they released from their
physical, emotional, mental and it that you are using light particle-ization and
speaking of Clarity spiritual bodies, and became etheric lights. In their light
bodies, they at the same time?” He thought this because everything else around
moved in such a way that Hephron began to feel love for the first time him had
physical form. As these light-patterned teachers began to outside of the Creator.
instruct Hephron, he discovered that one didn’t need to see a person to
understand the truth of what he was about. Whatever passion another That is
how the children of Lemuria were taught from that day person shared with you
could only come through trust in your own forward.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Expanding Your DNA
ability to share your clarity with others. This understanding of Clarity
Principle of Prayer, that is, communication with the unseen forces of guided
Hephron into Lemurian society.
Then Hephron was ready to move into learning about Hephron sat before
the Prayer Geyers, who looked down upon Communication. At this young age,
when he was just learning to him, and they said, “Pray for us.”
interact with others, he did not speak the full range of languages
“But I don’t know how,” Hephron replied.
that were available in the Lemurian world. He was relatively limited
because, even though he had mastered many, there were over two
“Well, what are you doing here?”
hundred levels of both human and etheric potential vibrations of verbal
“I have completed everything.”
and mental interaction. When we talk about Communication, it is not
“Oh, have you? In that case, we want you to sit here and ponder just about
the spoken word, but also about Communication through all how to pray.
Because if you have already learned Completion, then of the four bodies: the
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. These you already know how to pray.”
were all used to communicate in Lemuria.
Hephron knew that was the key. So he sat for many years Once Hephron
journeyed through Communication, he moved pondering the Principle of Prayer,
until finally his teachers returned to into the Principle of Completion. Now, the
amount of time that it took him and said, “Pray for us.”
to learn all of these things varied. It would depend on each individual’s
brain expansion and increasing DNA pairings. At some point, Hephron
“I have but one prayer,” he said.
arrived at Completion mode. This meant Hephron looked past what
“What is that?” they asked.
he was trying to do and mastered the downfall of shortcuts. I say
“mastered” because, as in your current time, people still waste time
“That I may complete Completion.” And with that, Hephron going
backwards trying to fill in what they missed by taking these so-was immediately
sent back to his Teachers of Light to experience called shortcuts. It was at this
point that Hephron stumbled.
As he approached his Completion phase, it was as it had always been since
he had been born on Lemuria. He was trying to move forward How did the Ten
Principles of Consciously Creating impact to the next level. He didn’t want to
bother with this Completion thing.
the Lemurians’ relationship with the Earth?
He figured that if he arrived at completion, that would be the end of it all.
You see, so many get baffled by thinking that they can learn all there is to learn.
Here, it should be remembered that the Creator is The Hephron Story, Part III
constantly creating, and no matter how quickly you fully understand
KIRAEL: In essence, the Lemurians were taught by Mother a concept, the
Creator is already expanding it. It’s called Love—the Nature, which, in Lemuria,
was the light particle-ization of her physical Creator’s Love of creating and of
the “Light Particles” experiencing force, or her higher self. In essence, Mother
Earth could teach and her the Creation. How positively great is that? Now what
did Hephron own energies would continue without any interruption. For
instance, leave out? The journey of his Completion!
the Lemurians wouldn’t pick a flower to give to someone; they took In
seeing this, the Teachers of Light who were charged with his someone to the
flower and showed it to him or her.
learning experience said, “Let this one go on.” So Hephron burst forth Once
you learned the Ten Principles, you were more able to see in all of his wondrous
glory to his next set of teachers, who were in your mind what you had
experienced. You experienced it in your called the “Prayer Geyers.” The Prayer
Geyers taught the basics of the heart, and then you sent out the call to your
brethren and sisters. You
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Expanding Your DNA
searched throughout Lemuria for those who had not seen this flower, help
spread the seeds. They came en masse and sent the message to all and for
whoever responded, you drew the image of this flower. You else that could fly
and walk the Earth plane to help plant the seeds of literally became the flower.
You transcended into the energy of all Hephron’s lesson.
of those who hadn’t seen it, and they all took that proverbial deep Guess
what? For thousands of years this forest grew larger and breath of light, and
watched you show them what this beautiful little larger so all would remember
that to ask a question you haven’t thought flower was experiencing. You were so
connected and so in love with through is like not applying the fullness of the Ten
Principles, and in Mother Earth, and she was so in love with you that she would
give you that, you could spend lifetimes spiraling on the same set of results. Oh
anything you wanted.
yes, did I mention that these trees were purple?
One day Hephron, who was already an adult, was watching Mother Earth
practice her lightning. He asked her through the Councils Were they your trees,
Master Guide Kirael?
of Light, beings dedicated to reminding all inhabitants of what they had
stored in other parts of their consciousness, “What if lightning KIRAEL: You
bet they were. I adopted every last one of them.
strikes that tree over there?”
* * * * *
In response, Mother Earth struck the tree, and the tree immediately was no
more. Hephron stood there with his mouth wide open and Would you tell us
more about the Four Pillars in Lemuria?
asked, “What did you do that for?”
Were they any different from the Four Pillars that we are learning
“Because you wanted to learn.”
KIRAEL: They are the same Principle energies. The Four Pillars
“But I could have learned another way. You could have conjured are the
conscious creators of all experience combined into one level of it, as I would
consciousness. They are the connection to the forces of light that are
“How would you conjure what you don’t already know?” she beyond the
Earth human. The reason I say that is because each of these asked.
four Principles uses functionary light that is not in its densest form.
For example, when you pray, you pray into the unseen forces of light.
“Well, I would have sought the counsel of the whales,” Hephron (Hephron
used many years of his life trying to figure that one out.) said.
Once you go past Prayer and you enter into the Principle of
“But what if the whales didn’t have that information? You see, I
Meditation, you are in the receiver energy of your light force. Meditation have
never sent a tree back to the Creator like that.”
allows you to reach outside of your dimensional processing and bring
“So we must be careful of what we ask for, mustn’t we?” asked the
information in, if you have allotted enough brain vibration for it.
I say “if” because the human brain is equipped with these receivers, but
they are notoriously in the 90 percent of the brain. Remember that
“Yes, you must always use the Ten Principles,” replied Mother your
scientists contend that you use approximately 10 percent of your Earth.
Hephron spent a long time gathering all of the little seeds from I will shed a
little light on that concept here. It is important where the tree had stood. After he
asked for a council of higher to remember that the reason your scientists say this
is because you selves to assist him in his endeavor, he planted the seeds
throughout experiment with your left brain, as a rule. This means you are using
Lemuria. This council told Hephron to ask the bird life of Lemuria to logic to
understand the illogical, hence the feeling of limitation.
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Expanding Your DNA
Meditation opens the paths to this fundamental processor in the right fact,
quite the opposite, for they had mastered the “prophecy encoding brain, and for
this act alone, you automatically increase the percentage of life.” This was the
reality—that they were observing the creation of of use. That is if you ever tire
of saying, “Gee, I wish I could meditate,”
the All That Is as it was being unfolded. It left little to be experienced or “I
can’t do it.”
on a human level, because life on a third-dimensional planet such as Earth
is suited to the experience. The Lemurian evolution needed to be Remember, the
mind is a tool guided by the particle light of returned to Creation so life could
start anew. In essence, my friends, Creation that you used to travel to this realm.
Meditation during the Creator wanted an even fuller experience of its creation.
Lemurian times was also the connection to other parts of the world, and in
order to communicate with brethren and sisters without using telephones and
things like that, one must master the art of meditation.
Was there any evolution of the Ten Principles during the Lemurian
Now, Sleepstate Programming, sometimes remembered as the lost art, was
the one thing created to lessen the load on the physical KIRAEL: The Ten
Principles are evolutionary in themselves.
experience. Here, one could travel the etheric light patterns and No matter
what stage of evolutionary process you are in, you can communicate with others
on a similar journey and not have to endure always utilize them as a bridge to the
next level. When you move from physical connection in time and space. If the
Lemurians intended to one level of conscious awareness to the next, the Ten
Principles do not enlist the aid of another in one of their journeys, they simply
had to change; the level that you transition to changes.
involve one’s higher self and program it to interact with the one from You
can take what you have learned about the Ten Principles and whom they wished
to have the help, saving lots of valuable lesson plan apply it to your next
evolutionary process, and you will automatically time. This ensured the seeker
the time to explore more possibilities have a better understanding of the new
journey that you are on. This than if she did it the old-fashioned way.
is why I say, when you are evolving through the process of expanding As
for Masterminding, this was something that was used your spirituality, when you
are trying to evolve to the next level of primarily by those who had completely
mastered being a consciously awareness, the Ten Principles will walk you gently
onto that path and creating energy of Earth inhabitation. Though it was practiced
along let you see it with greater clarity and understanding. Once you master with
all the Principles, it was seen as a skill so powerful that it might Truth, Trust,
and Passion, Clarity, Communication, and Completion, infuse projection of
advanced thinking into an already confused state you will then use the Four
Pillars to advance you to the next level.
of awareness. In simple terms, to fully understand being human, one The
answer is that the Ten Principles are the epitome of evolution, must endeavor
through all life maladies, and Masterminding seemed for they are evolutionary in
their own light. Through practice of these like a short cut. Hence, it was often
left to the scholars of the Principles.
Principles, the Lemurians were actually embodying the shifting I say with a
resounding energy, my friends, that that was an error in process within
themselves, as you will do in the now.
judgment, because if used in conjunction with life’s maladies, there is great
understanding to be had for all.
Do humans naturally evolve through the Ten Principles as Herein lies
the main theme of a society open to controlling every you have described them
for the Lemurians, or do you recommend aspect of its evolution. In fact, it led
to the finalization of this beautiful that we consciously focus on moving
through them in the order segment of human endeavor. Before you start to feel
badly, remember, given?
the Lemurians consciously chose to release their physical experience
KIRAEL: I would say, my friend, that is up to the human and return into
Creator Light so that they could best serve the next experience. However, I
suggest that until you learn the very first generation in their excursion onto this
planet. It was not a sad time; in
100 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Expanding Your DNA 101
Principle, nothing in your universe is going to work. If you don’t KIRAEL:
Can you master the Ten Principles of Consciously know Truth, which is the
number one Principle, how are you to pray?
Creating while incarnate? Yes, and the moment you do that, you will How
are you to meditate if you don’t know Truth? I would suggest want to go back
and try another version of them. For instance, many of to you in the human
world that you understand them 1 through 10, the Lemurians are here on the
Earth again. Why? Didn’t they master the because the tenth one is the
Mastermind of your own creation. When Ten Principles a long time ago? Yes,
but now a brand new experience you have gotten through all the Principles, to
Masterminding, you will is available. If you truly love Creation—which, of
course, you do, or find that “light beings” will be drawn to you, and with this
type of you wouldn’t be of the Creator’s Light—you must remember that in
energy surrounding you, life moves at a limitless pace.
this awesome Shift, you are the ones who will stay aboard the planet during
the evolution from one level to another. You are, in some sense When you
understand the Ten Principles, they draw “Ten-of the word, the pioneers of a
world that, in all light, will be totally Principled beings” to you, even when they
don’t know they are Ten-different from the one in which you now exist.
Principled-type beings. The more you practice, the more they will come to
you. When they come to you in the early stages of learning the Ten Principles,
most often you will choose to scatter them away from you.
How did the Lemurians consciously create through You say, “Oh, not
me, Master Guide Kirael.” Trust me. There is almost thought?
no one who hasn’t been unnerved by someone who has a greater grasp
KIRAEL: Thought is an accumulation of magnetic vibrating of the Ten
Principles. You cannot easily grasp the Principles because particles of light, and
you can shape and reshape each particle of light.
of their simplicity. But that’s the beauty of them, isn’t it?
Each light that is infused by a thought, through “the will and the word,”
can become a reality in whichever way you decide it should be. Only It
sounds as though the Lemurians truly realized their when you disallow your
power to accumulate the particles do you oneness with the Creator. That is
very different from how it is now not see the longevity of the things that you
have created. Your failure on the Earth plane, when we struggle with
statements like “I and to accumulate the particles in fact shortens and confines
your reality.
the Father are one” or “We are the Creator Source.” Would you Work
with that one, and when you master it, you will have it all.
KIRAEL: This is a concept many will find resistible. You have Are there
other aspects of the spirituality of Lemuria that we been taught in many
circles of religious practice that this type of could use and learn from now?
statement is sacrilegious. This is because it is taught that it is not good
KIRAEL: The answer to that question is: Talk to me after you for you to
perceive that you are limitless, when you are controlled by more fully
understand the Ten Principles, because then you will be a force that needs
workers more than it needs leaders. Be clear, my ready to take these same
Principles to a level that, I assure you, will friends, none of you should be
shouting from the roof tops that you make the first level seem like child’s play.
There is, like the Creator’s are an energy particle of the Creator. If you do, likely
you will feel the Love of creating, no end to the possibilities of working with the
Ten scourge of the human world. It should be enough to know you are, and
Principles of Consciously Creating your world. You are a limitless in that, you
will draw to you those with like knowingness. After all, being pretending to live
within limits. The human world in general is how could you be anything else?
so far from understanding them that there is really not much more to talk
about right now.
Can it be said that at some point in a Lemurian’s life, he or she would
have mastered the Ten Principles? Is this something that we can look
forward to now?
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
Is the story of Hephron typical of the Lemurian journey through the
Ten Principles, and can we raise the level of our experience on Earth in the
same manner?
KIRAEL: Though I have used the story of young Hephron to
exemplify the Lemurian experience of using the Ten Principles of Attuning
to Ancient Wisdom
Consciously Creating, his was but one small example of what the people of
Lemuria were able to discover. Many of you have gone through similar
lifetimes. To understand the world that Hephron lived in is to understand a world
that you could live in today. It is only in your journey and your willingness to
learn the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating that you will see the beauty of
being able to choose everything that you want, rather than just some of what you
In your current evolutionary journey, each will have experiences KIRAEL:
Though learning was the basic responsibility of all that will likely pale compared
to Hephron’s. Once again, I remind you Lemurian beings, it was also the
wisdom of the Creator to install a that those of you choosing to go beyond the
self-imposed barriers of certain group called “the ancients.” With them, the
power to access the the ego system will see Lemurian life differently now. I do
not share most notable periods of previous incarnations was levied. The reasons
this ancient life experience of Lemuria to make you envious. What I were
multifold, for nothing was to be wasted in this latest level of am trying to
accomplish is to awaken you to the knowing that you can life.
encounter a Shift as never before. Yes, there have been occurrences of
These ancients were held in great esteem as the providers of life being sustained
during a Shift but never to the magnitude of the thought provocation. Seldom did
they give the entire lesson plan, for one you are experiencing . You are unique
my friends. Enjoy.
it was their knowing that the beings of Lemuria would bring an even The
ultimate experience of Creation is the one wherein you can greater
understanding of this information to light.
still live on this Earth plane doing the journey for your Creator at the In
order to have been considered an ancient, one must have absolute height of your
own light, while simultaneously experiencing been able to travel back into
incarnations preceding Lemurian life, being the love of your own journey. Only
then did Hephron become in fact, preceding any form of life here on this one
planet called aware that one day he would have to return to the Earth plane, sit in
Earth. The ancients had access all the way back to the first time that council with
so many human beings, and bring back the same force the Creator caused
evolutionary beings to explore its Creation, all that one day transformed him into
the Light of the Creator.
the way back to when all other weaves of thought life had become
thoroughly entrenched, and in this caused the world to be ready for the
I’ll not be dwelling on these earlier periods here, yet it seems important for
the current beings to understand at least the basics of evolution to better
contemplate the greatness of the Lemurian. It certainly would be grand to
remember that much of their unfolding could cause even greater clarity in your
current awakening.
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 10
The ancients remembered that even with the Creator’s first Lemurian, this
gives you a conceptual idea that even your own ancestry completion of this
planet, the call for a being of substance was needed actually goes back to the
Angelic and the Elven worlds. These were in order to experience it fully. In its
wisdom, the Creator encouraged vibrations brought in by the Creator from other
patternings, which the angelic form of life to experience what it had brought
forth. The were, shall we say, designed to best evolve its presence.
Creator chose its most advanced forms of life, those who could appear That
particular grouping of Elven was on Lemuria to help get in a semi-solid state of
being, and in this, they were encouraged to do you all started. That is why you
find the Elven has such a resemblance the journey of entering into this realm and
reporting back what they to the human world; and whenever they make
appearances, the angels perceived.
too have a resemblance to the human world. But, guess what? They don’t
resemble you; you actually resemble them.
The Uniting of the Angelic and the Elven Worlds The end result of the
coming together, or the uniting, of the Elven and the Angelic presences literally
was to create what was the The angels were so inspired by what they
encountered that it Lemurian. The Lemurian then expanded from there to
become the was almost impossible to keep them present aboard planet Earth.
full-fledged Lemurian light. They were not known as part Elven, part Each
time they experienced something, such as the new plant weave angelic; they
were Lemurian. You see, it is like anything else. We try giving forth a more
beautiful flower, they felt the firm need to take this to make distinctions, so we
say this is the Lemurian society. In truth, sighting back to their own level of
consciousness to share it with all any vibration of life can only be known as
Creator, because that is of the others.
where it all stems from anyway.
The Creator was not able to hold the angels onto the Earth plane long
enough for them to get any valuable information, because they kept running
home to report what they had experienced. In its infinite The Lemurian
Chancellor, Mafu
wisdom, the Creator finally asked them to remove their wings and One of
these ancient beings was known as Mafu or “the cease from making the journey
back home. In fact, the ancients would Chancellor.” It was Mafu’s charge to be
of service to the Lemurian discover that the angels listened and did the bidding
of the Creator so councils by helping them understand the dedication of all the
well that this level of consciousness eventually forgot it was capable
predecessors of the evolutionary journey of discovery. To save time of flight
and space, it is me pleasure to show you one of the first written edicts of
Over time, other life forms from altered dimensions merged and the Lemurian
period. I will not change the meaning, yet I am obligated mixed with these
angelic beings, causing the world to have a more to use modern English to
portray the meanings.
substantial life form. These more recent beings were from a dimension It
serves time, as you see it in the now, to look at some of the populated by the
society of the Elven world. The reason I bring this most ancient lore of your
Earth to date. To understand the current shift forth is because it needs to be clear
that the ancients of Lemuria had that all life strands will face, it would make
sense to understand that access to all levels of consciousness and a great ability
to weave the the Earth plane has undergone multiple shifts in the energy over
many journey of these other races into the learning curves of the current-day
incarnations. In this light, you might let the mind of your creator-self Lemurian.
indulge its natural knowing and see the purity of the shifting world.
Hence, the Creator went into the other realms and brought forth In the
energy of the Creator, it does not seek the experience of all the Elven world,
which merged with the Angel world and birthed what knowing or full flavor of
completion, but rather it looks for the final you’d call the first generation of true
Lemurian. If you go back to step leading to the one step that will begin anew.
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 10
predecessors. In short, a new form of direction begins to take Mafu’s
Written Edict:
“The Three Causes of Determined Evolution”
Left to continue without the truth cord, this energy actually MAFU: To be
studied by the Lemurian council members takes on a thought calculation of its
own. Its lure becomes charged with the equalization of harmonic life spans of
multiple that which the masses like to think of as chance. In reality, level
it is simply recalling any significant historical memory, not fully deducing a
specific time frame—whether it be current or from another lifespan—and it
places this all into a current Truth
thought stream.
In the certainty of creationism, one must always be willing to Without the
core of the truth stream, it begins to weave its see the full scope of uncovering a
new and everlasting myriad energy into the over-pattern consisting of random
of streaming knowledge. The most central and pure strand Here, it can
develop on its own accord, and one finds the that holds all relevant matter
together in any weave of thought unfolding lifespan at the behest of that which it
does not strands is that of a single particle strand known as Truth. It choose on a
truly conscious level. Hence, the first rule of a is the core vibration that
transforms the weaving of binding council member is to create a truth stream
prior to building particles into a stream of everlasting notes and tones. Those any
consciously creative thought. With the course set, all is tones, in turn, are the
birth of colorful vibrations, and when fashioned by current desire and not from
the chance encounter spoken in this truth, those streams will last for all
patterning of facts.
of time.
All thought manifestation must result from the pure vibration Truth is the
key to knowledge, both remembered and yet to of particles. In this, all that
follows will be determined as unfold. Without truth, the word and thought create
a pattern relevant to evolution. Only when one consciously creates of particles
that form chaotic vibration; in this, the prospect a core of truth vibration will one
be deemed worthy of a of anxiety-driven thoughts is born. This form of fear,
unlike definable teaching.
being afraid of the unknown, becomes a construct of blurred colors
allowing particles to join freely without a single defined The act of causing a
stream of truth particles can be purpose.
accomplished by the evoking of a single particle at the level of the third
eye. Consciously, it begins a stream of particles As this indistinct pattern of
color streams continues to form, that will act as the core. In this nucleus of
thought are born confusion becomes the rule. In confusion, chaos is the rule.
the multiple particles of dialogue cast in the light of truth Without the core
stream of truth, all is left to the interpretation that will maintain a consistency of
believable dissertation.
of those streams sifting through the possibilities of aligned Speak solely
from this level, and all will become accustomed thoughts. In a light pattern not
bound by the truth cord, a new to believing each word you express, and in this,
the world formation of streams begins to emerge.
unfolds to realism.
When truth is colored in any fashion, it becomes probability, and in the
alluring world of possibility, each one directing or attempting to direct thought is
left to be guided by the many thought patterns already woven into the weave by
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 10
will choose not to act in its presence. Your trust in your spirit Trust
connection creates the clarity that you are offered possible The second
cause of determined evolution might be called solutions toward which you are
expected to take action. Being Trust. In your humble beginnings of developing
the Lemurian aware that spirit cannot speak independently of your mind, it
heritage, here we ask you to hold fast to the knowing that trust makes sense to
trust only what feels right and that which is must play a vast role in creating
alignment in the world in woven in love.
which you have chosen to evolve. Here is a chance to develop Trust is a
crucial factor in your knowingness. To trust your the principle for evolutionary
beings that use the local brain in full knowing is to act with great confidence
towards the concert with the omni brain, thereby causing a pure mixture
outcome. Trust is the central focus in a world devoid of chaos of incarnate
thinking and the limitless understanding of the and the key to understanding that
your mission is woven into clarity found in a more universal awareness.
a greater force than the five senses are capable of seeing fully.
Trust begins with the accepting of a source of light intelligence The sixth
level of experiential or etheric interpretation must that is unseen to the third-
dimensional perception. In realizing be developed to its highest degree.
this connection of the two worlds of thought, knowing that When the Earth
being calls for help, the unseen forces respond these levels must always appear
to act independently of each immediately with multiple possible scenarios that
cause a other ensures that no one feels as though one’s blueprint completion
reality. Without trust, the local being will have a has been corrupted. Everyone
knows on a certain level that hard time feeling the desired response and will
most often be coming to this type of third-dimensional experience is a gift, led to
ignore it.
and in that wants the full measure of the lesson to be learned.
Hence, no physical plane disturbance is desired.
Trust involves discernment between the unseen forces of light and the ego
system. To fully engage in the proficiency of trust, For example, the angelic
vibration will not and in fact cannot one must have embraced the skills of prayer
and meditation.
interfere with the project of a local being by stepping in and With these
skills fully in place, trust is the exacting measure changing the chosen path being
followed. In this, the factor of of how to operate on new levels of obtaining its
true goal.
trust must be developed. One must sense when this Guidance world is in
play. One must consider the information and The true desire is the removal of all
chaotic fabrication in the discern the outcome potential.
weave. To operate single-mindedly, one needs to filter all ego participation
from the equation. This causes a mastermind of A key to this understanding is
the readability in the thoughts unity on the desired outcome, leaving alternative
possibilities conveyed. If it is a statement that is exclusive to one result without
life form. Trust is the formula for exacting the alone and no alternatives are
offered, it is almost certain that outcome based on interacting with the world that
you feel the ego is interceding and the information is tainted. If the was left
behind and the reality that all is a connected force of message goes against all
your knowing, again ego likely is adoration. The result of learning the act of
trust is a life that in play. If you feel trapped by the thought or if you have a
defines the reduction of the ego and causes the knowing that sense of foreboding
in the mix, simply return to spirit and ask love is in charge of one’s destiny.
