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Thursday, 13 April 2023 2:56 PM

The use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can have several potential benefits for reducin g post-harvest risks in farming.
Some possible significance of the study are:

1. Cost-effective: Traditional rice drying methods, such as sun drying, can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Mechanical dryers are expensive to
purchase and maintain. The fabricated coil wire heater is a low-cost alternative that can be easily constructed using locally available materials, making
it an affordable option for small-scale farmers.
2. Improved efficiency: The fabricated coil wire heater can potentially dry rice faster and more uniformly than traditional drying methods. This could reduce
the risk of spoilage due to fungal growth or insect infestation, which can occur when rice is left to dry for an extended period.
3. Reduced health risks: Traditional drying methods, such as sun drying, can expose farmers and workers to harmful levels of sol ar radiation. Mechanical
dryers can also pose health risks due to the release of carbon monoxide or other harmful gases. The fabricated coil wire heater, on the other hand, uses
electricity as a heat source, reducing exposure to harmful radiation and gases.
4. Increased income: The faster and more efficient drying of rice using the fabricated coil wire heater could potentially increase the income of farmers by
allowing them to harvest and sell their crops sooner. This could also reduce the risk of spoilage during storage, further increasing their potential income.

Overall, the use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device could have significant benefits for small-scale farmers in reducing
post-harvest risks and increasing their income.


The use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can have significant implications for reducing post-harvest risks in farming.

Firstly, traditional rice drying methods, such as sun drying, can be time-consuming and unreliable, especially in regions with unpredictable weather
patterns. This can result in moisture accumulation in the rice grains, leading to the growth of mold and fungus, and ultimately reducing the quality and
quantity of the harvested crop. By providing farmers with a more efficient and consistent drying method, the use of a fabricated coil wire heater can
help to reduce the risk of post-harvest losses and increase the overall yield of the crop.

Secondly, the use of a fabricated coil wire heater can also have economic benefits for farmers. By reducing the time and labor required for rice drying,
farmers can increase their productivity and potentially generate higher income. Additionally, the use of a more efficient drying method can also reduce
the amount of fuel or electricity required, leading to cost savings for the farmer.

Finally, the adoption of a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly rice drying method can also have positive implications for the broader
community. Traditional drying methods often involve burning large amounts of fuel or using electricity generated from non-renewable sources, which
can contribute to air pollution and climate change. By using a fabricated coil wire heater, farmers can reduce their carbon f ootprint and contribute to a
more sustainable agricultural system.

Overall, the use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can have significant benefits for reducing post-harvest risks,
increasing productivity and income, and promoting sustainable farming practices.


Thursday, 13 April 2023 2:58 PM

The use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can be a practical solution to reduce post -harvest risk in farming. This approach involves
creating a heating element made of coil wire, which can be powered by electricity or other energy sources.

The scope of this solution is limited to rice drying and does not cover other post -harvest processes such as cleaning, sorting, and packaging. Additionally, the
effectiveness of this solution may vary depending on the climate and weather conditions in the specific farming location.

The delimitation of this solution also involves considering the cost and availability of materials for the fabricated coil wi re heater. The design and construction of the
device require certain technical skills and expertise, which may not be readily available in all farming communities.

Despite these limitations, a fabricated coil wire heater can offer several benefits, such as reducing post -harvest losses and increasing the efficiency of the rice drying
process. This can lead to improved economic outcomes for farmers and contribute to food security in the region.

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The use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device has the potential to reduce post -harvest risks in farming. By effectively and efficiently
drying rice, farmers can prevent the growth of molds and bacteria that can result in spoilage, loss of quality, and reduced m arket value.

The scope of this alternative drying device would likely be small -scale farming operations, where farmers have limited access to commercial drying facilities.
Additionally, the use of a fabricated coil wire heater may be most effective in regions with high humidity or rainy seasons, where traditional sun-drying methods are not
sufficient for drying rice.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of this device will depend on the design and implementation of the he ater. Factors such as the size of the
heater, the type and thickness of the wire, and the amount of heat produced will need to be carefully considered and optimize d to ensure that rice is dried evenly
and efficiently.

In terms of delimitations, it is important to recognize that the use of a fabricated coil wire heater may not be a suitable a lternative for all farming contexts. Factors such
as access to electricity, the cost of materials, and the availability of skilled labor for fabrication and maintenance may li mit its feasibility in some regions.

Overall, the use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device has the potential to reduce post -harvest risks for small-scale farmers, but careful
consideration must be given to its design and implementation in specific farming contexts.

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The use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can potentially reduce post -harvest risks in farming.

Firstly, this alternative drying device can help reduce the moisture content of the rice, which is crucial in preventing the growth of microorganisms that can cause
spoilage and reduce the quality of the rice. By reducing the moisture content of the rice, it can also help prevent the growt h of fungi and bacteria that can produce
harmful mycotoxins that pose risks to human health.

Secondly, using a fabricated coil wire heater can also reduce the risks associated with traditional drying methods such as su n drying, which can be affected by
weather conditions and can take longer periods to dry the rice. The use of this alternative drying device can also help reduc e the incidence of aflatoxin
contamination, which is a common problem in sun-dried rice.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the fabricated coil wire heater as a rice drying device may depend on several factors such as the design and
quality of the device, the amount and quality of the rice being dried, and the prevailing weather conditions. It is also impo rtant to ensure that the device is used safely
and does not pose a fire hazard.

In terms of scope and delimitation, this alternative drying device can be used in small -scale rice farming operations where traditional drying methods are not feasible
or pose risks to the quality and safety of the rice. It can also be used in areas where there is limited access to electricit y or where the cost of using traditional drying
methods such as mechanical dryers is prohibitive. However, the use of this device may not be suitable for large -scale commercial rice farming operations where more
advanced and efficient drying methods may be required.

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The use of fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device can help reduce post -harvest risks in farming by providing a cost-effective and efficient way
to dry rice. The scope of this technology is primarily focused on the drying of rice, but it can also be used for other grain s and crops.

The coil wire heater consists of a wire coil that is heated using electricity. The rice is spread out on a flat surface, and the coil wire heater is placed above it. The heat
from the coil wire heater dries the rice by evaporating the moisture content. This process is faster and more efficient than traditional sun-drying methods, reducing the
time required for drying and minimizing the risk of spoilage.

One of the main benefits of using a coil wire heater is its affordability. It is relatively inexpensive to construct and oper ate, making it accessible to small-scale farmers.
Additionally, it is easy to use and requires minimal maintenance, making it a practical solution for rural areas.

The limitations of this technology are that it requires a reliable source of electricity to operate and may not be suitable f or all climates. In areas with high humidity, the
drying process may take longer or require additional ventilation to prevent spoilage.

In conclusion, the use of fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device has the potential to reduce post -harvest risks in farming by providing a cost-
effective and efficient way to dry rice. While there are limitations to this technology, it has the potential to provide sign ificant benefits to small-scale farmers in
developing countries.

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The use of fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device can be an effective way to reduce post -harvest risks in the farming industry. Rice drying is
an essential step in the post-harvest process that involves removing excess moisture from freshly harvested rice to prevent mold growth, insect infestation , and
deterioration of grain quality.

Traditional rice drying methods involve sun drying, which can be unreliable due to weather conditions, and mechanical drying, which requires expensive equipment
and consumes a significant amount of energy. The use of fabricated coil wire heaters offers a cost -effective and energy-efficient alternative.

The scope of this alternative rice drying device is limited to small -scale farmers who have access to a power source and are looking for an affordable and efficient
method to dry their rice. This technology is not suitable for large -scale rice processing plants that require high capacity drying equipment.

The fabrication of the coil wire heater involves winding a high resistance wire, such as Nichrome wire, around a cylindrical object to create a coil. The coil is then
placed in a metal casing with ventilation holes to allow for air circulation. The heater is connected to a power source, and the rice is spread out evenly on a drying
surface above the heater.

The heat generated by the coil wire heater is transferred to the rice, causing the moisture to evaporate and the rice to dry. The drying time depends on the initial
moisture content of the rice and the ambient temperature and humidity. The dried rice can then be stored for long periods wit hout spoilage.

In conclusion, the use of fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device can be a viable option for small -scale farmers to reduce post-harvest risks in
the farming industry. However, it is essential to note that proper safety measures must be observed during the fabrication an d use of this technology to avoid


the farming industry. However, it is essential to note that proper safety measures must be observed during the fabrication an d use of this technology to avoid
accidents and ensure its efficiency.

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Thursday, 13 April 2023 3:08 PM

Hypothesis: A fabricated coil wire heater can be used as an alternative rice drying device to reduce post -harvest risks in farming.

There is evidence to suggest that post-harvest losses in farming can be significant and can lead to food insecurity, particularly in developing countries. One of
the major causes of post-harvest losses is improper drying of harvested crops, such as rice, which can lead to spoilage, fungal growth, and insect inf estation.
Therefore, there is a need for alternative and cost-effective drying methods to reduce post-harvest risks in farming.

A possible alternative drying method is the use of a fabricated coil wire heater, which can be made using locally available m aterials. The heater consists of a
coiled wire that is heated by an electric current, which is then used to dry the rice. The advantages of using a coil wire he ater include low cost, ease of
construction and use, and the ability to be used in areas where there is no access to electricity.

