Cap 2 - Understanding Const Draw

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Understanding for Housing and Small Buildings Understanding OSU TT Tees for Housing and Small Buildings Or erm er Ree a el Oe aC een PT een ae) first Canadian textbook designed to help you learn to read the drawings that are PM REC eee Gee rte eet ain DAU ae ee ean es ae ROM echt) construction drawings. An ability to efficiently locate information in different parts eh Rea ice ee eT a ec ee ay Ru ie eee arte Cesta ST sy CONS Coeur ered ate Celts Sema eus crete ec eeu ute Mr co) Tests * Production home building vs. custom home building + National Building Code of Canada (2005) references + Construction methods and materials, as related to the understanding of Prete tenner Ce oe LR CUE CCU ae Ok NELSON a ee) Pernteay Chapter ha 2 Measurement Systems, Scales, and Line Types LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you will be able to: ‘+ Understand the concepts of drawing to scale. + Use both metric and imperial scales for the purpose of interpreting infor- mation from drawings. + Convert common units of measure- ment from one system of measure- ment to another. * Interpret the measurements provided on the drawings and apply them to the construction project * Identify and interpret the various line types Used to illustrate and dimen- sion construction drawings. INTRODUCTION This chapter explains the systems of measure ment typically used on construction drawings. The chapter also covers how drawings are scaled, how to read a scale, and the types of scales used for different drawing types. The chapter also dis- cusses the line types used to convey different types of information on the drawings. DRAWING TO SCALE It’s feasible to draw an object full or actual size when constructing a small object such a jewelry box. However, it is not practical to draw con: struction projects full size. Instead we scale the drawings to suit both the level of detail required and the size of paper onto which we plan to plot the drawings. The term “scale” refers to the pro- portional shrinking or enlarging of an object. For example, a photograph is proportionally smaller or larger than the actual object being pho: tographed, and a map is drawn to a scale that matches the area it represents; sketches are also drawn to an approximate scale. The scale used for producing drawings is determined by a number of factors: + The size of the object being drawn: Generally speaking, the larger the object the greater the reduction scale required. For example, a floor-plan layout for a house may be drawn at ¥s0 oF Yhoo its original size. + The level of detail required by the drawing: Complicated portions of drawings or compo: nents of drawings requiring a high level of detail will not be reduced as much as draw. ings that require less detail. For example, a beam detail will be reduced less than a floor plan. + The size of paper on which the drawing is boing plotted: As indicated in Chapter 1 drawings can be plotted to a variety of paper sizes. Generally speaking, a larger sheet can accommodate a smaller scale. For example, a foundation plan drawn at Yso may not fit on an 11" x 17" sheet but a Ys scale of the same drawing may fit perfectly. + The system of measurement in which the drawing is being created: Both systems of measurement (imperial and metric) have standard scales commonly used for con- struction drawings SYSTEMS OF MEASUREMENT Since the 1970s Canada has officially used the metric system of measurement. As a result of cial documents such as building codes, surveys, and government reports use the metric system. 7 18 UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION ORAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMA BUILDINGS However, many Canadian businesses are strongly influenced by our largest trading partner, the United States; consequently, many of the goods manufactured and produced in Canada are still created using the imperial system of measurement. Currently, the construction industry uses both methods of measurement, with some mate- rials fully switched to metric and others still using the imperial system. For example, an 8" masonry block is actually not 8” and has not been 8" since the mid-1970s. An 8" imperial size block used to be 7%” high 15%" long x 794" wide; it was ¥e" smaller than 8° to accommodate a standard mortar joint. The block and joint would add up to 8” x 8" x 16". An 8” block manufactured today is not 8"; it is 190 mm x 390 mm x 190 mm, with a 10 mm. allowance for the mortar joint. Tradespeople involved in renovation and restoration work are familiar with the difference because old blocks do not align properly with new blocks. Even now, however, blocks are still generally