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Purple Hibiscus | Part 2, Section 7

● The chapter starts off with Eugene making a generous donation
● Later, kambili’s family is described to be at a christmas party which has many
● The discomfort that kambili feels is later expressed by her dispatching herself
from the party upon hearing her aunts and cousins laughing
● Afterwards, kambili overhears a conversation between her mother and aunty
ifeoma, who who are discussing the fact that there are spare gas tanks at Eugene’s
factories, where the former urges the latter to ask Eugene for the gas tanks .
● Aunty ifeoma suspects that is Eugene was to give the gas tanks to her, there would
most likely be something he expects in return
The next day, kambili gets period cramps, and as a result her mother asks her to eat
cereal and take medicine.

Jaja pours kambili a bowl of cereal, which Eugene spots and upon asking all of them
“why do you like to sin” punishes them with a belt

After new years, Kambili’s family confesses their sins to father benedict, her father is
please at the fact they are now all “spotless”
Kambili: The main character of the story, who in this chapters suffers from tyranny
cause by her father

Eugene: Kamblili’s father who plays the role of a tyrant within Kambili’s famly

Jaja: Kambili’s brother

Beatrice: Kambili’s mother, who is scared of Eugene

Plot significance
● In this chapter, Eugene’s tendency of resorting to physical abuse in order to
convey his control over the family is expressed through him using a belt
● Kambili’s discomfort in the party shows the effects of the abuse that she has
● Eugene’s nature is revealed as ifeoma does not trust him to give her spare gas
tanks without wanting something in return
Stylistic devices
"Why do you like to sin?"

Rhetorical question


“I am spotless now, we are all spotless."

Visual imagery

Bibliography, 2023, Accessed 2 Mar. 2023.

ngozi, chimamanda. Purple Hibiscus Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

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