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80 GIAO DUC & BAO TAO KY THI HOC SINH GIO! LOP 12 THPT CAP THANH PHO. TP HO CHI MINH KHOA THI NGAY: 7-3-2018 — NAM HQC: 2017-2018 MON: TIENG ANH . ‘Théi gian lm bal: 150 phiit be CHINH THUS ‘Bb nay gdm 4 trang PART ONE. Multiple choice (20 pts) Choose the word or phrase (A,B, C, or D) that best completes the sentencs 1.1 time the boss ‘or the next meeting. ‘A mustleave B shouldhaveleh ——_C, was leaving D. were to leave 2.He five times to gether on the phone, Aaiying B. hs tied C. has been trying D tries 3. Mike went with a group of people, ‘were correctly equipped for such a elim. ‘Aa few of them ‘ mostat those C. allofthat few of whom 4, Would you consider the property? Ato sell B selling C. about selling ©. thatyou sols 6. Either you or some else in the stafP_____ responsible for the reception a the next conferens, Ais BhaveTobe Gare D. cughtto have been 6. Although the pilot was bedly hurt, what had happened during the hijack. ‘A could report B, couldhave reported C. was able to report _D. succesded to report 7.My new computer costs _ ‘A twice times as much than his computer does 8. twice more than his computer does C. two fies as much than him does twice @s much than his does 6. tis determination your success in ite. ‘A.which brings abut . to bring about that brings about. for bringing aboit 9.1 wish they less noise; 1m trying to concentrate ‘Aare making B. could make ©, wouldbemaking —_—D. had made 10, met ‘expert atthe conference. ‘A. an American handsome middle-aged 8 a handsome middle-aged American . amiddle-oged American handsome 1D. an American middle-aged handsome 11. ts difficult to pay one's bls when prices keep ‘A ising ®. growing C. gaining D. rising 12.1 ceally can't put up with the noise level coming from the neighboring factory A intolerant B_ acceptable ©. intolerable . inexplicable 13. tis ald outside, Do not go out, please. A bier 8. scorching C. frozen Da ice 14, In order to buy his house he had to obtain a large from his bank. A finence 6. capital C. debt D.toan 45, The threat of faling an exam provides students with the to work harder. ‘A go-ahead B. incentive ‘C-inspiration D. vitality 46, The teacher, them the cause ofthe inflation, ‘A. oxlained B. said C. discussed D.told 17. We found a(n), fants taking food out from the bow ‘A hed B. army ©. flock D. shoal 48, Young kids should not, violating school rules such as cheating in exams. AA. get away with '. come out of ‘C. make off with D. check up on 19, Lucie 3s nice gi ‘A looks upon ®. falls under ©. takes up D. comes across 20. Can you Helen to see it she needs anything from the supermarket? ‘A stop over B look in on ©. callby D. see off PART TWO, Word Forms. (40 pts) A. Use the correct form of the word given to fillin each blank. (20 pts) 4 twas fantastic that our team won two ‘penalty shootouts In the U23 Championship. (deelde) 2. They are good friends, but in business They are. (arch) 3. Professional football, with frequent tough physical contact, is a(n) sport. (injure) 4. When we move into 2 new home, I'd lke to get a pet, dog. (prefer) 5. They are cartying out a protest against cuts in ‘enefis. (able) 8.1 must argue thatthe: ‘of gambiing willing bout more miseries than benafts. (erime) 7. Mike was able to move To the next round by. is opponent. (score) 8. L would ike to express my admiration for his Courage and: (wise) 9, 3. Dor't you know that your good result will make your parents proud of you? (measure) 10. Having fed it with different kinds of food, the biologist suggests thal the strange creature is. (herb) B. Putthe words given in the correct blanks. You have to use thelr correct forms to make a meaningful passage. There ‘are two extra words that you cannot use. (20pts) ‘gradual efficiency connect quick nature major satisfactory relate worth associate advance communicate Do you write letters anymore? In this age of (1 telephone networks and electronic mall, it seems that fewer ‘and even fewer people are taking the time to sit down and wile letters to trends and (2), For hundreds of years, letters, were the only way to keep in touch with people who wera any distance away, and leller- wiling was seen as an important ski for all educated people to master, (3) however, the importance of leter-writing has decreased to a point where the (4) of us have to make a special elfort to turn out something (5), we apply for a job or make a complaint. Personalletters, when