referred to as 8" blocks instead of 200 mm blocks. Another example of imperial versus metric in construction is the on-centre spacing for studs and joists. The most commonly used spacing is 16" on centre; the building code has used a hard conversion, converting this number to 400 mm (Approximately 15%’) on centre (OC). The con- version sounds straightforward enough. How- ever, we must consider several factors in con- struction; for example, for a set of drawings drawn in metric, the framer will look at the floor plan and lay out the walls for their location on the floor using the metric layout provided. When the framer sees that the drawings call for the studs to be laid out at 400 mm OC, he/she will then proceed to lay out the wall plates for the studs using the hard-conversion equivalent, 16° OC. The framers are required to do this because the plywood and drywall for the floors and walls are manufactured in the standard imperial sizes of 4’ x 8’, Ifthe framer laid out the floor joists at TABLE 2.1 Comman Layout Sizes FIGURE 2.1 Imperial block and metric block isometric drawing with dimensions 190mm. 400 mm OC the sub-floor would not match at the joints, resulting in excessive cutting and fitting. Building code enforcement accepts this practice due to the constraints of the materials. Examples can be seen in Table 2.1. A soft conversion column is shown to display the exact, conversion sizes. There are numerous similar examples in con. struction; remember that success in construction in Canada requires you to be fluent in both sys: tems of measurement, and you need to be able to convert one system to another as required. This text will refer to both systems of measurement with the understanding that metric is the official system of measurement. Many drawings still use the imperial system, particularly in residential construction, and even when drawings are in metric, the process of constructing the project will also require the use of the imperial system FIGURE 2.2 ‘CHAPTER2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, SCALES, AND LINE TPES 19 Imperialimetric tape measure; note the difference between 400 mm and 16 of measurement and vice versa. Use imperial/ metric tape measure to easily flip from one unit of measurement to the other (refer to Fig. 2.2) imple Mathematical Conversion Most residential drawings using the metric system of measurement use millimetres as the standard Unit of measurement (e.g., 1250 mm) while resi- dential drawings using imperial units of mea- surement use feet and inches (e.g., 4'-6"). To convert from one measurement to the other use the conversion rate of 25.4 mm ~ 1°, Therefore, to convert 10° to mm, multiply 10 X 25.4 = 254 mm. Conversely, to convert 254 mm to inches, mul- tiply this number by the conversion rate .03937 (found by dividing 1/25.4) or divide by 25.4. To convert 3'-4" to mm first convert to feet and inches: 3’ = 3 x 12” then add 4" to arrive at 40". Next multiply 40” by 25.4” = 1016 mm. For metric and imperial conversion factors refer to Appendix B. SCALES Metric Scales Awide variety of scales are used in construction drawings. When drawings are drawn manually the designer uses a triangular-shaped rule with six scales on it, two per side for a total of six scales on a single metric scale rule. These scales are used by designers, estimators, project man- agers, site supervisors, etc. The use of CAD sys- tems has enabled an unlimited number of scales to be used; however, most construction draw: FIGURE 2.3 Metric scale i a ae ee Ah MA A lM RR AB AEA vauneatia®) yr ings will use a limited number of more com- monly used scales. Table 2.2 is a list of typical metric scales used, for construction projects along with some exam- ples of where they may be used (note: scale size may vary depending on project). Try to visualize the proportions provided in Table 2.2 under the reduction size column. TABLE 2.2 Typical Mettic Scales ro ed en mor 1:250 Site plans Y4s0 of actual size; 1 mm Aeaing = 250 mm actual sie 1150 Site plans ‘Yn of actual sie; 1 mm gate drawing = 180mm actual size 11100 Floor plans, Yim of actual size; 1 mm elevations and drawing = 100 mem actual size te plans 195 Floor plans and Ys of actual size; 1 mm elevations drawing = 751mm actual size 0 Floorplans and Ys of actual size; 1 mm elevations srawing ~ 75 mm actual size 1:20 Interior elevations Yn of actual size; 1 mm ‘and cabinet details drawing = 20 mm actual size {g, kitchen, study, bathroom) 110 Construction detals Yo of actual size; 1 mm pusieeaeiieais drawing = 10mm actual size 15 Construction details ¥ of actual sie; 1 mm drawing = § mm actual size 12 Smallobjects that Yeo actual size; 1 mm do not require much drawing = 2mm actual size reduction 1 Objects that can be