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Bantayan Southern Institute

Bantigue Bantayan Cebu

IC2-Foundation of Education

Name: Genebien Y. de la Pena Course and Section: BEEDIIF

Lesson 2- Ancient Chinese education, Early Hindu Education and Early Hebrew

1. What I Have Learned from this lesson?

In this lesson, I learned a lot of different education from different time and
lineage. In the ancient Chinese education, they are more focused on the teaching of
Cunfucius. The teaching of Confucius is all about how to properly act in the society or
in short moral conduct, like for example “do not do to others what you do not want
to others do to you”. they also have difference between in boys and girls in learning.
Like boys should taught to respond clearly while girls are to taught to respond
submissively. Also in the Early Chinese Education, they have also Competencies each
age bracket. In Early Hindu Education, I learned that their education Is also more on
tradition and religion. They have a lot of god and goddesses. Their education was
more of seminar type where students used to learn through discussions and
debates. In Early Hebrew Education, this type of education is more on religion and
beliefs. They are also more on scribes.

What is the outstanding contribution of Ancient Chinese education, Early Hindu

Education and Early Hebrew Education to our present Philippine Educational
First of all, in education we need to follow the learning competencies in order
to enhance the the knowledge of the learners and develop more their basic
knowledge. The contribution of ancient Chinese, is setting a competencies, each age
level must learn and master different skills, there are competencies in each age level
that must attain by people in early Chinese Education. Here in our country we have
to follow and be guided by the learning competencies in the curriculum guide, in
order to us to have idea on how to teach our learners. In Early Hindu Education is
how we preserve our tradition and religion, we become more knowledgeable about
our tradition and also their contribution is literature, we become more
knowledgeable about literature. We all know that literature is one of that
contributed our learning today. Because of the writings and studies before, we have
something to learn. And lastly the Hebrew Education, their contribution is how to be
good and to do good. The good moral and ethics that we need in order to become
successful not just in our profession but also as a person.

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