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BPSYCH8: Psychological Assessment

Midterm Requirement

Make a narrative introduction about the test. Provide empirical support about the construct being measured and answer all
preliminary questions in test conceptualization as mentioned in the module.
Language is a frequently used means of communication that comes in different varieties
from all around the world. The capacity to communicate effectively in a particular language or
to perform well on a variety of language tasks is referred to as language proficiency (Leverkuhn,
2022). Out of the six international languages used all over the world, the English language is one
the commonly utilized language aside from Tagalog in the formal setting of the Philippines like
the workplace and school. The study Marzuki et al. (2013) revealed that while university students
did not perceive language proficiency as the only component of communication skill, they did
view it as an essential component. The ability to communicate can be hampered by a lack of
language competence, but the ability to communicate does not necessarily follow from excellent
language proficiency.
English language proficiency test for Igorots (ELPTI) wants to test how well-versed the
Igorot people are in English grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Their grammar
will be tested through a fill-in-the-blanks & analysis for grammar mistakes for each item
accompanied by a multiple choice that evaluates their ability to use language overall as well as
its many components and norms (Reeder, 2022). Similar to grammar, the items for vocabulary
also uses fill-in-the-blanks & multiple choice which examines their knowledge on particular
words (Vocabulary Tests, n.d.). And for reading comprehension, a short paragraph is provided
and the test takers must identify the correct answer of what is being asked from the choices. It
will assess their ability to read English words and how quickly they will be able to comprehend
the words (Reading Comprehension Test, n.d.). Since Igorot people demonstrate a high level of
proficiency while conversing in the English language, they will be the main test takers,
particularly between the age of 17 to 55. In this test, a total of 25 items in the item pool will be
answered by the test takers. The data gathered will be computed using excel in terms of the
indices of difficulty and discrimination. This test will also consider anonymity by assigning
codes (e.g. Test Taker 1) that are not closely related to their ethnicity and will not gather any
personal information.
Preliminary Questions:
1. What is the name of the test?
English language proficiency test for Igorots (ELPTI)
2. What is the test designed to measure?
The test is designed to measure the capability of Igorot people in terms of
comprehension, grammar and vocabulary in the English language.
3. What is the objective of the test?
1st Objective: To determine the level of Igorots’ reading comprehension of information in
the English language
2nd Objective: To determine how fluent Igorots when it comes to grammar formation in
the English language
3rd Objective: To determine the level of Igorots’ vocabulary in the English language
4. Is there a need for this test?
This test is necessary since it specifically targets the Igorot people, an ethnic group.
“However, if the test is only used for a certain ethnic group, why not use the same broad
language competency test?”, it is because this test is also suited to their level of
comprehension of written English which is a drawback of the general language
proficiency test developed by Americans. Although Igorots are good at English, their
level is not as high as that of Americans or Britons, who employ English as their first
language. Since English is a global language, the possibility that different countries or
regions will employ words with distinct meanings is high.
5. Who will use this test? (Clinicians? Educators? Others? For what purpose or purposes would this test
be used?)
Teachers & Researchers can use this test to measure the fluidity of comprehension,
grammar & vocabulary of Igorots in the English language especially in the aspect of
research. Companies can also use this test to measure the English proficiency skills of
their Igorot employees.
6. Who will take this test? (Who is this test for? Who needs to take it? Who would find it desirable to
take it? For what age range/reading ability/cultural factors of test takers is the test designed?)
Igorot people with the age of 17-55, who can read and write are eligible to take this test.
Igorots in their early 20s and early 30s will find this test very desirable since having skills
can be an advantage for them from being hired. People in their mid 50s might also show
an interest in this in order to determine if their english skill is declining or not.
7. What content will the test cover? (Why should it cover this content?)
The test content will cover three key constructs: reading comprehension, grammar &
vocabulary. Their ability to utilize language generally, as well as its various elements and
conventions, will be assessed through a fill-in-the-blanks exercise and analysis for
grammar errors for each item (Reeder, 2022). Similar to grammar, the vocabulary sections
test students' understanding of certain words with multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blanks
questions (Vocabulary Tests, n.d.). And for reading comprehension, a brief paragraph is
given, and test-takers are required to choose the right response from the choices for the
question that follows. It will measure their proficiency with English language vocabulary
and how quickly they can understand the words (Reading Comprehension Test, n.d.).
8. How will the test be administered? (Individually or in groups? Is it amenable to both group and
individual administration?)
The test can be administered individually and in groups and is amenable to both.


