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Police Competency

A police officer's duties involve a wide range of simple to complicated operations

performed in a variety of circumstances. Police officers are expected to perform a

variety of duties, including confronting and possibly arresting suspicious individuals,

using force—even lethal force—against members of the community, enforcing traffic

laws (directing traffic, issuing tickets, etc.), mediating disputes, assisting those in need,

compiling incident reports, and keeping the community safe in general. Many of these

tasks are delegated to police officers on a daily basis. Many of the most dangerous

actions they are needed to perform are handled with significant discretion and have

major consequences if the officers make poor judgments. In the United States, police

officers have a lot of leeway in how they carry out their duties. Although having a lot of

discretionary authority can lead to abuses, it is necessary for police officers to

administer justice because it provides for flexibility and common sense to drive police

decision-making. (Vila, 2014)

A Filipino policeman is described as a protector and friend of the people by

Qunianola (n.d.), with his badge serving as a symbol of the citizen's faith and trust, his

uniform serving as a reflection of decorum and integrity, and his entire human being

serving as an offering of enduring love for his country, his fellow citizens, and God. The

author goes on to say that a Filipino policeman should aspire to the courage of Lapu-

Lapu, the serenity of Rizal, the leadership of Aguinaldo, the bravery of Bonifacio, the

idealism of Del Pilar, the wisdom of Mabini, and the fortitude of Gomez, Burgos, and

Zamora; that a Filipino policeman has an oath to uphold for his Republic; to defend the

Constitution, honor the flag. He believes that he owes it to his family to defend and
protect them above and above the call of duty, and that it is his obligation to leave a

legacy by leaving them his one and only treasure—an untarnished reputation. People

have long believed that a person with a good outlook is one who has a great regard for

police officers. However, the PNP is beset with issues that harm the reputations of the


Gusman et al., (2016) investigate the relationship between competency and

motivation and performance, using organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating

variable. This study's sample was drawn from traffic accident investigators at the

Central Java Police Department using a simple random sampling procedure. From the

whole population, 210 people responded. Multiple linear regression is used in this study

to examine the impact of competency and motivation on performance. The interaction of

linear regression is used to determine if organizational citizenship behavior acts as a

moderating variable in the impact of competency on performance and motivation on

performance. According to the findings of this study, competency and motivation have a

favorable and substantial impact on performance. Organizational citizenship conduct

acts as a moderating variable, amplifying the impact of competency and motivation on


According to Afroilan (n.d.), directing a group of over 100,000 uniformed police

officers, not to mention a few thousand non-uniformed staff, towards an urgent objective

is not an easy undertaking. It necessitates the greatest level of leadership, one that

inspires with insights, enchants with knowledge, and exposes itself with eloquence. The

Sarmiento Doctrine, or reengineering the PNP, is based mainly on the time-honored

training tradition of command responsibility. In reality, this implies that police officers at
all levels of command are primarily responsible for maintaining order, peace, and

internal security in their particular jurisdictions. As such, they are accountable for the

actions of men who report to them.

Traditional police training is provided in a didactic, paramilitary approach, which

clashes with current public expectations of patrol level police personnel. The most

common methods of education and assessment for police recruits continue to be

lecture-based and memorization-based. All municipal, transit, and tribal police recruits in

British Columbia are trained at the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) Police

Academy. The JIBC Police Academy launched a recruit-training program in 2016 that

focuses on the creation and testing of the Police Sector Council (PSC) National

Framework of Constable Competencies. This program's main features are: integrated

delivery of materials focused on common patrol-level calls, application and performance

through case-based and scenario-based learning activities, development of

individualized training plans with instructors mentoring recruits throughout training, and

a performance-based assessment exam. (Houlahan, 2018)

Public Service

According to the report "Implementation of the Community Peace and Order and Public

Safety Program in Negros Occidental, Philippines" by Nicor-Mangilimutan et. al (2020).