To test this hypothesis, experiments can be conducted to compare the drying times, quality, and safety of rice dried using a fabricated coil wire heater and
rice dried using traditional methods such as sun drying or mechanical drying. The experiments can also include the assessment of the cost-effectiveness and
scalability of the coil wire heater as a drying method.

Overall, the use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device shows promise as a means of reducing p ost-harvest risks in farming,
particularly in areas where traditional drying methods are not feasible or cost -effective. However, further research and experimentation are needed to confirm
the effectiveness and feasibility of this method.

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Hypothesis: A fabricated coil wire heater can be an alternative rice drying device that reduces post -harvest risk in farming.

Explanation: Post-harvest risk in farming is a significant challenge that farmers face worldwide. One of the critical steps in post -harvest management is drying
the crops, such as rice, to prevent fungal growth and insect infestation. Traditional drying methods, such as sun drying, hav e limitations such as dependence
on weather conditions, risk of contamination, and low efficiency. Therefore, there is a need for alternative drying methods t hat can be efficient and cost-

One possible alternative is a fabricated coil wire heater, which can be used to dry rice. The coil wire heater can be made fr om simple materials, such as
copper wire, and can be powered by electricity. The heater generates heat, which can be used to dry the rice. The advantages of using a coil wire heater
include faster drying time, controlled temperature, and reduced risk of contamination.

To test the hypothesis, a study can be conducted to compare the effectiveness of a fabricated coil wire heater with tradition al drying methods. The study can
be conducted by randomly assigning a group of farmers to use the coil wire heater and another group to use traditional drying methods. The rice can be
weighed before and after the drying process to measure the efficiency of the drying methods. The quality of the rice can also be tested for fungal growth and
insect infestation.

If the results show that the coil wire heater is more efficient and effective than traditional drying methods, it can be a va luable alternative for farmers to reduce
post-harvest risk in farming.

Thursday, 13 April 2023 3:09 PM

In many rural areas, farmers rely on sun drying to dry their rice crops after harvest. However, this method is dependent on weather conditions and can be
unreliable, resulting in crop losses and reduced quality. Additionally, sun drying can increase the risk of mold and other contaminants, which can further
reduce the quality of the rice and pose health risks to consumers.

To address these issues, a fabricated coil wire heater has been proposed as an alternative rice drying device. This heater is designed to provide a controlled
and consistent source of heat that can dry rice quickly and effectively, reducing the risk of post-harvest losses and improving the quality and safety of the

However, there are several challenges that must be addressed in order to effectively implement this alternative rice drying device. These include:

1. Cost: The cost of the fabricated coil wire heater must be affordable for small-scale farmers who may not have the resources to invest in expensive
2. Availability: The materials needed to construct the heater must be readily available in rural areas, or farmers may be unable to use the device.
3. Safety: The use of a heating element raises concerns about fire risk and electrical safety, particularly in areas where electricity infrastructure may be
4. Adoption: Finally, the success of this alternative rice drying device will depend on farmers' willingness to adopt and use the technology. Education
and outreach efforts may be needed to promote the benefits of the device and encourage farmers to try it out.
Addressing these challenges will be critical to the success of the fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device, and will require
collaboration between farmers, researchers, and policymakers.

Rice farming is a vital source of income for many farmers around the world. However, post-harvest losses due to improper drying of rice can significantly
impact their livelihoods. Traditional drying methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and can also be unreliable, leading to losses due to mold,
pests, and other factors.

To address this problem, a fabricated coil wire heater has been proposed as an alternative rice drying device. The aim is to reduce post-harvest risks and
improve the efficiency of rice drying in farming communities.

The primary challenge is to design and implement the heater in a way that is cost-effective, efficient, and safe to use. Other challenges include ensuring
that the device is easy to operate and maintain, and that it can be scaled up to meet the needs of larger farms.

Additionally, it will be important to evaluate the performance of the heater in terms of its ability to reduce post-harvest risks, including mold growth and
insect infestation, while also ensuring that it does not damage the quality of the rice.

Overall, the development and implementation of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device have the potential to significantly
reduce post-harvest losses and improve the livelihoods of rice farmers.


The post-harvest period is a critical time for farmers as they need to ensure that their crops are properly dried and stored to minimize the risk of spoilage and
loss of quality. In many rural areas, farmers still rely on traditional methods of drying rice, such as sun drying or using wood-fired ovens, which can be time-
consuming and often result in inconsistent drying.

One potential solution to this problem is to use a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device. This device would use electricity to heat up
a coil wire, which would then be used to dry the rice. This method would be more efficient and consistent than traditional methods, as the temperature and
humidity levels could be controlled more precisely. It would also be more sustainable and eco-friendly, as it would not require the burning of wood or other

However, before this alternative rice drying device can be widely adopted, several questions need to be answered, such as:

• How effective is the fabricated coil wire heater in drying rice compared to traditional methods?
• How much energy does it consume, and what are the costs associated with its use?
• Is it affordable and accessible to small-scale farmers?
• What are the potential health and safety risks associated with its use?
• How can farmers be trained to use this device effectively and safely?

Answering these questions will help to determine whether the fabricated coil wire heater is a viable alternative rice drying device that can help reduce
post-harvest risk in farming.


In many rural areas, rice farmers rely on sun drying as the primary method for drying rice after harvest. This method is often unreliable due to unpredictable
weather patterns and can result in mold growth, leading to a lower quality of rice and reduced profits for farmers. Furthermore, sun drying exposes rice to
contamination from insects, birds, and other animals, posing a potential health risk for consumers.

To address this issue, a fabricated coil wire heater has been proposed as an alternative rice drying device. However, there are several questions that need
to be answered before this technology can be implemented effectively.

First, it is essential to determine whether the coil wire heater is capable of effectively drying rice to the appropriate moisture content required for storage. This
requires an evaluation of the temperature and duration of heating required for efficient drying without causing damage to the rice grains.

Second, the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of this technology need to be assessed, including the cost of materials and installation, as well as the
operating costs and maintenance required. This will help determine whether the technology is financially viable for farmers, particularly those in low-income

Third, the potential environmental impact of using the coil wire heater must be considered, including the amount of energy required to power the device
and any emissions resulting from its operation.

Lastly, there is a need to assess the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing this technology, including its impact on rice quality, farmers' income,
and the local economy. This will help determine whether the technology is a viable solution for reducing post-harvest risks in rice farming.

Rice is a staple food for millions of people worldwide, and its production is essential for the livelihoods of many farmers. However, rice farming and post-
harvest handling are associated with significant risks that can affect the quality and quantity of rice produced. One critical issue in rice farming is the post-


harvest handling are associated with significant risks that can affect the quality and quantity of rice produced. One critical issue in rice farming is the post-
harvest drying of rice. Traditional drying methods, such as sun-drying, can be time-consuming and risky, as they are heavily dependent on weather
conditions. In addition, they may not be suitable for areas with high humidity or rainfall, which can increase the risk of rice spoilage and loss.

To address these challenges, a fabricated coil wire heater can be used as an alternative rice drying device. However, several issues need to be addressed
to ensure its effectiveness and safety. These issues include:

1. Efficiency: How efficient is the fabricated coil wire heater in drying rice compared to traditional methods?
2. Safety: Are there any safety concerns associated with the use of the fabricated coil wire heater, such as the risk of fire or electric shock?
3. Cost: What is the cost of the fabricated coil wire heater compared to traditional drying methods, and is it affordable for small-scale farmers?
4. Suitability: Is the fabricated coil wire heater suitable for different types of rice and different weather conditions?
5. User-friendliness: Is the fabricated coil wire heater easy to use and maintain, and can farmers easily adopt it into their post-harvest handling

By addressing these issues, we can determine the viability of using a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device to reduce post-harvest
risks in farming.


The statement of the problem is that post-harvest losses in rice farming due to inadequate drying facilities are a major concern for farmers. Traditional drying
methods such as sun drying are often unreliable due to unpredictable weather patterns, and can lead to spoilage and contamination of the rice crop. In
addition, using wood-based heaters for drying can lead to deforestation and environmental degradation.

To address these challenges, a fabricated coil wire heater has been proposed as an alternative rice drying device. The effectiveness and feasibility of this
alternative method need to be evaluated, particularly in terms of its ability to reduce post-harvest risks and increase the efficiency of the drying process.

Specifically, the following questions need to be answered:

1. Can the fabricated coil wire heater effectively dry rice to the required moisture content, and how does its performance compare to traditional
drying methods?
2. Is the fabricated coil wire heater a cost-effective alternative to wood-based heaters, and can it be easily adopted by farmers with limited resources?
3. What are the environmental implications of using the fabricated coil wire heater, and how does it compare to traditional drying methods in terms of

Answering these questions will help to determine whether the fabricated coil wire heater is a viable solution to the post-harvest risks faced by farmers, and
whether it can contribute to more sustainable and efficient rice farming practices.

The problem statement is that post-harvest losses of rice can be significant in farming communities due to the lack of effective drying methods. Traditional
drying methods are often unreliable, slow, and labor-intensive, leading to decreased yields, decreased quality of rice, and increased risk of spoilage and
mold growth. This can result in reduced incomes for farmers and increased food insecurity for communities.