we bother to write them at al, are ofien not much mare than a stream of (6) thoughts. In business 1 Circles, the tendency is for routine (7) to become shorter and, although cients may appreciate a detailed letter, an ‘employee who sends out long letters Is ofen regarded as (5 Many people prefer the telephone in all crcumstances and, (9), its speed is vital in many situations but how oifan have you put the phone down, (10). with what you hhave managed to say? | don't think IW throw my pen away yet PART THREE. CLOZE TESTS _(80 pts) Read the passage and choose the best option (A, 8, C or D) for PASSAGE A (15 ts) en you buy something fom a shop, you are making a contract. This contract means that itis (1)___the shop ~ not the manufac’ to desl wth your campsite goods are rt saat. the shop sls YouTauly goods i hs @ its side ofthe contract. If goods are fauly when you fst 3) (oF use them, go back fo the shop, say that you ance] he purchase and ask fr a complete (4) M you preter, you can accept a repair o 8 (5) IF the goods break down through no (6). ‘of your own, ater you have used them for 8 Une, you may sill be , to some compensation. In some cases would be reasonable to expect al your money back = if, for (2 without misuse your shoes (9) ater only one day/s wear, or your washing machine (10) broke down afar oly three wash days. Butf your washing machine worked perfect for @ while and then broke, you coud only expect some of the purchase price back. You and the supplier must (11) ‘a reasonable settlement ch blank space. You need never accept a (12) for faulty goods If you do so, then later find you do not want anything else in the shop or store, you may not get your money back. IH you have to spend money as a (13). Fesutt of goods being faulty, you can also (14), this from the shop. ‘You could, for example, demand the cost OF using a laundry while the washing machine wasn't working, But you should keep ssuch (15), ‘down to a minimum, 1. Avupto Bion . for ©. up with 2. A distracted B conformed © terminated D. broken: 3. A inspect 8. touch C. investigate D. inquire 4. A ceplace B reuse retun D- refund 5, A. substitution B. transform €. modification D. replacement 6. A mistake 8 error faut Dsin 7. & ensured B. adjusted contributed ©. ented 8. A g00d B. the time being instance D. alltime 9. A. broke up B. came apart . reached out D. fet through 10, A illegally B.ireparably C irreversibly unreasonably 11. A negotiate 8 argue . quarrel D. conclude 42. A promotion B. check C money bil D. credit note 13. A close B. straight C.direct| D final 44. & announce B claim C.tako D. obtain 15. A. costings B, morlgages C spendings D: expenses PASSAGE B (16 pts) Undoubtedly one of the most (1), fim personalities in the history of film, Steven Spieiberg Is perhaps Hollywood's best known director and one of the wealthiest flmmakers in the world. Spielberg has (2), big-srossing, critically acclaimed (3)__ to his name, as a produeer, director and writer, Moviegoers around the world have been looking forward to fimmaker Steven Spielberg's next fim. What has he been working on these days? He hasn't discussed the details of his latest (4)____, but judging from the popularity and box-office ‘success of his last several movies, he's been working with his unusual (5 ‘and passion. ‘Steven Spielberg has been making films (6) ‘all his Ie, Born in 1947 in Cincinnati, Ohio, Spielberg made his first film (7)___ his father’s ram camera — when ‘only 12. In 1970, he (8) attention with his shor fim that he made around the time he (8)____ from California State University, Long Beach He became one of the youngest {television directors at Universal Studio, and he was soon making thecretically (10). motion pictures. His second fm, Jaws, the (11)___ about a great white shark, has been frightening (12) ‘ince 1076. The string of (13)_ that followed Jaws — (14)___ ETT. the Extra-Terrestria! (1962), the Academy Award-winning Schindler's List (1983), Saving Private Ryan (1998), and Minority Report (2002) — has made Steven Spielberg the most (15)___ successful director of all time, 1. A. preferentiat 8. perfect ©. influentiat D. crucial 2. A counts B. numerical uncountable D.numbered 3. A rewards B. prizes © credits bonuses 4. A. transaction B. project exchange D. business 5. A production B. absurdity ©. creativity hobby 8. A mostly B. most utmost D_ almost 7. A thanks to B according to C. except for D. aside from 8. A created B. paid