[Note: This ends the direct transmission from Mafu. Master Guide Trust
that spirit will prevail if one uses the weave of love in Kirael completes the edict
by speaking on Passion, the third cause of one’s questioning. The ego is always
exposed by love and determined evolution.]
110 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 111
sustenance was more than sufficient, because the greater part Passion
of the assignment time was spent in meditation.
KIRAEL: As all evolutionary life is considered a reflection As a simple
reminder to all today, in the meditative state of the emotional body, the power to
cause a desire is a of consciousness, the first thing that the participant did
necessary vibration to move one along the path. When passion was to
consciously slow down the heartbeat, in this case, is dulled by the local brain
input, the result is excitement, and to approximately 18 beats per minute. This
caused a rapid in this, a fluctuating pattern rules. This in turn causes the mass
reduction of oxygen to the local brain, causing the omni consciousness to vibrate
at chaotic sound and color vibrations, brain to become the guiding force. It also
caused the body making pure evolution a difficult pattern.
metabolism to greatly decrease, eliminating the need for In fact, me friends,
if you wanted to visualize the matrix of sustenance input.
your current unfolding evolution, then you would simply see In this
particular type of harmonizing challenge, three sets excitement as the ruling
body. The numbers used to align your of 12 participants were selected from
thousands of entries.
pattern would appear unbalanced, and in this, the numerical The object of a
challenge such as this could be described as sequencing would cause the colors
to run together and the the tracking of an exact path selected by those of age-old
tones of unrest to become the measure of your growth.
societies or civilizations that preceded Lemurian time and the The Earth
plane’s current-day population so often confuses perceiving of just how their
journeys affected current time.
these two most powerful elements: passion and excitement.
Though each race chosen would have been considered extinct In the time of
Lemurian, the act of passion was used to by the Lemurian standards, it was
necessary to discover the subdue the level of excitement when said level
threatened the exact pattern of the path the previous society would have used
balanced outcome.
to exist in its incarnation.
Though contests were almost exclusively waged in the For instance, there
was a planetary system that was known mental weave, they were sometimes
used to present the as the Arius star system. It was located on the exact opposite
learned skills of the full four-body experience—physical, end of the current
measure called the Milky Way. This planet emotional, mental, and physical. The
Lemurian contests were had literally burned out long before the continent of
Lemuria in large part used to measure the balancing or realignment of was ever
populated. For the Arians, theirs was in truth a most the same full four-bodied
system. An example of this was a highly technologically advancing society, and
in that, they harmonizing challenge (or as you might refer to it in current-were
well aware that their planet was coming to an end.
day speak, a game) called the “rudimental assignment of They had almost a
full generation to plan their exit and polarity exchange.”
evolutionary patterning, including how they would perpetuate In these
games, the participants were chosen by their peers their civilization. They
planned to travel the stars in search of to be the contestants, in light of their
collective balance. In a world that would allow them to re-unite their travelers as
this contest, the partakers were allowed to seclude themselves one. This may
have been the only thing they did not complete; for one turn of the moon—that
would be a month by current hence, the contest of the Lemurian contenders.
day’s time—with nothing more than scribing, or writing, What the Arian
race did succeed at was the mixing of their equipment and life-sustaining
substance, usually consisting DNA with almost every planet on which they
found life. It of about 12 liters of liquid and one complete meal. The
11 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 11
mattered not whether they were small or large planets. The that it serves all
to be in what is called “the win.” You can Arian travelers would leave a
contingent of their race to mix focus on another reality when you understand that
wars are with the local population of evolutionary beings. The Arians started in
excitement and ended in passion. The excitement were usually more highly
advanced than their host, and would of escalation causes one to forget the Four
Pillars of the Ten inevitably take on some sort of leadership role in a very short
Principles of Consciously Creating.
In excitement, for instance, it is difficult to remember to pray In this, the
participating Lemurian challengers were left for something like “may all come
out in the best manner for to use dimensional travel techniques, in conjunction
with everyone included.” In excitement, it’s almost impossible to their telepathic
coordinations, to discover any systems still meditate and use the energy of
excitement to program your permeated by the vibrational signature of the Arian
race. Each sleep state. Moreover, Masterminding works solely on a team of 12
was permitted to study the local universe or planet loving outcome; hence, there
is little use of such in war-like system that had been interrupted by these beings,
to see just contests. This is why wars and violence are allowed to fester how far
off the evolutionary track these visitations had caused for so long.
the local population to move.
When passion is finally observed, the need to be the sole Here, I might
interject that the learning from these professed winner is lost and a more
equitable state of consciousness contests is one of the main reasons your current
population prevails. Whatever starts out in excitement must be fully has
refrained from interacting with species of neighboring energized into passion or
its days are numbered from the very star systems. The Lemurian contestants
revealed through start. Even if the timetable lives for millennia, excitement will
their channelings, auto-scripting, and confirmation by their turn to passion and
the desire of the One Creator will always assigned mediums that, whenever a
more sophisticated or prevail.
measurably higher standard of unveiled consciousness was This concludes
the first edict, “The Three Causes of Determined randomly introduced into an
evolving society, the interruption Evolution,” as originally scripted by Mafu, one
of the great minds was devastating. So, you see that even what you might
responsible for the perpetuation of evolution.
consider a competition by current local brain reasoning was truly an
advancement of the species.
In your more current day, most contests are filled with Conscious Creation
through Practicing excitement, and sprinkled with a small amount of passion.
the Ten Principles
This is why your current-day athletes need to receive so much As a
reminder, it is in your best interest to evaluate your current money to find a
reason to participate in their sport. The passion evolutionary period with that of
the unfolding in this book. In that is usually driven out of them by an early
developmental measure, your potential to experience the Great Shift in
Consciousness approach that the winner is best and no one else matters.
becomes that much stronger. Though these three causes were written
Excitement of the moment drives a wedge, even into the team in the First Life
period, they remained valuable until the very end of sport. Excitement causes
one to need to be better than all else, the Lemurian existence.
even at the cost of bloodshed.
’Tis me hope, me friends, that in these writings, each will learn to Passion,
on the other hand, is the advancement of the whole control the conscious
thought. If each will concentrate on the thought without need of individual
recognition. Passion is the need permeated by love rather than fear, you will find
yourself in the constant to feel so deeply woven into the fabric of potential
11 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 11
unfolding of evolution. Fear is the matrix tool for holding the veil in All of
this combined, you will move towards a worldwide place. It is to the advantage
of the matrix to keep you from discovering mastermind that, through the desire
to omit fear and search the art of love. It reasons that, if the concept of love
remains an airy-for love in all existence, peace on Earth will prevail. Your fairy
thing, it will be able to perpetuate its blend of control.
world will shift to the knowing that there are no excuses necessary, and
through consciously creating your journey’s Risking the possibility of sounding
a bit controversial, I remind you needs, never will it be complicated again.
that the powers-that-be would like each of you to believe that they are the
final answer. They would like nothing more than to have you continue to believe
that only a select few are allowed to speak directly to the God Creator.
Moreover, they would have you believe Questions & Answers
that an even lesser finite group of political leaders is in control of all
government outcomes.
Where are the truth strands found within the cells of the This shift that
the human population is seeking can only be brought to physical body?
light when We the People of Earth take back the knowing that peace is
empowered by healing the ills that fear perpetuates. One simple KIRAEL: The
truth strands actually make up the casing of the reason that the Ten Principles of
Consciously Creating your world cell itself. What makes up the core is the
Goddess weave. The casing are not plastered all over the planet is encapsulated
in the following is the truth. That is, in determined evolution, the truth was the
inner statement:
casing and the passion was the outer casing, and everybody just trusted that
love filled it in.
The Freedom of a World in Peace
When we find ourselves in a situation wherein the truth To understand
truth causes a trust to invoke a passion cord is not defined and confusion
prevails, how can we realign the to move things from fear to love. In this,
clarity will rule process to truth?
all communications and all will desire to complete each KIRAEL: First of
all, you have to put aside the physical and journey. These completions cause the
need to expend even enter back into your spiritual self. You have to release the
brain more knowingness to further the experience of being human.
into dormancy and let the cellular consciousness go into a vibratory
Through the art of prayer, you will be constantly reminded meditation of its
own, separate from your own meditation. So you that a dialogue is in fact not
only possible but necessary to actually define three different stages. You put the
brain into dormancy, commune with the unseen forces of light.
you put the physical body on its own into another state of magnetic In this
perpetuated manner, you’ll also regain a skill that you force, which we call a
meditation, and then you enter into the realm of have used for all measured time,
as you awaken to the world the spirit. From there, you can then redefine the truth
of meditation. In this, you will remember the potentials of your listening
skills and begin anew in hearing the masters speak.
Would you tell us more about the ones you call the ancients?
To enhance the amount of time available to evolve, each will begin to use
sleepstate programming to ensure the highest KIRAEL: When we refer to the
ancients, we are talking about the outcome desired. Using a greater part of a 24-
hour clock, my teachers of the teachers. We are talking about them having a
symbol, friends, opens to the possibility for greater exploration.
or signature, very similar to mine. For instance, if you looked at my
11 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 11
symbol again [ See page 18], you would see that under the line that The
portals were really just doorways, if you will, into the different everybody
considers to be a hat—which isn’t a hat, by the way—are parts of Lemuria.
Again, taking over from the Angel world that brought two lines. Those two lines
are almost always equal in presence. The forth the loving experience, awakening
the love from Mother Earth ancients of Lemuria had these lines, but one would
be unequal to the up to the surface, the Elvens’ task was to show the distinction
of the other, suggesting that they had the consistent reality to tap into the
different weaves.
ancients of all other societies that would have had at least some form When
the Elven world was ready to return, many of the Elven of humanoid or
evolutionary dimensional processors.
society elders petitioned the Creator Force to see if they could bring Let me
see if I can make it simple. The ancients had the ability some of their younger
Elven onto Lemuria. The Creator, of course, to travel to other dimensions, like
my medium travels now. They said yes, as long as they were allowed to be
dimensional Elven, which had the ability to travel to any dimension that had
anything that was meant that they wouldn’t take root here, so to speak; they
wouldn’t be even remotely equated to humanoid. The Elven, of course, fit right
incarnate all the time.
into that perfectly. The ancients could then travel to their ancestors of So
these were examples of the different energy patterns. When the Lemurian/Elven
society to study and bring that information back.
I spoke of the races and the different segments, I was talking about That’s
where the Lemurians learned their longevity, the long-life form.
dimensional beings.
They learned from the Elven world ancients how to vibrate and put the right
colors together to unify the vibrational sound in order to slow the If you want to
get into the actual Lemurian energies, this was a wearing of the physical
fascinating project because, through many incarnations, much of your
human population has operated in the same manner. For instance, at the equator
energy of Lemuria is where the first beings were spread You’ve said that the
Lemurians had different ethnic groups out. They were very much your
indigenous-looking, darker skinned living on the same continent, yet they
were isolated from each Lemurians, because they didn’t need the absorbing
skin. They had to other. Was there an evolutionary reason for this?
have reflective skin, so their skin pigments were darkened.
KIRAEL: During the Lemurian era, the dimensions were As they began to
work towards the north and south of the extremely close to one another. You
may have had different dimensional continent itself, their skin lightened just as
yours would too. Never did beings on the same continent. For instance, the
Angelic force was the the Lemurian choose to be called a northern or a southern
or middle very first of those energies that the Creator chose to come to this part
Lemurian. They were all Lemurians. The only differential you likely of the
world. Finally, when the Angels were relieved by the Elven and possibly saw
was that they were dimensional beings. It wasn’t society, they didn’t really
leave; they just re-shimmered or redirected only the Elven world; there were
other worlds that were allowed to their energy patterns so they didn’t appear to
be on the planet anymore.
come into this experience.
Yet they were there, so you already had two dimensions showing.
When the Elven world came in on the west coast of the Lemurian Did the
Earth in the time of Lemuria have varying vibrations continent, the Elvens
began to settle the energies. They mostly came for the different areas in order
to accommodate the evolution of here to work with the other weaves. They
came to settle the plant those dimensional beings?
weave and the animal kingdoms and the insects and all the weaves.
The journey of the Elvens was to spread out as far and wide as they
KIRAEL: In her infinite wisdom, Mother Earth and her higher could, so they
used a lot of inter-dimensional travel, which meant that self, Mother Nature,
expressed themselves in the different forms of wherever they went, they left
these portals that they traveled through.
magnetizing energy that the Creator could create.
11 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 11
For instance, there was a place that was about where Europe is lifetime and
does Mafu represent a higher vibration of its now, where they had the little
people, who were really more spirit than presence?
they were people. So depending on what Mother Earth could emanate
KIRAEL: Well, by any name, it might negotiate that with you, from her core, it
caused a vibration that the Creator could work with and you don’t ever want to
negotiate with that one, trust me. It is a to vibrate a being that matched that part.
non-negotiator. It really thinks it’s the queen.
No matter what name it was choosing at the particular moment Would you
speak about Chancellor Mafu’s origins and what in time, understand that it
was the Goddess, and so, the Creator’s other worlds Mafu lived in?
Essence of Love. It would define itself in love and let thought vibrate
KIRAEL: The energy of Mafu lived on many other realities, to it; hence, it
could teach thusly.
but the Mafu of Lemuria was the first born of the Angel and Elven
societies, and thereby was the first Lemurian in that sense of the word.
So, the Chancellor Mafu was considered Goddess Energy?
Then again, it was allowed to disengage from Lemuria and return, and
never had to keep the same physical body. It could go and come back,
KIRAEL: When the Angel and Elven worlds came together because it had been
lifted off of the original council.
and began to witness the production, or the birth, for lack of a better word,
of the energies from them, they saw that it was predominantly a Goddess energy.
The Angel world that was here working with Was the Chancellor’s energy
known by different names the Creator Force was fully of love, and of course,
only the highest throughout Lemurian times?
vibration of the Elven world was brought, so that was also a high
KIRAEL: Yes. It is a little difficult to explain, because the vibration of love.
Obviously, whatever they came together and created originating Mafu energy is
the one that would act for Lemuria, much was Love. Love is the Goddess Light.
like I do now for you, but I use a medium. That particular energy could
Hence, the Lemurian population would have loved nothing better manifest the
Self. That’s why it reigned throughout all of the different than to know the
Chancellor, or Mafu, in this case, as Goddess energy, periods of the Lemurian
because when you look at the Creator and you look at how it thinks, it It
wanted to change its vibration, and the way you change your thinks in the
formation of the Christ particles. In order for the Christ vibration is how you
name yourself. We all know that one. For instance, particles to have any
longevity, or at least to balance a strand through when I talk to a human or a
being of light who is walking around them, they have to call on love, because
that is what the Creator’s the Earth plane pretending that she is embodied, the
energy within is Force is.
compacted and compressed into a physical state of evolution. When I When
we speak of the Goddess weave, we speak of the Love of talk to her Goddess
energy, something else takes over and we talk to the Creator. We speak of it as
though it is the woven fabric that allows the energy that is more around her than
within her. The energy outside everything to happen; hence, this is why the
Lemurians would have is free to be in love. In blending these two energies, you
are looking loved nothing more than to know of this energy, Mafu, as the
Goddess, for balance, for the ability to think love and hold onto its presence.
because it indicates that it was the purity of love.
Previously, we first were introduced to the Chancellor as Master Guide
Kirael, did the Chancellor’s energy come in at
“Mufa” and then it became “Mafu.” Did it choose its different specific
times during the Lemurian era as do Goddesses?
names to coincide with a particular experience in a particular
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 11
KIRAEL: Basically because of its connection into Love and numbers were
the vibrational patterns by which you could flow from Light, the Chancellor was
there most of the time. The greater part of one stage to another. Now they are
used as a matrix enforcement, and the time, there was a formation of the
Chancellor somewhere to be therefore, they are combined and connected in such
a fashion that you found in the Lemurian experience.
really can’t read them other than in the matrix itself.
When you use the numerology in greater and greater aspects of Were the
other ancients in the time of Mafu coming in through your lives, you are in-
lightening yourself, allowing the matrix to not the Goddess weave and were
they also Goddess energies?
want to be around you, therefore expanding away from you. Hence, you are
offering it more light.
KIRAEL: Yes, if you can draw a picture in your mind, see this being
who’s going to manifest itself on the Earth plane, and just before it actually
blinks into one of these bodies, you notice that there is a fine Are there other
numbers besides the 1 through 10 that were thread that runs up and away
from it. That is the thread of the Goddess significant in Lemurian times?
weave. It never leaves the being. The being never tries to bring it in.
KIRAEL: In actuality, their numbering system was only the The being is
it, in one fashion or another. The great ancients came in numbers from 1 to 9.
The further understanding was that if these pure love because they only brought
in the strings of Goddess Light.
numbers were offered in a combination, they then created an additional
probability. For the sake of clarity, if you take the numbers 2-2-2, the Did the
Lemurians pray to the trinity of the God Creator, the first indication is really
simple. You total the numbers and instantly Christ Thought and the Goddess
you know that the outcome will be aligned to mastery, or the number 6.
KIRAEL: In Lemurian times they simply called it the Creator because they
understood what the Creator was. They didn’t understand The more complex
reality is that the three 2’s—three being the it as a God Creator. They knew what
gods were. Gods were guardians number of trinity—indicate that all three of the
2’s will be defined as of developing societies, and they didn’t have any measure
of what the balancing of Truth, Trust and Passion. Using the total number of
these guardians were to do.
6, it is safe to assume that you are being asked to master the particular
subject in that manner. You are being guided to seek mastery on a The
Lemurians simply spoke to the Creator, knowing that would highly charged
take in the trinity of all, because it couldn’t be any other way. Their whole
reality was based on thought-infused love. You are remembering Another
example: The number 11 is representative of a situation all that now. That’s the
Great Shift in Consciousness.
that needs to be seen as total balance. In recognizing that 1 plus 1
equals 2, this is the master number. Everything else works from this.
Looking further into the number itself, you see it is made up of two Would
you tell us about the Lemurian Numerology that individual 1’s. “One,” being
the number of Creator energy, tells you the Chancellor introduced? How else
did the Lemurians use the very simply that you are being asked to see a total
balance in the numerology in their daily lives?
Creator’s Light.
KIRAEL: The Lemurians used numerology for just about every Now, you
can look at 7-11 in the same manner. In its simplest of part of their existence.
They ate to the numerology. They made love to terms, you are being guided to
understand transition, or 7. That will the numerology. They sang to the
numerology. Just about everything come by understanding the balance of
Creator’s consciousness. In this was done to the numerology, because then
numbers were not the matrix.
case, because the 1 and the 1 equal 2, it again comes back to balance.
Now, you have compressed numbers to the matrix. In Lemurian times,
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Attuning to Ancient Wisdom 1
So almost always, me friends, does it come down to defining the When you
first start, it will seem complex. Yet, understand that numbers by bringing them
down to the simplest charge. The particles your higher self will quickly adapt
with the weave of the sentence hold themselves in truth and cause each and
every number to stand on structure or the question being pondered. It will use
numerology to its own.
bring greater and greater clarity, to bring a concise part of the question into
clarity. It is a natural thing for the human mind to add complexity It makes sense
for each person reading these words to remember on its own. I say to you, let
your free will be there, and you will know one defining thing: When you are
working with the numbers, you must that each and every time that these numbers
are drawn into your understand that there’s always a higher power indicating the
direction attention, you will see why and you will have the answer instantly.
that you should be traveling. You must learn to trust your inner source, It
never fails, me friends. The numbers are designed to never let you that self part
of you that is looking for the answer.
Another example might be the calculation of the date to understand a
particular day’s meaning. This can become complex How does one have an
enhanced completion when coming because people, of course, want as much
clarity as they can get. It is a from one to another?
suggestion to always keep things simple. So when you’re looking for a
day’s meaning, you simply take the number, a 5, a 7, whatever the KIRAEL:
You must register the refinement of the omni brain, number might be. If it’s a
double digit, reduce it to one digit, and it using that as the focal point between
your physical world and your will tell you what you are looking at for that day.
Add to it the month spiritual self. Notice the figure 8 standing on its end. Do you
see where that you are in, and it gives you another completely different answer.
it crosses at the center? That is your omnipresence right there, your Of
course, if you go ahead and add the year onto that, well, everything omni brain
changes again. Yet, going back to the simplest form, when you look at You
need only take the information out of your mind and put it the day itself, it’ll tell
you exactly what you’re looking at.
right in the center of that 8, and then you let it vibrate from there. From For
instance, take the date of 5/17, that is, May 17th. Five is, of there, your cellular
consciousness can invoke what energies it wants, course, the month, so you’re
going to look at the day first, seventeen, and your higher self can see that you are
moving from one to another.
which is an 8. In the numerology of Lemuria, 8 meant that you were
[ See the Appendix for more on Lemurian Numerology. ]
operating in two different worlds simultaneously. But if you tacked the
month onto that, you recognized that on that particular day you Master Guide
Kirael, would you tell us about the Lemurian should have also been looking
at the varied possibilities of the different Prophecy Cards? Were the cards a
way of accessing the ancients’
worlds in the form of love, because 5 is the number of love. So every
day of that month is going to have to do with love, if you reduced it
KIRAEL: Absolutely. That is where the ancients come in. It was in that fashion.
the way to access the energy that had been written by the ancients and
Again, I repeat that maybe the most important thing I can share developed by the
ancients, stored by the ancients and doled out by the with you here is that you
have to look at what the content of the ancients.
subject matter is. This helps you define how deeply you might go.
Even in defining a day or a month or a year, you’ll be looking at what
Would you tell us about the readers of the cards during the the question is. If
the question is obvious, then you will simply find Lemurian era? Were the
wielders of the cards ancient beings?
the numbers that will fill into it. You never need to go beyond what is
considered to be the simplest method of defining.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
KIRAEL: Those who were the true artists of the Lemurian cards were not
considered readers. They were considered artisan light. Now, being artisan light
meant that it was an art, a way of life for you to use the Lemurian Prophecy
I wouldn’t go as far as to say they were ancient. What I would say is that
they were blessed because, in the literal sense, the Lemurian Welcoming the
consciousness chose the wielders. If you decided you wanted to be a
wielder, and you said, “I am going to be a wielder of the cards,” you of the
Goddess Light
could sit for maybe the next eight or nine years of your life waiting, and
only when Lemurian consciousness detected you were properly in alignment and
ready to go would you know you were a wielder. You could sit a very long time
awaiting your awakening, because it was done on a high level of consciousness,
on the weave of the entirety of light. That is what chose the wielder. Once you
became a wielder, you could never stop, which is not quite so nowadays. I guess
you can quit KIRAEL: ’Tis me thinking that this part of the work may cause a if
you want to, but I don’t think it’s going to work out very well when bit of
controversy. For reasons seldom understood by human kind, the you get back in
front of the Creator.
written word seems to become law. That which is reduced to paper is
somehow seen as more believable. Be remindful that in the Lemurian Was there
anything else that the wielder tapped into? Could time, they reduced almost
nothing to paper. They felt life to be an the wielder also access the records of
the whales?
ever-changing collection of adventures that brought forth clarity to the
KIRAEL: You have to understand something. The whale had increasingly
constant requisite of the Creator’s evolution. Bringing all the records of
Lemuria, and therefore, they were the holders of this to light might help the
reader to understand that, for long periods the wielder’s energy. So it wasn’t so
much the cards or the wielder of time, you were left to see things as the
historians had written them accessing the whale; it was the whale releasing its
energy through the down. I remind you that these same writers were usually the
winners wielder. There were times when the wielder was working with the of the
contest and wanted the observer to see through their victorious cards, when all of
a sudden something came to her from completely eyes.
out of the blue, so to speak, outside of wherever she was thinking.
Now, I’m not for a moment saying all histories are wrong, That was usually
when the whale weave had noticed that she was in yet I remind each that, for the
most part, you might gain a bit more process and they just wanted to come in
and be part of it.
enlightenment by trusting that which you can see. Access the omni The
whale doesn’t know how to do little downloads. In fact, I’ve part of your mind,
and in this, you will discover that you are most often said that only the God
Creator could define a strand better than accurate in detecting the particles of
truth in all the many writings the whales can. That was meant as a compliment,
because the whales along your path. Try it. You might be quite well pleased.
just give, give, give, give, and give. If the whale can find a receiver, it In
the sharing of me light, I truly do not have an agenda other than just doesn’t stop
giving. That’s why you are not capable of listening to causing the individual
human to ask questions. Hence, it’s me thinking the whales very often.
that, to understand some of the levels of the Lemurian society, you might
need to release the old patterns used to see a world that others
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 1
have perceived for you.
that your dear mommy spoke to you? You felt she spoke always in truth.