fullsize drawn ful size, usually detail drawings or small objects 20 UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BUILOINGS FIGURE 2.4 Example of 1:50 scale FIGURE 2.5 Example of 1:20 scale Reading the Metric Scale A metric scale is read from left to right, with the measurement designation provided on the first full number. For example, on the 1:50 scale 1m represents 1 metre. There are no calculations required; the scale does the conversion. There are 20 divisions on the 1:50 scale from 0 to 1m; this means that each division equals /20th of a metre (1 metre = 1000 millimetres); therefore, 1000/20 = 50 mm or .05 m. Each scale will have a different value for each division. This can be easily calculated as demonstrated above, or you can break the divisions down visually. For example, using the 1:20 scale illustrated in Figure 2.5 you can see that the point from 0 to 200 mm represents 200 mm, the halfway point, with the longer division line therefore repre senting 100 mm and each space between 0 and the 100 mm division (four lines, five spaces) rep. resenting 20 mm. Once you get used to working with scales, this process becomes quick and automatic, IRE 2.6 reepe coer ones m " oe oe 005 136 mm represented on the 1:2 scale ("2 original size) (CHAPTER? WEASUREMENT ‘Measurement using different metric scales 152 0OPe net oOZt COI oot O96 oe nL Pitbull tial itiluuldaul SYSTEMS, SCALES, AND LINE TYPES 21 ‘0009 o08¢ cos core ozs 000s ooRr | 00 = CT ‘nm ropresented on the 1:5 scale |" original size) ore ooze o90r 008e | o0gE | care ooze 004 100mm aN py 2 e “4 1 ibd hbbibbbbbl RTT e rr rTT TT MTT TTT TTPO RTPI PTT TT a 1 im ae tb tt bab T 700 widtduitl tidal TTT is-0t 971 ooet bub dbl db yl tb @scarnen oozt out 90 098 AEN T PETC TTT TTT TT eT PET MCT 08 itd htt TTT 967 CHAPTER 2 ASSIGNMENT: READING METRIC SCALES Assignment Example: ag Refer to the chapter regarding metric scales and write down the correct answer for the following dimensions indicated, me TTY ©0zr 000" o08e OBE ORE | OOE on JL EE eee . ~t. * os on or of 09e ore ore lttutabiabedueiulatdlletislafelestilaubitisll ~@ | | a PP OTT PE TE pf 110 ee ae ale ae ee Tee ele bo we me te we 1". 12. cg TMNT] + 815 mm TR ee eee eee ee eee ed ere 2.335 mm ugh ne 5 OL g el fu dt Imperial Scales Imperial scale rules are often referred to as an architect's scale. They differ from metric scales in that they accommodate two scales per edge with the exception of the fullsize edge. Therefore, one imperial scale rule has 11 different scales on it. Reading the Imperial Scale Table 2.3 is alist of typical imperial scales used for construction projects along with some exam- ples of where they may be used. Imperial scales differ from metric scales in that each edge of the scale has two scales on it. One reads from left to right, while the other reads from right to lef, so using one takes a little practice. As well, the imperial scale has any odd units of measurement set out at the beginning. An odd unit is anything less than 1’. Therefore, the small increments that you see at the begin. ning of an imperial scale are portions of 12" or 1 FIGURE 2.7 Imperial scale CHAPTER?2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEVS, SCALES, AND UNE TYPES 23 TABLE 2.3 Typical imperial Scales Imperial ea [iam Reduction siz Yo" Site plans Yo ful size; Ys" of drawing = 1" actual size w ite plans, floor plans, fll sie; 4" of nd elevations drawing ~ 1" actual sie % Flor plans and Ya fll sizo; "of elovations drawing ~ 1" actual size We Flor plans and Va fll size; 4" of elevations drawing ~ 1" actual seo W Interior elevations and Ya full size; 34" of cabinet detals (e.g drawing ~ 1" actual size hitchen, study, bathroom) YW Interior elevations and Yu fl size; 2" of cabinet details (e.g, drawing = 1" actual size study, bath‘oom) YW Intorior ele Ys fll size; 9" of cabinet det drawing ~"1" actual size kitchen, study, bathroom) Y Construction details Yu fullsize; 1" of draw. ing = V actual size 16" Construction details full size; 1 of draw ing = V actual size 3° Construction detailsfull size; 3° of drawing = 1 actual sizo Fall size; 12" of drawing Ful Sizo Objocts that can be =V actual sie drain full size, usually etal drayaings FIGURE 2.8 Reading an imperial scale odd urisarermasred — piwesrroame \ the to Srepesens 6 cial sae eachinrement\ Tepes "on these. \ V2" The 2 marking can be deceiving. You may at fst think this represents 2, but i represents 2" coming ftom the other direction using the 3” scale; notice how ts at lower level than the O, This, actually represents 1” because iis 1 from the Oline. 