C. expressed ©. attracted ® Alef B. graduated finished ©. quit 10. A released B. shown C held © kept 41. A action story B. science-fiction © trviler romance 42. A. spectators B. watchers audiences D. onlookers 13, A hits B. bests C busters D. successions 14. A.consisting of B. containing C. comprising D-incluing 15. A commercially B considerably economically D. figuratively Fill in each of tho blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word, PASSAGE C (30 pts) ‘A musician friend of (1) ‘once went on an English course during his summer holidays. What he really wanted to do was to improve his ablity to think and react quickly and correctly in(2)__ English. He said speaking a foreign language always made him (3), ‘even after three years of study. It (4), ‘oat tat one of the teachers on the course had very 2 ‘strong views on music, and was not aiid to (5)__themm in the lessons, He claimed that music was a (6), just tke ‘alcohol or cigarettes, and people who could not five their (7)___ without it were to be pitied. (8)_ wa The Subject of the lesson, the teacher always managed to inlude some (9) to this idea. You can imagine that my tiend was net very Impressed. In the end, he last ns (10), and spent most ofthe remaining lessons arguing about music and ite (11) in people's lives. When his course had fished, he carne home (12)___angry about ne experience. However, whether he njoyed the course or not, my friend had to (13)__ that the teachers fechnigue had (14) since his nervousness in English had compietely (15)___and he was speaking far more fluent than before PASSAGE D (30 pts) ‘About 442,000 people in the United States die each year from ilinesses caused by cigarette smoking. Smoking (1)__ fer nearly 90 percent of lung cancer (2) ‘Addionally, smokers are at (3), ‘isk for cancer ofthe larynx, ‘oral cavily, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas, ‘One-third of smoking-telated deaths are caused by coronary (4)____ disease or chronic sinway (5) Smoking also increases the risk of stroke by 50 percent ~ 40 percent among men and 60 percent amang women, OiRer Fesearch has ‘shown that (6)__who smoke give (7)__more frequently to (8)___ or underweight babies, probably because of @ decrease in blood (9)__to the placenia Babies born (10), ‘those who smoke during (11)___are also at risk for sudden infant death syndrome. Even nonsmokers are at risk from smoking. Recent research has focused on the effacts of(12)__ tobacco smoke (ETS) ~thatis, the effect of tobacco smoke on nonsmokers who must (13) the same envirenmant wih a smoker. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that (14) io ETS, which contains all the toxic agents Inhaled by a smoker, causes 3,000 lung cancer deaths and an estimated 35,000 dealhs from heart disease per year among ‘nonsmokers (15)__'__ smoke can aggravate asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis, and impair blood circulation, PART FOUR. Reading Comprehension (20 pts) Choose the item (A, 8, Cor D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. PASSAGE A (10 pts) Because many predators kil only when their prey is moving, an arimal that pretends to be dead may succeed in causing # predator to lose interest and move along in search of more lnely prey. Hognose snakes have a complex repertoire of anipredator mechanisms, of which feigning death is one option. These fry large nanvenomous a eighty venomous snakes [VE 1VO!"] occur in sandy habitats in the eastern United States. When first disturbed, the hognese opts TOF Bling the predator ~it fattens and expands the font thir of ts body and head, forming a hood, causing it to lok larger. It hen curs into an exaggerated s- ‘shaped col and hisses, occasionally making false stkes at ts tormentor. When furlier provoked, however, I drops the bhi and begins to twist its body violently. Then trolls onto its back with its mouth open and tongue hanging out loosely. Ifthe predator loses interest inthe ‘corpse" and moves evvay the snake slowy eights itself and crawls off. ‘The complete repertoire of antipredator mechanisms occurs in young hognose snakes. Researchers have show that newborn snakes are capable of making very sublle assessments ofthe degree of threat posed by a paneular predator. Two experiments were conducted in which the recavery from death-‘eigning(ie., crawling away) of newly hatched snakes unde various conditions was mentored. In one experiment the recovery of snakes was monitored