Can you imagine the gentle Mary to be any different, knowing somehow deep in
her cellular consciousness that she was the vessel The Goddesses That History
Overlooked that would one day birth the messiah that we are still talking about
some 2,000 years later, and that she would be his mother?
For a very long time, it has been the female energy that has been the most
insistent seeker of the unfolding metaphysical information What about another
Mary? What about the little red-haired lady coming to light. Do you suppose that
might be because it also just who was responsible for teaching Master Jesus
about a whole world he may have been the sex that has had to fight every inch of
the way for could have never discovered without her knowledge? This Mary was
its equality? Is it possible that historians held the females back? Let a highly
intelligent woman, who studied the many diaries of the ships’
us not forget how many times I have expressed me feelings on how pilots
that docked in her parents’ port, the Port of Magdalea. What she the Bible has
not told the whole of the story of the women of those had learned by seeing the
maps and reading of the far-off places these times.
ships had traveled to make her possibly one of the smartest human beings
of her time. These teachings were not available to the masses, You might search
the particle streams of this next statement and only very few teachers of that time
were privileged to see into the and see if your omni brain agrees that the
possibilities of what I have tomes of the archives. It was this lady who shared her
knowledge with written are a wee bit more plausible than what you have read in
the the Master, helping him gain greater knowing than most others would
highest sold book in all of the world.
ever be able to assemble.
Let’s begin with Mary, mother of Jesus, who seemingly played Oh, you
know the one I’d be talking about. There were those only a scant part in the
teachings of her son. It is as though she gave who were so afraid of this one that
they scripted a fantasy that she was birth to him and then just dissolved into
obscurity throughout his more a lady of the evening, a common prostitute. This
group, me friends, formative years. When finally she does have a part, the focus
is on her is blameworthy of wanting to keep the masses from seeing one of the
being at his feet while he was hanging from the cross, letting the life true
teachers of Master Jesus, for I’d, of course, be speaking of Mary be released
from him.
Magdalene. It is me hope that you understand that these are only two Now,
here I’d be urging you to do a great favor for yourself. I’d of the many I will
cause you to look into, as we enter into a part of this be asking you to tune into
the particles of your truth detector and allow work that will not only interest the
females, but I’d be guessing the me to expand the story as it is recorded in
volumes of other materials males will also find it intriguing.
you will likely never see. These materials are held in the tomes of What the
writers of a certain best-selling book didn’t tell you those who will be most
disrupted by their exposure.
was that those two female energies had traveled over untold times It is as
though a grand light comes on in the very depths of your and spaces, even
dimensions, and in all of their travels through the omni brain when we speak of
the fact that this same Mary studied many lifetimes, they had attained the level
of the Goddess Light.
the teachings of Essene masters feverishly for over a decade before The
writers surely wouldn’t want you to know that both Marys the birth of her first
son, Jesus. For that matter, Mary’s mother was a actually brought particles of
this all-powerful energy into this particle gifted teacher, and her grandmamma
would have been considered the incarnation, with the sole consideration of
protecting and guiding the equivalent of a Rhodes Scholar and teacher of the
Essene beliefs.
young Master through his most memorable life. Please open your hearts to
the knowing that those same writers most earnestly wouldn’t Here I’d be asking
you a question: I know there are exceptions, want you to know that, along with
five of their sister Goddess Lights, but how many of you reading this work hung
onto almost every word
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 1
they collectively ignited the principal Goddess Light in the Master
secularize its energy, or maybe in more simple terms, when it begins himself.
to focus the Goddess power into groups. So it’ll be me journey to share
some of the more common ways it works its particle energies into the weave. It
is also vital to understand that it lives to change.
The Presence of Goddess Energy in Shifting Times It is the omnipresence of
the female energy, and in that often makes up the rules as it feels necessary. It is
committed to creating through Now, because I’m to stay focused on the
Lemurian world, it’d be ceremony, thus some aspects of its orders seem
interwoven. In the me fancy to share the great part that the Goddess energy
played at this fullness of me knowing, the Goddess never duplicates something
particular time. First, I’d be reminding you that the Goddess energy already
done. What it will do is strive to raise each journey to a new always makes itself
known at the beginning of a great learning period, level of awareness.
as well as when that same period is ready to evolve to the next level.
There’d be two levels of Goddess Light. The one you seldom hear In all
three periods of Lemurian history—First Life, Common anything about is called
the Guardian Goddess, which is the balancing Time and Transition—each was
first illuminated with the Goddess particle lights of the Creator. It, in fact,
stabilizes the evolutionary energy and closed with the same. In fact, me friends,
every time there particles before the Creator identifies their journey. The other is
called is a movement towards any great shifting times, the Goddess Light the
Goddess weave, or the Goddess factor, that we’ll be discussing makes its way to
the plane of consciousness where said shift will fully in this chapter.
take place. Though the Goddess energy is actively supporting at the
beginning and ending stages of each period, it usually does not take an It’d be
important to remember that the Goddess Light expresses energetic role in the
unfolding middle stage of each period.
its energy as some of the most humble- appearing beings on the plane.
I say “appearing” because, if you ever watched a Goddess by the name In
the periods such as the Angelic, the Elven, the Lemurian, the of Mother Theresa
going about her humble journey, what you saw Atlantean, the time period
surrounding the pyramids built by Imhotep, was a being more powerful than the
strongest, most pushy being in the highly reported times of the grand Master
Jesus and, yes, that of existence. In her case, you just wanted to do her bidding,
and you our current written histories, it is noteworthy that the experience of the
felt honored to be part of her work. I’d be guessing that her form of Goddess
energy opened and closed these periods, which were subject humbleness got
more done than any form of aggressive energy could to the Goddess in-
ever have dreamt of.
It is important to remind all that, with each of these incarnations, That, me
friends, is an enlightening fact, since the current modality the Goddess is always
an indicator of a huge change in the manner in of Goddess Light on this planet
seems to be a bit more assertive than which a particular plane of consciousness is
being focused. Oh, and by usual. It’d be me thinking that this is because it got a
bit of a late start the way, as me medium and I are producing this work, Goddess
energy in recognizing that the Shift in Consciousness had begun. Now it is its
has not only permeated the Earth plane but has also centered on the charge to
move at a quicker pace than normal, and that means that it recounting of the
information I’ve come here to share.
must set in motion a more aggressive nature than was common in the past.
It makes even more sense when you look through its eyes and see that much of
the Goddess energy spread around the world is just Expressions of the Goddess
beginning to feel the sensation, or the need, to awaken.
Now, it is not as though the Goddess Light hasn’t existed throughout all
ages. It’s just that it is more of interest when it begins to
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 11
Goddess level energy and to assure you that rank seldom plays a role.
The Goddess Light in Common Time
The Goddess is to serve the Creator in its endeavor to reshape the Now,
back to Lemuria and the period known as the Common world, and each is
chosen by her peers to awaken whatever segment Time. One way to explain this
most properly is to introduce you to she is entrusted to. Even if that means she
serves as overseer of the the lore of this Common Time, or the middle years of
the Lemurian order, she does so knowing it is for the need at the time.
history. This was the second time the Goddess wove its particles into the
unfolding times of this continent.
The Colors of the Goddess Orders
As always, each time the Goddess Light becomes active, there are more
Goddesses than the last time. The reason for this is that each Let us take a
moment and look into the makeup of the orders.
time the pulse of the Goddess weave is ignited within the cellular Please
remember that everything is only as it appears to be, and a consciousness, the
journey seems to be a lot more complex. The vision is what the memory is
telling you is there. In this, change is Creator in its infinite wisdom always sees
the particles through and imminent, and the determined level of understanding
that an order will makes sure that there are enough to make the whole reality
become invoke depends on what it experiences.
fulfilled with that Goddess weave.
In this Lemurian time, there were the customary seven orders.
It is the Goddess wisdom that, every time its weave becomes They
resonated to sound and color. The sound was very private, for this active as an
order, not only draws to it those who are already aboard was usually the truth
sound of their naming at the time they became the planet, but also opens the
entry way for new aspects of its orders to a Goddess. Their colors, on the other
hand, were available to all who begin their own journey onto this plane. It is as
though this particular witnessed them. On this particular awakening, those who
responded time through, in its infinite wisdom, the Creator knows that it must
were with the orders that not only opened and closed Common Time, use the
forces from other levels of consciousness, and in this, it has but also the
Transition period. The orders of that time resulted from opened the portals for
Goddess Light to pour through. Even those that the seven basic colors.
aren’t incarnate are being of service.
In no particular order, the colors evolved in the following light.
In this current time, ’tis me task, as it had been so many times I’ll start with
the green, sometimes called the keeper of the weaves.
before, to cause the vibration of the song that pulsates through the This
color is the balancer of all living things. The violet color, known Goddess
energy. It was this song that alerted the Goddess energy to as the keeper of the
dreams, allows for and maintains the journeying the knowing that Lemuria was
ready to shift. In the rising of these paths for current societies and also the
streams they use for inter-notes, the first to answer the call were the most
practiced at leading dimensional travel. The salmon-rose color, also known as
the keeper their orders.
of the knowledge, is evident when verifying the centeredness of the new
initiates, while keeping the council of the inner workings among There are those
who may consider that I might have stacked all other orders. The color blue is
known as the keeper of the songs.
the deck, because it appears that I have so many beautiful Goddesses
surrounding my medium and the work that we’re doing. I must tell Remember,
songs were the literal sense in which they moved you, my friends, I assure you
that it was me fortune to have so many truth from one level to the next. These
songs were to hold both past and available at the exact time when they were
needed. I thank only the future, creating a focal point for the two to merge and
create the now.
Creator’s Force for seeing to it in that manner.
The purple order, without question, is called the keeper of the record and is
called upon to see that the passion is never allowed to become Here is also a
good place to remind you of the greatness of this excited energy, and in this
holds the focus of evolution. It is the order
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 1
of the onyx, or the keeper of the veil, that must always be present to see
Mortality in the Lemurian world was not a measure of how long that no steps are
ever skipped. The remaining order of that time is the you could stay, but rather
the amount of evolutionary experiencing aqua, or keeper of the time, never
allowing one vibration to overrun you had in your light patterning. No one
worried that the aging process another by using the illusion of time to mystify
the vibration of clarity, would diminish the physical body, for major completions
were only causing each to fully examine all before ascension is possible.
counted when all four bodies were actively aligned. In reality, time on the
planet surface was simply a jump-off point for the afterlife, and in this, the
connection was strong.
Meetings of the Goddess Light
Here the emotion of fear was dim, if it existed at all. It did not Meetings
then, as in the now, were conducted by numerical matter what vibration of the
weave the Creator had chosen to amplify.
standards of time, and achievements were recognized in accordance What
did matter was the need to re-emerge in the original form of with the number of
goddesses in attendance. If only one goddess was light, to be known as the
particle of the Creator, having served to unify in attendance, she was seen as the
creator of the meeting. If two availed all woven existence. Consider the fortunes
of being called, and then themselves in the moment, a discussion could prevail.
Three goddesses eventually of accumulating the in-lightenment particles it takes
to in concert could set standards by which a completion of factual matter
manifest a magnetic form called a body, or human essence—one of could be
designed. If four were present, that meant that they could the greatest destinies
the Creator availed upon its particles. Most all design a practicum in which
orders could be transitioned, with the strive for this energy, which is seen as the
wonderment of in-lightening final approval of all other orders collectively.
When a total of five were Creation.
available, most work moved to a level of alternate consciousness, and here
they perfected their ability of influencing the weaves of multiple dimensions
simultaneously. When a total of six were present, all The Three Levels of
Lemurian Consciousness business at hand could be rendered to the final
disposition of attaining In the time of Lemuria, it was even greater for the
Goddess unanimous count. These matters were layered into the light laws and
weave to be called on for this level, because the awareness was so were in place
the moment the collected ballots were counted. If all vivid. Through the Goddess
willingness to oversee the manifestation seven orders were present, a call to
order was held, and from that of life beyond the veil, the Goddess weave was
also the force that moment, anything decided was considered commandment of
the formalized the three levels of consciousness for all three periods of Goddess
life in this unfolding world.
Here it might help if I offer a bit of clarity on the three levels of The
Mission of the Goddess Weave
consciousness during the Lemurian illumination. Though they were
considered similar to your current times, each level differed a bit. The Now, to
help cause clarity in describing the mission of the physical, or magnetic,
formation of particle light was called the causal Goddess weave, it is good to
remember that all particles are directly plane. In this, each was requested to be in
service to the evolutionary connected to the Creator. This in itself makes them
love. What needs journey by experiencing the creation of all the other weaves.
These to be remembered also is that the moment the Creator selects a single
most beautifully intertwined lesson plans were each a life form that the particle
to become evolutionary in this plane of existence, that particle Creator had
designed and placed in its rhythmic journey. No weave, immediately becomes
aware of the illusion of separation. It begins whether plant, mineral, or animal,
was exempt from the intervening of to feel something called mortality. That
feeling exists no matter how the causal plane being. The reason was that the
extended local brain of many particles join to create this adventure.
said beings was cause for each of the other weaves to contemplate the
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 1
coming of a consciousness that would enhance their life force.
unveiling of the secrets of the true nature. In its calm and, for the most part,
gentle guidance, the Goddess Light has allowed for the ever The Earth being,
which was guided by the Goddess overseer, presence of love.
took charge of guiding all lesser thought-oriented forms of life and aided
them in their highest potential destiny. What an honor it was to Be ever so clear
that, over time, its name may have been altered be Lemurian in those times!
Think about it: to be incarnate, having the and its focus may have been seen as
changed, yet it still had a common use of 50 percent of your brain, to be guided
by the Goddess Light, thread of its weave that embraced steadfast to the caring
of a planet to be the overseer of all other levels of consciousness, to see to it that
such as Earth. The Goddess energy was so active during the Lemurian the trees,
the plants, the animals all had a fair chance to cause their times and felt so safe
and so in tune to the Lemurian being that it greatest awakening, and in this,
you’d still be called a human.
was not uncommon for it to reveal its chosen form of energy. In the safety
of love, it showed its features to the Lemurians and at the same It gets a little bit
more interesting as we enter the second level time beamed its light to the far
corners of the continents. Imagine of consciousness. This was known as the
afterlife. Here, the Lemurian having incarnate the Light of the Goddess, yet still
acting in the light could remain in contact with the world that still had a physical
of human.
This was the level that was highly sought after. Here, you could still
communicate with the plane you had left and also begin to interact
’Tis a thought that tickles the fancy, when you imagine again with the
vibrations beyond what you had experienced. In this level watching these most
beautiful Goddess vibrations hold their light so the Goddess was ever present.
This is where the Lemurian could fully intense that the Lemurian could feel
them, see them, interact with embrace the feminine aspect of Godhood.
them, and yet know that it was left to the Lemurian itself to unfold the
Then you came to what they called the third level of consciousness.
It was inhabited by the Guardian Goddesses. Here, it was referred to as the
“erudite consciousness,” or that of the teachers. To attain this The Sanctification
of the Earth Balancing Ritual level, one must have achieved an absolute working
knowledge of all vibrational occurrences of the Creator’s Force, and in this, the
need Though the Goddess energy disappeared for most of Common of the
Goddess tutoring was no longer a necessity. Here, you simply Time, it most
assuredly returned at the closing of that era. In the end interacted with the
Goddess Light, and those of this level became the days of Common Time, or the
middle life of the Lemurian beings, intimate teachers of the All That Is.
these most beautiful energies felt so secure that they chose four of their
highest Goddess Lights to perform the sanctification of the Earth balancing
The Goddess Intervention in Lemuria
In identifying these four Goddesses, be reminded that though the Now,
back to what we consider to be the Lemurian time and names may have differed
slightly then, today you would recognize the Goddess intervention. Over
uncountable millennia of time, the them as follows: the Goddess Gaia, known
then and now as Earth Goddess has rallied the forces of the Creator to cause
everlasting Mother, representing the earth element; the Goddess Pele stood for
the life on your current planet. It has been the focus of this energy to element of
fire; Isis, in her loving light, stood for the water element; do much of the work
required to collectively allow for evolution. As and the Goddess Mariah let free
the winds of time. Together, they it has taken the responsibility, it has allowed
for the histories to be stood for a time when the united forces of all levels of
consciousness written in favor of the seemingly male-dominated world. In this
light, provided new and everlasting evolution on this most beautiful planet it has
continued to work behind the scenes and ever gently guide the called Earth.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 1
It is so recorded that, in this particular ceremony, the sanctification world,
and the Goddesses started anew.
of the Earth balancing, the Earth herself felt a new strength and the need
There was not a question how many times the Creator did this.
to go on. From the Goddesses’ observance, the Lemurian age shifted There
was not a wonder to what depths the human could be cast to, into the Transition
period, or the third and final stage of experiencing just how far back the Creator
would wind the time of evolution, or life, and from this, they perceived endless
peace and tranquility as life to what level the human would be asked to rise from
once more. The prevailed.
Lemurians simply held the truth that the Creator had a plan.
It was put to such a beautiful song that the four Goddesses created Be you
what is considered to be the pure female, or be you of sovereignty by unifying
the four natures, or elements, that it takes to the balanced male, feeling safe with
your feminine energy, or simply create a planet that is capable of nurturing life.
They sang of a We a knower of love, it is me thinking that you can see that
peace and the People who opened the portals so wide that the Goddesses made
harmony can be achieved. You must remember that there are forces their way
into manifestation. This song was played by generations of that oppose your
thinking. There are beings on the planet who feel minstrels, and in this, it is said
that even in the times of Atlantis, you they are the only salvation, and in that,
they hold you hostage with could still find those songs. Will the songs return?
My friends, it is their fears.
unknown at this time, yet it is me grandest hopes that one day you will sing
them again.
I’d be thinking that when the human world is ready to lose the ability to
fear, each will actually begin to understand a knowing Creator that is pure love.
You will feel safe knowing that there is a The Last Song of Lemuria
level of consciousness called the Goddess energy, and it is working its heart
out trying to help you see that, through thought, you can will Even then, in the
last song, the four Goddesses spoke in the anything you desire into existence.
lyrics that at some time, the Creator would again call upon all of those
beautiful particles of itself called the Lemurian beings, and would tell Thinking
you already control a great deal of your desires is the them it was time to return
into its everlasting light. Even as highly admittance that you can do even better.
As I said in the past, it’s not advanced as these beings were, there would come a
time when the only the amount of steps you’re willing to take but also the
passion Creator needed to see the whole of the planet refreshed and revitalized.
you use to determine the outcome that enhances the journey. “Five It would
call home the human weave, and in this, the world would be steps or fifty,” me
friends; it’s an adventure that you truly cannot fail, cleansed.
as long as you take all the steps needed to make it in the image that you see.
Let us help.
In the final moments of this most beautiful song, the Lemurians who sat and
listened allowed for a great tear to come to their eyes, for In that light, I’d be
closing by saying don’t claim us, don’t name they knew that no matter how far
they expanded the light, it was still us, and surely don’t brag of our existence.
Simply love us as we love their force, being that of the Creator’s Light, that
would allow this you. Let the angels be part of your success. Let the guides offer
you world to become devoid of life one more time. In that, my friends, the
insights on how to let love be the mark you strive for. Let the Guardians
Lemurian age came to an end, and the cleansing began.
and the Goddesses be aligned in your light, and together we will cause fear
to be woven by threads of love. Then once more, just like in In this, they also
celebrated by letting the tears fall upon the love Lemuria, peace and prosperity
will prevail upon all humankind.
of Earth herself. For in their knowing, this planet was a female energy so
loved by a balanced Creator that it allowed all new particles of light to once
more cast their lot upon the shores of some new part of this
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 1
What does it mean to attain the level of the Goddess Light?
Questions & Answers
KIRAEL: That means that the Goddess energies were called on for “Ever
Time.” This is something we don’t talk about, but there is How would you
define the Goddess energy, Master Guide something called Ever Time. Ever
Time belongs to the Creator. The Kirael?
Creator draws those experiences into itself into this form that’s called
KIRAEL: Here is how I define Goddess energy: Goddess energy Ever Time.
Ever Time means that you then work explicitly for the is the vibrational force of
the Love of Creator, defined by the sensory Creator’s Force, and that meant that
Mary and Mary Magdalene both projection of love itself.
had entered Ever Time long before Lemuria became Lemuria, long before
Master Jesus needed a virgin mother, long before Master Jesus What is the
connection between roses and the Creator’s Love needed his number one
advisor. They belonged to Ever Time.
for roses and the Goddess?
In fact, it is said that to belong to Ever Time is to be the conscious
KIRAEL: It’s a parable in a sense. The Lemurian rose was blue, light that the
Seraphim angels actually protect. You have heard that the by the way; the
highest of theirs was blue. In fact, they became so blue Seraphim are God
Creator angels. It is said that within that part of that at some point they were
considered black roses, ebony roses. The Creator are the thought strands, and
these thought strands are the Ever reason for this is that, when the Creator sent
its angels onto the Earth Time energies. The Ever Time energies are those that
the Creator uses plane, it was concerned that there wasn’t enough color, that it
hadn’t at will, anytime, any place, without question. There is never a moan, put
enough color into Earth. So the first angels arriving on Earth called never a
groan. If you are called from Ever Time or if you are a member in one of the
great beings from another reality and asked that being, or a part of Ever Time,
you wait for the Creator’s guidance. My last
“What is the favorite of the Creator?” The being told them that the journey
was in Ever Time. That makes me from Ever Time, doesn’t it?
favorite of the Creator was something that was strong yet so beautiful So
that is where Mary and Mary came from, Ever Time.
you couldn’t tell if it was beautiful or strong. It then became a “creative
creation creature.” In essence, what you had was the beautiful rose Master
Guide Kirael, you commented in the opening with thorns running up and
down the most beautiful green and red statement that the Goddess Light on
this planet got a bit of a late strand of stem that you could find.
start. Why was this?
The rose had a bulb of itself, which meant it was orb energy KIRAEL: The
Goddess Light comes in late almost every time.
that was planted into the Earth and held there. It created beautiful It loves
its Creator enough that it lets everything get about as messed streams of light
that appeared later on the stem, and then it put this up as it can get before it
comes aboard. That’s the truth.
most beautiful protection around it—you wouldn’t want to grab hold The
male energies come here for a learning process. They’re of it and yank it out—
and then it caused itself to become beautiful.
much better learners than the female energies, because they don’t In that,
beauty was the unfolding. This is why the rose unfolds in the think things
through, they just do them. When you don’t think things fashion that it does: it
has the bulbous bottom to it, and then it begins through and you just do them,
you’re bound to just cause all of the to flare out from the top; and given an
opportunity, it will reach great errors you can cause, giving yourselves
something to work for.
expanses trying to extend itself to the Creator. We look at them as miniature
trees. That is why there is a great love of the rose. It is still The essence of
Goddess Light comes late because, when it orients considered by many as one of
the birthing plants. It is female energy, itself to the project, or to Earth in this
case, it begins to demystify and in that, it is connected to the Goddess energy.
much of the energy that’s been created by a male-oriented world where
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 11
they’ve had wars and exchanges and things along those lines.
pretty simple. This one is less optional because the Creator has made it
known that it wants to bring this planet through a system of evolution Again,
like anything else, you’ve got to love this Creator for its without returning all of
its favor back home.
wisdom, because it just simply takes energies from Ever Time and brings
them, and fully veils them, and says, “Here’s your mission.” So you hear of the
great wars that were fought. Even on your little planet What was meant when
you said that the Goddess Energy has called Earth, I can take you back about a
couple of million years, and to take a more aggressive stance?