They want to know how well the POPS has been implemented in terms of controlling

and preventing crime, dealing with illegal drugs, protecting the public, and enforcing

laws. It also examined how grouping communities according to certain criteria affected

how programs were implemented. According to their study, effective community

leadership and involvement are important for implementing the Peace and Order and
Public Safety (POPS) program. Policies that reduce economic and social segregation

support the healthy growth of communities. Therefore, government organizations should

work proactively to deter crime. They also learned that the difficulties faced by the

barangay and the recommendations made by the community leaders demonstrate how

problems are reduced, if not entirely eliminated, when the government and stakeholders

collaborate to execute a program like the POPS. As a result, it is advised that the

government establish and put into effect strong economic policies that will boost law

enforcement, alleviate poverty, and generate employment corridors. In the POPS Plan,

the municipality should address the essential requirements of each of its constituent

villages while taking into consideration their manpower and financial resource


According to Vicente et al. (2020), not everyone places a high importance on preventing

crime. The term "crime prevention" refers to a collection of strategies used by the

national government in conjunction with local governments to combat crime. The main

objective of crime prevention is to promote community safety. This study focused on a

barangay's crime prevention through qualitative analysis. It identified the crime

prevention operation carried out by the Philippine National Police and barangay

authorities, as well as the problems they faced. Other crime prevention strategies

include mobile or foot patrols, establishing curfew hours, information dissemination, and

other tactics. The study's nine participants were three barangay officials, three

Barangay Lucnab inhabitants, and three police officers from Baguio City Police Station

3. Everything took place in Baguio City, the Philippines. Regular patrolling (foot and

mobile patrol), routine checkpoints, and crime prevention seminars are all activities that
Police and Barangay Officials carry out on a regular basis, according to findings. It was

also revealed that they encountered difficulties putting these crime prevention initiatives

in place due to a lack of employees, inadequate crime prevention equipment, and

unreported cases. The research was conducted from January to May 2020.

Carroll (2019) asserts that cooperation between individuals, groups, corporations, and

all tiers of government is essential for effectively addressing the causes of crime.

Additionally, funding that is enough and appropriate is needed for neighborhood crime

prevention programs. Resources should be organized according to subsidiary

principles, which call for responsibility and allocation at the lowest level of government

practicable. It will be easier to make sure that program financing is compatible with and

capable of attaining the strategic aim of the federal government with a proactive

approach to finance and defined criteria. The engagement of local governments and

community groups contributes to the empowerment of the community and the utilization

of local expertise.

In her case study on Police Officers at the Cantonments Station, Ghana, Eyram (2013)

assesses the functioning of the Ghana Police Service using Cantonments Police

Station. Other results include the absence of vehicles, which makes mobility

exceedingly difficult, a lack of logistics, poor infrastructure, a lack of modern equipment,

discrimination, a lack of motivation and inadequate incentives, a paucity of labor, and

restricted accommodations. Cooperation from the public, good supervision, and

logistical preparation were all mentioned as factors that contributed to the efficient

promotion of their activities. The majority of the police officers' errors stemmed from
their failure to apprehend and imprison famous offenders. Another flaw was their failure

to respond rapidly to broad population calls.

Police Competency and Integrity

Police integrity may be taught or fostered via police integrity training. We specifically

investigate whether a one-day training session called the Holocaust, Police, and Human

Rights (HPM) program has an effect on police officers' responses to three categories of

police misbehavior. The training's major focus is on educating participants the reasons

and mechanics of group violence while also reminding them that police officers have

individual duty to act when they encounter wrongdoing. Our findings reveal that the

HPM-training had a significant and long-term positive impact on the degree of police

integrity among 200 Belgian officers. Members of the police judged the ethnic bias

wrongdoing more serious following the training, both immediately and after a month.

Members of the police viewed the ethnic bias wrongdoing to be more serious following

the training, both immediately and after a month. More crucially, following the training,

police officers were more likely to declare that they would react by reporting a fellow

officer if he or she engaged in one of the three forms of misbehavior. These benefits

appeared to be long-lasting, as we saw a strong and considerable improvement not just

immediately following the HPM training, but also in a follow-up trial conducted roughly a

month later. (Droogenbroeck, 2019)

Langworthy (n.d.) emphasized that police organizations are contentious because cops

are contentious. Police officers who protect or fail to protect, control or fail to control,

supply or fail to deliver a variety of ill-defined services under the guise of force and as
agents of the state are undoubtedly provocative and assure that the police will always

be controversial. The consequence of police purpose volatility assures that the police

are constantly under attack from one source or another. On the one hand, "good

people" are not adequately safeguarded from "bad things" and "bad people." "Bad

people," on the other hand, believe they are subjected to power abuses, claiming they

are hounded, beaten, and even shot to death. People who are unsatisfied with the

performance of the police call for restructuring, while reformers inside the police sector

promise brighter days with various organizational systems. However, because neither

party has anything mythological on which to base its proposals, the viewpoints, existing

organizations, and subsequent organizations lack a justifiable foundation.

