República Bolivariana de Venezuela en-US

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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Modern language

Teacher: Participant:
Rosselynn Diaz
1) Expenditure Method: The expenditure method consists of adding up all purchases
of goods and services. This method gives a very interesting picture of how much
households, businesses, the public sector and the foreign sector weigh in a country's
a) Principal Relative Clause: The expense method consists of adding up all
purchases of goods and services.
b) Secondary Clause: This method gives a very interesting snapshot of how much
households, companies, the public sector and the foreign sector weigh in a
country's demand.

2) Income method: The second, the rent method, consists of adding up the income
received by economic agents and allows us to see how wealth is distributed in
wages, rents, interest and profits.
a) Principal Relative Clause: The income method consists of adding the income
received by economic agents.
b) Secondary Clause: The second allows us to see how wealth is distributed in
wages, rents, interest and profits.

3) GDP or Gross Domestic Product is "the market value of all final goods and services
produced within a country during a given period of time". In other words, GDP is an
indicator that quantifies the volume of economic activity in a country, which is
produced, for example, over the course of a year.
a) Principal Relative Clause: The market value of all final goods and services
produced within a country during a given period of time.
b) Secondary Clause: An indicator that quantifies the volume of economic activity
in a country.

4) Nominal GDP, which expresses the value of goods and services at market prices,
serves to compare the size of two economies. Spain's nominal GDP in 2019 was
€1.2 trillion, clearly higher than Belgium's €0.5 trillion. However, Belgium has
much less population.
a) Main Relative Clause: Nominal GDP, which expresses the value of goods and
services at market prices, is used to compare the size of two economies.
b) Secondary Clause: In Spain in 2019 it was €1.2 billion, clearly higher than
Belgium's €0.5 billion. However, Belgium has much less population.
5) Gross Domestic Product is a first-order magnitude, but it has its limitations. The
most important is that it does not include unpaid work or the underground economy.
Nor does it measure important aspects related to social responsibility, such as the
impact of wealth on the country's quality of life or the environment.
a) Main Relative Clause: Gross Domestic Product is a first order magnitude, but it
has its limitations. The most important one is that it does not include unpaid
work or the underground economy.
b) Secondary Clause: It also does not measure important aspects related to social
responsibility, such as the impact of wealth on the country's quality of life or the

6) Its calculation requires knowing and adding up all the products and services
produced within a country, regardless of the nationality of those who consume or
produce them. This includes physical goods such as a car, a house or a book, but
also services such as healthcare or telecommunications.
a) Principal Relative Clause: Its calculation requires knowing and adding up all the
products and services produced within a country, regardless of the nationality of
the person who consumes or produces them.
b) Secondary Clause: Includes physical goods such as a car, a house or a book, but
also services such as healthcare or telecommunications.

7) The National Statistics Institute (INE) is in charge of calculating and publishing the
Gross Domestic Product data every quarter. To ensure the reliability of the data, the
calculations of all European Union member states are audited by Eurostat.
a) Main Relative Clause: The National Statistics Institute (INE) is in charge of
calculating and publishing the Gross Domestic Product data every quarter.
b) Subsidiary Clause: To ensure the reliability of the data, the calculations for all
European Union Member States are audited by Eurostat.

8) What is GDP used for: It can be said that this is the great macroeconomic
magnitude. Its absolute value is used to compare the economic size of countries,
free trade zones or continents. Moreover, its evolution is crucial for a market to
compare with itself over time: the annual Gross Domestic Product variation rate
compared to the previous year is the main indicator of the health of an economy.
a) Principal Relative Clause: It can be said that we are dealing with the great
macroeconomic magnitude. Its absolute value is used to compare the economic
size of countries, free trade zones or continents. Its evolution is crucial for a
market to compare with itself over time.
b) Secondary Clause: The annual rate of change of Gross Domestic Product versus
the previous year is the main indicator of the health of an economy.
9) The value-added data of the companies are grouped by sector. In Spain there are
four main sectors: Agriculture, livestock and fishing; Industry; Construction; and
Services. The sum of the Gross Value Added of each sector gives rise to the Total
Gross Value Added.
a) Main Relative Clause: Value-added data for companies are grouped by sector:
Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing; Industry; Construction; and Services.
b) Secondary Clause: The sum of the Gross Value Added of each sector gives rise
to the Total Gross Value Added.

10) Forecasts and revisions issued by major national or international institutions attract
media attention when they occur. GDP variations between quarters are also very
relevant: in Europe, a country enters a technical recession when its GDP falls for
two consecutive quarters compared to the previous quarter.
a) Main Relative Clause: GDP variations between quarters are also very relevant:
in Europe, a country enters a technical recession when it registers for two
consecutive quarters a fall in its GDP compared to the previous quarter.
b) Side Clause: Forecasts and revisions issued by major national or international
institutions grab media attention when they occur.

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