I can tell you that there were energy patterns on this particular planet
KIRAEL: When I say that the Goddess has to take a more that were just
absolutely nowhere near evolutionary. These energy aggressive stance—and this
is a very fine line we’re walking over patterns were brought here, in essence, just
to exercise, and so they here—what I mean is that it has to develop itself
stronger. It has battled each other year in and year out. This was a torn-up little
planet, to weave the five senses. It has to awaken even more stringently.
but Mother Earth was always saved because she was wrapped in
Understand that even within the ranks of the Goddess Light, you’re Goddess
going to see resistance to this, because literally when I say a more Goddess
energy held the core of Mother Earth, and if anything aggressive stance, all I am
saying is you’ve got to reduce the veils.
came toward it, then it was repelled. Goddess energy is always used When
you look into the eye, whether you look into the eye as the finishing touches of
the end of evolutionary periods like First of a Goddess or you look into the eye
of a mortal—for now I will Life.
differentiate—you see the fear and you can reflect that fear. You can hold
that image of that fear, and then you can look into your sister’s Why is it that
the Goddess energy waits almost until the last eyes and it’ll give you a pace,
or a measure, of how you are doing. The moment, when things have really
gone awry, to come in? What is less fear you see, the more you are reducing
your veils.
its role at that point?
That’s why I say the Goddess has got to be aggressive. In the KIRAEL:
The simple answer is balance. The role of the Goddess closing stages of
Common Time, you read the language of the soul, at that particular time is to de-
veil itself gently and surely. That is why and the language of the soul was read
through the eyes. It is the same you hear me stress the word “humble” over and
over, because if you in your present time.
aren’t humble, you’re going to burn your fingers out there, I promise When
you have someone who is virtually sightless on your Earth you. If you go out
there and you start saying, “We are the Goddesses,”
plane, it is because the soul is so open that there is nothing left to the angels
and the guides just turn their backs on you for a little while, be measured. That’s
why beings without sight make great musicians and you feel very left out.
You’ve got to stay in that humbleness.
and artists and so forth, because they tap into other sources. While When
the Goddess energy is invoked on a planet system, it means you with sight are
still using your visuals to describe and credit your the planet has lost its
opportunity to change its mind. The planet’s world, they have gone beyond that,
and their extrasensory projections total consciousness has lost the possibility of
changing its mind. The are happening on a much deeper level. But then again,
sometimes only choice you have is either to evolve and shift or to return to the
they’re also given a much thicker veil to compensate.
Creator. The Goddess doesn’t say that’s the rule. That’s the rule of the
Creator. It will only ignite the Goddess Light when a shift begins, and What was
the principal Goddess Light in Master Jesus, and from there, under normal
circumstances, you have literally as much as about 200 years to make your
decision. Under normal circumstances, the Creator has got its basic options
available: Ice Age or Transition,
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 1
how was it ignited?
then one of us from the light spectrum is given the greatest honor to ignite
that planet. It was my honor to ignite this planet in the Goddess KIRAEL: Well,
because Master Jesus was a full-on X
chromosome and not an extended Y, which means he didn’t have a dad, in
order to ignite that particular particle, you had to take the mental, the physical,
the emotional and the spiritual points of each What are the colors that the
Goddess Light weaves into the of the extensions of the X, and run all of them
simultaneously to the song?
middle and ignite the center. At that point, you’d ignite the Goddess
KIRAEL: All seven of the goddess colors—purple, violet, Love.
salmon-rose, aqua, green, blue and onyx.
Master Guide Kirael, was the X chromosome ignited when Previously
you gave us the Goddess tone. I checked the tone, Master Jesus was
and it is the note of G.
KIRAEL: Yes. You have to understand that John was an extended
KIRAEL: Which is a seven letter: G, 7. Goddess, 7, transition, Y. He wasn’t a
full X. When Master Jesus walked into the Jordan I rest my case.
River, he was touched by this ignited Goddess cell. It was important that
John ignite that Goddess Cell, since since he too was an X, or at How can we be
a part of returning that song to the Earth least an extended Y chromosome.
To try to ignite that cell without plane?
John would have been very difficult.
KIRAEL: You can simply keep weaving your love into Mother Oftentimes
when one is baptized by me medium, he tries his Earth, because she is the only
one that is going to sing. She sings a very level best to reach in and touch that
chromosome that has got that solo for that one. It usually comes right at what in
Lemurian time was mark in it where it can be ignited. Each of you in the
Goddess world considered Common Time.
who has been baptized by the medium has already had that happen for you.
Would you elaborate on the Earth-balancing ritual?
Would you tell us more about the Goddess song, and would KIRAEL:
Actually, it was kind of an interesting thought, because you tell us about how
you first caused the vibration of the song I probably misstated it, in some
sense of the word, when I said it was which pulsated through the Goddess
done on this plane of consciousness. Really, the Earth-balancing ritual is
done in the next level to you, which is called your etheric light, KIRAEL: The
Goddess song is the permanent pitch of the and it is done on the poles
themselves. It is the gathering of thought presiding planet, in this case, Mother
Earth. She has a permanent pitch consciousness. This is where the Lemurian has
participated and where and that becomes the Goddess song. The Goddess Energy
then weaves your We the People will participate as well, because as you raise
your its colors into that song and causes a vibration that echoes light within.
consciousness, you draw onto you the world of the spirit. The spirit When it
echoes the light within, the “vibranics” of that energy are world and your world
can then combine.
what causes the availability of the different pitches outside of it, and then it
is up to the Goddess Energy to weave it into harmony.
When the shape of Earth must be shifted—you know, it isn’t perfectly
round—it is done by the drawing or the compressing of the The Creator creates
these beautiful orbs called planets, and pole energies; that is where this all takes
place. It was really about the
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light 1
consciousness of the humanoid, or the experience that was present Master
Guide Kirael, is the Essene society a Goddess-based on Lemuria, and that
which was closest to it, which is the world of society?
KIRAEL: They would like to think so, but it was driven by a male energy
for quite some time. The Essene energy finally found What was the afterlife
like in Lemurian times?
its balance, because it elected a governorship of female energies that were
at least equal to the male counterparts. It took a time to get them KIRAEL:
Well, it was different from what you have now, because through that, but when
Mother Mary and her mother were involved, it it was an interactive force with
the Lemurian beings. You think when was then actually moving toward a much
more feminine energy.
you die, you are lost to the Earth plane, whereas in Lemuria when you went
out of Earth, you were not out of contact with the human experience. There was
a term, a period when you were incapable You have mentioned that over
millennia of time, the Goddess of interfacing with what was left behind. But as
soon as you went has rallied the forces of the Creator to cause everlasting life
on our through the life review sectors and did all those things that you wanted
planet. How would you explain everlasting life?
to do, you immediately had contact with the beings that were still your
KIRAEL: Some would say that to have an everlasting life you’ve family and
everything else.
got to give up life. In truth, you can’t give up life because it isn’t yours
There was a closeness that wasn’t interrupted by this process to give or to give
up. A segment of your populated force, or a segment you refer to as death.
Although death doesn’t exist, obviously, you of your experience, gets to
manifest in a certain format. You consider still have a fear of it, for the most
part. Especially at the ending of that one segment to be life and the rest death,
but that can’t be.
First Life and all throughout Common Time, Lemuria gained much The
everlasting life of which I speak is your particle-ization, and of the knowledge it
needed as it approached Transition—where you once the Creator has given you
this, or once you have accepted it as are currently—and the spirit world then
didn’t seem so far away. To part of your own creative force, it is never-ending.
You can then go the spirit or the afterlife, it doesn’t seem as if they’re far away.
It only forth into other worlds and other combinations of form, and you can
seems that way to you, because you think it. Thought being creative, do anything
that you want. That is called the igniting of the everlasting you push everything
away from you.
world, or the everlasting life. It probably should have been called “the
everlasting light.” It might have been easier to understand.
Why are there no other examples of a Guardian Goddess?
When you learn of the freedom of spirit itself, you often wonder KIRAEL:
The reason you don’t find a hall of Guardian Goddesses how you could have
possibly done the amount of lives that you’ve is because they don’t want to be
known, because to know them is to done. Yet you’re so honored by the Creator
that you would do them limit them. They’ll not have any part of it. You don’t
find Goddess forever, if you thought that made the Creator happy. You’d do
them statues as a rule. You might make a few here on your Earth plane, but
they are not well honored, because that is left for the next time around or
another planet system where they’re going to have wars and things.
They plant the gods over there and they let them do their little thing.
The Goddesses always go beyond that and do not get involved.
Weaving Love Strands into Evolution
KIRAEL: Let us turn now to the weaves of basic life. I warn you that some
of this will get a bit technical. Some of it may sound as though it’s a bit
repetitious as well. Yet the weaves are such an intricate part of the whole of the
Earth experience that it is important to be as clear as possible. It is me pleasure
to break the weaves down to the very basic strands of reality, and then show you
the dynamics of how to use them in everything from manifestation of your future
to the healing of your physical body, and everything in between.
It is fairly simple to accept that everything at some point can be defined as
order. We in the Guidance realm are often charged with the defining of these
possibilities. Me goodness, me friends, it is established in most circles of thought
that even in the world of chaos at its most frenzied state, one can still discern
Weaves in their simplest form are the threading of different levels of
consciousness reaching defined states of awareness. Each configuration of
energy defines its concentration of awareness into the potential of evolution,
depending on the molecular structure in the design of the Creator’s essential
evolutionary plan. This energy is formed into a magnetically charged rhythm of
connected particles, causing the establishment of multiple strands or streams of
this consciousness. These seemingly random particle streams begin to form into
a woven pattern that we in the Guidance realm refer to as the
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Weaving Love Strands into Evolution 1
weave. As the Creator discovered the uniting of its conscious particles, tree
in showing the great weave of this energy. With its roots reaching it caused an
order whereby, through the determination of evolutionary far into the soil,
thereby nurturing the mineral weave and helping it thought, it could simply and
efficiently expand its magnification. By keep its form, the tree also reached into
the atmosphere and aided in ever expanding the vibration of the strands into
intricate patterns of the formation of the most breathable element, oxygen, that
would be light, the weave was established.
needed by all of your incoming weaves to exist.
Using the ability to fast-forward so that we keep the motion of these weaves
in order, it becomes clear that the plant weave in its The Mineral Weave
earliest stages was excruciatingly slow in its aid of the evolution of First,
we’ll talk about the most basic of weaves. In the wisdom the planet, because it
could only be spread by the natural energies.
of the Creator, it chose a particular vibrational weave with a magnetic One
of its most powerful allies was, of course, the wind. The simple nature to
develop this planet, that is, an actual orbit surrounding your problem was that
this ever-swirling force had little, if any, direction.
sun star. This level of woven energy was susceptible to life orientation It
would be impossible to cause a network of life if the patterns of the and was
perfect for the beginnings of the very basics of all life.
wind were the only source of spreading the spores of the plant weave.
In that light, me friends, the next generation of life was thought into
Through its memory of other completions from alternate existence by the
dimensions, the Creator began to weave particles that today you know as
the mineral weave. The mineral weave has a consciousness that is focused on the
establishment of unification. In this level, it has the The Insect Weave
awareness to band together, creating the appearance of solid mass.
This weave can be seen as simple formations of tiny particles that are Now,
this next weave was something many of you will cringe commensurate with the
vibrational energy you call dirt, all the way up at, because it is and would forever
be known as the insect weave.
to the complex energy used to create your crystal elements. This is one
Actually this was one of the easier weaves, as the Creator had so much of the
most dynamic and necessary of all the weaves.
to draw on from other planetary systems it had created. Though they may
not be popular, the original existence of insects was crucial to the The crystal is
seen as the elder of this weave of consciousness. It developing plant. The ever-
patient insect with wings and sticky little is in this mineral weave that your
Creator amassed an ever-expanding feet was to introduce and enhance the
evolutionary spread of the plant ball of energy that could be used to bring forth
the complexities of a cycles.
planet. In order to hold this form and mass to any sort of evolutionary
workable configuration, the Creator then began to weave in some of So intent
was the Creator’s desire of thought to will this planet the best energies of its
memory of other dimensions.
into being that it caused this insect weave to be the most resilient form of
life ever made. In fact, that is why you see certain insects as almost
uncontrollable. They are designed to withstand anything you put The Plant
before them. Take your everyday termite, if you will. Every time your
scientific world comes up with something to kill it, the termite simply Following
the mineral weave, the Creator brought the best of the figures out a way to turn
that into food. It uses the chemistries of its best from the plant weave—from the
simplest particle it took to create body to cause nourishment out of what you
believe is poison.
a minuscule seed to the most complex system it needed to create the tree,
and everything in between. To keep this weave moving, one of Another example
of the insect weave is one that is most the most important jobs of the plant weave
was to hold and help mold formidable, the cockroach. Your cockroach has a
regenerative system the mass of the mineral weave. Again, I amplify the journey
of the that is almost foolproof. Thus, its energy is adaptable to anything that
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Weaving Love Strands into Evolution 11
holds the promise of evolution. Your senses tell you it is an ugly bug, this
animal weave was free to evolve and serve Mother Earth and her yet in its
contribution to spreading the spores of the plant particles, awakenings. In this, it
was as important as any other, and to this day is the cockroach serves an
invaluable purpose. Your scientists may think still an intricate balance in the
evolutionary projection of life.
they have dated these insects, but I’d be here to tell you that in the time On
a bit of a sidebar, there are two highly evolved forms of the of early Lemuria,
they were very much prevalent in your world, and warm-blooded animal weave
that are just too complex to include in truly honored for their work.
this part of the understanding. They, of course, are the whales and the
dolphins, who are, in fact, far more complex than even the human weave that we
are about to discuss. In that light, I will leave them to The Animal Weave
later in this chapter, because the true complexity of their intervention Let’s
switch to something you will find a bit more pleasant.
into the unfolding world of Lemuria would take us off into a whole
Following closely behind the insect weave is the animal weave.
different reality, and I’d still like to get through this weaving process.
This generation of particles was as diverse as any other and, by most
standards, even more complex than all others combined. Their mission was
manifold. In the very beginning, they were used to perfect the The Human
mixtures of life-sustaining balances needed to continue this creation.
From here, as we enter into the realm of human, we move into Again, the
Creator had much to draw from in its choosing of the the most intricate of
weaves. This weave is one of the most complex animal weave. Due to the vast
array of subjects already living in other blendings of sound and color. The
human is woven on a taut, most levels of awareness or dimensional realities, it
chose the absolute highly structured array of vibration, because it is based on a
compilation best that there was, from the cold-blooded that could live in the
most of four bodies—the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
extreme environments, to the warm-blooded. Each had a destiny in the
evolutionary plane. Even though their complexity of energy was vast Human is
by far one of the most intricate forms of life on this in many ways, some were
used in simplicity. They could be compared level of consciousness. Each strand
of its particles is the product to your modern-day lawnmower, in that their task
was to keep the of a blueprint. It is seen as a multiple connection with all
vibrating plant weave from suffocating itself, by simply trimming the various
individual sections of the whole. Now, if you are more willing to see plants time
and time again. Of course, the animal weave saw it as each strand as a multi-
colored array of hues not normally found in eating, but in the whole greater
scheme of things, it literally provided some of the lower vibrating weaves, you
as well understand life on a chance for the plant weave to have the freedom to
this planet a little better. In addition, each color is magnetically tuned to a
special frequency, and the interaction between the color and the Now, the animal
weave also played a part in the preparation for frequency is what maintains this
same magnetic expression helping the weaves that followed, such as the human
weave. In its constant define the five senses of being human.
search for balance, the Creator brought forth every form of this particular
weave, and each played its own part in the tapestry of life.
If that is not complex enough, in the ever-expanding thought-From the
smallest to the largest, each had a particular part to play, and oriented world, the
human is heading into the sixth-sense state of for a very long time each played
its part in perfection. Each species awareness, just like the Lemurian. In simple
terms, it is just beginning assisted in the evolution of the planet by offering its
own special gift.
to unfold, and that is why your scientific community is changing its Though
I’m sure it wouldn’t like the term “domesticate,” in Lemurian mind daily on how
to explain your world and how it works. Think times, the animal weave allowed
the next weave to domesticate it back to when your scientists discovered the
world to be round, or to for reasons that I assume are obvious. From its humble
beginnings, the period of the Inquisition, when people were put to death for their
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Weaving Love Strands into Evolution 1
awesome thinking. Then you’ll understand why so much has been identify
up to seven different orders per strand, you can also use five withheld from the
human thought process.
different strands of the seven available at the same time.
The human brain has a most extraordinary and complex system In Lemuria,
each sense cycled in a seven-strand numbered of thought, which is designed to
interweave with other forms of sequence that was completely recycled upon the
discovery of the consciousness. Many will see this brain as primarily a sending-
and-interaction of the existing strands. Simply put, as they evolved, the receiving
unitary weave, and in that relegate it to something known strands of a particular
sense were always moving in seven-strand as duality.
sequences. As they completed the connection or the full understanding of
the cycle, another emerged. This was not so much used as an identifier To show
a comparison here, I’d remind you that the Lemurians but as a way of
classification of the strands into communication were not so closely aligned to
said duality. They, therefore, understood forces. If I were to tell the average
human that he could actually smell
“complexity thinking” and acted on multiple levels of thought at the fear,
many would simply smile. I remind you that, in your current same time. The
Lemurians discovered in their early inception that the configuration, you are
totally capable of using any of the senses that five senses, which were
conditioning experiences and rudimentary have been perfected in the weaves of
all other life forms.
to being human, were in fact the essence of creating systems to be woven
into a combined force known as the sixth sense. Over time, For the most part,
you have no problem recognizing crystal this transcended into a melding reality
that actually created a vibration formations in your blood. Remember, the crystal
is seen as one of the of seven senses. The Lemurians considered the originating
five senses highest forms of the mineral weave. Do you begin to see the
connected of human awakening connected to the sixth, or the spirit connection
force? Have you ever heard that the dog of the animal weave can sense
mentioned earlier, and viewed this as a step in their ever-unfolding or smell
when someone’s afraid? All of these weaves are actually journey of evolution.
To speak now of seven senses is a bit more than woven into the complex system
of the human as well. So when you we’re ready to go towards, so we will talk
about it some other time.
consider that you could develop the clarity to actually smell fear in another
human being, you’re really only remembering what your Although, for the most
part, the current day human chooses to true capabilities are. It just might be
possible that the human has so feel or act limited by a seemingly confined
understanding of the five concentrated on defining the individual senses that it
has in some way senses, one must remember that the human is designed to
compose its forgotten the reality of weaving them all together.
own weave by interlacing all five strands into a unified force of what many
refer to as the sixth sense. This interlacing will be patterned Doesn’t that take
some of the mystery out of this sixth sense?
almost exactly as the Lemurian’s was so many thousands of years ago.
Using your combined five senses is all that you are really doing when Once
they discovered the differences between the weaves available, you use the sixth
vibrational pattern to live your life in a whole new it was just a short jump to
understanding their ability to configure manner. That realization takes some of
the specialness away from the them. As each sense is defined in a pattern of
complex woven strands, show-offs using their natural Creator-given forces to act
special. You it is only a matter of time before the current incarnation—that being
might just call it a shift in consciousness.
you—will develop a way of interaction between the strands.
It must become apparent that using the senses goes much deeper An
example of this can be seen in the sense of smell. You than just using different
vibrations. Think for a moment of the insect currently pretend that this sense is
relegated to a very few identifiable weave. Insects use senses that act like radar
to navigate in their world.
smells at one time. Some of you think that there may be only one. As You
humans have come to rely on your eyesight so deeply that you you understand
the multiple strands, you will see that not only can you have just stopped using
your own built-in radar and have become a
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Weaving Love Strands into Evolution 1
bit complacent in honing your latent skills. Think about it. You have they
would let you get every experience fully, and in that not act as the ability to use
these same skills. Haven’t you at one time or another your guides, like they did
in the Lemurian world.
detected someone coming around a corner and, in doing so, avoided The
whales, also known as the record keepers, have watched a huge crash? Haven’t
some of you detected a phone vibration just many sorts of beings use this planet.
They, to this day, are carrying before it rang?
your histories of developing this part of your journey.
In the case of the Lemurians, they used everything available to The
dolphins, on the other hand, are known as messengers, and them so that they
could serve the Creator Force in the most magnificent at the time of your return
to a more Lemurian way of life, they will be way. I hope it doesn’t come as a
shocker when I remind you that there for you once more. They will come to you
at the shores and aid they had absolutely no different human makeup from that
which you you in every way that they can. Their communication skills are much
presently have. They simply kept searching for ways to evolve in love.
more powerful than you think. Simply be patient and they will come.
This most beautiful Creator would not let you get very far trying to develop
skills that over a long period of time were detrimental to the One might wonder
why they are willing to help the human world vibrations of love. Oh, yes, I am
sure that many of you question the after the way they have been treated. I can
only remind you that they Creator, when you think about the fact that it allowed
some measure of are made of fully in-lightened particles that resonate only to
experimenting, like the mind games that were being used to bi-locate
Imagine, after the way that they have been treated, their only concern and spy on
each other using mental streaming. Know this: If there isn’t for the human world
is to be of service. They will, as in Lemuria, some form of evolutionary
goodness to come from human research, it help you remember your seemingly
forgotten powers. It will be their will simply cease to work.
destiny to help you recall the special qualities that all of the other weaves
have to aid in your new life. They simply love.
If you’re going to use Creator-given senses, you’ll have to do it in love, or
you will find yourself at wits end in further development of said experiment. The
Creator designed the human brain to forget The Whales that Walked Upon the
Land: its previous incarnations so that it will simply continue to perfect its
understanding of the current surroundings. What an incredible gift to The
Healing Energy of the Great Whale partake in the ever-expanding complexities
of evolution!
There were a number of whale energies, which, through the Creator’s Love,
were asked to give up their freedom of the oceans, to come upon this Earth
plane, and walk with We the People, which was The Weave of the Whales and
the Dolphins then the Creator Force of the Elven and the Angelic worlds, alive
in I’ll talk a bit more on the weave that in many ways is superior to the human
spirit now. These whales were asked to come aboard the your current standard of
life, the weave of the whales and the dolphins.
plane to be teachers and just share love because, you see, that’s all a
’Tis me thinking that many will see the discussion of this weave as a whale
really knows, love. Did you know that if you take the average reason to put this
work in a category of strange occurrences, but be good-sized whale and walk
into its heart, you couldn’t even bump sure, I have me reasons.
your head on the top of that heart? That’s how big their hearts are.
The world of the whales and the dolphins has often played a In that journey,
the Creator allowed for a number of the whales large role in the evolutionary
species of humanoid beings, yet for the to literally change their physical
appearance and walk on this Earth most part has not interfered with your
unfolding journey. The reasons plane. They tried their very best, but it was just
too constrictive here vary. One reason is that they bravely stated to the light
powers that for them. They tried to share, but they were looked at as childish,
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Weaving Love Strands into Evolution 1
too playful. They were treated as if they didn’t fit in the society that the The
great whale, the beautiful energy I spoke of, came only Creator had created. We
the People of that particular time did nothing because We the People of Lemuria
had acted in such a loving fashion to harm them, trust me. They did everything
to love these whales, toward its clan earlier, when they were aboard the
Lemurian light. The but they couldn’t make them happy on the Earth part of the
whales had been treated so well, they were so loved, that the great
Eventually these beautiful whales were released back to their original whale
said, “Now it is my turn to give unto you as you have given onto form and sent
out into the oceans again. Our interest here is mostly in my breed.” What this
whale told them was that the Lemurian energy the ones who are the sea creatures
would only be here for a few thousand years, and then the Lemurians would
all be sent home to rebuild and settle their energies. After that, The story goes
that some of the whale brethren moved onto the every Lemurian energy was kept
aware of what that whale knew about Earth plane, where they re-evaluated how
they worked and how they healing. No matter where or how the Lemurians
traveled, whether by lived. The early inhabitants of the Lemurian world were
treated to the particle lights of the God Creator, or as incarnate beings learning a
blessed event when small parts of the whale population began to lessons, always
did the great whale leave his heart light of healing interact with the land
within them.
Having amassed volumes of information on previous societies So if you’ve
got angel energies, if you’ve got Lemurian energies, of this planet, this all-
knowing force, the whale, decided to forego its if you’ve got Elven energies,
energies of almost everything, then sleek ocean body, and took the form of
human. At first it was a bit of a you’ve got what the whale left for you. His
secret was this: Every debacle, because reducing its conscious body into the
physical form of possibility, on every level of conscious awareness, whether
physical, human was a matter of trial and error. The final version of its physical
emotional, mental or spiritual, can be healed with love. The heartbeat form was
still seen as somewhat strange. Their heads were too large of Mother Earth
herself sends a message to you every day of your life, for their bodies and they
didn’t seem to fit into society. They remained if you but have the courage to take
your shoes off and walk upon her in childlike and were so filled with love that
most thought them to be a love. If you walk into her forests and touch her trees
that reach down form of handicapped beings. Today, they are called Down
syndrome into her love and then reach up into Father Sky, you’ll experience
that love. The whale taught the Lemurians that love was a connected
Nevertheless, the Lemurian soon realized the power of these force. The day the
great whale connected its heart to the heart of the sentient beings and began to
listen to their tales of knowing. The ever-Lemurians, it sounded just like a soft,
patterning vibration that causes giving “Earth-bound” whale shared the
information it had collected light to merge into the system of We the People,
knowing that love over millenniums of time. So, perhaps the next time you see
an answers all. That’s what it shared.