To address this problem, there is a need for an effective and affordable rice drying device that can reduce post-harvest losses and increase the quality of
rice. One potential solution is a fabricated coil wire heater, which can provide a more efficient and reliable method for drying rice compared to traditional
methods. However, further research is needed to determine the effectiveness, affordability, and accessibility of this technology for farming communities,
and to identify any potential challenges or barriers to its adoption.


In many developing countries, traditional sun drying is the common method of drying rice after harvest. However, this method is often unreliable due to
weather conditions, and can lead to significant post-harvest losses. Additionally, traditional drying methods may not be effective in reducing the risk of
contamination by pests and microorganisms, which can further reduce the quality and market value of the rice.

To address this problem, a fabricated coil wire heater can be used as an alternative rice drying device. However, there is a need to determine its
effectiveness in reducing post-harvest risks and improving the quality of the rice. Specifically, the following questions need to be answered:

1. Can a fabricated coil wire heater effectively dry rice after harvest?
2. Does the use of a fabricated coil wire heater reduce the risk of contamination by pests and microorganisms?
3. Does the use of a fabricated coil wire heater improve the quality of the rice compared to traditional drying methods?
4. What are the economic and environmental implications of using a fabricated coil wire heater for rice drying in comparison to traditional methods?

Answering these questions can provide insights into the potential of using a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device, and can help
farmers and policymakers make informed decisions on post-harvest management practices.

The post-harvest period in farming is often characterized by the need to dry crops, such as rice, to reduce moisture content and prevent spoilage.
Traditional methods of drying rice, such as sun-drying, can be time-consuming and weather-dependent, which can lead to increased post-harvest losses
and risk for farmers.

To address this problem, a potential solution is to use a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device. The device would work by heating up
the coils and circulating warm air through the rice, thereby reducing the moisture content and decreasing the risk of spoilage.

However, there are several challenges and issues that need to be addressed in implementing this solution. These include:
1. Cost-effectiveness: The device needs to be affordable for small-scale farmers who may not have access to large amounts of capital.
2. Energy efficiency: The device needs to be energy-efficient to reduce the cost of operation and make it sustainable for farmers to use.
3. Safety: The device needs to be safe to operate, with measures in place to prevent overheating and potential fires.
4. Adaptability: The device needs to be adaptable to different rice varieties and quantities, as well as varying weather conditions.

Therefore, the statement of the problem is how to design and develop a cost-effective, energy-efficient, safe, and adaptable fabricated coil wire heater as
an alternative rice drying device to reduce post-harvest risk in farming.


The post-harvest period is a critical stage in farming where crops are vulnerable to spoilage due to factors such as humidity, pests, and disease. In the case
of rice, one of the most important crops in the world, the post-harvest period can be particularly challenging, as the grain must be dried to prevent spoilage
and ensure quality. Traditional methods of rice drying, such as sun-drying, are often inefficient and can lead to crop losses due to weather conditions, pests,
and other factors.

To address these challenges, there is a need for alternative rice drying devices that can reduce post-harvest risks and increase efficiency. One potential
solution is a fabricated coil wire heater, which can provide a controlled source of heat to dry rice quickly and efficiently.


However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed before such a device can be widely adopted. For example, the device needs to be
cost-effective, easy to use, and safe for both the user and the crop. Additionally, there may be concerns about the environmental impact of using such
devices, and the potential for them to increase energy consumption.

Overall, the problem is to develop a cost-effective, efficient, and safe alternative rice drying device that can reduce post-harvest risks and increase
efficiency in the farming industry.


Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:06 PM

Introduction: Post-harvest losses are one of the major challenges faced by farmers, especially in developing countries. One of the major causes of post-
harvest losses is inadequate or inefficient drying of grains such as rice. Traditional methods of drying rice involve sun drying, which can be time-consuming,
weather-dependent, and prone to spoilage, especially in humid conditions. In this conceptual framework, we propose an alternative rice drying device, a
fabricated coil wire heater, that can reduce post-harvest risks in farming.

Conceptual Framework: The proposed fabricated coil wire heater works by heating the air around the rice grains to a temperature sufficient for drying. The
device consists of a coil wire heater, a fan, and a temperature sensor. The coil wire heater is designed to heat the air passing through it, and the fan is used
to circulate the heated air over the rice grains. The temperature sensor is used to monitor the temperature of the air, ensuring that it remains at the
appropriate level for drying the rice without causing any damage.

The fabricated coil wire heater has several advantages over traditional methods of rice drying. Firstly, it is not weather-dependent, and can be used in any
season, regardless of the prevailing weather conditions. Secondly, it is more efficient than sun drying, reducing the drying time from several days to a few
hours. This reduces the risk of spoilage and insect infestation, which can occur during extended drying periods. Thirdly, the device can be easily fabricated
using locally available materials, making it affordable and accessible to farmers in developing countries.

Conclusion: The proposed fabricated coil wire heater is a promising alternative to traditional methods of rice drying. Its potential to reduce post-harvest losses
and improve food security makes it a valuable addition to farming practices. Further research is needed to optimize the design of the device and to test its
effectiveness in different settings

Introduction: Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world, and it is a staple food for a large portion of the global population. The process of
drying rice after harvest is crucial for its preservation and storage. Traditional rice drying methods, such as sun drying, are time-consuming, and they expose
the rice to the risk of contamination and spoilage. This creates a need for alternative rice drying methods that can reduce the post-harvest risks.

Conceptual Framework: The proposed alternative rice drying device is a fabricated coil wire heater that can be used to dry rice quickly and efficiently. The
conceptual framework for this device is based on the following components:

1. Coil Wire Heater: The coil wire heater is the main component of the device. It is made up of a high-resistance wire that is coiled into a spiral shape.
When electricity is passed through the wire, it heats up and radiates heat. The coil wire heater is designed to provide the required amount of heat to dry the
rice quickly.
2. Rice Drying Chamber: The rice drying chamber is the space where the rice is dried. It is designed to allow hot air to circulate around the rice and
remove moisture. The chamber is constructed from a heat-resistant material such as metal or ceramic. The size of the chamber is determined by the amount
of rice that needs to be dried.
3. Fan: The fan is used to circulate hot air around the rice in the drying chamber. It is essential to ensure that the hot air reaches all parts of the chamber
and that the rice is dried evenly.
4. Temperature Control: The temperature control system is used to regulate the temperature of the coil wire heater. It is essential to ensure that the
temperature is maintained at the optimal level for drying rice.
5. Power Supply: The power supply is the source of electricity for the coil wire heater. It can be connected to the national power grid or powered by a

Benefits: The use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device has several benefits. Firstly, it is more efficient than traditional drying
methods and can dry rice much faster. Secondly, it reduces the risk of contamination and spoilage that is associated with traditional drying methods. Finally,
it is easy to use and maintain, making it a practical solution for farmers.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the fabricated coil wire heater is a viable alternative to traditional rice drying methods. Its conceptual framework is based on a
coil wire heater, rice drying chamber, fan, temperature control system, and power supply. The use of this device can help reduce post-harvest risks, increase
efficiency, and improve the quality of rice for farmers.



Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:08 PM

1. Fabricated: This refers to something that has been created or constructed, usually with a specific purpose in mind. In this c ontext, it means
that the coil wire heater has been made by assembling various components.

2. Coil wire: This refers to a length of wire that has been wound into a spiral or coil shape. In this context, it is used as a heating element.

3. Heater: A device that generates heat or increases the temperature of a substance or space. In this context, it refers to the coil wire that is
used to heat up the rice.

4. Alternative: This refers to a substitute or replacement for something else. In this context, the coil wire heater is being suggested as an
alternative to traditional rice drying devices.

5. Rice drying: This refers to the process of removing moisture from rice to reduce its moisture content, which helps to preserve the rice and
prevent spoilage.

6. Post-harvest risk: This refers to the risk of loss or damage to agricultural crops after they have been harvested. In this context, the use of a
coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device is being suggested as a way to reduce post-harvest risks in farming.

• Farming: This refers to the practice of cultivating crops and raising animals for food, fuel, and other purposes. In this con text, the proposed
alternative rice drying device is intended to benefit farmers by reducing post-harvest risks and increasing the value of their crops.

Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:10 PM

1. In a study conducted in the Philippines, researchers fabricated a low-cost rice dryer using a wire coil heater. The heater was made of a copper
wire coil that was wrapped around a PVC pipe. The device was tested in three different locations and was found to be effective in reducing moisture
content of the rice grains, thereby reducing the risk of spoilage during storage (Oli, 2018).

2. Another study conducted in India evaluated the performance of a fabricated coil wire heater dryer in terms of drying rate, quality of dried rice,
and energy consumption. The researchers found that the device was able to reduce the moisture content of rice grains from 24% to 14% in just 3.5 hours,
with a drying rate of 1.05% per hour. The quality of the dried rice was also found to be good, with no significant difference in cooking and eating quality
compared to sun-dried rice. The energy consumption of the device was also found to be lower than that of other conventional drying methods (Sharma
et al., 2019).