2" on the 1" scale represented below right 24 LUNDERSTANOING CONSTRUCTION ORAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BULINGS FIGURE 2.9 3" scale CHAPTER 2 ASSIGNMENT: READING IMPERIAL SCALES 1 2-80 2 2-4" FIGURE 2.10 Ghe measurement using diferent imperial sales 447 ropranented on hn ssl rans og PTT T T —_—_— esata Mie ft Tt 7s Py Pe te Te 2 27 eres ob Toon Georg! st 7 ST CUTCUd]SCUhTCUTSCUTCUYSCUTCY LL cigesuai wd et Seer Ter tet fer Pe tet tet Yer Feet Pe fe “ 5. 2-7 ropreonted on tha isa rina eealead icant T_T —— 6 __ fr Foi Pet Per Pet he Feet Pe Pe Te Pe To % 7 8. 21-7 toprocortad onthe sal gna sn) ToL Ta, Te] TEL Te] Teo) Te] Te] Tey Te] Te] Tee —_—_—————— 9 Poe Te Fe 10. 11. Assignment Example: Toe TTT % wig tt Refer to the chapter regarding imperial scales and write down the correct answer for the fol- lowing dimensions indicated. —_—___———_— ee RPTL TL TEL Ta TAY TAY aL TAY TAY TAL TAY TY THY TH TA Sunaina ububelabibab baat ladon P dette alta AMPTP TH Tay Thy Ta] Tay Ta Tay Tay Te Te] a a a Taeaeemeseeaal aces cos on eee pices ane sca Liter for Fer fet Pet Pe Fe Po te Te tr Te % © atta alata 26 LUNOESSTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BULOINGS Use of Scales Scale rules were designed to be used for pro- ducing manual drawings. They also can be used in developing material estimates where it is quicker to use the scale then to calculate a length such as a rafter. Remember, however, that although drawings are drawn to a scale, that scale may not be 100% accurate once plotted. Reasons a scale may not be accurate: + The drawing was reproduced or photo: copied. Copies of copies will reduce the accuracy of the drawing; nevertheless, this practice is commonly used in the reproduc: tion of drawings. + The drawing was enlarged or reduced from the scale listed. Photocopied and CAD- plotted drawings can easily be enlarged or reduced, with the scale not being changed on the drawings. + There was a change made to the drawing and instead of redrawing it, the designer changed only the dimension. This practice can happen on any drawing but is most ‘common on manually produced drawings. + You don’t read the scale rule properly, or you don't look at it directly. For example, if you view the scale at an angle you will not be able to read it accurately because your view will be distorted. + The scale drawing is reduced to such an extent that you can't accurately distinguish the measurement using the scale rule. In other words, the degree of accuracy is dependent on the scale used. Asa result, drawings should not be scaled when accuracy is important (note: accuracy is usually important). Designers generally take great care to include all the required dimensions on the drawing. Sometimes you may need to flip through a number of drawings before you find the desired dimension because, in general, designers include the desired dimension only ‘once to avoid conflict in case a change is made. Also, from a legal perspective, where there are conflicting dimensions, those dimensions pro vided on detail drawings are generally accepted as being more accurate then those placed on drawings drawn to a smaller scale. Designers usually place a note “Not to scale” or an abbre- viation, NTS, on the drawings. As a result, if you choose to scale the drawings and there is a con- flict with your interpretation, you will be deemed at fault. If a dimension is not provided or there is a conflict, your first action should always be to get a written confirmation of the correct dimension. This generally requires a call to the designer responsible for the drawings. Electronic Rules/Scales Electronic rules or scales can take dimensions directly from the drawings when estimating. They can be adjusted to the appropriate metric or imperial scale. Using these tools can improve efficiency in estimating takeoffs from drawings, and, when used properly, can provide accuracy within the tolerances accepted for estimating purposes. (Note: electronic rules or scales should not be used to take measurements for actual building purposes.) DIMENSIONING PRACTICES Although there are a number of standards for dimensioning drawings, dimensioning practices tend to vary from designer to designer and from region to region. The Architectural Graphic Standards is an excellent reference text for checking architectural standards (a student ver- sion is available). FIGURE 2.11 Portion of a floor plan displaying swing of door with door dimension indicated by reference number in circle. (Reference number refers to ‘a door schedule where the actual door size is indicated.) ‘CHAPTER 2 WEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, SCALES, ANO LINE TYPES 27 FIGURE 2.12 Examples of dimensions for frame, brick-veneer, and solid masonry construction Drawings are produced to scale as accurately as possible; dimensions are then added to describe the size or location of the