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Name : Zulfikri Malik

NIM : D95219087
A. Action Oriented (Group 3)
Action-oriented can be defined as thinking quickly and acting on a situation to
produce good and effective problem solutions. This attitude is sometimes associated with
how quickly a person responds to circumstances. How quickly to take action as a solution
to the problem and how committed the person is on his said.
An entrepreneur should have a plan, do, check, and action orientation. Specifically,
an entrepreneur should avoid NATO (no action talk only) produce gossip, NADO (no
action dream only) produce vision without action and NACO (no action concept only)
produce theories.
There are some benefits for those who have an action-oriented attitude. They are
realistic planning ability (being able to measure and decide on actions), have a
responsibility (being able to determine how to achieve the goals), have the ability to
adapt quickly (being able to adapt to the changes) and be proactive (making choices
based on principles and values).
You should have habits and characteristics that lead to effective action. Habit is a
behavior that is carried out continuously on a regular basis so as to form a pattern that
tends to occur without realizing it. Someone who has effective habits is generally a
person who has an action-oriented character. These habits move a person progressively
on a Maturity Continuum ranging from dependence to independence to interdependence.
Maturity Continuum ranging from dependence to independence to interdependence.
Dependence (ketergantungan) is related to the paradigm in which when a person is born,
they depend on others to take care of them. Independence (kemandirian) is related to a
paradigm in which a person can make his own decisions and take care of himself. And
Interdependence (saling ketergantungan) is related to a paradigm in which we work
together to achieve something that cannot be achieved independently.
There are several characteristics of an action-oriented person. Firstly, be proactive
which means the principle of personal choice, it means taking the initiative and not just
waiting or thinking without acting. Secondly, goal oriented which means determining the
goals, we want to go to, we will sort out the steps to be taken, whether these steps will
help us achieve our goals or not. Third, prioritizing the main thing which means that an
entrepreneur must focus on things that are urgent by making priorities, and realizing that
not everything can be categorized as urgent. Fourth, think win-win which means seek
First to Understand, then to be Understood. Next, synergize which is relate to/cooperate
with other people and produce extraordinary positive benefits. Moreover, sharpen the
saw which is related to the efforts made by a person to train his endurance, flexibility,
and strength. Last, discover your personal uniqueness and help others find it.
In creating an action-oriented, stronger and healthier workforce, an entrepreneur
should avoid procrastination, avoid blame culture syndrome and avoid over-perfection.
B. Risk Taking (Group 4)
An entrepreneur is a person who sees an opportunity and creates an organization to
take advantage of the opportunity. An entrepreneur is always required to face risks and
opportunities that will arise in the process of entrepreneurship.
An entrepreneur should know the difference between expected risk and unexpected
risk. Expected risk refers to calculated risk. Whereas, uncertainty or unexpected risk
refers to an unexpected sense of risk.
Risk can be classified by two which are based on type and impact.
 Risk by type
1. Pure risk: naturally, suddenly, and we don't expect that.
2. Speculative risk: taken by the entrepreneur itself. For example like borrow money
for starting a business.
 Risk-based on impact
1. Systematic risk: more complex risk than pure and speculative risk. Risk can be
diversified may be eliminated through the process of merging.
2. Specific risk: A risk and have an impact but can be minimalized. Can be avoided
by doing other business.
An entrepreneur can overcome and minimize the risks of business by identifying the
risks that may occur, increasing experience and learn from experience, being creative and
innovative, being proactive and anticipatory, and having ability to analyze, examine,
assess, and calculate cause and effect to take risks.
An entrepreneur can identify the business risks by using method of analysis and
historical experience, the information, and data available to analyze future risks, doing
observation method survey, information will be obtained on desired matters, and using
method of reference, it is used in discovering weaknesses, opportunities, obstacles,
strengths, and threats.
There are several classification of people at risk which are Risk Avoiders, Risk
Calculator, Risk Taker and Risk Manager. To start and develop a business Entrepreneurs
must take risks because this is part of the risk of a job. because every job must have its
own risk whether it's a risk of danger, or not.

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