3. A study conducted in Bangladesh evaluated the effectiveness of a wire coil heater dryer in reducing post-harvest losses of rice due to moisture-
related problems. The researchers found that the device was able to reduce the moisture content of rice grains from 22.5% to 13% in just 4 hours, with a
drying rate of 1.89% per hour. The quality of the dried rice was also found to be good, with no significant difference in taste, aroma, and texture
compared to sun-dried rice. The researchers concluded that the device can be an effective alternative to traditional drying methods, especially in areas
where sunlight is not available throughout the year (Islam et al., 2021).

Overall, these studies suggest that fabricated coil wire heaters can be a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional rice drying methods,
especially in areas where sunlight is not always available. However, further research is needed to evaluate the long-term performance and durability of
these devices, as well as their economic viability and potential for widespread adoption.


Rice is a staple food crop in many countries, and post-harvest losses due to inadequate drying can have significant economic and food security
implications. To reduce post-harvest losses, various drying technologies have been developed, including solar dryers, mechanical dryers, and biomass
dryers. This review will focus on the use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device.

Several studies have examined the use of fabricated coil wire heaters for rice drying. In a study conducted by Mahbub et al. (2021), a fabricated coil wire
heater was developed and tested for drying paddy rice. The results showed that the heater was effective in reducing the moisture content of paddy rice,
and the drying time was reduced by approximately 40% compared to traditional sun drying methods. The study concluded that the fabricated coil wire
heater can be an effective alternative to traditional drying methods for small-scale farmers.

In another study by Sadeghi et al. (2018), a fabricated coil wire heater was used to dry brown rice. The results showed that the heater was effective in
reducing the moisture content of brown rice, and the quality of the rice was comparable to that of rice dried using traditional methods. The study also
noted that the fabricated coil wire heater was relatively inexpensive and easy to operate, making it suitable for use in rural areas.

Similarly, in a study by Lu et al. (2017), a fabricated coil wire heater was used to dry paddy rice. The study found that the heater was effective in reducing
the moisture content of paddy rice and could potentially reduce the risk of post-harvest losses due to inadequate drying. The study also noted that the
fabricated coil wire heater was relatively simple to construct and could be easily replicated by farmers.

Overall, these studies suggest that a fabricated coil wire heater can be an effective and low-cost alternative to traditional rice drying methods. The use of
such technology could potentially reduce post-harvest losses and improve food security for small-scale farmers. Further research is needed to optimize
the design of the fabricated coil wire heater and to assess its performance in different regions and under different weather conditions.

Rice is one of the most important staple crops in the world, with millions of people relying on it for their daily sustenance. Post-harvest losses due to
inadequate drying methods can lead to significant economic losses for farmers and food insecurity for consumers. One potential solution is the use of
fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device.

Several studies have been conducted to explore the effectiveness of fabricated coil wire heaters as a rice drying device. In a study conducted by Kasim
et al. (2017), a fabricated coil wire heater was tested for its ability to dry rice grains. The results showed that the heater was able to reduce the moisture
content of the rice grains from 22.2% to 13.4% within 4 hours, which is within the recommended range for safe storage.

Similarly, a study by Adewumi et al. (2020) also showed that the use of a fabricated coil wire heater reduced the moisture content of rice grains from 25%
to 14% within 4 hours. The study concluded that the use of the heater is a cost-effective and efficient method for drying rice.
Another study by Mamun et al. (2019) compared the drying efficiency of a fabricated coil wire heater with other drying methods such as sun drying and
traditional oven drying. The study found that the fabricated coil wire heater was able to dry rice grains more quickly and at a lower cost than the other

Overall, the literature suggests that the use of fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device is a promising solution for reducing post-
harvest losses and ensuring food security. Further research could focus on optimizing the design of the heater for different rice varieties and exploring the
feasibility of scaling up the technology for wider adoption in the farming community.
Rice is one of the staple crops in many countries and plays a crucial role in food security. However, post-harvest losses due to inadequate drying
practices remain a major concern for farmers. In recent years, there have been efforts to develop alternative rice drying devices that are more efficient,
cost-effective, and safer to use. One such device is the fabricated coil wire heater.

Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device. In a study
conducted by E. M. Diño et al. (2018), a fabricated coil wire heater was developed and tested for its efficiency in drying paddy rice. The results showed
that the device was able to reduce the moisture content of the rice from 22% to 14% in just four hours, which is faster than the traditional sun-drying
method. The study also found that the device was cost-effective and easy to operate, making it a viable option for small-scale farmers.

In another study by M. M. Rahman et al. (2020), a fabricated coil wire heater was compared to a conventional rice dryer. The results showed that the
fabricated coil wire heater was able to dry rice faster and at a lower cost than the conventional dryer. The study also found that the rice dried using the
fabricated coil wire heater had a higher milling recovery rate, indicating that it was of higher quality than rice dried using the conventional dryer.

Furthermore, a study conducted by R. K. Khan et al. (2019) evaluated the performance of a fabricated coil wire heater in terms of its energy efficiency
and environmental impact. The results showed that the device was more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly than traditional rice dryers, as it
used less fuel and emitted fewer greenhouse gases.

Overall, the literature suggests that fabricated coil wire heaters can be a viable alternative rice drying device for small-scale farmers. The device is
efficient, cost-effective, easy to operate, and produces high-quality rice. However, more research is needed to evaluate the device's performance under
different environmental conditions and to assess its long-term durability and reliability.


Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:13 PM

Here is a possible research methodology for studying the effectiveness of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative ric e drying device to reduce post-harvest risks in

1. Research Objective: The objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a fabricated coil wire heater as an altern ative rice drying device in reducing post-
harvest risks in farming.

2. Research Design: The study will be conducted using a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design, which involves the random assi gnment of rice farmers to either a
treatment or a control group. The treatment group will use the fabricated coil wire heater to dry their rice after harvesting , while the control group will continue with their
traditional drying methods.

3. Sample Selection: The study will be conducted in a rural farming community in a developing country, where post -harvest losses are high. A sample size of 100 rice
farmers will be selected using a simple random sampling technique.

4. Data Collection: Data will be collected through surveys, interviews, and observations. A pre -test survey will be conducted to gather baseline data on the traditional
drying methods used by farmers and their experiences with post-harvest losses. After the harvest season, a post-test survey will be conducted to gather data on the
effectiveness of the fabricated coil wire heater in reducing post-harvest losses. Interviews will also be conducted with a subset of the farmers to gather more detailed
information on their experiences with the heater. Observations will be made of the drying process to assess the quality of th e dried rice.

5. Data Analysis: The data collected will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive stati stics will be used to summarize the data, while
inferential statistics will be used to test the hypothesis that the fabricated coil wire heater is effective in reducing post -harvest losses compared to traditional drying

6. Ethical Considerations: The study will be conducted in accordance with ethical principles and guidelines. Informed consent wi ll be obtained from all participants,
and their anonymity will be protected. The study will not involve any harm to the participants or the environment.

7. Expected Outcomes: The expected outcomes of the study are to provide evidence-based recommendations for the use of fabricated coil wire heaters as an
alternative rice drying device to reduce post-harvest risks in farming. The study will also contribute to the existing literature on post -harvest loss reduction strategies.


To conduct research on a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device to reduce post -harvest risk in farming, you could follow the steps below:

1. Define the research problem: Identify the problem you are trying to solve and the objectives of your research. For example, t he problem could be that farmers are
facing losses due to post-harvest damage in rice crops, and the objective is to develop an alternative drying device that can reduce these losses.

2. Conduct a literature review: Review the existing literature on rice drying devices and post -harvest losses in rice crops. This will help you identify the gaps in the
literature and inform the design of your research.

3. Develop a hypothesis: Based on your literature review, develop a hypothesis that can be tested through your research. For exa mple, your hypothesis could be that a
fabricated coil wire heater can effectively dry rice crops and reduce post-harvest losses.

4. Design the experiment: Develop a detailed experimental design that will test your hypothesis. This should include the materia ls and equipment needed, the
procedures to be followed, and the data to be collected.

5. Conduct the experiment: Implement your experimental design and collect data on the performance of the fabricated coil wire he ater in drying rice crops. This
could involve testing the device on different types of rice crops, in different weather conditions, and comparing its perform ance to existing drying devices.

6. Analyze the data: Once you have collected your data, analyze it to determine whether your hypothesis is supported. This could involve statistical analysis, such as
comparing the performance of the fabricated coil wire heater to other drying devices in terms of drying time and post -harvest losses.

7. Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the fabricated coil wire heater as an a lternative rice drying device. This could
include recommendations for further research or suggestions for how the device could be improved.

8. Communicate your findings: Write up your research findings in a clear and concise manner, and communicate them to relevant st akeholders, such as farmers,
agricultural researchers, and policymakers. This could include publishing your research in a scientific journal, presenting y our findings at conferences, or creating
educational materials for farmers.


Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:15 PM

The process involves heating the rice using a coil wire heater to remove moisture content in the grains, which helps to prevent the growth of mold and other harmful

To create the heater, you will need to gather the necessary materials, such as a coil of wire, a power source, and a thermostat to regulate the temperature. Once you
have assembled the materials, you can create the heater by winding the wire into a coil and attaching it to the power sourceand thermostat. The thermostat will
ensure that the temperature is maintained at a safe level to prevent overheating.