A minimum of 20 items for the item pool should be presented including the scaling method used. Make a narrative explanation
about the content of the test, which among the items represents certain dimensions of the construct being measured.

There are a total of 25 items constructed in the item pool and this test will make use of
multiple-choice questions to test the test taker’s English language proficiency. This test will also
be utilizing the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines (2012) in determining the level of the test taker’s
reading & writing that corresponds to the dimension of comprehension, grammar & vocabulary.
As presented in the item pool, the test is divided into 3 sections that will specifically depict
items that suit the section. For the 1st section which is grammar, there are two types of
questions: a) fill-in-the-blanks & b) analysis for grammar mistakes for each item in which both
are accompanied by multiple choice. This section will test the individual’s ability to correctly
identify the mistakes and properly place the correct word that suits the statement or sentence.
Section 2 contains fill-in-the-blanks questions accompanied by multiple choices to examine how
good or in-depth the vocabulary of an individual in the English language is. The 3rd section:
reading comprehension, assesses an individual’s ability to correctly identify what is being asked.
A short paragraph is provided for the test taker to read which contains variables that make the
flow somewhat distracting, this section also tests the test taker’s focus in understanding the
words and the overall meaning of the paragraph.

Item Questions Choices


1 Who is ____________, Bangan or Gatan? ● tallest

● tall
● the tallest
● taller

2 Most of the Cordilleran athletes ____________ for months in preparation for Lang-ay ● have been training
Festival. ● were training
● has been training
● been training

3 When it comes to working in the rice fields, Loangan _____ never late. ● was
● are
● were
● is

4 The school will upgrade _________ teaching system next month along with class schedules. ● there
● their
● it's
● its

5 Gatan swimmed fifty laps in the river yesterday. ● swimmed

● hundred
● in
● yesterday

6 I have the most incredible and enjoyable time at the party last night. ● have
● time
● enjoyable
● last

7 Inglayan wanted the doctor to personally visit the patients’ parents. ● wanted
● parents
● personally
● the patient's

8 Each day after school, Dona run five miles in order to reach home which is located on the ● Each
other side of the mountain. ● after
● run
● miles

9 Do you know the student who’s books were stolen? ● Do

● know
● who’s
● were
10 Tabuleng will spend his vacation either in Bontoc nor in Baguio. ● will
● his
● nor
● Baguio


11 The rate of ___________ has been fluctuating wildly this week. ● money
● bills
● bitcoins
● exchange

12 The bus ___________ arrives late during bad weather. ● every week
● later
● yesterday
● always

13 Lam-en says he can't ___________ our invitation to dinner tonight because he is busy ● make it
preparing for the festival. ● across
● accept
● attend

14 We were __________ friends in that strange but amusing group of youths. ● upon
● among
● toward
● in addition to

15 To commemorate a person's ________ of passage in entering maturity, several civilizations ● right

display different & unique rituals. ● rite
● writ
● write

16 Jaxon speaks _________ when sharing his experiences about the kindness of God. ● fluently
● eloquently
● extravagantly
● powerfully

17 The judges had to admit that the cultural ______________ prepared by each barangays was ● work
superb. ● performance
● achievement
● fulfillment


Directions to Freeda’s and Max’s house

Exit at 7S near the Interstate 25. For two kilometers, continue on Elm Street. A modest shopping complex will be on your left after one mile. Turn right onto Maple
Drive at the following set of traffic lights. The third home on the left is Freeda’s residence. It's white with a green border, and it's the number 33. While facing
Freeda’s house, turn to you right and walk for 3 kilometers. You will see five houses near the hill and walk across the road and you’ll find Max’s in a vegetable

