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Name : Zulfikri Malik

NIM : D95219087
A. Thinking of Change (Group 1)
The definition of “berpikir perubahan” or thinking of change is trying something
new to get progress in life or try to move from an initial position (beginner) to a more
advanced position forward in the future. We need to try something new for progress and
improve our skills. In thinking of change, a person is expected to have a productive
mindset and make a person move forward in exploring his abilities to create a change.
Changing the mindset can highly help us because we try to change something that
has been bad to be good. Because the mindset is the result of a learning process
(learning), the mindset can also be changed (unlearning) and reshaped (relearning).
To get Enterpreneur mindset & character, we need to dare to take risks to open a
business in various opportunities. Moreover, we need to change habit from comsumptive
to Productive habit. And also, Try to "find new ways” or look for other alternatives.
Another way is being a job creator rather than a job seeker. An entrepreneur often has
mental barriers in the form of negative perceptions, to start a business, all you need is
3M: motivation, mindset and make it (Just do it)
There are several benefits by thingking of change. Firstly, changing habits that may
not have been good before, become more meaningful and better. Secondly, motivating to
try new things that are more useful. Thirdly, Improve the ability to be creative in a
person. Next, make a person more confident in living life make yourself to be a believer
is very important in life. And the last, improve one's ability to solve problems.
Entrepreneurship and thinking of change have connection and we can not separate
it in business. The existence of various changes that exist will be the main thing that
triggers the success of an entrepreneur in processing and maximizing the opportunities
that exist for the advancement of his business performance. For instance, if entrepreneurs
think they have a bad mindset and they try to change that mindset to become a good
mindset. It will really have an impact on the business that they have.
Thus, for the entrepreneurship, it is important to have good mindset in order to
change or improve their progress. During the process of change their mind, they might
overcome the risks and effects of every actions they’ve done, trying to get new insights
and mindsets for all the possibility, and consider all of the risks that might be happened.
B. Thinking Creativity (Group 2)
Creativity is an initiative towards a product or process that is useful, correct,
appropriate, and worthy of a heuristic task, that is, something that is an incomplete guide,
guide, or guide that will guide us to understand, learn, or find something useful.
There are several characteristics of creativity. First is fluent thinking skills, it is
how to generate a lot of relevant ideas, have high motivation, it has generic ideas, and it
has a lot of mind even the approaches. Second is flexibility (flexible) skills, produces a
similar idea, changes its way or approach, and has a different direction of thinking. Third
is original thinking skills, gives some anti-mainstream answers, different but still
relevant, and rarely-used answers. Last is Ability to explain details (elaboration), enrich
the references, detail the important points, and expand the ideas.
The principles of creativity are never follow the mindset of the crowd/follow the
habits, try to use the different ideas from others, the second one is avoiding the logic
trap, so be well-prepared for all the possibility happens to use the logic.
There are several ways to generate creativity. They are Starting to imagine and
keep imagining, have different thoughts from other people, learn to think optimistically
not pessimistically in solving problems, think, see and visualize things from all aspects,
think in more detail so that something else will be found.
There are several obstacles that inhibit creative thoughts. Some of them are no
goals for yourself and others, afraid of failure, Fear of being rejected by others, or fear
that our results will not be appreciated, too rational not too improvised, afraid to change
or adapt to the situation.
Creativity is different from innovation. In creativity, there are ideas, imagination,
expressions, concepts, problem solving, ideation, and creative process. But in inovation
there are process, value, action, doing, implementation, useful, change. To sum up, both
innovation and creativity can’t be separated, they always be together. The creativity is an
imagination, while innovation is such the implementation of the creativity, so we can get
the action.

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