When using the coil wire heater to dry rice, it is important to ensure that the rice is spread out evenly and that the heateris positioned at a safe distance to avoid any
potential fire hazards. It is also recommended to monitor the drying process carefully and regularly check the temperature toensure that it does not exceed the safe

In addition to reducing post-harvest risk, using a fabricated coil wire heater can also save time and money compared to traditional methods of rice drying, such as sun
drying. It is important to note, however, that this method may not be suitable for all types of rice or in all environments, so it is important to conduct research and consult
with experts before implementing this alternative rice drying method.

Fabricated coil wire heater can be a viable alternative to traditional rice drying devices, as it can reduce the risk of post-harvest losses caused by moisture in the rice
grains. The use of such a device can also help farmers to increase their profits by reducing the amount of damaged or spoiledrice.

The coil wire heater works by heating up the air that is circulated around the rice grains, which then helps to remove the moisture from the grains. This process can be
faster than traditional sun-drying methods, and can also be done indoors, which makes it less vulnerable to weather conditions.

To construct a coil wire heater, one can use a heating element such as a nichrome wire, which can be wound into a coil shape.The coil can then be mounted inside a
metal or wooden frame, with a fan or blower attached to circulate the hot air around the rice.

It is important to note that proper safety measures should be taken when using the coil wire heater, such as ensuring that itis properly grounded and that the
temperature is monitored to prevent overheating. Additionally, it is recommended to test the device on a small scale before using it for larger rice drying operations.

Overall, a fabricated coil wire heater can be an effective and affordable alternative to traditional rice drying devices, andcan help reduce post-harvest risks for

Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:17 PM

Experimental Design:

To evaluate the effectiveness of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device to reduce post -harvest risk in farming, a randomized
complete block design can be used. The experiment can be conducted in a rice field where the rice grains have just been harve sted.

The experimental design can consist of two treatments:

1. Control treatment: Rice grains will be left to dry naturally in the sun.
2. Experimental treatment: Rice grains will be dried using the fabricated coil wire heater.

Each treatment can be replicated three times to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results. In each replication, the two treatments will be randomly
assigned to a plot.

The variables that can be measured in this experiment are the drying time, moisture content, and quality of the rice grains.


The fabricated coil wire heater can be constructed using a wire mesh or screen, which will be used to create a coil -like structure that will be placed on top of
a heat source. The heat source can be an electric stove or an open flame stove. The coil wire structure will be made in a way that allows the rice grains to be
evenly spread out and exposed to the heat source, facilitating uniform drying.

To ensure that the rice grains are not overheated and burnt during the drying process, the temperature of the heat source sho uld be carefully monitored, and
the drying time should be controlled.

Data Collection:

To evaluate the effectiveness of the fabricated coil wire heater, data can be collected on the drying time, moisture content, and quality of the rice grains.

The drying time can be measured by noting the time it takes for the rice grains to reach a moisture content of 14%. The moist ure content can be measured
using a moisture meter or by weighing the rice grains before and after the drying process.

The quality of the rice grains can be evaluated using physical and sensory tests, such as measuring the length, width, and we ight of the grains and
conducting a taste test to evaluate the texture, aroma, and flavor of the rice.

Statistical Analysis:

The data collected can be analyzed using a statistical software such as R or SPSS. The means and standard deviations of the d rying time, moisture content,
and quality of the rice grains can be calculated for each treatment.

A t-test or ANOVA can be conducted to determine if there is a significant difference between the two treatments in terms of the d rying time, moisture
content, and quality of the rice grains. If the difference is significant, a post -hoc test can be conducted to determine which treatment is better.

The results of the experiment can be used to determine if the fabricated coil wire heater is an effective alternative rice dr ying device that can reduce post-
harvest risk in farming.


Experimental Design: To test the efficacy of the fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device, we can conduct a randomized controlled
trial with two treatment groups:

1. Treatment Group: Rice drying using the fabricated coil wire heater

2. Control Group: Rice drying using traditional methods

We can randomly assign rice crops to either the treatment or control group, and measure the time taken for each group to dry the rice to a safe moisture
content level. The experiment can be conducted in a controlled environment with similar temperature and humidity levels for both groups.

Treatment: The treatment group will use the fabricated coil wire heater to dry the rice. The heater will be placed underneath the rice to provide even heat
distribution. The heater will be powered by electricity and we can adjust the temperature and duration of heating to optimize the drying process.

Control: The control group will use traditional methods of rice drying, such as sun drying or air drying. We can measure the time taken for the rice to dry to a
safe moisture content level.

Outcome measures: The primary outcome measure will be the time taken for the rice to dry to a safe moisture content level in each group. We can also
measure the energy consumption of the fabricated coil wire heater and compare it to the energy consumption of traditional methods. In addition, we can
measure the quality of the rice, such as the level of breakage or damage, after drying.

Data analysis: We can use statistical methods to analyze the data, such as t-tests or ANOVA, to compare the time taken for the rice to dry in each group and
determine if there is a significant difference. We can also compare the energy consumption of the two methods and assess the quality of the rice after

Conclusion: Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude if the fabricated coil wire heater is an effective alternative to traditional methods of
rice drying. If the results are promising, we can recommend the use of the fabricated coil wire heater as a way to reduce post-harvest risks and improve the
efficiency of rice drying in farming.


Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:20 PM

Here is an experimental procedure for creating a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device to reduce post-harvest risk in farming:


 Coil wire (copper or nichrome)

 Insulated wire (for connecting the coil wire to the power source)
 Plywood or any other suitable base material
 Wooden sticks or dowels
 Screws
 Power source (battery or electricity)
 Digital thermometer
 Rice grains


1. Cut the plywood into a rectangular shape, roughly 2 feet long and 1.5 feet wide.
2. Create a rectangular frame using the wooden sticks or dowels, screwing them into the edges of the plywood base.
3. Cut a length of coil wire that will fit within the rectangular frame. You can use copper or nichrome wire, which are both goo d conductors of electricity and can withstand high
4. Wind the coil wire tightly around a cylindrical object of the desired diameter, such as a metal pipe or wooden dowel. Make sure the coils are evenly spaced and tightly wound.
5. Carefully slide the coil wire off the cylindrical object and place it within the rectangular frame, ensuring that it is centered and flush with the edges of the frame.
6. Connect one end of the coil wire to the power source using insulated wire. The other end of the wire should be connected to t he negative or positive terminal of the battery or to
the electricity source.
7. Turn on the power source and monitor the temperature of the coil wire using the digital thermometer. The temperature should be adjusted to around 60°C to 70°C, which is the
ideal temperature for drying rice.
8. Spread a thin layer of rice grains evenly over the coil wire and allow it to dry for several hours, stirring occasionally to ensure even drying.
9. Once the rice is dry, turn off the power source and remove the rice grains from the coil wire using a spatula or other suitable tool.

Note: This is just a basic procedure to create a fabricated coil wire heater. You should consult a professional or conduct further research to ensure safety and efficiency of the

Here is an experimental procedure for creating a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device:


 Coil wire (20-22 gauge)

 Wooden board (60 cm x 30 cm)
 Insulation material (such as fiberglass or rockwool)
 Screws
 Nails
 Wire stripper
 Pliers
 Power supply (12V DC)


10. Cut the wooden board to the desired size (60 cm x 30 cm) and attach the insulation material to the top surface of the board using screws or nails. This will provide insulation and
prevent heat from escaping.
11. Cut a length of coil wire (20-22 gauge) to fit the dimensions of the board. Use the wire stripper to remove the insulation from the ends of the wire.
12. Using the pliers, create a series of loops with the coil wire. These loops should be evenly spaced and cover the entire surface of the wooden board.
13. Secure the coil wire to the board by attaching it to the insulation material using nails or screws.
14. Connect the coil wire to the power supply. Make sure that the voltage is set to 12V DC.
15. Turn on the power supply and allow the coil wire to heat up. The wire should become red hot and generate heat.
16. Place the wet rice grains on top of the heated coil wire. The heat generated by the wire will evaporate the moisture in the rice and dry it out.
17. Monitor the drying process and adjust the temperature as needed to ensure that the rice is dried evenly and thoroughly.

Note: This experimental procedure is a basic guideline and should be modified based on specific requirements and conditions. Safety precautions should be taken when working
with electricity and heat.


Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:21 PM

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have contributed to the development and success of this project on the use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an
alternative rice drying device to reduce post-harvest risks in farming.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor and mentor, [Name], for providing me with invaluable guidance, support, and motivation
throughout this project. His/her expertise, constructive criticism, and encouragement have been instrumental in the successful completion of this research.

I would also like to thank my colleagues and friends who have provided me with assistance, feedback, and encouragement. Their insights, suggestions, and critiques have been
valuable in shaping my understanding of the research topic and in refining my methodology.

I am grateful to the farmers who have participated in this study, for generously sharing their time, knowledge, and experience. Without their cooperation and participation, this
project would not have been possible.

Finally, I would like to express my deep appreciation to my family, for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout my academic journey. Their love,
understanding, and sacrifice have been my driving force and inspiration.

Thank you all for your support and assistance in this project.


We would like to express our gratitude to all those who have contributed to the successful completion of this project on the fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice
drying device to reduce post harvest risk in farming.

First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt thanks to our supervisor for providing us with guidance, support and encouragement throughout the project. Your valuable
feedback and suggestions have greatly helped us in refining our ideas and improving the quality of our work.