18 What is Freeda’s address? ● Interstate 25

● 2 km Elm Street
● 13 Erika Street
● 33 Maple Drive

19 Which is closest to Freeda’s house? ● the traffic lights

● the shopping center
● exit 7S
● a greenhouse

20 Where will you find Max’s house? ● near the hill

● vegetable garden
● Across the road
● 3 kilometers away from Freeda’s house

Date: February 22, 2025

To: Max Swift
From: Steven Rogers
Subject: Staff Meeting

At our upcoming staff meeting, please be prepared to provide your presentation on the monthly sales figures. Be prepared to describe potential causes for
fluctuations as well as potential trends in future client spending, in addition to providing an accurate accounting of expenses for monthly sales. Thank you.

21 What is the main presentation all about? ● monthly expenditures

● monthly salary figures
● monthly sales figures
● staff meeting presentations

22 Who will be giving the presentation? ● the company president

● Steven Roberts
● Max Swift
● Steven Rogers

The 1999 Broadcasting Award was awarded to Ajofel Candado, who is arguably the most well-liked newscaster today. As an editor at the Hollsville County Times in
Missouri, she began her career in journalism. After the newspaper went out of business, a coworker convinced her to go into broadcasting. She relocated there to
start her broadcast journalism master's program at Atlas University. After graduating, she was hired by WPSU-TV in Seattle, Washington, to start her career as a
local newscaster. She quickly moved up to national television. Her name has since come to be associated with Good Day, America due to her sharp wit and
insightful analysis. Accepting the award at the National Convention of Broadcast Journalism held in Chicago, Ms. Candado remarked, "I am so honored by this
award that I'm at a total loss for words!" Who would ever have believed it?

23 What is the purpose of this announcement? ● to invite people to the National Convention of Broadcast
● to encourage college students to study broadcasting
● to recognize Ms. Candado's accomplishments
● to advertise a job opening at the Hollsville County Times

24 What made her stand out as a likable newscaster? ● her National Convention of Broadcast Journalism Award
● her broadcast journalism master's program
● her sharp wit and insightful analysis
● her 1999 Broadcasting Award

25 What was Ms. Candado’s first job in journalism? ● She was a T.V. announcer in Washington.
● She was a newscaster in Oregon.
● She was an editor for a newspaper in Missouri.
● She was a talk show host in Chicago.
The test tryout must be administered to at least 30 individuals. Give a narrative description about the sample population (ex.
Gender, Age, Ethnicity etc.) Provide a complete narrative about the procedure of the test tryout.

The test tryout was administered to 30 anonymous individuals who belong to the ethnic
group: Igorot and whose age ranges from 17-55. Gender is not included in the inclusion criteria
because the privilege of learning in the present time for Igorot people is not discriminated
against only one gender but is amenable to both. The Igorots became specifically the target
group because they are said to be very good in speaking in English language considering their
history with Americans during the occupation of Americans in the Philippines (Staff Report,
2019). In terms of age, children are still skilled at acquiring a new language's grammar when
they are between the ages of 17 and 18 (Mitchell, 2018). Igorots in their early 20s and early 30s
will find this test helpful because having abilities will help them stand out from the competition
when applying for jobs. People in their mid-50s who want to assess whether or not their English
proficiency is deteriorating may also be interested in this test.
For the procedure of administration of the test tryout, a google form was utilized to
input a simple profile asking for the respondent’s age and ethnicity, the items of the test were
also encoded in the form. The link to the google form was then distributed to messenger group
chats and on facebook, participants’ responses who didn’t meet the inclusion criteria on age and
ethnicity were excluded. A total of 30 responses for each item were then finalized to be encoded
in excel, the scores of each respondent were totaled and organized into high scorers & low
scorers. The proportion in the upper group (PU) was computed by dividing the summed up
scores per item (upper correct) to 18 which is the total number of respondents who got high
scores & the same procedure is done with the proportion in the lower group (PL) by dividing the
lower correct to 12. The difficulty index (p) is computed by adding PU & PL then dividing it to 2.
The computed difficulty index (p) for each item is then interpreted based on the table for the
indices of difficulty & discrimination, the same goes for the decision for each item.
Present all necessary data for the item analysis. Show computations for the different indices and appropriate interpretations for
these computed values. Used the Table below as basis for the interpretations

