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1. What do you mean by physical education?
Ans. Physical education is an education which develops
harmonious growth and development of the child. It
develops all the aspects of an individual’s personality i.e.
physical, mental, moral as well as social aspect.
According to Central Advisory board of physical Education and
Recreation: “Physical education is an education. It is the
education through physical activities for development of total
personality of the child to its fullness and perfection in body,
mind and spirit.”
2. What are the objectives of Physical education?
Ans. a. Improvement in the fields of education
b. Improvement in life-style and social relationships
c. Individualistic Improvement:
i. Organic Development
ii. Neuro-muscular Development
iii. Personality Development
d. Improvement in the Sense of Responsibility
a. Improvement in the field of education: Physical education is
required part of most school curriculum, and a number of
colleges and universities offer degree in the field. Physical
education classes generally include formal exercise, sports,
and contests; although an increasing emphasis has been given
to such Asian techniques as yoga, karate and judo. The
American Alliances for health, physical education, recreation
and dance (founded in 1885) is concerned with improving its
fields of education and with increasing the public’s knowledge
and appreciation of physical education.
b. Improvement in Life-Style and social Relationship: studies
in the health and physical education learning area provide the
potential for a better quality of life for all students, now and
in the future. Effective interpersonal skills are essential for
participation in meaningful relationships in family, school,
recreation. Work and community contexts. Interpersonal skills
such as assertive communication, negotiation, conflict
resolution, cooperation and leadership enable students to act
responsibly and contribute effectively to groups and teams.
c. Individualistic Improvement:
i. Organic Development: The development of young
people is an increasingly complex and diverse society can be
characterized by rapid change, sedentary work and leisure
practices, changing family structures and roles, and the
promotion of unhealthy behaviours by various sources. The
health and physical education leaning area empowers
students to critically evaluate the opportunities and
challenges associated with living in modern society and
teaches them how to take action to avoid injury or reduce
threats to their health and well-being. Without the benefits
provided by this learning area, individuals face a reduced
quality of life and society increasing health care and social
ii. Neuro-muscular Development: students require movement,
skills in order to perform completely in physical activities.
Experience in fundamental skills in the early years of schooling
supports the development of more specific skills in later
childhood and participation in sport recreation as lifelong
pursuits. Students who enjoy, participate in appreciate and
are skillful in play, games, sports, dance and outdoor
recreation develop confidence and self-esteem.
iii. Personality Development: Sports and physical education
have great role in the individual’s personal development.
Through participation in sport, recreation and other physical
activities. Student improve their physical skills and fitness,
and become aware of the important role that motivation,
enthusiasm, initiative, self-discipline, self-respect, cooperation
and the assumption of responsibility play in the maintenance
of healthy society. All student develop proficient self-
management skills for their own benefit, ant for the benefit of
the community in which they live and work. Being able to set
and achieve personal goals, plan, implement and evaluate
decisions; develop self-esteem, and manage stress and cope
with change and conflict are essential self-management skills
that underpin a healthy and active lifestyle.
a. Improvement in the Sense of Responsibility: Improving
students’ knowledge about health issues and practices
does not guarantee they will lead healthy lifestyles.
However, students who are able to identify and
develop their own attitudes and values associated with
leading a healthy lifestyle are better equipped to make
personally and socially responsible decisions.

It can be concluded that the following are the main

objective of physical education:
1. Physical Development.
2. Mental Development.
3. Social Development.
4. Nero-muscular development or Co-ordination.
5. Emotional development.
6. Development of Health.

1. Physical Development: the foremost objective of

physical education is physical development. In
fact , it is the development of our organ system
such as muscular system, skeleton system,
circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous
system, digestive system etc. physical education is
related to physical activities. There are various
effects of these activities on our organ systems.
These systems are developed in size, shape,
efficiency etc. Hence it can be slated that physical
development is possible through this objective of
physical education. This also promotes a sound
health which enables the individual valuable asset
for the society and nation.
2. Mental Development: This objective is related to
the mental development of an individual. Almost
all the physical activities of physical education
programmes need alertness of mind, deep
concentration and calculated movements. It
should be called the indispensable requirement of
various physical activities. In fact, it is a two-way
process-physical activities sharpen the mind and
on the other hand perform various activities,
concentration of mind essential and without
concentration it is not possible to perform any
activity or play any game. Along with the physical
activities, physical education is also a subject like
various other educational subjects. It includes
rules and regulations, techniques of the games,
anatomical and physiological studies, balance
diet, sanitation, health and diseases, personal
hygiene etc. In this way mental development
takes place. Through participation in various
physical activities, an individual learns to draw
certain conclusions. He his able to understand the
new situation which are faced in games and
sports. One can be able to take decisions
independently, so in many ways, individual’s
mental development takes place.
3. Psychological Development: The modern set up of
physical education is completely dependent upon
the psychological basis. In physical education’
basic components, psychology is the main
component. The one aspect of physical education
is independent as well as natural. In fact, sports is
an independent process too. Every person, may
be of any age, wants to play one game or another.
When there is any problem in physical education,
it can be solved only psychologically.
When the teacher of physical education
teaches any lesson of physical education he has to
read out the face impressions of the students first,
eg. When the children want to play any game, it will
be of no use to teach them in such condition. So it is
must to know about the interest of the students
before teaching process. Our body and our mind can
never be separated. If our mind is psychology then
our body is like physical education. If the desires of
our mind are necessary than exercise and gane are
must for our body. Our mind and body are
complementary to each other. One has no existence
without other, if there is no reaction in the life of
anyone, his life will become tasteless and
4. Social Development: Man is a social animal and
cannot live without society. Man is apart of the
society and has to follow the rules, regulations,
traditions and laws of the society. His activeness
in society proves his identity and helps in
personality development. In society, he learns
social rules and regulations which make him
socially, a useful member. He learns to be co-
operative with other, friendship, togetherness,
honesty, obedience, sincerity, tolerance,
adjustment, leadership, boldness, self-control,
self-disipline etc. He also tries his best to stop the
evils of the society and leads the program of
community. This all guides him to achieve the
aims of physical education and thus, he becomes
an ideal citizen and a useful member of the
society. Physical education provides good
opportunities for social development.
5. : Emotional development The emotional
development of an individual is also a major
objective of physical education. Every individual
has various types of emotional viz. pleasure,
hope, jealousy, hate, fear, distress, anger,
wonder, lust, loneliness etc. If an individual doses
not have appropriate control over these
emotions, he becomes abnormal and
uncontrollable. The emotions are vital for every
individual but excess of these is always bad. The
programmes of physical education develop these
emotions and teach us to have proper control
over our emotions. By participating in the
programmes of physical education an individual
starts having control over his emotions.
6. Neuro-muscular development: This objective aims
at better co-ordination between nervous system
and muscular system (brain and the muscle).the
activities of physical education provide ample
opportunities for the better neuro-muscular various game situations, our
neuro-muscular co-ordination is developed.
Good co-ordination helps to keep away the
fatigue during various activities. the proper usage
Of our energy can be made, if we have good
neuro-muscular co-ordination. We get accuracy
and smooth functioning of our body. In
performing physical activities, our reaction time
becomes better. The activities of physical
education help in making efficient movements of
our body. Thus, through physical activites our
neuro-muscular co-ordination becomes efficient

7. Development of health: the development of

health is also an objective of physical education.
This develops health related habits through health
education .this is also provides education about
the prevention of communicable diseases. There
are various programs about reaction. The
programmes of physical education in modern age
reduce the anxiety, stress and tension up to a
large extent, so that the health of individual could
be promoted.

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