Earth being acting differently, you might consider that she simply has a
problem vibrating to this field of magnetic energy and is not so handicapped
after all.
The Lemurian Song of Love
There was a great whale who replaced these earlier whales. It A song was
sung for many years and finally put away because shared healing wisdom with
Lemuria, and this most beautiful energetic it seemed to cross the defining lines
between the species of this plane pattern lives today. You say, “Wait, wait, wait,
that was fifty thousand of consciousness and that of the whales and dolphins.
Now, it is me years ago.” Yes, but he lives in the body of another whale today.
He honor to introduce the Lemurian song of love, as best I can recall it.
still lives.
Remember, I am not a singer or a repeater, but I will do me best to keep the
facts as they are written.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Weaving Love Strands into Evolution 1
In the awakening times of Lemuria
intervention. They learned this from a whale, my friends, who literally
When time seemed to stand still
stood upon your Earth place called Lemuria, and then one day slipped It
was the keepers of the records
ever so calmly back into the sea.
That came to aid in free will
That whale learned to take one particle and weave it through They made the
ultimate sacrifice
another particle, a single particle of light to another single particle, As only
one in Love would do
until the particle was stretched out in front of it in a beacon of light.
For they gave away their water world To come and walk beside you
That whale healed everything within the water world in which it existed,
and today it is willing to share that with you, even though They gave freely their
you’re willing to kill the whale. It’s still willing to share with you.
And walked onto the land
Maybe, just maybe, We the People will band together and say, “No For
here they felt the need
more. I’ll not buy your products.” You can’t tell somebody not to kill To
walk with you hand in hand
them; it’s not your right. But if you say, “I won’t buy your products, I won’t
send money to your energy, I won’t sell you gasoline for your Walk they did in
all their love
ship, and I won’t let me son serve as a mate upon your ship,” then To
reshape their bodies all new
these great beings of the ocean will come back to you again. The bass On
this land of breathers of air
in the music of El Lopez’ music [ playing in the background during the Did
they find a journey to do
session] is the call of the whale mixed with the vibration of the dolphin.
Don’t you know that this beautiful whale can take your tectonic plates
Smaller they shifted and denser they became and settle them down? Don’t you
know that a whale could emerge in As their mission became clear
the middle of the eye of a hurricane and send out his song, and that Their
bodies became like that of man hurricane would collapse all the way around that
whale? Keep killing And still they did not know fear
them, my friends, and you’ll be sorry, because someday you’re going to
know how much you need them.
Try as they might they just could not Feel it, me friends. If nothing else, just
feel it [ referring to the For their brains were too large to fit music of El Lopez].
If you came here today looking to “ooh” or “aah,”
And so to this day if learning you choose then find it in yourself to know
my truths. When you do, they’ll be Know the flame of love they lit.
your truths. We the People, me friends, that’s who you are. You’re not
presidents; you’re not kings and queens. You’re the keepers of me whale friends.
You’re the keepers of me Lemuria. You’re the keepers Questions & Answers
of me places called Europe, Australia, all my worlds. That’s what the
Creator would tell you. You’re the keepers of the worlds of the Creator.
So, my friends, I open it up to you so I can share these secrets.
Please tell us more about how the whales interacted with the
How did the Lemurians relate to the weave of the whales and
KIRAEL: The great whale that walked upon the Earth plane the dolphins?
spoke with the Lemurian healers and taught them how to use third-eye
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Weaving Love Strands into Evolution 11
KIRAEL: Well, first of all, there was a complete interaction The whales
and the dolphins were the supreme beings of the between the two worlds. The
Lemurian knew every soul member of water world, and they considered the
Lemurian the supreme being of that whale and dolphin weave, not just the
family, but their histories as the “everything world,” because the Lemurian was
so advanced in the well. The Lemurian knew the histories of every whale and
dolphin in fourth light that it extended out into the fifth and sixth light. Hence,
the sea, so to speak. So when there was a birth in the dolphin family, there was
camaraderie between the two species. I think you would if anyone in that family
had connection with someone in Lemuria, it look at the whales and dolphins as
the elder kin because they lived in let the Lemurian know. The Lemurian
gathered his family, and the pod a different world that you couldn’t experience.
They could experience gathered its family, and they all went into the ocean
together. They had your world, but you couldn’t experience theirs.
a big celebration because it was a new birth. The newest member of this
pod—I like family better—was then taught by the Lemurian everything How
can we better connect with the whales now?
that he could teach from the world at present. The dolphin already knew
everything that ever existed on your planet, up to that beat of its heart.
KIRAEL: Understand that the whale only exists to be in love.
So the only thing it had to do was get involved in the present.
You say, “Well, wait a minute. I’ve seen pictures of whales attacking each
other.” There are young whales too, you know, but not very many Now, if a
singer was in your family, every time you went to of them. Most of the whale
population is ancient now. They simply the water’s edge, a multitude of whales
and dolphins came from all want to be left alone, unless you have questions for
them. So every one directions. The minute a singer was involved—even a
repeater, but of you can pick up your energy wherever you may be, float it out
into especially a singer—oh, my God, the whales put out the word. Not the
ocean, and put out the call. You don’t have to go searching. Just put speaking
like you do, they could be heard halfway around the world.
out the call for the whale, and very, very quickly, beyond your wildest
Everybody came, but there was no place to walk, so people just walked dreams,
whales will appear. You see, whales have the ability called around and touched
each other. It was a grand sight, a great grand teleportation. When they want to
be somewhere, they’ll be there.
So you get into the water, call the whales, and tell them, “I Whereas the
whales and the dolphins were very aligned to the know Master Guide Kirael, and
he says I can converse with you.” Lo same vibration as the Lemurians, your
current whale and dolphin are and behold, right before you, the first thing you’re
going to think is quite a bit above where you are aligned right now, so they can’t
relate to something’s gone rascally wrong because you’re going to see yourself
you fully. They love you. Oh, my God, how they love you! Even when in a
mirror, only it’s going to be the eye of the whale. The whale is you kill one of
them, they say, “Oh, my goodness, I still love them.”
going to invite you in through its eye—just as if you put on a contact They
see one of their brethren being pulled on the back of a tuna boat, lens or
something—and you’ll be in the whale’s presence of love.
and they say, “Wow, how lucky, because he is going to get a new body.”
They don’t have death processes.
Now, if you’re a teacher, it’ll let you stay there all you want. It’ll wait
patiently for you to come back out of the eye and stand before it, and have the
courage to open up your heart to the knowingness that Would you tell us more
about the whales’ role as guides to the can come out of the whale’s third eye.
Let me warn you fairly: You Lemurians?
will feel the expression of this because, when you take that download,
KIRAEL: You had separation of the merest form. You had the you can never be
considered human again. You may maintain a human water world and you had
the “everything world.” All in the water world body, you may even try to
maintain your human thought, but what got their nourishment out of the water,
but our whales and dolphins you’ll be is an incarnate light being who knows who
he or she is. So breathed the same air that you breathed in Lemuria.
few will have the courage, and even fewer will remember it.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Weaving Love Strands into Evolution 1
When you were speaking about the insect weave, you said sense, five
senses combined—to actually feel the person who sanded each insect had a
destiny. What is the destiny of the cockroach it. If he was having a bad day,
you wouldn’t want the desk in your now?
home unless you blessed it outright. The Lemurians didn’t know what it
was not to have that ability. They were given the gift. This is why we KIRAEL:
They are working on the same destiny. Imagine how are sent back to do this
patient they are to show us that there is a way to allow all weaves to live in
harmony. You see, cockroaches don’t get up and bite you, yet A teacher corrects
papers, or homework, I guess you call it, you hit them with a slipper. Hitting
them is okay as long as you give right? If you were to actually sit with those
papers as the Lemurian them fair warning. They know that, whatever your lesson
plan is, they would have, you would be able to know what the person put into it
are there to serve you. That’s the part people get upset about: They are before
you read a word of it, because of a certain pressure applied by there to serve you.
If you issued a warning, “Now, I told you, you’ve the hand. You could tell by
the pressure she applied to the paper and got to get out of here,” and that little
critter just looked you right in the expression that the paper evolved to from that
writing. The color the eye, you might try to scoop it on a piece of paper and put
it in the of the paper would have changed by her hand resting upon it, and you
toilet, sending it round and round and round. That would be a little out could tell
by using your sixth sense whether she “crammed” it done or of alignment
because you didn’t give it a fair chance.
went through the whole project.
The cockroach is there to show you longevity exists well beyond your
wildest dream. You have to understand something: That cockroach What was
the complexity thinking that the Lemurians may have been in Lemuria. Its
family may be descended all the way used?
back to Lemuria. When the God Creator froze over the Earth plane, it
KIRAEL: You would get in trouble with the complexity thinking froze a few of
those little critters and then woke them up afterwards, that the Lemurian used.
Complexity thinking meant that you could so they may be Lemurian ancestry.
The next time you put your little think on at least four levels simultaneously. It
means that you could slipper on one, think, “Oh, Lemurian, oh, my God, so sad.”
That’s part think and know what you were thinking on all four levels, rather than
of the lesson for you. “I just swatted a Lemurian.”
thinking a thought on the physical world and then trying to discern what it
meant on the emotional world. As you had a thought, it had Master Guide
Kirael, for us to be edge creators, what are a minimum of four directive forces
that were constantly in motion the lesson plans the Creator wishes us to
experience that the with it all the time, much like your dolphins do today. They
have Lemurians did not experience?
complexity thinking.
KIRAEL: The weaving of these five senses in the now. The Maybe a better
example of that might be that you could think on Lemurians were given that.
They didn’t learn it. They didn’t know multiple levels simultaneously and
control all four levels, or all of the what it was to be restricted to just being able
to say, “Oh, I can touch levels. For instance, if you were working on a project,
such as writing this.” The Lemurians knew when they touched something that all
of a book called “The Great Shift,” you would think on seven levels and their
senses were going to weave together to find out what it was. If you would write
it into every word, so that, when read, every word had they were touching a
desk, for example, they wanted to know where the a multiple balance to it.
Multiple thoughts, multiple particles, are what tree came from that made the
desk. They’d want to know what family it really took. It took running the
streams and weaving them together, this tree came from. They’d want to know
what went into whoever much like when you weave your five senses together to
create a sixth was building the desk. They’d want to know the builder’s energy
as he sense.
was building this. In that, they could use their full senses—their sixth
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
Why would the Lemurian think on multiple dimensions
KIRAEL: Well, I think if you looked at it, it’d be a similar answer to the
strands of weave we were talking about earlier. The Creator does not build
limitations. The Creator allows for limitations
to be experienced. You have a reason for acting limited as humans Shifting
into New Cycles
because you are trying to get the lesson plans the Lemurian didn’t get.
Although the Lemurians could work in multiple dimensions
simultaneously, as a rule, they never went through more than about three
dimensions at a time, because three dimensions is about all you really need. You
are in a dualistic balancing society. The next dimension is thought, and the next
one after that is love. You don’t need to go much above the fifth dimension to
learn more than you KIRAEL: In order to see the entire picture of interaction of
the could ever possibly learn on this level of consciousness.
weaves, you must understand cycles. I could place before you days of
energy about cycles, and still, when it was all said and done, you So is that
where we are going with the Great Shift? Are we would look back and say,
“More, can we have more?” Phrases such going to be able to access this multi-
dimensionality—fourth, fifth, as “there are no accidents,” or “everything
happens for a purpose,”
even sixth?
indicate that a cycle is operating, me friends, a cycle that is beyond your
wildest dreams.
KIRAEL: Oh, yes, absolutely. You might even get up to my world in the
seventh light because we like you. We absolutely love In the makeup of this
reality, it was the Creator’s Love that said every one of you. You say, “Well,
what about the person who says it would stand the test of time and offer to this
world the possibility Master Guide Kirael is just a made-up sensation of the
medium, and of this balancing cycle. For instance, with the seasons of the year,
the medium’s a fake?” We just love them to the dickens. You say, the further
that you go away from the equator of Earth, the more the
“Well, how can you love somebody who doesn’t believe?” Oh, they
seasons take on a different perspective. They cycle so that you move believe in
us, but that part of them doesn’t. So we don’t dislike them from the winter, when
everything goes to sleep in a cycle of light, to for that part. We love them for
their whole.
the spring, when everything begins to awaken to a new life, a new way of
formulating energy. Then you move into the summer, which begins to provide
everything that it can, whether it is to feed We the People, or to shade the
country light. Then, of course, there’s the fall. What a particularly awesome
name it is. It is not a fall of the season, but a fall of the vibrational powers to go
back into their sleep again and rest.
In defining cycles, understand that absolutely everything you can think of is
the result of cycling particles. For instance, the Earth plane revolving around
your sun star is a cycle; the Milky Way moving around the central sun is a cycle;
and a burst of energy leaving the
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Shifting into New Cycles 1
central sun, traveling through time and space to arrive in this very around
the nucleus and the protons and the photons—all the energies year, creates the
opening forces of another cycle.
that make up your being—are in the cycle as well. What a beautiful
thought, me friends, that you can literally arc to the next level.
Riding the Cycles of Life
Experience New Cycles
I will keep it simple so that it works right here in your own life, in your own
time. Here’s the beauty of a cycle: A true cycle never You must ask, “Master
Guide Kirael, what does it take for me to again touches the point from which it
started. For instance, imagine go to the next level?” All it takes is the courage to
trust in your Creator that right before you is a beautiful circle of light, a laser
beam that self. Oh, I know you’ve been led to believe that this God Creator sits
starts out and arcs itself around in the form of a circle. The circle starts up in the
heavens calling out names and testing you and everything.
from the right to the left, all the way around. As it completes that cycle The
truth is that this Creator is just love and love and more love, and of the circle, if
you turned it just a little bit so that you were looking at wants nothing more than
for you to get out of the current cycles you’re the edge instead face on, you
would see that the cycle really doesn’t in and experience all brand-new cycles. If
you could understand that, touch the point again where it started, for where it
started can never be it would be a glorious time here upon the Earth plane, as
soon it will again. It is already gone. The circle then wobbles and moves itself
into be.
another pattern and it continues into another cycle.
I speak of the Great Shift in Consciousness. The Shift may Only when you
apply the force of humanity to these cycles do be as simple as considering that
there’s another cycle available for they begin to bend and shape themselves,
vibrating at different colors you. Imagine a time and a space in which you could
learn to cycle and showing themselves in the most miraculous light. You see, my
constantly in a new vibration. You wouldn’t have to leave all those friends, the
cycle of life that you live in here in the third dimension is behind that you have
come to love. Instead, you could join with those a cycle based on a balancing
who remember you from another dimension in time and space. You’d find
that you’re not limited to this place called Earth. Instead, you’d Going back to
the circle, whether you look at it as round, or find the beauty of what you could
do here.
oval, or even if you turn it on its side, you see that it has the potential, my
friends, of spiraling. Oh, yes, a cycle can spiral, and you are the Your thoughts
compel you to move from one cycle to the next, designating force. I ask you to
visualize again that hoop in front of yet always in your cellular consciousness is
the safety of remembering you that looks like the perfect circle. Once again, let it
slowly begin the part of the cycle that you’ve just left, the cycle of remembering
to tip until you’re looking at just the edge of it. Now, if you’re paying the safety
of it and knowing that you cannot be hurt in the Light of attention to your cycles,
since they don’t touch again where they the Creator. It’s as though there’s a
cushion of love to fall upon at started, you can just take off on another part of
that most beautiful every moment. You recognize, when you turn that circle on
its edge, spiral and it will arc itself out further. If you’re living a life in fear, that
you can see that empty space between those two points where if you’re living a
life outside of your Creator’s Love, then you can you’ve got to make that jump.
It seems that if you make that jump, literally jump back onto that original cycle.
At that point, it can go there’s a chance that you could miss. In that chance
where you could either way. It can begin to spin and give you another turn or it
can miss, oftentimes you hesitate, and as you hesitate, you just go back begin to
narrow itself.
into the other cycle. When you see that opportunity, though it looks like an
arcing jump—a jump from one point to the next—remember You see, the
Creator has so much love for you and knows that that you can’t jump without the
Creator, because the Creator created your entirety is based on a cycle. It knows
that the little atoms spinning the cycle.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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When you make that magical jump onto that next cycle, recognize part.”
Imagine recognizing that every step you made was in service to that you change
everything right then and there, and you don’t need the God Creator. You’d
understand this sixth sense that you’ve woven a safety net, my friends. You need
only the Love of your Creator and together. In this, you’d understand the time of
Lemuria, where the the knowing that, if you have the courage to make that leap
onto that heartbeat of Mother Earth was a way of life, not a curiosity.
next cycle, it may start out a wee soft for you because you’re on new So
check your heartbeat with Mother Earth, check your heartbeat ground.
Sometimes you may feel that new ground to be just a wee bit with Father Sky,
check your heartbeat with the Love of Goddess Light, wobbly, but hear it one
more time: That new ground will gain strength.
and know today that those reading my words enter a new cycle of life, You
need only set your feet down one after the other, and you’ll learn a cycle of
“awaken-ness” to the thread of the sixth sense.
how to work on that new cycle, giving yourself one more force of light to
add to that which you’ve already learned.
Cycling Realities and Belief Systems Weaving Cycles with the Six Senses
Cycles, for the most part, are understandable on the omni-brain level, and if
you’re reading material such as this, it’d be me thinking That cycling motion
makes the Creator just glow in a brand-new that most of you have already
ascended to that level anyway. Most experience. It is a world of never-ending
cycles, me friends, because by now are aware that this planet has had many
incarnate species that within yourself you’re a world of the Creator’s Force. Can
you see have never truly been discovered. Many are starting to understand
yourself floating out in the beauty of the Creator’s Love, like your that your
current type of planet is capable of hosting many different planet, like your sun
star? Can you see yourself floating in the beauty dimensional levels, and many,
if not all, have had some form of being that the Creator’s made for you and
sensing every part of it, bringing that was designed to evolve that particular
period. The Creator has so all of it to oneness?
many species to draw on that the length of occupation and whatever Some
of you may be breathing beautifully and some of you may is left behind is never
left to chance. Only when you discover that life even have tears in your eyes, not
for what I’m saying, but for what from other levels of consciousness does not
necessarily come from you’re feeling that I’m saying. Hear this if you would:
You’re not outer space or the galactic empires will you understand that the inter-
alone; you can feel each other if you really want to. You don’t have dimensional
weaving makes it possible to have multiple life forms to hold hands to feel it, to
sense it, to sense the beauty. Imagine that acting in seemingly the same space, at
the same time.
there’s someone in the other room. Imagine just reaching your light to One
of the most important realities is that cycles keep these him, to her, and touching
the other person in his or her own cycle and constantly evolving life forms from
crashing into each other. Imagine sharing that cycle together.
one of your current-day leaders who is bent towards violence, waking
Imagine a cycle that gives you the opportunity to take your up tomorrow
morning in Lemuria, leaving behind a cycle that is, for five senses—smell,
touch, taste, feel and sight, all of which you’ve the most part, a belief system
based on violence-oriented action to brought here to this beautiful planet called
Earth—and weave them gain the power it seeks. He now awakens to a vibration
fully ordained together until they form a magical thread called the sixth sense.
Then to find a resolve in love. It’d be me thinking that the whole awakening
imagine that you could develop the future rather than just see it. Or would be
quite maddening for him. When you’re oriented in a cycle imagine that you
could recognize the lessons that you’ve learned from of one belief and suddenly
find yourself in something completely the past rather than dwell in the past.
Imagine feeling no regret or different, you would likely be in a state of confusion
and be seen by pain about the past, not feeling as though, “Oh, I want to forget
that others as out of sync with reality.
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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Maybe instead of getting angry at those who do not act like you, currently
discover much of your world thinking in the duality of the you would recognize
the possibility that nothing is wrong with them third dimension, you will soon
know that your thoughts form every and that they have come from a different
orientation or cycle. Their fiber of your journey, and in that, you will see the
bond between the cycle orientation may be of the place where those known as
“crystal worlds. The Lemurian weave of the fourth-dimensional cycle was so
children” come from. They may be from an orientation or cycle like electrified
with magnetic impulses that it allowed for evolution at a the “Indigo child.” Or
just maybe they come from such an advanced tremendous rate of awakening.
cycle level, where they simply can’t understand your behavior patterns, and
choose to learn everything at once. The actions of these types of children might
seem distorted to the masses. You might be calling Cycling into Using Multiple
DNA Strands them ADD [ Attention Deficit Disorder] or some other name. You
may I’d offer this as another example: Unlike your current incarnation, also be
stuffing them with medications, instead of trying to define the which begins its
soul journey with a single pair of DNA strands, the cycle from which they have
Lemurian opened its evolutionary journey weaving between four and eight
individual strands. This caused the brainwave, which essentially moderates the
expansion rate, to work almost constantly on progressive Dimensional Cycles
Merging on Our Planet evolutionary awakening. Theirs was considered
advanced interaction It’d be me thinking that the masses like to define the
vibrations with the consciousness levels of the unseen forces of light, and in that,
of cycles simply, such as lunar cycles or the 28-day cycle of the female they
moved at an unprecedented rate.
world. I think you’d want to go a bit deeper. There is so much to There are
those who see it as inconsiderate of me to continually discover about cycles that
it would take a book in itself. For now, compare the learning ways of the two
societies. I would only remind just let me remind you that to fully comprehend
where you are now, you that it is the aim of this work to show the reality that,
with your you need only search for the unfolding cycle. This may also help you
current physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies fully intact, understand
where incarnations that have preceded you have gone. In you are more than
capable of transitioning into a much more vibrant that, you just might get a
better idea of where you are likely to be form of evolution. If you see this as a
possibility, you might just be going yourself.
encouraged to move at a more rapid pace. Since most of you will be On
your planet at this time is the weave formulating the cycle taking your current
form of embodiment into the new cycle, it will give of a third-dimensional
thought process. Your planet is an example you a much longer period to enjoy
the new experience. Few have ever of two cycles merging on a certain level: the
cycle of your current-been gifted with the opportunity to experience the third-
dimensional day vibration and that of the Lemurian, and it is highly evident. The
ways of evolving and then the wonders of the fourth in one single Lemurian
vibration was more aligned to the fourth-dimensional incarnation.
evolution. Again, I remind you not to get overly involved in the number
Though few, if any, might know this, you were developed for of the dimension,
for it is sure to confuse more than enlighten.
just such a transformation. I will clarify a wee bit what it means to The
Lemurians lived their lives in the world of concentrated bring your current body
system along. You can be most assured that thought. Their number for thought
manifestation was equal to the it may look similar, yet in truth, it will be much
more light-oriented at number 4; hence, using the Lemurian numerology, it was
seen as the the cellular level. All of those aches and pains that you have
somehow fourth-dimensional reality. The connection between the third- and
learned to live with will be no more. Weight that you have struggled fourth-
dimensional worlds will soon be evident. Even though you with for so very long
will not follow you into this great shifting energy.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
•• Shifting into New Cycles 1
In fact, me friends, you’ll structure your pattern of embodiment much know
it’s there, but as I said, it’s a period of about four hours between on the Lemurian
way of some 50,000 years ago.
the awake and the sleep state. The awake state is a cycle within itself,
because inside of every cycle is a number of other cycles. You can now take that
cycle that looked like a circle, tip it on its side, go over the top of it, look down
into it and see cycles within it.
Questions & Answers
How can we tell when we are in a spiral rather than a cycle?