Indices of Difficulty and Discrimination

Diff Index Difficulty Discrimination

.86 and above Very easy To be discarded

.71- .85 Easy To be revised

.30- .70 Moderate Very good item

.15 - .29 Difficult To be revised

.14 and below Very difficult To be discarded

*The data computation and interpretation for this test is attached in canvas submission which is in pdf file
since the table won’t fit in this document.

Based on the initial results of the item analysis, present the final pool of items for the test being developed. State the conclusions and
Note: You can rearrange the items but do not change the numbering of items from the initial pool of items so I can see what were the items that
were discarded and highlight items that were revised.

Language proficiency is a very important skill to develop considering that many

indigenous people of Cordillera are entering big universities and are going abroad. Based on the
outcome of the test takers’ scores in this test, it shows that a total of 18 respondents got high
scores while there are 12 low scorers out of all the 30 test takers. It was also found that there are
3 very easy items, 7 easy items, 14 moderate items & 1 difficult item but after performing the
item analysis, the ‘very easy’ & ‘difficult’ items were discarded, the ‘easy’ items were revised
while the ‘moderate’ items were retained, and the final item pool is presented below. Based on
the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines (2012), 11 out of 17 are advanced low in reading & writing
while the remaining 6 of the high scorers are considered advanced mid in reading & writing.
While 11 out of the 13 low scorers are intermediate high in writing & intermediate mid in
reading, and the remaining 2 low scorers are intermediate mid in writing & intermediate low in
This test shows that there’s a high percentage of Igorot people who are much more
proficient in English than expected and according to Leaño et al. (2019), the fact that English is
already regarded as indigenous people’s third language makes it harder for them to
communicate their thoughts about external entities through it. Although the test taker’s scores
are not an indicator of their level of skill in the English language, it can be a basis in
determining their fluency & concentration in comprehending the language. A recommendation
to future test developers is to establish a test that focuses on Igorot people’s verbal skills
specifically in semantic language because most of these indigenous people are more skilled in
verbal communication and also this test only measures their scores in proficiency in the written
English language.


Item Questions Choices


1 Who is ____________, Bangan or Gatan? ● tallest

● tall
● the tallest
● taller

2 Most of the Cordilleran athletes ____________ for months in preparation for Lang-ay ● have been training
Festival. ● were training
● has been training
● been training

3 Loangan ________ never late when it came to laboring in the rice fields. ● was
● are
● were

4 The school will upgrade _________ teaching system next month along with class schedules. ● there
● their
● it's
● its

5 Yesterday, Gatan swimmed a hundred laps in the river. ● swimmed

● hundred
● in
*REVISED ● Yesterday

7 Inglayan wanted the doctor to personally visit the patients’ parents. ● wanted
● parents
● personally
● the patient's

8 Each day after school, Dona run five miles in order to reach home which is located on the ● Each
other side of the mountain. ● after
● run
● miles

9 Are you acquainted with the student who’s books were taken? ● Are
● acquainted
● who’s
*REVISED ● were


11 The rate of ___________ has been fluctuating wildly this week. ● money
● bills
● bitcoins
● exchange

12 ____________, because of the severe weather, the bus was late. ● Every week
● Later
● Yesterday
*REVISED ● Always

13 Lam-en says he can't ___________ our invitation to dinner tonight because he is busy ● make it
preparing for the festival. ● across
● accept
● attend

14 We were ___________ the buddies in that odd yet entertaining group of young people. ● upon
● among
● toward
*REVISED ● in addition to