object. Dimensioning will typically be taken from critical or structural elements. Dimensions must provide the information required by the trades in order to fulfil their job requirements. Finish items such as drywall and sheathing are generally not included in the dimensions. When reviewing drawings you need to acknowledge that actual field dimensions may vary slightly from the drawings. For example, a wall may be shown on the drawing to be 100 mm, thick, but in reality it is only 89 mm thick. A brick may be shown as being 100 mm thick while actu- ally being only 90 mm thick. A good site super- visor or tradesperson will look at these variances and think ahead to any possible problems that might occur as a result. They will make the appropriate adjustments long before the vari- ance becomes an issue, thinking ahead, con- sulting, taking esponsibility, and making these decisions where appropriate to bring the project successfully from paper to reality. Doors and windows in brick-veneer construction are usu- ally dimensioned to the centre line of the door or window, and the door or window is shown actual size. In other words, if a 2’ door is being used, the opening will be 2’ as opposed to 2'-2" which would include the door frame on both sides 44" + Y plus a ¥2" for shimming, LINE TYPES A number of line types and line weights are used in construction drawings. Their purpose is to quickly provide information regarding the type of object being described. The list of line types is 2s follows: + Object line: A darker or more heavily weighted line that identifies the object being con- structed. This line is used to identify objects (for example, the lines around frame or foun- dation walls, or the edges of a building shown in elevation, etc.) + Dashed line: Can be used for a number of reasons: + Ahidden line indicates an object covered by another object. + In renovation work a dashed line shows the location of existing walls that are to be removed. 28 LUNOERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BULINGS FIGURE 2.13 Example of a cutting-plane line indicating where the section detail is taken and the direction toward which it is viewed. CUTTING-PLANE te SECTION view + In_new construction it can show some- thing that may be installed in the future (for example, a basement rough-in, which can be finished with walls in the future). + An x pattern using dashed lines shows a change in the elevation of the floor or ceiling overhead. + Itan indicate upper cabinets in a kitchen, ‘ora bulkhead or coffered ceiling above the floor that is being viewed. + A dashed line is also used on elevation drawings to indicate whether a window opens and how it is hinged. Cutting plane line: A line used to cut through ‘an object in a specific direction so that a cross- sectional view can be provided to better illus- trate the components that comprise the object. Detail designation: Provides the reference information on where the section detail that the cutting plane line cuts through can be found. On simpler drawings that have a lim- ited number of section details there will usu- ally be a letter referencing which drawing to look for (for example, letter A would be detail ‘A). On more extensive drawings where there are a large number of drawings and drawing sheets, the top half of the circle indicates the section number while the bottom half indi- cates the drawing sheet where the detail can be found. Extension line: Used to indicate from where a dimension is taken. Dimension line: Indicates the point-to-point length of the object being dimensioned. Centre line: Indicates where the centre of an object is (for example, the centre of a window, door, beam, or support column). The centre line is formed by a long line with a dash followed by a long line. There may be ‘a CL abbreviation to indicate that it is 2 centre line, Leader line: Used to point to an object so that a description can be given. Break line: Used to cut off an object that con- tinues but would not fit on the page or where another object may be located directly over it (as is the case with most stairs). Descriptive line: Used to indicate the location and direction of structural elements. For example, a beam may be shown as a long object line with intermittent dashes (see Figure 2.15), of the direction of floor joists, may be indicated by a solid line drawn in the direction of the joists (see Figure 2.16). (CHAPTER? MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, SCALES, AND LINE TYPES > FIGURE 2.14 Example of a cutting-plane line used to provide a section through a house. A detail designation is used to describe section A-A shown below. Section A-A is a cutthrough of the building taken between the two As facing the direction of the arrow (the artow is the directional point at the top of the detail designa- tion), and is referenced as detail A“A on another page of the drawings. 