Word Form HK2

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Group 3 so cute: 04,05,08,11,26,27,28,29


1/ Conquest
a. In 330 BC Persia was ………………. by Alexander the Great.
b. The disease was introduced by the Spanish ………………… in the sixteenth century.
c. He was thought of to be …………………… in the field of battle and was never defeated in
any war he fought.

2/ Weightless
a. She grabbed a …………….. book off the shelf (opposite of weightless).
b. The average male tiger ………… around 200 kg.
c. Many astronauts have testified to the exhilaration of …………………….

3/ Certain
a. I can't say with any ………..……. where I'll be next week.
b. It can be difficult to ……………. the facts.
c. They're both …………….. about what to do (opposite of certain)

4/ Precise
a. Lack of both accuracy and ………………. becomes more problematic in malformed
hearts when cardiac structures are hypoplastic.
b. But even then, it did so only in terms that were vague and ………………..
c. His lawyers have complained that the charge was written so ………………… that in
places it is unclear what he is accused of.

5/ Satisfaction
a. A third way of avoiding ……………………….. statistics is to confine the area of study to
a place for which detailed analyses are possible.
b. Few have actually reported a decision either to contextualize or not and most
appear ……………… to have the research speak for itself.
c. Her disappearance has never been ………………………. explained.

6/ Tragic
a. The whole affair ended in …………..
b. ……………………, his wife was killed in a car accident.
c. Today, the Mirror looks back to the first ………………………. deaths in one of the world's
longest and more bitter conflicts.

7/ Ignorant
a. Some doctors believe …………….…. is bliss and don't give their patients all the facts.
b. He ……………………... all the ‘No Smoking’ signs and lit up a cigarette.
c. They either …………………………. or conveniently forgot about the events of recent history.

8/ Indulge
a. All the pleasures and …………………………. of the weekend are over
b. Why should they be made to feel guilty for a little …………………………. ?
c. I don't …………………………. in idle gossip

9/ Avid
a. She reads …………………………. .
b. He studied Chemistry with …………………………. .
c. I am an …………………………. reader of Cambridge Dictionary

10/ Accompany
a. "May I ………………………… you to the ball?" he asked her.
b. She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse ………………………………...
c. The game took place to the ………………………………… of fireworks over the bay.

11/ Accomplish
a. Winning the award was a major ……………………………………...
b. Developing a computer-assisted operation appeared to be a productive and
…………………………….. task.
c. She's a very ……………………………. pianist.

12/ Collect
a. Josephine Baker was the source of inspiration of Dior’s couture ……………………….
b. An avid art ………………………, he owned at least a dozen Picassos.
c. The incident became part of our ……………………………… memory.

13/ Gymnastics
a. She won an Olympic gold medal in ……………………………
b. She had been an excellent …………………………… before the accident, which disabled her.
c. The house is very spacious and has a full-size indoor swimming pool and ………………….

14/ Solid
a. Meyer spoke of a delegation from a nearby engine works who came to express
their …………………………… with the strikers.
b. Putting your name out there again will also help you to …………………………… your
c. There may be other halts in the cooling, both before and after complete
……………………………, due to evolution of heat in the mixture.

15/ Participate
a. Trail running has seen a 7.9% jump in ………………… over the last five years,
according to a 2022 Outdoor Foundation trend report
b. Trials with more than 5500 …………………… showed the vaccine is safe and effective,
CSPC reported.
c. Members of other gardens …………………………… in the American Horticultural
Society’s Reciprocal Admissions Program also receive free admission.

16/ Athlete
a. When did you first get interested in …………………………., and why did you specialize in
long jump?
b. He's very attractive, if you like the blond …………………… type.
c. Bookish and ………………………., she hated games lessons.

17/ Psychology
a. Vyn Richter is a renowned …………………………… and the owner of Giannovyn Mental
Health Research Center
b. We are concerned with the physical and ……………………………… well-being of our
c. To win a game without him is, ………………………………………., a big step for the team.

18/ Recruit
a. He strained his wealth and influence to …………………………… followers and to make
b. An excellent career opportunity has now arisen with a leading ……………………… agency
c. He says that Simon is a potential new …………………………… from the North.
19/ Occupied
a. The house hasn't been …………………… by anyone for a few months.
b. My main …………………… now is trying to keep life normal for the sake of my two boys.
c. Why is the media so …………………… with the love lives of politicians?

20/ Modest
a. He is known for his ……………………, an uncommon characteristic for a politician.
b. He spoke …………………………… about his accomplishments as an entrepreneur
c. Although it might sound …………………………… of me to say so, I am very proud of
what we have accomplished.

1/ Tú Anh 6/ Quốc Bảo 11/ Quỳnh Chi 16/ Quỳnh Anh

a. conquered a. tragedy a. accomplishment a. athletics
b. conquerors b. Tragically b. accomplishable b. athletic
c. unconquerable c. tragic c. accomplished c. unathletic

2/ Tú Anh 7/ Quốc Bảo 12/ Hoàng Quân 17/ Quỳnh Anh

a. weighty a. ignorance a. collection a. psychologist/
b. weighs b. ignored b. collector psychiatrist
c. weightlessness c. ignorantly c. collective b. psychological
c. psychologically

3/ Tú Anh 8/ Khánh Thi 13/ Quỳnh Như 18/ Quỳnh Như

a. certainty a. indulgences a. gymnastics a. recruit
b. ascertain b. self-indulgence b. gymnast b. recruitment
c. uncertain c. indulge c. gymnasium/ c. recruit

4/ Xuân Phong 9/ Khánh Thi 14/ Quỳnh Như 19/ Khánh Thi
a. precision a. avidly a. solidarity a. occupied
b. imprecise b. avidity b. solidify b. preoccupation
c. imprecisely c. avid c. solidification c. preoccupied

5/ Xuân Phong 10/ Quỳnh Chi 15/ Hoàng Quân 20/ Hoàng Quân
a. unsatisfactory a. accompany a. participation a. modesty
b. satisfied b. unaccompanied b. participants b. modestly
c. satisfactorily c. accompaniment c. participating c. immodest

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