15 To commemorate a person's ________ of passage in entering maturity, several civilizations ● right

display different & unique rituals. ● rite
● writ
● write

16 Jaxon speaks _________ when sharing his experiences about the kindness of God. ● fluently
● eloquently
● extravagantly
● powerfully


Directions to Freeda’s and Max’s house

Exit at 7S near the Interstate 25. For two kilometers, continue on Elm Street. A modest shopping complex will be on your left after one mile. Turn right onto Maple
Drive at the following set of traffic lights. The third home on the left is Freeda’s residence. It's white with a green border, and it's the number 33. While facing
Freeda’s house, turn to you right and walk for 3 kilometers. You will see five houses near the hill and walk across the road and you’ll find Max’s in a vegetable

18 Where is Freeda’s house located? ● Interstate 25

● 2 km Elm Street
● 13 Erika Street
*REVISED ● 33 Maple Drive

19 Which is closest to Freeda’s house? ● the traffic lights

● the shopping center
● exit 7S
● a greenhouse

20 Where will you find Max’s house? ● near the hill

● vegetable garden
● Across the road
● 3 kilometers away from Freeda’s house

Date: February 22, 2025

To: Max Swift
From: Steven Rogers
Subject: Staff Meeting

At our upcoming staff meeting, please be prepared to provide your presentation on the monthly sales figures. Be prepared to describe potential causes for
fluctuations as well as potential trends in future client spending, in addition to providing an accurate accounting of expenses for monthly sales. Thank you.

21 What is the main presentation all about? ● monthly expenditures

● monthly salary figures
● monthly sales figures
● staff meeting presentations

22 Who will present in the upcoming staff meeting? ● the company president
● Steven Roberts
● Max Swift
*REVISED ● Steven Rogers

The 1999 Broadcasting Award was awarded to Ajofel Candado, who is arguably the most well-liked newscaster today. As an editor at the Hollsville County Times in
Missouri, she began her career in journalism. After the newspaper went out of business, a coworker convinced her to go into broadcasting. She relocated there to
start her broadcast journalism master's program at Atlas University. After graduating, she was hired by WPSU-TV in Seattle, Washington, to start her career as a
local newscaster. She quickly moved up to national television. Her name has since come to be associated with Good Day, America due to her sharp wit and
insightful analysis. Accepting the award at the National Convention of Broadcast Journalism held in Chicago, Ms. Candado remarked, "I am so honored by this
award that I'm at a total loss for words!" Who would ever have believed it?

23 What is the motivation behind this paragraph? ● to invite people to the National Convention of Broadcast
● to encourage college students to study broadcasting
● to recognize Ms. Candado's accomplishments
*REVISED ● to advertise a job opening at the Hollsville County Times

24 What made her stand out as a likable newscaster? ● her National Convention of Broadcast Journalism Award
● her broadcast journalism master's program
● her sharp wit and insightful analysis
● her 1999 Broadcasting Award

25 What was Ms. Candado’s first job in journalism? ● She was a T.V. announcer in Washington.
● She was a newscaster in Oregon.
● She was an editor for a newspaper in Missouri.
● She was a talk show host in Chicago.
Leverkuhn, A. (2022). What is language proficiency?
Marzuki, E., Ting, S.-H., Jerome, C., Chuah, K.-M., & Misieng, J. (2013). Congruence between Language
Proficiency and Communicative Abilities. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 97, 448–453.
Reeder, E. (2022). What are the different types of grammar?
Reading Comprehension Test. (n.d.)
Vocabulary Tests. (n.d.)
Staff Report. (2019). WATCH: 76-year-old Igorot lola wows netizens with fluency in English without
formal education.
Leaño, A., Mat Rabi, N. & Piragasam, G. (2019). SPEAKING DIFFICULTIES OF PHILIPPINE
Mitchell, C. (2018). Ability to Learn Languages Stays Strong Until Late Teens, New Study Finds.
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. (2012).

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