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Video game addiction

Video games. Have you ever played a video game? Did you enjoy it? What are your
opinions about it? You know, I saw a quote a few days ago. It said that “If you must play,
acknowledge three things: The rules, the stakes, and quitting time” yet, some of us still don’t
acknowledge the third one. We still don't know how to quit.

Even before I was born, video games has been a thing. It became even more popular
when the pandemic hit. No one is allowed to go outside, you can’t meet with your friends.
There’s nothing to do in your home. But then, there’s video games. It’s like a meteor hitting
the ocean. It made a big impact on the lives of people, even me. But like the meteor, it later
became a problem. People got addicted to it. Playing video games as a habit is okay, but
getting addicted to it? That’s concerning.

There’s something about video games that people enjoy. Maybe it’s the pretty
characters that they have a crush on, maybe they find the gameplay fun. As one of the many
people who plays video games, I find it pretty interesting that some people even got to the
extent to verbally and emotionally hurt other people just because they lost to a game. Video
game is a type of an entertainment, so we can just have fun while not making any issues
that can affect your life.

That is all. Thank you.. My by my

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