Master Guide Kirael, are there such things as daily cycles KIRAEL:
You will understand, depending on whether the and cycles within cycles?
cycle is narrowing or expanding, whether you are in growth, or in
KIRAEL: Well, daily cycles are one of the simplest things that hold position, or
in some cases literally trying to go backwards to fix we can look at, because in a
daily cycle, your body is what’s doing something that cannot be fixed. If you’ve
done something, you cannot most of the cycling. Your body is a resonant form
of light particles. It undo it. You can only look at it and learn from it.
actually has a magnetic rhythm to it, a bio-rhythm, if you will, that is Some
of you pretend that if you go back to fix something, constant to your Earth,
because Earth is the plane of consciousness that you’re also in growth. However,
you will see that that is a cycle that you’ve leveled your energy to. In fact, you
vibrate within this Earth is narrowing itself and has turned into a spiral. As a
spiral, it can only pattern. You may feel as though you walk upon this Earth, but
that is come to one end, and that is a vibrational point which has no meaning
only your physical presence. The presence of your higher self or your
whatsoever. In other words, if you’re looking backwards and trying spirit self or
your soul light, whatever you want to call it, is literally to fix something that you
did wrong, it is a spiral and you’re going to woven into the consciousness of the
Earth Mother. Each and every one come to a point of nothingness on that spiral.
If you literally want to of you goes on a daily vibration, which gives you three
basic cycles: do something about something you have done, recognize what you
your awakened cycle, your sleep cycle, and the bridge between.
can learn from it and apply it to what you’re going to do, and then You say,
“Well, that’s probably not much of a bridge, Master you will see that circle or
spiral begin to take an outward flow and Guide Kirael, because you simply go to
sleep.” That may or may not expansion. That’s a cycle that you can live in every
single day of your be the whole of it. You see, the sun cycles, and your Earth
moves life, a daily cycle, if you will.
around the sun to create your daylight hours, giving you a 24-hour clock.
That clock has three major phases within it: your awakened and I’ve noticed
that cancer has a four-year cycle. If a person sleep cycles and the bridge
between. The bridge is a connective force initially heals cancer on the physical
level, but not in all four that absolutely runs from about the time of late evening
until morning.
bodies, it will generally come back in four years. Is this so, and During
this cycle, a lot of the repairs to the physical body are done.
can you expand more on the trend of cancer that is so rampant Three
doesn’t go into the number 24 as well as it might, because right now?
we are looking at transitional spaces. It actually goes into 24 eight
KIRAEL: When you say that there’s an appearance that cancer times, not seven,
which is the number of transition for numerological goes in a four-year cycle,
this is probably written in a book someplace.
purposes. Those who work different types of shifts in their line of You want
to be very careful with those statements, because the truth work have a little bit
more difficulty with their cycles when it comes of the matter is that dis-ease,
whatever it might be, looks to the cycles to the bridge space. The bridge space is
an important time for the body within the dis-eased area, and connects them to
its own force of life.
to literally relax and hold itself in a very calm state. People don’t even
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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If you have a cycling cancer energy, you can choose whether you’re at a
particle, it runs itself down. Then when you look at it one more going to turn that
cycle in on itself or whether you’re going to expand time, it changes its shape.
When a dis-eased energy such as a cancer that cycle out. It doesn’t have to be a
matter of four years, four days, changes its shape, it forgets that it is a cancer.
You have cured that or 40 years.
cancer the moment it forgets that it is cancer.
Now, this is the key to all dis-ease. Every dis-ease has a cellular
consciousness that causes it to either diminish or expand. If its cellular We know
that everything has cycles in terms of our lives on consciousness is in an
expansion state, then it expands as far as it this Earth. However, are those
cycles or circles also connected and possibly can with your help. Once it
reaches its potential in expansion, intertwined with the cycles we experience
on the other side of the it sometimes becomes a dormant reality because it has
expanded as veil, as well as with the cycles our aspects experienced in other
far as it can; then it waits for you to catch up with it. As you cycle dimensional
and catch up to it, it has the opportunity to use your energy to expand
KIRAEL: Understand that everything in existence is made from again. This is
because, as a rule, you are not willing to go into that dis-the force of the Creator.
Every level of consciousness of the Creator’s ease and literally find out its
origins and why you have it in your cycle Light has been brought into a field, or
what we could call a force pattern. However, the minute it feels as though it is
being observed, field. So when you turn a circle on its edge, you recognize that
that like any other particle value, it begins to change its shape, which means
circle is being held in a force, in the force of the Creator. We use it loses its
flavor of the disease and begins to diminish. The moment it these terms only to
define something that cannot be defined, a level of begins to diminish, you start
to ignore it. When you ignore it, it holds consciousness.
its pattern again and waits for you to cycle out into it again so that it can
have an opportunity to grow again.
As to the question of whether we still experience these cycles outside of the
veil, well, you have to realize that, in one sense of the You see, it isn’t
necessarily a four-year cycle, but it is definitely word, the Creator is a cycle.
They call it “the big bang” because, in a cycle. It all is a matter of whether you
will take that cycle and turn at some point, the potential of histories, realities,
and knowingness it in on itself, which diminishes it to nothingness, or whether
you let became a form of light, and that form then began to utilize whatever it
move out by its own accord, through cellular consciousness. If you it had
become and learned from it. That is, in a sense, what you call look at it in the
Signature Cell HealingTM process, you are either going your Creator.
to allow it its own freedom and give it energy so that it can expand, or
you’re going to be forced to look at it and train your energies on Now,
somebody’s going to go out there and say, “Oh, Master it. Some people say,
“Well, if we just ignore it, won’t it go away?” I Guide Kirael said that the big
bang is the Creator.” I didn’t say that.
don’t think so, not as a rule. I mean, it could, but I don’t think that I’m just
saying that, at the very beginning of the ultimate unfolding, happens, as a rule.
You’ve got to work at it.
it became a never-ending cycle. The answer to the question is beyond the
veil—which is thinning, by the way. The minute you go beyond Every cycle
you’re in, whether it’s a dis-ease or whether you’re that veil, you not only see
the cycles that are available, but you also trying to fix your finances, if you
ignore it, it goes its own way. If see your patterning within the cycles. This is
what you call heaven.
you determine to get rid of something, focus on it and it will go This is
when you can see everything about you in your learning curve into a constant
cycle of spiraling energy, and it will spiral itself to and the expression of your
earthbound experience. You can see it and nothingness. Once it gets to
nothingness, it can’t grow anymore. If you love it and maneuver through it in the
greatest of ease, but it’s not think about your particles and your quantum
physics, which is what really heaven, me friends; it’s a learning cycle.
Signature Cell HealingTM is based on, you realize that when you look
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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Once you’ve learned outside of this expression called earthbound, If you
choose to listen to those who tell you not to interpret what or centralized force
with a centralized sun, once you’re beyond that you’re reading, then you would
also choose to listen to someone who veil, you see the potentials of what you can
do. These potentials tells you that God Creator is a mean energetic pattern that
chooses still operate in the cycles, so don’t run from them. Learn from them, to
judge you good or bad. If that is your choice, please don’t let me experience
them. When you come full circle around that cycle, if try to change it for you.
But for those of you for whom that is not the you take that cycle and turn it
another way, the cycle isn’t there; it’s choice, once you recognize that this
Creator Force is Love, only then somewhere else. The circle turned in the cycle,
and now it has arced will you see the books that are written in the creative form
are also between two points.
written in love. If you go to the magic in the Bible, my friend, and it tells
about the wars and such, look past that and understand the fear What I’m trying
to say to you is that, no matter what level your that person was experiencing. He
wasn’t willing to look at the next consciousness, you’re either going to spiral it
down in cycles or you’re cycle of potential. He was only willing to live in the
past cycle, and going to spiral it up in cycles. If you’re going up, it continues
with that that cycle was choking him like anything else that doesn’t expand.
arc and gives you the ability to move to the next cycle. Once you start going
down, the arc just diminishes until it actually becomes a very If you are growing
and your cycle isn’t, it is eventually going radiant form of life. If you’ve ever
been in a position where you just to squeeze you to nothingness. That’s what you
find yourself in when keep repeating the same lesson over and over again, you’re
probably you feel the fears of life. Fear is when a cycle is squeezing you and
going the wrong way. You might want to try something different.
you don’t even know it’s there. Each and every one of these great works of
art is meant for you to see the picture. The same is true of the
“Mona Lisa.” Everybody sees it differently, but I’m telling you it’s a What
is the comparison between the Kabala and the cycles work of art, as is the
Kabala, the Koran and the Bible. Don’t spiral on of life?
it. Let the cycles unfold.
KIRAEL: Well, the Kabala is going to be much more famous than it has
been in the past, because it is one of the books that evidences The lunar cycle
coincides with the female cycle of 28 days, remnants of the cycles. The Kabala
shows the cycles through the and you’ve said before that males have an 81-
day cycle. I’m prophets, who help to explain the cycle of life itself, and then it
uses wondering how these cycles relate to the 42nd year of the female those
cycles. This is true of the Bible, the Koran, and so on.
and the 49th year of the male.
In this light, unlike my books, which are in a reading cycle, many
KIRAEL: The lunar cycle does have a direct bearing, not on of the great books,
such as the Kabala, the Koran, or the Bible, are in the female, but on the
Goddess Light. When you see the cycle of the a book cycle. There are those
within the matrix format who would female on that 28-day loop, it is only
because this whole pattern of very much like to keep you from expanding your
cycles. They would your Earth was based on a very balanced Goddess energy. It
was based rather keep you holding tight to the inner circles that they’ve helped
on the full flavor of completeness, and at that point, it moved itself into you
create. They would like you to believe that there is only one way expansion. The
28-day cycle for the female, according to the lunar to read the Koran or the
Kabala or the Bible. They would not like you energies, is literally a place where
the female touches down. It is where to know that these books are written
dimensionally to actually expand she checks to see what’s been done there and
then moves up into the their cycles, for you can read these books in multiple
levels and they next cycle. The 28-day cycle is actually an expanding reality that
takes offer you expanded consciousness. In the cycle of the Kabala or any you
through all of this. What happens is that, once the female touches one of the
others we’ve just spoken of, there’s a constant formation down on that cycle and
has gone out into her 28-day cycle, she raises of cycles within them, and they are
written to expand. Put them in a her energy. This is why the female sometimes
feels compressed right reading cycle and watch the expansion.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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around the time when the body cleanses itself through the menstrual If you
can get children, especially the boys, to play five minutes cycle.
a day less on those video games, you’ll be the hero in the long run. You see,
the children learn in divisible cycles, which means that in every Now, imagine if
you knew this when you were 12 years old. You given moment of their day,
even in the bridge we talked about earlier, would have recognized that coming
into that cycling period enabled these divisible cycles actually open up different
points of possibility.
you to take all that you had learned in that 28-day cycle and maneuver As
long as you’re giving the proper input to the child for at least a it into an energy
that would have shown you what you could move to majority of his day, his
learning cycles are always expanding. Children in the next cycle. You must
come through that space and time as do are born to expand the physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual parts the lunar energies, and as you come through it, your
Goddess Light of the body. That’s why they are born into this reality.
always prevails.
As long as there is some sort of input coming into them that For women,
your Goddess Light picks you up and starts you out allows them to feel the
presence of their growth cycle, they are into the next cycle. You move out into
unknown spaces. As your cycle constantly putting that into a cycle of learning
for future use. It is is in its last days, that feeling of “Oh God, will I ever get
through this?”
when they pick up these video games that they shut down and nothing is
really only you knowing that you’ve got to make that leap into the comes in.
That is what society, or those who would like to have power next cycle. If you
were 12 years old listening to me today, you’d be over you, would like to do to
your children: They’d like to shut down celebrating that feeling. You would
begin to slowly, magically find the their input time.
cycle, and you wouldn’t have to go through that depression energy that you
go through, or that feeling of less than or unworthiness or These video games are
a danger because they shut down a child’s more than or mixed up, and so on.
You’d recognize that you were just learning impulses. They shut down a child’s
divisible particle-ization, closing out a cycle and starting a new one.
which gathers the forces of the lesson plan, which in turn expands its cycle.
All the time spent on these games is literally slowing children The men could
learn from it because they have a huge 81-day down so they can’t have what
they want in life. Through the learning cycle. My God, the poor fellows. You
females must have sympathy for stages in infancy, then all the way up through
its first three cycles them, because men get to vibrate out on these long patterns,
getting of life—through the 7-, 14-, and 21-year cycles—a child finds a
concerned about whether they’re in balance or out of balance, whether magnetic
force to these divisible cycles. (The cycles are broken down they’re macho or
not. It takes them longer to get out of one light into in that manner so they can
get as many in as they possibly can.) Every another. The lunar cycle makes a
beautiful contribution, as it keeps hour that a child spends outside of the learning
cycle is bad enough.
you in a certain pattern so that you can get your full-flavored lesson
Television doesn’t stop the cycle; it just slows it magnetically. But that and
never jump start into another level of consciousness without little machine that
causes a child to focus down, down, down, down completing the other first.
on the little dot moving across the screen killing a monster, or racing a car,
continues to just pull him down.
How would a teacher work with the children’s cycles of I’m not here to
beat up your machines. I’m here to tell you learning?
you’re not a machine, and one day when it comes down to whether or
KIRAEL: Children’s learning cycles are determined by the not love is the
answer, you’ll not find a machine in love. Love is the amount of input that they
answer, and it’ll be We the People who have the love to take us to the next
cycle of the Great Shift in Consciousness.
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
Can we release the DNA codes regarding cycles of aging, puberty,
menopause, and the lengths of timed actions within the body with Signature
Cell Healing™?
KIRAEL: Yes, because the “Signature” or “God cell” is the activity part of
you, the central force, and everything moves out 10
from there. Understand that within the very makeup, within the very
framework of your vibration, you bring code after code after code within
Uncovering the Mysteries of Ancient
these cycles. Every cycle is made up of a numbered code. They are not just
particles, they are numbered particles. So every time you suggest Lemurian
the possibilities of a menstrual cycle, a cold cycle, every time that you look
within the makeup of the physical expression, you recognize the beat of Mother
Earth. You recognize the focus of the Earth as it unites its forces within you and
outside of you. You recognize that you are so fully connected to a vibrant system
of particle-ization energy moving in a cycle of awareness, awakening its truth to
the Signature Cell, awakening its truth to you being known to the Creator Force,
not just KIRAEL: And now, let us speak of the ancient healing mysteries of, but
part of, the Creator Force.
of the Lemurian walker who traveled in time and space to arrive at this That
force is prevalent. It is that most magnetic force of energy most beautiful place
then called Lemuria. The God Creator had made that opens up its journey to the
livingness of light itself—not life, but this most beautiful experience called
Lemuria by drawing upon all of light, me friends. You recognize the beauty of
your own vibration. You its thoughts from other worlds, from other dimensions,
where it had recognize that you are a beat of all of the senses, of all the
sensations, created the most beautiful things it could possibly think through. Yes,
of all the potentials. You begin to recognize that you’re one and a part it took a
special energetic pattern to become a Lemurian.
of All That Is. It simply means that you are already gliding on a path I shall
speak of the secrets of the most powerful healing in of cells that are constantly
evolving in their own cycled love. Then existence. In that light, you ask, why has
it been kept a secret and everything about them becomes of one focus. You try
your best to why does it continue to be a secret? I’ll answer your questions
thusly: separate yourself out of that so you can feel as though you are alone or If
you took the Elven and the Angelic healing worlds and put them saddened or
misguided, but the cells within you that are causing these together, nothing could
stand against them. There could be no dis-cycles of energies will not let you.
They’ll fight you till the very death ease. There could be no hard blowing winds
caressing the shores of to let you know that they are part of this whole.
Lemuria. There could be no act of violence. There could be no way Every
living being on Earth exists within the vibration of your for you to shed a tear of
sadness. You see, what the Lemurian knew very existence. Each and every one
of you reading these words: Weave about healing has been kept a secret because,
me friends, with that every being on Earth together now. Weave them with your
heartbeat knowledge, no one, but no one would be able to do the bidding of the
and know what I am about to say. No one exists without you; hence, God
you have the choice to experience love. Once you’ve chosen love, Don’t
you know what your bidding is? You’re here to experience you’ll share it with
one another and you’ll recognize the truth that you the fullness of the Creator’s
Love, and in order to do that, you have to are not alone but are one of All That
Is, and as one of All That Is, you feel the balance of life itself. There was a time
when the God Creator are guided to the heartbeat of life.
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called the archangels and said, “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re
things into her atmosphere. And when you couldn’t figure out what going to
have a system of balance, and we’re going to call it Earth,”
to do with something, you dumped it into her waterways. Can you and then
Lemuria was created.
feel her sadness? Can you imagine being Mother Earth and giving
everything of your beingness to a society of people who treat you like So many
questions abound. How could the healers of Lemuria that? Can you feel the
sadness she must feel?
at every given moment of time continue to heal? How could anybody
experience the sorrows of losing a loved one, when he only knew how So, my
friends, Mother Earth takes a big deep breath and exhales to celebrate that life
when the loved one was alive? How could anyone it into a storm of lights and
patterns that begin to swirl out over her learn the lessons of how to cure a body
malfunction, if the malfunction oceans, and become a hurricane, or a tornado, or
any of those vastly didn’t exist to begin with? Let me ask you, my friends, how
could harsh possibilities. Don’t you know? She’s not trying to hurt you.
any of you have learned how to love if you hadn’t experienced the Instead,
she’s trying to help herself so that she may be here for those lack thereof? How
could any of you journey day after day after day, of you who want to stay.
thinking that no such thing as love even exists, yet continue walking She
has no say with your political, religious, or any other leaders.
towards it, trying to find a mate that pleases you? How could you She
doesn’t speak to them. She speaks to We the People. She says, find a way to heal
yourself if you didn’t know what you were healing
“Here’s my power; here’s what I can do. Do you stand with me or from?
do you stand against me? If you stand with me, I’ll show you a few So, yes,
the Lemurian healer kept some secrets from the secrets. I’ll send one of me
master guides to sit with you and tell you population, just as those that you
recognize as healers today do. They’re some secrets about Lemuria. I’ll send
some more of me master guides bringing you on a journey. You say to me, “But
Master Guide Kirael, to walk amongst you and be your healers.” Oh, she claims
us. Yes, she I’m so saddened to hear that, because me mama, or me papa, has
this does. Mother Earth claims us in a heartbeat. She claims all that is of thing
that’s called cancer and they’re dying from it. Why doesn’t that the healing
healer just go to them and fix them?” The answer is ever so simple.
So the next time you see her spin another circle of her breath Maybe mama
or papa chose that journey, and it’s not for the healer to out in the ocean, and it
heads for some populated area, do your best intervene unless called upon. You
say, “But they don’t even know that to calm her. Always do your best to calm
her because sometimes her a healer exists.”
breath gets a wee bit carried away. She didn’t plan to take your place Well
then, just like in the world of Lemuria, I’ll offer you this called New Orleans and
break it into sections and wear it to the bone.
challenge, my friends. Let the world know about your healers. Let It just so
happens that with the Creator’s Force, once that thing got to the world know
about your own powers to heal, and the world will spinning, it just kept going,
and before you knew it, you had another become balanced.
storm on its way. Don’t you know that the lightworkers of the world came
together, went into the eye of that hurricane and said, “Mother Earth, we love
you, but we can’t have another devastation of the Healing Mother Earth
magnitude we just had. We’ll not be blaming you. We’ll be telling you it’s
time to heal.”
Why are we now bringing the secrets of Lemurian healing to bear on your
Earth? Look around you, me friends. Can you see what’s happening? Can you
see that the world has come down to just a few The Secrets of Lemurian Healers
individuals trying to pull the strings of society? Can you see that, through
ignorance, not growth, you in the human world have decimated Me friends, I am
here to take the fear out of your life, to help you the energy of Gaia? You’ve
shaved off her trees; you’ve spewed nasty understand everything about
Lemurian healing because, you see, the
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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Lemurian healers could instantly heal, much like your young Master
KIRAEL: Don’t you know, in this journey, my friends, that the Jesus did.
Lemurian healers could instantly heal and you couldn’t hold Creator in all of its
Love began to call forth onto its wisdom all of them back, except for the
Creator’s wish to let the people have the these people called Lemurians, and
some of them became healers.
Before they became healers, they were fully trained in the Principles of
Consciously Creating their world. Now, here’s a shocker for you.
So, some of the secrets I share with you are the beginning stages In the time
of Lemuria, it was called “The Hundred Principles of for a world that wants to
heal. Oh yes, you’ll still see Mother Earth Consciously Creating.” There were a
hundred principles that the healer breathing hard, you’ll still feel a certain few
people trying to run your had to fully understand before it could be considered a
healer. You worlds, but today the Lemurian way awakens. Why do you think we
couldn’t live just a few years in Lemuria and be a healer. You had to don’t have
a million people reading me books? It is because what I live a long time in order
to become healers. Those hundred principles share is for you the singers, the
healers, the searchers and the ones were honed into ten principles and brought to
your Earth plane now.
from other realms as well, to awaken to your powers to heal.
I’m not the only one talking about them. Other mediums talk So the
Lemurian secrets are these, me friends: There’s nothing about them; they just
don’t call them the Ten Principles. Some of them that’s been made by the
Creator’s Force of Light that cannot be reduced remember what it took to master
a hundred of them, and they don’t to particles of love. Once you reduce
something to particles of love, it want anybody to think that we should do that
has already begun its healing, and then it’s only a matter of nurturing it. It’s
a matter of bringing the love through the sounds and the lights.
If you master the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, you It’s a matter
of bringing out your heart energies and allowing yourself are entitled to be called
Master; that’s how you get to be a master.
the knowing that you cannot be stopped. It’s allowing yourself to know that
if something even has the slightest bit of desire to heal, you’ll be How can we
access our cellular consciousness memory to the one to awaken that bit within
it. It’s as simple as particles of light help us heal?
within you. You’re a living, breathing entity of your environment. You
were created and produced for this environment, and this environment
KIRAEL: Your cellular consciousness is like that of the spirit has been at its
own free will for almost ever.
world. It is in a constant state of vibration which never holds to any one
level for any length of time. Because it is constantly in vibration, The secret of
Lemurian energy healers is the knowledge that the 10 percent, or local brain,
does not have the ability to understand this energy you call the environment is
malleable. It is movable, it is it on a level that the omni brain does. Hence, the
omni brain at some trainable, it is fixable, and it is healable. Nothing is out of
bounds. I’ve point takes over from the local brain, if you are truly in your
healing tried to show you through me medium and his work that a way exists
to heal everything. It is the Lemurian way. It is the way of the great
prophets and the singers that I share with you here.
If you are going into a healing and find that your vibration is not merging
with the one you are about to heal with, then you are depending more on your
local brain than on your omni brain. The local brain does not really have the
ability to communicate with the cellular Questions & Answers
consciousness of the “healee.” You see, it is by igniting your omni brain,
which then connects the forces of your cellular consciousness to the cellular
consciousness of the one that you are healing, that the How did the Lemurian
healers weave the Ten Principles of two begin to evolve together. Once that
takes place, the imagery and Consciously Creating into their healing?
everything else can be collected by the local brain.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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Is the omni brain all about creation, creating new creation?
KIRAEL: Not exactly. When you create your blueprint, of course, you
decide as closely as possible your male or female KIRAEL: The brain, omni
and local, does not really think. Nor journeys, and in that, you program your
spirit, or your higher self, does the physical body of the cellular consciousness
truly think. What or that vibration which can’t be seen. We’ll just call it the spirit
self thinks is your spiritual self; that’s what thinks. Your brain is activated for
now. You program into your spirit self everything that you want because of your
light source, which is in connective force with the this body to know from past
experiences so that you may use this pineal gland.
part of yourself to engage in a lesson plan. Along with that, you have Now,
the pineal gland, as you well know if you have attended programmed into it
those things that you want to take care of as you one of the medium’s
workshops, is what holds the Signature Cell. That go through this journey.
Signature Cell is the cause of vibration throughout the entire cellular In a
sense, you have a slight version of the future programmed memory. The cellular
memory is cast in what has been and what is into the spirit self. I say a slight
version, because the likelihood is likely to be, without knowing the final result.
that you will have to get all of this in unified fashion for that to come The
brain is a conduit, whether you talk omni or local. The omni to pass. It depends
on your ability to focus and whether you will be brain is a conduit of the spiritual
awareness of what you truly are, that able to control your thinking powers to
actually bring to pass what is part of you that resides outside the physical reality.
When you look logged into the cellular conscious memory—which is already
logged at the medium, you see his physical awareness. You know that I am in
there via the God cell. Everything is replicated from the God cell; vibrating his
omni brain to search the pattern of the local brain to find hence, every cell has
the originating past, the originating present and words that fit well, that will help
you understand what I am trying to the originating future, all combined so that it
can move on any one of convey. In the highest realm of all, I’m actually fully
engaged with his those three or all three collectively. You are magical beings.