in the presence or absence of @ stuffed screech ow! mounted on a tripod one meter from the overturned snake. In another experiment the snake recovered (1} inthe presence of a human staring atthe snake from a distance of one meter, (2) inthe presence of the same person in the ‘same location but with eyes averted, and (3) ina contol condton in whch no human was Vile. Both the presence ofthe ov {and the érect hamen gaze resuted in longer recovery times relative to the respective contol condtons. Wen the human eyes were averted, the recovery time was immediate. Thus, young snakes are capable of using rather suble cues 10 make ‘adjustments in hel antipredator behavior. 1. From the fist sentence in the passage, i can be inferred that many predators prefer (A)small prey (8) dead prey (©) complex prey (0) octve prey 2. Howis feigning death an ‘antipredator mechanism"? {A tightens a predator. (B) Itatlows the prey to prepare a surprise attack. {C) It causes a predator to lose interest (0) Itcistracts a predator, ellowing prey to escape unnoticed '3. Forwhich of te following reasons does a hognose enake expand the front third ofits body and head? {A) To hide the back portion of its body (B) To protect its head from being attacked (©) Tomake is body appear larger than it actualy is _(0) To increase its strength in order to stk a predator 4. The word fin ine 8 in the passage refers to {A) the hognose (B) the predator (O)head (P)ahood 5. Allo the following ere part of blufing EXCEPT (A) roling over (8) making false strikes. (C) hissing (0) forming @ hood 6. When does the hognase snake feign death? (A) Immediately upon seeing @ predator (8) When atterpis to bluff a predator fal (C)Afterit has injured a predator {D) When the predator begins to lose interest 7. The author mentions the snake's tongue hanging aut loosely as an example of (A) how the snake provokes a predator (8) what hoppens when the snake flattens its head (C) the snake's recovery {0) how the snake pretends to be dead 8. The word monitored in ine 12 inthe passage is closest in meaning to (A) defined {8)published {C) controlled (0) observed 9. The experiments described in paragraph 2 measured how long it ook for snakes to (A)rotice a predator (8) stop feigning death {C) lear how to feign death 0) recover from the attack of a predator 410. Which ofthe folowing isa subtle assessment made by young snakes that is mentioned in the passage? (A) The diference between a stuffed owl and a real ow! (B) How far a predator is located {C) Whether or not they are being observed (0) The ditference between an ow and a human PASSAGE B (10 pts) 4 Beads were probably the frst durable omaments humans possessed, and the intimate relationship they had with their ‘owners is reflected in the fact that beads are among the most comman items found in ancient archaeclogical sites. nthe past, as today, men, women, and children adorned themselves with beads. In some cultures stil, certain beads are often wom from birth until death, and then are buried with their owners forthe afterlife. Abrasion due to dally wear alters the surface features of 5 beads, and if they are buried for long, the effects of corrosion can further changed their appearance. Thus, interest is imparted to the bead both by use and ihe effects of time. Besides their weerabilly, either as jewelry or incorporated into articles of attire, beads possess the desirable characteristics of every coliectie’ they are durable, portable, available in infinite variety, and often valuable in thelr orginal cultural context as well as in today’s market, Pleasing to look at and touch, beads come in shapes, colors, and materials that 10. almost compel one to handle them and to sort them. Beads are miniature bundles of secrets waiting to be revealed: their history, manufacture, cultural context, economic role, and ornamental use are all points of information one hopes to unravel, Even the most mundane beads may have traveled ‘great distances and been exposed to many human experiences. The bead researcher must gather information from mary ‘verse fields. In addition to having to be a generalist while specializing in what may seem to be a narrow fei, the researcher ie |S faced with the problem of primary materials that have litle or no documentation, Many ancient beads that are of ethnographic interest have often been separated from their original cultural context. ‘The special atractions of beads contribute to the uniqueness