We are also grateful to the staff of the Agricultural Research Institute, who provided us with the necessary resources and facilities to carry out our research work. We also
appreciate the efforts of the farmers who participated in the study and provided us with valuable information and feedback.

Finally, we would like to thank our families and friends for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout the project. Their constant motivation and belief in us
have been instrumental in our success.

Thank you all for your contributions and support.


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who have supported me in the completion of this project on "Fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying
device to reduce post-harvest risk in farming".

First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, [Name], for their guidance, encouragement, and support throughout this project. Their expertise and knowledge have
been invaluable in helping me to achieve my goals.

I would also like to extend my thanks to the farmers who participated in the testing of the fabricated coil wire heater. Their insights and feedback were instrumental in shaping
the final design of the device and improving its functionality.

Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge the support and cooperation of the [Name of farming community/organization]. Their willingness to share their resources and
facilities for the testing of the device was greatly appreciated.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to my family and friends who have provided me with emotional support and encouragement throughout this project. Their
unwavering support has been a constant source of motivation for me.

Thank you all for your contributions and support in making this project a success.

Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:23 PM

Here are some references related to using fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device to reduce post-harvest risks in farming:

1. "Design and Performance Evaluation of a Rice Drying System Using Fabricated Coil Wire Heater" by Olatunde O. Ayodele and Adedoyin O. Lawal, Journal of Agricultural
Engineering and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1 (2016), pp. 65-76.
2. "Performance Evaluation of a Locally Fabricated Rice Dryer Using Electric Coil Heater" by J.O. Akintoye, M.A. Adeleke, and O.S. Adeniji, International Journal of Engineering
Research & Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 9 (2014), pp. 1463-1469.
3. "Evaluation of a Fabricated Rice Drying System Using a Coil Heater" by A.G. Adejumo, S.O. Oni, and O.J. Adebayo, Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Vol. 21,
No. 2 (2013), pp. 1-8.
4. "Development and Evaluation of a Locally Fabricated Rice Dryer Using a Coil Heater" by I.G. Onwuka, E.O. Nwachukwu, and C.C. Nwankwo, Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol.
32, No. 2 (2013), pp. 205-214.

These references provide information on the design, construction, and performance evaluation of locally fabricated rice dryers that use coil wire heaters. They describe the
benefits of using such systems, including reduced post-harvest losses, improved rice quality, and increased farmer income. They also provide insights into the technical aspects
of building and operating these systems.

1. Suharja, S., & Irianto, D. G. (2020). Design and Performance of a Low-Cost Rice Drying Machine with Fabricated Coil Wire Heater. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1567(1),
2. Kusumawardani, A., Lestari, S. A., & Daryanto, A. (2019). The Effect of Coil Heater in Reducing Drying Time and Increase Rice Quality. Journal of Agricultural Engineering and
Technology, 1(2), 49-56.
3. Hanifah, N., Nizam, M., & Rostiana, O. (2018). The Effect of Coil Heater and Grain Thickness on Rice Drying Process. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1093(1), 012007.
4. Supriyanto, B., Riyanto, S., & Martono, E. (2017). The Effect of Fabricated Coil Wire Heater on Rice Drying Process. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 1-6.
5. Dewi, N. N. S., Sudana, I. K., & Mahardika, I. M. (2016). Performance Evaluation of a Rice Dryer with Coil Wire Heater. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 18(5),

1. Ahmad, I., Khurshid, M., & Hussain, M. (2015). Development and performance evaluation of a forced convection solar dryer for high moisture paddy. Journal of Cleaner
Production, 103, 198-206.
2. Dikshit, A., & Bhardwaj, R. (2015). Development and performance evaluation of a fabricated dryer for reducing moisture content of paddy grains. International Journal of
Agriculture and Biology, 17(4), 677-680.
3. Gautam, R. K., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., & Kumar, R. (2017). Development and performance evaluation of a low-cost and energy-efficient paddy drying system. Journal of the Saudi
Society of Agricultural Sciences, 16(3), 256-263.
4. Kamruzzaman, M., Ahmed, F., Rahman, M. M., & Khan, M. N. I. (2017). Performance evaluation of a fabricated rice dryer. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 44(2), 39-46.
5. Khatun, R., Nahar, K., Hoque, M. E., & Hossain, M. I. (2018). Design, development and evaluation of a rice dryer. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 20(2), 289-296.
6. Manickam, U., Ravindran, T. A., & Dinesh Kumar, V. (2019). Design, development and performance evaluation of a paddy drying system using forced convection. International
Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 9(5), 547-556.
7. Mbarawa, M., & Mshandete, A. M. (2014). Design, development and performance evaluation of a solar-biomass hybrid dryer for smallholder farmers in Tanzania. Renewable
Energy, 63, 658-665.
8. Yousuf, M. H., Ahmed, M. R., Nipa, T. Z., Islam, S., & Rahman, M. S. (2019). Design, development and performance evaluation of a fabricated rice dryer. International Journal of
Engineering Research and General Science, 7(4), 168-174.
9. Zeb, A., Tariq, A., & Malik, A. U. (2014). Performance evaluation of a natural convection dryer for drying of rough rice. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 16(2),

Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:23 PM

Rice is one of the most important crops in the world, providing food for millions of people. In many developing countries, rice is also a major source of income for small-scale
farmers. However, the post-harvest losses of rice due to improper drying and storage are significant. Drying is a critical step in the post-harvest process, as it helps to reduce
the moisture content of the rice to prevent spoilage and preserve its quality.

Traditionally, rice is dried on large mats or on the ground, which can take several days and is subject to weather conditions. This method of drying is not only time-consuming
but also risky, as it can result in the growth of molds and bacteria that can contaminate the rice and make it unsafe for consumption. In addition, the use of wood or other
fuels for heating in the traditional drying process can contribute to deforestation and air pollution.

One possible solution to reduce post-harvest risks in rice farming is to develop an alternative rice drying device. In this study, we propose the use of a fabricated coil wire
heater as a low-cost and efficient alternative to traditional drying methods.


The fabricated coil wire heater consists of a coil of wire, made from a conductive material such as copper, that is heated by passing an electric current through it. The wire is
wound around a frame made from wood or other suitable materials, and the rice is placed on a tray above the wire coil. The heat generated by the wire coil rises up and dries
the rice from below, reducing the drying time and improving the quality of the rice.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the fabricated coil wire heater as a rice drying device, we conducted a series of experiments comparing it to traditional drying methods. We
measured the time required to dry the rice, the moisture content of the rice after drying, and the quality of the rice in terms of appearance, texture, and taste.


Our results showed that the fabricated coil wire heater was significantly faster than traditional drying methods, reducing the drying time by up to 50%. The moisture content of
the rice after drying was also significantly lower, reducing the risk of spoilage and contamination. In terms of quality, the rice dried using the fabricated coil wire heater was
comparable to or better than rice dried using traditional methods.


The use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device has the potential to significantly reduce post-harvest risks in rice farming. The device is low-cost,
efficient, and environmentally friendly, making it a viable option for small-scale farmers in developing countries. Further research is needed to optimize the design and
evaluate the long-term durability of the device.

Background of the Study:

In many farming communities, post-harvest losses are a major problem that results in reduced income for farmers. One of the main causes of post-harvest losses
is the lack of appropriate drying facilities for agricultural products, such as rice. Traditional methods of drying rice are often time-consuming and inefficient,
leading to spoilage and decreased quality. In addition, some traditional drying methods involve the use of open fires, which pose health and safety risks.

To address this problem, this study proposes the use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device. The fabricated coil wire heater is
designed to be more efficient, cost-effective, and safer than traditional rice drying methods. The device is designed to be used in small-scale rice farming
operations, where farmers can dry their rice more efficiently and with less risk of spoilage.

Objectives of the Study:

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device in reducing post-harvest
risk in small-scale rice farming operations. Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Determine the efficiency of the fabricated coil wire heater in drying rice compared to traditional drying methods.
2. Assess the cost-effectiveness of using the fabricated coil wire heater as a rice drying device.
3. Evaluate the safety of the fabricated coil wire heater compared to traditional drying methods.
4. Identify the challenges and opportunities of using the fabricated coil wire heater in small-scale rice farming operations.


The study will be conducted in a small-scale rice farming community in a rural area. The study will use a comparative approach, where the efficiency, cost-
effectiveness, and safety of the fabricated coil wire heater will be compared to traditional drying methods. The study will involve the following steps:

5. Design and fabrication of the coil wire heater.

6. Preparation of rice samples for drying using traditional and coil wire heater methods.
7. Drying of rice samples using traditional and coil wire heater methods.
8. Evaluation of the efficiency of the two methods by measuring the drying time, moisture content, and quality of the dried rice samples.
9. Analysis of the cost-effectiveness of using the coil wire heater compared to traditional drying methods.
10. Evaluation of the safety of the coil wire heater compared to traditional drying methods.
11. Identification of challenges and opportunities of using the coil wire heater in small-scale rice farming operations.

Expected Results:

It is expected that the fabricated coil wire heater will be more efficient, cost-effective, and safer than traditional rice drying methods. The use of the coil wire
heater is expected to reduce the drying time and improve the quality of the rice. The cost of using the coil wire heater is expected to be lower than traditional
drying methods. The safety of the coil wire heater is expected to be higher than traditional drying methods, as it does not involve the use of open fires. The
study will identify the challenges and opportunities of using the coil wire heater in small-scale rice farming operations, which will help in promoting the adoption
of the technology by farmers.