You just nonphysical self, and with that, I am the protective force that watches
don’t know it, that’s all.
over him during these encounters.
In that same light, so that you are clear, the brain literally does How can we
use what you are telling us now to avoid or to go not have a thought. It is the
thoughts of the conglomerate of energies past spirals of repetitive behavior?
of the nonphysical self that are applied to the brain so that it can then
KIRAEL: The answer is not one that most people would like. I use them to
transform. Now, the omni brain, which is more of a storage am not being
discourteous, yet I have already given you ten realities, capacitor, and the local
brain, which is an interactive force, begin to the Ten Principles of Consciously
Creating, to help you stop the merge and move themselves together so that you
have less of the local spirals, and you haven’t really used them yet. As for what
the cellular brain trying to decide what you’re to do, and more of the omni brain
consciousness is capable of, my friend, I just told you that the body that is
involved in it.
can think, not just the brain; the body can think on at least three levels Be
fully aware that the conscious thought of the body—that of seven consciousness
strands per level.
being the cellular consciousness—does think, but it thinks as it is told So
your body is thinking constantly about what it needs, but it’s to think by your
spirit self, your nonphysical self.
a selfish part of you. It wants to continue your force as long as you can hold
out. It doesn’t matter if you abuse it, if you put a lot of liquors So are the
cellular memories that we bring forth here on or things like that into it. It
doesn’t matter to the body. The body is Earth that are attached to our
physical form only memories that not designed in such a fashion that it holds
that against you. What we need to do the journey here or to fulfill the journey
in this does that tell you? Your God Creator cells, the cells of your body,
the consciousness of those cells, are on the same par as your God
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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Creator. Blame does not exist; the body is simply always trying to powerful
little beings of light that have conscious awareness. Hence, adjust. The body
simply uses the spirals to continue its evolutionary today you are all capable of
holding your hand out in front of you, then journey. While you are walking
around in a circle, it’s continuing to going through the entirety of your body,
drawing the photon particles hold fast, waiting for you to get out of the spiral so
that it can generate up and down through your arms and gathering them into a
beautiful more experiences on its evolutionary journey.
ball. Can you see it? Use your third eye. Can you see the ball? Can you feel
the weight of it in your hand? That’s how the Lemurians did it.
They created through love, and that love was generated by the photons
How did the Lemurian healer use photon energy to heal? It that they could
pull from their bodies.
seems that photons have a profound relationship with our thoughts,
and that the combination of photons and thought in facilitating a healing
should not be taken lightly.
In the Signature Cell healing sessions, do we visualize the energy
coming into the crown from the higher dimensions or do KIRAEL: The
Lemurian way of life was to cause love. Their we flow it from our own
signature cell? Or do we just know that it whole journey was about
awakening to love. In Lemuria, you saw is flowing? I’m thinking that we have
to bring it from the higher the average person oftentimes holding a wee golden
ball of energy dimensions until we are so activated ourselves that we can
flow it that just seemed to glow in her hands. It looked real to the average from
our own signature cell.
passerby. The person held the ball of energy out in front of her and played
with it. When she saw some energetic pattern that was still in KIRAEL: I love it
when you ask a question and answer it in the the throes of learning how to love,
she would walk to that pattern and same moment. Every one of you has a
particle of the Creator inside say, “I have but a gift, if you are in the receiving
light.” If that pattern of you. You literally have a particle of the God Creator
inside of you.
of energy, being another Lemurian, said, “Oh, yes, I am,” then the one Not
only that, me friends, but you also have another particle of the holding the little
ball of light gave it to this person.
God Creator in your pineal gland, and that is the one that carries your life
Now what is that little ball of light? All bodies produce photon energy,
don’t you know? The Lemurians were much more adept than Every being has
the power within the self to activate the Creator’s you on the Earth as a human
are now at taking the photon energy that Force of Light. Most of you don’t have
the courage to even think about the body produces and gathering its forces. They
held it, played with it, let alone try it, but when you do, you begin to see things
happening it, and moved it around, much like the medium teaches you to do in
the in the third eye.
medium’s Signature Cell Healing workshops. The Lemurian had such You
pull from the higher forces through your crown until you get an aggressive—and
I use this word to make a point—need to expand more adept at pulling on your
own particle of Creator Force. When its healing powers that it was forever
pulling the body’s excess photon you start pulling on your own particle of
Creator Force, you begin energy and controlling it, whereas you in the human
world just let it to call in the masters. You call young Master Jesus. He knows
when flow free out into the atmosphere. That’s not a bad thing, but just not
you’ve activated your pineal gland and are using the signature cell, the what you
really want to do.
God Light particles of you, because you’re also activating your aura.
These golden particles of light could be merged into a pattern much You
see, there’s the God cell light, then there’s your own God cell like I described
earlier in relation to the weaves. Once the Lemurians light, or aura. The third in
the trinity is what the masters will supply began to use those golden photon
particles as the healing journey of for you. I don’t mean just Master Jesus. I’m
also talking about young love itself, that journey of love continued from there
forth. Are you Master Buddha, or the beautiful Quan Yin, or any of the other
great aware that your body is making photons right now? The photons are
masters available to you here on this planet system.
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For those of you who have so much power that you’re a little bit When one
understands how to weave the four bodies, whether it afraid of it, you can put the
energy through a funnel that is the energetic is through the colors one surmises
or through the sounds one detects, force of your light being self-constricted. One
day when you’re ready, what you understand is that every color has a sound, or a
multiple of the funnel will just not be there, and then you’ll know that you have
sounds woven into it. Once you begin to direct a color, and weave a the power
fully available.
sub-color into it, the subatomic part of that sub-color begins to raise its
vibrational force, weaving itself through it all until it affects the sound with the
color of its light. That light then becomes the sporadic energy How did the
Lemurians view the God Cell?
by which it vibrates until it is thought into a perspective.
KIRAEL: The minute you get a body, you have to have a All you have to
do is decide which of the colors available to you God cell; you have to have a
particle of the Creator. You are Creator are woven in such a fashion that you can
use, and mount the plates energy; therefore, you must have the Creator Light.
It’s always in the of their subatomic particles upon one another, until you create
the same identical place, whether you’re Lemurian, Atlantean, Human, exact
sound and frequency of light that you want. In that, you have the Martian, Arian,
whatever you might be. Everyone has a particle of the healing modality by
which you’ve chosen to be part of this experience same identical Creator. This is
why we get the biggest kick when your called We the Healers of Earth.
human worlds fight with and even kill each other. You see, as you’re
looking down the barrel of your gun at that person who’s threatening you with a
mean face or something, and you pull the trigger, killing I would like some
clarity on the healing abilities of males and him, you’ve just killed a piece of
yourself. The Lemurians knew this.
females who are using sounds and tones to heal.
They knew that that God Cell was the window to the Creator, so never
KIRAEL: The male is conceived from the Y chromosome; would a Lemurian
kill another. The God Cell is the sacred part of who therefore, it cannot reach the
higher levels of sound unless it has an you are.
extended Y, which means that one of the legs of the Y is extended to look
like an X. The female, having the full X chromosome, has a vaster In Signature
Cell Healing are healers weaving with strands array of possibilities, which
allows for sequential toning, meaning that that are made of the four elements
—earth, air, fire and water—
females can tone with multiple levels simultaneously.
but on a higher level made of light particles?
Oftentimes the male doesn’t let himself expand into the feminine
KIRAEL: I will answer that question in such a way that areas. However, in a
healing situation, you’ll often find what I call a many people will experience it
on one level, while other people will
“predominant male,” that is, a male reaching to balance itself with
experience it on another.
an X chromosome. The predominant male will begin to weave in an almost
unnatural state, meaning outside the realm of the physical This whole generated
force of light particles is connected by the world. That’s where it can create in a
creative form. That energy then weave, and the four elements are products of the
weave. When the has to be woven back in, and this is where the female X
chromosome reigning force of energy upon a particular planet system makes its
comes into play a bit. The male has to be woven back to the light.
weave, or when it generates a force of weave, it affects not only the cells,
but also the cellular consciousness. You are beings of light, a In literal sense,
you do have a bit of an advantage when you form vibration patterned after a
greater being than all of you can understand a healing team of a “male-fe-male”
[pronounced mal-fe-mal] male and remember. That light is woven in such a
spectacular force that the with a female. Now, male-fe-male simply means a
male energy with vibrational qualities of that weave become harmonized in their
own a female spirit, or a male who has found his balance. In other words,
delicate fashion, which is the collective force of the sounds and the his Y
chromosome has actually extended its bottom line down to look colors that come
together in a pattern of existence.
more like the X of the female chromosome. The advantage is that the
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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female, with her sequential toning abilities, has the full force of that itself to
another time and space, and it was no longer an implied healer.
nasal/throat sound, and the male-fe-male male can do that, too.
It was in fact considered to be the full healer.
What is the “seat of the soul” and how do we use our eyes, Can you
elaborate on the activation of the twelve rays of light our presence or
compassion to heal from that vantage point?
and the “rainbow bridge”?
KIRAEL: I say to you, my friend, you’re a blessed servant of KIRAEL:
When we talk about the twelve rays of the rainbow the Creator. In this, you must
recognize that your question is asked so bridge, we are talking about all the new
fascinations that will become that I may answer it for the whole of the world,
and for that, you will part of the human experience. As you begin to expand and
become receive your own blessings in due time.
aware of how sound can create colors, and how, when those colors merge
and become woven, they in turn create a sound, you will begin Looking through
the eyes sends the vision to the seat of the soul.
to see your basic chakra colors, the colors of the rainbow, and you will The
“seat of the soul” is the part of you that the medium speaks of in begin to move
into the higher plains of consciousness.
his world called Signature Cell Healing. In the seat of the soul is the
vibrational pattern by which you can find love. It is a pitch that is out When
Archangel Michael was appointed in the Creator’s Love of the range of the
human ear for now, but we’re working on that. If to hold the light of all
consciousness, the Creator needed to expand its you sit within three and a half to
four inches of another and allow awareness out into the folds of all levels of
evolutionary consciousness each of you, one at a time, to look into the seat of the
other’s soul, you so that those levels of consciousness would be exposed to
Archangel will begin to hear the sound of which I speak. It is not a pitch that is
Michael’s bridge. To this day, when you exercise the option of standing
available to the human ear, but it is available to the human heart, and before
Archangel Michael, and he expands his wings into the presence the only way to
experience it is through the sight of the soul.
of the love of which he exists, at the very heart of his light can be seen the
rainbow bridge. Those of you who have the courage to walk to Michael and
expand your heart into his heart will be able to cross the Did healings evolve or
change in the different Lemurian time rainbow bridge of the healing world,
and then cross back again.
periods as the Lemurian healed closer to the ideal that it sought?
KIRAEL: In order to get from one level of consciousness to Is it possible
to reawaken my Lemurian healing powers another, you had to have the
healing abilities implied. This means that today?
you knew your abilities, but you didn’t have to exercise them. You only had
to have them implied, much like many of your healers here KIRAEL: It is not
only plausible, feasible or possible, it is on the Earth plane now.
almost something that you must do. In order for you to have the courage to
let the world know of your powers, you’ll have to go back You are implied
healers; you haven’t released the full flavor of to your Lemurian roots. There
you’ll be able to stand in the purple your abilities. In the Lemurian era, one only
needed to be an implied forest, where all the healers came to meditate and pray.
You can go healer in order to move from one level of consciousness to another,
back amongst them, and find your brethren, and your sisters. You can and it was
that way until the final stages. In the final stages of Lemuria, do this, my friend,
in a number of ways, and my suggestion would be the Lemurians were in a space
and time in which they lived only part-through the art of meditation.
time in the physical and part-time in the spiritual. Then just before the
world of Lemuria began to sink, the Lemurian being was able to Through
meditation, you will be able to create your space to sit
“demolecularize” the whole of its system and leave it in plain sight of in the
purple forest amongst all of the trees and all of the animals, everybody, a
glowing mass of energy. At that point, it could remove amongst all of the
insects, all of the beings of both natures, of course.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift
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Let yourself remember who you were. Let those around you remember
Imagine that a door appears at what you think is the back of this who you were,
for in the collective memory, you can bring your art great temple, and you know
it is your door to the Creator’s Love. You back to this plane of consciousness.
Your journey is to become a know that you have spent lifetime after lifetime
honing your skills, teacher, and if you have the courage, it is time, it is time. It is
bringing yourself to be called master. There is the door, and as you take a
step, your whole body begins to “particle-ize,” and you begin to shine. Almost
everyone sees a new part of you, because you are love.
Master Guide Kirael, would you take us on a quick, multi-All of a
sudden, the door is upon you and you feel the purity of Love sensory tour of
a healing room in the Lemurian temples?
of Creative Force. God Creator has touched your heart.
KIRAEL: Just close your eyes, no matter where you are, because
That’s a journey to one of the healing temples in Lemuria.
there were temples located many places. But I’m going to take you to a
special temple: to a temple that was outside of a very special place in
[At the end of this session with Master Guide Kirael, the medium,
Lemuria where the great masters came to exit the plane. You’d call it a
Kahu Fred Sterling, was given the opportunity to answer a question, portal
today. You see, in the latter stages of Lemuria, no one died; they which
became the closing statement.]
just chose to leave. To go there with me, you must breathe deeply.
Now imagine, if you would, a most beautiful tree that stood How do I
make sure that my cellular consciousness is in probably a hundred to a
hundred and twenty feet in height, a tree that alignment with my brain, or
vice versa, in making sure that I walk it would take you probably the good
part of an hour to walk around.
the talk, so to speak, of my goals and desires of healing?
Then imagine another one right beside it. Then, if you would, imagine
KAHU: Don’t use your brain anymore. Don’t use your brain to that is the
temple, and all you would have to do is stand between these think yourself
into love. Use your love to guide you through love. It two giant trees and a
vision would begin. You would see statues of all sounds like something that
hippies might have said in the sixties. But the guardians of developing
societies—gods, as they would be called maybe they knew something we
didn’t know, and maybe it’s time for one day—all in a row. You would be
able to stand in front of any one us to remember we are a cellular
consciousness. We’re a pathway of of them and hear their wisdom. Each of
those guardians would look energy that can only be experienced as love,
because the Creator is not into your eyes, and you would feel yourself
melting into the colors and a Creator that has good and bad. The Creator is
the Creation of Love the sounds of light itself, as each of the guardians
thanked you for your itself.
participation in what is called life.
The four-letter word spelled L-O-V-E is actually a feeling, an Then
imagine, while you’re standing between the simplicity of intensity, an
awakening to know that there is nothing other than love to two giant trees,
you see a space that has the appearance of being a great work toward. It’s
why people marry; it’s why you take on this journey temple, and in that
temple, every being that you had ever spoken to in called life. It is your
experience to let love be your part, not to think of this journey of life is
there with you. Everyone that you had ever loved it, not to try to negotiate
it, but to simply let it be. Walk in the forest, is there in particle light to share
your experience. Imagine a temple that stand on the beach at Waikiki, stand
at the top of a mountain and see glowed with light itself. Imagine a temple
where the sounds were part what our gifts are. It’s called Creation, and
you’ll feel love. You can’t of the resonation of the Creator’s Love, a temple
where you need not think it. You feel it, and once you feel it, it becomes you;
you don’t hide anything, where you just opened up your heart and let
yourself become it. What a lovely thought.
flow into the weave of All That Is. All of a sudden, you could feel the
pulse of those trees that were part of your vision, while the greatest The
ancient Lemurian healers knew about love. That’s how they masters of all
surrounded you and said, “Thank you for your journey, healed. They
sensed the love in everything and they embraced it and for we are all
greater masters because of you.”
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift The End Leading to the
Beginning 1
took it to higher and higher levels until they reached the pinnacle of its
The End Leading to the Beginning
KIRAEL: I want to end by saying a little bit more about me old world,
Lemuria. In fact, I’m going to take you on a little journey of the end times
of Lemuria, to leave it in your consciousness. I want to take you to the very
closing times, when they did things differently from the way you currently
do them here on your Earth plane.
The story goes that, at the beginning time of the final phase of the
Lemurian energy, the people of Lemuria raised their energies and looked
up into the sky. It was as though the sky became illuminated in colors, with
flashing and beautiful streaming lights that blended in a magical weave.
Every Lemurian, yes, the whole of the Lemurian beings on the entire
continent of Lemuria, stopped where they were in the moment and looked
up, for each felt that they had finally had the vision they had been looking
for. It was the beautiful vision of the Creator that began to speak inside
each person’s mind, and everyone heard the words the same way: “This is
the beginning time of the end.”
All were extremely thrilled by what was about to take place.
Imagine a whole continent of people stopping in the same moment and
listening to the beauty of what was about to take place in their world. This
Creator spoke unto them, and said, “I will come back in each of the times. I
will come back in First Life. I will come back in Common Time. And I will
come back at the Transition, when I will speak these words ever louder and
more beautiful in your thoughts.”
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift The End Leading to the
Beginning 1
The Creator spoke of the time when the beings of Lemuria had in Love,
for it has spoken now and it will speak in the future. When brought this
Earth plane to a magical sense of awareness. All the you hear it, your heart
will open, tears will run from your eyes, your Lemurians looked around and
saw each other in love. They were knees will feel the Earth touch them as
the ‘ aina [land] fills into your touched by each other. They put out a finger,
and one finger touched reality. For you have come, you have seen and you
will have become another. It is said in that moment, that every Lemurian on
the continent One.
of Lemuria was in touch with the other.
It will be in-lightening. It will be a time for us to rejoice. It is the It took
no time at all, because time was steadfast in its own reality.
Great Shift in Consciousness, me friends. Don’t be afraid. Open your
The Creator looked upon them in a great smile and said unto each and
heart to it. Let yourself feel the presence of love as it permeates your every
one of them, “It is time for many of you to return into my Light.
Earth plane. I promise you one thing: Those of you within the sound
The vast majority of you will come home with me, and although we of me
voice, you’re going on to that side of the world. You’re going to will leave
the mountain peaks, we will lower this beautiful energy that find your way
into Lemuria around the world, because Lemuria truly you’ve created well
below the oceans and we will leave it there for means the openness of heart
that one seeks within the self of Creator.
generations of light time to come.”
In that, we live in the beauty of who we are.
A whole society of people touched in one moment, and the I thank you
for letting me share that wee story with you in children and parents listened
as the Creator spoke: “This is the end whatever way it touches your heart—
I hope at the very depths of it.
of the beginning. One day we will have the beginning of the end, and
someday all will look back upon you in the world of Lemuria, and they will
say, ‘You knew how to love. You knew how to bless. And you knew how to
be in love with your Creator. You knew everything that there was to
“When that time comes, my Lemurian friends, I will speak into the
hearts of those who will listen and I will tell them to have no fear.
I will tell them to breathe in the Light of my Love, and as they breathe
it in, I will pass my word to them and they will repeat the words. They will
come to this great knowingness one day that Lemuria meant more to them
than they ever knew. Many will awaken and say, ‘I’ve never even heard the
name Lemuria, but I feel the sensation of it.’”
I say to all of my Lemurian friends that, in the time of the Great Shift,
these words will come to them. I will put these words in the mouth of
another and words will be spoken, such as “aloha.” They will be heard, and
they will all come from this most beautiful world called Lemuria. The
whales, the dolphins and all the people will listen, united in a force that is
beyond comprehension.
Here I say to you, the Creator speaks loudly and in the most proficient
way, but never does it speak with a voice that is not unified

00 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift About Kahu Fred
Sterling 01
a sense of complete honesty and authenticity—what you see is what
About Kahu Fred Sterling
you get—and his style on the air or on the street is fully engaged and
extemporaneous. All of his Sunday Service messages at the Honolulu
Church of Light are relentlessly drawn from personal experience. He Kahu
Fred Sterling is
shares lessons from his own journey, teaching rather than preaching.
a master medium, a minister
and a messenger—a shaman
Throughout it all, Kahu (as he is affectionately called) of Native
American ancestry,
downplays his role as “leader” or “healer.” Instead, he relishes his who
walks between the third-role as “messenger,” wherein the message is more
important than the dimensional world of human and
messenger. “My whole journey in life at this point,” says Kahu, “is to
the boundless realms of spirit.
let people see that options are available, to not get caught up in fear
For more than 15 years, he has
or fall prey to the ‘doom and gloom.’ I want people to find the beauty
channeled the loving light and
and the light within themselves and begin to use it, begin to heal. I
wisdom of Kirael, a master spirit
believe now is the time for peace through healing.”
guide, into books, articles and
He has authored several books with Master Guide Kirael, recorded
including Kirael: The Great Shift; Kirael: The Genesis Matrix; Guide As
founder and senior
to the Unseen Self; and Kirael: The Ten Principles of Conscious minister
of the Honolulu Church
Creation. His work is being translated into many languages, including
of Light, a non-traditional
German, Spanish, Finnish, Hebrew and Japanese.
spiritualist church, Kahu (the
Hawaiian word for spiritual
leader or reverend) Sterling shines his own love and light upon both a
local congregation and a blossoming international community of
lightworkers via the Internet. His weekly live Internet radio broadcast,
“The Great Shift with Fred Sterling,” brings many of the top
spiritualists and healers from around the world to lovingly awaken us to the
Great Shift in Consciousness.
Kahu Fred Sterling is, first and foremost, a gifted and dedicated healer,
helping seekers around the world discover their own paths of healing into
love. At the Honolulu Church of Light, he has emerged as a pioneering
healer and a trance medium of growing distinction. With the guidance of
Master Guide Kirael, he has introduced Signature Cell Healing™ into the
world and shares this modality of four-body healing in workshops across
the United States and around the globe.
Kahu Fred Sterling has embraced the adventure of life more
passionately than most, and what validates his work as minister and healer
is precisely this life experience. It has allowed him to cultivate

0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift About Master Guide
Kirael 0
Kirael is here on an unprecedented mission of monumental About
Master Guide Kirael
consequence. He has appeared in this moment of history to fulfill an
ancient prophecy—echoed many times throughout the ages—about an
evolutionary cycle that began some 200,000 years ago. It is no coincidence
that so many great energies are here at the same time, for this is a moment
of extraordinary change and growth.
Master Guide Kirael, as he is formally known, has come to usher
Mother Earth and her inhabitants into a new era of profound evolutionary
change, which he has dubbed “the Great Shift in Master Guide Kirael is a
loving spirit guide from the seventh Consciousness.” This period in history
—prophesied through ancient dimension that has committed its light into
the Earth plane to help Mayan, Native American, Egyptian and Biblical
calendars as well as humanity heal, evolve and experience what it calls the
“Great Shift” in through Nostradamus and many modern psychics—has
been called consciousness. Brought forth through the mediumship of Kahu
“The End Times,” “Zero Point,” “The Time of No Time.” Kirael
Sterling, Master Guide Kirael has been called King of Angels and has
consistently maintained that the Great Shift is not about doom Guardian of
the Journey.
and gloom. It is a time of great joy and celebration as Mother Earth
rebalances herself and prepares for mass evolutionary movement into In
recent history, great energies have permeated the Earth plane, a new
bringing information from sources not readily available to the human
world. In the 1970’s Jane Roberts brought forth the remarkable non-
Master Guide Kirael’s greatest imperative is the healing of the physical
entity called Seth. Today, there are many profound and loving human
world. He has made world peace, harmony and the enlightenment energies
being channeled to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants: of humanity his
major goals. He has provided powerful, practical tools for the Shift, through
books and recordings, radio, TV and Internet Kryon, brought forth by Lee
Carroll broadcasts, and a rich website full of articles and audio archives.
The Group, through Steve Rother
Abraham, through Esther Hicks
Gaia, through Pepper Lewis
Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman, and many, many more.