of bead research. While often regarded as the “eral change of civilizations". beads are ® part of every culture, and they can often be used to date archaeological sites and to Martin hasn't 3. Apparently, Halen wasnt istoning toma, (appear) > Helen 4, We lost the game because of my mistake, (win) 3 twas 5. | regret faling Dennis the secret, (away) td rather ' 6. We always know he naver pays allention fo our pay nse request. (ear) 3 his 7. Do phone us when you arrive at the aiport, even its lala. (arrival) > No 8. It's about ime you started fo go if you want to get there before dark feracking) 3 Hd sooner: 9, We have to sete th malier na definlive manner. (all) 3 This matter 10. The students can use the lab again when toy are fold to. (closed) > Until further ‘THE END OF THE TEST SO GIAO DUC & BAO TAO TP HO CHi MINH PART ONE. Multiple choice (20 pts) (1pteeach correct answer) was leaving 2.B. has tried few of whom selling is was able to report twice more than his computer does that brings about would be making (0. B. ahandsome middle-aged American eo0B70>m0 3 4 5. 6. 7 8 9 1 PART TWO. Word Forms (40 pts) A. (2pts each correct answer) KY THI HOC SINH GIO! LOP 12 THPT CAP THANH PHO KHOA THI NGAY: 7-3-2018 — NAM HQC; 2017-2018 MON: TIENG ANH KEY 11. rising 12. C. intolerable 13.A bitterly 14, D. loan, 15. B. incentive 16. D. told 17. B. army (of) 18. A. get away with 19. D. comes across 20. B. look in on 6, decriminalization / decriminalizing 1. deciding 2 archrivals 7. outscoring 3 injurious 8. wisdom 4. preferably 9. immeasurably 5. disability 10. herbivorous, B. (2pts each correct answer) (1) advanced (6) unconnected (2) relatives 2 5 (7) communications. (3) Gradually (capitalized) — 4 cx © vel Kew (8) inefficient (4) majority (9) naturally (6) worthwhile (10) dissatisfied PART THREE. CLOZE TESTS (90 pts) PASSAGE A (1pt each correct answer) 1. A.upto 6. C, fault 11, A. negotiate 2. D. broken 7. D. entitled 12. D. credit note 3. A. inspect 8. C. instance 13. C. direct 4. D. refund 9. B. came apart 44, B. claim 5. D. replacement 15. D. expenses PASSAGE B (ipt each correct answer) 1. C. influential 6. D. almost 41. C. thriller 2. A. countless 7. A. thanks to 12. C. audiences 3. C. credits 8. OD. attracted 13. Ahits 4. B. project 9. B. graduated 14. D. including 5. C. creativity 10. B. shown: 15. A. commercially 27 Fill in each of the blanks i : in the followin it PASSAGE C (2pts each comect answer) a 1)m 8 ra (8) drug (11) role part fa SECO @) lives (12) still ees (8) Whatever (capitalized) - (© (13) admit/ confess aie (@) reference eiiskiva (14) worked (10) temper (15) disappeared PASSAGE D (2pts each correct answer) i Recouns, (6) females / women / ladies: (11) pregnancy 5} i ‘ (7) birth (12) environmental (8) great! big high (8) maVundernourished (13) share (@)heart (9) supply (14) exposure (5) constriction (10) to (15) because / since / as PART FOUR. Reading Comprehension (20 pts) PASSAGE A (1pt each correct answer) 1 (3) active prey 6 (6) When attompts to buff a predator fail 2 (CG) It causes a predator to lose interest. 7 {D) how the snake pretends to be dead 3. (C) To make its body appear larger than it 8 (0) observed actually is B 9 (D).racover from the attack of a predator: 4. (A) the hognosé 10. (C) Whether or not they are being observed 5, (A) rolling over PASSAGE 6 (1pt each correct answer) 4. (C) The reasons for studying beads 7, () ordinary 2 (B) decorated 8 (C) have been moved from their original 3.(C) clothing locations 4 (D) scarcity 9 (A) Anthropologists 5 (D) odor 10. (B) Lines 4-5 6 (D) discover PART FIVE: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) (3pts each correct answer) i ; + | miss reading / receiving letters from John. ~fiecscng./ rp 2. Martin hasn't said a word about the party tome |i to me about the party. 3 Helen didn’t appear to be listening to me. 4. Itwas because of my mistake that we didn't win the game. = I'd rather not have given the secret away to Dennis // that | hadn't given the secret away to Dennis. 6. It is well known to us that he always turns a deaf ear to our pay rise request. 7. No matter no late it is/do phone us (up)on your arrival at the airport. 8. I'd sooner you got cracking if you want to get there before dark. 9. This matter has to be settled once and for all. 10. Until further notice, the lab is closed to the students. THE END 4A Ehuces my pasclt fRatice cleclothrertihe yune 2

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