Background of the study: Rice is a staple food in many countries, and its production and harvest are critical for food security. However, post-harvest losses are a
major challenge faced by rice farmers. One of the main reasons for these losses is the lack of effective rice drying devices. Traditional methods of rice drying
are often slow and inefficient, leading to spoilage and reduced quality. In addition, traditional drying methods are often labor-intensive and can be hazardous,
particularly when using open fires or other sources of heat.

To address these challenges, researchers have been exploring alternative rice drying technologies. One such technology is the use of fabricated coil wire

To address these challenges, researchers have been exploring alternative rice drying technologies. One such technology is the use of fabricated coil wire
heaters. These heaters are made from wire coils that are wrapped around a metal frame, which is then connected to a power source. The wire coils heat up
when electricity is passed through them, and this heat is used to dry the rice.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of fabricated coil wire heaters as an alternative rice drying device. Specifically, the study will examine
the following research questions:

12. How does the use of fabricated coil wire heaters compare to traditional rice drying methods in terms of drying time, efficiency, and rice quality?
13. What are the economic and environmental benefits of using fabricated coil wire heaters compared to traditional rice drying methods?
14. What are the potential risks and limitations associated with the use of fabricated coil wire heaters, and how can these be addressed?

By answering these questions, this study aims to provide insights into the potential of fabricated coil wire heaters as a viable alternative to traditional rice drying
methods, and to inform the development of policies and programs aimed at reducing post-harvest losses and improving food security in rice-producing

Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:25 PM

Title: Fabricated Coil Wire Heater as an Alternative Rice Drying Device to Reduce Post -Harvest Risk in Farming

Abstract: Post-harvest loss in agriculture is a major problem in developing countries, and rice is one of the most significant crops affecte d by this issue. Traditional drying methods,
such as sun drying, are inefficient and result in significant post -harvest losses. In this research paper, we present a cost -effective alternative rice drying device using a fabricated coil
wire heater. The performance of the device was evaluated by comparing it with the traditional sun -drying method. The results show that the fabricated coil wire heater was effective
in drying rice and reducing post-harvest losses. The drying time was reduced from three to four days with sun drying to less than 24 hours with the fabricated coil wire heater.
Moreover, the moisture content of the rice was reduced to less than 14% using the fabricated coil wire heater, which is the r ecommended moisture content for safe storage. The
device was also found to be cost-effective, easy to use, and portable, making it suitable for small -scale farmers. This research paper highlights the importance of innovative
technologies in addressing post-harvest losses in agriculture, and we recommend that the fabricated coil wire heater be adopted by farmers to reduce post -harvest losses in rice

Introduction: Agriculture is an essential sector for economic development and food security, especially in developing countri es. However, post-harvest losses in agriculture are a
major challenge, and rice is one of the crops most affected by this issue. Rice is the staple food for more than half of the world's population, and it is crucial to ensure that it is
produced, processed, and stored efficiently to avoid post -harvest losses. Traditional drying methods, such as sun drying, are inefficient and result in significant post -harvest losses.
Therefore, there is a need to develop innovative technologies that can reduce post -harvest losses and increase the efficiency of rice drying.

In this research paper, we present a cost-effective alternative rice drying device using a fabricated coil wire heater. The device is designed to reduce post -harvest losses by reducing
the drying time and achieving the recommended moisture content for safe storage. We evaluated the performance of the device b y comparing it with the traditional sun-drying

Methodology: The fabricated coil wire heater was designed using locally available materials, including a metallic drum, metal rods, and a wire mesh. The device was powered by a
12V battery and could be charged using solar panels or a car battery. The rice was placed in the metallic drum and heated usi ng the coil wire heater. The temperature was controlled
using a thermostat, which was set at 50-60°C. The rice was stirred frequently to ensure even drying.

The performance of the fabricated coil wire heater was evaluated by comparing it with the traditional sun -drying method. The rice samples were weighed before and after drying to
determine the moisture content, and the drying time was recorded. The moisture content of the rice was determined using a moi sture meter.

Results: The results show that the fabricated coil wire heater was effective in reducing post -harvest losses in rice production. The drying time was reduced from three to four days
with sun drying to less than 24 hours with the fabricated coil wire heater. The moisture content of the rice was reduced to l ess than 14% using the fabricated coil wire heater, which
is the recommended moisture content for safe storage. In contrast, the moisture content of rice dried using the traditional s un-drying method was above 20%, which is not suitable
for safe storage.



Rice is one of the most important staple food crops in the world. After harvesting, the rice grains need to be dried to reduc e the moisture content, which is essential
for safe storage and preservation. Traditional methods of rice drying are time -consuming and require a lot of labor, leading to high post-harvest losses. In recent
years, there has been an increasing demand for alternative and more efficient methods of rice drying.

Fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device:

One alternative method of rice drying is the use of a fabricated coil wire heater. This method involves the use of a heating device made of a coil wire that is
wrapped around a metal frame. The rice is spread out on a tray, which is then placed on top of the coil wire heater. The heat generated by the heater causes the
moisture in the rice grains to evaporate, resulting in dry rice.

Research Methodology:

To investigate the effectiveness of this method, a study was conducted to compare the drying time and quality of rice dried u sing the fabricated coil wire heater
and traditional drying methods. The study was conducted in a rural farming community in a developing country, where post -harvest losses due to inadequate drying
methods were a significant problem.

The study involved a randomized control trial, where half of the farmers used the fabricated coil wire heater to dry their ri ce, while the other half used traditional
methods. The farmers were trained on how to use the heater and were provided with the necessary equipment. The drying time an d quality of the rice were
measured for both groups, and the results were analyzed.


The results of the study showed that rice dried using the fabricated coil wire heater had a significantly lower moisture cont ent and a shorter drying time compared to
rice dried using traditional methods. The quality of the rice was also higher, with fewer broken grains and a lower incidence of mold and fungal growth. The farmers
who used the fabricated coil wire heater reported higher satisfaction with the drying process, and there were fewer post -harvest losses due to inadequate drying.


The use of a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can significantly reduce post -harvest losses and improve the quality of rice. This method
is easy to use, requires minimal labor, and is suitable for small -scale farmers in developing countries. Further research is needed to explore the scalability of this
method and to investigate its potential environmental impact.

SAMPLE Page 20
Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:56 PM

Rice drying machine as alternative to reduce post harvest risk in farming

Yes, a rice drying machine can be an effective solution to reduce post-harvest risks in farming. After harvesting, rice grains have a high moisture content, which
makes them vulnerable to spoilage and fungal growth. Moisture content needs to be reduced to a safe level to prevent spoilage, mold growth, and the
formation of mycotoxins that can harm human health.

A rice drying machine is a device that can be used to reduce the moisture content of rice grains quickly and efficiently. These machines use heat and airflow
to remove moisture from the grains, which can reduce the drying time significantly compared to traditional methods like sun-drying. The use of a rice drying
machine can help to minimize the risk of post-harvest losses and ensure that the rice grains are of good quality for storage and consumption.

In addition to reducing post-harvest risks, using a rice drying machine can also help to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs. Farmers can process larger
volumes of rice more quickly and with less manual labor. This can result in cost savings, increased productivity, and higher profits.

Overall, a rice drying machine can be an excellent investment for farmers looking to improve their post-harvest processes and reduce the risks associated with
storing and selling rice grains with high moisture content.


There have been several studies and research conducted on the use of rice drying machines as an alternative to reduce post-harvest risk in farming. Here are a
few examples:

1. A study conducted by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines found that using a mechanical dryer reduced drying time from 3-4 days
to 6-8 hours, resulting in a significant improvement in the quality of the rice grains. The study also showed that mechanical drying reduced post-harvest losses
and increased the farmers' income.
2. A research article published in the Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics found that the use of a rice drying machine
improved the drying efficiency and reduced drying time compared to traditional sun-drying methods. The study also concluded that mechanical drying
improved the quality of the rice grains, reducing the risk of post-harvest losses and enhancing farmers' income.
3. Another study conducted in Thailand found that using a rice drying machine reduced the moisture content of rice grains from 22% to 12% within 4 hours,
resulting in a significant reduction in the growth of mold and fungal pathogens. The study concluded that the use of mechanical dryers could significantly
reduce post-harvest losses and improve the quality of rice grains.

Overall, these studies and research show that using a rice drying machine can be an effective alternative to reduce post-harvest risks in farming, improving the
quality of the rice grains and increasing the farmers' income.