Police Competency and Impartiality

Wilson (2019) proposes that in interpreter-assisted police interviews (IAPIs), both

police officers and interpreters must maintain objectivity at all times. However, there are

various impediments to fulfilling this essential aim. It investigates if and how different

communication problems are formed and managed during the various stages of police

interviews, utilizing a self-administered questionnaire that analyses the perceptions of

police officers and interpreters. There are three sorts of conflict that are crucial to

impartiality: role, trust, and emotion. The differing assumptions about the roles of police

officers and interpreters, as well as the respective differing expectations, appear to

create barriers in achieving trust and in the overall working relationship, which may

affect the goal of IAPIs (gathering reliable information) and alter the interview outcomes.
Moreover, both police officers and interpreters have high emotional responses during

IAPIs; nevertheless, neither group appears to actively seek coping strategies.

Patalinghug (2017) reported that responses from 158 participants in Salug Valley,

Zamboanga del Sur, indicated that the integrated patrol system, barangay peace

keeping operations, anti-criminality operations, integrated area community public safety

services, bantay turista, and school safety project were "much effective" crime

prevention strategies. In a research conducted in the Mountain Province municipality of

Bontoc, Vicente (2016) focused on domestic crime prevention programs, the

implementation of police and public authority crime prevention measures, and the

degree of participation of people in the same place. The "pechen" system, "ator"

system, "maipaila" system, and "fagfaga" system were identified to be among the

indigenous crime prevention tactics employed in Bontoc. These techniques were used

to prevent crime and prosecute indigenous individuals in a culturally appropriate


Police Competency and Transparency

Miethe et al. (2017) state that given the national interest in outfitting police with body-

worn cameras (BWCs), it is critical to assess public views toward the technology. It also

depends on the findings of a countrywide poll of citizen attitudes toward BWCs. The poll

contains questions about overall support for BWCs, perspectives on their possible

benefits, and attitudes about their potential drawbacks. While there is universal support

for BWCs on police, perspectives differ on its ability to raise openness of police activity,

build trust in police, and improve police-citizen interactions.

Based on a panel poll of 841 Chicago residents that was interrupted between

waves by a significant local policing event that almost every participant knew about This

event, its political ramifications, and following efforts to hold Chicago Police responsible

and enhance openness were all covered throughout the reinterview session. The

authors investigate whether these incidents and reform initiatives influenced African

Americans' perceptions of police legitimacy and trust in comparison to other

respondents. Trust in Chicago police rose by 21%, while trust in local cops rose by 30%

among Black citizens. Whites, on the other hand, grew more unfavorable in their

judgments of Chicago Police, falling by 62 percent and 39 percent, respectively.

(Kochel,, 2021)

According to OReilly (2017), police agencies across the country are pushed to

decrease crime, enhance quality of life, and face rising threats to national security with

limited resources. Many people have battled to strike the correct balance between

keeping communities safe and having clear and effective counterterrorism policies. The

New York Police Department's community policing and counterterrorism methods were

compared to those of the Metropolitan Police Service in the United Kingdom. It

emphasizes the importance of police legitimacy and openness in obtaining the trust of

the community at large. It also looks at how technology and social media may help with

trust and accountability. If executed, the NYPD will shift toward a more balanced

counterterrorism policy that actively engages the community it serves.

One of the known factor that contributes to peace and order is police

competency. Police competency is the ability to adapt to changing situations by utilizing

the Police Officer's knowledge, experience, skills, personality, attitude, and conduct, all

of which are focused on effective performance. The Police Officer's Competence is a

collection of core competencies required for the efficient functioning of the Police

Officer. The structure, which should include all roles in the analyzed groupings, might

then be used to create job descriptions. As a result, the competencies necessary for a

certain post become requirements for the Police Officer filling it. (Olszewski, 2015)

; (4) To ensure Excellence in the performance of mandated tasks through the optimum

use of resources; and (5) To cultivate personal commitment for Professional policing.

;(4) ensuring excellence in the completion of required duties while making the best use

of available resources; and (5) encouraging personal dedication to professional policing.

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