In the late 1980’s an exciting new energy force made its presence
known to a new generation of lightworkers. It called itself Kirael
(pronounced Ki-ra-el), and Kahu Fred Sterling has been honored to act as
his medium. We call this entity “he” only because he communicates through
Kahu Sterling, yet Kirael has made it clear that his energy pattern is neither
a “he” nor a “she” but rather an energy pattern of light from an alternate
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Honolulu Church of Light
& 0
Workshops with Kahu Fred Sterling
Honolulu Church of Light & Honolulu Church of Light is a
spiritualist church focused on healing. As spiritualists, its participants
honor the evolutionary nature Learn more about Lemuria and the Great
Shift of human consciousness and embrace the Creator as the All That Is, in
the Omnipresence of Light. As a healing ministry, the church provides
a safe space for all to celebrate life, to awaken spiritually, and to heal on all
four levels of human experience: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
Great Shift Workshops
The Honolulu Church of Light is a “church without walls.” While
the organization maintains a physical sanctuary and healing center in
Signature Cell Healing™
Honolulu, Hawaii (the healing capital of the world), it serves the needs
of thousands of congregation members worldwide via the Internet.
The church’s global mission is simple: “We the People are consciously
creating opportunities for all to heal through love into love.”
For more information on the Honolulu Church of Light Tel: +1 808 952
0880 or +1 800 390 1886
To attend a workshop in your area: is the church’s primary outreach vehicle and is the Call toll
free, U.S. only:
hub of its online community. Through this site, it webcasts “The Great
Shift with Fred Sterling” talk-radio program, live sessions with Master
Guide Kirael, and Sunday services. is the official online or
home of Master Guide Kirael, Kahu Fred Sterling, the Ten Principles
of Consciously Creating, the Kirael Community online discussion visit our
forum, and the Billion Person Peace Meditation Project.
For more information, visit
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift The Chancellor’s
Lemurian Numerology 0
6 – Mastery – To master something was to know it so deeply that it The
Chancellor’s Lemurian Numerology became part of the Creator’s Force, the
most beautiful light and love that is possible.
KIRAEL: It might be of grand interest here for you to know 7 –
Transition – Transition meant that everything changed and was that one of
the first things the Chancellor of Lemuria did as it began accepted, knowing
that it came directly from the world of spirit, and to move its own energy
was to introduce a system of numerology so was guided solely by the
Creator’s Force.
simple that each and every being was left to understand it in the most
perfect way.
8 – Evolution – With the number 8, the Lemurians knew that evolution
The numbers that the Chancellor brought forth were used for all began to
unfold at such a rapid pace that they tried to blend the two the time of
Lemuria. The numbers brought magic to the world, me worlds together,
moving from the lows up into the highs, while the friends, because they gave
you different understandings.
middle world was always there for them.
Over time, you learned to measure the stars and everything else 9 –
Completion – The number 9 simply meant that one level learned by
numbers. You learned all that there was to remember by putting it in was
brought to a complete understanding and it was time to move to number
form. You came to understand that the great numbers actually the next. It
was not the end; it was the completion of one phase so that added up to the
great matrix of life. In this Lemurian time, these one could enter into
numbers were meant to be simple, and simple they always were.
1 – Creator Force – This was the number that was understood as the
Creator’s Energy. Everything that happened in the world of the one was of
the Creator.
2 – Balance – Two represented a balance in light that carried you into
the knowingness that all is equal in some fashion.
3 – Trinity: Truth, Trust and Passion – The Lemurians lived in a world
which was modeled on the trinity of these three Principles based in the
Principles of Consciously Creating.
4 – The Fourth Light – The number four was the balancer of all
balancers. This was an opportunity to learn about the physical, the
emotional, the mental and the spiritual awareness that it takes to be a being
of great understanding.
5 – Love – Love to the Lemurian had no opposite. It was the perfection
of light, the Creator’s Force incarnate.
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Glossary 0
given time. Alternately, the essential light may have aspects of itself
manifest in other dimensions and/or planetary systems.
Astral body—The energy of Self. The astral body has the ability to
temporarily discard the third-dimensional vibration and embodiment to
become the wholeness of the energy of Self. It can travel without A
the pull of the magnetic forces of the Earth plane.
Afterlife, the—The second level of consciousness in Lemuria where the
Goddess was ever present.
Astral travel—The act of traveling ethereally—in spirit only, or as
spirit energy in the astral plane of consciousness without a physical Agape
—The absolute, unequivocal vibration of unconditional love body.
beyond the concept of yin and yang. Agape is the essence of love in its
purest form.
Atlantis—An Earth continent and evolutionary realm once inhabited
primarily by beings of galactic origin. The Atlantean period of Earth Airy-
fairy—A generally pejorative term used to describe anything evolution
followed Lemuria and preceded the Egyptian era.
spiritual or “New Age.” A term often used by non-spiritualists to
describe spiritualist concepts or practices they do not understand.
Auto-scripting—Automatic writing, channeled writing.
Akashic records—A vibration of recorded events that spans all time
and space. It is said that these archives hold the histories of Earth and B
all other evolutionary systems.
Blueprint—The life plan which we, as humans, bring with us to All
That Is— See, “Creator.”
experience on the Earth plane.
Ancients, the—Beings of light that preceded any form of life here on
this planet called Earth.
Angelic realm (Angelic world, Angelic force, Angelic reality)—the
Causal plane—The physical or magnetic formation of particle light.
dimensional reality of the angels.
Cellular consciousness, cellular memory—The conscious awareness
Arius—A planetary system with a highly technologically advanced and
memories that are held within the cells of the physical body.
society, whose beings were aware of their system’s destiny to burn out
and were able to plan for their exit and their race’s evolutionary Chakra—
A cone-shaped energy center in the physical body. In a patterning.
common view of the human body, each of the seven major chakras is
associated with a nerve plexus, or network, and has a unique color
Archangels—Usually the highest form of angels assigned to an association:
root or base chakra—red; sacral chakra—orange; solar evolving system
such as Earth and who will intercede on behalf of plexus chakra—yellow;
heart chakra—green; throat chakra—blue; human endeavors.
brow chakra—indigo; crown chakra—violet. Each major chakra
Aspect—An energy pattern of the essential self, or higher self, focused
projected from the front of the body has a corresponding chakra into a
specific realm of consciousness in order to experience a life projection on
the back. (For a discussion of the evolving chakra plan. Typically, an
essential self will incarnate three aspects of itself systems, see Guide to the
Unseen Self, Chapter 7) on one or more planes of existence, such as the
Earth plane, at any
10 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Glossary 11
Chancellor Mafu, the—An ancient being of Lemuria, Mafu, also D
known as Mufa, was of service to the Lemurian councils, in that he
Dimension— A level of existence or consciousness.
helped them understand all of the predecessors to the evolutionary
journey of discovery. Mafu/Mufa later became Chancellor of Lemuria.
Download—A large amount of information passed between the higher
He wrote the Three Edicts of Determined Evolution: Truth, Trust and self
or another force of light and the ego-veiled human self.
Channel—A connection between a human reality and the unseen E
forces of light (e.g., guides and angels) that facilitates the exchange of
information; also, a person who acts as a conduit for energy or Earth
balancing ritual—A ritual performed by four Goddesses: information.
Goddess Gaia, known as Earth Mother, representing the earth
element; Pele, who stands for the element of fire; Isis, who stands for
Channeling—The act of allowing ideas and information to flow from the
water element; and Mariah, who lets free the winds of time. The non-
physical, non-human sources into the realm of human conscious four
Goddesses created sovereignty by unifying the four natures, or awareness.
See also, “Medium.”
elements, that it takes to create a planet that is capable of nurturing
Christ particles, Christ thought (Christ Energy)—The thought life.
particles of the Creator. At the time of his baptism, Master Jesus Earth
plane—A description of the multi-dimensional entirety of became fully
infused with and awakened to the Christ Energy.
planet Earth as a staging ground where evolutionary processes can
Collective consciousness—The combined awareness of two or more unfold.
beings. See, “Mass consciousness.”
Edge creators—The edge creator is curious, always creating anew,
Common Time—The Lemurian era was comprised of three periods: trying
to figure out what it is that we’re doing here and what this life is First Life,
Common Time and Transition. Each of these periods was all about. The fill-
in creator is one who is not so interested in creating comprised of three
souljourns also known as First Life, Common Time anew, taking risks or
experimenting. The fill-in creator rarely steps out and Transition.
of his comfort zone. See, “Fill-in creators.”
Complexity thinking—Thinking on at least four levels Ego—The self-
woven veil of thought that allows a spirit being to simultaneously.
create the illusion—and symbolizes the belief—that humans and other
forms of evolutionary beings are separated from the Creator Source.
Councils—These were the so-called governing bodies of Lemuria.
This veil of separation gives rise to limited thoughts as well as fears.
Consciousness—A defined state of awareness.
For each human incarnation, the essential self creates an ego so that
the human aspect may participate in an evolutionary journey on the
Creator (God Creator)—The omnipresence of all Light in Creation, Earth
the essence of Love, the All That Is.
Elven—The Elvens are fifteenth-dimensional energy patterns, whose
Crystal children—These children display a new and unusual set of society is
based on Goddess Love, or the Love of the Creator. The psychological
attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally Elven and the Angelic
realms combined their energies to form the first undocumented before. In
contrast to the Indigo child, the crystal child Lemurians.
is intuitive and psychic, very sensitive and caring, empathic and peace
loving. See also, “Indigo children.”
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Glossary 1
Energy pattern—Any being of light existing in a coherent state. Also,
Four-body system (four bodies)—The physical, emotional, mental thought
and spiritual energy bodies that comprise a third-dimensional
incarnation, such as a human being or the Earth Mother. The balanced
Erudite consciousness—The third level of consciousness in Lemuria,
integration (healing) of these bodies moves you to a higher plane of which
was inhabited by the Guardian Goddesses. To attain this consciousness.
level, one must have achieved an absolute working knowledge of all
vibrational occurrences of the Creator’s Force.
Four Pillars of Consciously Creating—The Principles of Prayer,
Meditation, Sleepstate Programming and Masterminding. These are Essene
masters, society—The Essenes were an ascetic Jewish sect considered the
tools for connecting to and manifesting with the Creator that lived near the
Dead Sea around the time of Jesus.
Force and other unseen forces of light, allowing you to reach outside
Essential self, essential light— See, “Higher Self.”
the perceived limitations of the human world.
Etheric (ethers, ethereal, etheric fabric)—A reference to the living
spirit force that permeates and surrounds all energy patterns (beings).
The etheric fabric is non-linear space where no time-space continuum
God Cell—Found within the pineal gland, the God Cell, or Signature
Cell, holds the perfection of All That Is and the individual’s life plan.
Ever Time—A vibrational level of consciousness which belongs to the
Creator. A being from Ever Time works explicitly for the Creator’s God
Creator (God Light)— See, “Creator.”
Goddess colors – Each order of Goddess Light resonates to a color.
Evolution—The never-ending process of Creation: creating, The colors
are green, blue, rose, purple, violet, aqua and ebony.
experiencing and expanding consciousness; the process of developing
Goddess Energy— See, “Goddess Light.”
an ever-expanding awareness of the Creator’s Love, for example,
moving through our human experience of the Third Dimension into
Goddess Light—The Creator’s Essence of Love, the vibrational another
dimension of awareness.
force of the Love of Creator defined by the sensory projection of love
Extended “Y”, an—A male who has developed his feminine balance to
a large extent. The “missing leg” of the “Y” chromosome in such Goddess
orders—The seven orders of Goddess Light, which resonate males could be
described as appearing extended, to create more of an to sound and color.
Goddess song—The permanent pitch of the presiding planet, in this
case, Mother Earth. She has a permanent pitch and that becomes the
Goddess song.
Goddess weave—When we speak of the Goddess weave, we speak of
Fear—A self-created belief in a limitation, used to control the self in the
Love of the Creator. See also, “Weave.”
order to experience a lesson plan. See, “Ego.”
Great Shift in Consciousness—The evolutionary shift in awareness of
First Life—The Lemurian era was comprised of three periods: the
Creator’s Love on planet Earth and within her inhabitants, moving First
Life, Common Time and Transition. Each of these periods was the Earth
plane from the Third Dimension into a new dimension of comprised of three
souljourns also known as First Life, Common Time conscious awareness.
and Transition.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Glossary 1
Guardian Goddesses—The balancing particle lights of the Creator,
Illusion—A so-called “reality” created through thought for the purpose
which stabilize the evolutionary particles before the Creator identifies of
experiencing a particular process or journey. The Third Dimension, their
which is a creation of collective thought, is an illusion.
Guidance realm—The dimensional reality of the Guides.
Indigo children—Children who display a new and unusual set of
psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally Guide—
An entity of light that assists other evolving entities, such as undocumented
before. In contrast to the crystal children, indigo humans, to move through
journeys and evolve into a higher awareness children are said to be warrior
spirits, because their collective purpose of the Creator’s Love.
is to convert old systems that no longer serve us. See also, “Crystal
Heal—To make sound or whole; to restore to health.
Healing—The process of making oneself whole; the understanding
Journey—The experience of following a chosen path, a collection of your
Oneness with the Creator so that complete healing takes place of
experiences or lessons planned by the Self for the purpose of in all four
energetic bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
experiencing and evolving itself on behalf of the Creator. In human
See, “Four-body system.”
terms, a journey is the process and the experience of healing back into
the Creator’s Love.
Healing journey— See, “Journey.”
Heart—The core of the Creator’s essence within the Self. The truth of
who you are.
Higher self (essential self, essential light)—Your soul. The spirit part
Lemuria—An Earth continent and evolutionary realm, where the of you
that is constantly aware of all realities, while still maintaining Creator
originally focused enough energy to set in motion human a continuous
connection with your physical incarnation. A higher self evolution. Lemuria
was a heart-based society, where fifth-dimensional is an aspect of a soul
family that is processing on different dimensions love existed. The remnants
of the Lemurian continent can be seen as simultaneously. (For a detailed
discussion of the higher self, see Kirael the Hawaiian Islands and landmasses
around the Pacific Rim. From Vol. II: The Genesis Matrix.)
its inception into the Earth plane, the waters surrounding Lemuria
immediately started sinking. The Shift is going to push the islands up Home
(return home, be called home)—A description of the process and add land
of human death. Many believe that in this process they are simply
returning “home” to the Creator’s Light.
Lesson plan—A rudimentary projection of what an evolutionary being
would like to attempt to experience while incarnate. This plan may not
always unfold exactly as planned, yet it gives the embodied I
life form a direction.
I AM, the—A biblical reference to the Creator Source in identifying
Light (Creator’s Light)—The source and substance of All That Is, its
energy. This self-identification is used by many spiritualists as a the energy
of the Creator, the essence of Love.
key to centering one’s focus on the pure intent of Self.
Light being—An evolutionary, non-physical being.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Glossary 1
Light body—A description of the human incarnate experience post-
Medium—A human being who moves his or her consciousness aside Shift,
wherein the human body will be physically less dense at a and allows a spirit
being to use the physical body to communicate with molecular level, or more
the human world. For instance, Rev. Fred Sterling is the medium for Master
Guide Kirael.
Local brain—The 10 percent brain that we as humans use in our daily lives
to align and understand learned conscious thoughts or defined Mineral weave—
When the Creator left the Earth devoid of all being, experiences. “Local” refers
to the locale in which evolutionary beings the only thing that remained of it was
the beautiful mineral weave. It are present at a particular time. The local brain
limits us to the third was from this weave of thought that evolution of the planet
Mother Tree (the Tree of Knowledge) —A great tree, said to have Love
—The essence of the Creator that permeates all life throughout reached so high
into the sky that the top could not be seen, and whose the Cosmos. It is the one
force, Kirael says, that has no opposite. Love roots went so deeply into Mother
Earth that they came out in different simply is.
continents, making their own trees there. Resting one’s forehead on Mother
Tree’s trunk engendered visions of worlds past and worlds to come. It opened
one’s heart to a new level of consciousness.
Mass consciousness—The combined awareness of all human beings N
on the Earth plane. See, “Collective consciousness.”
Ninety percent or omni brain—The 90 percent, or omni brain, is that
Masterminding—The act of creating a collective consciousness part of the
brain which holds information of a higher vibration that can
focused on manifesting a particular experience or outcome. This easily be
accessed by the human reality. The 90 percent, or omni brain, collective
consciousness can be comprised of physical humans, is generally accessed
through prayer and meditation.
human essential selves, angels, guides and other unseen forces of light.
Masterminding is the tenth Principle of the Ten Principles of Consciously
Material plane—The Third Dimension, an example of a physical Omni
brain—That portion of the brain scientists claim we do not use, realm of
experience, a dense form of evolutionary light that allows also known as the 90
percent brain. Kirael says that most of our higher for five-sensory, human
experiences. At this level, human beings can knowledge is stored in that part of
the brain. As humans, we use only evolve through a journey of experiences.
about 10 percent of our brain capacity.
Matrix, the—A construct of limiting conventional thought or
Omnipresence—Within the realm of the omni brain; present prevailing attitudes
on which human society is structured. The matrix everywhere simultaneously.
system of Earth is a fear-based third-dimensional reality.
Meditation—The practice of quieting your mind, such that you are able to
receive information, wisdom and guidance consciously. In P
Master Guide Kirael’s words, “Prayer is the asking; meditation is Particle-
ize—To manifest into particles of light.
the hearing” of the answers to your prayers. Meditation is the eighth
Particle value—At the level of particle light.
Principle of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating.
1 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Glossary 1
Passion—The core energy by which you feel the presence of your own S
Creator light. Passion is the realization that you are a limitless being of
Seraphim angels—The highest level of angel in the Angelic realm, light, and
the force that allows your life journey to continually evolve.
known as the Creator’s angels.
Passion is the third Principle of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating.
Signature Cell Healing™—A non-invasive touch healing modality which
focuses energy on the “signature cell,” or God cell, which lies Portal—An
energy gate that leads us from one dimension to another.
within the pineal gland. This all-important cell holds the memory of As one
goes through a portal, the physical body is cleansed, electrons our cellular
perfection and our original life blueprint. The reawakening and metabolism are
adjusted, the heart is realigned, and brainpower of this signature cell allows for a
return to optimum health and balance expanded.
in all four bodies: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
Prana—In Hindu and Chinese traditions, the “breath of life.” When
Singers—The energy patterns who kept the records of this new and pictured by
intent as golden particles of Creator Light, this energy can unfolding Lemurian
society. These beings were so heartfelt and love-be used and directed in many
ways, including the energetic healing of oriented that even the most toughened
skeptic was literally forced to the physical body.
bend his rigidness when it came time to listening to any of the singers’
Prana breathing—In the mind’s eye, the practice of drawing golden songs
of lore. For the greater part of the early Lemurian awakening, particles of
Creator Light into the physical being, most often through the singer was the only
true way of keeping the histories. Each singer the crown chakra and pineal
was said to have lived hundreds of years in other dimensions. See also,
Prayer—The communication between your human self and your higher
self, the Creator, and other unseen forces of light. It is an Souljourn—A
segment of collective evolutionary journeys in opportunity for you to define the
life journey that you truly desire. In Lemuria. Each period in Lemuria, e.g., First
Life, was made up of Master Guide Kirael’s words, “Prayer is the asking;
meditation is the three souljourns.
hearing” of the answers to your prayers. Prayer is the seventh Principle
Sixth sense—All five senses of the human woven together to the one of the Ten
Principles of Consciously Creating.
reality we call thought; intuition and “knowing”; engaging the 90
percent mind through prayer and meditation opens the awareness of R
the sixth sense and opens your communication with the unseen forces of
Repeaters—A network of beings who traveled the vast continent of
Lemuria, ensuring that the histories were told with ultimate accuracy Sleepstate
Programming—The practice of enlisting your own higher after having been
sung by the singers. The repeaters spread the songs of self or essential light to
contact and communicate with the higher Lemuria throughout the entirety of the
land and continued the absolute self of another during the sleep state. The ninth
Principle of the Ten perfection in the way the song was originally sung by the
singer. So Principles of Consciously Creating.
perfect was this repetition of the song, that the repeater actually glowed
Soul—A pattern of particle light, emanating from the Creator Source, a soft gold
aura when it was singing. See also, “Singers.”
that is in the process of evolving.
Souljourner—A Lemurian being on a journey of evolutionary soul
0 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Glossary 1
Symbols—Literally the connecting force, the arc of the energies that that
everything in your life unfolds in perfection. Trust is the second can be used to
traverse to another level of consciousness.
of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating.
Truth—The first of the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, Truth is
the essence of Love, from which all reality extends, and the basis T
of your light on Earth; the integrity of thought, word and deed that
Telomeres—The sections of DNA at the ends of a chromosome.
creates the freedom to be who you truly are.
Ten percent (brain, mind or awareness)—Also known as the local Truth
cord—The most central and pure strand that holds all relevant brain, that we as
humans use in our daily lives. The 10 percent brain matter together in any weave
of thought strands. A single particle or awareness limits us to the third
strand known as Truth is the core vibration that transforms the weaving of
binding particles into a stream of everlasting notes and tones.
Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, the—Powerful tools of
awakening that allowed the Lemurian to create the life it truly desired.
Each Principle is a key to unlocking higher levels of conscious V
awareness and tapping into one’s own powers of creation.
Veil(s)— See, “Ego.”
Third Dimension—A physical, material dimension of reality, such as the
Earth plane. This dimension is based upon a duality system of “yin Vibranics—
A pattern of vibration.
and yang” in which everything appears to have an opposite.
Vibration—The frequency or frequencies of oscillation of all sound Third
eye—The so-called “psychic eye” located at the center of your and light.
Everything in Creation is a vibrating pattern of energy. All forehead, the energy
center known as the brow chakra.
matter, thoughts and emotions are energies vibrating at particular
Truth, Trust and Passion—The first three of the Ten Principles of
Consciously Creating, the Principles of Truth, Trust and Passion anchor the
Love of the Creator within the Self.
Transition—The Lemurian era was comprised of three periods: Weave—
Strands of particle lights that are woven together to form a First Life, Common
Time and Transition. Each of these periods was pattern referred to as the weave.
These became the various weaves of comprised of three souljourns also known
as First Life, Common Time the Earth plane, such as the mineral, plant and
animal weaves. Weaves and Transition.
are the threading of different levels of consciousness reaching defined
Trinity—The combined forces of Truth, Trust and Passion. Within states of
awareness or evolutionary thought.
this trine, the Love of the Creator is anchored within the Self.
Will and the word, the—“The will and the word” is the dynamic True
name—The soul name of a being, within which is contained its that causes light
particles to become reality. Light that is infused by a past, its desires, and its
fears—its everything. When you come to any thought, through the will or
intention, in conjunction with the words plane of consciousness, you choose a
new name. Never do you expose you use to state your desire (prayer), can
become a reality in whichever your true name.
way you decide it should be. In other words, thought combined with the
spoken word and intention or will, allow the accumulation of Trust—An inner
knowing that comes from the Truth that you are part particles that bring your
desires into manifestation.
of the Creator and connected to all levels of reality; the understanding
222 Kirael Lemurian Legacy for The Great Shift Y
Yin and yang—In Chinese philosophy, the concept of two opposing
principles (duality) which are basic to everything in the third dimensional
reality; the understanding that everything in the third dimension has an opposite,
e.g., man/woman, hot/cold, up/down, right/wrong, etc. Yin is the feminine
power, characterized by darkness, passivity and cold. Yang is the masculine
power, characterized by light, activity and heat.
Document Outline

Kirael Lemurian Legacy for the Great Shift
Publisher’s Preface
An Introduction from Kahu Fred Sterling
An Introduction from Master Guide Kirael
Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold
Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
Exploring the Lemurian World
Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
Expanding Your DNA
Attuning to Ancient Wisdom
Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light
Weaving Love Strands into Evolution
Shifting into New Cycles
Uncovering the Mysteries of Ancient Lemurian Healers
The End Leading to the Beginning
About Kahu Fred Sterling
About Master Guide Kirael
Workshops with Kahu Fred Sterling
Honolulu Church of Light &
The Chancellor’s Lemurian Numerology
Table of Contents
Kirael Lemurian Legacy for the Great Shift
Publisher’s Preface
An Introduction from Kahu Fred Sterling
An Introduction from Master Guide Kirael
Seeing the Lemurian Legacy Unfold
Experiencing Your Six-Sense Awakening
Exploring the Lemurian World
Traveling a Lemurian Souljourn
Expanding Your DNA
Attuning to Ancient Wisdom
Welcoming the Return of the Goddess Light
Weaving Love Strands into Evolution
Shifting into New Cycles
Uncovering the Mysteries of Ancient Lemurian Healers
The End Leading to the Beginning
About Kahu Fred Sterling
About Master Guide Kirael
Workshops with Kahu Fred Sterling
Honolulu Church of Light &
The Chancellor’s Lemurian Numerology

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