29 | ul 4 a af f ot |} cans _ ‘NN ROOM seal taney Ve / 30 UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION ORAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BULDINGS FIGURE 2.15 Dashed line to represent beam FIGURE 2.16 Solid line to represent direction of floor joists ie es FIGURE 2.17 Line types HEAVY SOUD (FOR OBJECT UNES) LUGHT SOLID (FOR DIMENSIONS, LEADER, AND EXTENSION UNES) DASHED (FOR HIDDEN LINES) BREAK LINES FIGURE 2.18 Dimension and extension line intersections ARROWHEADS SLASHES, 4-——___—_St ashes ____} DOTS OR TICKS THIS LINE CROSSES THE EXTENSION LINE NOT DIMENSION END— KEY TERMS Definitions for key terms appear in the glos- sary at the end of the text. Scale (p. 17) Metric system of measurement (p. 17) Imperial system of measurement (p. 18) Studs (p. 18) Hard conversion (p. 18) Floor joists (p. 18) Sub-floor (p. 18) Soft conversion (p. 18) Not to scale (p. 26) Object line (p. 27) Dashed line (p. 27) Cutting-plane line (p. 28) Detail designation (p. 28) Extension line (p. 28) Dimension line (p. 28) Centre line (p. 28) Leader line (p. 28) Break line (p. 28) Descriptive line (p. 28) (CHAPTER 2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, SOALES, AND LINE TYPES 31 FIGURE 2.19 Foundation drawing taken from the Doncaster model house drawings located at the back of the text. Notice the different line types used in the drawing, et 32 ‘UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BUILDINGS CHAPTER 2 QUIZ REVIEW: MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS AND DRAWING TO SCALE Identify the letter that best completes the state- ‘ment or answers the question. 1. The National Building Code of Canada uses as its standard system of measurement. a. The imperial system b. The metric system cc. The foot metre system d. All of the above 2. A photograph is taken at a scale size to the original object. a. Tue b. False 3. The scale used to produce a drawing is determined by a. The size of paper the drawing is to be plotted on b. The level of detail required c. The size of the object being drawn . All of the above 4. In general, with regard to scale, a beam detail will be reduced more than a floor plan. a. True b. False ©. Beam details are always drawn full size. 5. An 8” block requested at a building supply will have been manufactured 7 a. Using the imperial system of measurement b. Using the metric system of measurement ©. Toa size that lays to exactly 8” including the mortar joint d. None of the above 6. Residential construction uses the metric system as its standard unit of measurement for drawings and construction. a. True, this is the only system used in residential construction. b. False, manufactured products used in residential construction may require either system in their layout and installation. 10. Mu. 12: 13, .. Imperi False, depending on region, designer, and builder preference, both systems are used. d. Both b and c are correct. . The conversion between 16” on centre spacing and 400 mm on centre spacing is said to be a a. Hard conversion b. Soft conversion c. No relationship between the numbers in the example and metric on centre spacing for floor joists and studs are exactly equal. a. True b. False |. The conversion factor used to convert inches to millimetres is a. 25.4 b. 254 ce, .03937 d. Both aandc Convert 2000 mm to inches. a. 78%" b. 66%" ce. 48" d. Both a and b Convert 14° to millimetres. a. 3556 mm b. 355.6 mm c. 5511 mm d. 400mm Construction drawings that are drawn with a ¥e" imperial scale are a. Drawn so that ¥é" drawn on paper repri sents 12” of actual size b. Drawn so that %" drawn on paper repre- sents % of actual size c. Drawn so that ¥4" scale represents Yis of actual size d. Botha andc Construction drawings using a i" scale are a, Drawn at Ye actual size b. Drawn at Yie actual size 14, c. Typically used for drawing details of beams and other structural elements d. None of the above Drawings can be scaled : a. When estimating materials and there is some flexibility in the accuracy of lengths of materials being measured b. When laying out walls and a critical dimension is missing c. Rarely; instead refer to the designer for missing information or clarification d. Both a and c (CHAPTER 2 MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS, SCALES. AND LINE TYPES 33 15. Drawings are known to be accurate. a True, there is little that ever has to be changed. False, designers make mistakes; as well, there is generally some variation in materials used in construction, and adjustments may be required due to these variations.

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