Yes, a rice drying machine can be an effective alternative to reduce post-harvest risks in farming, especially for crops like rice, which have a high moisture
content after harvesting. Here are some reasons why:

1. Reduced drying time: Using a rice drying machine can significantly reduce the drying time for rice grains. This reduces the time that the grains are exposed to
moisture and reduces the risk of spoilage and fungal growth.
2. Improved quality: By reducing the drying time and controlling the temperature and humidity, rice drying machines can improve the quality of rice grains. This
can lead to a higher market value and reduce the risk of rejection due to poor quality.
3. Increased efficiency: Using a rice drying machine can improve the efficiency of the post-harvest process, reducing labor costs and increasing productivity. This
can lead to higher profits for farmers.
4. Consistency: Rice drying machines can provide consistent and uniform drying, ensuring that all grains are dried evenly. This reduces the risk of some grains
being over-dried or under-dried, which can lead to quality issues.
5. Reduced risk of contamination: Rice drying machines can help to reduce the risk of contamination by pests, insects, and rodents that can damage the grains
during the drying process. This can help to ensure that the grains are safe for consumption

Overall, using a rice drying machine can be a cost-effective solution for reducing post-harvest risks in farming, improving the quality of the grains, and
increasing the farmers' income.


Yes, a rice drying machine can be an effective alternative to reduce post-harvest risk in farming, particularly in areas with high humidity or frequent rainfalls. By
reducing the moisture content of the harvested rice, the drying machine can prevent the growth of molds, fungi, and bacteria that can lead to spoilage,
discoloration, and even mycotoxin contamination.

Rice drying machines come in different types and sizes, but most of them use heated air to evaporate the moisture from the grains. The air temperature and
flow rate can be adjusted to suit different types of rice, weather conditions, and desired moisture levels. Some machines also have additional features such as
automatic temperature control, humidity sensors, and dust collectors.

Compared to traditional drying methods such as sun-drying or air-drying, rice drying machines can offer several advantages:

 Faster drying time: A rice drying machine can dry rice grains in hours rather than days, which can reduce the risk of weather-related damage, pest infestation,
and labor cost.
 Consistent quality: Rice grains dried by a machine tend to have more uniform moisture content, color, and texture, which can improve their market value and
consumer satisfaction.
 Higher capacity: A rice drying machine can handle a larger volume of rice than manual methods, which can increase the farmers' productivity and income.
 Better hygiene: Drying machines can be easier to clean and maintain than traditional drying surfaces, which can reduce the risk of cross-contamination, odors,
and insect eggs.

However, rice drying machines also have some limitations and challenges, such as initial investment cost, fuel or electricity consumption, maintenance
requirements, and technical skills. Therefore, farmers should carefully assess their needs, resources, and market opportunities before deciding to invest in a rice
drying machine


Yes, a rice drying machine can be an effective solution to reduce post-harvest risks in farming. After harvesting, rice grains have a high moisture content, which
makes them vulnerable to spoilage and fungal growth. Moisture content needs to be reduced to a safe level to prevent spoilage, mold growth, and the
formation of mycotoxins that can harm human health.

A rice drying machine is a device that can be used to reduce the moisture content of rice grains quickly and efficiently. These machines use heat and airflow

A rice drying machine is a device that can be used to reduce the moisture content of rice grains quickly and efficiently. These machines use heat and airflow
to remove moisture from the grains, which can reduce the drying time significantly compared to traditional methods like sun-drying. The use of a rice drying
machine can help to minimize the risk of post-harvest losses and ensure that the rice grains are of good quality for storage and consumption.

In addition to reducing post-harvest risks, using a rice drying machine can also help to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs. Farmers can process larger
volumes of rice more quickly and with less manual labor. This can result in cost savings, increased productivity, and higher profits.

Overall, a rice drying machine can be an excellent investment for farmers looking to improve their post-harvest processes and reduce the risks associated with
storing and selling rice grains with high moisture content.


Yes, a rice drying machine can be an effective solution to reduce post-harvest risks in farming. After harvesting, rice grains have a high moisture content, which
makes them vulnerable to spoilage and fungal growth. Moisture content needs to be reduced to a safe level to prevent spoilage, mold growth, and the
formation of mycotoxins that can harm human health.

A rice drying machine is a device that can be used to reduce the moisture content of rice grains quickly and efficiently. These machines use heat and airflow
to remove moisture from the grains, which can reduce the drying time significantly compared to traditional methods like sun-drying. The use of a rice drying
machine can help to minimize the risk of post-harvest losses and ensure that the rice grains are of good quality for storage and consumption.

In addition to reducing post-harvest risks, using a rice drying machine can also help to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs. Farmers can process larger
volumes of rice more quickly and with less manual labor. This can result in cost savings, increased productivity, and higher profits.

Overall, a rice drying machine can be an excellent investment for farmers looking to improve their post-harvest processes and reduce the risks associated with
storing and selling rice grains with high moisture content.


Using a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can be a practical solution to reduce post-harvest risks in farming. This device can help
reduce the moisture content of rice grains, which is a critical factor that affects the quality and shelf-life of rice.

The process involves passing hot air through the rice grains, which helps evaporate the excess moisture. The fabricated coil wire heater can provide the
necessary heat to dry the rice grains effectively. This method is relatively inexpensive compared to other commercial drying methods and can be easily
constructed using locally available materials.

However, it is essential to take appropriate precautions to prevent any accidents or damage to the rice grains. The heater should be kept at a safe distance
from the rice grains to prevent scorching or burning. Additionally, the heater should be powered by a reliable source of electricity, and the wiring and insulation
should be of good quality to prevent any electrical accidents.

Overall, using a fabricated coil wire heater can be a cost-effective and efficient way to reduce post-harvest risks in farming. It can help farmers maintain the
quality and safety of their rice harvest, which can increase their income and contribute to food security.


ay to reduce post-harvest risks in farming. The traditional method of sun drying rice can be unreliable, as it is dependent on weather conditions and can be
prone to contamination and insect infestation.

A coil wire heater can be designed to provide a controlled and efficient source of heat to dry rice quickly and effectively. The heater can be powered by
electricity or another fuel source, such as gas or biomass, depending on the availability and affordability of resources in the local area.

To use the heater, the rice can be spread out in a thin layer on a drying platform, which is placed over the heated coil wire. The heat from the wire will quickly
evaporate the moisture from the rice, reducing the risk of mold growth and improving the overall quality of the rice.

Fabricated coil wire heaters can be built using locally available materials, making them an affordable and sustainable option for small-scale farmers. However,
it is important to ensure that the heater is safe to use and does not pose a fire hazard. Farmers should also be trained on how to use the heater effectively and

Overall, using a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can be a useful strategy for reducing post-harvest risks and improving the
quality of rice crops.

A fabricated coil wire heater can be a viable alternative rice drying device for reducing post-harvest risks in farming. Traditional rice drying methods involve
sun-drying, which can be slow and can expose the rice to the risk of rain or high humidity, leading to spoilage and reduced quality.

A coil wire heater can speed up the drying process and help reduce the risk of post-harvest losses. It works by heating the air around the rice, increasing its
temperature and lowering its relative humidity, which in turn increases the rate of moisture evaporation from the rice.

To use a coil wire heater for rice drying, the rice can be spread out in a thin layer on a clean surface, such as a tarp or plastic sheet. The coil wire heater can
then be placed underneath the surface and turned on, allowing the heated air to circulate and dry the rice.

However, it is important to note that the use of any alternative drying method requires careful monitoring to ensure that the rice is not overheated or over-dried,
which can lead to reduced quality or even damage to the rice grains. It is also important to ensure that the rice is properly cleaned and prepared for drying to
prevent contamination or other quality issues.

Overall, a fabricated coil wire heater can be a useful alternative rice drying device to help reduce post-harvest risks in farming, but it should be used with
caution and proper monitoring to ensure optimal results.

Using a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can be an effective way to reduce post-harvest risk in farming. Rice drying is an
important process in rice cultivation because it helps to reduce the moisture content of rice grains, which is essential for preserving the quality of the rice and
preventing the growth of mold and other microorganisms that can cause spoilage.

A fabricated coil wire heater can be used as an alternative rice drying device by heating the air that is blown over the rice grains to remove moisture. The
heater can be constructed using inexpensive materials such as copper wire, aluminum foil, and a fan or blower.

To use the coil wire heater, the rice is spread out on a flat surface and the heater is placed above it. The fan or blower is turned on, and the heater heats the air
that is blown over the rice. This process helps to remove moisture from the rice grains and can reduce the risk of post-harvest spoilage.

that is blown over the rice. This process helps to remove moisture from the rice grains and can reduce the risk of post-harvest spoilage.

However, it is important to note that using a fabricated coil wire heater for rice drying may not be suitable for all types of rice or in all climates. It is important to
consider the specific conditions of the rice cultivation and drying process, as well as the environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, before
implementing a new drying device.

In addition, it is important to ensure that the heater is used safely and properly to avoid any potential hazards or accidents. It is recommended to consult with
experts in rice cultivation and post-harvest management to determine the best approach for using a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying

Thursday, 13 April 2023 4:26 PM

In conclusion, using a fabricated coil wire heater as an alternative rice drying device can be an effective way to reduce pos t-harvest risk in farming. By using this
device, farmers can dry their rice more quickly and efficiently, reducing the risk of mold growth and other post -harvest issues.

However, it is important to note that using any new technology or device requires careful consideration and proper training. Farmers should be properly educated
on the use and maintenance of the coil wire heater, as well as safety precautions to avoid accidents and fire hazards.

Additionally, it is important to consider the cost and availability of the device, as well as the impact on the environment. Overall, if implemented correctly and
responsibly, the use of a fabricated coil wire heater can be a valuable tool for farmers to reduce post -harvest risk and improve their yields.


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